#its Fine its FINE
chanbig · 30 days
con crunch aaaahaghahaghhhhghhg
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babsaros · 1 month
i hate seeing bad takes on my dash raaaahhhhh!!!!
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reformedpeasant · 1 month
my mom to me after I'm complaining about losing space in my room : maybe you should stop hoarding things
me: its not hoarding, those are my clothes
her: oh
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heyitslapis · 2 months
regretting that online impulse purchase huh bestie?
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sneeg-snag · 2 months
i love writing reassuring notes on my equations sheet for my final exam <3 things like "good luck on this part gurl" and "Its okay pookie as long as you dont get a 0% on the exam ur fine <3"
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transcarcinization · 3 months
okay i need to.... fold my laundry & clean the kitchen... swap chekhov's litter.... do optics midterm review for tmmr....finish my manuscript thursday..... math hw due on saturday and iss hw due on sunday
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florencewellch · 3 months
My duo for this class isn't here 😵‍💫
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figgyblossom · 4 months
okay ate br/unch (made eggs but have no bread. bad texture breakfast. but i did eat.) then washed about half the dishes (go me) now getting ready for appointment (anxious, so anxious) but hopefully it will be short and thankfully it is online. im like hyper aware of how messy the house is rn and am trying not to have a panic attack over 1. the amt of things I have and the amt of space my things take up in thr house, and 2. literally just like.. the future
but my roommate will be gone all wk which im pretty jazzed about. hoping to get some cleaning/organizing and general me-time movie watching in.. which will be good.
ohmygod the anxiety just will NOT settle down. i feel it so high in my chest. make it stoooopppppp
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rappin-drakken · 4 months
god. why am I thinking of how lonely I've been and how I want love
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mimzy6bunny · 4 months
cancelling plans my beloved...too bad it makes me feel so overwhelmed with guilt i want to throw up
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scpwiki-official · 4 months
speaking directly to a specific mutual rn uh please dont question the omegaverse talk
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 5 months
(so im just going to have to be the one to start screaming about renee rapp on SNL , i get it.)
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arbielikestrains · 5 months
if i really wanted to be cool i'd draw the evangelion chatracters as homestuck trolls. But i'm not so it's fine
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jamgrlsart · 5 months
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Can we talk about how cool Raine Whispers is? THEY STARTED A REBEL GROUP.
Gorgeous pose from @adorkastock; background based on an alley in Follies (yes THAT alley, though this one is a little different 😊).
Background under the cut!
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writteninscarlet · 6 months
🥂💋 ;; @strxngetimes
send 🥂💋 for a new years eve kiss! ;; definitely accepting
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It felt nice to be able to celebrate amongst those she was close to - it felt nice to be in a position where she felt it was right to celebrate. The year had been dark, painful, and long. But there had been lightness in it as well, and Wanda felt a lot more capable of focusing on the happiness that had entered her life and the relationships that had only grown deeper as the year had progressed.
Drink was not really her friend. She didn't do well with a lack of control. No one here seemed to judge her and she was amongst friends but that didn't mean she wanted to drink to excess and do something she would regret. The magic coursing through her, the energy she channelled, could be felt right through her body to her fingertips. ...But now wasn't the time to think of that. This was a time to be happy, to have a laugh, to maybe get in a dance or too if they would actually play a song she liked.
Taking a small sip of her drink, she began to walk around until-- Her smile brightened at the sight him. Though she had felt comfortable before, the witch felt a little bolder now. Straightening up and with a genuine, comfortable grin on her features she approached Stephen. She was aware that people were getting ready to begin the countdown, but her focus was on him. "Looking in your element, Doctor. Are you a party animal at heart?" she questioned, looking at him with (fake) innocent curiosity. Truthfully, she was glad he had made it.
The countdown had begun, she could hear some people shouting along with it and others stumbling through it. As the old year was shoved out without remorse and the new year began, the auburn haired witch lent in close to him. Her lips gently brushed the corner of his lips, before settling with a kiss against his cheek. She may as well make sure the year was off to a good start. Settling back, her smile softened as she looked to him. "Happy New Year, Stephen. I'm certain that it's going to be wonderful." She would make it amazing, in fact. No destiny lay ahead of her, Wanda would make her own choices. Take back control. And it was nice to start the year with a kiss like this.
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florencewellch · 6 months
I just wanted to stay in my bedroom with the ventilator on and read
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