#its MY glee blog and I get to choose what topics to bitch about!!
angelhummel · 2 years
I’ve always thought it was weird how in fanon brittana are portrayed as not being able to keep their hands off each other and being explicit in front of everyone. Like Santana literally had trouble holding Brittany’s hand without a napkin or giving her more than a peck in the hallway? And you expect me to believe they’re making out at any spare moment company be damned?? I think maybe people saw the show do its weird fetishy camera angles and make them mention scissoring at any opportunity and jumped to some weird conclusions. As fanon tends to do I suppose.
Ooh a Brittana ask... I don't know if I have a lot to say about them tbh anon...
Lmao well obviously first of all I try to avoid any extraneous Brittana content outside of what I'm forced to witness while watching the show so I can't really speak on what the fandom is doing to them but that's not surprising
Also in all fairness in s1 Brittana are always totally touchy feely like holding hands, resting their heads on each other's shoulders, touching each other's arms and legs lmao. And I doubt they were being directed that way so like I guess Heather and Naya were just vibing? Good for them. Brittana's best season truly was season one, when they barely spoke and had zero plotlines. And Brittany still managed to out Santana in a crowded school hallway two seasons before Finn did. What a trailblazer. Couple goals 5eva!!
Also now that I think about it. And I may be wrong but. The only like fetishy male gaze-y camera angle I can think of is just when we first see them together and the camera slowly pans up their legs to them "kissing" (Santana's face in Brittany's neck while they make vague kissing movements ??) And even that can kind of be justified bc like it was a slow pan around Brittany's room in general, and seeing her making out with Santana was kind of treated as A Reveal you know?? So like yeah it is kind of oggly but also it kind of makes sense in context?? Idk, your mileage may vary, ig
(Like the show had a problem with sexualizing their teenage characters in general, which is a whole other discussion. So idk I wouldn't say the problem is exclusive to Brittana?)
But the scissoring comments. Oh god, the scissoring comments. First of all like. Maybe it's just that I think I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum aklsjfsl but just hearing two hot girls talk about scissoring is not hot to meee. Like. It was a fucking joke. It was written as a literal Joke. It does nothing for me bc I cannot take it seriously in the context of their stupid relationship
And sorry not sorry but like. Brittana have no fucking chemistry alksfjdsklf. And I think that's mostly due to Heather's acting. Like Naya had amazing chemistry with literally anyone she was in a scene with but with Heather. Like you could replace her with a literally dummy with a pull string that plays one of six Hilarious Deadpan One Liners and the scene would be the same. She really feels like furniture half the time alsfjskdgjdsl I'm probably going too hard but I'm being honest
I don't believe Brittana as a real relationship. Like there is literally no reason for these two characters to be together. Brittany says Santana is nice, ignoring Santana's constant barrage of racist, homophobic, antisemitic, fatphobic, transphobic comments towards her classmates. Bc Santana is nice to her.
Except no, she's not. She thinks Brittany is too stupid to cross the street on her own, loves that she's easy to manipulate, and even implied she was stupid to her face with comments like "breakfast is confusing for you" and then straight up reacting to her dumb statements like she's an idiot. To her face.
And Santana claims she thinks Brittany is so nice and smart when again, she knows she's not. And when Brittany is just as rotten and offensive as Santana is to their supposed best friends. They're two vile horrible people who bring out the worst in each other. When they're apart, Santana grows a personality and gets better, and Brittany may as well not exist. I love when they're apart <3
Anyway my main point was they have no chemistry, I just felt like going off on a tangent uwu
ALSO to tie into the scissoring paragraph lol. There was one old Glee Confession I saw once like. "How can people say Brittana have no chemistry?? Brittany literally popped a hip having sex once!" And that's a part of my absolute favorite story telling device that no writers can seem to follow...
Show, don't tell
You are telling me Brittana scissor all the time and Brittany popped a hip during sex. Ok. I'm hearing that with my ears. But what I'm seeing on the screen with my eyes is not lining up with that. Like Brittana can talk til they're blue in the face about all the wild and crazy sex they have but if watching them on screen looks like two store mannequins sitting next to each other like... what do I care what they say?? Television is a visual medium lmao you gotta show me some images on screen that match up with the words you have written. Brittana doesn't do that
And the times when they do kiss in the show. Are so funny. Like 90% of them are those ^3^ kissy faces where it looks like the goal is to be as far away from your partner as possible while still just barely grazing each other's lips. At school I would understand but they do it at Santana's house, too. imo the only good Brittana kiss is the one from Heart. Even the churro kiss that Brittana stans thinks is sooo steamy and hot. I was watching that ep w my sister once and when that happened she was like "ew that was awkward" aksfjsdlf like yeah I have to agree luv. Even the kiss on their wedding day is sooo awkward like the way Brittany grabs Santana's face with just the heels of her hand??? Makes it look like her fingers were sticky and she didn't wanna get them on Santana. Like that's not passionate or loving that's literally 4th grade school play kissing where you hide your faces so the audience cant tell your lips arent actually touching lmao
Anyway I haven't complained about Brittana in a while so this was fun <3 Thank you for that, anon
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