#its a blog that seems on the whim but really isn't and would be fun as hell to play.
manonamora-if · 1 year
September Check-In
WoW another month has passed already... Is time getting faster or my sense of impending end is just getting stronger...
ANYWAY, existential dread aside... August kinda felt like a mix bad. I did do things, but many days I felt like I didn't do enough (prob that dread again - also injury yay). So let's get into it!
Long post ahead again:
Recap of last month's progress
Recap of last week's stuff
Other IF stuff done
Other IF events
Plan for September
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The plan for the past month was to:
play more IF: ✅, see reviews in @manonamora-if-reviews
whip out something for the Single Choice Jam: ✅ The Dinner*
fix the website: ✅, new and improved*
write for a WIP: 😐not for a WIP but Goncharov Escapes! was remastered (shelved!), and currently working on DOL-OS.
add to the SG guide: ❌, I have a list though
code TTATEH: ❌, MelS isn't done with the edits (long shot).
*still kind of a WIP
I did kind of predict I wouldn't be able to write much in new content...
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So what about this week:
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DOL-OS has been the main think I've been working on this week. And quite a bit of effort has been dumped in there. Since last week progress update:
the translation has been fully completed, and added to the game files (not all is properly coded)
I added some keyboard QoL for the starting puzzle
the UI re-design 75% complete (like coded complete) <- this is taking so freaking long, but it's worth it
I corrected some bugs (padlock, links)
I've been thinking in more details how the added content would look like (text mainly) and how much writing would be needed (a few thousands, I'd wager).
Obviously, I am not done with the project, but I am getting closer. The current hurdle is the finishing the UI-redesign: I really want things to be pristine in terms of visual quality and that requires a lot of testing and detail change. I have a few minor block of passages left and the booting screen to fix, before I can focus on the final beat of the game (not much UI-wise, more regular coding).
This final part will take quite a bit of time as well, because it too requires a bunch of testing (and there's a few accessibility concerns I need to take care of...). I'm confident it won't be too difficult, just... tedious.
But I really want to do a good job with this remaster, adding all the stuff I couldn't the first time before of time constraint (fun fact: DOL-OS was completed in a month...) and coding capabilities (I learned a ton since). I know people really enjoyed it the first time around, but I know it can be even better. Like it should really have that first-place vibe it deserves :P
I am hoping to be done by next weekend, but depending on how polish I can make it, I might need an extra week on top of it. (This would track: 4-ish weeks to make the OG version, 4-ish weeks to remaster it...).
In the meantime, I might post a few screenshots of the redesign and show it in comparison to the current version.
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Some of you have noticed the blog has kinda disappeared. It's not gone, just... password locked. The notifications have been run over a bit by bots, the inbox received a few impatient guests, and it's in need of a good cleaning anyway.
I still want to work on the project (I have so many plans), but since writing anything for it has seemed impossible for the past months, I needed a cleaner break from it.
This project is not over, or abandoned. I kind of see it as my magnum opus (because of the sheer size it should have at the end). But because of this, I've realised I need to plan and re-plan things around the project more carefully. And that includes the blog and its content (original or reblogged). I probably should have made a post, huh... but then again, I always to things on a whim :P
Until things have calmed down, it will stay locked. The game, however, is still available to play.
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MelS has been doing his best with progress, but lots of IRL work ahead of him, so he's been pacing himself and write when he can. He's kind of sad our hope to wrap up the game by Halloween probably won't happen, but he's trying his best to finish it as soon as possible!
Slightly related: one ending of the game has been written :P (MelS got tired of writing variation, so to do something new he wrote a bit on the last chapter).
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Over at @manonamora-if-reviews, I finished reviewing all Single Choice entries. It was loads of fun to see how people interpreted the restrictions. The Jam was even mentioned on Emily Short's blog (patron saint of IF)!
Also in the reviewing department, I'm taking a crack at the Goncharov jam. I had reviewed a few already, but I thought this might be a good time to tackle on the rest! I think I am about half with them. It's nice to get back into the Gonch meme, especially after the remaster
The upload time will be sporadic, like is was the past month.
After that, I think I'll play from French games...
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Some IF Stuff:
Today is the last day to submit your list of best IF to the TOP 50 list.
Have an IF ghost in your project drawer? Come share and submit it to the Bring Our Your Ghost Jam. Deadline is September 15th!
The IFComp intent deadline has passed, but if you plan on voting for the entries, you can still create an account!
Similarly, if you are planing on reviewing the IFComp entries, you can get your account settled on the IFDB (many peeps create one at the same time during the voting period, and the system sometimes flags it as spam, and hide ratings/reviews).
September is usually a pretty quiet time... unless you are submitting something to the IFComp... But also, I've been trying reeeeaaaaallllyyyyy hard not to look at the Jam tab on itch, so not to be tempted to do a new thing. I've already put out more games this year than last year (counting the tiny ones).
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The PLAN tm for September
It will essentially be very similar to August...
continue to play and review games (that front page spot is getting closer...). It gives me an opportunity for a break, and I get to think more about game design or writing, or where I could improve. And I get to give the authors some (hopefully) thoughtful words about their games.
finish the DOL-OS remaster. By mid-September, I think I could swing that. Then it will be another shelved game!
either continue a WIP or fix another semi-completed game. I might try to get La Petite Mort in proper shape and translated for the EctoComp? (I need to check if they accept translation, since it was submitted last year)
maybe try to add another block to the SugarCube Guide? I have a few ideas on what to include, but it is mainly a matter of sitting down and doing it. Though I have another template I've been toying with... maybe that might happen first.
That would be neat if I could manage that :P I need to fix the loading screens of Twine games too...
Taking the list of last month...
To-Do not require much of new stuff:
translate Escape Goncharov! into French. ✅
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (mayyyybe translate into French?)
fix the formatting of DOL-OS + translate into English ✅ (ongoing)
update LPM with the missing content + translate into English
The rest of the To-Do pile:
Finish The Rye in the Dark City (and maybe translate?)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (and try to translate)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (translation unlikely, current gameplay too complex to port for French)
Add a chapter to CRWL + fix the blog
Re-working TTTT to its originally planned state (lol, not likety)
Re-working SPS Iron Hammer (samesies)
Coding TTATEH (MelS dependent)
Emptying my inboxes
(I am pretty sure the focus for the rest of the year will be to finish the first list. With the addition maybe of a small jam entry or two.)
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spewagepipe · 2 months
Plumbing the Depths: Low Trust "Traditional", Part 5: Conclusions
In an effort to understand Hamilton's position better, I started reading other articles on his blog, and found this:
This is why role-playing games are so awesome. The game is yours. No designer and no judge has any right to come to your table to tell you that you’re doing it wrong. The methods you find to work for you, to portray and play your worlds are the right way. 
It seems... odd? For one, this isn't unique to RPGs – you can hack and homebrew any kind of game. But also, it directly contradicts the very prescriptive way that he's been attacking blorb.
Justin, if you're reading this, what you need to understand is that Sandra did exactly what you're suggesting in the quote above. For years, she played according to FKR standards, in high-trust groups, using the recommended techniques. She tried everything to make it work – and it still sucked for her. So, in response, she changed her game, and through those changes, she made it fun.
So why is Hamilton still unhappy about blorb?
Firstly, he's unhappy because it should be impossible for an FKR game to suck. Since it allows the GM to use any tool from any game while also empowering them to ignore any rule that causes problems, FKR should have all the strengths of all RPGs with none of their weaknesses. It should be a perfect game, satisfying any and all desires. If that's true, then Snan must be either lying or mistaken – hence, he accuses her of arguing in bad faith.
In reality, Snan's blog earnestly and clearly explains that unlimited GM authority was, in fact, the source of her problem:
I felt like nothing really mattered. The GM just made up what would happen according to their whim of what would fit the drama or what would be cool in the moment or what they thought made sense.
Unmoored from any hard rules, the games lacked tangible, real-life stakes to keep her invested. To fix this problem, she made the GM subordinate to the "prep", creating an non-negotiable bedrock to the game, and with it, the tangible stakes she was missing.
This, as Hamilton argues in yet another article, constitutes a "betrayal of the medium of role-playing".
This statement finally reveals the misconception at the heart of all of Hamilton's confusing contradictions: Hamilton is an RPG essentialist. He thinks that only One True RPG exists, and that all actual RPGs are, secretly, attempts to describe this essential game.
When he writes that we should "allow for the referee to follow their intended role", he genuinely thinks that there is only one intended role for the GM, for all RPGs, for all time. It's not just one possibility that he happens to enjoy – it's the true one, the default one. It was ordained by the universe itself, rather than some mere game designer. This is why he is disdainful of "designer intent": a designer's will is an imposition, their rules a kind of coercion, that are interfering with the essential RPG.
When he writes "the game is yours", he means, "except for these, the essential things".
He is, of course, wrong. There is no essential RPG. When Hamilton (and far too many other FKR/OSR theorists) describe the essential characteristics of the RPG medium, they are actually just describing their own designer intentions. GM fiat is not essential to RPGs – it's just one design choice, among many, and like all the others, comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Hey I know this might be uncalled for and idk much about anything, but I found the last post in your personal blog talking about your trip kind of alarming. It sounds like you’re putting a lot of effort to an important friend, but from your posts, the entire situation just seems fishy. I’m sorry if I sound rude, I’m just concerned because you mentioned the other friend won’t make it and you’ll be alone with this guy far from home, and he doesn’t have any plans to take you around (which a lot of times, hanging out and sight-seeing doesn’t really require money, if any at all). I really hope that if you decide to go you’ll have an amazing time but at this point, but I’m afraid you’re kinda setting yourself up for disappointment? And I really hope I’m not rude by saying this. Again, you’re putting a lot of care and money into this trip so at this point you should think twice and consider going somewhere else and have fun by yourself.
I was wondering why you would ask over here but then I suddenly remembered I turned off anon on my main blog ages ago so that's on me 💀 you aren't being rude dont worry haha, its nice to know people care enough about me to express concern
For context for you guys who just know me over here, I recently reconnected with an old online friend I knew like 9 years ago and he kind of just invited me up for a visit with him and another online friend i knew during the same time period who also lives in his area on a whim because, life is short, the pandemic has been hell, people have died and drifted apart and all that, and I was really happy because he used to be a big pillar of support for me back in the day (the other friend too) and I thought "hey, taking a trip could be really good for me, im already super depressed lmao" but being invited up quickly turned into 1. Other friend can't make it 2. I have to provide my own lodging aka paying for motel which is expensive 3. He doesn't drive so I have to be taking a rideshare service to travel like 6 miles to his place and back to my hotel 4. I knew he was, earning a scholarship and such but he dropped on me today after I've already scheduled everything that he's been a full time student with no income so like, we really won't even be able to do basic shit like go out to eat or see a movie unless I pay for everything and that's on top of already spending like $1k on traveling and the motel alone
My mom is trying to talk me out of going and, I will be honest and say I'm really upset with his communication. He invited me in a really sincere way but this entire process has been a nightmare. Like I figured since I'm, you know, having to pay for a passport and travel to Canada, that we would be able to like sightsee and maybe check out the local food and try poutine but the only activities he has suggested so far is hiking (which is fine that sounds fun) and idk listening to music on subwoofers in his room in the house he shares with like 3 other men and doing shrooms. Like dude I love this guy like a brother but he really kind of should have told me he was quote "extremely poor" before I shelled out the cash to take 8 days out of my schedule, two of those which I'm going to be travelling the entire day, literally my departure day is gonna be 4am to 7pm nothing but travel and similar on the day back
But also like. He was there for me a lot of the times I needed it when I was younger, he supported me and did nice things for me, so I feel I owe him even if I didn't want to go, which I do like trust me I still want to see him. Yeah this isn't ideal but, it could still be something really good for the both of us. I trust him not to be creepy with me and you know, he's been through some really hard stuff too (for you followers over here, he is the same friend I mentioned the other day who basically lost use of his dominant hand in a work accident). Yeah it seems kind of iffy now but I could go and have a great time. And if not, if we don't click, and it's super awkward, then yeah I'm going to be extremely hardcore depressed by myself in a foreign country but I'll have my own hotel room so I can have my own space and do my own things until I crawl back home. I'll actually be in the Niagara Falls/St Catharines area of Ontario so, I figure, if I'm forced to make the best of a bad situation, there should be plenty of opportunities by myself due to the tourism :)
But yeah I'm still really nervous and I'm disappointed and anxious about this trip and I still have to pay for my passport and this is kind of coming at not the best time but,, I'm looking forward to this and so is he so, I think everything will be OK. And if not then I'll be super heartbroken and never want to trust anyone again because no one else will be familiar with me and accept me the way he has and if i don't have that then I might as well not even exist lol :)
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