#its a really cute navy velvet top with gold stars on it
h0ney8ee · 1 year
how do i make a revealing shirt more conservative without looking like im weirdly religious about it
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
back at it again with the lame-ass AU’s
I recently watched Ocean’s 8 and you already know where I’m going with this soooooo
(no major spoilers, promise)
Lance is a criminal mastermind in a family of criminal masterminds
He’s the youngest, so he’s learnt from his siblings’ mistakes
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t trip up sometimes as well
After seeing through his prison sentence of 5 years (thanks to his ex-girlfriend Nyma selling him out) Lance is ready to pull off the biggest heist in history
Stealing a 150 million dollar diamond necklace that hasn’t seen the light of day in over 50 years
But he’s gonna need a team of people that no one would suspect, all highly skilled in their professions and in need of this kind of money
So obvs he’s gonna go to Keith first because these two have been working together since forever
They were once a thing, but then Lance cheated on Keith with Nyma
They broke up, Keith told Lance Nyma was no good and whoops, wouldn’t ya know it. Keith was right
Keith owns Club Marmora where he makes a decent living but it's not where his passion lies
He’s mainly doing it to save up enough money to get his mom out of jail
For once it’s a crime she didn’t commit
And, on the side, he’s been eyeing this cherry red ducati motorcycle for a long time
I’m talking 15-year-old-Keith-wanting-a-motorcycle kinda long time
So, Lance approaches Keith and, after a little persuasion, he’s willing to put their past behind him to do this job
Despite Keith’s unsociable nature, he has a lot of connections and is good at observing people
Hence how he finds Pidge Gunderson, the wunderkind hacker
Lance is sceptical at first because this kid looks barely older than 14
Just keep in mind everyone’s in their mid 20′s here, Pidge is around 18-19
But then Pidge hacks into the seemingly tight-knit seal that is the security system of the museum
They’re instantly hired
Pidge has got a mouth on them
Is always seen with a green apple lollipop and their headphones
Do not touch their equipment. They will maim you and smile whilst doing so
Okay, so how are they gonna get this prized necklace out of its volt and at the Met Gala?
On the neck of the biggest DivaTM this side of the Universe
None other than Lotor Kingsley
He’s a model/actor who is known for his daring fashion choices and being a ditz (this is OOC, I know, and I don’t care because Drama Queen Lotor is a fav of mine)
He doesn’t care about gender norms so wearing a 150 million dollar diamond necklace is no biggie
And who is gonna make Lotor’s spectacular suit/dress to go with this necklace?
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
His designs were big in the 80′s but since his Singing-Cape line came out its been downhill ever since
He also may or may not be a fugitive from Austrailia. Maybe
So, a second chance at getting his name back in the industry and paying off his debt? Sign him the fuck up
Now, they need someone who is an expert on sparkly stuff
We know who is the expert on sparkly stuff
Allura Altea
She runs a very small jewellry store that was once her father’s and has always wanted to expand it but has never had the money
And now you’re letting her touch this necklace and get paid to do it? Hell yeah she’s gonna take this job
Cool, so we have a hacker, a designer, someone to break apart the necklace for easy transport
But we need someone with light fingers
Enter Romelle
Romelle does card tricks and pickpoketing on the street
Needs to support her brother Bandu who is in hospital
Good at what she does, although she’s looking for a fresh start for her and her brother
And Lance and Keith can offer that second chance
And now you’re probably wondering where Hunk is?
Hunk owns his own catering business
He used to work with Lance and Keith when they were younger on their smaller jobs but has supposedly “given up” on that life
But Lance can see right through him
Hunk is still doing jobs on the side selling tech for small-time swindlers for a good price
When Lance tells him what his cut would be, Hunk really can’t refuse
This means opening his own restraunt and he also can’t stand FOMO so yeah
So, we have our crew
But Lotor needs a date for the Met Gala
And guess who that lucky sucker is gonna be?
Now obvs Keith is furious because you don’t do a job within a job, Lance
But Lance assures him it’s got nothing to do with petty revenge
It’s got everything to do with petty revenge
Lance is petty, he knows it, everybody knows it, so let’s move on, hm?
Team dynamics is a little shaky at first but eventually everyone starts warming up to each other
Coran is super nervous about getting this design right cause not only is this Lotor, but he’s also fucking terrible at lying
But Lance and Keith give him a few pointers, (albeit at the same time which is confusing guys, come one, give Coran a break)
But he does the trick
And this suit/dress (I say both because it’s kind of a mix between the two, the suit flares out into a skirt) is gorgous, probably his best work yet and if Lotor loves it? Then you know you’ve achieved the impossible
Lance knows a girl at Vogue who helps organise suits/dresses for everyone else as well
Lance is in a velvet navy blue suit, very simplistic although the jacket lining has a galaxy pattern
Plus his shoes are silver/metallic because why the fuck not
Keith donns a black-silk suit with embroidery roses on the jacket and with his hair tied up and the shirt open at the collar hot damn
Pidge is rocking an emerald green suit with tails and a top hat (no, its not for added height, fuck you Lance)
Hunk is lookin’ fine in a cream-white suit with gold-thread detailing all along the sleeves along with a bowtie because its cute okay
Something like this but also not (I have a feeling I’m gonna be drawing everyone in their outfits sometime soon...)
Coran looks... well it’s Coran so obvs its gonna be over the top but he still manages to pull it off and yes he’s wearing a cape because god-dammit they’ll never go out of style
Allura looks breathtaking
She’s wearing this and has stars in her hair and she is working it and no Romelle isn’t staring what are you talking about?
Speaking of Romelle, she is so pretty wtf
She is a disney princess done right
I’m talking cotton-candy pink tulle that looks like a cloud at sunset and Romelle is the sun (Allura’s words not mine)
Allura doesn’t even deny that she’s staring because look at Romelle, look at her holy
I can’t really say anymore without spoiling the movie, only that Shiro is the investigator and is also Keith’s cousin
He’s been fighting for Krolia because he knows her, he knows she didn’t commit the crime she’s been put away for
But obviously he’s conflicted now because this is his job but Keith and Krolia are family
Sigh... gotta make a choice Takashi 
Anyway, thanks for sticking around till the end if you did and until the next time I make another lame-ass au, thank you for reading, enjoy your evening, good night! *mic drop*
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