#its a supercomputer in your brain it cant hurt you
I wish I was a bit better and less insecure about my art so I could single-handedly fill the squipjer and squipemy tag with something other than antis spouting death threats
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sapphicdib · 1 year
Saint and Enot au
lore dump
give pls
Just did here!! However have a lil snippet of extra stuff:
Sig cracked open her eyes to the feeling of Rivulet’s wet paws slapping against his face, and the sound of a new voice, the one that belonged to the strange…slugcat, if you could call it that, that had apparently just saved his life.
“You…you talk.” Sig mumbled, watching the creature roll its eyes.
“Yeah, yeah! Big deal! We have bigger issues right now, okay? Don’t pass out on me again, I need your help.” Enot flicked his glitchy tail as Ruffles helped Sig sit back up.
“What about the others?” Sig asked, drawing his knees to his chest and hugging them, appearing a lot smaller than she usually did.
“Oh, like your girlfriend?” The slugcat’s multicoloured ears perked, sending little pixels through the air. “I’ve been protecting them, chasing down my little buddy and beating the shit out of him if he gets too close.” Enot shrugged, sitting back on his haunches.
“So he’s…trying to kill us?” Sig asked hesitantly. Ruffles’ gills puffed up protectively, and Sig gently patted her head.
“Yeah. Says y’all have ~overstayed your welcome in this cycle~ and ~need to let this realm rest~.” He put on a goofy voice as he mocked Saint, doing air-quotes with his stubby fingers. “Stupid, right?”
“Uh, I guess, I mean, they didn’t even ask or anything.” Sig shrugged, a chill going down her spine as she realized just how close he’d been to death—actual death. The one you don’t come back from.
“Exactly! The dude’s crazy. Anyways, I’ve been chasing them around, but obviously I can’t do that forever. So, I’ve got a two-step plan that should prevent unwanted ascension.” He pressed his paws together and glanced to Sig, who only looked at him with expectant eyes.
“Step one: get off that thing,” He pointed at the broken mechanical arm keeping Sig rooted to the ground, “and step two—“
“I cant…we can’t get off these.” Sig interrupted.
“Not with that attitude you can’t!”
“Trust me! I’ve tried!” Sig gestured in frustration. “And with how deteriorated my systems are now…it’d be basically impossible.” She sighed in defeat, resting her head in her arms. Enot frowned, watching the iterator pout.
“Well maybe ask your girlfriend for ideas or something!” It said, swishing its glitchy tail. “C’mon, use that supercomputer brain, are you gonna waste all your RAM on being mopey? I know you’ve got friends, maybe all of you can figure something out together!” He crossed his arms. Sig’s gaze returned to Inv, and he looked like he was about to snap at him.
“Wawa!” Ruffles stopped her from saying something rude, waving her arms. “Wa! Awa!”
Sig looked confused, before looking back at Inv.
“She said nothing is impossible. If she managed to reactivate your girlfriend, then you and your friends can figure out how to get off your damn strings.”
Sig was silent for a moment, before giving in and pulling up a screen. “And in the meantime?”
“I’ll be keeping the moss with a god complex in check so they can’t hurt you guys while you’re figuring this out.” Enot stood, going to the wall, where a ladder of spears had been constructed to get to the access shaft. However, instead of climbing, his body glitched and he suddenly appeared a couple rungs up, balanced on the spear. “Chop chop, we don’t have infinite cycles!” He sang, once again teleporting higher onto the ladder. “I’ll be back shortly. Say hi to your girlfriend for me!”
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