#like ACTUAL squipemy art
I wish I was a bit better and less insecure about my art so I could single-handedly fill the squipjer and squipemy tag with something other than antis spouting death threats
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Stuff I dislike in the Be More Chill fandom
(This is gonna be a long rant so yeah lmao)
1: Squipemy / Technical Difficulties is a horrible ship, you shouldn't ship it, and it is a PROSHIP.
The amount of people I see excusing it by saying that "the SQUIP is a computer he doesn't have an age!!" "The SQUIP isn't actually Keanu Reeves / Keanu Reeves' age he just looks like him!!" Is just gross
The SQUIP looks like an adult, speaks like an adult, and acts like an ADULT. Shipping him with a teenager is just so disgusting and seeing people ship them and giving lousy excuses makes me want to vomit
Squipemy shippers DNI block me you shouldn’t be allowed in the fandom
2: For the love of god can people PLEASE stop whitewashing Michael in fanart there so much art of him pale white and nobody talks about it!! The day that people stop whitewashing Michael is the day I can rest peacefully
3: Can the BMC fandom stop villainizing Jeremy please please please oh my god. Especially when it comes to that scene right before Michael in the Bathroom and the optic nerve blocking stuff
At the end of Upgrade / Loser Geek Whatever (depending on which production), Jeremy had already gone through tons of manipulation from the SQUIP, which heavily impacted his decisions, which weren’t really of his own volition anymore
Right before the dialogue before Michael in the Bathroom, Jeremy was assaulted (at least almost) by Chloe, causing him to run to the bathroom to avoid confrontation with Jake. During the dialogue with Michael, you can see that Jeremy’s honestly happy to see him, showing once again that he really didn’t want to leave Michael, but the SQUIP made him. However, Michael immediately goes into his dialogue talking about how bad the SQUIP is, and just generally bringing down the tone, making Jeremy increasingly upset, due to this plus what had happened right before this, eventually leading him to ditch Michael again and call him a loser.
TLDR; Can the fandom (especially the Michael defenders) PLEASE try to understand what Jeremy goes through during the musical and understand his actions are not from a place of malice
4: (this is the last take) Can people please stop infantilizing BMC characters
(specifically Jeremy, Michael, Rich, and Christine (Christine and Michael the most))
I know they are still minors, but they are 16-17 years old, there’s no need to act like they would have the maturity level of middle schoolers
Especially when people are like “[Insert character name here] shouldn’t curse!! They’re too innocent!!” And then it’s a character who’s either a late adolescent or a full grown adult
(I’ve seen that said about Christine mostly, which I get she never curses in the musical, but come on she still is 16 she can curse it’s not the end of the world)
Anyways thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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lunaryuwu · 7 months
11 13 17
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
Just one actually(it’s squipemey dhbdgsjakbak) didn’t block harry potter/jkr because i’m not sure how the filter works and sometimes i just want to read those posts talking about why harry potter is not that good and updates on whatever jkr did this time. I don’t interact with hp posts a lot so it doesn’t really affect me and i don’t really care if a pro hp post makes it onto my dash. It’s not really my business anyways, people like what they like so i don’t have much to say about that. I don’t think i need to explain squipemy or whatever the hell the ship is called. I should really get on to putting the variations of that ship but so far it’s been working so i think it’s fine(plus i don’t know what it’s called. Is it like. Technical difficulties? Yeah i think that’s the one. Maybe i’ll at the very least add like squip x jeremy)
13. worst blorboficiation
I feel like i have to say jeremy as much as the other characters have been blorbofied to extremes that i do not like, i think i have the most to say about jer cuz like. he isn’t the innocent baby boy anxious teenager uwu character?? He has done stuff wrong and he would be painfully aware of it and will be haunted by his mistakes BECAUSE MISTAKES ARE WHAT HE MADE. It’s not just “i was anxious and i wanted to get christine to like me” there’s like. underlying insecurities?? Loser geek whatever?? There are deeper reasons?? And michael, as nice as he would be would not just immediately forgive jeremy, given mitb so the apology shouldn’t just be like, a few lines and michael goes i forgive you like?? I need hesitation and struggles of forgiveness because what jer did really hurt?? (That’s off point but i’m getting it out there) and like. jer can be so badass..(as i have mentioned many many times before) but i feel like his character sometimes gets simplified into just anxious uwu teenager. I need more like. angry jeremy. petty jeremy. is willing to throw hands with you in the past but not so willing now(but can still do it) jeremy. He has his flaws and i like writing about it!!! So i want them to be acknowledged!!!
(Big rant dhvdghsbajakak)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
As mentioned I want more petty jeremy or just. jeremy throwing hands fics/art. Thanks to mj(if you see this hi!!!) i have l2c!jer to occupy my mind and I WANT MORE OF THAT!!!!! And like, bmc timeloop aus,,, i’m a sucker for any time travelling/time loop related stuff(that one bmc big bang fic with michael and time travelling has my heart,,,)
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squipjerebmc · 5 years
So, this is smol Squip from my previous submission! Look at that smol.
Tumblr media
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squipjerebmc · 4 years
ok but- have you considered- n o t shipping squipemy? idk im curious about your past as a bmc shipper cause i dont vibe with squipemy but i wanna know why you like it? idk im trying to open minded and im curious.
Ahhh, that’s an interesting question. I’m going to trust that this is in good faith, so like, thank you for trying to keep an open mind.
I don’t know about the other Mod, but tbh? I don’t really try to Not Ship Something, because shipping isn’t a moral action to me. I choose ships for any number of reasons and enjoy them however I want, and like, yeah, of course, I generally self reflect about it as I do all my tastes and art... but shipping something considered Alarming doesn’t really say anything about me or the people who read it. The same goes for series like Game of Thrones, except that Squip/Jeremy is nowhere near that intense in canon.
Like... Villian/Protagonist fanfiction has been around as long as fanfiction itself. The people who write it aren’t somehow more likely to be abusive. We know very well that a computer in your brain that makes you do stupid shit to impress a girl in high school is not like, the model for Perfect Boyfriend; we also know comedically timed electric shocks to “correct” one’s behavior is not a healthy form of communication between consenting partners. The actual problems encouraging domestic violence are far more complex and confusing than “Writing Bad Thing As Not Bad Is Supporting Bad Thing”; at most it’s a symptom, more likely it’s just normal for people to watch opposites attract.
As for why THIS particular pairing caught my attention... well, I mean. It’s a pretty classic option for shipping? These two people in one body together, heavily reliant on each other, their goals clashing, the tensions high... a decade ago, this ship would’ve been *the* most popular in the fandom TBH.
... anyway, that’s enough half-asleep rambling for now, hopefully this helps.
- Mod Seb
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