#they’re fictional get over it
I wish I was a bit better and less insecure about my art so I could single-handedly fill the squipjer and squipemy tag with something other than antis spouting death threats
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tariah23 · 6 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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childrenofcain-if · 14 days
Quick question, why does C called MC starkid? Is it their canon nickname for us because it sounds v specific
starboy/stargirl/starkid is their canon nickname (more like hatename) for MC. the story behind that is petty and involves a very furious 11 y/o C and a seemingly oblivious MC getting a gold star from their favourite latin teacher for the entirety of middle school.
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shima-draws · 6 months
Someone ACTUALLY just tried to tell me that it’s more “morally acceptable” to ship Luffy and Hancock than it is to ship Sanlu. Are you for REALLLLLL
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weewoo911 · 6 months
Rewatching Eddie Begins I’m always hit by how shitty and manipulative the whole “don’t drag him down with you” scene is.
Imagine being an overworked exhausted single parent and then having your parents sit you down and instead of saying “you’re clearly doing everything you can and we’ll do everything we can to support you” they say “actually yeah you’re fucking this up and you should do the right thing and give your kid to us instead”.
Bucks parents get a rightful amount of bashing but imo Eddies are lucky he ever spoke to them again after that.
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it-wasntaphase · 6 months
dan honey it’s okay…phil isn’t really marrying the king there’s no need to be upset
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lyriumsings · 16 days
my dragon age prediction is that non romanced lucanis will end up with bellara and there’s gonna be a lot of vitriolic hate towards her after send tweet
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Sigh I swear the bar is so low with writing sometimes.
I’ve just been remembering how much it bothers me when there’s no lasting consequences or acknowledgement for things. When everything resets like nothing ever happened at the start of the next episode, or even the next scene sometimes. How cool and rare it was that Wally’s arm was in a cast for a whole 5 episodes of Young Justice. How relieved/excited I was when Mulder actually still had bandages on his fingers the episode after he broke them because FINALLY something carried over! Or when Hook was leaning on someone for support in the background after the fight scene in Pan. How impressed I was to see Katniss still crying hysterically for Rue a few scenes after her death. How surprised I was to actually see a hint of the effect of Echo’s extremely traumatic experience when he panicked in the medbay. How my heart soared when he insisted on rescuing Gregor because omg he’s acting in a way that makes sense for his character! Clinging to every small scrap we get to see of clones showing real emotion when so often they seemingly never bat an eye at their losses and never mention their fallen brothers again.
I love these shows I swear, but it just gets so frustrating! Like I’ll literally be so nervous no one will be affected realistically, or react like a human, or behave in-character and then I get so excited on the rare occasions they do. And then I realize wow the bar is so low, shouldn't that just be, you know, writing 101?
Like I remember some episode of some show (the Seeker? Or something idk) where a character was captured and tortured and not ten minutes after being rescued his friend was like “hmm you sure are quiet today” like YEAH I SURE HOPE HE IS?!
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deskgirl · 3 months
Thinking yet again about Edward Teach who can’t sit quietly with his own thoughts while fishing with Fang but sits quietly with his dying friend and listens to him in his last moments. Sure, there’s plenty of stuff that he could have said, but his attention was all Izzy wanted in that moment.
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eighteenoheight · 5 months
Ranking Claire Redfield’s outfit repeats because I’m a huge bitch and also proving a point a little bit
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Revelations 2
The blueprint. This is Claire grown. She’s got her dress shirt under a more sophisticated/business casual red leather jacket with blue skinny jeans and heeled boots. Perfect way to serve looks at a Terrasave welcome party before you get kidnapped and trapped on an island with infected. Started the trend and as the great Sidney Prescott once said; “you forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill (Valentine). Don’t fuck with the original”.
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Resident Evil 2 Remake
The second incarnation of the template for a Claire Redfield outfit. A solid interpretation. A red leather jacket with the now essential layered tank top for a female protagonist. Blue skinny jeans again with brown biker boots. Pretty standard and practical for a girl with a motorbike. Safety first though she wears her helmet. Kept mostly fresh and appropriate for a 19 year old.
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Infinite Darkness
Downhill from here. Now we’re just mashing the two previous looks together. We’ve got the red leather jacket, this time the dress shirt is collarless and ill-fitting. Blue skinny jeans yet again, and black boots. The combo is a little odd to me, like wearing flip flops with a tuxedo. Maybe I’m thrown off because the button-up looks to be business casual, if it were black instead of white it would change the look. But I’m not here to give fashion advice, I’m just policing repeat offenders. Maybe not the worst but most definitely not the best.
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Death Island
This is the worst one probably because it’s the most recent version of this look and I’m tired at this point. I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible outfit on its own but this is the fourth time we’ve seen this be done and while the last one was a little bit of a fashion emergency, this one’s just a snooze fest. I see no soul in this. Here we yet again have a red leather jacket this time paired with a plain black undershirt. We’re not done overcooking this repetition because, you guessed right, she’s wearing blue skinny jeans and black boots. A revolutionary take on an outfit we saw almost 10 years ago I must say. I’ll give Claire some credit though, she’s got the red leather jacket industry on lock. She’s only wearing the same shit to keep the economy together. It is so bad, I want to give you a zero. But that’s not possible. So I give you a one.
There seems to be a distinct lack of creativity going on and it’s really sad. I could point out so many artists who have posted their own fan redesigns of Claire that are clearly recognisable as her that are so varied and brilliant. It’s possible to separate Claire from her red leather jackets, skinny jeans and boots. People will still know it’s her. It’s a beyond dead horse at this point and I don’t see it resurrecting (zombie joke) so I beg of whoever is in charge of the character designs over there, please get it together.
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tariah23 · 8 months
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milky-rose · 3 months
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precure Reddit mod go outside challenge (impossible)
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superbattrash · 6 months
When you’ve acquired a few new mutuals on Twitter (or x, whatever) after venturing into the world of BL that doesn’t only exist in your own mind and you’re like “new friends!! Who likes what I like!!!” and then two weeks go by and you need to either mute or block them because they take everything. so. fucking. seriously
Why can’t we just enjoy things, my guys? Is no fandom safe from “well actually, you’re wrong (aka you don’t agree with me) and that makes you disgusting!!!!!1!!”
I am too old for “my opinion is the only one that matters” fights, okay, I just wanna enjoy the naked men banging 😭
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patolemus · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve chosen to hurt one of my characters, I’d have too many two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened every time I sat down to write something twice.
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collectivecloseness · 7 months
idec Nancy wouldn’t even have to kidnap me I’d be joining the yandere fruity four so fast if they gave me even the slightest bit of attention no cap
Facts bestie. All they’ve gotta do is invite me over to their house one day, and those lovesick little losers would be so so nice to you, and never wanna kick you out, that I’d just end up staying there.
Oh what you want to finically support me without making me feel guilty, and all of you love me so much, and you’ve never once felt like I was a burden, and genuinely want to spend time with me, and will do anything for me because you genuinely not only think I deserve it but because you want to because you love me so much? Okay where are we going on our first date gang.
Found family trope while also being a poly that’s pretty healthy. I mean they get on with each other and you just fine in the poly, not saying those four are the healthiest motherfuckers outside of that. But tbf, are any of us? I mean not saying that the being constantly terrified of losing you, and fighting back possessive urges, and thinking about murder just to keep you all safe and warm within themselves, is exactly relatable. But also yeah I know of being mentally unbalanced and all of us being a little fucked up, rock on guys. Just no violent crime in this household got it? It’s part of the lease.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The thought of sloppy seconds anon sending asks to bylers only to get blocked, and then having to keep making new tumblr accounts solely to keep harassing ppl is kind of sad ngl 🤣😭
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