#its a witcher au but they have daemons from his dark materials
fishbonedotcom · 1 year
Talk to me about His Dark Materials I know Nothing <3 except maybe James McAvoy being in it???????
So I have this bad habit of exclusivity interacting with the fandom for something I’ve never watched. (See also: the witcher, mha, tma) That being said I did actually watch the golden compass so theres that.
But Au wise his dark materials aus (or just daemon aus) are so fucking good. The whole concept of your soul being separate and sentient is so asjkdls. God its so cool. And like they go on about how specific that bond is, because your daemon is an extent of you. (They cant leave past a certain distance as part of that.) and a lot of times its the core of you. So like I’ve seen Takko from taz as a shrike or Martin tma as a saint bernard
And theres a whole thing about like, people touching your daemon, which is either very sweet or very angsty depending on the context.
Idk what fandoms you’re specifically into but this one by hallmarked_error is really good. Its Empires session 1 with Gem and Fwhip. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43156791/chapters/110239713
And this Daredevil one by WheatReceipt is genuinely one of my favorite fics http://archiveofourown.org/works/38192110
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venator-signum · 3 years
guess who started working things out for yet another au that probably won't fully come to light for like 500 years
this idiot right here that's who
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vvitchering · 4 years
We were directed by the witcher secret santa event to create a wish list to assist our gifters with our presents so here is mine:
- Hurt/Comfort: this is probably my favorite trope ever, anything including this is sure to get my attention. I don’t really have a particular preference for who is in which role, both Geralt and Eskel have a variety of built in reasons to offer comfort to each other (Eskel’s scars and the self-image issues those cause, Geralt’s extra mutations, the prejudice they both face as witchers, or the wide variety of physical wounds either of them could get from doing their jobs!) My only stipulation is that the comfort and the hurt balance out. I don’t like things that end sad or angsty!
- THAT SAID,,,,,,I do love a good angsty build up in a fic because it makes the eventual resolution that much sweeter. I do draw the line at character death (unless its temporary, somehow) and I have to insist it end happily! Hurt them as much as your heart desires, but please let them have a happy ending!!!
- So let’s get a bit more specific, since I’m sure you looked over those first two and said to yourself “okay great, that wasn’t very helpful...” 
- I love AUs! I’m a fan in particular of Mer aus, soulmate aus, and daemon aus! Mer is pretty self explanatory, either one or both characters is a mer-creature, story takes place in or around a body of water, this is a good opportunity for a “forbidden love” type of story where one of them remains a witcher but the other is a mer and they fall in love anyway!!! Love that drama!!! Or even just your spin on a Little Mermaid type of story! Bonus points if you manage to get sexy times in this one 8)
- Soulmates, again, pretty self explanatory. I love soulmate identifying marks, but I’m not as into the really specific ones like words, phrases, names, etc. appearing on the skin. I like things a touch more subtle. 
- Daemons are from His Dark Materials (which I didn’t like very much as a story but I LOVED the daemon concept!!!) and are essentially external manifestations of one’s soul in the form of an animal. There’s a lot involved with these kinds of aus so no worries if its not something you’d want to do! That’s why I included other ideas!
- The only AU I’m not really wild about is modern AU. I just find them boring most of the time, since a lot of the witcher’s appeal to me is its fantasy setting. But if you can find a way to work fantastical elements into a modern AU, go for it!! I’m here for urban fantasy! 
- All that aside, I love a good canon-verse story too! There’s so many interesting topics to work with that fit within the witcher’s existing world. I enjoy reading action-y fics that show monster hunts or mysteries! I love fics that show what their downtime looks like! Wintering at Kaer Morhen is always fun. Did you know that the fandom decided the keep has a hot spring under it? Fun times! 
- There aren’t a ton of things I don’t like in general when it comes to fanworks. I don’t have any triggers or very many squicks. I don’t really like any nsfw acts that result in pain or suffering, physical or otherwise, so no choking or pain play, please. Not really into verbal degradation. I hesitate to say go wild, because I’ve seen some truly wild stuff in my time, but honestly just do what you’re comfy with and what you can be reasonably sure someone else would be cool with, too. I trust you! And absolutely don’t feel pressured to include anything nsfw if you don’t want! I’m perfectly happy with a totally sfw experience!!! 
- And that’s about all I can think of! I’m a totally open book and my anon is turned on so feel free to reach out and ask me about anything! Thank you for your time and effort! <3
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venator-signum · 3 years
watch me about to incorporate jaskier with dnd bard magic/mechanics into my witcher daemon au
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venator-signum · 2 years
I see your "daemon au but witchers have their daemons separated for Angst reasons" and I raise you - witchers get to keep their daemons and they're the same form as their school for Not Angst reasons
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