#its already unhinged i love it
hopezzy · 5 months
"oh yeah my old friend suddenly moved in with me and keeps saying we're engaged because he proposed to me once when we were kids and he started cooking elaborate dinners and jerked me off that one time but only to help me sleep and yeah he told me hes gay but dont worry hes just trying to be a good roommate since i'm letting him stay at my place for a bit until his boss recovers" -hiro, probably
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muchmossymess · 7 months
God I forgot how absolutely insane mumbo is on his red life because he just. tries to kill anyone and everyone at every possible opportunity just because he thinks he's supposed to
Wish we got more of him doing red tasks it'd be so chaotic
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shawolsos · 5 months
Hello, I am once again pushing my Charlie/Babe = James/Lily agenda.
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talukuv · 1 month
I just watched heroes:rising for the first time and I am so incredibly normal about bkdk
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
cucurucho and the federation need to step up their game. what is up with those basic ass questions? what the hell do those tell you about a person?? nah. NAH. i have a LIST of questions on my phone that would tell you INFINITELY more about a person than their basic ass "what was your name / occupation / hobby / age" step up your scientific game you polar bear bitch. EXAMPLES:
what is your minecraft sprint keybind? (information gained: are you basic, normal, or are you wacked out of your FUCKING MIND)
what color is your elephant? (information gained: do they take things at face value or do they think more deeply [i.e. did they ask "tf you mean 'my elephant']? are they a basic bitch ("gray") or a quirky random sparkle sunshine (any other color) )
if you could get rid of one word from any language, what word would it be and why? (information gained: do they attack their language or someone else's? is it because of the word's meaning, or its pronunciation, or an outside factor?)
if you could choose a measurement system to use, would you use metric, imperial, or something else? (information gained: are they water (metric) or a human being (imperial) )
how fast can you type? (information gained: are they terminally online and/or a fucking loser for knowing their wpm)
at what minute does 3 o'clock stop being 3 and start being 4? (information gained: do they take things at face value, and where do they start rounding [ex. is 3:30 still 3? is 3:31 still 3? 3:40?] )
when i say 'chair' do you see a chair in your head? describe that chair. (information gained: do they think in images? psychoanalyze their chairs. steel chair? school chair? rocking chair? electric chair?)
which finger do you start counting on? (information gained: do they count with their culture or are they a class traitor)
are you a cowboy or a pirate? (information gained: are they a cowboy or a pirate)
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queer-pagan-witch · 2 months
One day I will learn, that just because the bottle is low, does not mean I need to finish off the bottle.
#imma be so fuckin hungover tomorrow#someone should kiss me#and i moght be either asexual or aromantic or both which like woo thats funny to only me for so many trauma reasons#i love#im so drunk#i too drunk#i stated typing thos at 12:30#imma smoke pot after i post this#if your reqding my tags hi i love you. why are you reading this though like im a schizo bipolar depreased trans girl im unhinged in the tags#i need to stop drinking by myself#if think im an alcoholic as well if it wasnt for the fact that i can genuinely stop when ever i want but idkmaybe that changes?#at this point im just typing to annoy myself cause i think its funny to annoy other people and itd be hypothetical to not annoy myself#im ramblimg in the tags and honestly its your fault for still reading this#trans thought time#i wish i was born with a pussy but i do like having a cock and there is a possibility im genderfluid and fuck me that sucks if true#like how do you transition if your genderfluid? like i kinda want a cock and pussy and i know thats an actual option#but is it the right option?#i hate being trans but not knowing what kinda trans maybe ill hit where im at with my gender and just say tranny#cause i already say faggot for my sexuality instead of anything specific maybe i should just say tranny#this is probably what a therapist is for but idk if i can justify paying for this instead of saving money to buy a hoise#america sucks#capitalism sucks#love is such a bullshit thing#how can i be in love with some ane be in love with someone. being in love is nothing but selfish but also you have to be selfish for youryou#like i know that doesn't make sense sense but it makes sense to me and i also know its wrong#maybe i should give up and spend money on a therapist#i love my freinds and would sacrifice myself for them literally#12:51 and i have one more short tag to add#i hope you didnt read this far cause even in a drunk state this tag is embarrassing and im sorry you know me irl im sorry this is rambly+ugh#but if you dead read all the tags <3 i love yoh and would die for you
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sparrowposting · 11 months
I finally got to write formal professional reports again. It's a sort of RFP sort of functional outline. It's not NEARLY as formal as the ones we did in grad school and wouldn't be up to snuff for literally any proper organization, but my workplace does so much stuff slapdash and disorganized and it drives me insane. I am the model of a would-be burecrat. I love paperwork. Forms. Rules. Reports. It needs to be organized if it's going to be EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT.
Anyway for this report I basically got free reign bc no one else knows what I'm talking about or how to do it. And it's just??? Such a relief and a delight to 1) get to do things properly 2) get to be competent, and be SEEN as being comptent, and not just a recent grad bumbling around trying to catch up in a workplace that doesn't follow ANY regular rules or protocols and is just. So disorganized.
Like. Given very little sleep and recovering from mild food poisoning, I've been more productive in 3 hours than I am in a lot of full days. It's like being in school again. Competence. Fully outlined and clear, reasonable goals. A PURPOSE.
I should just be given full control of everything as the benevolent dictator of my department, but alas
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cherry-bomb-ships · 7 months
hhhhooouuwgh fro gs.....
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ethersierra · 1 year
I'm going to a certain TAZ Liveshow this week and want to wear the uncle in Phandalin shirt. The only question is.. who do I cosplay to go along with it?
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shallowseeker · 1 year
The irrationality of awakened feelings
Theory: The Empty is little bit in love with Cas.
When The Empty took on Cas's "little thoughts," it became something. It ALSO a la Amara, got a weird connection to Cas.
It...."felt everything that you feel."
And now? The Empty is tormented by its own awakened feelings, and it cannot sleep.
At some points, it knows perhaps that it may be in love with him, but it's ANGRY about that. (Whereas Amara "would never hurt Dean," all the Shadow wants to do is hurt Castiel.)
That's ALSO why it took on Meg's face in the end. (It's cognizant of its own emotions that it's jealous. Jealous enough that it doesn't want to try to BE Dean.)
Because, reasons.
It wants to be an Individual, and well. Meg took on the face and name of another, and The Empty resonated with that aspect.
It doesn't know what to do with It all.
It doesn't know how to be an individual or parse those emotions.
So, it covets. It rages.
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epikhightechnology · 10 months
Not his grandma pretending to be dead for a surprise party 😭😭😭😭😭?????????? What
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idsb · 1 year
Everyone at the end of the tour who is like omg there won’t be any 1989 songs left for me?!??!? Y’all don’t know how lucky you are I would LOVE to go in knowing I have been marked safe against having one of my surprise songs be from 1989 😭
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hihijayne · 1 year
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Sung Hanbin - Magician 🔮
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Kim Jiwoong - Astronaut 👨‍🚀
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Zhang Hao - Doctor 👨‍⚕️
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Seok Matthew - Mario🍄
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Kim Taerae - Batman 🦇
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Ricky - FBI Agent 🕵️‍♂️
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Kim Gyuvin - Basketball Player🏀
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Park Gunwook - Police Officer 👮‍♂️
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Han Yujin - Superman🦸‍♂️
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©️Source: sharp_ing on Instagram
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arsenicflame · 9 months
[in which i reread the angela comics for every reference to the anchorites so i can prepare for a post about sera i am probably never going to write]
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mejomonster · 1 year
Chapter 152. Yeah I'm on this scene still just. So much of their dynamic can be gleamed from this dialogue damn:
Fei Du silently puffed out a cold breath, which quickly produced frost visible to the naked eye. He remembered the string of missed phone calls trying to cut in earlier and carelessly looked down at his phone.
Fei Du took one look and went silent. The President Fei who had scared the stalking villain into wanting to pull a knife twitched the corners of his mouth; his first reaction was to stick his phone back into his jacket pocket, pretending that nothing had happened. But on the other end, Luo Wenzhou seemed to have a gaze that extended thousands of li. While the phone was still warm, he called again.
Fei Du’s hand shook. In the chilly villa’s living room, a bit of sweat broke out on his back. He took a deep breath, then answered. “Hi…”
There was a brief pause on the other end. Then Luo Wenzhou said heavily, “You were just on the phone for at least twenty-five minutes.”
Fei Du said, “I…”
“I suppose you’ve been calling the lunar probe?”
Fei Du: “…”
Though Fei Du didn’t say anything, Luo Wenzhou seemed to be able to tell what had happened through some miraculous instinct. “Where are you?”
Fei Du said, “…At the villa.”
“What are you doing there on your own?” Luo Wenzhou made some association that suddenly changed the tone of his voice. “Wait there for me!”
#silent reading#lb#zhoudu#just like ToT i say this jokingly but like if fei du wasnt always 1 bad disaster from potential murderer#and luo wenzhou werent Extremely serious#about being a guardian angel protector. and both wetent Totally comfortable with their#shixiong/shidi almost domestic dom sub thing gling on#then like... rheir dynamic is just this side of unhinged.#luo wenzhou is so vigilant when it comes to fei du (and yeah its that he puts in the attention xause fei du doesnt#communicate well) but its like. if luo wenzhou Wasnt unconditionally loving and concerned for fei dus well being#hes got a lot of traits thatd veer Right into Red#Flag possessive and Controling (worse as a cop of course to top it off)#and those are only Marginally balanced by. again fei du is 1 bad day from killing with an army of hitmen#and billions of dollars. and the knowledge luo wenzhou would Be manipulated by him if fei du tried#just like he Already Was#for months.#so yeah like. i love them but theres a balancing act they play between Functional and caring cause its THEM#and If Luo Wenzhou felt betrayed and Could stop unconditionally loving (tho i dontcthink he would)#he could be intensely Frightening. (dont hate me for this but.. his controling aspeft#is not totally unlike fei dus dad. its opposite comforting control since its caring and kind but like#it is ijteresting the man fei du fell for is as possessive in his own way as his father was. i think#luo is actually MORE possessive cause luo wouldnt let go of fei du even if they betrayed each other beyond reason)#less interesting but still so. also interesting luo wenzhou hates ppl Like fei du and thag fei du Comes from#and yet loves HIM unconditionally. i think the novel is saying something about how#theres the potential for all kinds of things inside all of us#and even the villains in this#are lovable like fei du is to lwz to Someone.
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cynicallyscorned · 1 year
for those who may be curious, this is the song i used for his blog tags!
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