#its also been rough bc the further i get into school the less and less time i have for just intermediate fun like playing rdr2 and shit
modpoppy · 3 months
not having a hyperfixation is genuinely so fucking miserable idk how allistics do it
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bigalockwood · 5 months
August and Rousseau
I’ve outed myself as the #resident horse expert (thanks @youngroyalsconfession for the title I’m genuinely elated bc I’ve never gotten my own online moniker lmao) and I think it’s time that I contributed some more unasked for and useless horse knowledge to the YR discussion. This has been sitting in my drafts for ages and since I don’t see myself finding any time to research this further in the next few weeks, I thought I might as well post it before season 3 drops. Plenty of posts have been made about how the August-Rousseau situation could play out, and I don’t want to talk about those theories today, because I have anything to add right now.
As has been pointed out many times, horses are expensive, at least in western, industrialized countries. They used to be a necessity for most people, because they were a mode of transport, used to harvest food etc. This is still true in many parts of the world, but not Western and Northern Europe. There, horses have become a luxury, and are usually notoriously expensive, especially if you can’t keep them on your own grounds and produce your own hay. And even then- vet bills are painful to look at, and there are plenty of other costs, too. So, August most definitely won’t be able to pay for the monthly expenses that come with having a horse, at least not if he gets no financial aid by the court or doesn’t sell some of his assets. And even then, I’m not sure what they would say when they learn that they are financing a horse of all things (especially since August has zero interest in or knowledge of horses). In the following you can find a rough overview of just how expensive owning a horse is. Keep in mind, these numbers are generalized. I’m not from Sweden, but another European country, and even if I were, prices fluctuate a lot depending on the success of harvest, proximity to large cities, services offered by the stable, etc.… But maybe it can give those of you less familiar with horses a better idea of just how fucked August actually is.
Stable: this variable is already very hard to judge. You can find fairly cheap barns, but you usually have to do at least part of the work yourself, too (just imagine August mucking out Rousseau’s stall lmao). Feed is often included in the price, doesn’t cover any special needs, though (hay is included, but anything else you have to buy yourself). However, Hillerska is a prestigious school. They have a groom (our beloved Marcus) to take care of everything the owners don’t want to do (mucking out, feeding, taking horses out to the pastures and then back inside). You can find yourself with anywhere between 200- 600 Euros per month, depending on the services offered. Knowing what we do about Hillerska, you can expect the cost to be at the higher end.
The farrier should come every six to eight weeks and, again, costs depend on what work needs to be done. It can be anywhere between 50 Euro (bare hoof, only need to be trimmed) to close to 200 Euro (horse shoes for all four hooves). As long as Rousseau isn’t being exercised he’ll most likely only need a trim. 
Insurance depends greatly on your horse and its value (it’s hinted that he is valuable in the show) but generally costs between 50 to 150 Euro per month where I’m from.
Vet costs (assuming your horse is healthy and you only need to get the recommended vaccinations and check-up’s as well as anthelmintics) will usually be around 400 Euros a year and can go way up, depending on whether your horse has any special needs. Rousseau seems to be healthy, so we’ll assume he only needs the bare minimum.
Based on what he definitely needs to buy/pay for, the annual cost would be somewhere between 3400 and 12.400 Euro. Which is a super rough estimate and doesn’t even cover any extra expenses (Rousseau most certainly doesn’t only eat hay but also other feed specifically for sport horses). A horse can easily cost up to 21.400 Euro per year. August saves some money because he doesn’t take any training sessions and thus doesn’t need to pay for a trainer. He could also lend Rousseau to the school and let other students ride him; a deal like that would reduce how much he needs to pay for the monthly care of Rousseau.
But either way: August has to pay between 295 and 1800 Euro per month. If he wasn’t struggling financially, he probably wouldn’t even notice such a “small” expense. As it is, he can’t even pay his own tuition. There’s no way he’ll be able to pay for a horse.
(Would also like to, again, state that this is extremely generalized; I just wanted to highlight how much a horse usually costs).
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bluemoon-writer · 3 years
Childhood Friends AU: Marikim part 4
In which two dumbasses fall in love
AN: You don't have to read the previous parts to understand this one, but it might add a little context. parts 1-3 are only headcanons about their friendship though, there's nothing romantic included unlike in this part.
Read them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
-Kim catches feelings first
-he doesn’t realize it at first, but ever since Lila accused him of having feelings for Mari he started wondering what dating her would be like
-they would be doing something mundane like homework, or walking to school together, and he would start to wonder how different it would be if they were dating.
-he assumes they would hold hands, maybe give each other quick kisses when no was looking
-and he starts to think that he wouldn’t mind holding hands with Marinette or kissing her
-just as friends tho, because he totally does not have a crush on her
-but then, Ondine confesses to him
-and his first thought is ‘but I like Marinette’
-he says that out loud though
-“oh shit, I’m sorry Ondine. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t know why I said that, because I totally don’t have a crush on Marinette…”
-Kim is in denial
-Ondine is a little sad, but she’s also a total bro
-meaning if she can’t be with her crush then she’ll make sure her crush is at least happy
-Kim doesn’t make it easy though, because he’s also a bro
-once he accepts that he genuinely likes Marinette, he doesn’t even consider the possibility of them dating
-because Marinette likes Adrien
-Kim’s heart aches a little when he remembers that
-so there’s only one thing for him to do
-get Marinette and Adrien together
-Ondine agrees to help, but secretly has an ulterior motive
-which is: get Marinette to fall for Kim while Kim is trying to get her and Adrien to date
-it’s a mess
-but together they make a rough plan
-the first step is to get Marinette to actually hold a normal conversation with Adrian
-they’ll have her practice on Kim to start
-kim wanted to team up with Alya initially, but Ondine convinces him that it’s best if they work separately
-bc Ondine doesn’t want Marinette and Adrien to actually get together. Alya would take the planning seriously, while Ondine is not
-they rush over to Marinette’s house after swim practice
-Kim has a key to Marinette’s house so he doesn’t even knock
-he just pops into the bakery to hug Sabine, wave at Tom, and grab some snacks
-Ondine marvels at how close they have to be for Kim to be this comfortable with Marinette’s family
-they run up to Mari’s room
-again, Kim doesn’t knock, he just walks in and flops on her couch
-Ondine awkwardly walks in with a wave bc she doesn’t really know Marinette and doesn’t want to seem rude
-Marinette had been expecting Kim but is surprised to see Ondine
-her shipper brain starts wondering if she should help them get together?
- “We’re going to help you get together with Adrien!” Kim announces.
-Marinette collapses back in her chair with a groan
- “Ugh, not you too! Maybe I’m happy just watching him from afar.”
“No offence Mari, but that makes you sound like a creepy stalker,” Kim argues.
“I can’t even talk to Adrien properly! Much less get the courage to ask him out!”
“That’s what we’re going to help you with!” Ondine interjects. “With our help, you’ll be able to talk to Adrien without a problem!”
-Marinette’s curiosity is piqued
- “How?”
-Marinette reluctantly agrees with practice on Kim, not convinced that it’ll actually work
-they sit on the floor facing each other, with Ondine in the middle like a referee
-they tape a picture of Adrien to Kim’s face
-Kim does bad impressions of Adrien’s voice and Marinette can’t collect herself well enough to hold a conversation
-not because she’s nervous but bc she keeps laughing at Kim’s impressions
-Ondine is in serious coach mode tho
-she pretends to blow a whistle every time they mess up
“Come on team! I know you can get this right!”
-eye holes are cut in the picture of Adrien so that Kim can see
-but that just makes Marinette laugh harder
-a mouth hole is added so Kim can eat some snacks
-Kim tries to impersonate Adrien while eating
-does a dramatic hair flip and chokes on a cookie
-Marinette is sobbing from laughter and Ondine has given up on whistling
-eventually (after they run out of snacks) they calm down
-Ondine throws away the picture of Adrien
-Things are serious now
-Kim takes Marinette’s hands and gives her a gentle smile while leaning forward slightly
“Hey Marinette,” he says in a low voice
-and Marinette’s heart skips a beat. Just once.
-but there were no thoughts of Adrien in her head
-once she does think of Adrien doing this, then she turns beat red
“uh, h-hey A-A-Adrien! How’s you do? I-I mean, h-how do you? How are you!”
-Kim is starting to blush now because Marinette is just so cute
-He wants to bop her on the nose
-so he does
-Marinette blushes even harder, but it ruins the roleplay
“KIM! Adrien isn’t going to randomly bop me on the nose!
“He might! I’m trying to prepare you for all possible events!” Kim argues to save his ass
-Ondine lowkey feels like she’s third wheeling
-but on the upsides, the longer she watches Marinette and Kim interact, the more she ships them and the smaller her crush grows
-soon she’ll be a full-time Marikim shipper
-after that first instance, Marinette can’t imagine Kim as Adrien
-Kim insists that she just needs to “focus on the blonde part of his hair”
-but it doesn’t work
-their conversations turn into inside jokes about each other
-eventually hunger drives them downstairs for dinner
-Ondine is invited to stay and the conversation turns to swim practice
-eventually Ondine stops feeling like a third wheel
-the next step is to have Marinette interact with Adrien in a group setting
-so another study group is scheduled
-in the days leading up to the study group, Kim starts lowkey hyping Marinette up to Adrien
-when Marinette gets an A on a test Kim is holding it up to show Adrien how smart Marinette is
-when Marinette stumbles through a few lines in another language Kim shouts to Adrien, “Dude, did you hear that? Marinette is BILINGUAL”
-when Marinette makes it to class just before the bell rings, Kim nudges Adrien and goes, “Isn’t Marinette cute when she’s running late?”
-whenever someone compliments Kim on something he goes, “Psh, Marinette is twice as good as me. DID YOU KNOW THAT ADRIEN?”
-Adrien assumes this is Kim’s weird way on trying to become friends, by talking up one of their mutual friends
-so, he starts talking up Marinette to Kim
- “did you know Marinette is so talented that Jagged Stone asked her to design his album cover?!”
-this leads to full-blown conversations about Marinette in the hallway
-which actually leads to them becoming friends?
-through talking about Marinette, they realize they have a lot in common
-both like sports, video games, jagged stone, and Marinette
-Ondine overhears Kim hyping Marinette up to Adrien in the hallway and decides to copy him
-She starts coming over every day after practice under the guise of ‘helping Marinette learn to talk to Adrien’
-really it just devolves into the three of them joking around after an hour
-but during these ‘sessions’ she starts hyping Kim up
- “Kim nearly broke a world record at practice today! I swear he’s going to the Olympics!”
-Kim always returns the compliment tho
- “If I’m going to the Olympics then so are you! You’re just as good!”
-which further convinces Marinette that they like each other
-Finally, that Saturday is the study group
-its Max, Nino, Chloe, Adrien, Kim, and the newest addition of Ondine
-(if you want to know how the study group started read part 3)
-Marinette spends the morning nervously cooking snacks
-Kim and Ondine come over early to ‘help’
-Kim knows how to cook, but he spends most of the time stealing bits of batter
-Ondine doesn’t know how to cook, so Marinette shows her the ropes
-This helps Marinette calm down too
-Marinette is more nervous than the last time their study group met because this time she has the ulterior motive of trying to get closer to Adrien while last time she was focused on studying
-the study group gathers in the living room of Marinette’s house
-Kim and Adrien are next to each other and Marinette is strategically placed across from them
-this way if Marinette gets too nervous to look at Adrien, she can look at Kim instead and pretend she’s talking to him
-the first couple minutes of the study group are filled with laughter and snacks as everyone piles into the living room
-but eventually they quiet down to do some independent studying
-Adrien is great at science so Marinette figures she’ll ask him to explain one of the concepts listed on their science study guide
“Hey Adrien,” Marinette starts confidently, however, almost as soon as the words are out of her mouth she starts to get cold feet. She glances at Kim who gives her a subtle thumbs up and a wink. Marinette swears the blush that starts to cover her face is just from being nervous about talking to Adrien.
Adrien glances up from his book, “What’s up, Marinette?”
Marinette glances back and forth between Kim and Adrien before settling her gaze on Adrien.
“C-could you explain how the potato is used as an example of osmosis? I don’t understand it.”
-Adrien is happy to help, and launches into an explanation
-Marinette so is high of the rush of dopamine from successfully asking Adrien a question that she’s able to ask two follow up questions after Adrien is done speaking
-Nino pinches Max to keep him from intervening
-Kim is proud of Marinette, but he can’t help but also be a little sad because she’s never been that excited to simply talk to him
-however, what he doesn’t know is that after Marinette successfully talks to Adrien, she finds her thoughts not centered around Adrien, but around Kim
-She knows science isn’t Kim’s best subject and her thoughts keep drifting from questions to ask Adrien to how Kim is doing.
-she doesn’t realize it yet, but her feelings for Adrien have shrunken a little which is partly why she found it easier to talk to him
-the other reason is that she’s just become more confident in herself due to the ‘practice sessions’
-when the study group ends Kim and Ondine stay behind to help clean up
-Kim is hiding the fact that he’s bummed about Marinette and Adrien and Ondine realizes this so she tries to distract him
-she sticks two pretzel sticks in her mouth
“Guess what I am?”
“Uh, a walrus, duh.”
“No! I’m the giant spider from Harry Potter.”
Kim chokes on a laugh from surprise, “What the hell? How was I supposed to guess that?”
-Marinette watches them mess around and becomes certain that they like each other
-but now she feels…off about it.
-together the three clean up quickly
-the weekly Dupain cheng/Le family dinner is tonight, so Kim isn’t leaving after study group, but Ondine gets ready to leave
-Marinette invites her to stay for dinner though
-even though she feels weird about Ondine and Kim getting together she’s still gonna do what she can to help their relationship
-bc she’s also a bro
-also, Ondine has been around so much the past month that she’s practically a permanent fixture in Marinette’s life
-she also doesn’t knock anymore when entering Mari’s room and is on a first name basis with her parents
-Ondine is honestly glad to have become such good friends with Marinette
-After the success of the first study group, more are planned
-it becomes a biweekly event
-Ondine is worried at first that this might backfire and Marinette and Adrien will actually get together
-but she notices that while Marinette talks to Adrien more she also blushes less
-in their practice sessions Marinette has also stopped gushing over Adrien
-what convinced Ondine for sure that Marinette’s crush on Adrien was gone though was when a new exclusive photoshoot of Adrien came out and the first thing Marinette commented was the design of his outfit
-how did things get to this point?
-well, interacting as friends and focusing on becoming friends made Marinette see Adrien in a platonic light
-Marinette just doesn’t realize her crush is gone bc it was so ingrained in her that it became a facet of her identity
-she has black hair, blue eyes, and a crush on Adrien
-it’s when Marinette has zoned out while staring at Kim that Ondine decides they’re ready to move to the next step
-it’s time for Marinette and Kim to go on a fake date
-the official reason is so that Marinette gets practice before asking Adrien out
-the unofficial reason is that Ondine is 90% sure that Marinette is also crushing on Kim now, and she thinks that if they’re in a romantic setting then she’ll realize the reality of her feelings
-and so, after school, instead of going home like usual, Marinette and Kim go to the movies instead to see the newest romantic comedy
-Ondine secretly trails after them with binoculars, just to make sure everything goes well
-Kim pays and refuses to split the price, much to Marinette’s dismay
-as the trailers play, they get into a mini popcorn fight and waste half their popcorn
-a bunch of it ends up stuck in Marinette’s hair
-Kim, heart pounding, holds Marinette’s chin to keep her head still as he gently pulls popcorn out of her hair
-The darkness of the theater is the only thing hiding Marinette’s blush.
-Kim leans closer, focusing on getting all the little pieces of popcorn
-Marinette’s gaze is locked on Kim though. Their faces are only inches apart.
-Suddenly, Kim looks down and realizes the position they’re in
-He’s frozen, unsure of what to do.
-He wants to lean in and kiss her, but he thinks she still likes Adrien
-Adrien, however, is the last thing on Marinette’s mind. The only thing she can focus on at the moment is the warmth of Kim’s breath on her face.
-The moment is ruined however, by a group of people jostling past them to get to their seats
-The movie begins shortly after, but both teens are distracted by other thoughts
-They head for the park afterwards
-They’re hearts stopping each time their hands bump into each other.
-Ondine finally gets fed up and texts Kim to hold hands with Marinette
-Kim looks around in confusion, unsure where Ondine was watching them from
-But he does what she says
-Marinette looks up in surprise
-“We’re on a date, so we should hold hands, yeah?” Kim says with a blush.
“O-oh! Right, yes!”
-Both of them look away and blush
-Their conversation on the way to the park is a little awkward as neither of them are sure what to say until Kim blurts out, “By the way, I think Ondine is stalking us.”
-This launches them into a game of “spot Ondine without her noticing.”
-They fail miserably, completely unable to find her
-But they have an amazing time guessing where or who she might be
-Each time their guesses get more and more ridiculous
-Which has them laughing uproariously in the middle of the park
-This garners the attention of several people, in particular a blonde model who is in the middle of a photoshoot.
-Kim walks Marinette home, and, unable to stop himself, kisses her on the cheek before leaving
-Marinette can only stare at Kim’s back as he leaves
-Half an hour later, her mom opens the door to take out the trash, and scares Marinette out of her reverie
-Marinette is supposed to confess to Adrien the next day, but when she goes to bed the only person she can think of it Kim
-(she dreams about him too)
-The next day, Marinette asks Adrien to stay behind after class so she can ask him something
-Kim and Ondine wait anxiously outside the classroom
-Kim is torn between excitement for Marinette and heartbreak for himself
-in the classroom, Adrien gazes at Marinette expectantly
-He’s not sure what she needs from him, but he’s ready to help
-Marinette breathes in deeply, mentally preparing herself utter the three simple words.
-But they don’t come out.
-They can’t come out, and Marinette realizes with shock that it’s not because she’s nervous.
-In fact, she doesn’t feel anything at all except a sense of wrongness
-For some reason, the only person she can imagine confessing to is Kim
-her eyes widen as the realization sets in
-She doesn’t like Adrien anymore
-She likes Kim
AN: There we go! The long awaited Part 4 is finally up a year later. Don't worry, part 5 won't take as long. Though, it probably won't be up until after I finish finals and move home.
I didn't intend for Ondine to have such a big role, someone mentioned that I forgot about Ondine in the last part, and I slapped myself for forgetting her, so I made sure to start with her and then it just snowballed until she was part of the crew lol.
Also, I discontinued the taglist because it got too big and I got overwhelmed.
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worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
the man in the moon (Yandere! Yoongi)
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Summary: You can’t help but gaze at the stars and he can’t help but gaze back at you. 
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Yandere, Kidnapping, (kind of) Stockholm syndrome, Dissociation, bad writing. 
Authors note: I got the idea and then made this and tbh it’s kind of shitty which makes me sad bc it could have been a cool concept but ah well lol. 
The man in the moon is my man
He never say nothing so I know he understands
He’ll never break my heart 
I know he’s here to stay
Tell all the other boys to go away
I’ll take the man in the moon 
- Man in the Moon, by Voice of the Beehive 
Yoongi had a fairly repetitive schedule. He would wake up and then… well. That was basically it. He preferred not to go outside, deeming the bouncing gait he had to adopt to travel around as ‘undignified’, even if there was no one else around to see it. He spent his days in his meticulously shuttered compound. Covering the windows was necessary, given that the moon was far slower at rotating than its orbital partner, Yoongi thought with contempt. 
Rather than having a cycle of darkness and light over 24 hours, it took his planet almost a month to complete a ‘day’. Even Yoongi was incapable of sleeping when the sun’s full glare was seeping through the thick window panes, and after enduring a week and a half of the torture, he went around with a hammer, an armful of boards, and a budding vendetta against the sun. 
Eons later, Yoongi’s skin was infinitely paler, his eyes were infinitely piercing, and his life was infinitely dull. Yoongi sometimes dabbled in casting his gaze onto the Earth, the ugly planet he was stuck forever facing towards. Normally, what he found was severely lacking. Stupidity, and greed, and petty squabbles seemed to be all the human race knew how to do. But, for lack of a better option, he kept on looking. And then he found you.
From the moment he saw you, he knew you were different. He almost thought you were a fallen star, stuck in a place you didn’t belong just like he was. You were clearly brighter than any other filthy human marring the Earth, and you only became increasingly so as you aged.
Yoongi’s eyes followed you everywhere, he saw when you learned how to ride a bike, when you got your high school diploma, when you got your first promotion. He resented every second of the hours you were woefully hidden from view. It was ridiculous; he could peer through hundreds of thousands of kilometres of space and locate you with ease, but as soon as you disappeared behind the curve of the Earth, you were out of sight? 
Yoongi couldn’t bear it when he couldn’t see you, even if he knew you were going to bed in that time and therefore had less of a chance of getting hurt. He was very protective of you. How could he not be, he reasoned, when he had saw you grow up before his very eyes. Of course, he had previously watched billions of souls come into existence and age and wither and die, all without sparing a thought. But he could never let that happen to you. He could not let you be another distant creature, always in his sight but never in his reach. 
It was difficult for Yoongi to watch you living your life without him. The first time you kissed another man, he felt an anger that had never before reared its head rip itself out of him. It raged along the shorelines of the Earth, coaxing in fearsome waves from the deep. It ripped along the streets, blowing with the force of a thousand gales. The moon almost tilted off its axis, turning its back on the Earth for far longer than it should have done. 
Yoongi saw the devastation his rage resulted in. The loss of thousands of lives. The destruction of property built by the hands of men. He only felt a flicker of satisfaction. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t enough, he would never be able to harm those around you (those who wanted to hurt you) without also hurting you in the process. You were too far, the only way he could touch you was with a broad wave of violence. And that is how Yoongi came to his conclusion.
He could not harm those around you without harming you. You were stuck down there among danger. The solution was simple: he needed to draw you to his side.
“He’ll never break my heart, I know he’s here to stay,” You sang, or — more accurately — shouted, using your deodorant stick as a makeshift-microphone since your friend had already snatched the hair brush. “Tell all the other boys to go away!” You screamed the lyrics together, dancing around your cramped living room. 
“Mina!” You called, pointing the stick at your friend, “Solo!” 
She cackled and then sung along with the song blasting on the radio, laughing so hard she could barely get the lyrics out. When she pointed at you again to finish the song off, you did so with flair.
“I’ll take the man in the moon.” You crooned. You both paused dramatically as the bassline faded out, before collapsing into giggles on the carpeted floor. Mina had come over to try and cheer you up after your boyfriend had forgotten to show at your anniversary date, again, and she had obviously succeeded. 
“Y’know,” you started, once the laughter had died down, and Mina hummed in acknowledgement. “My parents would always tell me about the man in the moon.”
“Tell you what?” Mina asked, rolling over onto her stomach and resting her chin on her forearms.
“Well… they would tell me stories about him.”
“Such as…?” Mina prompted, and then burst into giggles as you chucked a pillow at her for her impatience. 
“Such as… that he existed. Like, he was sent there as a punishment.” 
“Punishment? For what?”
“I don’t know,” you floundered, “For, like, being weird or something. Anyways, the point is-” you stressed, “I’ve always felt like there was someone watching me. From up there.”
Mina’s immaculately groomed eyebrows flicked up.
“So you seriously believe there’s a man on the moon?” You flushed and sat up, shrugging your shoulders slightly.
“I don’t know, it’s just… weird, I guess.”
“It’s not weird, you’re weird.” 
Mina was expecting the pillow being swung at her face that time, and fought back valiantly with a throw cushion. 
Your body cast a shadow along your moonlight-bathed room as you leaned your forehead against the window. Up there in the sky, the moon continued to shine as it always had done, your eternal silent companion. It was a full moon that night. You noticed that as you brushed a finger against the glass separating you and the night sky. It was difficult to believe the moon was so far away, it almost felt like, if you only opened your window and leaned out, you could cup it in your hands.
It was almost a compulsion that led you to lift the latch. Like the pull of the tide, you leaned away to twist the handle and then drew back to breathe in the night air. You couldn’t trust your eyes, as it almost looked like the moon had swollen, now bigger, brighter, closer. It became blurred, hidden as your breath formed translucent clouds which eddied on the cool night breeze, swirling faster and faster. You pitched your body further out of the window, taking one arm away from its steadying position on the windowsill to reach out. To brush the moon, as it started to take on an almost unnatural glow.
Like a moth to its burning cold flame, you were drawn in, your eyes wide, your face gleaming white as you approached the moon. A pair of eyes were stretching across space, fixed on you unerringly, coaxing you out. You felt a hand enclose around your outstretched palm. It tugged you forwards slightly, and you lost your balance, tipping into the open arms of the night. 
“Come on, sweetheart. Wake up. Can you wake up for me?” The kind, almost intimate words were uttered by a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used for some time. The hoarse, gravelly tones echoed in your head as your eyelashes fluttered. Immediately, there was a cold hand cradling your head, and another beneath your back, helping you to a sitting position as you squinted, still unable to take in your surroundings. 
Slowly, your vision cleared. A man was bent over you, his striking dark eyes swimming with concern. His skin was… so white it almost hurt your eyes to look at. The paleness seemed to have even leached the colour out of his hair, leaving him as an almost wraithlike figure. 
“W-where am I?” You croaked, your own voice rough as if it had been a long time since it was last used. You glanced around the room, trying to find an indicator of the time, or of where you were. You could find none.
His lips quirked slightly, and he guided your body back down to the bed.
“You’re safe.” He told you. “That’s all that matters. Now sleep.” As he commanded it, your eyes shut and everything went dark again. 
The man brought you strange things, food that was not food, gifts that felt almost unnatural — a doll that followed you around the room with its eyes, an hourglass that never ran out of sand. You couldn’t seem to break out of the limbo you sunk into when you fell out of your bedroom window and into this strange place. There were no windows, and when you asked the man — Yoongi, he told you to call him — what time it was, he simply smiled and told you he didn’t know either, and didn’t care to find out. 
Sometimes you woke up and felt those eyes on you, and he would be watching you. He would always smooth your hair back — which was starting to grey, or was it just paling, like his? — and tell you not to worry. He never told you what he wanted from you, and after a time (you don’t know how long) you stopped caring. You passed through many rooms, all of them the same, all of them lacking windows, until you found an exit.
You went outside and saw Yoongi, standing sentinel on a rocky outcrop. You climbed over to join him, and turned your gaze to see what he was looking at. There stood the Earth, small and inconsequential from your standing. By now, you could hardly remember what it had been like to live there. Yoongi turned to look at your blank face, skin as pale and glowing as the moon, and he smiled. He was alone no longer. 
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bleached-d-soul · 4 years
Bitter Chocolate: Thief of Heart
Commission for my good friend @the-wayward-arc
Emerald entered the room, her world still a blur. As she flopped on her bed, the former thief quickly exchanged a couple of messages with her teammates. Cinder was out restocking their supplies. Mercury was off doing some dumb shit as always. And Neo was busy doing whatever she always did.
Which left her alone for the rest of the day here.
She took an opportunity to get as much out of this as possible.
Emerald cried into her pillow, as the sensation of orgasm washed over her and her juices squirted all over her sheets. How many times has she brought herself to climax by now? Five? Seven? Whatever the number, it was not nearly enough.
The momentary absence of thought brought by orgasm was gone and now her head was again filled with the visions of him.
When Cinder told her to spy on their future rivals, Emerald didn't think much of that. Like any other team, they came here to win and earn some prestige for their academy. The cash prize also was great. And it's not like anyone would give them much grief over it. Studying your competition was a given when the whole Remnant would be watching.
And just like any job, Emerald did hers with the best of her ability. Mercury was studying the fighting styles of various individuals. Rough data, as was fit for his mindset. He would point out strengths, weaknesses and the way their rivals telegraphed thier movements. But Emerald? She studied something far more crucial. The minds and hearts of their competition.
From Beacon, their biggest challenge would come from teams RWBY and JNPR. The former had a solid lineup. Ruby Rose who specialized in long-range attacks and could get a decent distance with his Semblance. Her sister, a straight-up brawler, with the power to turn damage into even more brute force and fire. The Schnee heiress whose Semblance allowed her to manipulate the fighting circumstances just as effectively. And, of course, the sneaky Belladonna who was fast and slippery enough to give them some trouble.
It would take some effort and extra preparation, but they could be hanlded provided Cinder adjusted their plans according to the matches.
The other team - JNPR - would be less of a problem if taken out early. Many of students from Haven were looking out for the team. Not because of any accomplishments or rumors. But rather, simply because it was the team the Invincible Girl of Mistral was on. Half of the students were looking to make the team pay for stealing their Champion. Emerald and her team were in the other half.
The ones wanting to crush the Invincible Girl and her precious Beacon brats.
And how easy the redhead made it for Emerald.
Seriously, she might as well have worn a shirt that said, "I am crushing hard on my leader". Honestly, it was kind of pathetic. Unlike Cinder, who knew how embraced power and prestige, Nikos hid away from it. And unlike her leader, Emerald noted, Nikos had absolutely zero idea on how to get what she desired in something besides the brutal fighting tournaments.
Jaune Arc, the oblivious blonde that stole the redhead's heart, was the chink in the Invincible Girl's armor. A dumb, awkward and honestly naive chink that Emerald was not above exploiting. She needed some dirt on him and then, boom, the whole team would go down like a house of cards. But what kind of dirt could she dig up on him? It had to be something serious enough to keep him scared. But small enough to avoid any trouble with the authorities.
In the end, it all came down to the same thing that caused the downfall of any man she ever knew,
Their pride.
The boy had no reputation as a fighter or a student. So that left her with the bright idea of sneaking into the showers. Getting pics of his tiny little wiener and dangling it in front of him until he agreed to stomp all over the Nikos heart. Easy, peasy, lemon sq- Shit.
And shit it was, Emerald thought, as she stared. And stared and kept staring as both her lower and upper mouths drooled over the sight of the boy in the shower. The long and thick rod of white meat almost reaching the boy's - the man's - knees was too big to be called anything less than a fucking bitchbreaker. Her plan went poof and Emerald rushed to her room. Before she even knew, she was fingering herself to the pictures she took.
They were no good as blackmail material. Oh Gods, if Cinder found out about her failure-
Forget about Cinder, the voice of her libido hissed. How do we get ourselves a piece of that fuckmeat?
Now was not the time. She wouldn't abandon all her plans to chase after a piece of that cock.
How about a whole thing then? her lust bargained. With a soft and hungry chuckle, it added, We could easily make Cinder come around too. Just tie her up and withhold that bitchbreaker until the bitch breaks.
That was actually a good idea. Not taunting her leader but the idea of stealing Jaune away from the girl. Nikos was strong as a fighter. But as a girl? She was nothing. Yes, she was shy and quiet. Always bottling it all up and keeping it in. She would have to watch her beloved blonde get taken away and slip up. And thus the Invincible Girl would fall. And Emerald would secure herself a nice and hung boytoy for the rest of the festival.
She licked her lips and then pushed a finger inside her mouth. As she closed her eyes, Emerald allowed herself to dream. Of a wild and rough fucking. Of sucking and choking on something much thicker and harder than her finger. Of the poor little Nikos sitting by and crying as she watched the love of her life give all the passion and attention to someone like Emerald.
And with that thought, Emerald drifted away into the sweet lustful night.
When Jaune came to Beacon, he had clear plans on what he wanted to do. He wanted to learn how to fight. How to become a real hero like his ancestors. Maybe get a girlfriend while he was at it, too. The first part of his dream was coming along smoothly. He was getting better at handling his weapon, at least. And, for just a brief moment, he dared hope the part of finding a girlfriend would also be a success.
"Nghh, w-wait! Pull out, please pull out, Jaune!"
Only to run into a wall on that one.
Jaune swallowed a groan and proceeded to do just that. He knew a whole army of guys who would willingly give up their arms, legs and left testicle to be in his position. One on one with someone as hot and cool as Pyrrha, her legs spread wide and open for him. And like a boy in a candy shop, he went in to dig in and indulge in his gluttonous lust.
And just like that night, three weeks ago, they didn't go further than a tip.
Seriously, he saw Pyrrha tank Nora's bombshots. How was the Invincible Girl unable to handle some softcore sex? Jaune shook his head, refusing to let his sexual frustration get better of him. Even if they kept it secret for now, Pyrrha was a wonderful girlfriend. Kind and loving. What kind of jackass would give it up just because they couldn't have sex right now?
"Sorry, Jaune," she rested her head on his shoulder. "I thought I had it this time."
"No problem , Pyr," he smiled gently and gave her a kiss on the lips. Chaste, as everything with them for now. "Just like fighting, it is just a matter of time and effort. We'll get there soon."
Pyrrha snorted, a small cute quirk of hers that she showed only to him.
"You are right. Before we know, we will make each other stronger. I will make you into a big strong huntsman," she traced her hands against his erect shaft. "And you will make me into an insatiable size queen."
Jaune blushed slightly. Even when she tried talking dirty, Pyrrha was too adorable. A small - ugly and venomous part of him - rolled its eyes at that. Cute and adorable was good for her Mistralian fanbase but it wanted more. It wanted dirty and rough fucking. No handholding bullshit or whispering diabetes-inducing nothings. That lustful and angry part of him hungered for the pussy that he could reshape after his cock. The ass that would take it all and cry for more. The mouth that could gobble his cock up and drown in his semen. He wanted-
"Sorry, Pyrrha," he said, brushing her hand away and speaking just a tiny bit colder than he intended. "I think I need to take a quick shower."
The girl blushed, fully aware what he meant. Yes, she was a good girlfriend. And she knew how much discomfort she caused her lover with her... insufficiency for now. She smiled and told him to come back soon. She might not have been able to pleasure him properly but she took small comfort in keeping the bed warm for him and cuddling with his progressively stronger body.
As the door closer behind, Pyrrha laid down and rubbed her sore pussy gently. She would get it all soon. She was sure of it.
Jaune entered the showers, barely able to restrain himself. He was lucky enough to have found this place when hiding from Cardin. A small abandoned part of Beacon that used to function as showering rooms in its earlier days. Luckily enough, still operational. And lonely enough for him to rub it all out. If you thought attending the school with hot girls in tight clothes was a godsend, you clearly were not Jaune Arc.
The water cascading down his flesh washed away the unrest and frustration. As he closed his eyes, he let his mind drift off. The weeks of having the hottest girlfriend yet being unable to be intimate with her drove Jaune back to the pornsites that he had thought he would no longer need. In the worlds of digital porn, he found the way to relieve his pent-up lust.
In, particular, he hungered for the girls with thick thighs, wide hips and bubble butts. Did he sound like a complete pervert? Yes, so what? In all those videos, watching the girls just take foot-long cocks down their wanting tight asses drove him over the edge. Alas, Pyrrha was slow to take to the traditional missionary three weeks into their relationship. How was she ever going to agree to or endure anal?
With a guttural grunt, he released his load, the thick white cream hitting the cold wall. This was good. Better, at least. He was content to stand under the shower for just a while longer though. Just enough to relax enough so that when he came back to their room, he could fall alseep as soon as possible.
The single sound sent shivers down his spine.
"Sorry, I didn't know someone else was here."
Jaune looked at the girl and instinctively turned away. She was not hideous or unpleasant to look at. The opposite, in fact. The exotic dark skin. The delicious white hips. And the thick thighs that begged to be worshipped. Fuck, why did someone like her have to come here?
"Hey, don't be shy," the girl chuckled and brushed her light green hair. "Nothing that I have never seen before."
She gave him an appreciative look.
"Although, yours is much bigger than the ones I saw."
He refused to speak. As the mystery girl began showering herself, Jaune went through the steps of his quick escape plan. Stream away the soaps. Run out. Never look back. Sounded easy. In fact, it was easy. But sometimes, some things that were easy and good for you were not what you wanted. Apples and other fruits were sweet and good for you.
And yet, sometimes you just wanted the chocolate. Sweet and dark, melting in your mouth. And it seemed, as his eyes refused to leave the girl's juicy glistening ass, the girl had enough chocolate for him to last a lifetime.
"Hey, blondie, can you help me wash my back, please? It's kind of hard to reach by myself."
Jaune knew what was the right thing to do. Say he was in a hurry and leave. Go back to Pyrrha and cuddle with her. But what was right and what one wanted, sadly, rarely if ever were one and the same. And Jaune, who had spent the last few weeks on edge had chpsen to do what he wanted. Plus, it was just some quick back-washing. It's not like he was cheating on Pyrrha.
"Thanks, I knew you'd help me out, Jaune."
Maybe some other day, Jaune would notice that he never gave his name to the girl. Some other day, some other scenario, he would notice that the girl's back, much like the rest of her was perfectly clean. He would notice many things were it some other day. The way her voice melted against his ears like sweet poison. The way her hand was clearly rubbing her pussy. The way she pressed herself against him. Hard.
But today, this very day, Jaune was far too busy as his hands slowly went from her back to her ass. As if he was lost in some trance, he never thought twice on that. As his hands squeezed the soft and gentle dark meat, he felt his mind going blank. Being lost to something dormant and ancient inside. The pure unadultered instinct. And Jaune, far from being the strong and commanding man he would be one day, gave in.
Turning the girl around, he paid no mind to her yelp of surprise. Or the way she smirked and her eyes burned. All he cared about was having her close and his. His fingers dug into her soft welcoming flesh. His lips crashed against hers, burning hot and wanting. Right now, Jaune was not an awkward teen who wanted to be a hero. He was a man, driven by the oldest of drives of the mankind.
As their tongue battled for dominance, their hands wandered and explored the bodies of each other. And as Jaune was soon lost in pure lust, Emerald smirked. It was easier than she thought. She would enjoy the pride of luring the boy into her soft and beaitful trap for as long as she remained conscious enough to do so. Which was getting harder and harder as the boy quickly proved himself skilled at fanning the flames of her lust.
His strong arms showed no mercy to her ass or breasts as the blonde practically mauled them. He was lucky she was into rough play. She hated vanilla sex. Too soft. Too restrained. The real sex was the kind where you lost yourself to the animal inside you. Where such things as manners and thought were not welcome and everyone involved obeyed only their own instincts.
And Jaune was proving himself a natural at this!
She was just about to get down on her knees and inhale as much as the monster he had between his legs when suddenly he pulled away. The expression on his face was the mixture of emotions. Disbelief. Fear. Shock. Anger at himself. She turned to reach for him, only to be met with a soft apology, "I-I am sorry. This is my fauly... I- We shouldn't be doing this."
And just like that, he left. Emerald, not one to enjoy being in the dark, used her Semblance and followed him. Concealing herself from him, she eavesdropped on him calling Nikos and talking to her. From the way the two spoke, it was clear their relationship was more than a crushing girl and an oblivious boy. And it seemed the blonde wanted to make it official.
Making up for his action with me, huh? How cute.
Perhaps he thought if he made it official, she would back off. Disappear and let him and his girlfriend have a happy sweet vanilla love. And perhaps, it would work. Not because she was a secret romantic or anything of such nonsense. She simply knew when to take risks and when to fold it. And, normally, she would rather not fight someone like Nikos over a stupid boy.
But Jaune was not some stupid boy. He was a well-hung and obedient boy. And if it meant getting fucked with that monster all night long, the thief of team CRMN was more than eager to take that bet. It would take some time. It would take some effort and some planning. But she was smart. The kind of smarts you earned on the streets and carried with yourself through life.
Jaune didn't look the kind who fooled around with girls for no reason. He was no player. And when she saw him, he was busy jacking himself off to notice her watch him. Which meant that there was some trouble in paradise between the two. Clearly, not because of his size though. As gears kept turning in her head. the picture became cleaner and cleaner until there was simply no other explanation to it all.
Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl of Mistral, was a fucking pillow princess. It was quite funny, Emerald would admit. The greatest Champion of her generation and she couldn't take a dicking. The sick and twisted thought made its way into her mind. Fed by Emerald's hidden frustration and craving for power of her own, the thought grew bigger and stronger until it was a fully-formed plan.
She would not simply use Jaune to get at Pyrrha. She would make sure to break the girl and take her for herself. And obedient little Champion sounded so great. Great enough to sow the seeds of ambition and hunger within the girl's heart. Perhaps, the original plan of making Cinder kneel before her would also come to fruition given time. But for now, she had preparations to make.
And a lot of cuts to make.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" Nora smiled and sung. "Renny, i kneeeeew it!"
"Yes, Nora," Ren smiled softly. "I think everybody knows it now too."
Pyrrha blushed bright red but refused to hide her face. The smile refused to go away from her lips even if she knew she looked silly with it so wide and bright. But it was real and she refused to stop smiling no matter what. Jaune must have known she was embarrassed about not pleasuring him properly. And to show her that he loved her despite that, he told her he wanted to make things official.
It was so sweet!
"Way to go, Jaune!" Yang whistled. Her smile turned foxy and she whispered dramatically, "So when are you going to get all hot and bothered with each other, hmm? Come on, don't leave me hanging!"
Now, the smile cracked a little. A painful reminder of the reason why she wanted to keep things unofficial until she could take Jaune's cock. Before she could come up with witty and good response, Jaune came to her rescue.
"Actually, we thought about waiting until after graduation," Jaune smiled. "You know, gotta keep focus on studies and training."
"Yeah," Yang grinned. "You definitely need to focus on those, Vomit Boy."
As their table returned to the kind and casual exchange of words and jokes, Pyrrha couldn't help but feel content. This was everything she wanted in her life. Friends that looked at her like at any other person. A cute boyfriend that always had her back. And, of course, the peaceful and light student life.
"Ugh, talk about having no shame."
"Gotta agree with you on this one, Weiss," Yang whistled. "Even I am not that bold."
As she caught more and more whispers, Pyrrha turned towards the source of all the confusion. Walking down the mess hall, accompanied by the hordes of lewd and hungry eyes and dirty looks, Emerald wore something that must have been a violation of the dress code. It was not the casual clothes or something particularly wild. It was a Haven Academy school uniform. White shirt. Dark jacket and skirt.
The latter two being three or four sizes too small.
Her jacket couldn't even remotely hide the tight shirt the girl choose to wrap mid-way, exposing her flat stomach. Even less could be said about her skirt, since there was so little of it she might have worn nothing at all. Hell, coming in here with just panties on would at least be ridiculous and cause confusion. But wearing the skirt so short it exposed the girl's thick ass and dark lacy panties? She was definitely showing off.
She saw the boys eat her up with their eyes. Only to get smacked or slapped by their girlfriends. Afraid of the same, she looked back up at her partner. And then sighed in relief.
"Wow, Jaune, what a gentleman you are," Yang snorted as her partner refused to look back from his breakfast. "Keep this one away from the stripper over there, Pyr. Or she might eat him up."
Pyrrha felt the anger flare inside of her. Only to instantly calm down, Jaune was not like the other boys. She knew that now. Whereas the other girls had to keep their lovers on a tight leash, Jaune had her full and absolute trust. Without another word, she brought herself clother and kissed him on the cheek. So embarrassing to do this in public. But she would bare with it because she loved Jaune so much.
So much that she missed her partner's erect cock begging to be released.
"Care to tell my why you dressed like a slut?"
Cinder's icy tone bothered Emerald little. Few things bothered her at all these days. Her mind was too busy with keeping to the plan.
"Just following your instructions, Cinder." At the confused stare, the thief proceeded with the well-rehearsed lie. "Some teams are more secretive than others. They have places where they train in secret outside the school hours. Most of them, though, are getting anxious and frustrated. And horny too. I just decided to make myself look easy enough to lure them to my trap."
"Heh," Mercury chuckled and nudged Neo. "She said 'trap'."
Emerald wondered if the asshole's dad removed his brain along with his legs. That would explain a lot.
"Hmm, not a tactic I would use," Cinder thought. Then smiled. "But if that means increasing our chances at victory, then you are free to do as you wish. Though try to seduce those fools outside the school hours. I had to have a very unpleasant talk with Goodwitch on keeping my team in line and upholding the school prestige. I swear to Gods, that woman needs to get properly laid."
As Cinder began to rant on how she would run a school, Emerald couldn't help but grin at the thought of Jaune fucking Goodwitch. The woman was a real hot piece of ass for her age. And the thought of her future boytoy breaking the other girls down for her was just so hot. All those white bitches would be left to drool and fingerfuck themselves while she rode Jaune like there was no tomorrow. Those bitches, of course, included Cinder, the loyalty to which Emerald was quickly losing.
As she was soon left alone, she started her now normal routine of watching the hardcore porn. Particularly, that of white guys like Jaune finding the pleasure fucking thick ebony beauties like her. And damn, did she enjoy staining her sheets with her juices. Once she was done with the videos though, she decided to make one herself. Tha scrolls were no good, because there was always a chance of that video leaking and getting her in some hot water.
The black market burners though? Those were gold.
Positioning herself in front of the camera, Emerald made sure to go extra hard at it. Her fingers were just a start. Then went the toys. The some tasteful lingerie and finally, the costumes. And throughout it all, she imagined all the possible scenarios in which she would be taken and in which she would take. As her body went through the motions of showing off for the video, Emerald's mind drifted away into the daydreaming world.
"Class, pay attention," Goodbitch stood proud and haughty, despite being dressed like a complete and utter whore. Her chastity belt shone as she turned towards the class,"You will be quizzed on today's lesson next week. So you better now slack off."
The students nodded and watched as Jaune and Emerald made out on her desk. Rough and bestial, those were the only words that came to mind as they watched the resident dork and the exchange student. Many men watched in jealousy, fully aware they would never compare to Jaune. The pale pillow princesses like Weiss and Ruby were left biting their lips and fingering themselves, all too painfully aware they would never be able to handle someone like Jaune.
Only the black queens like Emerald were worthy of getting that cock. And her fellow ebony huntresses would all hunt for a piece of that action.
"As you know, women like me don't deserve something as big and thick as Master Arc's cock," Glynda winced at that, feeling the burning hatred of the fellow white bitches at her. "Which is why we must practice the proper conduct as cuckqueans. Slave Nikos, demonstrate!"
Emerald grinned. And so did Jaune as the girl he once loved crawled onto the stage before the class. A collar and a locked belt her sole pieces of clothing, the girl wasted no time or words and got onto her knees. Emerald stepped aside and allowed the girl to show where she and others belonged.
Using her tits to wipe Jaune's precum. Lubing his cock up with her saliva. Never a proper blowjob, just some licking and drooling. And as she got both of them prepared, she received the only payment a cuckquean like her deserved. A harsh slap across her cheek and across her ass by Emerald and Jaune respectively.
"Now, Slave Nikos forgot that she should have thanked them immediately," Goodbitch admonished. And Emerald knew it was all to gain some extra points with her. Whatever, she would allow the older woman humiliate herself further. "Which is why she will now be allowed to try and cum only every five months instead of the two."
Pyrrha didn't protest. Didn't even seem against it. She had long since accepted her fate.
"Faster, Nikos! Faster!" Emerald yelled as she cheered the girl on. "You do wanna cum, right?"
She did. She wanted it so much. She was screaming and begging for more time. Just five more minutes. Just five fucking more minutes and she would cum! She would cum and fry her brain just a little bit more. Get lost in the haze of the lust and idiocy as she allowed her brain go dead on her. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts, she failed and the ringing of the alarm spelled her doom.
"Of, you poor little thing," Emerald grinned down at her. Without mercy, she kicked away the dildos and ripped the vibrators off her cunt. "And I even gave you another five minutes to cum. Such a waste."
She didn't. She never did. But Pyrrha knew better than argue with her. The last time she did, Emerald whipped any revolt out of her and then made her sit and watch as she indulged in everything that was once hers.
"Back into the belt, bitch. Unless we are feeling disobedient."
Emerald watched the girl whimper and pull of her belt. A true wonder of sex toy world. Strong enough to withstand huntresses. And equipped with some nice features like vibration and shocker. Not that Emerald ever allowed the girl to enjoy the former to the full. She would occasionally turn it on at the lowest setting and leave the girl like that for a week or longer.
She wouldn't turn it off until Nikos threw herself at her feet, begging to be allowed to cum.
"Jaune and I are going out to meet with Arslan and Ciel," Emerald informed. "Be sure to have our dinner ready."
And as it always went, Pyrrha would do everything perfectly. Even now, as she went from a respected and famed huntress a pathetic house slave who owned nothing to her name, she had her pride. Even as she willingly signed away everything to Jaune and Emerald, effectively becoming their property, Pyrrha did her best to satisfy her masters. Because, she believed, if she worked hard enough, one day...
One day Jaune would fuck her again.
Even as it was the tenth year he refused to give her any pleasure.
"Mistress Emerald, please me! Breed me next, please!"
""No! No, no, no! Me! I am begging you, me next, please!"
"I was the first! I deserve it above you! Mistress, please, you know I have always been loyal!"
Emerald sipped her wine as she passed a row of bound girls. From Ruby to Cinder, all the girls she knew back from Beacon were here. Tied up in the Schnee Mansion, with the official owner whimpering and whining for Jaune not to leave her. One by one, she got them all under her heel. And now here she was, the former street rat in a mansion with the other girls her slaves.
And Jaune as her Husband and Master.
"Well?" Jaune asked as he hugged her from behind. "Which one gets it next, Em?"
She smiled.
The girls cried out in despair.
Most beautiful melody to her ears.
So many fantasies flooded her head, Emerald worked through each and one of them. But no matter the scenario, it all ended the same. Her at the very top of the totem pole. With other ebony huntresses sharing a very prestigious position among Jaune's harem. And the white girls doing whatever they could to earn their favor. It was a very pleasant dream. Perhaps, she would put extra effort and make it into a reality.
As she stopped the camera, she decided. She would work hard on reaching that future.
And it all began with this video.
Three hours worth of her home porn. Three hours of Emerald playing with herself. Three hours of describing all the way she would pleasure him.
Without any doubt or regret, she sent the video to the boy.
And then went back to dreaming some more.
"Oh look at you, Jaune," Pyrrha cooed. "You are so hard!"
It has been three hours since Jaune got that video. The video in which the girl he met in the showers was completely naked. In which she fucked herself with dildos as big as his cock without any tears or pain. The video in which she begged to be fucked by him.
"Do you like my tits around your cock, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked softly. "They are just for you to use and fuck as much as you like. Oooh, I bet you are almost close to cumming! Don't hold back! Give it to me!"
And now all he could think of was plowing that cheeky bitch until she was nice and broken. He would fuck her pussy until no other man could ever fill her like he did. He would violate her ass until she cried and begged him to make her his. He would claim each and every one of her holes and-
Pyrrha cried out in surprise as Jaune released his load. The thick strands of heavy white cream hit her face and her chest. But the genius girl didn't despair or even feel angry. She felt happy! So happy she barely contained a squeal. She did it! She made her boyfriend cum. Sure, with her tits only and it took her a good hour to do so but it was the results that mattered!
She was slowly getting better!
Jaune looked down at the girl, too much in love with her to tell her the truth. How he was driven to orgasm not by her lovely dirty talk or expressions. But the thoughts of fucking the ebony Emerald until she was pregnant with his child. He had no heart to tell her that he could cum just the same by jerking himself off with that video the exchange student sent him.
He didn't have the heart to do anything but lie to her.
"That was incredible, Pyrrha," he patted her head. She leaned into it. "I love you."
"Awww, I love you too!"
He watched Pyrrha go to their dorm's showers. He laid down on his bed and wondered where the hell his life was going. He loved Pyrrha. She was a great friend. Amazing girlfriend too. So why did the sex matter that much? He wasn't one of those assholes who got into relationship just to have sex, right? He wasn't. So why couldn't he be happy with what he had?
His scroll screen flared up.
A new message.
Perhaps he was too confused right now. Too busy and anxious to think the situation through. But whatever the circumstances, as soon as he read the message, he put his clothes on and left the room. As if in a haze, he found himself on the rooftop. The same place where Pyrrha trained him. Where he confessed about his admittance here. Where she confessed his love for him.
Where Emerald was sitting and waiting for him to come.
"Wow, you are fast."
"What do you want?"
The girl seemed taken aback by his cold and rude tone. But she quickly brushed it away and smiled.
"I like this angry face of yours," she said gently as she came dangerously close to him. His eyes fell towards her cleavage. She had no bra. "You should wear it more often. Gets me all wet and hot."
He couldn't push her away. No matter how much his common sense and loyalty screamed at him.
"I asked," he cleared his throat. "What do you want from me?"
"What do I want? Jaune, I think you got it wrong here," she pressed her breasts against him. His hands reached for her barely-covered ass. "It is what you want that brought you here."
She smelled of chocolate. Bitter and sweet. She smelled of dirt and sin, the heavy and addictive smell that invaded his every thought. She smelled of the broken promise and betrayal. The venomous yet sweet lie that risked it all.
"I... I don't think we should do this," he said. He was lying. But as long as he stuck to the lie, he would believe it one day too. "I don't love you. Hell, I don't even know who you are-"
"I am Emerald."
"Not my point," she chuckled. He ignored it. "The point is, I love my girlfriend. I love Pyrrha and I am not going to cheat on her, got it?"
She was smiling. Why was she smiling? Scream at him. Laugh at him. Do something so that he could forget about her and focus on his love for Pyrrha. Something that would take away the choice from him and leave him content.
"Is it cheating though?" Emerald smiled as she removed her jacket. He could have stopped her. Should've done exactly that right then. He couldn't. He didn't want to. "Tell me, Jaune, do you want Pyrrha to be happy?"
Like there was any doubt.
"I do."
"Then have sex with me."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Oh, but it does," she took off her shoes and let them drop. Her knee-high socks fit her legs tightly. Showing off the fat of the thights in all the right places. "Do you honestly believe your relationship can last as it is? That you can just keep lying about how good her tits feel when you want to fuck her ass and cunt till she is filled with your cum? Trust me, Jaune, such noble intentions will only lead to your ruin."
She stepped closer. He stepped back.
She started unbuttoning her shirt.
"Just like there are Alphas and Betas among men, there are Alphas and Betas among us girls. Those who rule. Those who are ruled."
Jaune scoffed.
"Pyrrha could kick half the school's ass with her eyes closed."
"True, but it is not the strength that determines an Alpha. Otherwise, guys like Cardin would be running the world," she smirked. "No. What makes an Alpha is the drive. The desire. And your girlfriend, sadly, lacks it. She is too passive. She allowed her fans and agents control her entire life. And the only thing she could think of doing about it was running away. Like a coward."
Jaune glared at the girl. He refused to listen to someone talk like that about Pyrrha.
"Oh, please, don't be mad at me, I am simply trying to help."
"And how me cheating on Pyrrha will help our relationship?"
"You will be free to wait for het to bloom into a perfect woman for you," Emerald reasoned. "You may not admit it now but you are growing impatient. Frustrated with her failure. It won't be long until jerking off in the shower or getting some mediocre titfuck from her will satisfy you. And do you know what happens then, Jaune?"
She was next to him, her exposed breasts pressed against him softly.
"You will cheat on her anyway. Only unlike me, that woman will brag and lord it over her and you. You will break the poor little Pyrrha's heart. And worst of all, you won't even care about it. You will become just a player who fucks girls and leaves them because you feel like it. A complete and utter asshole."
The vision was so clear now. Jaune hated what he saw in the future. A broken promise and bond. Destroyed relationship.
Loss of trust and faith in each other.
"If you agree to my offer, I will do it all for you, Jaune," Emerald smiled as she planted a kiss on his lips. "This sweet chocolate body will be yours to enjoy. Any hole. Any position, Any sexual fantasy of yours, I will give you everything. And neither Pyrrha nor your teammates and friends will ever know."
"... They won't?"
Emerald smiled.
"Not unless you want to."
Jaune frowned.
"Why me?"
Jaune was suspicious.
"Because you have a huge cock and I want to get fucked by it."
Emerald was blunt.
"So what do you say, Jaune? Deal?"
He was quiet. The good kind of quiet. Emerald smiled as she practically heard his resolve breaking apart in the night air. She was good. She learnt it on the streets. Negotiate not from the position of power. But from the position of a friend. Make them believe you are there to help. Show how much they can benefit from following your lead. And once they see things your way, it will be easy to guide them down a darker and dirtier path.
"... Deal," Jaune whispered. "But I will choose when and where it happens."
Cute, Emerald thought, he thought he had control.
"Very well," she gave a dramatic bow. "So? Wanna get a taste right now?"
He wanted to. She could see it.
"I should get back to Pyrrha."
"Go then," she waved a hand. "Be sure to kiss her for me."
As just like that, the next step of her plan was accomplished.
She couldn't wait to go even further.
"Hey, Jaune, Pyrrha here," the soft voice of his partner, recorded in the message, spoke shyly. "A-Anyway, just calling to see where you went. Text me back as soon as you can."
Emerald moaned in his ear as he kept thrusting in and out of the girl. For the first time since he started the relationship with Pyrrha, he had the chance to go all out. No whimpering or crying. No biting lips or begging to stop. He was free. Free to indulge in the lust he held back all this time.
"Keep going, Jaune!" Emerald hissed, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Keep fucking me while your girlfriend is looking for you! Oh yeah, just like that, fuck me up!"
He groaned and grunted. He obeyed and fucked her. Without restraint, enjoying the feeling of her fat ass in his hands. He squeezed her cheeks and spread them further. His fingers dug into her asshole and spread it as well. The girl yelped and Jaune shut her up with a kiss. She fought against it briefly before melting into the hot embrace. No thoughts. No doubts. Just instincts.
He could feel his cock twitch and spasm.
"On your knees."
She hopped off and kneeled. Hands behind her hand, mouth spread wide open, Emerald was the picture of a perfect slut.
He never saw anything as gorgeous.
With a loud grunt, he came. A stream of white semen shot into her mouth. The girl didn't gag or choke. She took it all with a smile. As the last bit of his load splashed against her face, Emerald smiled at him. Opening her mouth, she gave him a show of her tongue sloshing around in the bath of semen. Winking at him, she swallowed it all down in one go.
"Does Pyrrha love your cum?"
"She says she does," Jaune said honestly. "But she never really swallows it properly."
Emerald smiled.
Ths plan was coming along greatly.
"Jaune, look!" Pyrrha smiled at her boyfriend, showing off her new swimsuit. "My mom sent me this adorable little thing! Do you wanna go to the swimming pool this weekend?"
"You dirty fucking slut!"
"Oh yeah... I am a dirty fucking bitch," Emerald smiled as Jaune gave her ass another slap. "You need to punish me or I will never learn better."
He was happy to give her a rough spanking. And wasn't it just unfortunate that Pyrrha fell asleep. Nora and Ren would stay there and make sure nobody took advantage of the sleeping girl. Emerald snorted at the thought. Not that anyone would find the plain white one-piece suit she wore anywhere near sexy enough. Not some random guy. And not Jaune when he saw her.
Emerald was proud of how easily she got him to follow her. With trashy slutty leopard pattern two-piece suit that barely covered her nipples and pussy, she could practically feel Jaune fuck her with his eyes.
"S-Someone might come and find us here," she whispered.
"Do you actually care about being seen?"
She smiled. He knew her so well already.
"You know that I don't."
With her Semblance, even if someone managed to get in this private room, they would never see them. Not that Jaune cared as he plowed her ass. It felt painful. Burning and addictive, the rough assfucking he gave her more than made up for him ignoring her during classes and in the hall. She could Nikos smirk at that slightly. Pfff, the stupid bitch was so confident her boyfriend was above being influenced by her looks.
So much that she missed the way he always smelled like her.
The bitter chocolate and the lie.
As he finished inside her, Emerald swooned. She liked feeling his cum inside her. It only added to the feeling of superiority she was slowly getting addicted to. The feeling she experienced every time she saw Nikos living a happy little vanilla fantasy of hers.
Eventually, Jaune went back to his friends. And Emerald saved another video of her getting fucked by Jaune.
"The Vytal Tournament is starting right after the dance, Emerald. Have you got all the information on our competition?"
"Yup, filed and organized. Just like you like it."
"Excellent. You are not very talkative today, are you?"
Emerald bit back the moan and doubled her focus. Stupid Jaune. Fucking God. She loved him.
As Cinder read through the files, she was completely unaware that she was talking to mere illusion of Emerald. While the real deal was getting fucked atop the girl's bed. As the raven-haired leader went on and on how the other teams would fall and Haven would stand supreme, Jaune chuckled. It was an ugly twisted sound that got Emerald's cunt tighter and hotter.
"This Arc boy doesn't seem like much. Why pay so much attention to him in your files?"
As the fake Emerald gave the well-rehearsed answer, the real one struggled with keeping up her Semblance as Jaune doubled the strength snd the speed with which he was fucking her. Whenever Cinder turned away. her mirage would waver and distort. She opened her mouth, ready to cry out only for Jaune shove his fingers inside.
She tasted her own pussy and ass.
She was getting drunk on the taste.
"Anyway, you should focus on your training," Cinder smiled and left. "Make sure to stay in shape."
The door closed.
Emerald came with a cry.
Jaune didn't stop.
Her plan worked well. Too well, one might say. She knew how conditioning worked. And she was betting on it. With Pyrrha and his friends, Jaune would be a perfect little knight. With her, he could be the beast she knew he was hiding. And damn did it work.
"No time to relax, bitch," Jaune slapped his still erect cock across her face. "Time to continue your training."
If this kept up... It would not be her who stayed in power. As she sucked the boy off, a new thought entered her fragile lustful mind. As he played with her breasts and ass, the thought grew, As he fucked her cunt and ass, the thought grew stronger and more persistent.
As he came inside her, her mind was made up.
"Woooohooooo, let's get drunk, everyone!"
"There is no alcohol! And get down from the table, Yang!"
The Vytal Festival was the tradition to celebrate the unity of four Kingdoms. But for the students here today, it was the perfect opportunity to break away from the routine of their studies and get one last breath of fresh and free air before they would start fighting in one of the most important fights of their lives. The prestige of their schools. Their reputation as future protectors of the humanity. And their personal pride as warriors. It all would rest on the way they performed.
But that was the talk for tomorrow. The worries for the day that had yet to come.
Tonight, they were here to celebrate like the young people they were.
Some drank. Some danced. Some simply had the time of theit life. And one young Champion couldn't be happier with the way her life turned out. A year ago, the tought of being somewhere where she could just be herself seemed like a dream. And now that dream was a reality. Her dream come true. Friends. Boyfriend. And a happy life.
"You were amazing, Jaune."
"Thanks, Pyrrha, you two."
She giggled like a little girl when Jaune gave her a kiss. And to think that she thought their relationship was in trouble. Silly her. Worrying over nothing. She was so lucky to have found Jaune. And tonight, she planned to show him he was right to stay with her. She would make sure he could never forget their night together. Once the dance was over, she would bring him to a special hotel room she found and paid for and then- Oooh, the things that they would do together!
Better move 'cause we've arrived
Lookin' sexy, lookin' fly
The sudden shift from the soft and slow dancing music took the whole room by the surprise, The surprise that was quickly followed up and overwhelmed by the arrival of the the girl Pyrrha has been seeing an awful lot of lately. Dressed in tight white dress that showed off her wide hips and fat ass, the girl walked with the confidence of the lioness. She cared little for whistles or stares. For envious and angry looks thrown her way. All she cared was getting to wherever she heading.
Pyrrha didn't realize until it was too late that she was coming for them.
Jaune stepped forward, his gaze hard.
"Something I may help you with, Emerald?"
He sounded so cool, Pyrrha thought. Oblivious to the way Emerald licked her lips.
"Just stand back and watch the show, stud."
Pyrrha practically frothed at her mouth as the girl kissed her boyfriend on the lips. She wanted to do something. Say something. But instead she found herself held in place by something truly ominous. She didn't dare make a scene. And so she was forced to watch.
The crowd formed around them, the alcohol and hormones running high. The beatiful black girl shaking her hips and ass in the center of it made them cheer and cry in approval. As if they were caught in some trance, the couple of cut her and the rest of the group away and pushed Jaune inside onto the single chair. Emerald looked her in the eyes and smirked.
Shaking her hips, the girl made a show of using the movement to ride her dress up until her juicy black ass was exposed for everyone to see. Ruby and Weiss covered their eyes. Yang ran off to get the teacher. Ren and Nora were comforting her. But those were the only people who appeared to be bothered by it. Instead, all the rest were practically infected with the lust.
As they watched the girl swing her ass round and round before throwing it up and down, the boys and girls around her started making out. Like the patient zero of some mysterious plague, Emerald's shaking ass and swinging hips spread lust and madness through the crowd. From then on, the foreplay was over and the girl began twerking for real.
Emerald didn't waste any time moving slow or making any more show of what she wanted. She wanted to shake her fat black ass, and that was exactly what she was going to do. Her cheeks began to clap against one another in a hypnotic rhythm, as her hips swung from side to side heavily. It was now apparent that she was not wearing any bra since the entire room could see her full tits wobble she leaned down further.
Like a little cum-hungry bimbo, Emerald straightened up suddenly as she ran her hands along the taunting countours of her body. A show for all to see, but only one man to truly enjoy. She was showing off what it would feel like to be so near her. To touch her. to handler her body so intimately.
Her booty conitnued to clap, ass cheeks rippling against each other. Soon, her bright green thong was lost within the mounds of her ass as trhe girl continued gyrating it like it had a life of its own. As the rap music banged on through the entire dance hall, all eyes were glued to the sight of Emerald twerking her fat ass right in front of him, smacking her cheeks from side to side to the rhythm of the music.
Growing cocky, she started grinding her ass on his crotch. The vibrations sent by the two fine pieces of meat smacking against him soon got the desired result. Emerald grinned, enjoying the feeling of a hot hard cock between her cheeks.
Reaching behind, Emerald made sure to give her ass a good smack. The smack that sent ripples visible through her thin dress. The smack loud enough to shake the numb and silent redhead out of stupor. Pyrrha saw red, her very being aflame. She hated this feeling. She hated the pleasant flame in her loins even more.
The crowd fell silent and the music came to an abrupt stop as Pyrrha Nikos - the model student pushed the girl off and away before pulling the blonde out of the chair. She didn't blame Jaune. Her poor boyfriend must have been scared and confused so much he couldn't move. She glared at Emerald, forgetting all about appearances and hissed, "You better hope we don't fight in the matches, Sustrai."
And with that, Pyrrha dragged Jaune away. Away from crowd of horny assholes. Away from a thieving bitch. There was still time. Still enough time to make the evening theirs. Pyrrha smiled as Jaune gave her a kiss. She was looking forward to having him all to herself.
"I can't believe that bitch did all of this."
"There, there, Pyr, it's alright," Jaune said soothingly. His hand brushing her hair, he did his best to make her feel better. "Honestly though, that came out of nowhere. I hope she gets her just punishment. Maybe Goodwitch will make even smack her around with her crop."
Pyrrha giggled, "Knowing the way she is, she might actually enjoy it."
"And then twerk in front of Goodwitch?"
"I would be fine with it."
As long as the girl stayed away from her knight, Pyrrha didn't care if Emerald started a freaking brothel.
"Hey, Jaune?"
"Yes, Pyrrha?"
"I... I, uh... Oh, fuck it," she latched onto his lips. A soft and warm feeling filling her very being. "I want us to go all the way tonight. I want to claim you as mine. And hope you will do the same for me."
He smiled and returned her kiss.
"Let's do this."
Under the moonlight, the two undressed each other. As their hands worked on removing the layers of clothing, their mouths were busy exploring each other. Pyrrha knew she smelled of roses and apples. Jaune's smell surprised her. He always smelled like cotton candy and fresh morning air. But as she bit gently into his neck, she caught the smell of something else entirely.
The smell of dark and bitter chocolate.
"Pyrrha, is everything alright?"
The girl shook her head. What was she thinking about anyway? Of course, he smelled like Emerald. The nasty little whore tainted him with her smell. No problem, she thought. She would simply have sex with him until he smelled of her and only her.
"Everything is perfect, Jaune."
She pushed the boy onto the back and took the position, ready to mount his amazing cock.
"Time for you to have sex with a real woman!"
Jaune grunted underneath her as her trained cunt swallowed him whole. A far cry from the ways things used to be. A hopeful song of their future love. She rode him with all her might, gyrating her ass on the top of him. Feeling every single inch of his cock fill her up. He was so huge and hard but she would bare it all for him. As she felt him thust up and into her pussy, Pyrrha couldn't help but smile all the more.
It was finally perfect.
As the things should have been.
"I bet Emerald would never be able to take your cock, Jaune."
"She could never compare."
"You are mine, Jaune! I am so happy!
The air was filled with love and passion.
With the sounds of grunts and moans.
With the smell of bitter chocolate and sweet little lies.
"Jaune, fuck me from behind!" Pyrrha cried out feverishly. "I want you take me like a filthy little bitch I am!"
Emerald rolled her eyes and stuck the automatic dildo inside the stupid little cunt. The redhead swooned and moaned and panted like a bitch in heat. Though the way she acted, Emerald doubted if it was an insult to the girl or actual mongrels. The dildo the girl lost her virginity to wasn't even half the size of Jaune's cock but Nikos was far too stupid and arrogant to figure that out.
Welp, whatever worked for her.
"You are a real bitch."
"Which is why you love me."
Emerald smirked as there was no protest from Jaune. Out in the public, he would always be the same awkward wide-eyed naive idiot. But here? With her and her alone, he was someone else. A man she molded into the ultimate specimen of her tastes. Cunning enough to follow her plays. Strong enough to handle her and her sex drive. Vicious enough to make her submit to him.
And completely and hopelessly addicted to her dark fuckmeat.
Emerald gave Pyrrha another look. The girl was under heavy illusion this time. A technique of sorts Emerald developed for some deeper hypnosis. And as long as Emerald desired it, Nikos would only see, hear, smell and feel what she wanted. She was lucky Emerald was in a good mood. Like a dumb monkey, the girl was humping a fucking pillow fully confident she was getting a dicking from her beloved blonde. All the while the real deal was playing around with her ass like his favorite toy.
"Heh, okay then. Guess I should pay you back for the shit you pulled at the dance," Jaune said unzipping his pants. His thick foot-long cock fell out of its confines in all its girthy glory. "Don't expect me to go easy on you, Emerald."
Holy shit... He's even bigger than usual...! She thought her heart race a bit. The beating of her heart was nothing compared to the throbbing of her hungry cunt as she stared at the underside of his monster cock. They had fucked so much over the past few weeks but his cock looked as big, as thick and as threatening as if it would after years of neglect. Silently, Emerald promised herself that she would do her best to drain those balls and claim that cock as hers.
"Aaaah!" Nikos cried out, to Emerald's annoyance. "I am cumming, Jaune! I am cumming!"
She watched the champion of Mistral shake her hips as her pussy started squirting all over the floor. Emerald turned her nose away in digust. With a quick application of her Semblance, she pulled out a ball-gag and stuck it in the girl's mouth. As far as Nikos knew, Jaune found it in one of the drawers and used it add some spice. Nikos, like a dumb cunt she was, eagerly accepted it all.
"Now that the pest is dealt with, are you ready for a real woman to serve you?"
Jaune didn't move or say anything. Everything the girl needed was in his eyes. The command. The order. Impress him. Earn her right to be his. She gave Nikos one last look. The pathetic girl was whimpering and getting fucked by a dildo. She looked so pitiful.
Emerald loved it.
And she would make sure Jaune kept her by his side so that she could watch even more of such pathetic side of the Invincible Girl.
Falling to her knees, the girl cralwed up to him. Her dress was long discarded and now she was free to sway her hips for his pleasure. Quickly adjusting herself before him, with her palms straight on the ground and her pussy rubbing against the floor, Emerald placed her head spread her mouth wide open with lust-filled eyes. A game, she could remember, where she had to get him hard with nothing more than a glance.
As she found his previously flaccid cock press against her cheek, Emerald scored her first victory tonight. She silently asked for permission. With ass wagging and her eyes wanting, she was whimpering like a little slut. He rolled his eyes but gave his permission. Without further play, Emerald latched onto his bulging head. Sucking the tip of his cock into her gullet, she savored the bitter and salty taste of sweat and pre-cum.
Jaune groaned softly feeling the ebony beauty's hot wet mouth swallow up the head of his cock. She was sucking him off, slurping and smacking as if she was enjoying the sweetest candy her tongue ever tasted. Eager to please and desperate to be of use, he could feel her hunger for more grow. Not that he would grant it until he wanted to. Something changed in him. Changed for the better. And whatever it was, he now wished to see how far Emerald could go before giving her anything at all.
Closing her eyes, Emerald doubled her efforts on giving her man the best blowjob she could give. Having lived on the streets, she saw her fair share of whores give the men a sloppy blowjob. The hours she had spent watching all sorts of porn would also show their results now. Done with the generic stuff, she went for her some hardcore stuff.
With a cheeky glint in her eyes, the girl squeezed her lips tight around his thick head. Having it trapped with no means for escape, Emerald started bobbing her head up and down the thick girthy shaft. A small faint gasp from the blonde was all the encouragement she needed to continue on. Pushing her throat to the limits, she was slowly working it across the length of his cock. Slurping all throughout it, she felt on shame in letting the dirty cocktail of her saliva and his precum mix and drool down her mouth.
It didn't take long for her to adjust to the feeling in her throat. Even less to quicken the pace and give her man what he definitely desired. Under Jaune's grunts, her head was now bobbing up and down the full length of his monster cock. Her lips, still as tight as before, were sucking him without mercy. Emerald felt the pride swell inside her chest as Jaune started patting her like a good little bitch she was.
"Mmm~" She slurped loudly. Shamelessly as she enjoyed pushing her face into his crotch. The feeling of his full length taking all the place inside her throat was more intoxicating than any drink she ever had. "Mmm!"
She could feel it! As she quickened her pace, her heart started beating in tune. She could feel him get closer and closer to orgasm. She didn't dare stop. Didn't even think of slowing down. She wanted his cum. She wanted it! She needed it! She craved it like nothing ever before. Emerald slurped and sucked loudly and tirelessly, her tongue hungrily dragging its way all over his cock in a desperate attempt to get as much taste of him manmeat.
It tastes so good ... More... Please, Gods, above, let me taste more ...I...I want to suck him my whole life...
Fuck Cinder and her plans. Fuck Pyrrha and his friends. Fuck whatever else life would throw at her. As long as she could service Jaune for the rest of his life, she would be perfectl content with whatever came after them.
As Nikos continued to moan and rolled her tongue around, Emerald couldn't help but enjoy the feeling more. Nikos seemed to be giving a blowjob to the phantom cock. And while she was sucking and smacking on thin air, Emerald was getting all the cockmeat and cream a bitch like her needed. The melody of sucking and moaning and grunting filled the room. She looked up at Jaune, drinking in his pleased expression. Her work. This was all her work and she couldn't have anything better than his cruel smile.
"Time for your reward, Emerald. Make sure not to waste a single drop!" Jaune hissed and she braced herself. Roughly grabbing her hair, Jaune pushed his whole length inside her throat. He eyes and throat bulged out, her cunt going out of control from all the pressure. And just as Jaune released sick loads of his potent semen down her throat, the thief came all over the floor like a complete degenerate. "Someone has to clean it all up."
Emerald smirked and changed the illusion for Nikos again. She removed her ballgag and stared at the puddle of Emerald's pussy juices, "Oh, look at the wine you spilled, Jaune," the girl giggled and crawled over to the spot with a sweet little smile. "Just let me clean this up for you."
Emerald and Jaune watched Pyrrha lap up the girl's pussy juices and comment on how much she liked this wine. Emerald thought it was hilarious, briefly wondering if she would enjoy her piss as well. Jaune found it hot, evident from his quickly returning erection. Emerald growled, feeling that even when Nikos was nothing but a dumb bitch she was somehow stealing the attention away from her.
Well, that was about to change.
Making Nikos go sit in the corner and masturbate, Emerald walked over the bed. Getting on all fours, she turned away from Jaune and shook her thick fat ass in front him. She didn't care what she looked like. How little respect or pride was in her humiliating submissive posture. All that she cared about was getting that thick cock inside her.
"Haaah... Jaune? Please, Jaune?" She whimpered, letting go of any restraints. She felt his hand rubbing up against her exposed cunt. They had fucked so many times before. But she always had some semblance of control. But not anymore. And never from now. With him, she would always be at the mercy of his temper and will. She was almost ready to cum from such thoughts. "Please, I wanna make you feel good! Let me service you with my needy tight holes!
A smack across her ass made her cry out in surprise. A second one - from climaxing all over again. He continued to rain down smacks across her sensitive chocolate ass until it was more burning bright red.
The girl whimpered and panted, not quite used to this rough treatment but no less welcoming of it. As long as it came from him, she would happily bear all of it.
"Spread your ass, Emerald," Jaune hissed into her ear. She nodded and eagerly did just that, exposing her tight hole for him to see. "I must say, you taught me a lot about myself. How much I enjoy being in control. How easy it is to like something even when you know it is wrong. Tell me, Emerald, did you imagine things would be like that between us when you approached me?"
Never in her life.
"N-No, Jaune," she whimpered, embarrassed to tell him what she thought. What she expected. He already knew why she was spying on them. But she never told him what she expected from their relationship. "I thought I would be able to keep you as my personal boytoy. Fuck you when I want. How I want. Make you into my own source of stress relief."
"And now?"
"I-I know better than that," Cinder was wrong about so many things. But she did get one thing right about Emerald. She was not cut out to be the top dog. "I know that you will handle a harem better. Y- I would be happy if you let me work as your second-in-command. I would be so happy to teach the other black girls I know how great you are."
Arslan from team ABRN, The uptight cunt Ciel from Atlas. She would be so happy to get them and more as her slut sisters for Jaune.
"And white girls?" Jaune asked as he squeezed her ass tight. "What about girls like Pyrrha?"
"T-They could never satisfy you, Jaune," Emerald spoke from the heart. Seriously, who could fuck that monster cock of his like her and other ebony beauties? Not the jailbait Ruby. Or that heiress bitch Schnee. Perhaps the fat-assed Vakyrie could do something but the rest? None of them had the hips, asses or tits to compare to girls like Emerald. "So please, let me help you see just how much better the girls like me are compared to some vanilla shit these girls would give you."
He was silent.
"P-Pleas-AaaaH!" she felt his strong hands grab at her waist. His thick tip resting against her tight little asshole. She grinned at him, "So, you finally gonna give in and give me some good time, right? Go right ahead, I know you want to, Jaune. Fuck me up! Fuck my ass until I can no longer be satisfied by anyone else!"
Eyeing up her delicious black ass, Jaune chuckled. No need for him to be told twice, he rubbed Misty's pussy and ass with two thick fingers. Slowly, he pushed them inside and got all her wet and ready. Not thatr it required much time or effort from him at this point. Emerald was really strong. But she was also sneaky and would likely try and manipualte him if he left her enough of willpower to do so. Her mind was definitely not as good or solid right now as it was when they met. The girl was on the verge of breaking apart into a bunch of instincts.
It was only natural that he pushed her towards it.
"Don't cry for mercy later than, you slut," He muttered, his cocktip invading her puckered asshole without much argument. Emerald hasn't been a virgin even when she met Jaune. But those were small one-time nights and with how big and thick Jaune was... Well, she might as well have been a complete and total virgin.
Emerald slapped the bed, letting out a low loud moan. As if she was being ripped apart in the most pleasant of ways, she bit into the sheets and cried, "FuuuUUUcucking shiiiiiiit! Yes, yes, yes, YEEEEEEEES! You are ripping my ass apart! Please, don't stahp!"
She could feel her Aura fizzle and crack from the pain. Oh, once it was out, how much more painful and pleasurable it would get. The mere thought was enough to drive her even wilder. Jaune grinned as he continued to spread her ass open inch by inch. To his growing surprise, Emerald was taking it all with the same kind of love as before. Even when he was not nearly as big or ferocious as he was right now.
"Fuck, your cock is fucking best, Jaune!" she cried out deliriously. "Oh, Gods, I can feel your cock in my guts! You are so deep in my ass I can feel it in my guts!" Emerald was positively babbling now. Her words a barely coherent mess of expletives and curses. Her mind a wild hive of every single dirty thing a girl knew. His cock went deep and hard, pressing down on her innards to the point she was cumming from a simple act of breathing. That's how powerful he was. How much power he held over her. "Please, make me cuuuuuuuum!"
Jaune thrusted inside her one more time, the pressure from her ass and guts so strong and overwhelming it reached even further inside. Right towards her womb. And as Jaune continued to fuck her ass with his full length, Emerald felt like he was pounding her pussy at the same time. Her world was falling apart. Her loyalties and goals crushed into dust, all she cared for was getting Jaune to fuck her even harder. Even faster.
With a wet sticky sound, Jaune pulled out. Leaving her so hollow she couldn't bear a single moment of it. What was wrong? Was it something she did? She would make up for it if only he let her.
"You are a good bitch, Emerald."
Her heart swooned at the praise.
"Now I want you to do something for me. Do it and I will cum inside your pussy and make you my top bitch."
Anything. She ready to do anything.
"Just tell me what you want."
Jaune grinned.
"Help me tie Pyrrha up."
Emerald was quiet, taken aback by the odd request. But as she met Jaune's eyes, she realized instantly what he wanted. And just like the opportunistic sadist she was, Emerald jumped at the chance to get the girl she wanted to hurt for so long.
Pyrrha was at the top of her world. Hours and hours of sex with Jaune were the kind of heaven she never imagined possible or wanted. But now that she had tasted the forbidden fruit of his body, she would never tire of the taste. His strong arms and gentle touch were all the Pyrrha needed to be happy. The whole world might have pushed her to be perfect, but as long as Jaune stayed by her side, she would happily fight through everything.
"Jeez, Pyrrha, go easy on that toy," the familiar - an unpleasantly so - voice spoke candidly. "Talk about going wild."
"Emerald," Pyrrha hissed as she covered herself with the sheet. How did she get in without her noticing? Little matter. "Leave before I make you. You know I can do that."
"Can you now though?" Emerald smiled. The kind of smile that you wore when you knew of yours victory. When you were sure of it. "Tied up like that?"
What was she talking about? Pyrrha had no time for this. Jaune was sound asleep and she refused to let him be woken up by the likes of Emerald. She moved to get up. her feet never touched the ground though. In panic, she looked at Emerald. The green-haired girl gasped in false shock, "Sorry, Nikos, I forgot something. Here, let me help you."
With the sweet smile and hungry eyes, Emerald pulled off some kind of seal from Pyrrha's wrist. The same place where she touched her during the dance. The effects of the seal being removed didn't wait for long. As if she was woken up from a dream, the world around her changed. She was no longer in warm and soft bed. Instead he was on the cold floor, her arms tied behind her back. Her legs spread apart and duck-taped. The hotel room was the same but the feeling about it was all wrong.
And then there was the smell.
The smell of bitter chocolate.
"Emerald, you bitch, what have you done?" Pyrrha raged. "Where is Jaune? If you hurt him, I swear to Gods, I will-"
"Why not let him speak for himself?"
It was only now that Pyrrha noticed that Jaune was in the same room. But something was off about him. There was no more of that bubbly puppy feeling about him. Instead he looked like a wolf. And he was hungry.
"Hey Pyrrha. Glad to have you back with us."
"Jaune..." she whispered, not at all liking how casual the blonde was with being naked. Or Emerald rubbing herself against his leg. "What is going on?"
"A confession," Jaune smiled softly as she walked up to her. His cock, erect and imposing, stood even bigger than she remembered. "The last night was Emerald's illusion. She made you think you were fucking me the entire time. In reality, while you were busy with this plastic toy," he picked up the dildo that absolutely reeked of her juices. "I was busy fucking Emerald into submission."
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... This couldn't be true. It must have been some nightmare. A cruel prank her imagination was playing on her. She would have shut her ears but her arms were bound. And so she listened on as Jaune spoke further.
"I have been having sex with Emerald ever since we became official. I tried to ignore her. Tried to focus on what happiness we had outside the bed, but I wasn't able to do it foreve, Pyrrha. Then Emerald came along and offered to be my stress relief until you learned how to handle my cock. Until you became strong enough for me to actually fuck."
Pyrrha was openly crying at this point. It was all wrong. All of this was so messed up.
"But that day never came. Even know, if I tried to have sex with you, I doubt you would be able to handle my full length for even a few minutes before passing out," Pyrrha sobbed as she felt how worthless she was. It hurt even more as Jaune sounded absolutely disappointed in her. "Despite all of this, I still love you more than anyone else in the whole world. I want to be with you, Pyrrha. One day, I wish to marry you too."
He was cheating on her. Making a fool out of her all this time. So why was she feeling so happy about his words? Why did she feel the damn hope he would keep his word?
Why did she feel so hot?
"I was tired of living a lie. Lying to you. To our friends. To myself," Jaune brought Emerald up from her knees. "Now is the time to be honest with myself."
He gave her a kiss. The kind of kiss even her wildest fantasies didn't see. There was nothing princely or romantic about it. It was wild and savage, full of nothing but sheer mating desire. Pyrrha could have had it for herself. Would have if only she were a better woman. But she was not and now she was watching a better woman - Emerald - take her beloved away.
Why did she feel so hot?
"He loves ebony girls like me, Nikos. With our wide hips, thick thighs and juicy asses, we are the only ones who can actually handle studs like Jaune," turning the girl around, Jaune lifted her off the ground. Emerald looked positively giddy as Jaune impaled the girl on his cock. The guttural bestial cry the thief let out sent shiver down Pyrrha's spine. Why did she feel so damn hot? As Jaune began to fuck her pussy, she looked her straight in the eye, "This is what real sex is like, Nikos! This is the kind of raw fucking you should have given him! Maybe then he would never leave you for me!"
Would she ever be able to handle it?
Pyrrha doubted it.
Emerald was screaming, crying in gibberish. Fuck her up. Impregnate her. Make her cunt his personal cum tank. The flood of obscene phrases filled the room and Pyrrha watched in awe as Emerald was actually enjoying having her pussy stuffed full of all that cockmeat. Her loins burned with want. Her mouth ran dry with need. She wanted it. She couldn't have it.
All she could do was watch.
"Oh yes! Oh, fuck! Gods above, fucking hell!" Emerald cursed as she looke down at Pyrrha. "Get used to the view, Nikos! I am not letting you have anything but his scraps!"
Jaune placed her down. On all fours, staring Pyrrha straight in the face, Emerald looked like she was some otherwordly being. Panting and grunting, Jaune's enormous cock plowing her from behind, the girl cupped Pyrrha's face and smiled at her. A cruel twisted smile.
"He still loves you. You still have his heart," she hissed. It was clear she hated to say that. "But his mind and body? They are all mine now. Nghh!"
Jaune gave her a harsh slap across her ass. So hard her Aura flared up.
"You can run, Nikos. Leave the two of us alone. Leave him for me to conquer his heart. I am sure you will find yourself a nice pencil-dick who will be happy with your being easy to please," Emerald spoke sweetly, even as venom dripped off of every word. "Or you can stay with us. Fight me for him. Try and get on my level. But I promise you, if you do that, I will not let you go easily."
Pyrrha whimpered. She was stronger than Emerald so why was she shaking so much?
And feeling so hot from the thought of losing to her?
"Aaaah!" Emerald cried out as Jaune pumped one final load inside her. Getting on her feet, Emerald proudly showed off the thick semen oozing out of her fucked-up cunt. "See this? This is what I earned. And this," she pointed at Pyrrha's throbbing swollen cunt. "is what you earned. So what shall it be, Pyrrha? Will you stand and fight for Jaune? Or would you rather give him up here and now?"
She refused to give up.
"Whatever you've got, bring it on!" Pyrrha glared. "I will make myself worthy of Jaune's cock. And then you will never get fucked by him again."
Emerald chuckled. Jaune did as well. Pyrrha's heart sank, her bravado now having a hole in it.
"Very well, Pyrrha. That's one of the reasons I love you so much," Jaune gave her a soft kiss. She leaned into it, grasping on the feeling like a life jacket. "But until you are actually able to handle me, you are going to be our cuckquean."
C-Cuckquean? What was that?
"W-What will I be?"
"Cuckquean," Emerald spelled out as if Pyrrha was an idiot. "A beta bitch. A denial slut. A no-touch no-fuck servant that I get to order around. Here, let me demonstrate t you!"
With a sick grin, Emerald pulled on Pyrrha's nipples. Giving her no time to recover from the shock, Emerald gave her a couple of slaps across her face before finally pushing her onto her back. With a laugh, the thief stepped on Pyrrha's swollen red cunt and pressed.
"Stop! Please, it hurts!"
"Exactly," Emerald smiled. "And physical pain is only a part of it. You will serve us, Nikos. Whatever I say, you will do. If I tell you walk through Beacon naked, you will do that. If I tell you to eat only whatever I give you, you will do that. No matter how humiliating and degrading it is, you will do what I say. And you will keep doing it until Jaune promotes you from a Cuckquean Cunt to his Bitch. Unless you want to back off now and stop bothering us."
The picture was grim, Pyrrha trembled. Having Emerald given so much power was terrfiying.
But she was Pyrrha Nikos. And she didn't give up.
"I will do it," she hung her head in shame. "And when Jaune and I are married, I will keep you as a dog, Emerald."
Emerald chuckled.
"Sure thing, Nikos. Give it your best shot." she pressed herself against Jaune. Wiping some of his semen from her pussy, Emerald smeared it all over Pyrrha's face. "Until then, enjoy the show. And your snack too."
Tied up and unable to move, Pyrrha was forced to watch the love of her life fuck the thief she considered a nuisance at best. And like an obedient cuck, Pyrrha ept the small bit of cum in her mouth. Enjoying whatever pleasure the small portion of it gave her.
Jaune held the two of them close as Emerald sucked him off. Pyrrha watched closely as the girl swallowed down his whole length. Jaune threw the two of them onto the bed, first her then Emerald on the top of hers. Pyrrha whimpered and sobbed as she felt Jaune fuck Emerald in her ass and pussy, She felt the pain doubly since she could tell just how intense it was. How much she wanted it to be her who was getting fucked.
Come the morning, Pyrrha paid for the room and walked beside the two. They went back to the dorm and Emerald gave Pyrrha another humiliating gift. Her own thong, drenched in Jaune's cum. The sight of it made her happy though and Pyrrha humbly accepted the gift. That night was the last night she could pleasure herself. And so she did.
With Emerald's thong held between her teeth, the leftover semen in her mouth, Pyrrrha was masturbating. Drowning in her lustful fantasies, the girl imagined where her life would go now. She imagined so many different scenarios. So many ways she would find her way back into Jaune's heart and embrace.
But no matter how much she thought of the future, it all remained the same. She would always be the pathetic whimpering cuckquean who begged and pissed herself for her betters' amusement. And Emerald would always be the harsh and cruel Mistress that Pyrrha depended on to get any semblance of pleasure.
She came, shamelessly staining her cold sheets. Where was Jaune, she wondered briefly. Her scroll screen flared up. A picture of Emerald gorging herself on Jaune's cock. Her loins burned again. The fantasy changed in her head. Now she was kneeling beside the two. Panting and begging for a drop of Jaune's cum. She was not given any. Not directly at leasy. Like a good little doggy, she lapped up whatever fell on the carpet.
Pyrrha came again.
The fantasy shifted. They were getting married but Pyrrha was still locked in a chastity belt after all these years. And once they came to their room, she would be allowed to hump the pillow while Jaune and Emerald enjoyed their night.
Pyrrha came again.
The fantasy shifted once more. She was Pyrrha Arc. A wife, a mother and a slave. Her daughter never knew she was her real mother. In her eyes, Pyrrha Nikos was just the maid of daddy and mommy, Jaune and Emerald. Her being impregnated by Jaune was her anniversary gift. She wondered if she could beg herself another one this year. Maybe if she acted like a really good dog, Emerald would give it to her.
Pyrrha came again.
And again and again and again. Thousands of fantasies. All with the same outcome.
But one that, with each orgasm, Pyrrha was slowly coming to accept as her fate.
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blogpulse735 · 3 years
Metal Logo Maker
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I will make a brutal, insane, and mindblowing death metal logo for your band or another purpose. Fisrt thing to do: - tell me anything about the logo you want, - the logo type you like - if you are a band and already has recorded a song, you can also drop a link in order page, bcs I love lto listen your song while I'm designing your logo. With Logogenie, take the hassle out of dealing with a design agency and do it yourself in 3 easy steps! Enter you business name, choose from a range of metal logo templates and customize your logo in minutes with our online logo maker. Our leading logo creator has a. Metal: examples of logos, create logo online for free - Turbologo.
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I manually draw Logos and all kinds of Lettering Art since 2004 (running my website since January 2005). Mostly i work for artists, metal bands, private individuals. I also design metalhead and gothic personal name tattoos, since the workflow is the same for all hand-drawn names. If you want to make a request just contact me or my manager by e-mail or on Facebook and Instagram. Styles i prefer to work with: Black Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore, Heavy and Thrash Metal oldschool type designs, Deathcore and Metalcore, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal. I'm always up for drawing something different from the majority of band logos.
I provide high resolution files 6500px wide, 300dpi - perfect for professional prints or any production. Vector PSD, AI, EPS, TIFF files and raster PNG with transparent background, JPG images. Ask for PDF files if you need.
Band Logo Design, Personal Name Tattoo, Band Symbol or Emblem, Personal Monogram, Metalhead Lettering, Sigil Design, drawing Logotype based on Client's sketch - €60 EUR | £50 GBP | $66 USDPrice for single design including two revisions with tweaks if necessary.
Existing Logo Improvement - from €30 EURIf you already have digital logo but want to improve the quality and get a vector file.
Revisions: Price includes two Revisions with adjustments to your liking.
Color and Textures - Adding desired Photoshop Effects is free as bonus.
Payment Method: PayPal (under British Management). Payment Methods may vary upon agreement with customer.
Timeframe: The job takes from 3 to 8 days to complete, as i work with queued requests.
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Sometimes I accept promotional design jobs. This way works for bands with over 800 followers on Facebook or Instagram.
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Hand-drawn Black Metal Logo Designs, from traditional Old School True Black to Pagan with Folk elements and Avantgarde. The style doesn't limit the visual appearence of the Logo. You can see some organic roots and branches with rough jagged weathered edges and embedded illustration with wild or mythic animals, as well as smooth legible designs that lean towards tough Heavy Metal.
If you'll take a look at modern Death Metal Logos you may notice that there is huge variety of styles. As a graphic designer i usually work with almost any style, it can be simple and legible but still brutal and tough, or it can be high detailed artwork connected with veins, roots, dripping or have overall leaking style. The only style i prefer not to work with is 'the Cough Up Hairballs' logos, when you barely can tell if it's even a word.
Metalcore Logo Design is usually based on simplified letter shapes with particles, splatter, chips and/or curved ornaments. Deathcore Logotype Designs are exaggerated, brutal and less legible. Both styles have rather modern look with either very bold or quite thin letters.
Death Metal Font Maker
I've listed here all band emblems and logos that are perfectly readable, atmospheric, still extreme metal but don't fall into any specific genre. I think the advantage of neutral Metal Band Logotype is that it doesn't require to be adjusted if the band decides to develop their style further.
Both styles is a blend of sharp long spikes, fairly legible predominantly geometric lettering and smooth or slightly cracked edges. The Logotype often goes with high contrast outline.
Black Metal Logo Maker
Terms of Use: The Artworks are for preview only, and may not be modified or used in any other way. Every lettering design has been made by request and has its owner. You can place your request if you want to get your own original lettering done.
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
lay me gently | ksj
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there is no time for loneliness among the fires of your forge, no room in your buzzing mind for thoughts of anything but your next invention and the pain in your leg. your life is tilted off its axis, though, when your parents arrange a marriage without your knowledge or consent, and your new husband begins to situate himself into your life despite protests from either of you. you don’t know what zeus and hera have planned, but a volcano is no place for a love god like seokjin. | monsters and gods pt 2 (masterlist)
pairing | seokjin x reader
genre/warnings | greek god au, aphrodite!jin, hephaestus!reader, disabled!reader (kind of. more technically accurate would be chronic pain!reader. but thats a whole discussion that ur welcome to have with me), fluff, slight angst but not a ton, v brief allusions to violence but its purposefully vague, not so brief descriptions of physical injury, descriptions of chronic pain, cyclopes! everywhere! i use that word so many times!, smut, literally the most vanilla smut i’ve ever written there are only two warnings, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, there are mentions of a war god that is a dick but it is Not Ares i promise, everyone still hates zeus bc he sucks, this also features dionysus!jimin but only a little, 
word count | 12.9k | cross posted to ao3
a/n | this is the second installment of gods and monsters!! i was actually in the middle of writing from eden when i stumbled across a really fantastic blurb about retelling aphrodite’s story the way we’ve all collectively decided to retell persephone and hades, so that there are two decent fucking couples in greek mythology, and there were a lot of good comments on said blurb that made those last two braincells in my head run into each other and make an idea. and then i promptly opened a new doc and typed half of this and a vague summary before sleeping for longer than i should have! and i’m always weak for aphrodite jin bc i mean....look at him....man looks like he was sculpted by Michelangelo like who am i to deny the gods, y’know? and i figured that since i had olympian!reader in the last one, i’d continue that and have olympian!reader in this one, also i wanted an excuse to write from a hephaestus pov since i’ve loved that dumbass blacksmith since i was ten and wrote a greek history article in school. so here, have this aphrodite retelling!! | title from work song by hozier
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It's hot. It's always hot here, the consequences of living inside a volcano, you suppose, but the callouses on your skin have long since made you immune to the burns. You glide down through the halls, an old habit since the day you crafted the wheels you attached to your sandals. No longer did you need to carry the awkward and hefty cane everywhere you went, or struggle to make your leg move the way you wanted it to. The invention of the wheel was one you were forever proud of. 
The forge is already blazing when you arrive, each of the hundred levels full of cyclopes all hammering away. Steam hisses and rises through the air, and you chance a glance at the lava bubbling miles below you. 
"Careful today," You call to the cyclops closest to you. "It looks like she's feeling the burn again. Raise the guards soon, and keep them up until she blows. No sense letting good work go to waste." The cyclops nods and barks an order out at others across the levels. You wheel yourself further along, the sound of the celestial bronze shields being brought up serving as background noise. You probably could have waited another day or so to raise them, if you were honest; cyclopes are fireproof, which is useful in a forge, and you yourself aren't likely to be taken out by a mere volcanic eruption. The work, though...heat like that could affect even the strongest of your creations, and everyone works much too hard here to have to reform every bolt, repour every blade. 
You valued your time too much for that. 
"You have a guest, my lady," one of your workers called. You look up from the notebook in your hands - soot-covered, bound in leather, edges singed, with bits of paper sticking every which way from the many times you've jotted something down for later and stuffed it inside quickly before tying the leather cords that bind it - and frown. The cyclops grimaces slightly. "It...seems to be Lord Zeus."
You scoff and spin yourself around to follow him to the elevator reluctantly. "Probably wants to commission another throne, the bastard. Should've stuck him to the last one, maybe he'd get it through his head that not everyone wants to fuck him." You wave a hand and your guide gives you a curt nod before returning to work. You settle yourself in the lift and flip the lever. It's not a long journey, thanks to the many improvements you've made over the years, but it still seems that too soon the grate is sliding back into the wall to allow you exit. 
You tap your heels together twice as you glide off the lift, already reaching for the cane that you keep there for situations like this. The soft clicks and whirs are nearly imperceptible as the wheels break themselves apart and regress into the hidden compartments in your soles. Your leg becomes dead weight once more, and you wince at the way it drags behind you. You've half a mind to curse whoever came to call on you this time; you hate walking, even if the charade is a necessary one. You're still contemplating the idea when you hobble into your entry to see Zeus himself, stoic and cold as he ever is. 
"My lord," You call, barely keeping the venom out of your voice as you do. Many would say it's the heat of the mountain making your blood boil, but you know the truth. Very little in the world sets you off like the man in front of you. 
He turns and fixes a blinding grin on you. "My dear Hephaestus!" You scoff at the title; no one has called you by your name in centuries, lest they inherit your lameness. "Wonderful to see you, truly. It's been too long since my last visit."
"Yes, four hundred years does seem to crawl by without you to grace the halls of my forge," You drawl. His eyes steel for a moment, your sarcasm not as lost on him as you'd hope, but it quickly passes. "Why are you here, my lord?"
"Well, you remember how I said I would owe you a favor?" Your eyes narrow and you nod. In the handful of times Zeus has repaid the hundreds of favors he owes, it's hardly ever been something positive. "I'm here to pay it! I brought you a gift."
"A gift, what-?" You don't get the chance to finish. Zeus has already waved forward a steward he brought along. Your heart aches for the boy as sweat drips down his body and his tunic is already singed. Your own leathers are slightly oppressive in the heat, but at least they don't catch fire. Zeus takes a scroll from the boy, harsh and rough, and shoves it into your hands. You unravel it quickly, your eyes darting across the words on the paper.
"A marriage?!" Your screech echoes throughout the mountain and the clanging of metal on metal pauses for a moment. "What am I supposed to do with a marriage, much less one to a-" You scan the paper again. "A love goddess?"
"Not a love goddess," He tuts. "The love goddess. Well. Love deity. Aphrodite is a beauty, you're lucky I could arrange such a thing." Your eyes strain against your skull, threatening to pop out with every word Zeus says. 
"What in all of Tartarus is a ‘love deity’ supposed to do in my forge?" You ask him. He scoffs and waves the question off as if it doesn't matter. Your hand twitches with the urge to throw him into the lava, and the only thing keeping you from doing exactly that is the pain striking through your leg - a bitter reminder of just what Zeus is capable of - and the knowledge that it wouldn't even kill him. 
"Your mother was adamant about this, Hephaestus." You echo his scoff at this; you're sure she was. "Aphrodite will arrive within the week. See to it that everything is fit for a god." He chuckles at his own joke, and a vision of your cane shoved through his skull implants itself in your brain. You force yourself to take in deep breaths. The scent of hot metals, sparks, and sulfur calms you, as it always has. 
"Fine," You say, though Zeus is already on his way out. "I'm not keeping anyone here against their will, though!" Your shout goes ignored, as you knew it would. You grumble under your breath and hobble back to the elevator. Within moments you're shooting down to your bedroom, large and situated close to the heart of the volcano. You don't bother to activate the wheels of your shoes, instead leaning on your cane until you get to your bed. 
The plush mattress and blankets are a relief on your aching hip and leg and you let yourself lean back and just relax for a moment. The notice is still clutched in your hand and you find yourself staring at the looping curves of Hera's signature, wondering what she's up to this time. 
Memories flood you before you can stop them; being a young godling in Olympus, attached and in awe of your mother as she led you around the city, light gleaming off the golden columns. Seeing the fire in Zeus' eyes the first time he struck her in front of you, and the blaze that came when you stepped in front of her. Starlight glinting off her silver robes as she cried in her garden. The bruising vice he kept on your calf, the feel of the winds against your skin as you fell, the way Helios painted the sky as you kept falling. The feel of a hammer in your hand for the first time, juxtaposed to the throbbing pain in your crippled leg every time you so much as twitched. 
The notice is across the room before you realize you've thrown it. You want to believe she isn't playing games; Hera has always been somewhat conniving, but your mother has never been outright cruel to you, not since the night you tried to save her from her husband, and she always had her reasons. You may not always agree with her reasons, but that didn't change the fact that she had them. Still, condemning an innocent person to a life here...condemning you to live your days with a constant reminder of your plainness, your deformity, wasn't something you expected from her. Zeus, yes, but not her. 
You let yourself fall back onto the bed, only to adjust a few moments later when the pressure on your hip becomes too much. You're angled now, weight resting on your good side to alleviate even a bit of the pain from the other. It was the only way you could get a moment's peace since your fall, the only time the pain lessened. 
You allow yourself five breaths. Five breaths to let the tear slip down your cheek, drawing its path through the soot and the smoke. Four to let your breath shake in your chest and shudder in the air. Three for the ache in your hip to disappear completely, so you are blessedly free from your pain for once. Two for the thorns to tighten impossibly around your heart and let it bleed for you. One for the hole in your chest, shaped like a loving father and a true family that doesn't constantly commission weapons from you to throw at each other.
Pain arcs through your leg once more and you wince. Your hand massages the muscles there absentmindedly; it provides no relief to anything but your mind. You stand and click your heels together once more, glad when the wheels are stable once more. In seconds, you're off, flying through hallways to get to your workshop. 
You've got work to do. 
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It's nearly the entire week later when one of the workers knocks on the door of your workshop. 
"Aphrodite has arrived, my lady." You wave at him and he disappears back into the mass of his brothers. It doesn't take you long to get to the entryway, rolling through the halls until you're just outside the large bronze doors. You retract your wheels and grasp your cane, reminding yourself that the more people thought Zeus had crippled you debilitatingly, the better. Your hip aches again and you tune it out in favor of tapping the end of your cane against a small hammer at the base of the doors. There's a quiet whir as they slide open, and you limp forward as best you can. 
The foyer is packed with people, cyclopes everywhere with bags slung over their shoulder, forest nymphs tapping at their smoking roots, naiads hissing with steam. In the midst of everything stands two still figures, one infinitely more familiar than the other. 
"I thought I told you that the next time you step foot in my forge, I'd stoke my fires with your bones." Your voice is loud as it reverberates across the walls. Both figures turn to look at you, but your glare doesn't falter. 
"Aw, are you still mad about that?" His smile is deceptively innocent. "You never would've gotten her off that throne otherwise." 
"It wasn't supposed to be her throne in the first place, was it?" You spit back as you make your way to him. It doesn't escape your notice that everyone but the cyclopes is staring at you, and you're glad the heat from the mountain keeps you flushed. You can't show weakness in front of this crowd, you can't let them know that you know they think you're below them. 
You can't let them know that in your worst moments, you agree. 
"Get the fuck out of my mountain, Dionysus, before I throw you out."
"Ooh, take after your old man a little too much there, don't you?" Jimin's smile never leaves his face and you resist the urge to smack it with your cane. Instead, you tighten your grip on it and take a breath. 
"What are you doing here?" You eventually ask through gritted teeth. 
"Just escorting a dear, dear friend." His grin has turned predatory as he rests a hand on his companion's shoulder. "My dear Hephaestus, I'd like to introduce you to Aphrodite." You glance over, looking the man up and down briefly. 
He's taller than you - though, with your pained hunch, many are. His shoulders are almost as wide as his eyes as he looks around the room, taking in the granite walls and bronze moldings. His clothes aren't practical in the least; soft and sweet and flowing linens in a pale lilac that complements the purple of his hair. It's a stark contrast to the harsh reds and greys of your soot-stained leathers. When he finally looks at you, his eyes are the same color as the grease you use to oil your inventions and give you no clue to his thoughts.
He's fucking beautiful and it brings a sob to your throat.
"It's...a pleasure." He looks you up and down, not unlike you did him, but whatever conclusions he makes, he says nothing. 
"Your quarters are on the fifth floor," You reply in lieu of an actual greeting. "Delius will show you the way. Be careful, or you're likely to lose your head. Keep a cyclops with you while you learn your way around, they can get anywhere." The god looks surprised, though you aren't sure why, and you turn. "They'll see to your meals and needs, as well, so if you find yourself wanting, just let one know. I'll have a key made soon, so you can come and go as you wish." 
Aphrodite starts to say something as you walk away, leg dragging slightly behind you as you go. Jimin seems to cut him off, though, already asking for wine. 
"And get that bastard out of my forge!" You yell over your shoulder. "If he's still here when I get to the lift, I'm throwing him to the pit." 
There's scrambling behind you as the doors close. You feel a twinge of regret; the love god has done nothing to you, you could have given him even the slightest chance. The memory of his eyes as he looked at you flashes in front of you and you lean against the wall for support. No love god would want to associate with someone like you. He is beauty and elegance, a practiced dance in a moonlit gazebo, and you…
You are a mistake, cast from your home and crippled for all to see exactly what happens when you get in Zeus' way. 
You take a breath and let the heat from the stone wall soothe the pain in your hip as much as it will before you set off for your workshop.
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Seokjin isn't quite sure what to do with himself that night. His friends - suitors - have all gone, unable to bear the heat of the mountain for more than a brief goodbye, and Jimin was quick to go when the cyclopes started for him. What the story there is, he doesn't know. He doesn't know anything, as a matter of fact. 
He doesn't know why Hera pushed so hard to have him wed to Hephaestus. He doesn't know why the girl was so cold at their first meeting. He doesn't know why she seemed so normal. Most people he met fell to their knees within moments, desperate to please him and showering him with vain compliments that used to sound like music in his ears. Most were insistent in their offers to him, throwing out their bodies and souls and anything else they thought he might want, just for a single glance from him. He used to laugh as he blew them kisses, delighted by their mindless adoration. 
Used to. 
He doesn't delight in such things anymore. Centuries have passed, and still, not a single one of the people and creatures that fought to stand in his presence cared about him. All of them saw Aphrodite, god of love and fertility, beauty and passion. They vied for just one night with him, fighting wars to win his hand, throwing whole festivals across Greece for his blessing. It was and would always be an honor. He is beautiful and is thankful for it, but…
Just once, he would like to be beautiful as Seokjin instead of Aphrodite. Would like the people attempting to woo him to hear the words he speaks instead of merely listening to the musicality of his voice. Would like to be believed, trusted, valued for something other than his face. Seokjin has a mind, a creative, capable mind that has - more than once - developed solutions to issues plaguing the mortals, only for him to be brushed to the side while the smart ones figured things out. 
He hates it, just like he hates that Hera sprung this on him without so much as a warning. One day he'd been lounging in her garden, the one place he could find some reprieve from the hordes of suitors, and talking to Artemis about her life as a maiden, and the next, Zeus thrust a marriage certificate into his hands and told him to be packed by the end of the week. 
And now his wife doesn't even care to look at him. You're not entranced like everyone else. The stories have grossly exaggerated your looks; he was prepared to look upon a monster, not a woman, pained and covered in soot with a limp. Still, there had been no emotion in your gaze, not even an ounce of the hatred or disgust he may have dreaded in his journey to this volcano. 
Nor do you care to dine with him, clearly. He's been sat at a scorched rocky table longer than three of him, by himself, for nearly two hours. Olympus has spoiled him, clearly, or perhaps it's that your own manners are lacking. In the skies, everyone dines together, lounging on cushions and waiting until Zeus and Hera arrive before digging into the food presented to them. It's respectful, a way to honor the hosts of the home. Even there, however, he would not be kept waiting for more than ten minutes.
"You, there," He eventually calls to a cyclops in the corner, polishing goblets that likely haven't been touched in centuries. It turns to fix its eye on him, and Seokjin represses the instinctive shudder. "When does Hephaestus intend on dining tonight?"
"Apologies, my lord, but the lady has her dinner served in her workshop." Seokjin frowns at that and the cyclops continues. "She stays there most hours of the day, takes her meals there to ensure she makes the most of each day to create her inventions and improve upon her current ones."
Seokjin huffs and debates with himself for a moment. It would be rude to eat without his hostess present, but if you had your meals delivered elsewhere there was little chance you'd bother to come to the dining hall. He couldn't possibly go to your workshop to dine with you either; the cyclops could show him the way, yes, but he would no doubt be intruding on things he had no business being near, even as your husband. 
He spews out a slew of curses that make the cyclops in the corner blush and digs into a roll. He would simply have to eat alone tonight, and perhaps if he catches you tomorrow, he can request your presence at meals. 
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You don't see Aphrodite again until the next evening. 
You've almost forgotten anyone else lives in the mountain you call home, still used to being on your own besides the cyclopes. Roniah had informed you that morning that the god inquired as to your whereabouts the previous night during his supper, and the slightest bit of guilt shoots through you. You should have joined him if only for a moment to be polite, but you'd gotten entranced in your latest designs. Your own food had been taken away in the wee hours of the morning, stale and unwanted. It was commonplace, but you need to at least be polite to your husband. 
You sink deeper into the steaming water around you, rubbing away the last bits of soot and grease as you ponder. The hot water is heaven on your aches, the warmth seeping through and relaxing them into painlessness. You don't allow yourself the luxury of bathing often, usually just wiping yourself clean every so often when the remnants of your work become too thick on your skin or the ache in your bones is too much to ignore. It's a nice reprieve, though, one you bask in each time. The water is close to boiling, comfortable and warm for a goddess such as yourself, and the steam makes it difficult to see much of anything. 
You've long since come to terms with your life; you aren't beautiful, you won't ever walk without pain again, you won't be the daughter your parents wanted. But it's moments like these that you let yourself pretend, if only for a moment. Pretend you weren't thrown from your home. Pretend your leg isn't covered in scars from where the rocks of Olympus sliced it open. Pretend you're the same woman you were all those years ago, clutching at your mother's skirts as Zeus thundered towards her. 
Your head starts to spin and you stand, clumsily making your way out of the pool and to the stone bench where your linen towel waits. You slip your robes over your shoulders and sigh at the softness of them. The black linen you keep here was woven by Ariadne herself, enchanted by Athena and dipped in the fires of your forge to withstand the heat. It allows for a slight breeze as you move into your bedroom, not bothering to tie the material closed completely so it hangs limp on your shoulders, torso exposed. Your skin is overheated from the water and you enjoy the way the air cools you just slightly as you sit on your bed.
You don't think anything of it until a throat clears behind you and you whip your head around to see Aphrodite standing just inside your door. 
"Apologies, my lady. Horedon did not mention you were indisposed when I asked him to show me to your quarters." His voice is pleasant, soft and gentle. It matches his image and makes you acutely aware of how loud you always are, always must be in order to be heard over the forges.
"It's an honest mistake," You say eventually, tugging your robes tighter around you. "What do you need? As I said, the cyclopes are more than capable-"
"I wanted to extend my gratitude, actually." You can't even be mad he cut you off, too surprised by his words. "You and your workers have been very kind in the day that I've been here, and I appreciate that. I know that this isn't exactly something we had planned."
You nod in understanding. Pain flares in your leg once more and you massage the muscle out of habit. "Are your quarters to your liking? I did my best to position you high enough that the heat from the magma wouldn't be too overbearing, but not high enough that the forge smoke would choke you. Ah, and your bed also has a screen function built in to help to filter the air, so it may be more like what you're used to."
"Thank you, it's lovely. Delius showed me yesterday, it felt very much like Hera's garden." If he notices your flinch at the words, he doesn't say anything. "Listen, Hephaestus, I know neither of us may have wanted this, but I think we should make the most of this. We can at least be civil. If you would, your company at dinner would be most welcome." You stare at him, a laugh bubbling up in your throat that you can't stop. He looks baffled upon hearing it and it takes you a full minute to calm down enough to speak. 
"Thank you for inviting me to dine at my own table, Aphrodite," you say with an amused smile. "I shall do my best to attend, should I find myself near the hall." His ears turn a lovely shade of pink as he inclines his head in a small bow and leaves. You laugh again once he's gone. The entire situation is too hysterical for you. 
You, a plain and hobbled smith, are married to a love god who is beauty personified, who has already taken it upon himself to invite you to dine at your dinner table with him. You really should have expected him to pull something like this; already comfortable enough to show up unannounced in your private chambers and issue invitations and probably demands of your workers. You're not sure why Hera has banished him here; he's so much like her, he should be a favorite, and yet she must hate him if she's sentenced him to live here for the rest of existence. 
With a sigh you settle back into your bed, pillows supporting the weight of your bad leg and sheets thrown haphazardly around you. 
You don't expect to sleep, so when you wake, you're disoriented. You're not sure how long you were out, but it seems to have been a while based on the hunger that gnaws at your stomach. You click your heels and wheel your way to the kitchens, rubbing at your eyes to clear the sleep from them. 
You're focused when you enter the kitchen and give a curt wave to the mass of cyclopes situated around the island. It isn't until you're done making your gyro that you turn, deliciousness only a bite away and lock eyes with Aphrodite.
He looks radiant, as always; the pale yellow cloth drapes along his form in a most appealing way, and there's an amused smirk playing over his lips. His hair is still that soft purple, but it's faded some. 
"It's nice to see you again, wife," He says with an incline of his head. "It's been a while since anyone's seen you roaming through the halls." You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you lean back against the counter, wheels dig into the stone underneath your feet. 
"Yes, well, I was resting. Nothing strange about that, is there?" His lips quirk in a knowing smile and he shares a glance with the cyclops to his right. You notice for the first time how soft his mouth looks, pillowy and full, and you absently wonder how many have felt those lips against their skin. 
"Eat up, my lady," Aphrodite says eventually. "After a week-long nap, I expect you need it. Zeus dropped by a few days ago to deliver his wedding gift, it's waiting in your workshop. I've already commissioned a new necklace for Hera as thanks."
You frown, stuffing the gyro in your mouth. It was one thing to learn that you've been asleep for a week - not uncommon, for a god, but useful knowledge - but to know that Zeus stopped by without waking you, and that Aphrodite has been running things in your stead… You glance quickly around, noting the way each cyclops in the room is turned toward the love god as if they had all been deep in conversation before you arrived, and the sprawling mass of gems and stones atop the island in front of them. 
"You're commissioning the cyclopes for jewelry now?" You eventually ask. He nods. 
"They truly have an eye for detail," He says, a cheeky grin growing on his face. The cyclopes look amused, a couple even laughing outright, and you stifle a sigh at the terrible joke. "And I had no idea that these gems are so common here. The quality is astounding, honestly, I only ever see it in the gems on Olympus."
"That's because the stones on Olympus are from here," you tell him. Your eyes rake over him and he seems...happier than last you saw him. The soft light from the magma tunnels highlights his features beautifully, only enhancing the natural beauty, and there are gems decorating his hands and wound tight around his throat in a choker. More than that, though, he looks peaceful, relaxed. His muscles are relaxed as he sits among the one-eyed giants, a smile never far from his face, and they make conversation with him easily, despite their usual hesitance to be around any of the other gods. It warms you to see them so at ease around someone other than yourself.
"Well, if it's for Hera, it must be the best. Get me the designs, Aphrodite, and if there's anything else-"
"Hm?" You turn, already halfway to the door. 
"Seokjin is my chosen name. Please, you don't need to keep using my title." 
"Oh." Your eyes must be as wide as saucers as you stare at him, but the soft grin on his face doesn't falter in the least. "Alright then, Seokjin."
"We'll get you the designs when we're done, then, Hephaestus." You nod a little at his words and roll yourself away from the kitchens. It isn't until you get to your workshop that you realize you never gave him your own name.
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Seokjin is...confused, to say the least. 
The stories on Olympus about your mountain forge are varied and extravagant, but they all seem to agree on the basics. The mountain is a terrible place to live, always filled with soot and impossible to navigate and as hideous as its master. The cyclopes are unfriendly and outright rude to everyone, if not openly hostile, likely because they are forced into servitude. The forge goddess that rules over the volcano is as violent and temperamental as the mountain itself, liable to explode at any moment after being cast out of Olympus for her own hubris. You're said to be cold and unfeeling and cruel, whipping any cyclops that doesn't do what you say when you say and beating the others into submission as you forge more and more powerful weapons for Zeus, your punishment for daring to stand against him.
Seokjin was finding more and more that none of those things were true. 
Yes, there is soot everywhere, but a simple wash and blessing upon his clothes keep them clean and beautiful. The mountain itself is a bit harsher than what he usually would consider beautiful, but the crystal mines glow with the magma behind them, lighting the walls with a myriad of colors, and the soft light in the palace does wonders for his looks, not to mention the way the ash and charcoal have helped his complexion. The halls are winding and strange, but following the system of bells and strings that he's seen messages shooting along means that even when lost, he can easily find a cyclops to help him to where he's going. Said cyclopes were unfriendly that first day, but now? They were nice beings, each one enthusiastic about the things they create and excited to be there, especially now that there's another person to talk to. They warmed to Seokjin fairly quickly after he asked what they were making; some kind of automaton, apparently, and when he asked what it was supposed to do, how it works, each eye lit up with glee as they began to explain it to him.
And you.
You are not violent at all. Every time you look at one of your workers, it is with friendship and happiness, and while you are easily distracted and yes, a bit temperamental, you are ultimately kind. He wants for nothing, everything he could ask for is given almost as soon as the words leave his mouth, he is free to come and go as he wishes, which is more than can be said for some of the other gods he's met. You have been unfailingly kind in the wake of your marriage to him. Everything he's witnessed, from the way you rushed to stamp out a flare at the bottom of his robes one day to the way you held a cyclops in your arms as he sobbed for a brother who had been lost to the sea, nothing has shown him that you are anything like what the Olympians say. You are frequently absent, locked away in your workshop for days at a time and leaving him to his own devices, but even that is a breath of fresh air. For so long, he's been surrounded by people - gods, nymphs, mortals, anyone and everyone all vying for his attention because he's beautiful and elegant, stealing precious moments of solitude where he can, and now he has as much as he desires. It makes him want to cry, he's so thankful for it. 
He's only left a few times, determined to visit Hera and see the few friends he keeps - Dionysus is always glad to see him, odd enough, and loves to hear his tales of life under the mountain. Each time he leaves, however, he's swarmed. Not always immediately, but it's as if the world can sense his return, and they come in droves, all to catch a glimpse of his beauty. It's exhausting and overwhelming now that he's had so much time on his own, which is the exact reason he doesn't leave very often. The worst of them is an especially willful war god, who Seokjin swears has been camping outside the volcano to know the second he leaves to visit a friend because the man is on him in a heartbeat and refuses to leave him alone. 
It's irritating and the way the man looks at him leaves him uncomfortable for days after he returns. He has half a mind to ask a cyclops to start accompanying him out, but even Seokjin knows better than to bring one of them to Olympus; Zeus would strike the gentle being down in a heartbeat just for daring to step where the gods live. 
He ponders what else he can do as he wanders the halls of the mountain, a habit at this point. He's been here weeks, each day better than the last, and still hasn't explored the entire place. He's on the lowest level now, heat scorching the hair on his arms and sandals blackened with ash. There's been quite a clamor down here somewhere for the past few days, and he's curious to see what project is being hammered out. 
He doesn't expect to turn a corner, walk past an open door, and see you, wheeling frantically around a large room, papers tucked in all sorts of pockets on your overalls, hair wild, face covered in soot. He watches, fascinated as you screech to a halt beside a large worktable, rifling through paper after paper before finally finding whatever it is you're looking for, only to push yourself to the other side of the room to pull a steaming piece of celestial bronze out of a pail. You look harried and distracted, not even having noticed him yet, and it…
It's honestly beautiful. 
He's always loved seeing beauty like this; the sheer, unfiltered rawness of creativity and passion. The way you and others lost themselves in their work, blind to everything but the vision in their heads, forgoing sleep and food and everything else in favor of making something out of nothing. It's beauty in its most naked form; the naked truth of being real, in the fleeting moments of existence, and Seokjin lives for it. It's his personal favorite of all the beauty in the world, and you encapsulate it better than anyone he's ever met. 
It's also beyond fascinating to watch you roll around on the wheels attached to your sandals. He can't help but wonder what it's like, to not have to take step after step and instead just roll through the slightly slanted halls of the mountain. 
"Did you make those?" He regrets the words almost immediately, reaching in futility to catch you as you turn and trip over a pail set just too far in your path for you to dodge. "I'm so sorry, I should have announced myself. I don't mean to keep startling you." 
"It's fine," you groan, though the hand on your hip is white-knuckled and your teeth are gritted. "I should have been paying more attention." He strides over and helps you to your feet, not missing the way you lean on him for support until you can sit on the now-overturned pail. "What did you need?"
"Oh, nothing, I was just exploring. Those, on your feet, though. You made them?" He smiles at your nod, however hesitant it is, and settles on the ground beside you to get a better look. "They're amazing. This compartment here, are they retractable?" You click your heels together in response, and Seokjin watches with wide eyes as the discs fold themselves up and slide into the soles of your sandals. "Amazing. Can you make me a pair?"
"You...you aren't going to tell Zeus, are you?" Your voice is the most unsure he's heard it, and he frowns.
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know, I just...he wouldn't really be happy if he knew I made these. Since I'm supposed to be suffering and everything, and they make it...not as terrible."
Seokjin scoffs. "No, I won't tell Zeus. You really do have to make me a pair, though, these are amazing. What else have you made?" Your eyes are wide when he looks back up at you, but you quickly pull papers out of your pockets to hand them over. 
"Well, this is my current schematic. I've just got to figure out how to get it to work."
"Is this...is this a person?"
"Kind of. The muses asked for some kind of...enhancement that would let them be heard in more places at once. So I've created this," You point to the left-most figure, which could only be Calliope. "Which is going to essentially absorb whatever the muse is doing, and then these," You run your finger along the other eight figures, each distinct but still matching overall, "Will distribute that to wherever they are. I've got a good basis for the visual representation, I think, and the audio system should be fine, but the issue I've been having is that I can't seem to get it to all...click."
"So you've got the transmitting figured out?"
"Yeah, that part was easy. And I built the miniatures, and they've been working fine, but I can't get the full sized ones to work correctly. I've smelted them down at least five times just to rebuild them." Seokjin stares at the papers in his hands, trying to make sense of the little scratches of handwriting that dart on and off the papers. He shakes his head, and pulls back, squinting.
"This may be a stupid question," He starts, looking at the front and side views you've drawn out, "But did you account for the weight?" You're silent for a long while, and when he looks up, you're gaping at him. "Sorry, of course you did, that was dumb."
"The fucking weight," You mutter. You're off in a flash, pulling the papers out of his hands to throw them down on a workbench and start scrawling again. "Because it wouldn't affect the smaller models since they use less material, but the full-size automatons would have the pressure which would affect the-" You start whispering to yourself, too rushed and quiet for him to make sense of, but he softens as he watches you go. He pulls the pail out of the way and sets it back against the wall before settling in on top of it.
He stays there for what feels like hours, watching as you pour adamantine into the molds and weld parts together and breathe that spark of life into the core of Calliope's automaton counterpart. He doesn't dare to breathe as you watch, hope clear in your eyes. Then the whirring starts and the automaton assumes a very Calliope-like pose, and you actually start to laugh and jump up and down. He can't keep the smile from his face, but he's satisfied now that he knows you're happy, so he moves to leave.
He's stopped by your voice, softer than he expected it over the hissing of the dying forge. He turns and you repeat your name. It sounds awkward on your lips, like you haven't said it in so long that your voice has forgotten what it sounds like, but you're smiling at him and you have soot on your face and he has to resist the urge to wipe it off. He echoes you quietly, and he thinks he's never heard a name more beautiful and fitting for someone like you.
Later, as he sinks into the steaming water of his rooms to wash the soot from his skin, he surprises himself. For the first time in his life, he wishes he wasn't a love god not for the unwanted attention, but because now he knows. He knows this feeling blossoming in his chest, and he knows how it mirrors that spark in your own heart. He can sense it, can feel it in the air as if it had actual weight to it, and he just...knows. He knows that you don't know what this is, that you probably will never realize what he feels, that you'll brush off your own feelings as some reluctant fondness while he can feel every step you take further into the magic of love.
And he won't be able to do anything to keep himself from falling in love with you and you won't ever be able to see that.
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You've been locked in your workshop for days, putting the finishing touches on the Muses' automatons and adding the decorative bits you know they'll love. You haven't slept in twice as long, food even further from your mind, as it usually is when you get into one of your projects. It's a shock when Seokjin returns to your workshop balancing several trays of food and drink. You hold a strange fondness for him, unable to resist after he'd pointed out something so obvious in your designs. Anyone that could help you with your designs was worth at least knowing a little, you figure, but you never expected him to keep coming back.
And yet here is, directing three cyclopes to set cushions and blankets and all manner of soft, plush bedding on the ground just inside the door of your workshop. You gawk, wondering just how much nerve he has to be doing this and also what possible reason he thinks is good enough to disrupt you. 
"You need to eat," He says when he notices you staring at him. "Besides, you're basically finished with them, and you need sustenance and rest if I'm going to get my awesome wheel shoes." You refrain from mentioning that you've already got them made; you don't want to encourage him too much. Pelion gives you a look as he exits the room and you huff. Just because they spend centuries here, they think they can tell you when to take breaks and eat. Typical cyclops. 
You grumble as you wheel yourself to the mass of cushions Seokjin has created, but you quiet at the way it does ease the soreness in your leg. As good as you've become at drowning out the pain, the steady onslaught to your nerves has been fraying your attention more than you'll admit. 
Seokjin sits after you have and presents the food with a flourish. It all looks delicious, much better than the hasty gyros and wraps you put together, and your mouth waters. He very kindly does not mention how disgusting you must look as you begin to dig in, instead talking about a recent trip he'd taken to see Dionysus.
His tone eventually catches your attention more than his words. "Wait," You stop him, slurping down some ambrosia. "Back up. Someone's stalking you?"
"I...don't think I'd call it stalking, exactly. I don't think he's going to do anything, either, it's all just talk, but...well. It's still frustrating when I'm just trying to visit friends." 
"No, if it's bothering you, then it's an issue, then it needs to end. Tell me everything." And Seokjin does. From how the war god waits for him, either outside the mountain or outside Olympus, spends every moment Seokjin is gone following him around and saying some truly crude things. All of it makes your blood boil - Seokjin is kind, to the point that even the cyclopes love him, which is rare, and he gets harassed enough apparently without some god running around hitting on him constantly. 
The rumors, though. The rumors are what get you seeing red. It's no secret on Olympus that this was an arranged marriage; they aren't uncommon among gods, and they aren't usually a scandal, but yours apparently is. Seokjin hesitates when he tells you about them, and you nearly break your fork in your effort to keep your rage from him. All sorts of stories, from you abusing him, forcing things he isn't comfortable with, keeping him chained up, feeding him pieces of your cyclopes, that you had bought him from Zeus with promises of gifts from the forge. Each is as terrible as the last, and all of them have your stomach rolling, and Seokjin reluctantly explains that he believes the war god to be the source of most of them. 
"Well," You say, violently spearing a grape. "That must be stopped, immediately. I refuse to allow people to think of you like that, it's utterly disrespectful." You wobble to your feet and roll over to the wall of ideas you hadn't managed to get around to yet. "What do you think? Maiming? Or is that too quick? I've got a truly brilliant idea for a bull, it could eat him if I use the right materials. It'd take at least a hundred years for him to get out of that."
"Well," Seokjin eventually says. You turn to look at him, excitement bright in your eyes. The wheels in his brain are turning and he's got a fondness on his face as he lounges on pillows and cushions; it melts your heart. He looks every bit the love god he is, and something in you wants to sob at the thought. "I would say, personally, if he's going to embarrass us in such a public way, then it should only really be fair to embarrass him in such a way." He tosses the knife in his hand and it embeds itself in one of the papers on your wall. You ignore the throb of arousal that runs through you, looking instead at the design he's chosen. 
"Oh," You whisper. Ideas are already running rampant in your mind. "Yes, I think this could be a very good plan." 
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Seokjin is in stitches when he next sees you, clutching at his sides as his laughter echoes through your workshop. The sight of his harasser in your net as he spouted off a variety of kinks that made even Zeus blush, in the middle of the golden city with all of the gods around him isn't one Seokjin is likely to forget. 
"I still don't understand how you did it," He says, calming slightly as he wipes tears from his eyes. "How did you weave such a net, and how did you enchant it to make him say such things?"
"It wasn't much," You say. Your smile is beautiful, a treasure rarer than all the gems that he wears and more valuable than anything he's come across. He wants to wear it, wants you to keep smiling like that, with such pride in your work and happiness radiating from you. "...and then Arachne wove it all together." He nods as if he'd heard the rest of what you said. Part of him feels guilty for not listening; it really is fascinating, how you craft such wonderful things out of such pedestrian supplies.
"You're amazing," He says. He doesn't mean to, but it's true. Even now, as you lean against your workbench, fingers digging into the skin of your hip without even realizing you're doing it, smile slowly fading into something else - something more - you are radiant. Soot across your face and wheels on your shoes and the kindest heart he's ever seen in a goddess, and he wants you like no one else. There has always been beauty in creation, always been love in inspiration, and you are the ultimate mix of the two, painted over with enough cunning and determination to keep at your work no matter what. 
He steps closer to you, slowly, and brings a hand up to wipe at the soot on your cheek. It smears under his thumb and your breath hitches in the most attractive way.
It's unbearably attractive, honestly, and it makes an ache swell within him that goes deeper than the physical. He wants to keep you smiling like that, wants to watch you work and bring you gyros and cart you to a hot bath on a bad day. He can see it, all of it, splayed in front of him as clear as if he were an Oracle. He'd waltz into your workshop and pepper you with kisses before pulling you out after him. Your wheels would squeak along the stone floor but you wouldn't complain even as he settles you in hot water and makes you forget your pain as he asks about your newest designs and creations. He can see it, and it's beautiful, and he wants it so bad that it hurts. 
Almost as much as it hurts when your face falls, expression closing off into the same passive coolness that greeted him when he first arrived. You slide your way around him and turn to face another worktable. It hurts, the way you won't look at him, and moves something deep and primal inside him. It urges him to go on, to trap you against that table and make you open up to him, make sure you know that you can trust him to satisfy you.
He stamps it down with a long breath. 
"Well," He says, pointedly ignoring your shaky breathing. "Thank you, again, for helping me. I suppose I'll see you around."
"You don't need to thank me, Seokjin," You say. Your voice is tight and your hands twitch and he wants to kiss you until the pain is gone forever. He doesn't. "You're my husband, I was only doing what was right."
"Still," He says, "It means more to me than you know."
You don't respond, and he leaves before you can. He doesn't want you to, doesn't want to hear the reluctant rejection spill from your lips when he knows. He's a love god, he knows when someone is in love, can feel in the air and taste it on his tongue. He knows that scent better than his own face and your workroom was suffocating with it. 
He has no doubt that some was his own; he knows this fluttering in his chest, the rolling of his stomach, the spark of lightning dancing along his skin. He knows. 
But he can smell the hesitation, too. Can see the way you fight the feeling, in every aborted reach for his hand and each averted gaze when he looks at you. You love him, he's so sure of it, but you don't want to be.
And he cannot force you to change your mind about that. He won't. He just isn't sure how long he can last without telling you that he loves you, too.
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Curses spill from your lips as you glide cautiously through the hallways. You've grown too complacent, comfortable around your husband. You very nearly slipped the other day, were a hair's breadth from throwing caution to the wind and kissing him; it was a miracle you caught yourself. He'd just looked so happy. The smile, that laugh, everything about him was just glowing in the light of your workshop, and then he'd complimented you. 
It's been decades since someone complimented your work like that, and none of them had done so with that look in their eyes. The gentle warmth, the fondness, the glow.
The love.
That was what startled you out of your thoughts, the sheer love that radiated from him. That was what made you push him away. It's what has kept you from seeing him for nearly a week, turning on your heel and going the other direction when you spot him. You can't handle love.
Not just because you've never known such an emotion, not just because you've never had anyone look at you that way, but because...he's a love god. A man like Seokjin surely falls in love every day with each passing stranger that catches his eye, and you...don't. You've never felt this before, you've never had someone love you, you don't know how it works, and worse, you can't figure it out. 
You can't take love apart and look at each gear and cog and spring until you can piece it back together into a whole again. You can't observe and tinker and improve on something like love. Clouds and lightning? Simple mediums. Celestial bronze? Malleable as clay under your hands. But love? No, that was something utterly foreign to you. 
You drop to your bed and pull your leg up beside you to inspect the wheel. It's cracked, badly, and it's a shock that it survived long enough to get you to your room. You lean closer and flinch at the stabbing pain that rolls through you. It's a stark reminder of yet another reason you don't belong with Seokjin. A god like him has almost definitely lain with the most beautiful in all creation; he surrounds himself with only the finest gems, the softest cloth, the richest wine. He only accepts the best. 
You are far from being the best. Mutilated and scarred, left to limp around your mountain in solitude. You're past acceptance of your pain and the scars that mark your skin, you don't really care much that they exist anymore most days. Life could be easier without them, but would you have become the person you are today without them? You wouldn't have been so determined to find an easier way around, you wouldn't have worked for days on the wheeled sandals, you wouldn't have discovered your passion for creating. 
You wouldn't be in pain, though. And maybe, just...maybe, Seokjin would find you beautiful. As beautiful as the twinkling stones around his throat and the flowing silks across his chest. Beautiful enough to stay beneath this mountain in the smoke and heat, to press his pillow-soft lips against yours, to love without abandon. Now, though, with your scars and pain and awkward gait, you find yourself doubting what you saw. It could have been love, yes, but how likely is that? A love god forced to live in a suffocating cave, wed to the laughingstock of the pantheon. It's more likely that he's attached himself to the nearest person that shows him any affection, despite how desperately you want him to really feel something for you.
Three succinct knocks on the door of your room jar you away from the thought.
"Come in," You call. You wish you were more surprised to see Seokjin, purple hair prettily faded and matching the soft lavender cloth that drapes from his shoulders. 
"Can I have a few minutes of your time, Hephaestus?" He hasn't used your title since you told him your name, and it hurts to hear it now. Cements the fact that you are too different.
You nod, and the pain in your hip keeps you from moving away when he comes to kneel before you. 
"I love you," He says matter-of-factly. "I've let you avoid me this past week because it's not my place to force these feelings on you, but the stench of heartbreak is too much now. It just lingers in the halls and it's starting to seep into my clothes and if it keeps up, I might have to double my skincare routine because it soaks into my pores. So I love you. A lot more than I ever expected to, and probably more than I've ever loved anything in my life."
You gape at him. "What...why…what?"
"You are creative and cunning and petty and inventive and intelligent and determined and it's so beautiful," He says. There's not an ounce of hesitation in his face, and it steals the words from your throat. "I love you, and I need you to know that so you stop stinking up the forge with your angst and heartbreak. I understand if you don't want to be with me-"
"What heartbreak, what-"
"Well, I don't actually," Jin continues, ignoring your protests. "I'm really quite the catch and to deny yourself of me when you love me this much would be an entirely new and advanced form of masochism, but nevertheless, I will accept your rejection, however inane and ill-advised it may be, because it is, ultimately, your choice. You can tell me to go, and I will, and you won't ever know I'm here again. But, if you accept this, then…"
He trails off and his eyes soften impossibly as he wraps his hands around yours. You've never believed people could communicate so much with just a single look, but you're proven wrong by the sheer emotion in his gaze. Your name falls from his lips, and it's never sounded so nice to your ears.
"If you accept, then I swear to you, I will spend every hour of every day ensuring you feel loved. I will bring you food when you forget to eat, I will tidy your workshop when you can't find anything, I will carry you wherever you need to go when the pain is too much to bear." One hand moves to rest along your hip, warmth distracting you from the stab of pain that ghosts through it. "I will be everything and anything that you need, always and forever, and I won't let another moment pass with you thinking otherwise."
He looks at you with expectation in his eyes, and you...can't speak. There are no words for what you're feeling; the sureness of his love warring with the anxiety of not being worth it. You open your mouth several times to respond and find that you can't; of all the words flying around in your mind, none of them make it out. He waits, for longer than you would have, before he sighs and nods. 
"That's fine. Love is complicated even at the best of times." He stands, and the loss of his hands on you feels like part of you is being ripped away. "If you ever change your mind, let me know." 
His smile is sad as he leaves, and the clink of the door behind him is the last nail in the coffin. Something wet and warm hits your hand, and you realize you're crying. When did you start crying? You struggle to your feet, rolling wildly across the room before you gain your balance. 
The door swings open as you shove past it, the last bit of his purple robes turning the corner, and you shove off the wall to gain speed. You can't let him go. The knowledge surges through you with surety you've never felt, and it feels like there's a timer above your head, counting down to the moment you lose him forever. His name echoes through the halls, even though you don't remember calling it, and you speed around a corner to him. 
He's half turned to face you already, about to head down another hall since this one dead ends, and it's as you go to brake that you remember the cracked wheel. There is no braking, you're lucky you've made it so far, but you're at top speed right now and there's no time.
"Don't-" is all you can get out before you're crashing into him, wincing as he falls down to the hard ground and the wheel splits in half beneath you. The pain comes an instant later, too much weight too suddenly, and it would bring tears to your eyes if you didn't fight them down. 
"Wow," Jin says after a second. "You really did fall for me, didn't you?" His laughter drowns out your groan, but it's worth it for the way he's smiling at you. 
"I…" You hesitate, unsure of the words. He waits, patient and relaxed even as he adjusts you to sit on his lap instead of the rock. "I do. I want this."
"I know," He says with a grin. "It's nice to hear you say it, though." He doesn't flinch at the smack you give his shoulder, just presses a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth.
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"I swear to all the gods, Seokjin, if you don't stop, I'm going to put this discus through your skull."
"Ooh, please do. I hear that's how Athena was born."
"You're right, we don't need anyone else like that running around." 
You let your tools fall to the table in front of you and spin around to face your husband. He's exactly where he has been for hours, lounging among pillows and silks on the bed he's had installed in your workshop. A bowl of grapes sits nearby and he's been working his way through them for what feels like forever. If you weren't so irritated, you'd be struck dumb by the image he paints, half-naked and glowing as he pops a fruit between his lips. 
As it stands, you're just frustrated and horny now, which is never really a good thing, but especially not on bad days. The ache has made it hard to think, and you've been shuffling around all day trying to find a position that made it hurt just a little less but had no such luck. You've made no progress on the designs in front of you, either; between Seokjin's commentary and the fog of pain in your mind, you had no concentration. 
"I'm trying to work, Seokjin. We had an agreement, remember? You could have the bed installed, you can hang out here, I don't mind, but you have to let me work." 
"You've been trying for hours," Seokjin whines. "Take a break with me, please? You need to rest your hip anyway, or you won't be able to focus." You hate that he's right, and you hate that he knows he's right, and you really hate that he knows you know he's right. You grumble as you wheel over to him and as you slide your shoes off. It's his one rule about the bed, no shoes, and while you can't blame him since they were covered in ash and soot and rock, you still like to complain about it. 
His hands are on you in an instant, gliding under your shirt and massaging your hip. You sink into the touch, sighing as the pain lessens slightly.
"Let me help? We've still got some of the lotion that Apollo sent as a wedding favor. I brought it down, just in case." Lips press soft kisses to your shoulder, and you know it's only a matter of time before you give in. You should probably be a little ashamed of how little it takes for your husband to distract you, but you can't bother to care now. 
You nod, and you feel him smile against your skin. He's gone and back in a heartbeat and he lays you back against the pillows carefully. You wince when your hip rests flat, instantly adjusting to bear your weight elsewhere. 
"Is it bad today?" He mutters as he slides your usual leathers off. Any shyness and embarrassment you once had are long gone, softened by the passage of time and the sheer amount of times he's seen you naked. 
"No," You respond quietly. He shoots you a disbelieving look. "It's more annoying than usual, I suppose, but it's not any worse than usual."
"You shouldn't have irritated it by working," Seokjin says as he runs some of Apollo's lotion between his hands to warm it. "You could have stayed right here and gotten more done."
"I can't forge a throne from the bed, Seokjin."
"No, but you can draw designs for it. And for the jewelry I promised Dionysus."
"I still don't know how you talked me into making something for him that isn't a chastity belt or a guillotine." The heat in your words is dulled with every slide of your husband's hands over your hip. The lotion starts working almost immediately, sinking into your skin and dissipating any discomfort it reaches. Seokjin is smiling as he works and pats your thigh lightly. You twist more, laying on your side so he can reach the back of your thigh. 
"You can't be mad at him forever, can you?" He asks. You open your mouth to disagree - as a goddess, you quite literally can - but only a squawk comes out when he slaps your ass and watches it jiggle. He laughs as you slap at his shoulder, no real strength behind it. 
"That's it, give me my clothes, I have work to do." 
"Mm, I don't think so. Apollo said you have to rest for a while after applying, remember?" He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek. 
"What do you expect me to do, just lay here and do nothing? I can't turn my brain off, Seokjin, I'll go mad if I have to lay here without being able to work."
"I actually had other ideas." The smile never leaves his face, and as he leans over you, you can feel the length of him pressing into your thigh. "Still just laying there, but much more enjoyable."
"Scandalous," You whisper, fighting a smile. "What would my husband think?"
"That you look sexier than anything he's ever seen like this and that he wants nothing more than to make you forget about anything but him." 
“That doesn’t sound very restful,” You tease as he kisses along your neck and down to your collarbone. Your breath hitches in your throat, and you can feel his familiar smile against your skin; he always does love it when you get flustered.  “I’m pretty sure Apollo specified ‘no sex’ in his definition of resting. He was pretty clear about it, actually, which makes me wonder what you’ve told him.”
Seokjin nips at your collarbone lightly. “Didn’t I say I want you to forget about anything but me?”
“Didn’t you say you were going to make me?” You retort. It’s a familiar argument, as comfortable and warm as Seokjin’s hands massaging your hip and thigh. His silk-soft hands dip downwards even as he rises, lifting your leg up and hooking your ankle around his neck. The discomfort that hits is overshadowed by the relieving stretch, and heat pools in your belly when you feel his length press against you once more, significantly closer to where you’d like it. He straddles your free leg, pressing against your naked core. 
“Seokjin, please,” You mutter. His touch is feather-light now, fingertips ghosting over your skin and marveling at the goosebumps they raise. You wiggle underneath him as he begins to trace your scars. The first time you’d done this, you didn’t let him linger; you were too embarrassed, too ashamed, too aware of the marks that start just above your hip and travel nearly to your knee. He’d insisted on it the next time, but you’d kept the room dark so you wouldn’t have to see his face. Months had passed before you could bear to watch him look at you, and when you did, it shocked you. It still does. It never seems to matter how many times he sees you like this, bare and vulnerable, scars on full display underneath his large hands. He always wears the same expression, the same awe reflecting in his eyes each time, his touch always gentle and careful, like he doesn’t want to make it worse than it already is. There’s no disgust, there’s no carefully crafted neutrality, nothing that you convinced yourself to expect. Just pure, unfiltered love.
It’s there still, radiant as he slides his hands along your skin. The sensation is dulled along the scar tissue, and yet you feel it in your very core. Wetness seeps into the fabric Seokjin is still wearing, and you whimper a little. He shushes you softly, grinding lightly to give you just a taste of the friction you so desire.
“Oh, my beautiful little blacksmith,” He coos. “You are absolutely soaked, did you know that? I haven’t even started yet, and you’re already so ready for me.” You whine as he slides a finger along your folds. You try to buck into his touch, but his other hand holds your hips firmly in place, though he never stops his massage. “Ah-ah, none of that. You’ll make the pain worse.”
You huff slightly under your breath, but you know he’s right. It’s a lesson you’ve learned several times over. 
“Seokjin, don’t tease,” You plead. You let your lip pout, knowing he can’t resist the very rare sight. “You said you would distract me. Or should I go back to my designs?”
“If you think you can,” He responds amicably. You turn slightly, your back resting flush against the bed while he moves your leg to wrap around his waist. It’s still twisted to the side, but the position helps with the pain leftover from the ointment. You open your mouth to snark at your husband, but all that comes out is a loud moan as he sinks two fingers deep inside you. His length, pressed into the meat of your ass, twitches at the sound. 
“Fuck, Seokjin,” You breathe. The way his fingers fit inside you is like no other feeling, and you could spend centuries trying to recreate it with no luck. 
"That's it, love," Seokjin purrs. His eyes are blown wide with desire and focused entirely on where his fingers disappear into you. "You take my fingers so good, sweetheart, like you were made just for me." A whimper escapes and you roll your hips slightly so he hits deeper inside. He grins and quickens his pace, knowing all too well what your body wants at this point. His thumb comes up to rub circles into your clit, gentle but firm; your back arches and your vision goes white with the force of the orgasm that's torn from you, and when you open your eyes, Seokjin is glowing. Literally, because you found out after the first time he made you come that that's a thing that happens to him.
"Please, love. I want you inside." Seokjin chuckles a little at your words, and if you had the energy, you'd kick him, but your legs don't work very well on a good day, so it's unlikely.
"Always so impatient," He tuts, though he does slide his fingers out of you and into his mouth. He moans at the taste of you, and your pussy clenches around nothing, because it's absolute sin to hear, and you wonder idly if maybe those Christians were on to something when they started talking about things being so good it's unholy.
Seokjin grabs your attention with a soft nip to your calf, accustomed to the way your mind wanders. He smiles at you, soft and private and beautiful, and lifts your hips with one hand. He slides a pillow underneath you and stifles a laugh at the way you wiggle into comfort as he settles your legs on either side of his hips. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” You huff. Seokjin doesn't respond, but you can see him trying not to smile as he pumps his cock lazily with one hand. "It's not very polite to laugh at your wife. In fact, it's considered fairly rude."
"Oh, is it?" He teases as he leans down to brush his lips against yours. The contact is brief but has your heart jumping in your throat nevertheless. 
"Yes," You reply, "It is. You should be nicer to m- fuck, Seokjin." He grins against your lips at your reaction, stilling as he bottoms out inside you. The stretch is perfect, would hurt if it didn't feel so good, and he knows it.
"What was that?" He asks. He nips at your lips when you whine. He drags his cock out, slow and delicious as you tighten around him, before sliding himself just as slowly back in. You'd be embarrassed about the moan that escapes you if you could focus on anything that isn't the way he feels inside you. 
From the first time he slid inside, there's always been something so right about the feeling. He fills every part of you, thick and long and harder than the bronze you work with every day. You've never been to the underworld, but you imagine this is what the Isles of the Blessed are like for the mortals, because it's rapturous. 
He thrusts gently in the beginning, always, careful to be sure he isn't too rough with your hip. He doesn't stop kissing you, plump lips moving sinuously against your own and breathing in every little moan and whine you make as he moves. He's so slow, so considerate, lets you set the pace each time, and right now? Right now, this is good. The slow, sensual strokes that you can feel against your walls, the steady press of him against your g-spot with every thrust, the warmth of his hand traveling from your thigh up your torso to tweak your nipple as he moves to glide a thumb over your jaw and then retrace his path back down. This is exactly what you want: the two of you moving together, slow and soft and perfect. 
You have plenty of time to try some wild new position later, after all. 
Your stomach lurches at the thought, heat pooling between your thighs as the band in your tummy steadily stretches. He doesn't change his pace at all, just adds a bit more force as he thrusts inside, and the added force against that spot inside has you seeing stars. Your moans are echoing and loud and with each one, Seokjin's glow just gets brighter and brighter. His hand wanders between your legs, rubbing small circles into your clit in time with his thrusts. 
"Show me, love," He mutters in your ear. "Love you so much, show me how it makes you feel. Let go for me." You whimper, blunt nails digging into the skin of his back. He doesn't stop, whispers exactly what he wants to see you do, but it's the way he says your name - quiet and reverent, like you may disappear if he's too loud - that finally has the cord snapping.
It must be too much, because you come to after a few minutes - maybe, time is so strange as a goddess - to find Seokjin rubbing soothing circles into your hips and pressing gentle kisses along the column of your throat. Your pussy contracts around him, and you whimper when you realize he's still hard inside you. 
"You didn't…?" You mutter, finding more words are too much work right now. 
"No, I don't need to," He assures you. He starts to pull out, but you manage to get a hand on his shoulder. 
"Want to," You mumble. Talking is hard, but you manage. "Want to feel you. Inside. Fuck. Please." He asks you if you're sure and you nod, and that's when he kisses you, soft and sweet and completely at odds with his next words.
"Gonna fuck you so good, my little blacksmith," He groans as he begins thrusting once more. He's faster now, hips snapping roughly against yours as he chases his high. "Can't wait to fill you up, wanna see you so full of my cum, want you to swell with it." He grins as you moan, tightening around him as another orgasm approaches. "You like that, love? You want me to fuck you full of my cum? Fill you up so good that it spills out of you for days?" He hisses a curse under his breath as you buck. Your free hand moves downward, rubbing at your clit gently. It's just the right edge of overstimulation, and it sends you off the edge once more, clenching around him. His hips stutter, and the feeling of you milking his cock sends him past the brink as well, and then he's painting your walls with cum. 
Later, after he's fucked his cum into you three more times and then eaten it out, he watches you draw a lazy sketch on the little bit of paper that you can reach. 
"It looks good," He says softly. You hum, wrinkling your nose. 
"I'm worried it's too...understated, I guess."
"No, I think it's perfect for her," Seokjin assures you. "Very Hera. Though, you should put in a secret compartment here, so she can stash her sex toys somewhere he won't look."
"What? No! I'm not building a secret sex toy stash in my mother's throne!"
"Fine." He's quiet for a few more minutes as you sketch. "I'll just get the cyclopes to do it."
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sugaslick · 4 years
rules | m
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre/warnings: prep school!AU, smut, degradation, mirror sex, knife warning, mentions of smoking, basically tae’s kind of a dick so bare with me 
words: 2,982
summary: You return to your dorm to find Taehyung, your brother school’s wealthiest bastard. Unfortunately for him, you don’t like following the doctrine he preaches. 
a/n: Hey everyone! I just graduated from class of 2020: quarantine edition so I’m starting to write again bc I have so much time...If you have any prompts for drabbles or scenarios send them my way bc I need ideas and I love doing personal calls ;) hope you enjoy I’ve been writing this in between ft calls with my bf lmao sorry babe if he only knew...also if u like this pls lmk so I can ruin y’alls rosy filter fr lmao
Tick, tick, tick.
The sound of the analog clock leads a symphony of your classmates’ pencils scribbling across their unfinished test papers, your hands folded neatly across your pristine work. You always finish tests early because you’re the straight A student, the teacher’s pet, the good girl - you strive for perfection and nothing less. You look to your left, peering at your classmate who’s perspiring so heavily that his shirt is beginning to stain. Poor soul, you ponder, poking your tongue between your lips and tasting success and strawberry lip balm.
You know what those stockings do to me, babygirl.
The taste makes you think of him. You know he likes it. He moans into your mouth when you wear it, licking at your bottom lip like it’s the tip of an ice cream cone.
You smell divine, my pet. I wish I could bottle you up and spray your scent on my pillow. It drives me insane.
You bring your wrist to your nose, breathing in deeply. Hints of citrus, geranium and blood orange coating your nostrils. You hold back a smile, folding your hands on your desk once more. You can almost feel his rough hands grazing the back of your thighs, fingers moving up your pleated skirt until they’re firmly gripping your ass. He’s rough, he’s vain, and he’s a bastard, but you like that. You need that. You need him. You can feel the wet seeping into your lacy white panties, crossing your legs uncomfortably to prevent it from moving further down your thighs.
Come on kitten, let me taste you. I’m hungry. I’m famished. I haven’t eaten for days. Come here.
Taehyung. Saying his name aloud is a sin against God. He’s the devil that meets naughty schoolgirls and ruins them at crossroads. You know the Ten Commandments by heart, and he has broken every single one of them. If the sisters knew what you two have done in closets, in the library, in your shared dorm room, they would expel you without thought. But you have, and you will continue doing so. He burns through your veins and evaporates your blood. His Commandments are Harder, Faster, and More. He exorcises you, he brings out the worst in you, he lives inside you.
Don’t keep me waiting, little girl. You know I don’t possess virtue or patience.
He is the deadly sin. Lust for your lips, your neck, your breasts, and your heat. He is a Glutton for your body; grabbing, kneading, pulling, scratching, and begging like a predator toying with its meal. He is Envious when others look at you, his glare daggers as his hand reaches down to your ass to claim what’s rightfully his. But it’s not, not really. He isn’t your boyfriend, and you aren’t his girlfriend. But you belong to him, without hesitation.
Do you see the way he’s looking at you? I’ll kill him. I will. I’ll make sure he never walks these halls again.
He scares you. He plays on your fears, your weaknesses, and turns them into desire. Sex is an amalgamation of your dreams and your nightmares, and he is the slumber that delivers both.
You stand almost instantly, swiping your test off of your desk and gracefully placing it on Mr. Jamison’s. You can’t think. You can barely breath. You just need to make it to your dorm and everything will be okay. You need release. You need Taehyung to rip off your panties and fuck you in your uniform.
Do I sense some eagerness, Y/N? Do you really want me that badly? Oh, this will be fun.
Fuck off. Even when he’s not around he teases you, playing mind games while simultaneously inducing a tingling sensation between your legs. You turn corners, bumping into classmates and teachers without sparing a glance behind you. You can feel a dampness at the nape of your neck, his favourite place to kiss you. He’s both the king and the joker, dominating you but taking his sweet time to do so. You trip up the stairs, breathing heavily as you enter the girl’s dormitory wing. The bulletin for the Spring Formal plasters the walls, pink and yellow leaflets papering the white brick with their propaganda. You pass cliques of girls socializing in the halls, twirling their hair, checking their phones, reapplying sticky clear gloss to their puckered lips.
Open your mouth. That’s it. Just like that. You know what to do.
You crash through the door of room 308, turning on your heel to slam the door shut behind you.
You exhale. Relief.
“Hello, love.” His voice. Just like that, you disintegrate. You feel your pulse quicken, you feel your legs quiver, you feel the wet drip lower, and lower, and lower. He’s here. “I missed you.”
Taehyung. Forest Ridge Private School’s most eligible bachelor. Captain of the lacrosse team, the moot trial club, and volunteers at the local orphanage on weekends. But you know better. He’s a liar, a cheat, and a bastard. His father owns several yachts, his mother a platinum member at a 5-star country club. He’s a brat, getting everything he wants without ever lifting a finger. What everyone fails to notice are the little things. He drives his slate grey Challenger a bit too fast. He says he’s quitting smoking, but shows up smelling like cigarettes every time you see him. He carries a switchblade that he swears is only for show, but flicks it open with an innate gesture that only develops from constant use. His left incisor is sharp, sharper than normal, as if he used his knife to grind it into a point. The only thing preppy about him is the uniform beret he always wears, tipped ever so slightly to rest askew atop his unruly black hair - like he is right now standing behind you. You turn, slowly, cautiously, as if preventing a gruesome attack from a lion just waiting to pounce.
“You’ve made me wait an awful long time for you. You know I don’t like tardiness.”
“Oh shut up, Tae. I was taking a test. It’s not like I could just walk out.” You finally meet his gaze. He’s angry, one hand holding his switchblade while the other gently caresses its blunt edge. You know he won’t use it, he just likes to scare you. To make you sweat. It’s his version of foreplay. Fear is like precum to him. “Besides, I like making you wait. It’s thrilling.” You utter, allowing the ghost of a smile to bloom on your lips. He takes a step towards you, then two more, until he’s close enough to smell your perfume. Close enough to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. Close enough to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. But he doesn’t, does he?
“Thrilling?” He sneers, running his tongue over the sharper of the two incisors as his free hand moves slowly up your body. His movements are always precise and deliberate, as if he thinks before he acts. He’s calculated. He’s sure of himself. And he’s sure he can make a mess out of you. “I believe the word you’re looking for is dangerous. You shouldn’t fuck with me, kitten. I don’t play nice. I thought you knew that?”
“And what if I did,” you retort, bracing for impact, “what then?” Your waist, your breast, your collarbone; all of them greeted momentarily by his touch until he arrives at his destination. His fingers wrap around your throat, his thumb applying just the right amount of pressure to your jugular. God, you want him. You want him so bad as his hand shifts to tip your chin up, his thumb slipping into your mouth urging you to bite down. You look up at him, a quick breath escaping his nose as if he were laughing at you.
“Well, I have rules. Rules that were made to be followed. Rule #1, no tardiness, which you have already broken. Strike.” You feel the blunt edge of his blade caress your inner thigh. “Rule #2, no panties. Let’s see, shall we?” He lifts your skirt with the blade before you can slap his hand away, his head tipping back before rolling forward in exasperation. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. They’re very cute, I’ll give you that, but this is unacceptable.” He grabs the waistline of the lacy white fabric, ignoring your protests as he slices down the middle of your panties. You swear he sharpens it daily, because it cuts through your underwear as if they were a piece of flimsy parchment. They fall to the floor, your inhibitions falling with them. “Now that’s better, don’t you think?” He taunts, letting your skirt fall back in place.
“You’re such an asshole,” you mumble, audibly hearing your voice waiver. He is carnivorous. He caught your scent. He knows you’re afraid. He pounces. He reaches behind your head to place his knife on your dresser, drawing his hand back slowly before resting it on your waist. Leaning forward, he draws a line of saliva up your jawbone, stopping to nip at your earlobe.
“You love it, slut. Now, what’s Rule #3? You should know it by now. I’ve only repeated it a hundred times.” He chimes, moving his hand up your torso to cup your left breast, massaging it gently with interjected pinches of your nipple. He loves to tease. Making you squirm is his guilty pleasure. You feel your throat tighten, the urge to release a moan unbearable. You can’t help but rub your thighs together, resulting in the friction you need to stay sane. He notices your movements, moving away from your ear to reveal his snide grin from ear to ear. Before you can even comprehend his movements, Taehyung sticks his middle finger into your heat, curling it as if he were beckoning someone forward. “This is what you wanted, yes? My fingers in your cunt?” You nod. You hate yourself for it. You were eager for this, for him. He pulls his finger out abruptly, lifting it to his mouth to taste you. His eyes close, savouring your wetness in his dirty mouth. When his eyes open he’s different. He’s ravenous. His jaw clenches, his tongue poking out between his lips to devour what’s left of you. “Do not make me say it again, Y/N. What’s Rule #3?”
“Beg for it.” You mutter softly, refusing to meet his eyes. You weren’t shy, not even in the slightest, but you know him. You know this boy stood in front of you. He loves control, and you’re more than willing to give it to him.
“Sorry? I missed that.” He lilts, putting his index finger to his ear to indicate his excessive behaviour.
You take a deep breath before exhaling slowly, moving towards him as you keep your promise to him about not breaking any more rules. “Taehyung, I want you to fuck me so hard the entire hall can hear us. I want them to know that Kim Taehyung is in here fucking my brains out. The athlete, the bad boy, the prep, and the sadist. Oh boy, oh boy. Now get over here, you prick.”
“Y/N, this is why you’re my favourite. You beg with such vigor, such enthusiasm. This is why you get special treatment.”
“Oh grow u-.” You can’t even finish speaking before his hands and mouth attack you from all angles. He kisses you, but you wouldn’t even classify what his mouth was doing as a kiss. His tongue darted in and out of your mouth like a snake, his right hand constricting your wrists above your head as if you were his prisoner. His other hand does not waste any time finding the space between your legs, two fingers pumping into you with composed movements. You could feel yourself unraveling at his touch. Your legs quiver, your lips are raw, your eyes shut so tight in fear of what might be standing before you. Then nothing. His lips and hands are gone from your body. Your eyes remain closed but you can feel his presence, his energy. It cuts through the room like a dagger, the ghost of his switchblade on your thigh. Your eyes flicker open, and he is no longer standing in front of you. Confusion floods your expression as you turn your head in both directions, wondering if what you felt was just another realistic dream. His knife. You turn around, and there it is still resting on your dresser.
“Did you forget Rule #4 already?” You freeze. You cannot move. It’s over. He’s got you. “It’s not over until I say it’s over.”
His hand grips a handful of your hair and pushes you towards the bed, your thighs hitting its edge causing you to double over. He spreads your thighs with his knee, still clad in his dry cleaned slacks. You hear the sound of his belt coming undone, his pants falling to the floor in one swift movement. A high-pitched moan escapes your depths as Taehyung teases your entrance with his cock, moving up and down your soaking wet folds with absolutely no haste. He enjoys this. Thrives off of it.
“I won’t fuck you without your full consent. I’m a gentleman, you know. I have a reputation to uphold.” You can’t take this anymore. You can’t take his attitude. You flip over so you’re on your back, staring up at his shocked expression. You position his cock at your entrance, crossing your heels behind your back before pulling him into you. “J-jesus.” He didn’t even have the mental capacity to retort, but his body didn’t waiver in the slightest. Sex is the only language he can speak fluently. He picks you up by your ass and moves you further up the bed, rolling his body into you like an angry wave. “I appreciate your eagerness, kitten. But don’t you ever do that again, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, dad.” This is how you two work. He chirps, you chirp back. He comments, you respond.
“Oh, you really shouldn’t have said that.” He picks up speed, his cock drilling into you, the sounds of skin on skin filling the room with vulgarity. “Your pussy is mine, you hear me? I own you. You worship me. I am your god.”
And you believe him. Your eyes roll back in your head. You feel the build up. Your toes curl and your fingers clutch the sheets. You are so close to release you can feel it in your gut...and then nothing. He is infuriating. Your body is covered in flames and then extinguished in the blink of an eye.
“Tae,” you groan, his amusement quite clear on his tender red lips, “not fair.”
“You know what isn’t fair? The way you look right now. I wish you could see yourself. Your pussy is so fucking wet you’re practically pouring out onto the bed. Your hair is a mess, my teeth marks are beginning to take colour, and your eyes…” He trails off, almost as if in a trance. His disappearance led to the abandonment of his shirt and beret, both lying on the floor at the end of the bed. Black tousled hair covered his brows, the strands unruly from the tight grip of your fingers. He is like a dark angel, but you know this boy is no angel. “I have an idea.”
He picks you up, throwing you over his broad shoulder this time, and drops you in front of your full-body mirror.
“Strip.” You had no reason to disobey, dropping your uniform skirt and removing your blouse and bra. His eyes wandered, up and down your figure they went. He stares, ingesting you with his hungry eyes. They are almost black. “Now, you can see yourself. See how good you look after I fuck you.” His long fingers brush through your knotty waves as he speaks, contemplating his next move. “Do you want to cum?” You are taken aback by his bluntness, but you nod nonetheless. “How bad do you want me?” Your clit throbs with every word he whispers into your ear.
“God, you have no idea.”
“You had me at God.” And with that, he was on his knees in front of you, your body still facing the mirror. You watch your face as it simultaneously contorts with the presence of his tongue licking up your folds. He inserts one, two, three fingers into your prepped heat. The pressure of his tongue and fingers is almost unbearable, the overstimulation making it difficult for your body to stay upright. He does not let you fall. Every time your legs buckle, his hands grip your ass as he forces himself further into your dripping pussy. As he sucks at your pulsating clit, his fingers pump in and out of you with relentless urgency, never breaking eye contact. The intensity of his gaze is jarring, never looking away while he tastes you. You are so close to climax, the euphoria making you completely unaware of when Taehyung began pumping his cock with his other hand. He moaned into your pussy, the vibrations of his voice sending you over the edge. He sees this. Processes it. He rises before you cum to place his hand over your mouth as you scream in ecstasy. He is backing you up towards the bed, laying you down before he ejaculates all over your stomach and breasts. You ride your highs together. You feel him lay beside you, his head tipping to the side to kiss your bare shoulder.
“Alright, time to get you cleaned up.” He launches himself from the bed, heading towards your private bathroom. “We’re ordering takeout, right?”
“I’m already dialing!” You respond, reaching into the pocket of his crumpled pants to retrieve his chocolate brown Hermes wallet.
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ramblian · 4 years
Jericho Thoughts
okay so. i’m rewatching jericho. i first watched it sometime around 8th-9th grade, I think maybe somewhere in the first half of 2014. I basically remembered this: the main character was the black sheep of the family, he came back to town, and atomic bombs destroyed most of the US, and the show was about the town dealing with the aftermath. the guy from continuum and one ep of flashpoint played a character i liked named dale (eric knudsen) who liked a popular girl who ended up befriending him, and the asking-for-flowers flashpoint ep guy was the responsible brother. Someone used to be a teacher. The main character looked like Skeet Ulrich, but i didn’t know who that was, just the name.
turns out the main character WAS Skeet Ulrich, and 2 characters (heather and emily) used to be teachers, and i apparently forgot almost all of the major characters. I’ve been rewatching it with the knowledge of which characters die, so that’s good. the show is really good, and it’s really intense. I’m almost done, and it’s tough to keep watching both because it’s so intense and because i know a character i like is about to die tragically. 
watching this show makes me so TENSE. i think it really got bad when goetz showed up and i knew bonnie’s death was coming up. i’ve been watching the same episode for like an hour and i started 6 minutes in from another viewing. i don’t know why i’m so stressed. well actually i do it’s because things in this show are AWFUL but i know that no one dies after bonnie.
i also really like that the plot is very much what drives the show. romantic relationships somewhat matter (eric/april/mary, dale/skylar, and stanley/mimi in particular get screentime, while jake’s relationships with emily and heather are there and meaningful but not something that drives the story or gets a lot of attention. dale and eric’s relationships have also been less important in season 2) but they are regularly sidelined while the character deal with the latest crisis. characters have backstories that aren’t always super expanded on, like johnston’s chaotic neutral dad or stanley and bonnie’s parents, because they don’t have a meaningful impact on the plot- how mimi grew up isn’t going to change how the Greens deal with food shortages. 
also, i love that it’s a post-apocalyptic show where there’s a lot of fighting and lawlessness and not once have they used rape as a plot device. the closest it ever came to being mentioned was when maggie, a survivor pretending to be military to get towns’ supplies, said that ‘out there, men only want women for one thing’ and that’s IT. i respect that so much. way too many shows and books and movies are like ‘things are bad... and we can only express that through rape’ but this show never does
also the grey morality is very well done in season 1 (the bad guys are clearer in season 2). characters fight and do shitty things because everyone is just trying to survive. Constantino was wrong to start a war with Jericho, but i also understand where he was coming from. Ravenwood ransacked New Bern and left them with almost nothing, and Jericho never bothered to warn them. There were some people considering not honoring the deal to repay the windmills in food. New Bern was on the brink of destruction and Constantino tried to get the resources for survival where he could, by force. The thing with the refugees too. There isn’t really enough food for everyone, and it’s true that Jericho’s been getting a lot of refugees when it’s barely managing to sustain its own population. Some of the refugees have been stealing from them, and sometimes you have to make tricky decisions to survive. But the refugees are also probably going to die if they get sent away, and understandably they cannot accept that. they’ve been stealing food to prepare for this possibility, and they are willing to be violent to secure their place because jericho is much better off than just about anywhere else and they don’t want to die. Roger gets in a fight with Gray and accidentally shoots him, but then actively chooses to hold him at gunpoint and refuse him medical help unless he guarantees the safety of the other refugees. That’s obviously awful- but he’s also trying to protect the lives of the 50 innocent people he brought here. In the end, the refugees get to stay because some Jericho residents volunteer to share their rations, but Roger does not because he obviously committed a terrible crime. He’s not a bad person, but of course he can’t just be forgiven and integrated back into Jericho like nothing happened, and he accepts that and leaves with only a gun from Jake to protect himself because at least the others and emily will be safe. 
also that emily and roger’s relationship wasn’t made meaningless in order to further her relationship with jake even despite their history as high school sweethearts.
oh god i just watched the scene where stanley’s talking to bonnie in the morgue and it’s so well done and i’m just in bed crying- not sobbing or anything, but plenty of tears. i don’t know what the last show to make me cry like this was; i’ve been watching so much youtube that i haven’t been watching a lot of hard hitting shows lately i guess. Barry was extremely Fucked Up, that might have made me cry, but it might not have- it had me fucked up for weeks, but i don’t know if i cried.
anyway the scene with stanley and bonnie in the morgue is so good. Stanley talking to her like she’s still alive the way they always did for their parents, and talking to her sign language bc that’s her language. Telling her to say hi to their parents. Letting her know that mimi is still alive, that she succeeded in protecting her, and thanking her for it. Still joking around a little even though he’s obviously heartbroken and just being so genuine with her. Neither of them deserved this. 
wow can’t believe heather is a fuckin bootlicker, knowing that the government is extremely corrupt and that she and beck are destroying new bern and choosing to continue to work for that government.
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oh beck just has to be some sort of a stupid son of a bitch. absolute goddamn buffoon. siding with the govt, arresting jake in the shadiest way possible in the middle of a crowd, choosing to torture jake (which if he knew a goddamn thing like hawkins did he would know was ineffective), and then thinking that after everything this town and those rangers have done to protect themselves and their loved ones that it was just going to work out for him like the others aren’t going to come for jake immediately and efficiently. i liked beck well enough before but any fondness or respect for him is fucking absolutely gone.
at least eric is really getting to show off his leadership skills now. johnston’s dead, jake’s been arrested/kidnapped, hawkins is busy with other shit. eric’s always one of the second-in-commands but this is one of the few times he’s just plain in command.
“your friends have escalated this to a level i will not tolerate” right but you dragging jake to a fuckin blacksite to torture him was fine???? YOU ESCALATED THIS YOU DUMB STUPID SON OF A BITCH. you have really been given so many chances this season to not serve an evil government and try to protect these people and you’ve failed almost every time, huh? he’d also have to be some sort of an idiot to think that a clearly faked note with jake’s signature saying ‘this bad’ would stop anyone. god i haven’t escalated to hating someone this much so quickly in a long fuckin time.
love how beck is leveraging the entire town of jericho and choosing to oppress them in order to get the rangers to turn themselves in <3 i love punishing innocent people to use them against others just like goetz did last episode <3 what a good guy
i dont know why there are so many beck fics on ao3 because this man fucking sucks. like, can you imagine refusing a whole town food, power, and lights as a bargaining chip, blaming someone else (”don’t forget, you caused this”) and then still thinking you have the moral high ground? incredible mental gymnastics when will beck be in the olympics
heather: your actions are so blatantly terrible that i am just now beginning to consider not defending you to everyone. take responsibility for what you do
beck: hmm. no. my choices are jake’s fault
i know beck is probably going to ‘redeem’ himself by the end of the episode but i don’t fuckin care. too late for him now he can’t just say ‘oops’ and pretend he hasn’t done all of this shit. wild how his actions are now literally being compared to those of nazis during wwii and people still like this guy.
hey do you think beck is an idiot asshole or just pretending to be one for fun
commanding officer: go ahead and destroy everything in the area
beck:  🤔 is killing all those people wrong?
oof rip eric sure is rough when you have to ally with the guy who tortured you and killed your dad to protect ur city but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. also where the hell has dale been? i’ll let it go bc the show isn’t consistent on when he shows up and is a major part of town but in universe it sure is fuckin weird, and you know beck would have dragged him in for questioning too
oh wow beck finally decided to actually try thinking critically and addressing the obvious evidence about cheyenne’s corruption. that makes up for everything and i can stan now /s
‘i’m no longer taking orders from the cheyenne government. i believe it’s corrupt at its core. its actions are criminal’ oh so like everyone’s been telling you this whole time? the actions like the ones you’ve taken, not even at anyone’s command? idiot.
lmao i’m not as opposed to constantino’s methods as the show thinks i’m supposed to be. a revolution against a corrupt, oppressive government is not peaceful. it cannot be. the only good fascist is a dead one.
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spicyxllama · 7 years
KamiMiyo; Occupation: Love [2/5]
Series: Joker Game
Pairing: Kaminaga/Miyoshi
Rating: T 
Word Count: 4234
Summary: Jealousy would be so much more delightful, had it been that.
Read here on AO3 (*´▽`*)| Chapter One | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
...I’m sorry for being dead for so long >o< Work and school has been rough since I had to take on more shifts but things are mellowing down at the very least hehe! Also, omg I feel awks because of the shorter length of the chapter since I like this to be consistent, but tbh it just felt done, so I’ll just have to extend the fic by an additional chapter bc of the next scene that was supposed to be in this chapter ^^;;; I should be able to do weekly updates now because of more time I have now and also, I like following a schedule wwww
oh and lol if if it wasn’t blatant already, new blog to separate fanfics and headcanon screams ;v;
Chapter Two: Second To You
It wasn’t unlike any other work shift that Miyoshi had ever been assigned to—not in the least. Even if his neck was slightly sore from drifting into an unwelcome ... rest on the daily commute this morning, and meeting his more than unamused boyfriend after class was the self-indulgent type of pain. Miyoshi wasn’t one to be caught daresay, off-guard in public, for he’d always gotten the quintessential hours in the night before. Though, even when he didn’t (which was more often than not), it would be infallible for any entity to discern such a myth. It was simply a delay in blinking, of course—one that was oddly taking a couple hundred seconds to fulfill, and naturally, it could be fashionable to be late (just this once).
If it wasn’t related to class or his erratic work schedule, it was innately Kaminaga who’d been keeping him up throughout the night. Contrary to the spiteful remarks that Kaminaga only knew far too well, Miyoshi never minded in the least. The back and forth texting was nothing less than second nature at this point, and as daunting as Miyoshi hoped it to be, it was the unrivaled calm among a wretched storm of some entity known as life itself.
It was nearly akin to the all too familiar tracklist that’d been playing during the month; the very one that Miyoshi in actuality grew not to mind, and the fawning from admirers over his little mishap on the train. The darting gazes and hushed murmurs were of course, all too lively, and as irritable as they always were, such strangers made him feel closer to Kaminaga. For Kaminaga had constantly been dealing with such displays of amour that it innately proved difficult to find alone time with said boyfriend on campus, and how he even had the gall to loudly proclaim sweet nothings to them in Miyoshi’s presence was most aggravating of all.
It was no secret that Kaminaga absolutely adored Miyoshi’s avid (and absolutely fictitious) jealousy, after all.
However, there was no harm in showing gratitude to those who could distinguish true beauty and Miyoshi knew that for certain. Except that it was Valentine’s day of all days, and he’d rather be doing the uniform date with Kaminaga, instead of being clad and miserably attractive in uniform.
As Miyoshi continued to rearrange the disarrayed shelf and place but another box of gifted chocolates onto the nearby trolley, he found it nearly pleasant that Book-Off wasn’t bustling with customers for once. It was only natural to catch sight of visitors searching through rows of products and gently checking the items; shopping baskets in hand and lighthearted conversation amidst. The reselling of used entertainment goods was the establishment’s main purpose, though, it was anything but entertaining when his manager seemed to adore provoking him to no end. Even the girls who’d constantly approached him with presents on the annual occasion did naught to interest him for long, and he was nearly doubting his narcissistic wiles at such a feat.
Perhaps the redundant love songs playing about were growing truly menacing, and the occasional couples gawking at merchandise were vexing it seemed. For he had no say in the matter when that horrendous manager was the son of the dean, and Miyoshi’s scheme to ruin said employer couldn’t be put into play as of yet. Kaminaga would scold him further if he’d attempted anything without his assistance or “consent” as he’d liked to call it, though Kaminaga too was quite devious all on his own. It would indeed be troublesome if their scholarships were relinquished by word of a certain bastard’s mouth, and Miyoshi wouldn’t allow for that to happen to either of them. However, Miyoshi was more than just a mere multi-tasker who could easily uphold grades and troublesome notions. This specifically was a rather personal malice that he’d like to see through desperately to the end, and naturally so, Kaminaga would forgive him later anyway.
Despite this, Miyoshi had more frivolous concerns at hand when he was eyeing the stock that was still in need of replenishing. Even more so when there was an out of place novel among the textbooks, and its very positioning was noticeably baffling considering he’d been re-organizing for the past fifteen minutes or so. Even with the constant pauses to attend to his admirers, it was unlike him to be so hasty. For he couldn’t grasp the concept that he was daresay missing Kaminaga, as said boyfriend would always appear just as he was supposed to when needed. It would prove difficult to miss one that would never leave, and was never allowed to leave in turn. That would just be unfair.
Of course, it most definitely was a consumer driven scheme that Miyoshi could never get used to come Valentine’s day and that was the only reason he could entertain such daunting notions. Those sickening and sweetened murmurs that he too had heard from a certain someone only proved to remind him that such longing was unnaturally unnecessary—or naturally , he’d supposed. It couldn’t be natural to miss Kaminaga, just as Miyoshi couldn’t have missed adjusting this silly novel. It must have been the fault of this opportunistic customer who more than likely returned the book to its wrongful location while Miyoshi’s focus was elsewhere. Though, this customer’s presence was ironically calming for Miyoshi hadn’t noticed them in the least.
Or so he thought, because as he reached to arrange the shelf yet again, his fingers were immediately grazed upon by a familiar palm and his lips curved delightfully all the same.
Shying his hand away, Miyoshi took a gander at the foolish grin staring back and the book that was now placed in his grasp. The coy smirk plastered upon Kaminaga’s visage only seeped of a subtle intrigue and Miyoshi froze for a moment too long it seemed, gently toying with the novel in his clutch before putting it away in cautions. He soon found comfort, however, in frowning at his boyfriend who appeared to show interest in the various products at the store and was sneaking glances at Miyoshi knowingly. He was always such a horrible liar.
“Kaminaga, what are you doing here? It’s not even close to the end of my shift.” Miyoshi greeted in drawls, meeting Kaminaga’s gaze and relenting with a sigh.
His timing was irrefutably without flaw and only seeped of a blatant facade that was already crumbling down. Naturally, Kaminaga only had a single reason to be in this very location as of now, and that was the constant inevitable of his impatience for tonight.
Edging closer and observing his surroundings momentarily, Miyoshi was thankful that there were no customers in sight. Though, he was merely growing vexed at the older man who was supposedly distracted by a textbook and selfishly tugged at his sleeve.
“Miss me already?” Miyoshi continued in almost hesitations and caught himself scarcely in the act, gripping all the more in a futile endeavour to hide himself.  
At the child-like motion, Kaminaga playfully hummed in response; diverting from the doe eyes that were far too demanding in all their wiles and fixated at but another book in retaliation. He’d previously studied this author’s works in the past, and innately so, it wouldn’t be odd to find himself drawn into the next redundant novel he’d put out. If it meant that he could tease his boyfriend just a little bit longer through the use of measly excuses, then so be it. The fingers entwining into his own that were soon becoming firm in their jealousy were the most adorable after all. As he finally set his sights upon the agitated Miyoshi, he could barely even stifle his chuckles and grinned lavishly in return.     
“I think you’re the one that’s missing out on me.” Kaminaga murmured and gently squeezed his hand, haughtily leaning in for a kiss. “Look at all the hours that are being wasted working, when you should be working on me.”
Cautiously, Kaminaga was then able to eye others roaming about along the aisles and immediately snaked an arm around Miyoshi’s waist; drawing him near for customers to continue on their way and concealed an affectionate kiss with an opened book. It was the very approach Kaminaga forbade himself of upon entering the store, and even so, the contemptuous grin drawn upon Miyoshi’s lips was nothing less of a cruel jest that was all the more enticing.
Miyoshi whimpered softly at the abrupt assault and taunted his tongue against the opening of Kaminaga’s mouth all the same, kissing roughly and teasingly. Though, Kaminaga merely chortled softly at the baffling gesture and found himself pushed up against the product shelf; his lower lip that was being bit at softly and how he was wincing subtly, for it was proving difficult to remain quiet. It would be troublesome if they were caught by staff and undoubtedly so, Kaminaga knew for certain that Miyoshi wasn’t frightened in the least.
He was in no need of questioning Miyoshi’s enrapturing and conspicuous guiles when kisses were being stolen at their hasty pace. It was so like Miyoshi to not admit to the obvious through words alone, of course.
Bashfully, Kaminaga was averting his gander in full acknowledgement of the blush plastered across his face and cautiously grazed his fingertips against his mouth once they separated. Naturally, Miyoshi was only smirking with that haughty glimmer in his eyes when Kaminaga could barely even muster a response. He knew he should’ve been in disbelief with Miyoshi’s selfish antics, and yet, he only expected as much.    
“As tempting as you unfortunately are, the storage room is pre-occupied and frankly, so am I.” Miyoshi responded with conceit in his drawl, subtly lifting his chin for added measure and toying his hand against Kaminaga’s chest in flirtations.
It was just a few months prior to their discreet exchange as of now, that Miyoshi was working but another unforeseen shift and Kaminaga received a seemingly urgent text from his boyfriend. It entailed of something along the lines of a ‘desperate endeavour’ that only Kaminaga was capable of achieving, and oddly enough, Kaminaga found himself being all too concerned about Miyoshi’s well-being. His worry had soon found itself faced with a rather discerning longing, for it wasn’t long at all until Miyoshi had dragged him into the closed off storage room; lights dimmed and doors clasped shut.
At the impatient click of the lock and the firm push against the wall, no further explanation was needed when Miyoshi’s lips were latched onto his own and the younger man was murmuring words of dismay between kisses. Such a perilous scenario should prove as enticing with Miyoshi’s ever demanding wiles and frustrated muses. His movements grew aggressive within mere moments and the look in his eyes had innately softened for the man before him. Even if Kaminaga had playfully jested that the situation was rather arousing, it was evident that Miyoshi’s huffs were the result of a blatant vexation from his manager’s torturous requests and that the only one who could spare him from his distraught was Kaminaga.
His break had already been ticking away and he found no shame in spiting the son of the dean by feeling his boyfriend inside of him for a little while longer. Kaminaga always knew exactly what to say, even as Miyoshi was venting likewise to a child and embracing his boyfriend all the while more between thrusts.
Naturally, there was something most provoking with getting away with what his superior would have detested and Miyoshi absolutely sprinted with that notion.    
“Are you trying to distract me from scolding you?” Kaminaga questioned with a teasing hitch in his voice; a discerning glint reflecting in his eyes.
Revenge would be all the more thrilling in due time and he’d rather not be rushed in pleasuring his ever so demanding boyfriend. Meeting Miyoshi’s flirtatious gander, he then reached for the taunting hand that was upon his chest and pressed a hasty kiss onto the younger man’s wrist.
“You’re so cute in this uniform; I’d like to admire it on you and not off you. Though, I didn’t come here for you.”
At the demeaning utter, Miyoshi darted a more than inconspicuous frown to the man before him; crossing his arms and turning away.
“Then why are you wasting my time?” Miyoshi murmured, ignoring the unhindered chortle that definitely wasn’t endearing at all because he knew better than to let Kaminaga get away with mocking him. Even if that softened stare was testing him all the more.   
“Because I’m trying to get you fired.” Kaminaga blatantly remarked; a whimsical grin residing on his lips before continuing in jest. Observing in a nearly coy manner as Miyoshi grew fascinated at the disheveled shelf that wasn’t actually disheveled at all and pulled away the novel from the other’s man grasp, Kaminaga spoke again. “Kidding~”
In spite of his rather enlightened facade, it was growing difficult to discern if the agitation rummaging through out his mind was a result of the couples whose loving conversations were naturally in earshot, or the talk of Valentine’s dinner plans that he too was eager to indulge in. Surely, it was the latter—or perhaps, neither at all. For there was no reason to be disheartened when watching Miyoshi work was all the more intriguing.
Except that, he hadn’t appeared to be actually working since Kaminaga had entered the shop. Miyoshi was constantly being whisked away by supposed gift bearing customers and though Kaminaga expected to be rather amused (with the minor pauses to work between admirers), he was only growing more wary as time began to trickle by.
At first, Kaminaga diverted his attention elsewhere because as adoring as it was to see Miyoshi’s valiant endeavours to defeat him in the chocolate count, it was evident that his efforts were to be naturally defeated but again. With that notorious smirk curved upon his visage, he thought better to browse the rest of the store in blatant curiosities. Kaminaga never really was all too distant when the women stole Miyoshi away and strangely enough, Kaminaga was keeping watch out of habit. He’d long searched the many aisles and even found himself buying what was probably unnecessary but hey, the prices were most definitely attractive—unlike what had been going on for the past two hours.
To be fair, Miyoshi did mention something of the sort that this year’s competition would surely be different and with Miyoshi’s growing popularity in spite of his seemingly effortless endeavours, that could definitely be the case—and it definitely was thus far. For Miyoshi was earnestly working harder and as amusing and enthralling as that was, something still was off-putting.
Diverting his focus from the shelf and to the next young woman that had pranced over to Miyoshi with a box of chocolates, Kaminaga bit back the sigh he so desperately needed to release. He hadn’t actually approached Miyoshi at first for it was all too interesting to take in every daunting task that his manager had set him out to do. Though concerning, Miyoshi never spited him and it was only once he’d finished all those troubling tasks that all the girls were practically lining up and attending to admirers was the only task he had for well over an hour. Even if Kaminaga’s situation was clearly no better, he was certain at most that there was an irrefutable difference between the two.  
“Hey, Miyo~ where’s my honmei chocolates?” Kaminaga bashfully mustered, tugging against Miyoshi’s sleeve at the first possible moment in a futile endeavour to steal him away.
Surely, Miyoshi’s vanity hadn’t gotten the better of him on Valentine’s day of all days. Even if the chocolates were just a competition to them, he never once had to compete for Miyoshi’s time in such a frustrating manner. Jealousy would be so much more delightful had it been that.  
At the impatient touch and the abrupt rustling of bags being pressed against the other, Miyoshi paused for a momentary second and found himself merely glimpsing at what was in Kaminaga’s grasp, rather than at him. He’d easily expected that Kaminaga would be busy as well with his avid popularity with the ladies, and had blatantly brought a preview of his triumph in mocking jest. Though that didn’t appear to be entirely the case, for the multiple Book-Off bags in hands were proving all the more daunting and Miyoshi couldn’t help but feel concerned at such a feat.
“...How many times have you visited the cash register?” Miyoshi cautiously questioned, eyeing Kaminaga’s dubious expression and the blatant frown that was making him uneasy.
For it was unlike Kaminaga to be so wasteful with his earnings, even if it was far too often that he was later than he should be for their dates because of overtime. Not to mention that he was irritably so insistent on paying every single time and bringing gifts when he most definitely shouldn’t be. Though, Miyoshi supposed it was alright if he was the only one receiving gifts. Even if deep down, he had a sneaking suspicion that Kaminaga was constantly presenting others with such ...offerings and that perhaps they were taking advantage of him.  
Irritably so, Miyoshi knew he couldn’t bring himself to scold him anymore because Kaminaga was as naive and stubborn as he’d always been. Not to mention that the nearly tumbling arrangements of chocolates beside him were less for vanity and more for a sense of worth. Maybe it was foolish and the very notion was all too frivolous, but Miyoshi wasn’t one to back down in a game of stakes; especially the one that he knew Kaminaga had always been looking forward to since their high school days. For it was more than just a mere competition; for if he hadn’t been doing his very best up until this point—
No, it would just be foolish to lose again.
As Miyoshi’s lip quivered in a precarious attempt to muster even a semblance of speech, Kaminaga’s gaze escaped him and the older man was glimpsing elsewhere it seemed.
“I’m not sure. Do you think I should get a points card?” Kaminaga managed with a discerning urgency in his nearly unbecoming murmur, fumbling about all the more. Miyoshi paused at such a gesture and as he met the dismayed orbs that were fruitless in avoiding his own, he wavered yet again. “...Maybe then all these girls will stop flirting with you, if you go and help me.”
Kaminaga was well aware that the reasonings behind Miyoshi’s seemingly narcissistic wiles were the result of a triumph in their little game and yet, the younger man was growing all the more wary. Jealousy wasn’t a colour that Kaminaga would often allow himself to be seen in, and as Kaminaga’s fixation to steal his boyfriend away was flourishing with a steeper desperation than every moment before, Miyoshi was certain at the very least that perhaps he made a mishap in his judgement.
“You can just use this instead.” Miyoshi asserted in a nervous caution, unaware of where Kaminaga’s notions lay and offered his employee card that continued to dangle on his lanyard.
Even if he’d never taken up the offer of an employee discount (or was even certain there actually was one), Miyoshi supposed there’s nothing his charms and persuasion couldn’t attain. Especially if it was for Kaminaga’s sake, whose blatant desperation wasn’t a fine attire whatsoever.
“So you’ll come with me then?” Kaminaga mused with a delighted beam curved upon his lips, ignoring the ID card that he wasn’t at all too interested in and merely reached for Miyoshi’s fingertips.  
Though, Kaminaga should’ve easily anticipated that such endeavours were unavailing and tactless for the subtle nod and discerning hum that escaped Miyoshi’s mouth was but a curious motion at most. If not only that, such unnatural decisions could be ignored and questioned upon at a later time.
Truly, however, it was the mixture of what was lacking in Kaminaga’s grasp and the seemingly strange tension building about that was most worrisome of all. For grazing against Miyoshi’s palm was in fact some admirer’s, and Miyoshi wasn’t one who’d dismiss the polite stranger who was boosting his ever growing ego (at least, not anymore). In spite of this, Kaminaga wanted to be anything but polite and it wasn’t as though he was over-exaggerating upon the idea that Miyoshi was possibly succumbing to his vanity at the worst time altogether.   
“...Did you only come here to flirt?” Kaminaga mustered gradually, eyeing the woman that had finally took her leave and back to his boyfriend who was now shying from his gaze.
“That’s insulting, coming from you.” Miyoshi spoke quietly, placing the box of chocolates among the others and gently pursed his lip before continuing again. “...Is it so wrong to be appreciative of those who admire me?”
“You know it’s not like that.” Kaminaga asserted with a subtle and desperate linger unravelling in his voice, catching Miyoshi off-guard as the older man drew closer in cautions.  
It was becoming daunting to observe as Kaminaga appeared to be fumbling about and his brow merely crinkled at every passing motion; time that appeared to elongate as words ceased their exchange. Even if the captivating eyes whose stare had grown sheltered and hidden away, Miyoshi too had undoubtedly shuddered all the same as he was beginning to miss the one that was never allowed to leave. Concerning, perhaps, for Kaminaga still stood before him and yet it was as though he was missing and Miyoshi could scarcely admit that he too, was missing Kaminaga.
“Then why would it be like that now?” Miyoshi offered softly, murmurs emitting at a most gentle pace as he silently pleaded for Kaminaga’s orbs to glimpse at his own once again.  
As a shiver whisked into Miyoshi’s grasp and at the quiet enrapturing in a most tense instant, Miyoshi sought out for Kaminaga’s palm in accordance to the erratic thoughts that began to frighten him relentlessly. If this mishap was his doing, then a misunderstanding could also be undone. Miyoshi was as entitled as he’d always been. The fault would be his, but the indifferent expression glimpsing back was even more cruel than the doubts he became uncertain of.
“...Because you only have time for strangers and not for me.” Kaminaga mumbled, retracting his fingertips away before Miyoshi could grasp them.
At the hastened movement, Miyoshi bit back his own hesitation and soon met Kaminaga’s gander that was far too telling on its own. It only proved difficult to even relay an answer when Kaminaga’s expression was crumbling and he appeared too distraught to remain stable for even another moment longer. Miyoshi’s actions were most certainly not for a sense of egotistical gain, but out of a subconscious fear that had unwillingly began to surface into the open.
Kaminaga was never one for the mundane now, was he? Miyoshi, of course, had always been the same way.
As Miyoshi’s lip quivered and he found himself disheartened that Kaminaga would even suggest such a notion, he then ceased his unnatural wavering and took a needless breath. Though, perhaps, it would be better to relinquish his pride just this once. His better judgement had already threatened to devour whole the lump in his throat. He most certainly knew what the best course of action was and so, his lips soon parted in nothing less of a hasty motion.
Unfortunately so, the discourteous tug upon his sleeve and the unfamiliar scent of what wasn’t Kaminaga’s cardamom and lavender cologne had whiffed into his vicinity, and instinctively, Miyoshi allowed himself to set eyes on what was yet another gift bearing woman who couldn’t read the atmosphere. Even if her excuse-me was anything but polite and how she even had the gall to greet him with a presumptuous excuse, he simply couldn’t speak poorly to her within the workplace and merely offered a weakened smile.
Even if he most definitely knew that he shouldn’t have.  
He had more reasons as to why that had nothing to do with work ethic and everything to do with Kaminaga, but that was the least of his concerns. For Kaminaga had dropped his gaze and shifted from Miyoshi, frowning inconspicuously and emitting a dismayed breath.    
“Don’t bother. I’ll be doing the closing shift if you need me.” Kaminaga monotonously announced, gracing his boyfriend with a dejected drawl and promptly taking leave.   
“Kaminaga, wait…!” Miyoshi immediately attempted, taking a hastened step forward and diverting his focus from the woman who he had no further business in attending to.
It was in that frail instant that he was scarcely coming undone at the sight of what remained shrouded and most definitely not unkempt, hidden beneath the nearly tumbling tower of chocolates. He’d done such a dainty job in keeping it secret from Kaminaga that he too had nearly hidden it away from himself in turn; forcefully chuckling bitterly at the ironic unveil.
Below the exquisitely wrapped and self-satisfying endeavours to triumph Miyoshi’s supposed amour, there was but one that lay lonesome at the bottom; handmade and decorated to precision, bearing a most stupendous riddle. Incomprehensible to anyone but, and yet, it could only be gifted to the very fool who would dare rival his own enticing wiles and succeed nonetheless.
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Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
"Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I looked for insurance quotes at progressive.com.?
At the end, I received a quote from Progressive and also 3 other leading competitors. I also received a quote from Progressive Direct which is lower than Progressive quote. Does anyone of you have insurance from progressive direct? What makes it different (and hence lower) than the actual Progressive quote?""
What is the best priced auto insurance company for people who have been canceled due to too many claims?
These claims are all due to serious weather, vandalism, and theft.""
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
Do i have to notify my car insurance company?
do i have to notify my insurance company, if someone hits me from behind and their insurance is covering the damages""
How much do insurance csr's make in california?
I'm working as a receptionist at an insurance company and am thinking about staying in insurance long-term. How much do customer service reps generally make in CA? I've tried googling and the numbers I'm coming up with are very close to what I'm making as a receptionist, which cannot be correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!""
Wanna buy car insurance?
I wanna buy car insurance . My age is 26 year old but this is my first insurance that's why my insurance is very expensive plz tell me which insurance company is cheap
How do I get insurance when.....?
No one wants to give them to me? I recieved a letter in the mail saying I need to show proof of insurance or my registrations will be cancelled. Well I let my insurance expire because I wasn't driving my car at the time, and now I need my car and every insurance company is telling me I can't get them. I'm guessing because it's been more than thirty days since I last had some? I don't know, but do you know where I can get some insurance where they are not so strict?""
Insurance Status of a car buyer?
I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.
How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?
My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
Healthcare Insurance: True or False?
1. The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees. 2. No employer, in any state, is required to provide health insurance to any employee, full time or part time. 3. Employers do not have to report the cost of insurance on employee W-2s in 2011. This reporting is optional in 2011. The reporting requirement is intended to be informational and provide employees with greater transparency into health care costs. The amounts reported are not taxable.""
How much would it cost to insure another car on my mom's insurance?
Im 16. I really want to get a car but my mom claims she can't afford to insure 2 cars. I have discounts though. I took drivers ed in school, i have a job, and im a girl. She has mercury car insurance. She claims that her car insurance will go up 2000$ to insure another car. the car she has is a 2011 toyota camry. I think shes lying and just doesn't want to pay for it. I don't think its that much because there are a lot of people at my school who live in project housing or don't make nearly as much money as my mom does and have their own cars so..im asking, how much would it really cost to insure another car? If you know of any other insurances that are cheap to insure 2 cars, 1 for a 16 year old, feel free to enlighten me. Thanks! btw, I offered to pay as much as I could in insurance but she said I don't make enough money. :(""
Why does the Affordable Health Care Act make health care more expensive?
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name was correct, shouldn't costs be going down? What would be a ...show more""
How much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket today for reckless driving (drifted coming out of school.) I'm only 16 and I'm a male, so how much will my insurance go up?""
How much would it cost to own a porsche boxter a year? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer. i beg to you?
a 2007 model, 3.5l, if i drive around 20000 miles a year. include insurance, tax, maintenance, repairs, etc. would 5000 british pounds be enough""
Insurance cost for drivers under 21?
For Car and Motorcycle. Don't need exact numbers, just a rough estimate.""
Car insurance question?
Last week, I had my husband's car parked up at work and I was notified that our car was broken into. The passenger side window was smashed and the thief took our GPS unit. The repair for the window cost 240 and the unit itself would be about 500. My husband call our insurance company and they said they wont cover it because we have a 500 dollar deductible for auto insurance and the GPS is considered home insurance which is 1,000. Is there anything that can be done to have insurance pay for this? I mean we want my company to be responsible for it but they are saying this isn't there issue. Any help would be great Thanks""
Bike insurance vs car insurance?
im 18 years old currently going after my A2 restricted licence and drivers licence, what i dont get is why a 27 year old 1.6L car will cost me 5,500 a year to insure while a 1.6L cruiser bike will only cost me 512 a year
How can you find out a property owner's insurance company?
Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class.
What is the average insurance quote for a 2007 jeep wrangler?
I'm turning 16 in a year and my dad and I really want to get a Jeep. Not just for me, but for him too. I'm really interested in the 2007 jeep wrangler soft top. I plan on taking the defensive driving course because I heard that it helps lower insurance on the vehicle. Is that true? Also I have to pay for part of the monthly payments. How much is the average monthly payments for the type of car that I want?""
Am I supposed to have car insurance?
I'm 17, I currently have my permit, I'm taking my driving test on Friday, so I was wondering if I'm supposed to have car insurance? I drive my dad's car, he has insurance.""
I live in Georgia and I am trying to find some private insurance that would cover fertility testing and not treatment such as ivf OR IUI . Me and my fiance have been trying to have a baby for 3 years and i have tried everything, i finally have saved up enough money to be able to pay for private insurance can someone please tell me some health insurance company that may cover fertility testing.""
I want to get my car insurance. So how much does the average cost get for 19yrs?
how can i know that the my car insurance cost which can help me for further analysis of budget.
What am I supposed to do about health insurance?
Originally, my daughter and I had health insurance and everything was fine until more than a few months ago we lost it because there was paperwork I was supposed to send in by a certain date, but I didn't know it, so they cut us off.... well, I applied more than a few months ago for health insurance and I still have yet to hear anything, despite all my efforts to call them and leave numerous messages... I even talked to someone at the front desk and she told me the day I called was the 45th day, which is the last day and then I would hear something from my worker in a week.......well its been 2 months since then and not a word!! I don't know what to do. My daughter is 2 and she needs physical therapy and just really needs to see a doctor.. I started working part time a month ago...my husband is still looking for a job but obviously we cannot afford insurance... this is ridiculous. My daughter should have health insurance by now.. What can I do to get an answer from these people? anything""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in Ohio for first time teen drivers?
I 16 and about to get a car but need to know the cheapest insurance company in ohio for teens.
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Tenant insurance help?
I am looking for any good low cost tenant insurance any sugestions I have heared of SoHo insurance but have heared a couple bad things about it your input would be very welcome Thank you in advance I live in soulthern Ontario
Car Insurance question?
Hi im 23 and currently live in BC, im planning on moving to Alberta and im wondering how much my insurance would be when I move I have my class 5 BC license my insurance monthly right now is 350 bucks due to me having an accident with my N a couple years ago I want to know if I move to alberta will it be more or less a month as ive heard alberta insurance companies dont like drivers under 25. Also is it worth risking it and not getting it changed and sneak it and hope not to get in to an accident with my bc license if ive moved there?""
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
How much would a 17 year old new driver roughly be paying for insurance?????????????????????...
for a reasonable priced small car, maybe push the boat out and go for a slightly sporty hatchback, maybe honda civic 1.6 sport what roughly do new drivers pay any other persons experiences???""
""Whats the cost to own a brand new BMW 3 series in CA, US (with Tax, insurance etc.)?""
Whats the cost to own a brand new BMW 3 series in CA, USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, and other hidden costs if any)?""
How will this traffic ticket affect my insurance premium?
I'm a secondary driver on both my parents' cars and on my dads motorcycle. Today, I was given a ticket for doing 117 in a 100kmh zone while trying to pass slow moving vehicles. Anyway, i'm 19 years old and this is my first ticket; how will this ticket from an ******* officer effect my insurance rates upon renewal?""
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
Car insurance in Michigan?
I currently am a primary driver on my car which is thru AAA. My boyfriend and I recently bought a car and insured it thru progressive for cheaper than it would have been at AAA. I am the primary. Is this legal to have 2 insurance companies? Or is this like a double jeopardy?
On average how much more would the cost be for insurance for a house with a pool?
We are thinking about buying a home in So Cal that is a 4 +2 house on a 10,000 sq ft lot. The house has a pool though, and our concern would be what the cost of insurance would be. The pool is deep, and there is no diving board, and at the present time there is no fence. What do you all think? We have small children, so once we purchase the home, we will put a fence up, but we're just trying to guesstimate at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, by all means share them! I really appreciate any direction I can get with this. *I would rather not call 50 Insurance agencies to get quotes and have someone selling something I don't need yet!* Thanks a bunch.""
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
""How much do people pay (per month, year etc) for car insurance?
The price can be per month year etc.
I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and no insurance?
Is there any doctor of Rheumatologists in Las Vegas that accept cash payments for people who have no insurance?
What insurance plans are available in hawaii?
What insurance plans are available in Hawaii?
Cheapest insurance?
what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago?
Which car insurance companies reserve cars through hertz?
im going to be getting me a new car and with my current insurance company they only reserve through enterprise which i am not old enough to use. hertz rents to 20 year olds. im just trying to make sure i will have an alternative way to get around if something happens to it. so which insurance companies reserves through them? or will u have to request it? because i know some wants you to pay first and they will rein-burst you
Do you have to have a vehicle to get an auto insurance quote?
ok so i am wondering how much insurance would be for someone like me who has no credit and never owned a car before. i have tried checking online for quotes and stuff but i dont even have a car, and the sites like geico or progressive require u to have a vehicle to even get a quote. i live in minnesota and im 24 if that makes a difference.""
Car insurance under 4000 for 18 year old male?
I passed my test back in november, and completed my pass plus not long after, i have been un-able to acquire a quote which has been under 4000 at all, i have tried all the main comparison websites etc, and im only trying to insure a 1.2L Ford Fiesta Finesse. Ive tried putting parents on as named drivers to lower it etc but nothing works, im not looking for miracles, just an insurance quote that is around the 3000-3500 mark. Im wondering whether smaller insurance companies would be able to offer me slightly cheaper insurance if anybody knows any good ones? Any help is MUCH appreciated as i am getting desperate here!""
Can I go on my fathers insurance?
hi, I am 24 and I have just passed my driving test. I was wondering if I bought a car, would i be able to insure it on my fathers car insurance. I don't want to use his car though, I want a car of my own. How would i do it? and will it be cheaper?""
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2 seat car?
I heard a 2 seater car has cheaper insurance. Does anyone know how true this is?
I am a 47 year old self employed male.Where can I find affordable health insurance.?
I am a 47 year old self employed male.Where can I find affordable health insurance.?
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
Car insurance for rentals & college students?
I'm not trying to buy a car or get insurance. It's for a project for school. What's the range of prices of car insurance for students ages 18-22 and also what are the prices of renting the most basic car from a company, like an average amount. Thanks :)""
""Why am I paying for Car Insurance, and why is it the Law?""
Okay, I can see having a mandatory policy, or coverage plan in the event there is an accident, and someone gets hurt. That, I understand. Even though I already have health insurance, and the person that (may or may not hit me) may too have it, I still understand. But here is my real question: Every month, every year, we all pay into somthing called (car insurance), we pay, we pay, then we pay some more. So when its all said and done, and after a month, a year, whatever, why dont we get ANY of the money back that we paid, seeing as how (WE NEVER HAD AN ACCIDENT)...... I know that there will be a slew of morons who say its the law , or its to cover your butt if you get hit , and so on, and so on. Duh.... But no matter how you swing it, I've paid into it for the last 7 years, never had an accident, and I've paid thousands, so why dont I get any of that money back, what did I pay for? I can even understand a situation where we all paid for auto insurance but get a certain percentage back, but to mindlessly pay money into a machine and get nothing in return, how is this not giving money away.. Oh, and when its all said and done, imagine you pay for coverage every month, 200+, then some (fill in the blank) who dose not have insurance smashes into your car at night because he or she was drunk, you wake up in the morning, report it, your rates go up. Get hit by someone who dose'nt have insurance, your screwed, so in all honesty, whats the point. Have you every been in an accident, then tried to file a claim, its like pulling teeth. Investigators and claims agents come out of the woodwork, and did you know thier job is to find a reason to deny your cliam?""
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Who has the best home insurance in georgia?
I am about to buy a house and I got to have Ins. I just need to get the best deal. Whats your opinion?
How can I lower my car insurance?
Hi, I'm 19 and looking for a new car, I want the new c63 coupe but the insurance is putting me off as 9450 a year is the cheapest I've found. I have 2 years ncb and no offences and all that. I have my own business which I thought I could insure through at less cost, but from the limited checking I have done it doesn't change anything. Does anyone know of any ways I can get it cheaper, or any insurance companies that specialise in young driver performance car insurance? all I've had time for so far is a check on confused.com and thats where it was 9450. Thanks in advance.""
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
Any one know about car insurance for teenage driver in north carolina?
so im going to be driving soon and i will need to get insured. does anyone know how much this will cost if i live in north carolina? by the way, i dont know what car im getting...im looking. ;] so it would be helpful if you could give me a range for different types of cars. oh yeah, and sources would be nice. =] thanks a bunch!""
If you work at GEICO what is your insurance rate for your car and house?
how much of a % off is it compared to customers?
Decent Car Insurance Info?
Does anyone know of a decent car insurance provider for 18 - 20 year olds -.- I just got quoted 4k for a 1litre CAR that is almost double if not more than double of the 1 litre I would of bought if Insurance companies weren't FUBAR. Does anyone know of cars or car insurance providers that are cheapish like 2000 - 2500 mark. I mean I'm in a 1 litre I'll be topping 80 my acceleration is about 12 seconds -.- So yeah thanks to anyone :)
Why do we need car insurance?
what is car insurance? How does it help us? How much money do we need to pay?
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers.
What is the process of renting a car through your insurance?
Im calling about it tomorrow but I just dont want to sound completely clueless. So how does the process go for this? Does the insurance just tell you where to go and when to pick up the car and you just go get it or is there more??? This is assuming insurance pays for it completely.
What's the best and cheapest Insurance Company for Motorcycles?
I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. I live in Georgia. I was quoting online and the prices are insane!!! I could buy a Range Rover with those monthly payments!!!
Can I buy an expensive sports car and insurance under my moms name?
I want to purchase a brand new Nissan GTR from the dealership (I have the money ready) and want to buy get full coverage car insurance for it too. However, Since I am male (I'm 28 years old) the car insurace is way too expensive. If I were to have my mom come purchase the car for me as her being the primary legal owner with me being the co signer (I am paying for it with my own money upfront) and have her be the primary legal full coverage driver on that car in the insurance policy with me being able to drive it too with full coverage will this work in order to get a drastically lower monthly insurance payment? It's perfectly fine with my mom being the legal owner as long as my mouth is shut to the insurance company. I also don't mind paying for the both of us on this car as long as my insurance payment is lower. What do you think? Isn't it a brilliant idea?""
I will be 17 soon and i don't know the cheapest insurance for cars?
I am 17 in December and hoping to pass my test i would like a white car and did want to get A white ford focus Zetec but they are way to expensive for insurance, i would like a nice car as everyone is judged from where i am from i would also like it to be white. Does anyone know where i can get a good enough, white car? where i can afford the insurance? :) Thanks for your help in advance.""
What happens if you lye to you car insurance company?
When I was 18 and I first got my car insurance policy my mom convinced me to set my adress to my uncle's house because it was cheaper. It is but, now that I'm 20 I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. What can possibly go wrong with this?""
Car accident insurance wont pay?
Its been about 1 month since the car accident happen a police cruiser tea boned another group of serial killers into a group of cars one car total and others with heavy damage.one of the passengers died two were injured in the crash.we have tried getting a layer but the only thing they say is that they cant really be anything done cause there was a death.we called the insurance but they said that they could not do anything they need it a police report and police wont release the report there because of one death and the case is still under investigation.one month passed we called again and they told us that all of the owners of the cars that were hit had not reported and did not know how to spit what the insurance money covers. now my parents are worried they might not be able to fix there car and not get anything at all we have no idea what to do except keep calling the car insurance.my parents were going to get together with the other drivers to see what they can do. but so far only time has passed and they have not done anything or have gotten anything from the insurance.
Does anyone know what age i can start classes to be an insurance broker?
Well yea im looking into that ....well my mother is to be more specific but yea it would be halpful if anyone could give me some sites or info on how to be an insurance broker. Thanks!
Basic features of insurance?
features of insurance
Which would be cheaper to insure for a 16 yr old male?
a hyundai tiburon (not gt, just the regualar one, probably a 2004 or 05 because of the added anti theft put on the car after 2003, which lowered the insurance rate) and the tiburon is NOT considered a sports car, so dont try to convince me that it is,lol. or a scion tc 2005(regualr, not gt or whatever scion calls its sport verson) i really like the scion tc but this will be my first car and i cant be picky, id have to go wtih which ever is cheaper to insure. any advice (dont tell me to buy a cheap clunker, my dad doesnt want me to get one, he wants me to find a nice, afordable car) thanks!""
How much is the average cost of premiums for E&O insurance for a CPA firm?
I'm wondering what would be an average estimated cost for e&o insurance costs for a CPA firm? the firm has more than 3 people and more than $400,000 in revenue""
Why is car insurance so expensive??? Help!!!?
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance? I'm 17, I live in texas, I own my car.""
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
""Cheap car insurance, I'm 21 had my license 2months?""
Hi I'm in the uk, I'm male, 21, had my license 2months and I need cheap car insurance please.""
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
Are there any car insurance companies that you don't have to give your SS# and DOB to get a quote?
If I get a good quote then I will give all of my information to that company.
Car Insurance?
Is it normal for a car insurance company to send a questioner to it's clients who had an accident? They asked the same questions I told them on the phone and I had to get the form notarized to send in with my answers. They we're asking what time, where it happened, who was I with, did I ever file a claim before, and the last two pages had to do with fraud.""
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
""Where to get the cheapest car insurance for new driver, and which combinations of options, to get it lower?""
I am 17 and lice in Hartlepool in England and I have got a 1.2 mk2 3 door Fiat Punto. And i need insurance, apparently Adrian Flux is cheep for young drivers, but just over a month ago i was quoted 1800, and now that i need it i am being quoted 2600, y? I was also surprised when i found out that my car is a group 4 insurance, with it being a little 60bhp 1.2 compared to my mates 130bhp car being a group 5. I cannot go on my mams insurance either as she can only drive an automatic. So I considered selling my Punto and try getting an automatic to go on my mams insurance as she has over 10 year no claims, but her 200 insurance went up to 2500. I guss alot of the price being because of where we live, there was multistory flats, in a big estate, and was a bad area, but now they have been knocked down and is now a new modern housing area. Is there anywhere I can contact, to come prove it is a nice area now? Thanks""
Hello im a 18 year old male and am looking for car insurance?
the car i am looking to insure is a 1.3 tdci vauxhall corsa excite 75ps 61 plate the cheapest ive been quoted on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but went on lv and was quoted 1620.60 fully comp and only one on policy and me as the policy holder does anyone else know where the cheapest car insurance is
Social insurance number?
i'm living in alberta and have my social insurance number but i'm moving to saskatchewan, is there a form i need to fill out online or do i have to go to the provincial building?""
How do I fight an auto insurance company's liability decision?
I was T-boned by another driver who I believe rolled through a stop sign and could not have been paying attention to the road. It was a four-way stop intersection, and the insured ...show more""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
Which way is the cheapest for car insurance?
Im 17 in december and once i pass my test im gonna buy a small car 1.1/1.2 etc. I have heard that if i put my mum as the primary driver and me as my secondary driver it is very cheap (with directline this is) Is there any other cheaper ways?
What is the best life insurance to get BEFORE melanoma diagnosis?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please.""
Does one speeding ticket make your insurance go up?
i'm 16 and never had a ticket...i think it's state farm insurance.....i'm in california
Auto Insurance?
I live in California and I got an Insurnace quote for a new car from a Insurence company that is out of state. Is there a difference between buy a out of state insurance policy vs. a policy from a compnay in cali?
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
Car Insurance - No claims question?
If you have been banned for a year, and are now back and allowed legally to drive, can you continue to use/put down your no claims bonus. For example, if you had 9 years, then were banned for a year, can you put the 9 down this year? Or does the ban wipe that out? As the ban wasn't a claim on the insurance, can it still be used? Does anyone know, or any ideas where I could check this out? Looking for quotes online and Im not sure which number to put in.""
What is the cheapce for teenagersest auto insuran?
i am noiw 19 and need cheap insurance
How much will my car insurance go up because of a ticket?
The other day, I was in a hurry to get to school, and I was pulled over going 70mph in a 45mph speed zone. I was issued a $101.99 speeding ticket and was NOT charged with reckless driving or anything else. I haven't told my father yet (I'm not yet 18.), but I am selling a lot of video games I do not play anymore to pay for the ticket and any other increased insurance rates. My question is: how much will my car insurance (USAA Full Coverage) rates increase per month because of this ticket? I drive a 2008 Super Black 350z, and I have been involved in an accident, so my rates are already about $500/mo. Friends have told me that my insurance will go up at least $200. Is this true? More or less? Or is there a percentage of my current rate that it increases by. Any help would be appreciated, so I know how much I should expect to pay my father when he sees the ticket on my insurance report. Thanks!""
Licence and Insurance?
im 17 years old and i have my probationary quebec licence. I am insured on the car and am able to drive it alone but with 4 points and 0 alcohol tolerance. Would i be able to drive in the USA with my licence? but i would have to get insured with an american company. any idea how much that would cost? thanks
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
American car insurance while living in canada?
i am an american citizen, living in toronto............can i have american auto insurance while living in canada?......... i have an ontario drivers license and ontario auto plates........... help me please........these canadian rates are outrageous""
""Im pregnant , no insurance, what doctors will see me?
i know i can apply for wic and etc however i still need to go to the doc asap and was wondering if there are any that will see me without having insurance that are affordable in the knoxville tn area
Insurance for 16 year old?
I turn 16 and get my license in June(I'm a guy). I'm getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4, and going through Travelers on my dad's plan which has 5 cars on it already. How much will liability and collision cost for me?""
My grandma says TEENAGERS arent covered on her car insurance. Is this possible?
i want to drive her car cause im 16 and just got my temps a couple weeks ago and all she keeps saying is that her insurance only covers people 21 and older. i totally think shes lying! cant anyone drive the car? the insurance is already one the CAR, not the person, so shouldnt the insurance cover the car regaurdless on who's driving??""
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
Who can suggest an affordable Health Insurance Company in California???
Need to find afforadble health care and fast...
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance. Suggestions Please?
I'm graduating from college in Chicago this year. My parents are kicking me off their insurance. Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance?
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
How much would insurance cost for me if I have a Classic Camaro and I am a 16 year old male with State Farm?
I am thinking about getting a classic car. Probably a Camaro (year 1990 and lower). I have State Farm, and I am a 16 year old male. Anyone have a clue about how much insurance would cost? Thank you.""
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
Durham North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27705
0 notes
steelmistsrp · 7 years
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Congratulations && welcome, Divya !!  You have been accepted for the role of The Devout: Nalini Harms.  Please be sure to make a separate blog for your character&& send it into the main within 48 hours !!  Once that is submitted we will invite you to join the OOC blog && an option to join our skype chat if you should so choose !! Any triggers you (and other applicants) have submitted have been added to our trigger list.  Please be sure to read our Welcome Checklist as you begin to get started.  The Follow List && OOC page will also be updated for you once your blog has been submitted.  Thanks again for you application && we look forward to writing with you !!
Div, I knew when I was writing this skeleton you would jump at the chance, and you really developed Nalini into a great character beyond everything I’d hoped.  Every group (evil or not) needs the overly righteous voice, and you’ve nailed exactly what we were hoping to get out of The Devout.  We can’t wait to see what havoc she wrecks alongside her companions and as always we are fully prepared for the angst you’ll bring along.  Thanks && Welcome !!
Name: glittersatan Divya Age: 20 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST in school, PST when not Activity Level: idk i’m not constantly online or talking to you or anything ;;;;;;;;   A lot
Skeleton Name: The Devout Character’s Full Name: literally the hardest part of this app
Nalini – lotus, sweet nectar (so very deceptive of who she really is don’t u think? and also pretty funny bc she wants everyone to drink the kell cool aid)
Faceclaim: Deepika Padukone, who else Gender and Pronouns: female (cis), she/her Sexuality: uhhhhhh demiromantic pansexual? maybe? idk does it matter are priests allowed to get up to bedroom shenanigans in survivorism? wejustdon’tknow.gif Age and DOB: 30, born on the 30th of Marshinil in 522 (the most important part of this is for us she’s a sagittarius js) Education Level:  finished primary school and then continued with a religious education
Biography:  tw for drowning and also for muuuuuuuurder
It is the Survivor’s way to purge the world of rot and ruin with blessed fire—Nalini is living proof. As a child charmed with the fortune of the Harmed family, they were carefree and charismatic, wanting for nothing. Then, the stories of the Survivor of Hathsin and His Heir were little more than just that, stories. It was easy to both respect the doctrine of Survivorism and to put it out of her mind when more engaging things could take its place. All it took to change that was a single misstep and mere minutes of suspension.
Crossing the bridge between the Sixth and Seventh Octants while pursuing childish whims, Nalini had only just grown tall enough to peer over the bridge wall and out across the blue, blue bay. Her curiosity tugged her further—she wanted to look down into the river’s depths, but even when stretching on her toes, she wasn’t quite tall enough, so… What kid wouldn’t heave themselves up, oblivious to any danger bigger than knees and elbows scraped against rough stone? Little more than a passing biker speeding by broke her attention and offset her balance, sending her toppling over the edge. Icy water hit her so sharply she almost shrieked with the shock of it. A current yanked her down, flinging her toward the sea, the tumbling making her dizzy; the instinctual panic that froze her lungs was so strong her jaw ached from the effort of keeping it clamped shut. Then everything else ached from the effort of not breathing, but she couldn’t figure out which direction the surface was, and the entire river seemed to be darkening, her world shrinking before her very eyes. It felt odd to drown. Just before she could no longer hold her breath, Nalini thought Mother will be so disappointed if I don’t make it to church tomorrow.
The jolt of frigid water flooding her lungs was her last conscious moment underwater, her vision fading to just a pinprick of light, and then nothingness. Lucky as she was, a fisherman hauled her out of the bay onto the pier, and as she heaved up water she tried frantically to convey what she had experienced—she heard a voice, she was sure of it, soothing her and promising that everything would be alright. Only one explanation made sense to her: the Survivor Himself had spoken to her. He chose her. He saved her. He purged with fire but made believers with water. Against the odds she, too, had survived.
From then on, no argument could convince her that the Church of the Survivor’s gospel was not the unwavering truth. She lived by the Church’s teachings, studied their doctrine night and day, practically breathed stories of the Survivor and Ascendant Warrior’s triumphs. If only she could be as noble as they had, and not simply part of the pretending nobility. At twelve years old she was so enraptured by her prophets that she got her hands on each metal she could in turn, hoping her one moment of near-ascendance had at least left her Snapped and an Allomancer, as her heroes had been. Lucky as she was, though not without some painstaking trial and error, she discovered her affinity for chromium and considered it a carefully-selected divine gift; now she had the power to render all people equal.
Symbolically she was satisfied, but in reality? Injustice was everywhere, and soon she couldn’t stop seeing it. Children starved on the streets while families like her own not only feasted to their hearts’ content, but wasted just as shamelessly. Those with power and connections thought they could get away with abuses of the worst kinds, and all it took to prove them correct was trading a few Doxins with the right constable. The very fact that some could still afford servants while others lived without basic necessities! Worse still, some of those who thought themselves superior still looked down on those not at lucky as them, as her, to be blessed with an innate ability to kindle metal deep within them. Could they not see that those were gifts bestowed by the Survivor? Privileges meant to be used for the greater good, not for selfish gain?
She was unable to control herself one day on the street, just another teenager loitering around Tekiel Tower, when she saw such an atrocity unfold before her very eyes. A man chased a young child down the road with the enhanced speed of a Pewterarm, snatching the boy into the air by his collar and threatening him openly, all for a mere fistful of pilfered bills. Plenty gathered to watch, but not a single person moved to interfere, some afraid to match Pewter strength, others merely cowards. Swallowing a pinch of her metal and darting forward, all it took was her palm laid against his arm to render the man powerless against anyone his own natural strength. The kid ran free and a few emboldened onlookers kept him from turning his threats on their young heroine. She heard later that he had ended up in the hospital, but it hardly affected her. Lord Kelsier would have gone further. She was only doing as He would have done—as He blessed her to do in His stead. She was His equalizer.
Barely weeks later, she denounced her family name and fortune, joining the Church on her sixteenth birthday—an auspicious number, therefore a glorious day—and taking to its teachings as naturally as if she had been born to them. If she had been asked, she’d have claimed she was.
Still, no matter how much good the Church did sharing its doctrine with the world, those who sought to reach the top by trampling the downtrodden beneath them still existed. They appeared to multiply as the years went on, coming out of the woodwork when the world seemed a more accepting place for their greed. Sins of the past began to reemerge so appallingly quickly that Nalini feared—
No, not feared. Knew. Hoped—
—that a new rebellion needed to rise as well. The Survivor would never have stood for all His work being undone by sinning ingrates who had forgotten the past. That was what He had chosen His Heir to prevent before the Great Catacendre.
Perhaps some of the Ascendant Warrior’s spirit was present in her—she could pray it was so, anyway—but she did not doubt the special role the one who organized their modern rebellion had been given. The Lekal heir saw what she had seen, and did what she knew needed to be done. That was why she chose to support The Burning Word—it was the purest form of the doctrine in action. Take down those opposed to equality by any means necessary, exactly as the Survivor had once done. How could she resist?
Her devotion to the cause is only outweighed by her devotion to their Lord, but both work in tandem to make her a vital component of the group. She provides the proof that their leader is following a righteous path lit by the Survivor Himself; thus every maneuver The Burning Word takes is justified by her knowledge of the religion. By day she preaches and works to convert those lucky enough to know empathy and equity to the Church’s ranks, and when the sun sets and the sacred mists come out to play, she takes the fight on herself and carries out the Survivor’s message. He lights her path with His cleansing flames, she who Survived in this new age.
+ Confident – Nalini knows who she is, what she believes, and what needs to be done. This makes her an excellent priest and an excellent extremist; she’s all but fanatical in her devotion and more than willing to share that passion with those who wish to learn (and many who don’t), as well as capable of excusing any harsh action if it is taken in the name of her God. She knows she deserves to be equal to all other people, and just as no one is allowed to suppress her, so too will she not allow anyone to oppress the less fortunate.
+ Idealistic – Extremism is okay in the name of the greater good, isn’t it? Fanaticism is fine if your religion is righteous, right? Nalini wants equality for all people regardless of class, race, gender, abilities, so on and so forth until the list exhausts itself. Seems good in theory, doesn’t it?
- Ruthless – Particularly when paired with the above, Nalini’s penchant for excusing even the most abhorrent of behaviors if they serve her idea of the path toward righteousness is worrying at best and downright deadly at worst. If the entire noble class has to be purged to satisfy her Lord’s doctrine, she will find a way to carry it out and still sleep calmly at night.
- Ambitious – This trait added on makes everything Nalini does twice as terrible, because sometimes she does have the slightest of selfish reasons: it’s possible she hopes to be the Survivor’s next Heir, His tool on the ground to make sure all his hard work isn’t unraveled. She truly believes she was saved by her God so that she could fulfill a higher purpose.
~ Impulsive – Though she does a good job of keeping a level-head while teaching others about the Church and its scripture, Nalini is sometimes prone to restlessness and the hot temper of a radical who feels stuck in a rut. She wants so badly to help the oppressed that occasionally her heart gets the better of her head and she jumps into action where she would be wiser to wait for instruction or aid.
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Moral alignment (as she sees herself): Neutral good
Moral alignment to onlookers: Chaotic evil
MBTI: ENTP (tho i totally winged this bc hell no i’m not taking the test at 6am)
Enneagram: Type I, the Reformer
Temperament: Choleric
Admin Questions: um yeah i have a question, how ready are you for me to kick your asses with pain? No, no we aren’t but we’ll take it anyway ;)
0 notes