#its been an off year so farrr
gameboy-berry · 1 year
I think Treasure Chest should get much worse actually.
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boredymcbored · 2 years
This is basically year in the life of the first semester of my first (lmao) junior year. It was a... time. And the beginning of me shifting some serious things in myself and finding things about myself... somethings I’m not sure I wanted to know. Others I needed to know for growth. Anyway. The piece. Enjoy.
Hey Ms do everything in the world. Look at you. Eyes on the prize, determined too. You gotta lotta things coming But do what it do Leading, achieving, looking fine af oooooo I see you boo! You got problems in your life, but you never stop being true to who you are, and what's the move cause shit probably involved with making that too Aye I gotta go, I got some work that's due but I'll see ya later! ms everything Keep glowing in your very special hue Hey ms everything do everything in the world What happened to your drip? Last week it was pawpin This week its... It Your friends haven't seen you in a while I've been seeing you sip From plenty red solo cups Shit that was a fast ass hit I see you rockin them hips but Ya grades aint been legit You seem like you in space Or maybe a ship Earth to Ms Everything, maybe you need a pit stop take a nap or some shit I'll see ya Ms Everything Hopefully with a nice fit Cause you seem a little... offf I gotta dip Hey Misses Do Everything in the world. I haven't seen you lately. Those bags are heavy, did you sleep? What happened to you smile I haven't seen it in weeks And everytime I see you there's either nothing on your plate or farrr to much to eat attention, you can't seem to keep your department chairs are looking for you they haven't seen you you used to be so eager as speak ya head off in class never bad but willing to help those that had a hard time now it look like hard times are falling on you your demeanor used to be bright and now it's blue ms everythi-- don't walk away you could use some speaking to Hey ms... Your just misses now Cause you keep dodging opportunity based on fear how Did a person with eyes that lit like fractals and shone like the sky Now scream regret, now cast signs Like warning flags It's cries I see it, the redness The sighs I hear Oh my That gleaming glowing spirit Is dulls as hell As it asks Why..? I can't go outside until the darkness of night you're around you friends and have a burrito fight you hide from tests responsibility you spite because you stare at your work and the answer for every word is misses misses misses you get your test back and all you see are red marks and misses misses misses you check you phone and all your calls are misses misses misses You swung so many times But all swings are Ms Ms Ms why can't I hit anything misses misses ms misses Fuck this shit I just keep getting misses ms misses ms misses ms misses Ms everything misses yourself
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
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"Unlike those plebian OTHER fans™, I don't waste my time with those rrrrridiculous AUs, sinful fanfictions, and worthless MEEEEMEESS!! I actually ENGAGE with the work and ANALYZE its MESSAGES! The work is FARRR too serious for your childish nonsense!!!" *snort*
Hey Karen... Who the hell cares? Everyone engages with things differently, you can't just go around telling everyone that their way of enjoying something is wrong.
And don't act like the fans you're posting about are any weirder/out of the ordinary than any other fanbase. Because guess what sweetie? There's AUs, shipping, and general hornyness in EVERY fandom. Not just some of them, ALL of them. There's a reason why the phrase "if it exists there's a (insert thing here) of it" has been around for so long, because it's true. If you can handle things like ships, AUs, and horny fanfics, in fandoms centered around 100-year-old romance novels, horror movies, and musicals based off real people, surely you can buy that those things are enjoyed by people in the Squid Game fandom or whatever else is popular at the moment.
TL;DR Stop being a purist, Missus "Why does everyone think I'm snobby for telling them that they're way of experiencing things is below me?"
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vagabondretired · 7 years
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*What did Obama’s pirate czarrr do after he left the White House? Settled down and started a farrrm.* Avast…or something. It's me...Captain Scottybeard, swarthy fear-instiller of the deep blue kiddie pool. Today is the most blow-me-downest day of the year: International Talk Like A Pirate Day. And arrrway we go… Tesla Motors: "Take yerself for a spin in our new electric carrr!" American worker: "Thanks to those greedy bastards on Wall Street, I may never get to retarrr!" Winston Churchill: "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest arrr!'" What did Obama’s pirate cza Buzz Aldrin: "To Marrrrs!" Rapture Fanatic: "This Saturday will bring Arrrrmageddon." Driving instructor: "Put the carrrr in Parrrrk!" Theatre Critic: "Don’t miss the revival of Streetcarrr Named Desarrr!" Democratic strategist: "Kamala Harris is a rising starrr!" Postal abbreviation of Bill Clinton's home state: AR Trump cabinet member: "Ready! Farrr! Aim!" And a special bonus… “The Graham-Cassidy Amendment will kick over 30 million Americans off their health insurance, severely damage Medicaid, allow the insurance vultures to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps, cause a spike in premiums, strand low-income Americans, slash women’s health services, and god knows what else is hidden in that monstrosity. Jesus, people, I’m a freaking pirate and even I know this thing is fucking cruel. Call your senators and make this piece ‘o shit walk the plank.” Thanks for reading. You've been a swarrrthy arrdience.
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malicemizer · 7 years
I feel like being a dick so, 1-100
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Apple music.
is your room messy or clean?Messy always.
what color are your eyes?Dark brown!
do you like your name? why?Nova and Kai are cute but my birth name is gross
what is your relationship status? I have boyfriend
describe your personality in 3 words or lesswhat the fuck
what color hair do you have?black and red
what kind of car do you drive? color?i don’t own a car but i drive my parents black lexus & white camry
where do you shop?hot topic lol
how would you describe your style?“try hard visual kei”
favorite social media accountI hate social media but I use tumblr the most
what size bed do you have? twin :^(
any siblings?step brother & two half sisters
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?wherever my boyfriend lives bc i love that boy
favorite snapchat filter? uhhh my favorite one rn is the one w the leopard mask
favorite makeup brand(s)kvd, urban decay
how many times a week do you shower?this is a bad question
favorite tv show?breaking bad
shoe size?38 EU
how tall are you?154 cm
sandals or sneakers? i wear boots
do you go to the gym? ew no lol
describe your dream datei see my boyfriend, i take him to wherever he wants to eat cause he hasnt been to the states, we go back to my house and cuddle in bed and fall asleep together
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?nothing? i dont think
what color socks are you wearing? black
how many pillows do you sleep with?theres 2 on my bed atm
do you have a job? what do you do? I don’t but I’m getting my job at wendys back tomorrow lol
how many friends do you have? uhhhh depends what you consider friends but 4
whats the worst thing you have ever done? ... why would i admit that....
whats your favorite candle scent? pink sands by yankee candle
3 favorite boy namesakatsuki but thats all i can think of
3 favorite girl namesvalentina
favorite actor? uhhhhh ? i dont really have one does nagito count lol
favorite actress? used to be keke palmer and jennifer lawrence but they’re both :/
who is your celebrity crush?do i need to answer this
favorite movie? orphan!!
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t really read but weedflower was my favorite as a kid
money or brains? neither i like my men poor and dumb as shit
do you have a nickname? what is it? nov, nob, tony nop, nop
how many times have you been to the hospital?I’ve been to the emergency room between 5 and 10 times (brain injury, infections, that time i got kicked out of school)
top 10 favorite songs24 ko cylinders (listening to it rn)the pledge (dir)tsuki no hime (kiryu)touseirinkakucageominouscoppelia
do you take any medications daily? nopeeee but i used to be on wellbutrin and abilify
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)really really oily it switched from being dry to oily when i was 15
what is your biggest fear? bees by farrr
how many kids do you want? none.
whats your go to hair style?straighten it and just let it do its thing
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) it’s average size for my area, kinda small in retrospect
who is your role model? kyo
what was the last compliment you received?i think venus called me a potato
what was the last text you sent?“I’d be a timid bad guy”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?i never really believed it
what is your dream car? porsche 911
opinion on smoking?i do it socially and its kinda hot
do you go to college? yep
what is your dream job? band member but one of the ones that dont talk
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? neither im a city dweller
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no lol my hair is picky and hates them
do you have freckles? yes lmao and on my arms too its the mexican look
do you smile for pictures?rarely
how many pictures do you have on your phone? almost 18k
have you ever peed in the woods? probably a long time ago
do you still watch cartoons? tumblr ruined cartoons for me tbh
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?i used to work at wendys so they’re tainted for me but I prefer them (they’re best after like 5 minutes theyve been sitting there lol)
Favorite dipping sauce? ew none
what do you wear to bed? depends on my mood sometimes my outfit frm that day, normal pajamas, or nothing
have you ever won a spelling bee?nope but i placed in a japanese speech competition 2 years ago
what are your hobbies?i draw and play minecraft and guitar and thats pretty much it as of late
can you draw? yes lol i “can” but I’m not good
do you play an instrument?guitar and piano but I haven’t played piano in a while
what was the last concert you saw? black veil brides i think?
tea or coffee?both tbh
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks but we dont have dunkin in idaho
do you want to get married?ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
what is your crush’s first and last initial?sk uwu
are you going to change your last name when you get married? “when” lol
what color looks best on you? red and black
do you miss anyone right now? yeah my boyfriend :(
do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed i always have my door closed
do you believe in ghosts?yes yes yes yes yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? when people accuse you of lying about something they have no proof you’ve lied about
last person you calledvenus
favorite ice cream flavor? cookie dough
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular ew wtf
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow is prettier
what shirt are you wearing? its just black
what is your phone background?kaya + yuuki and my boyfriend petting a sheep
are you outgoing or shy?a bit of both i love attention but im bad at interpersonal communication
do you like it when people play with your hair?ew god no dont touch my hair
do you like your neighbors? they’re alright one of them has a cute dog
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?usually at night when i take my makeup off
have you ever been high? yes many times lol
have you ever been drunk? only a few times but it’s spring break sooooo
last thing you ate? m&ms
favorite lyrics right nowi keep thinking specifically about the way kaya says “yami no naka” in coppelia (means “middle of the darkness”)
summer or winter? uhhhhh both but this winter sucked so im excited for summer
day or night? night, creeping into very early morning
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk and white are best
favorite month? august cause birthday + boyfriends birthday
what is your zodiac signLeooooo
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom cause i went to a movie that made me cry lol
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