#its christmas bxtch
An Icy Surprise...
That time you thought it'd be funny to put snow down the rogues neck...
Black Mask: "Oh you fucking-" He chased after you almost immediately. He grabbed you by the collar, pulling you back to him. He tripped you face-first into the snow. Your scream was muffled by the snow before he rolled you onto your back, grasping your chin. "Don't fuck with me." You heard his grin behind his mask. "Fair enough. You do warn me." You grumbled out. "I do. That's so nice of me, don't you think huh?" He squeezed, your jaw making you wince.
Mad Hatter: He screeched before flailing around, trying to shake the snow off of him. "Cold! Cold! Lukewarm tea!" You weren't entirely sure where the last part was coming from. Was it that he was requesting specifically lukewarm tea to chase the snow down his back? Or was the feeling of the snow down his back as displeasant as lukewarm tea? Was such a thing as abhorrent? Were they of the same wave length to Jervis? Equal? Or was this just a random phrase that he exclaimed that not even he or the Riddler could explain? "Unnecessary! Cruel! How could you do this!?" You giggled in response. "Don't like the cold, Jervis?" "No! Nothing of the sort!" Jervis replied.
The Riddler: He shrieked. You'd never heard such a scream in your life. You couldn't get the snow under his collar but you could put it under his green suit jacket. It had the same effect. He flailed as he screeched. He couldn't even speak words through his flails and squeaks. Finally, a dishevelled Riddler turned to you in outrage. "How dare you! You moron! You sewer-bred imbecile!" "Awww Ed, look!" Your eyes widened. "What!?" He snapped. "You fell off your pedestal!" He glared at you silently with a clenched jaw before he bent down and picked up as much snow as he could manage and threw it at you. You screeched as he continued to shovel and throw snow at you. "Stop! Ed, stop!" "Shut up!" Edward seethed.
Scarecrow: He gasped, recoiling from you sharply. "You better start running because if I catch you, you're getting my toxin and dangerous doses!" He ground out through his clenched teeth. You squeaked and took off running, you knew he wasn't joking. You also knew you were lucky enough that he liked you enough to give you a warning. With impressive aim, Jonathan quickly scooped up some snow, balling it and threw it towards you. It soared through the air and smashed against the back of your head. You yelped before wriggling as some ice trickled down your neck. This gave him enough time to storm after you, digging into his pocket.
Two-Face: He grunted. "Oh you're so fucked." Harv' ground out before chasing after you. "Get back here you little shit!" "No! No! No! No!" You yelped as you ran for your life. Literally. "Get back here!" He demanded. He caught up to you, arms around you tightly before he proceeded to throw you over his shoulder. "I hope it was worth it, (Y/N)." "It was a joke!" you cried out. "Let's see if this is funny." Two-Face crouched slowly but you only realised what he had done when he shoved snow under your clothing. You screeched and flailed but he had a pretty good grip on you. "What have we learned?" Harvey asked. "Okay! Okay! You're right!" You squeaked. "Your confession is vague but I'm certain we can expand on that when we find a punishment that fits the crime." Harvey smirked.
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sammichbread · 7 years
aaaalright im goin tf to sleep because ive been awake for like 10 years & my joints are screaming at me so goooooooooodnight my dudes love u
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disableddisaster · 7 years
do em all
200: My crush’s name is: thats classified information
199: I was born in: edmonton!
198: I am really: gay asdfasdf
197: My cellphone company is: bell!
196: My eye color is: blue!
195: My shoe size is: 5W
194: My ring size is: ive literally never worn a ring asdfasdf
193: My height is: 4′11
192: I am allergic to: sooo.... much........ so much
191: My 1st car was: never had a car!
190: My 1st job was: ive cleaned a cottage once a month w my mom since i was like 12
189: Last book you read: hp and the philosophers stone :-)
188: My bed is: comfy and big
187: My pet: i have 5! 4 cats and a dog, flinty is my favourite boy, my son
186: My best friend: U!
185: My favorite shampoo is: the last shampoo i bought i bought cuz it had rainbow letters asdfasdf
184: Xbox or ps3: the last console i owned was a ps2 
183: Piggy banks are: useful?
182: In my pockets: i have no pockets im wearing pj shorts adfasd
181: On my calendar: whos organized enough to use a CALENDAR
180: Marriage is: gay and beautiful
179: Spongebob can: die
178: My mom: is the best i love her so much
177: The last three songs I bought were? i use spotify premium :O
176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mAErcv38Go its ukrainian dancing asdfa
175: How many cousins do you have? 6??? im only in contact w 3 tho
174: Do you have any siblings? a sister and a brother
173: Are your parents divorced? my mom isnt w my bio dad anymore but they were never married
172: Are you taller than your mom? NO :(
171: Do you play an instrument? nope
170: What did you do yesterday? skyped my babies @to-andromeda and @irwinglasses for the first time in AGES[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: no
168: Luck: no
167: Fate: no
166: Yourself: NO ADFDSF
165: Aliens:
164: Heaven: idk!! 
163: Hell: idk!!
162: God: yea
161: Horoscopes: hmm........ yes
160: Soul mates: yes!!!!!!!
159: Ghosts: YES
158: Gay Marriage: im literally a lesbian
157: War: asdfadsf what
156: Orbs: what.....
155: Magic: i wish :(
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses 4 sure
153: Drunk or High: drunk
152: Phone or Online: uhhh online? i think asdf i dont understand
151: Red heads or Black haired: red heads :-)
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes
149: Hot or cold: cold
148: Summer or winter: summer i guess but its way too hot
147: Autumn or Spring:
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla!
145: Night or Day: night!
144: Oranges or Apples: im allergic to both
143: Curly or Straight hair: curly :O
142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcds ew who eats at burger king
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: white!!
140: Mac or PC: PC!
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops asdfasf
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: i hate this question fuck off
137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi!!!
136: Hillary or Obama: wheres my canadian politics question
135: Burried or cremated: cremation 
134: Singing or Dancing: dancing !
133: Coach or Chanel: what
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ...........whom asdfasdf
131: Small town or Big city: big CITY
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target was cool but they closed down here
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: whom....
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure!! feet are gross adsfadf
127: East Coast or West Coast:
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birtjday for sure
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers!
124: Disney or Six Flags: disney i think idk ive been to neither adsfad
123: Yankees or Red Sox: a what[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: bad
121: George Bush: also bad
120: Gay Marriage: im gay
119: The presidential election: donald trump can kiss my gay ass
118: Abortion:
117: MySpace: i have no strong feelings on this
116: Reality TV: i dont have cable
115: Parents: i love them 
114: Back stabbers: uhh bad
113: Ebay: i ordered 5 rubix cubes off ebay for my brother once
112: Facebook: hell site
111: Work: who likes work asdfasd
110: My Neighbors: theyre all old 
109: Gas Prices: pretty low rn!
108: Designer Clothes: pointless
107: College: scary !
106: Sports: what is a sport
105: My family: i love my parents and my siblings v much
104: The future: uhh............ scary[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: like 2 days ago
102: Last time you ate: i ate a sandwich a few hours ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: i saw u does that count
100: Cried in front of someone: last tiem i cried was in front of U!!!!!!
99: Went to a movie theater: emoji movie B)
98: Took a vacation: i went to the rockies on thurs!
97: Swam in a pool: i........ have no idea
96: Changed a diaper: its been a while theres no babies in my life :(
95: Got my nails done: i dont think ive ever ??? wait nvm high school graduation
94: Went to a wedding: my parents wedding when i was 5
93: Broke a bone: never!
92: Got a peircing: i got my ears pierced in like 1999
91: Broke the law: i didnt wear my SEATBELT yesterday 
90: Texted: i currently am texting
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most:
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
flint......... :(
87: The last movie I saw:
the emoji movie adfasdf
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:
this is gay but my gf coming back from vacation asdfa
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
school AAAAAAAAa
84: People call me:
83: The most difficult thing to do is:
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:
my driving record is FLAWLESS
81: My zodiac sign is:
80: The first person i talked to today was:
like actually spoke to?? the cashier at the grocery store
79: First time you had a crush:
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from:
literally everyone
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:
76: Right now I am talking to:
the cats im cat sitting
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
fuvck IDK
74: I have/will get a job: i just quit my job lol
73: Tomorrow: i have no plans
72: Today: i went grocery shopping
71: Next Summer: prolly gonna be hot
70: Next Weekend: redacted comes back from vacation :O
69: I have these pets: 4 cats and a dog!
68: The worst sound in the world:
a cat in heat or dry paper towel adfadf
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: fuck idk im an emotional bxtch
66: People that make you happy: redacted, u, emily, my mom,
65: Last time I cried: ln adsfadf
64: My friends are: gay and i love them
63: My computer is: cool it has a touch screen
62: My School: grant macewan 
61: My Car: nonexistent
60: I lose all respect for people who: r homophobes
59: The movie I cried at was: noooo fucking clue it was w redacted tho
58: Your hair color is: brown!
57: TV shows you watch: none!
56: Favorite web site: cats.com
55: Your dream vacation: nyc for like2 weeks in a fancy hotel
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: im chronically ill asdfasd i dont know
53: How do you like your steak cooked: in the garbage can
52: My room is: messy
51: My favorite celebrity is: keyboard cat
i dont feel like answering the rest adfasdf
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Stop, drop and make a snow angel
"Wait!" Your arm shot out, eyes wide. The rogue looked taken aback by your urgency. You let him go and leaned back with a smile, falling to the ground and kicking moving your arms and legs in a star motion.
The Riddler: "What are you-!? How old are you!?" He snapped. "Oh come on, you old fart! Can't your big brain figure it out!?" The Riddler gasped in response, offended. "I am not old! Never call me any of that again! It is demeaning and all because you want to act like a child!" "Means I'll outlive you." You shot back. "By the time your fifty you'll be mentally eighty three and the buzzkill no one wants around." You replied before getting up with a satisfied grin. "Now that's a work or art right there." You smiled down at your creation. "It's mediocre and dumb now, let's go!" He grabbed your hand and dragged you away.
Black Mask: You didn't see his eyes shift behind his mask. Suddenly, he kicked a clump of snow onto you. You screeched. "Hey!" He cackled. "Did you ruin my angel!?" You sat up. Roman shrugged. "I'm gonna step on it." He said. "No, you're not!" You cried back. "I'm gonna step on it. The second you get up. I'm stepping on it." He said flatly with a slow nod. "Roman!" "(Y/N)." "Roman, don't step on my angel!" "Fine." He rolled his eyes. You stood up and just as you were about to admire your handiwork, Roman kicked it. "Roman!" You whined. "Wait." Roman tilted his head at it. Then he stepped on it. "There. Looks shit. Let's go."
Two-Face: He stared down at you momentarily before speaking. "You complain you're cold on the way back and we're gonna kick your ass." Harv' said flatly. "Come on, it's Christmas!" "Come on, we're adults." Harvey countered. "Two-Face...!" You whined. "Don't give me those big eyes." Harvey retorted. You pouted. "Stop pouting at us too." Harv added.
Scarecrow: "I wanted to expect more for you. Although I knew how futile that would be." He said flatly. "Let me have my fun! You can do this yourself." "I'm thirty three." He replied. "So? Wait, does this look good? I didn't prepare for this and I'm very very cold." Jonathan sighed. "Yes. You did well." He reached out a hand. "Now come on. We have places to be." You hummed. "Fine. Fine." You took his hand as he pulled you back up to a stand.
Ragdoll: "Oh! Oh! Let me do a swirl!" He quickly followed you. His arms and legs starfishing. He brought his lands and legs up around his head and straightening back down. He hummed before bending his legs over his shoulder and shovelling his snow further creating a much more rounded circle. Moving into a crab formation, he stretched out an arm and a leg outside of the circle. Showing his strength he pushed his weight onto those two limbs and moving out of the circle completely. He winked at you with a mischevious grin.
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Jonathan’s Christmas Gift (Scarecrow x Reader)
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You watched The Riddler and Penguin chatting away from across the room when you felt arms wrap around you from behind. "I did get you something else." Jonathan said quietly into your ear. You gasped, turning to him with dread. "Jonathan Crane, you promised a maximum of four so I didn't feel guilty if you got more than me!" You gawked.  It was no secret that Jonathan had more money than you. This meant you felt guilty when you couldn't afford as much as he could. "This one was a secret." He explained with an amused smile. "Pre-planned for a few months now." You groaned. "Damn it." 
He brought out a small gift bag from behind him and held it out to you. "Jewellery!? That's the secret one!? Jonathan, if you spent a ridiculous amount of money on me, we are going to have a chat." You spoke as you opened the bag. "I found the reason worthwhile." He retorted. 
You stared at the small box in your hand. When you opened it, you gasped. "What does this...? Is that?" You stared down at the diamond ring. Jonathan pulled you into him, ensuring your eye contact as he spoke softly. "It can mean whatever you like." He began softly. "A promise ring, an engagement ring, wedding ring, simply a ring- whatever you like." He tucked loose strands of hair away from your face. "It'll mean the same thing no matter what to me." You felt Jonathan rub circles with his thumbs on your waist. "It means that you are the one person on this earth that I love. You are the love of my life. My partner in life and I only ever want to spend it with you." You felt tears well up in your eyes and Jonathan cracked a small smile. "Don't cry. I gave you long enough to run from me." You giggled as his smile widened.  "Oh honey, it should have been you running." You teased back, swallowing your tears. "I love it." Your voice quivered before you leaned in to kiss him. "I love you." You added. "I'm taking this as an engagement ring too by the way." Jonathan chuckled, kissing your cheek. "Whatever you wish, my dear." He turned his attention to the ring. Taking it out of the box and sliding it onto your left ring finger. You smiled happily at the ring before kissing him again.
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Christmas Eve with Roman (Black Mask x Reader)
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This Christmas Eve didn't involve partying or drinking. No, Roman decided he wanted to spend it in peace with you. Although such domestic evenings especially during the holidays didn't come easy to him. He was used to spending so much time alone that this was very new territory. Usually he got out of it but this year he wanted to face the holiday. He wanted to try. You knew this was huge for Roman so you had no problem silently walking him through it. You decided you'd make it easy for him to keep him comfortable. You convinced him to watch Home Alone with you. At first he was apprehensive finding the idea of a kid being left on Christmas hardly cheery...except for him. He found that hilarious that his own family could forget him and literally leave the country. However, he was sold the second he heard that the child would take on two robbers with brutal tactics. He loved every second of it. He adored every second of suffering and that didn't surprise you. You knew Roman was a sadist. 
What wasn't so great was how tame he considered a lot of the acts to be- almost not even considering them a torment. Your fingers had been running circles along the top of his wrist when he tugged your wrist, pulling you closer to him. He captured your lips in a kiss before smiling, waiting for you to return a kiss of your own, wrapping an arm around the back of the couch. You gave him a quick kiss. His other hand pulled the back of your neck, closer to him. A silent demand for another. You knew Roman didn't like quick kisses pressed to his lips. He preferred proper kisses, often declaring he wants a real kiss and that he isn't related to you so give him a real one. Teasing him, you gave him another quick kiss to the lips and then his cheek. He clenched his jaw at the tease. He was in a good enough mood to smile but moved his hand. It twitched, seemingly indecisive of whether he wanted to grab you by the jaw or the neck as he smiled. Then he pulled back, lowering his hand after a quick wag of his finger, deciding not to endure your teasing any longer. You kissed his cheek again and he shook his head. "You fuckin' know better." He smirked, looking back towards the TV. "Watching you try not to react is so funny." You giggled. You put a hand on his cheek and angled his face towards you before pulling him in for a proper kiss. He hummed in approval, quickly returning the kiss. 
Later that night you had played Christmas music, handing Roman a scotch, whilst you had a glass of wine. "Thank you for spending tonight with me." You said, lightly grabbing his shoulder. "It's been the best." You smiled softly. He smiled but looked down at his glass. "Wanted to try, yeah?" "You've done brilliantly. Have you had a good time?" You asked. "Yeah, I did actually. It was different but I had a nice night with my baby. It actually felt meaningful. Which is weird. Don't ask me why. It just is." He said before taking a swig of his drink. "Don't worry, I know what you mean." You smiled back at him. 
Something seemed to be on his mind as he was silent for a moment. "Give me your hand, I wanna try something." Roman held out his hand, clearly uncertain with his idea. You slapped his hand. "High five!" You sang and his shoulders slackened. "I mean it, give me your hand." He asked again with an eye roll. You took his hand and he put his glass down on the coffee table, as did you. The second you straightened, he tugged you towards him. 
One hand on your waist the other holding your hand. He began to sway the two of you. Your smile widened as you looked up at him. He really was going above and beyond for you this Christmas Eve. You had always felt safe in Roman's arms but to see him relaxed and happy as he was with you in his arms, warmed your heart. Roman leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek. The two of you moving closer, your elbow around his neck, your interlocked hand held against his chest. His eyes fluttered shut as though finally at ease. His paranoia falling away even if it were just for a moment. His nose brushed against yours as you closed your eyes too. This is what you wanted to remember for the rest of your life. Even if you never got it again, the fact that you got it once was enough. It was so rare that Roman showed you affection without the asking of sex. Something he thought he had to give to show his love. He never thought even a hug or a dance would be enough to show you, knowing how difficult it was for him to really open up. Yet this time, he seemed to understand it, falling into it. "This isn't so bad." He whispered. You opened your eyes and squeezed him. "I love you, Roman." You whispered back. He nodded, whilst he didn't say it back, you knew. He loved you too.
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