#its currently 10pm on the 10th !!
nyukyusnz · 5 months
Happy birthday kya 💗 (hope I’m remembering correctly 😭)
aww tyssm han 🥹🥹 i dont know if its the 11th for you atm but this is def close enough to me i appreciate this sm <//3 thank youu !! i hope youre doing well 🩷🩷
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cyarskaren52 · 8 months
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From "VIDEO SOUL" follow-up spinoffs "Planet Groove" and "106&Park".
VIDEO SOUL - 1981-1996 Video Soul premiered on June 26, 1981 and was originally a half-hour show. The show was created after MTV refused to play videos by most African-American musicians,as MTV made the de facto color policy effective. Both BET and Video Soul served as a place of refuge for new African-American musical talent.
Video Soul Top-20 aired on Fridays, and showcased the hottest top 20 videos of the week. It was also known as The Coca-Cola Video Soul Top-20 Countdown, as Coca-Cola became a sponsor of the show. Video Soul By Request was a two-hour long video block on Saturdays. This edition premiered in mid-1992. It showcased videos requested by viewers who called a 1-900 number. Throughout its run, Sherry Carter hosted unseen when she became a host for Video Soul in 1992.
Oh yeah VIDEO SOUL is coming back to BET very soon….
Planet Groove 🌎 1996-1999 Planet Groove is a music oriented talk show that premiered in late-1996 on BET, when the short-lived Unreal was cancelled.This show's hostess was Rachel Stuart (who originally hosted Caribbean Rhythms). Like Video Soul, the show had a primetime slot, airing from 8PM-10PM (Eastern Time) as a 2-hour long music video program. It also had a Top-20 countdown on Fridays as well.
With decrease in popularity, the show was cancelled in 1999. Planet Groove was somewhat revived when BET launched 106 & Park in 2000. 106 & Park was a top-ten video countdown show that aired live every weekday in the U.S. and Japan. It was cancelled in 2014.
106 & Park - 2000-2014 A. J. Calloway and Marie "Free" Wright were the first hosts of the show from September 11, 2000 until July 28, 2005, when Calloway announced that it would be his last show, as well as for Free (who spoke via phone), as the show was either presented by Calloway or Wright.
The show launched as an hour-long show until expanding to 90 minutes in 2001. In New Year's Eve (for all years), the show introduces to its only holiday special, called 106 & Party, along with performances by all artists. In 2008, the show was expanded to two hours with occasional 90-minute episodes during eventual weeks. The show celebrated its 2,000th episode on August 20, 2008. From July 25, 2011 to September 2, 2011, the show was also expanded to three hours.
The show's "10th anniversary" special was on October 6, 2010. The previous hosts, A. J. Calloway & Free (original; 2000–2005), Julissa & Big Tigger (2005–2006) returned to the show to celebrate along with current hosts Terrence J and Rocsi.
The show's final episode ("The Final Act") was on December 19, 2014. The previous hosts, A. J. Calloway & Free (original; 2000–2005), Julissa & Big Tigger (2005–2006), Terrence J & Rocsi (2006–2012) and Shorty da Prince, Paigion and Miss Mykie of "The Search" (2012–2013) also returned to the show to honor with current hosts Bow Wow and Keshia Chanté with a special guest appearance by Keyshia Cole.
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cautelous · 3 years
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Supplemental Casenotes for Case #35-TH032
Compiled by Constable A.J. Perkins
Supplemental notes for Case #35-TH032, which pertains to a theft from Piltech Innovations. A hextech “grappling gun” and associated equipment were reported stolen the morning of 11th Rain. (Design schematics of the device are attached to this document.) Preliminary investigation reveals few leads, as the laboratory’s security system appears to have been damaged and wasn’t fully operational at the time of the theft.
All hextech inventions, whether fully completed or partially built, were kept in Piltech Innovations’ storeroom, which was thaumaturgically secured. The storeroom was locked according to Marcus Hill, who discovered the theft. Individual inventions were stored in separate secured lockboxes to prevent potential reactions due to long-term cross-exposure.
The lockbox containing the “grappling gun” was closed but unlocked, according to Mr. Hill. All other lockboxes were secured, and an inventory conducted by our investigative team and the laboratory’s inventors concluded that nothing else was taken.
The storeroom had one security camera. See processing section for more details.
Piltech Innovations’ security footage was examined. Unfortunately, no recordings were made on 10th Rain. It appears that the security system was damaged in some way six days prior, according to the laboratory’s security team, and that the damage resulted in the system being unable to store recorded footage. Repairs weren’t considered a priority due to the laboratory having day- and night-shift security.
Our investigative team dusted for fingerprints, focusing on areas the thief most likely touched. (The door, opened lockbox, nearby lockboxes, etc.) No fingerprints, including partial prints, were found.
Evidence Collected:
“Grappling gun” schematics, attached. Given over by their creator Iva Kovac.
Security footage from the seven days prior to the security system being damaged on 4th Rain.
Photographs of the storeroom as it appeared when our investigative team arrived.
Some witness interviews need to be completed.
Witness Information for Case #35-TH032
Compiled by Constable A.J. Perkins
Marcus Hill, Engineer
Discovered the theft. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for two years. Describes himself to be the first to show up in the morning and the last to leave at night, discounting security. Miss Lu attests that he left the building at around 6pm. Has an alibi for the night of the 10th - attended a social gathering with friends and family, who vouch for him. Arrived at the laboratory at around 8am, and claims to have discovered that the “grappling gun” was stolen due to wanting to check its functioning.
Iva Kovac, Engineer
Creator of the stolen invention. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for one year. Currently in possession of an employment-based visa due to her Zaunite nationality. Miss Lu attests that she left the building at around 5pm. Arrived at the laboratory when informed about the theft. Claims to have spent the night of the 10th at home.
Miss Kovac informed investigators that the stolen “grappling gun” was commission work for a client, Lucas Phelps. Mr. Phelps has not been able to be contacted at this time.
Andrea Snyder, Engineer
Engineer at Piltech Innovations. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for five years. Had been out sick since 8th Rain, and claims to have been home recovering at the time of the theft.
Kaleb Bullard, Head Engineer
The engineering lead at and founder of Piltech Innovations, which opened five years ago. Miss Lu attests that he left the building at around 5pm. Arrived at the laboratory when informed about the theft. Spent the night of the 10th out to dinner with his husband - the two claim to have returned home at around 10pm.
Benjamin Woods, Day-Shift Security
Member of the day shift security team, primary shift. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for two months. His shift lasts from 6am until 2pm. Helped Mr. Hill report the theft. Claims to have been at home, studying, for the night of the 10th.
Holly Lu, Day-Shift Security
Member of the day shift security team, secondary shift. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for one year. Her shift lasts from 2pm until 10pm. Claims to have seen nothing out-of-the-ordinary on the security cameras during her shift. Mr. Dale attests that she went home after shift change on the night of the 10th, and she claims to have spent the night at home.
Edward Dale, Night-Shift Security
Sole night shift security guard. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for seven months. His shift begins at 10pm and lasts until 6am. Claims to have seen nothing out-of-the-ordinary on the security cameras during his shift.
Mr. Bullard told investigators that Mr. Dale has previously shown negligence to his security duties, but that he hasn’t been replaced due to a lack of interest in the job offer.
Addendum: Due to lack of evidence and the amount of time elapsed since the theft, Case #35-TH032 is considered unsolved. Lucas Phelps was never able to be contacted by investigators, and did not contact Piltech Innovations.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 5
Here is the part 5 of A Different Hashira
You can click here for part 1 :)
You can click here for part 2 :)
You can click here for part 3 :)
You can click here for part 4 :)
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Attempted Conversations
Despite the fact that you failed in extracting knowledge as to what his favorite food was, the two of you still enjoyed the simple lunch of tempura and soba. It was a miracle that you knew just how much spices you needed to put since Giyu had such particular taste.
"Are you in the mood to talk, Tomioka-san?"
Taking your eyes off of the tempura, you stared at the messy haired hashira. He was wearing a white undershirt and his pants. Though this time, he was barefoot.
"How was your mission?"
"It was successful. I met up with Kochou and she assisted me." He slurped his soba and proceeded "A dog bit me as well."
"Huh?" Putting your bowl down, you scooted towards him and extended a hand. Half expecting he would reject it.
Staring at you with stuffed cheeks, he placed his chopsticks down and gave you his bandaged hand. Inspecting it a little, you saw the messy of a job was done in wrapping up the injury. Knowing that Shinobu would never make something that horrendous, you could only deduce that it was him who did it.
"This was done... very badly, Tomioka-san."
Taking his hand from yours, he grabbed his chopsticks and continued eating. You sighed and stood up. With big steps, you went to your room and grabbed your first aid box. Though you were not as skilled as Shinobu when it comes to medicine, you were an expert at wrapping bandages. Admittedly, it had been a while since you last bandaged your hand. Hopefully, your hands still remembered what to do.
Seeing you carrying a first aid kit, Giyu stopped eating and waited for you to begin the small procedure.
Carefully unwrapping the bandage, you felt how calloused his fingers were. You didn't know how old he was but your estimation was around 18 or 19 years old. Asking him would be pushing it and he might just stand up and leave you alone.
Seeing that there was a faint bite mark, you couldn't help but giggle at the picture of an emotionless man being bitten by a dog.
Your thoughts were cut when his voice cut the silence between you.
"I was just thinking how you looked like when the dog bit you." A smile escaped your mouth. Looking up, you saw him staring at you with such dead pan eyes. He looked annoyed but in reality, he looked like a child. Your smile only grew  even larger causing him to sigh in defeat.
A few minutes passed and you were pleased with your handy work.
"There you go! Much better and definitely cleaner too."
"Thank you."
Crawling your way back to your seat, you picked up your bowl and continued to eat. A slight breeze found it's way to the two of you. Instantly, the two of you relaxed. The two of you had been on long journey's and the breeze was a much needed energy booster.
"Your left palm? What happened?"
"Hmm?" You replied with food in your mouth this time.
"I noticed a healed laceration on it."
"Very observant. Yes, it is a healed laceration. As to how I got it, only time will give you the answer, Tomioka-san."
Now that the two of you finished sharing lunch, Giyu silently offered to wash the dishes once more. Thanking him, you cleaned the table and set it aside. Now that the receiving area was empty, you lazily flopped to the ground and inhaled the fresh air passing through the engawa.
"Care to join me?" You invited Giyu to lay down on the tatami mats.
"Suit yourself."
Hearing his footsteps go up the stairs, the tranquility was cut by the caws of your raven and his crow. Landing beside you, the two birds looked at each other and nodded.
"(F/N) (L/N) and Giyu Tomioka. Head northwest. Village with reports of demon. Leave tomorrow. " Karasutori announced.
"So much for peace, ey?" You hummed while petting the head of both birds. Both of them responded by bowing their heads even more. Telling them to wait, you went back inside the kitchen and gave them each some bread crumbs. The moment they left, you headed to your room to get ready for the mission to come.
As the sun was setting, you had just finished preparing the necessary items. Hoping that there would be a Wisteria house there, you only brought some bandages and cash. Any more than that would become a hindrance when fighting off demons.
The question now was, which sword you would have to bring with you on the mission. With zero details to go on, it would be a risk to bring a jagged sword. Telling yourself to pay Tecchikawahara a visit, you stored the blue Nichirin blade and brought out the black sheathed one from your closet. Taking a cloth, you wiped off any traces of dust and placed it beside your futon.
Hopefully, this demon would have no need to let you use any breathing techniques. It did cross your mind that this would be the perfect time to show Giyu what kind of pillar you were, but you made a pact with yourself. Only use it in times of need.
Standing up, you changed into your uniform's skirt and a plain white shirt. Too lazy to cook dinner, you headed to the butterfly estate. There you killed time till you fell asleep
- -
Going back to your estate in the early hours of your dawn, you savored the chilly morning breeze accompanied with all of nature's sound. Regretting not bringing along your haori, you walked a pace faster till you saw the familiar building emerge from the wisteria trees. A carving of tidal waves were now visible on the wooden gates.
Opening them, you were greeted with a meditating Giyu with tea cups beside him.
Walking up to him, you sat on the engawa. Your eyes focused on the steaming cup of tea. Sipping on it, you felt energized and ready to start the mission. Comfortable silence engulfed the two of you. Thanking him for the tea, you stood up to ready yourself for the mission.
Moments later, the two of you were now walking towards the Northwestern village.
Inside you, you were dying to initiate conversation. You were so used to having Misturi or Kyojuro talking their hearts out as you headed to your assigned places. The person you were teaming up with gave you nothing but silence. Would he be annoyed if you kept talking about random things till you reached the village? Would an exchange happen? Or just nods and hums? Sulking it up, you began to tread the waters.
"Uh, what kind of demon do you think we'll find?"
"Not sure yet."
"When did you start learning water breathing, Tomioka-san?"
"A few years back."
"What was it like, training with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"Never let him drink alcohol."
"Wait, what?"
You stopped walking as you processed the tidbit of information you had just received. In all your years with Urokodaki, you had never once seen him drink anything other than tea and water. A mental image of him drinking was harder than learning your own 10th form of breathing. Catching up to Giyu, you matched his pace once more.
Regretting that you stopped the momentum of the conversation, you stared at him once more. You noticed how his cheeks were a little bit more fuller. The dark circles around his eyes were still there, though. He had his fair share of sleepless nights, too. Mentally, you took note to buy some lavender to help him get some goodnight's rest.
By the time the two of you arrived in the village, the sun was now setting. Looking for an inn or a Wisteria house, you stumbled upon the latter. The family gladly took the both of you in but only had one room to offer. Graciously accepting it, the two of you sat down on the only futon available and rested your legs after a day's worth of walking.
"Shall we take turns in patrolling the area?" You offered.
"That's fine. Rest for now. I'll start."
Before you could say another word, Giyu vanished. Not bothering to get up, you plopped onto the futon and took a nap. Just as you felt your body give in, there was a knock on the door. You sat yourself up as you told them to enter. Upon seeing their smiling faces, you were greeted with 2 sets of mouth watering food.
With no one else to talk to, you invited the woman to sit down and chat.
"Do you have any idea what kind of demon is running lose?"
"Very faint, but I heard that the demon only eats those in their teens and late twenties. Some people also report that they find large holes around the forest. Holes enough for a full grown person to hide in."
"I see. When was the last time there was a sighting?"
"About 3 days ago. By the ramen shop."
"Around what time? Would you know?"
The girl touched her chin and tried to think about the conversation she had.
"They say it was around 10pm."
"Alright. Thanks for the information, uhh, may I have your name again?" You scratched your head awkwardly at forgetting the name of your host.
"Ayumi." She replied with a smile.
"Thank you, Ayumi-san. You should rest now, I'll be patrolling in a few minutes time."
After you finished eating, she took your set of bowls and dishes. Leaving Giyu's meal in case he would feel hungry when he returns. Laying back down on the futon, you yawned and waited for the return of your partner. You closed your eyes to make use of the time.
You woke up with start when you felt the futon move slightly. Giyu had returned. Examining him, he looked clean and calm, as always.
"Anything happened?" Rubbing your eyes as you asked him.
"Aight, Imma head out now. You- oh you already ate, good." Standing up, you took your blade and bid farewell.
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so... this was... yeah xD sorry if this chapter sucks but author-chan still has to build things up a bit ;) doncha worry, there will be action in the next upload. i also hope that ya'll felt that this chapter was quite awkward since its usually awkward around our bibi boi Giyu~ (save if your Tanjirou because, yeah he's who he is 😂 )
Also... I tend to update this late here in tumblr so if you guys want the link to the story :) feel free to message me :D this is actually chapter 5 out of 16 (currently)
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prorevenge · 6 years
Destroy my childhood, ruin my chance at college, and laugh when I said I was homeless? Lol cool, I'll ruin your life.
Long story. TL;DR at the end.
BACKSTORY: My mother was a really shitty person. I have 4 other siblings. One older sister, 3 way younger, 3 different dads. Before I was born (im a male btw), my oldest sister was taken away from my mother when she was a few months old because she tried to stab/slice the father of my sister WHILE HE WAS HOLDING HER. She lost custody and the dude left her. Older sister goes to live with her fathers family in a different city. CUE LIL OL ME COMING INTO THIS SEXY WORLD. My dad went to jail 2-3 years after I was born for a while, I rarely saw him. He's an alcoholic if that matters. She was a single mother but she made it work and she worked hard. One of the bigger problems was that she took out all her agression and hatred of my father on me as well as work stress and etc. She dealt with sexual abuse growing up which I'm sure definitely affected her relationships and how she treated me as well. Anyways...
Cue me being abused from the age of 4-5 to about 17. Every day was hell. She was extremely strict and her perspective was warped. She was also pretty big in stature and had alot of strength. Examples of her being shitty: I've gotten beaten up badly once because HER room was dirty. The dishes weren't washed and I got beaten soon as I got home, even if there werent dishes when I left to school. If i walked too loud, id get my ass beat. She broke my nose for looking at her the wrong way on my 10th birthday when she brought me a cake I was allergic too(It had peanuts, she knows im slightly allergic but feigned ignorance..) It was more or less every day or every other day. She used her fists/elbows/extension cords/hangers/chairs/canes/bats/etc. Whatever she could find I was getting beaten with. I couldn't ever escape to my room for long because she would always call me every few minutes to get her things or to yell at me. She never drank or did drugs or anything. Whenever she was upset and I happened to be in front of her she'd kick me down the stairs to make me hurry up. She's put a knife to my neck before and had to be forcibly stopped by her bf of the time. Burned my christmas presents from other people (she didnt get me anything that year) and just other really shitty things. The only thing I will say, she tried really hard to make up for it with video games and electronics and etc. It didn't make a difference to me though, it never helped.
She controlled most aspects of my life. I got by with little petty revenges. Peeing in the lipton iced tea she drank. Rubbing her forks and spoons between ny buttcheeks before i served her dinner. Ignoring her screams for help when she had kidney stones (how tf am i supposed to help anyways??) But by the time i got to highschool I turned to alcohol. I resented her and the negative atmosphere affected who I was as a person. I started to be cold and uncaring. Calculated. She started kicking me out every few months telling me to find somewhere else to live by age 15. She sent me away to a different country for a year and tried to keep my passport but I made it back to the US with the help of the embassy and my step father (she'd already left by that time and found some other dude). I came back senior year with no credits for the prior grade which ended with me getting a GED. I spent most of the time i could with my best friend and started working shitty jobs. I was terrible at saving as i had accumulated loads of shitty habits while growing up so it didnt make much difference. She eventually told me that If i went to college, I would ALWAYS have a place to live until I finished. Cue my first 2 semesters at a 2 year college, I maintained a 3.7ish gpa. My teachers loved me and it was my escape. Towards the end of my 2nd semester during finals, i came home late one night around 10pm and my mother yanks the door open screaming in my face asking when I'll move out. I'm slightly drunk and decide to completely ignore her and walk to my room. If I opened my mouth, that day would be the day I blew up and cursed her out. I've rarely ever raised my voice at her because it never ended well. Now at this point im 19 and I've been doing school full time with no savings. Im also fairly fit and could easily take my mom at this point (Never laid a hand on her or any woman, i hate violence). I get to my room, she rips my door open, and starts yelling. I say nothing and stare at her. She walks away and called the police on me saying she thought id murder her and my younger siblings. I don't know where the fuck she got that idea from as she's the one who's nearly killed me many times.
I packed everything into a duffle bag and left 5 minutes afterwards. I failed all of my finals because I couldnt make it to my school. Things kinda spiraled and the next 2-3 years were me on and off homeless. I survived the best I could in a big city with no college degree and made alot of shitty choices due to my shitty habits. Eventually i found a profitable hobby that gave me meaning and through that i started to work my way up. Got my own apartment, had a full time job, and did my hobby on the side. I hadn't kept up contact with my mother at all but my younger sister who was old enough to have a phone found me on social media so i saw photos and such, she didn't have it anywhere near as bad but she did get beaten occasionally. My mother reached out via email all smiles asking how I've been. Now guys, ive always been envious of the relationship most ppl have with their moms so I gave her a chance and gave her a call. We talked for a few minutes and everything was civil and seemed like things would go okay but then...
She asked me what I've been up to the last few years and I told her honestly, that I was homeless for a while and struggled alot after what she did to me but I worked my way out of it. SHE LITERALLY LAUGHS. She laughed for a few seconds in a very condescending kinda chuckle and then said "I never did a thing to you so you don't know what abuse is! its your own damn fault you were homeless. So how about yo-" but by that point I hung up. I was speechless and fuming. I don't know what abuse is? OKAY BITCH. IVE SPENT TOO FUCKING LONG LETTING YOU DESTROY MY SANITY. NOW IS THE TIME.
There was a few things my mother didn't know. One, I knew for a fact that current well paying job she had was gotten on lies as she never got her college degree and lied about it on her resume. Two, I had access to all of her email accounts and cloud storage accounts since I was the one that set them up when I was younger and she never changes her passwords. Lastly, she DEFINITELY wasn't aware that from 13yrs old and onto the last time she hit me I took photos of ALL my bruises/marks/wounds/bloody noses saving them to my computer and then google drive. ON TOP OF THAT, my little sister had been sending me photos via social media of the bruises she got from my mom.
The first thing I did was compile ALL of those photos/videos into one folder. I then reached out to CPS in my city and explained that my siblings were being abused, how I was abused in the past, and that I had mountains of proof. Since ive called the cops on my mother before AND the thing that happened with my older sister, there was immediately a home visit. They arrived almost a day later with the police and coincidentally my mother was literally in the process of beating my younger sister when they were knocking. Cue an Emergency removal of all my siblings from the house and my mother getting arrested though she was released hours later. (I was getting a day to day play by play because my mothers best friend is a blabber mouth and everything my mother said she told her son who relayed it to me without either of their knowledge.) I sent CPS all the evidence and there's a legit case against my mother now. The next day I emailed and then called up her job to inform them that she had lied about having a very necessary college degree as well current events in her life which sparked a background check. She was fired days later. Say adios to 75k and a blacklist in the only industry you know how to work. I then spitefully deleted every cloud account and email address I ever made for her, which was all of them which im sure will make keeping up with alot bills and etc nearly impossible. I then anonymously reported her to the IRS because of the tax fraud she committed for years by claiming people's children that weren't hers with ALOT of detailed information since I lived with her while she did it.
So now, my mother lost all her kids and her job. Im meeting with a caseworker from CPS next week to talk more about what happens moving forward but I do know they're NOT going back. Idk how she's gonna pay her mortgage now and survive. I'm sure she's gonna get a call from the IRS who'll be looking for a few thousand dollars she owes them. She also has to go back to court in a few months, not exactly sure what she was charged with but ill update when I find out how everything turns out.
Side Note: She isn't aware im the cause of any of this. I plan on keeping tabs on her and waiting until it seems like she's close to death before I tell her it was all me and I peed in her lipton.
TL;DR - My mother abuses me badly for most of my life as well as my younger siblings. I have to drop out of college and support myself after she drove me to homelessness. She proceeds to laugh at me about me being homeless and denys abuse. So I ruined her life by getting my younger siblings removed and her arrested, making her lose her job, reported her to the IRS, and essentially set her up so that the remainder of her life is full of disaster and hardships.
(source) (story by howbout_that_lipton)
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nwbeerguide · 2 years
Nearly in the homestretch, Reuben's Brews shares details regarding three fun festivals and their upcoming anniversary party.
With optimism on the horizon in Spring 2022, the ownership and staff at Reuben’s Brews are looking forward to their 10th year with a return to in-person festivals, this late-Spring/Summer. Focusing on themes, the brewery will flex their muscles and their hospitality by featuring beers that are hazy, inspired by the Rhineland, friendship, and yeah their 10th anniversary. 
“Festivals are a fun way for us beer lovers to explore beer and learn more about what we enjoy,” says Grace. “We love putting these festivals on at Reuben’s Brews because it’s core to our DNA to brew a wide variety of beers, and we love helping people find their next adventure on their beer journey.” 
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image courtesy Reuben’s Brews
May 14th. Haze Fest
On Saturday, May 14th, Haze Fest returns to the taproom, showcasing the brewery’s depth and breadth, towards producing hazy ipas. During this one-day event, look for many familiar recipes, side-by-side with novel approaches to this popular style. Also, keep your eye out for hazy ipas, infused with ingredients, like a tiki cocktail. As always, the brewery will also host several beers from friends of the brewery. 
June 25th. Lager Fest. 
As the weather (hopefully) improves, and the days are their longest, Reuben’s Brews transports the beer hall of Germany to Ballard, as they invite you to sample styles once only found in Germany. With the focus on light and refreshing lagers, including Pilsner, Helles, and Světlé Pivo. Doors open late Saturday morning and like Haze Fest, this is an all ages event. 
July 16th. Reuben’s & Friends Invitational.
Moving along into July, Reuben’s Brews will host their “Reuben’s & Friends Invitational” on July 16th. Like previous years, this is a unique opportunity for you to sample beers from outside of Seattle. Details are still being ironed out, but look for around 15 guest breweries in attendance, sharing draft and jockey boxes with Reuben’s Brews. 
August 6th. Anniversary Block Party. 
Finally, the brewery is looking forward to their 10th anniversary party. Shutting down the block, the brewery will not only have plenty of beers for grabs but also the last of their 10th anniversary collaborations, one from their Reuben’s Crew Mug Club and another (something just as special) from the employees of the brewery.
“We want to take this opportunity to thank our community who have been supporting us throughout this journey,” says Adam. “Our anniversary party is our chance to express gratitude to those who have been with us each step of the way—the customers who made everything possible, our friends in the industry whose support was invaluable, our suppliers whose awesome ingredients make our beers, and the neighborhood of Ballard who put their arms around us when we opened.”
For up-to-date details on each event, subscribe here or visit your favorite social media platform and follow @reubensbrews.
About Reuben’s Brews 
Adam and Grace Robbings opened Reuben’s Brews in 2012, after an award-winning homebrewing career, naming it after their first child, Reuben. At their employee-owned family brewery they brew from the glass backwards: designing each beer with intention, unbound by constraints. They know that making that extra effort is worth it. From everyday favorites to innovative new releases, they help grow your love of beer. Reuben’s Brews. Beer Unbound. 
The Reuben’s Brews Taproom (5010 14th Ave. NW in Ballard) is open daily 11am – 10pm, featuring an expanded outdoor seating area and To-Go Store. They strictly adhere to all current state and local health precautions to keep their customers and team safe. Visit reubensbrews.com for details, and follow @reubensbrews on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.
Full disclosure: We are members of Reuben’s Brews’ “Reuben’s Crew” mug club membership. The brand, its staff, and ownership have not compensated me for this article. The following article was written voluntarily after receiving a formal Press Release.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3yk14GY
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fubarexpo · 6 years
/’fu:bar/ 2018
SAT Oct 6th
8pm – /’fu:bar/ 2018 EXPO & FESTIVAL OPENING @ Gallery Siva [AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb]
8pm – Sabato Visconti [US] – #Glitchbooth [interactive installation @ Siva]
9pm – Lovely Insomnia [HU] – Live Set/DJ Set [performance @ Siva]
    SUN Oct 7th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
7pm – Ramiro Polla [BE] – FFglitch [lecture @ Siva]
8pm-10pm – Mark Klink aka srcXor [US] – 3d glitching [teleworkshop @ hacklab01]
    MON Oct 8th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
2pm-5pm – Holographic_thought_process [FR] – Video Dirty Mixer [workshop @ hacklab01]
6pm – Nikša Gligo [HR] – Can glitch music be music at all? [lecture @ Siva]
8pm – Magno Caliman [NL] – screenBashing [performance @ Siva]
    TUE Oct 9th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
2pm – Random Pixel Order [FR] – The Archive [open studio @ Siva]
6pm – Ingeborg Fülepp [HR] – The history of artistic usage of errors in film, video and digital techniques [lecture @ Siva]
8pm – FRGMNT [DE] – SSB - Sequenced Noise Beauty [performance @ Siva]
    WED Oct 10th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
2pm-5pm – FRGMNT [DE] – SNU noise machine [workshop @ hacklab01]
6pm – Magno Caliman [NL] – Error making and "not-knowing": some particularities of the relation between artists and programming languages [lecture @ Siva]
8pm – Paul Vivien [FR] – 99% [performance @ Siva]
    THU Oct 11th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
6pm – ROUND TABLE @ Siva
8pm – Nada Hasan [EG] – Experimental Desires [safe passage] [performance @ Siva]
    FRI Oct 12th
6pm-10pm – Exhibition @ Siva
8pm – Tabache & Lady oN [IT] – cHroma flux [performance @ Siva]
9pm – “Ondes noires” screening & FESTIVAL CLOSING @ Siva
Sabato Visconti [US] – #Glitchbooth SAT Oct 6th – 8pm [interactive installation @ Siva]
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#Glitchbooth> is a live interactive video installation where participants have their best selves captured in 1-to-2 minute video portraits. The video portraits are glitched using a corrupted DivX encoder and processed for live screening so that participants can see their glitch selves. Modeled after the photo booths found in weddings and events, #Glitchbooth considers "Selfie Culture" as a social practice that is conditioned by the structures of digital technologies and distribution channels.
Sabato Visconti — a Brazilian-born photographer and new media artist based in Western Massachusetts. He was born in São Paulo, grew up in Miami, and studied Political Science at Amherst College. Sabato’s work seeks to reconfigure traditional understandings of photography for the post-internet era, where photographic and cinematic practices become absorbed by digital processes, hybridized media, online networks, and machine intelligence. His work captures the subject in the face of ecological turbulence driven by the dysfunctions of vast impersonal systems. Sabato began experimenting with glitch processes in 2011 with the help of a defective memory card that randomly wrote zeroes on JPEG files. Since then, his work with glitch and digital media has been awarded the ArtSlant Prize IX and has been shown in places like Tate Britain, ICA Boston, SPRING/BREAK Art Show in New York City, LACDA, the FILE Festival in São Paulo, as well as galleries throughout the world. His work has also been published in TIME Magazine, WIRED, The New York Times, AI-AP’s "Latin American Fotografia 4" Anthology, and in Photographer’s Forum annual "Best of Photography" books for eight straight years. sabatobox.com
Lovely Insomnia [HU] SAT Oct 6th – 9pm – Live Set/DJ Set [performance @ Siva]
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Gábor Hufnágel — a Hungarian electronic music composer/producer. He’s currently studying electronic music and digital arts at University of Pécs. He describes his music as a fusion of polyrhythms, rich textures and field-recordings. His process often involves algorithmic techniques and aleatoric elements.
During his studies he was influenced by the works of the 20th century electroacoustic composers but he always felt the contemporary experimental music scene closer to him. His upcoming debut album (from which he will play a live set at /’fu:bar/) would like to explore the relation of these two and contribute to abolish the boundaries, elitism and controversy which still surrounds these topics. His works are also heavily emotion-centered, dynamic in terms of tempo as he also tries to unfold the possibilities of contrasts in music.
Ramiro Polla [BE] – FFglitch SUN Oct 7th – 7pm – [lecture @ Siva]
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FFglitch is a precision multimedia editing tool based on FFmpeg. When you glitch a file using a hex editor, it's like getting a tattoo with a radioactive axe. You might get some cool results, but you have very high chances of dying from blunt trauma or some cancerous genetic mutation. FFglitch, on the other hand, is more like genetic engineering. You manipulate your genes to naturally grow your tattoo. FFglitch produces valid bitstream, so Facebook or YouTube won't choke on your files. It is so precise it can barely be considered glitching at all...
Ramiro Polla — likes hacking things. He was an FFmpeg developer for 5 years, but now he got better... ffglitch.org
Mark Klink aka srcXor [US] – 3d glitching SUN Oct 7th – 8pm-10pm – [teleworkshop @ hacklab01]
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Demonstrating methods for glitching .obj files, using text editors and spreadsheets. Mark will also discuss the standard triangle and edgeloop patterns that are used to form most 3d models and then demonstrate remeshing techniques which can ultimately produce more interesting glitches. If time is available, we’ll discuss other 3d file formats and ways they might be glitched.
Mark Klink — has been and done many things: swept floors, worked in a factory, been an athlete, a minor government official, a lifeguard, a computer programmer, and a traditional print maker. For twenty years he taught children and other educators how to use computers. But the thing he likes best (beside family) is making curious pictures. srcxor.org
Holographic_thought_process [FR] – Video Dirty Mixer MON Oct 8th – 2pm-5pm – [workshop @ hacklab01]
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Building of a video dirty mixer, which "mixes" two analog video sources the bad way, resulting in a glitched output. A good case study to talk about composite sync signal and how messing with it can yield wonderful results.
Bastien Lavaud — imagines and creates electronics devices for arts. Audio, video and DIY enthusiast, he shares his creations on his website by providing information on how to build them, and makes demonstration of it in the realisation of video clips/VJing under the alias Holographic Thought Process. syntonie.fr
Nikša Gligo [HR] – Can glitch music be music at all? MON Oct 8th – 6pm – [lecture @ Siva]
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The answer to this question depends on what we consider music. Looking back in history we find the expressions like musica mundana, musica humana, and musica instrumentalis. But the meaning of musica there is equal to harmonia, i.e. accord and has nothing to do with the narrower meaning of harmony in the tonal theories. My aim here is to point out that glitch music belongs to all these kinds of music which do not imply traditional, constant determinants of music as art. Glitch music belongs to the same group as "furniture music" (Erik Satie), "paper music" (Josef A. Riedl), "noise music" (Italian futurists), "prose music"/"music to read" (Dieter Schnebel), "eye music" (Luciano Berio), "son organisé" (Edgard Varèse), "organization of sounds" (John Cage), "sound art"... If we want to avoid "sound art" as something that doesn’t belong to music in the most general sense, then we are obliged to think about music in plural ("musics"). Glitch music would then be just one of them with its own theory, aesthetics and meaning.
Nikša Gligo — born in Split in 1946. Croatian musicologist. He graduated in English and comparative literature from Zagreb University (1969) and in musicology from Ljubljana University (1973). He later studied with Koraljka Kos at Zagreb University (MA 1981) and with Andrej Rijavec at Ljubljana University, gaining the PhD in 1984 with a dissertation on problems of new music. He was awarded scholarships to study at the universities of Cologne, Berlin (with Carl Dahlhaus and Rudolf Stephan) and Freiburg (with Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht). He has taught at the Zagreb Academy of Music since 1986. He is the ordinary member of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences and of Academia Europaea in London. Gligo is concerned with the aesthetics, semiotics and terminology of 20th-century music and the use of computers in musicology. His project on the standardization of 20th-century Croatian music terminology resulted in his book Pojmovni vodič kroz glazbu 20. stoljeća, which is relevant to both musicology and linguistics, and for which he received the Croatian National Award in the Humanities.
Magno Caliman [NL] – screenBashing MON Oct 8th – 8pm – [performance @ Siva]
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screenBashing is a live coding piece, where audio and visual materials are programmed in real time during its performance. It utilises SuperCollider (a sound oriented programming language) for it's sound components, and C (a general purpose programming language) for it's visual elements. By using the very basic functionality, present in pretty much all programming languages, of printing characters on the screen back to the user, the visuals are created by printing characters such as backslashes and underlines in rapid succession, and at the same time freezing the whole system several times per second, creating the illusion of animated motion; something neither C nor the printing function were originally intended to do. (...) After a certain threshold, the system becomes erratic, up to a point where it is no longer possible neither to gain control, nor to foresee the end of the performance, which happens at the onset of the machine processor capability, when it indubitably fails and crashes, or there is no alternative but to force shut both the visual and audio generators. The current version of the performance, to be played at fu:bar, adds a new layer of error, with the use of a laptop not connected to a power outlet. The amount of charge left in the battery at the beginning of the performance is chosen in order to determine the duration of the piece, which ends with the involuntary shut down of the machine.
Magno Caliman — originally trained as a classical composer at the conservatory, but with a background as a hardcore / death metal guitarist, now present himself as a sound artist and multimedia performer, with a focus on the intersection between art and technology. In particular, two specific practices have guided almost entirely the processes in his works for the last few years: the construction, modification and manipulation of electronic circuits; and the embracing of programming languages as places for poetical speculation. vimeo.com/magnocaliman
Random Pixel Order [FR] – The Archive TUE Oct 9th. – 2pm – [open studio @ Siva]
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Random Pixel Order is a project started in 2015 by Clara R/ and Guillaume Cartis - a crossover collective between IT and micro-edition. The project aims to bring the two closer and comprehend how they can mutually develop. Torn between glitch / dev / analog hacking on the one hand and illustrations / graphic novel / zine on the other, the collective choses to do both. The Archive is a digital art zine collection, every publication with its little background story, a particular technique used (sometimes multiple). The collection is open to digital art in general and holds a multitude of techniques - glitch (sonification, 3D glitches, pixel sorting,...), creative coding, web found images, bitmap and MS Paint drawings, scanner movement, digital collage... Different print techniques are also used - some are fully digital prints, some are screenprint or riso, others mix printing techniques. The entire collection of 50 zines will be presented at /’fu:bar/ 2018. Anyone involved with the festival is invited to participate to author a new zine on the spot.
Clara R/ — founded RandomPixelOrder in 2015 with Guillaume Cartis while she was an undergraduate student in mathematics and computer science in Bordeaux, France. Seeing that much code everyday and being fascinated by mathematical functions, she couldn't keep herself from trying to apply those new knowledges to something visual and fun. She experimented on different techniques along the time, going from classic 2D glitch and datamoshing at the very beginning to generative coding and 3D glitch. During this few years, Clara has been implicated on creating projects that build the bridge between zines and computer. Today, as the collective is exploring new physical supports, Clara is opening herself to more interactive techniques as Arduino and video game making. Now she continues her master degree in graphic computer science, robotic and video game while making posters and fanzines. Guillaume Cartis — after a few self-published zines, founded RandomPixelOrder in 2015 with Clara Rigaud aiming to create a bridge between digital and zine making. Exploring different glitch art techniques, he introduced himself to 3D, video editing and film making. In 2016 he joined Disparate, an associative zine store, where he works on Bordeaux Zinefest organisation and workshops. During those years he started to get into risography, screen printing, scenography and awkward electronic music. facebook.com/randompixelorder/
Ingeborg Fülepp [HR] – The history of artistic usage of errors in film, video and digital techniques TUE Oct 9th – 6pm – [lecture @ Siva]
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The twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first can be labeled as a century of media art. Not only filmmakers, but also painters, sculptors, graphic artists, architects, stage designers and many others have been experimenting with media technologies since its very beginning. This lecture will present a brief historical review of the use of media technology imperfections as an artistic expression. By using the example of Media in Motion Berlin-Zagreb GbR (Ingeborg Fülepp and Heiko Daxl, 1990 to 2012) video production, the lecture will present a multiplicity of artistic image editing approaches, which were realized by a symbiosis of analogue film, video and digital errors in specific video works. At the end of the lecture, visitors will be able to see a selection of the best works of Media in Motion art production.
Ingeborg Fülepp — Born in Zagreb, lives and works in Rijeka, Zagreb and Berlin. Studied film editing (at the Academy for Theatre, Film and Television in Zagreb; today Academy of Dramatic Art - ADU) and post graduate studies, film, video and interactive media at Harvard University (Ed.M) and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Media Lab. Taught film editing at the Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU), Zagreb in 1978 - 1993. Lectures in USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Austria and Germany since 1983, as well as at the New Media Department at the Academy of Applied Arts (APURI, Rijeka) since 2013, where she founded, and leads the Center for Innovative Media CIM since 2017. She’s an active participant of many international scientific gatherings, exhibitions and festivals, and participates in several EU projects as an associate or a jury member. Worked as a film and video editor on many productions. Received a multitude of scholarships and awards as an independent artist. Own artistic practice involves film, interactive multimedia projects, video art and video installations, of which some were shown in the New National Gallery in Berlin, Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU) in Zagreb, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU) in Rijeka, as well as in many private and national galleries around the world. As a curator, an art director and a media art event organizer - she has ran a non-profit Media in Motion GbR, Berlin-Zagreb with Heiko Daxl, and has organized numerous international exhibitions and gatherings. fuelepp.com
FRGMNT [DE] – SSB - Sequenced Noise Beauty TUE Oct 9th – 8pm – [performance @ Siva]
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The performance is a ~30 minutes live improvisation with advanced self made electronics. This involves the SNU (Special Noise Unit, FM-synth), sequencers, ring modulators and unique ultrasonic instruments (transmitters & "bat ears"). The main Units (SNU & sequencer I put under open license & distribute docu after the concert).
Jo FRGMNT Grys — born 1963 in Essen/Germany. Studied chemistry, philosophy, mineralogy etc @ the Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen then more & more turned towards arts using scientifically influenced thinking to investigate formation of structure from noise & order, from error & law and feedback as his main artistic themes. Grys is working with video-snow, electronics, computers, body & brain. Performed with noisiV (self-made electronics and video manipulations), TOB (transmitters and self-made electronics) as FRGMNT (structured noise & DIY ultrasonics) since 2010 and 2VM (VJ team) since 2002. Grys also makes electronic installations & gives workshops since 2004. Among other festivals he has taken part in V2´s DEAF NL, Piksel NO, Pixelache FI, Art Trail IE, Dorkbot CH, CTM DE. Works as an artist & inventor of machines. In recent years he also presents his computer graphics work to the public. frgmnt.org
FRGMNT [DE] – SNU noise machine WED Oct 10th – 2pm-5pm – [workshop @ hacklab01]
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In this workshop, participants will be shown how to build the SNU (Special Noise Unit), an experimental sound circuit which uses illegal states falling between 1 and 0, and drives the digital chip it uses into an in-between world of uncertainty, resulting in complexity and uncontrollable behaviour, but also a playable instrument. Bio:
Jo FRGMNT Grys — born 1963 in Essen/Germany. Studied chemistry, philosophy, mineralogy etc @ the Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen then more & more turned towards arts using scientifically influenced thinking to investigate formation of structure from noise & order, from error & law and feedback as his main artistic themes. Grys is working with video-snow, electronics, computers, body & brain. Performed with noisiV (self-made electronics and video manipulations), TOB (transmitters and self-made electronics) as FRGMNT (structured noise & DIY ultrasonics) since 2010 and 2VM (VJ team) since 2002. Grys also makes electronic installations & gives workshops since 2004. Among other festivals he has taken part in V2´s DEAF NL, Piksel NO, Pixelache FI, Art Trail IE, Dorkbot CH, CTM DE. Works as an artist & inventor of machines. In recent years he also presents his computer graphics work to the public. frgmnt.org
Magno Caliman [NL] – Error making and "not-knowing": some particularities of the relation between artists and programming languages WED Oct 10th – 6pm – [lecture @ Siva]
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Computer programmers working in non-artistic applications and artists using programming languages to support an artistic practice might seem, at first, to be making use of the same tools (computational devices), and therefore can be thought of having similar practices. In this lecture we will draw parallels between the modes of operation of this two use cases. Specifically, we will comment on how artists are in a position not conceivable to the professional programmer: one where error making, trial-and-error, and "not knowing" some of the underling technical aspects of the practice are not only expected, but sometimes necessary in both the day-to-day experimental practice, as well as in the learning of those computational tools.
Magno Caliman — originally trained as a classical composer at the conservatory, but with a background as a hardcore / death metal guitarist, I now present myself as a sound artist and multimedia performer, with a focus on the intersection between art and technology. In particular, two specific practices have guided almost entirely the processes in my works for a few years now: the construction, modification and manipulation of electronic circuits; and the embracing of programming languages as places for poetical speculation. vimeo.com/magnocaliman/
Paul Vivien [FR] – 99% WED Oct 10th – 8pm – [performance @ Siva]
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Loading… Loading… a transfer, a life, a movie, everything needs a time to prepare itself before it’s ready, before it becomes perceptible and pleasant. And when it’s ready, hurray! We can consume it. Why do we need it to be ready? Why don’t we prefer the things which are still in progress? A premature baby, an immature fruit or the current moment of my life with the evolving cells of my body? The last percent is missing, just enough to make you feel uncomfortable about this loading which will never end, with this file and my life you will never successfully download.
Paul Vivien — a new media artist who creates installations and performances. Experimenting with lights, generative custom software, video and sound, each project is an opportunity to discover a new expression way. Thanks to new technologies, he tries to make the virtual boundaries tangible, to augment the experience we could have of the real, accompanied by technology as invisible as possible. The artistic universe of Paul Vivien is hosted by a research about digital forms of life, a theme merging the notions of singularity, artificial intelligence, science fiction and nature. Based in Paris, Paul does talks and workshops at ENSAAMA, ECV and EPSAA art schools. In parallel of his solo projects, he participates to OYÉ visual art label production support, kaleidos studio art and design researches, exhibitions curation, and Omicron Persei 8 live AV. paulvivien.fr
ROUND TABLE THU Oct 11th – 6pm @ Gallery Siva
— on the current state of reinterpretative new media, its (role)models, changes, its influences, in regard to its artistic and technical ethos and praxis. The talk aims to discuss and contextualize diverse glitch-based critical new media (& appropriation) practices, in the company of /’fu:bar/ 2018 guest artists.
Nada Hasan [EG] – Experimental Desires [safe passage] THU Oct 11th – 8pm – [performance @ Siva]
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A performance of reading texts and verbatim poems, installations of glitched video and live audio-visuals; an onsite experiment of a woman and her alter egos as she seeks to become the super human. The piece involves the ambivalent contradictions of female/male, weak/strong and white/black as they reside within a single body navigating hostile geographies. The project will explore the emotional, mental and physical aspects of becoming the perfect human through a mind trip and a process of being exposed to an archive of the most tangible realities and feelings, desires and traumas.
Nada Hasan — a Cairo based multidisciplinary artist from Southern Egypt. Her special focus is in video and media arts but her artistic practices vary between illustration, graphic design, performance, theater and storytelling. BA degree holder from faculty of Languages, Russian language and literature department and studied filmmaking at the Cairo Jesuit Cinema School by the year 2010. Since then she developed her skills in film and video art work by self teaching, exploring and experimenting new and various forms of creating moving image. Her work focuses on the emotional package of a body as a commodified being; making the struggles of bodies visible, emotions resistant to modern society persecution, while emphasizing the experience of oppression and our survival performances in functioning within privilege imbalances in connection to the quadrilogy of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Power. Her video and media art practice is curious to transcend the limitations of classical filmmaking and explore contemporary new media practices and its broad possibilities to create an alternative relation between the artist and spectator while constructing unconventional visual, image and motion driven narratives.
GUIDED EXHIBITION TOUR FRI Oct 12th – 6pm @ Gallery Siva
(hrvatski ~45’ | english~45’) Inquiries contact: [email protected]
Tabache & Lady oN [IT] – cHroma flux FRI Oct 12th – 8pm – [performance @ Siva]
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"cHroma flux" explores a process of metamorphosis in which cells of colour and sound expand in order to create new forms. Thanks to technological devices, colour pixels and acoustic music mutate and distribute themselves throughout space giving life to a "technological landscape". The visuals are generated by live manipulation of paintings that have been transferred onto acetate. The resulting prints are positioned onto TV screens by means of feedback generated by webcams and this process triggers a series of transformations of the coloured pixels. The visual flow of colour is managed and produced thanks to an analogue video mixer. The result is a technological animation of colour as if under a microscope. It becomes a kind of digital mantra that responds to itself, reproducing and moving outwards to take over a new space. The audio has been developed from synth sources and classical music sampling. The acoustic samples have been literally deformed by digital and analogical technology, so that they reach the listener as naked sound that has been completely transformed from its original grammatical, cerebral and human nature as musical language. In "cHroma flux", sound and image influence each other in a synaesthetic vision that has been achieved not by machinery but by the physical gesture of a performance coordinated by the performer’s reciprocal listening and looking.
Tabache — starts his journey in 2004 with "Problems with my Mind", an electro experimental punk band with influences from bands like Suicide and subsequently flow into House, Techno, IDM. Publishing two records, "Album" (2005) and "Stato di Tensione"(2007). After moving to Bologna, he started his first solo project, Tabache, specifically devoted to a live and sensorial experience, with strong influences from Techno and Ambient. His new life injected him a new flow of creativity, which brought Francesco to publish in 2015 his first solo record ‘Searching a total state’, and to found his own record label with Alberto Randi and Giovanni Ricchi, "Timeless Records". In the same year he curated the performance and sound design for the performative theatre shows directed by Ennio Ruffolo. His natural interest in clubbing leaded him to open a new channel for the electronic music in Bologna and surroundings, with a serie of electronic events, such as "Sunday Calling" (2012 - 2014), "Futuro Dancefloor" (2015 - 2017), "Bologna Elettrica" (Electronic experimental Festival in XM24 social center, 2017, 2018) , and the new art collective "Einheit" (2017). soundcloud.com/tabache Lady_oN — operates as a videomaker and a visual artist on the national and international scene, realizing dreamlike live visuals sets, wraparound and imaginative visual scenographies invading the spaces of DJ sets, live music, installations and theatrical performances. In a constant state of research and experimentation, Lady_on’s visuals create hypnotic space-time fabrics in a cut up of images, video synthesis, found footage and feedback, contaminating the many pre-existing visuals with the possible infinites of live shooting and sonic incursions. Simultaneously, she is working on the Mediamorphose project, researching a multiplicity of visual expressions via music clips and video documenting reality.instagram.com/mediamorphose/
"Ondes noires" screening & FESTIVAL CLOSING FRI Oct 12th – 9pm @ Gallery Siva
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"Ondes noires" / "Dark Waves", Documentary (21’14’’) In an ultraconnected society where waves have almost invaded every space, three electromagnetic intolerant people bear witness of survival in a world that seems more and more inacessible to them. The staging explores the idea of a deceleration in time. A necessary condition for the perception of a reality that extends beyond the visible. Written & Directed by Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis; Cinematography by Nikos Appelquist Dalton; Production : Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains.
// Screens and Prints Aaron Juarez Adrian Cain Affar Oppip Allison Tanenhaus Bartek Pilarczyk Creation by Destruction Cyberart By Justin Digital Ruins Earnest Raw elle thorkveld Ivana Miljkovic Ivana Miolin Barić John Bumstead jrdsctt Magdalena maja kalogera Mark Klink Mila Gvardiol Mirna Udovčić Neal Peterson Riitta Oittinen Robert Hruska Sabato Visconti satej soman Sebastian Gatz sepo Skinny Bunny tajny_projekt Tchidu Twin Pixel vivid windowzine Yuri Zalevski // Interactive Dario Zubovic Jim Andrews jonCates Kolmogorov Toolbox Magdalena Zoledz x Robert Kowalski Sabato Visconti Timo Kahlen // Narrative Gelido Jessica Evans Random Pixel Order // Time-based Baron Lanteigne + Derek Piotr Christoph Kerschner DAJAJDE Daniela Olejnykov (a.k.a paranthre, velvet_bites_) Daniela Takeva, Nikolina Nedialkova, Felix Ermacora Demet Karapinar DF0:BAD Digital Ruins Dom Barra _ AlteredData elle thorkveld Gochevas Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis Kacper Mutke Lívia Zafanelli Lou Morlier Marija Lučić Meena Khalili Nickk Outernet Explorer Paloma Schnitzer & Pablo Denegri Paul Beaudoin Petra Drevenšek Philippe Girardet Qin Tan [sic][redacted] | alan page Timothy Nohe vivid // Lectures And Workshops Holographic_thought_process Ingeborg Fülepp Jo FRGMNT Grys Magno Caliman Mark Klink aka srcXor Nikša Gligo Ramiro Polla Random Pixel Order // Performances Jo FRGMNT Grys Lovely Insomnia Magno Caliman Nada Hasan Paul Vivien Tabache & Lady oN
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yukiranine · 6 years
KHUX Party Member Search
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So my party in khux is currently recruiting so if anyone who plays it wants a chance at a competitive active party that knows what it’s doing then Chocobros is a great choice :)
  **Union: Leopardos (Global) 
 Party name: Chocobros (2 parties) 
Communication: Discord (Required) Rank: Top 5 (the shown picture says 10th bc we raid mainly on the weekends when its not a raid week)
Medals offered: Most tier 5s, 6s, and tier 7s are guilted. New premiums that are required for HSC will be guilted and shared. 
Recruitment Server: https://discord.gg/6wQs6mT 
Hey everyone! We are a top 5 ranked party in Leopardos and we are currently recruiting for both of our parties. We are one big happy family that consists of whales, c2p, and f2p from all over the world! Our main goal is to have fun and our other goal is to help every party member achieve their individual KHUX goals (crowning, HSC events, Coli, completing event quests, etc). When it comes to raiding we have a very party oriented approach. We want all members to do well. We have two parties, C1 and C2. C2 is a casual party with no requirements while C1 has these requirements:  1.    Lux boosting every day at 11pm EST (10pm CDT/8pm PDT)  2.    Ranking in the top 100 during raid weeks  3.    Present a level 10 weekend boss to the party Everyone is welcome to apply! If Chocobros sounds like your kind of party we welcome you to follow the link and submit your application~
If this sounds intimidating, that’s ok! New members get taught how we raid and we average 130 to 150 boost during raid weeks and on weekends.
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backstage-bucknell · 4 years
Theatre & Dance’s Winter Mainstage of 2021: Bliss (Or Emily Post Is Dead!)
by Brooke Echnat ‘21
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Hi everyone!
 I hope everyone is managing to stay safe and healthy this week. Self-care is so vital during this time so please take care of yourself! It feels odd to be promoting auditions and my show during this strange and stressful week, however, I hope this opportunity provides you with a chance to channel your energy into something else and something positive for next week.
I feel so honored to be able to direct Bliss and to be able to create theatre during this time. Live theatre everywhere has been shut down, yet the Arts continue to persevere as the Ensemble of TBA knows very well. I see Bliss as a cutting-edge artistic project that dives into how to make theatre in a COVID world. We will work together as a cast and crew to find ways to safely push the limit and create as close as we can the sense of live theatre that we all crave and miss so dearly. 
We are attempting to “do the damn thing” and make an amazing piece of art. The world is still ever-changing, and we have no idea what our final product will look like or what form it will ultimately take. But regardless, I am so excited to embark on this journey and make a phenomenal show, proving that Theatre CAN happen during this time. 
Bliss feels more relevant than ever, and I cannot wait to explore that with my cast and crew. Jami Brandli, the playwright of Bliss, shared with us the 2020 version of the script, and let me tell you Bliss is ready to take on 2021 and take a stance.  
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I cannot contain my excitement for next week (I AM GEEKING OUTTTTTTTT AHHHHHHH)!!!! I am so eager to dive into the whimsical and powerful world of Bliss. Bliss and its characters have been with me for over a year now, and I cannot wait to finally see them start to come to life by our wonderful Bucknell actors. 
Let’s get back to doing the thing we all love and crave. Making theatre. Exploring characters. Finding moments of human connection on stage. Telling stories. And making powerful change through theatre. 
Hope to see you all at Bliss Auditions! 
Sending my best and Wishing you Bliss,
Brooke Echnat
Bliss (or Emily Post is Dead!)
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By Jami Brandli
Directed by Brooke Echnat ‘21
Dramaturgy by Catherine MacKay ‘21
Stage Managed by Grace Lostak-Baker ‘23
Streaming online March 19th thru the 21st
Bliss follows the Ancient Greek characters Medea, Clytemnestra, Antigone, and Cassandra as they are now pill-popping housewives, in 1960s North Orange, New Jersey.  Cassandra, a black woman, has been gifted with the art of prophecy but cursed by the misogynistic Apollo that no one will ever believe her prophecies. She is on a mission to make Antigone, Clytemnestra, and Medea believe that they can finally have control and agency over their lives in this new modern era. Can we reclaim our “fates” and be in control of our lives? Or are our fates predetermined by the societal structures that are set in place? Bliss is about stepping into our power as women and breaking the “curse” or “cycle” once and for all. 
Please prepare a 1.5-2 minute Contemporary Monologue from a play (not a film or TV show). If you are in need of a monologue, a side will be provided to you prior to the audition.
Self-Tape Submissions are due November 10th by 6:00pm. Please email self-tape submissions to Grace Lostak-Baker [email protected] 
Zoom Auditions will be held on November 11th from 7-10pm.
Callbacks will be on November 12th from 8-10:30pm.
Note: If you are remote this semester, you may audition. But all actors must be on campus next semester in order to be involved with this production.
Read the script here
Sign up for auditions here
Fill out the audition form here
Character Breakdown (a total of 5 actors are needed):
Clementine (Clytemnestra):  mid 30s, sarcastic, sees beyond
the shiny veneer and is therefore unhappy. She's holds a grudge
against her husband, an acquirer of businesses, for several
reasons. She is currently in love with her doctor who supplies her
amphetamines. Pill popper.
Maddy (Medea): Part Hawaiian, part white, early 30s, an overly
happy, June Clever type who loves the latest kitchen gadgets and
Emily Post. Therefore, she is easily swayed to the dark side when
she uncovers the truth about her husband. Because she's part
Hawaiian, she tries to mask it with looking as “American” as
possible, like dying her dark hair super blond. Pill popper and
former ukulele player in a family band.
*With Direct Consent from the Playwright: Actors of all Asian Descent and Backgrounds will be considered for this role*
Antonia (Antigone): 17, is beholden to her Uncle and is
sheltered from life. A bookworm who wears thickish glasses,
Antonia is full of youthful passion, but she doesn't know how to
channel this passion...yet. She's also in love with a boy named
Cassandra (Cassandra): Black, early 20s, seer of past, present and
future, and a typist. Clementine's husband acquired the business
Cassandra worked for and she was transferred to his place of
business. She is trying to break this curse laid on her by
Apollo. She is desperate to convince the women they can change
the course of their lives. She does not wear high heels and she
does not smile.
* Apollo: Ageless and beautiful. God of many things. He's
cocksure to the nth degree, but he's having trouble sleeping.
* Doctor Smith: White, mid 30s to early 40s. A widower and who is
in love with Clementine and supplies her pills.
* Uncle's Voice
* NOTE: One male actor will play the parts of both Apollo and
Doctor Smith, as well as Uncle's Voice.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Destroy my childhood, ruin my chance at college, and laugh when I said I was homeless? Lol cool, I'll ruin your f*cking life.
warning: this is a VERY long story with few updates and TL:DR at the end.
BACKSTORY: My mother was a really shitty person. I have 4 other siblings. One older sister, 3 way younger, 3 different dads. Before I was born (im a male btw), my oldest sister was taken away from my mother when she was a few months old because she tried to stab/slice the father of my sister WHILE HE WAS HOLDING HER. She lost custody and the dude left her. Older sister goes to live with her fathers family in a different city. CUE LIL OL ME COMING INTO THIS SEXY WORLD. My dad went to jail 2-3 years after I was born for a while, I rarely saw him. He's an alcoholic if that matters. She was a single mother but she made it work and she worked hard. One of the bigger problems was that she took out all her aggression and hatred of my father on me as well as work stress and etc. She dealt with sexual abuse growing up which I'm sure definitely affected her relationships and how she treated me as well. Anyways...
Cue me being abused from the age of 4-5 to about 17. Every day was hell. She was extremely strict and her perspective was warped. She was also pretty big in stature and had alot of strength. Examples of her being shitty: I've gotten beaten up badly once because HER room was dirty. The dishes weren't washed and I got beaten soon as I got home, even if there weren't dishes when I left to school. If i walked too loud, id get my ass beat. She broke my nose for looking at her the wrong way on my 10th birthday when she brought me a cake I was allergic too(It had peanuts, she knows im slightly allergic but feigned ignorance..) It was more or less every day or every other day. She used her fists/elbows/extension cords/hangers/chairs/canes/bats/etc. Whatever she could find I was getting beaten with. I couldn't ever escape to my room for long because she would always call me every few minutes to get her things or to yell at me. She never drank or did drugs or anything. Whenever she was upset and I happened to be in front of her she'd kick me down the stairs to make me hurry up. She's put a knife to my neck before and had to be forcibly stopped by her bf of the time. Burned my Christmas presents from other people (she didnt get me anything that year) and just other really shitty things. The only thing I will say, she tried really hard to make up for it with video games and electronics and etc. It didn't make a difference to me though, it never helped.
She controlled most aspects of my life. I got by with little petty revenges. Peeing in the Lipton iced tea she drank. Rubbing her forks and spoons between ny buttcheeks before i served her dinner. Ignoring her screams for help when she had kidney stones (how tf am i supposed to help anyways??) But by the time i got to highschool I turned to alcohol. I resented her and the negative atmosphere affected who I was as a person. I started to be cold and uncaring. Calculated. She started kicking me out every few months telling me to find somewhere else to live by age 15. She sent me away to a different country for a year and tried to keep my passport but I made it back to the US with the help of the embassy and my step father (she'd already left by that time and found some other dude). I came back senior year with no credits for the prior grade which ended with me getting a GED. I spent most of the time i could with my best friend and started working shitty jobs. I was terrible at saving as i had accumulated loads of shitty habits while growing up so it didnt make much difference. She eventually told me that If i went to college, I would ALWAYS have a place to live until I finished. Cue my first 2 semesters at a 2 year college, I maintained a 3.7ish gpa. My teachers loved me and it was my escape. Towards the end of my 2nd semester during finals, i came home late one night around 10pm and my mother yanks the door open screaming in my face asking when I'll move out. I'm slightly drunk and decide to completely ignore her and walk to my room. If I opened my mouth, that day would be the day I blew up and cursed her out. I've rarely ever raised my voice at her because it never ended well. Now at this point im 19 and I've been doing school full time with no savings. Im also fairly fit and could easily take my mom at this point (Never laid a hand on her or any woman, i hate violence). I get to my room, she rips my door open, and starts yelling. I say nothing and stare at her. She walks away and called the police on me saying she thought id murder her and my younger siblings. I don't know where the fuck she got that idea from as she's the one who's nearly killed me many times.
I packed everything into a duffle bag and left 5 minutes afterwards. I failed all of my finals because I couldn't make it to my school. Things kinda spiraled and the next 2-3 years were me on and off homeless. I survived the best I could in a big city with no college degree and made a lot of shitty choices due to my shitty habits. Eventually i found a profitable hobby that gave me meaning and through that i started to work my way up. Got my own apartment, had a full time job, and did my hobby on the side. I hadn't kept up contact with my mother at all but my younger sister who was old enough to have a phone found me on social media so i saw photos and such, she didn't have it anywhere near as bad but she did get beaten occasionally. My mother reached out via email all smiles asking how I've been. Now guys, ive always been envious of the relationship most ppl have with their moms so I gave her a chance and gave her a call. We talked for a few minutes and everything was civil and seemed like things would go okay but then...
She asked me what I've been up to the last few years and I told her honestly, that I was homeless for a while and struggled a lot after what she did to me but I worked my way out of it. SHE LITERALLY LAUGHS. She laughed for a few seconds in a very condescending kinda chuckle and then said "I never did a thing to you so you don't know what abuse is! its your own damn fault you were homeless. So how about yo-" but by that point I hung up. I was speechless and fuming. I don't know what abuse is? OKAY BITCH. IVE SPENT TOO FUCKING LONG LETTING YOU DESTROY MY SANITY. NOW IS THE TIME.
There was a few things my mother didn't know. One, I knew for a fact that current well paying job she had was gotten on lies as she never got her college degree and lied about it on her resume. Two, I had access to all of her email accounts and cloud storage accounts since I was the one that set them up when I was younger and she never changes her passwords. Lastly, she DEFINITELY wasn't aware that from 13yrs old and onto the last time she hit me I took photos of ALL my bruises/marks/wounds/bloody noses saving them to my computer and then google drive. ON TOP OF THAT, my little sister had been sending me photos via social media of the bruises she got from my mom.
The first thing I did was compile ALL of those photos/videos into one folder. I then reached out to CPS in my city and explained that my siblings were being abused, how I was abused in the past, and that I had mountains of proof. Since ive called the cops on my mother before AND the thing that happened with my older sister, there was immediately a home visit. They arrived almost a day later with the police and coincidentally my mother was literally in the process of beating my younger sister when they were knocking. Cue an Emergency removal of all my siblings from the house and my mother getting arrested though she was released hours later. (I was getting a day to day play by play because my mothers best friend is a blabber mouth and everything my mother said she told her son who relayed it to me without either of their knowledge.) I sent CPS all the evidence and there's a legit case against my mother now. The next day I emailed and then called up her job to inform them that she had lied about having a very necessary college degree as well current events in her life which sparked a background check. She was fired days later. Say adios to 75k and a blacklist in the only industry you know how to work. I then spitefully deleted every cloud account and email address I ever made for her, which was all of them which im sure will make keeping up with alot bills and etc nearly impossible. I then anonymously reported her to the IRS because of the tax fraud she committed for years by claiming people's children that weren't hers with ALOT of detailed information since I lived with her while she did it.
So now, my mother lost all her kids and her job. Im meeting with a caseworker from CPS next week to talk more about what happens moving forward but I do know they're NOT going back. Idk how she's gonna pay her mortgage now and survive. I'm sure she's gonna get a call from the IRS who'll be looking for a few thousand dollars she owes them. She also has to go back to court in a few months, not exactly sure what she was charged with but ill update when I find out how everything turns out.
Side Note: She isn't aware im the cause of any of this. I plan on keeping tabs on her and waiting until it seems like she's close to death before I tell her it was all me and I peed in her Lipton.
1) I am psychologically not in the position to take care of my younger siblings or take on a parental role. I came very close to suicide 2 years ago and im just trying to work on my alcohol problem and other habits that keep me in a cycle of instability. No I haven't been to any programs or therapy, I don't think it will help me in regards to my nearly constant apathy and etc.
2) My 2 youngest siblings weren't really bothered much. It was mostly my little sister after I left who got beatings but luckily it wasn't anything near the level I had to deal with.
3) Im also incapable of taking custody because I don't have an apartment anymore due to bad decisions I made while drinking recently. So I'm back to homeless but I crash with a friend once in a awhile. I am very well aware I am an influence on my younger siblings and I'm trying to stay consistent with doing everything I can to be a better and more stable person for them so that maybe I can finally build a real relationship with someone in my family. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone who keeps wishing me more success.
4) Aside from my little siblings, I have zero contact with anyone else in my family. And even then, its been very rare because I had to avoid my mother to see them and didn't want her knowing i kept in contact (Meeting my little sister after school, facetime, etc). The rest of my family were well aware of what she did and distanced themselves. I don't plan on reaching out to them as im not good at maintaining relationships with mostly anyone anyways.
TL;DR - My mother abuses me badly for most of my life as well as my younger siblings. I have to drop out of college and support myself after she drove me to homelessness. She proceeds to laugh at me about me being homeless and denys abuse. So I ruined her life by getting my younger siblings removed and her arrested, making her lose her job, reported her to the IRS, and essentially set her up so that the remainder of her life is full of disaster and hardships.
(source) (story by howbout_that_lipton)
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lsesu · 7 years
March Highlights 2018
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There’s so many amazing things going on  in March. We’ve rounded a few of them up into one handy blog - have your diaries at the ready!
LSESU & Society Highlights
International Women's Day Brunch
What: To celebrate International Women's Day, your LSESU Women's Officer will be hosting a FREE brunch for all self-identifying women on campus. Come along any time from 11 am - 1 pm to grab some food and chat.
When: Thursday 8th March, 11am - 1pm.
Where: The Venue, Floor -2, SSH
LSE Cocktail Society celebrates International Women’s Day
What: Join the LSE cocktail society as they celebrate International Women's Day 2018! A menu of 3 unique cocktails and 1 mocktail has been created for this event, all named after and inspired by inspirational women.
When: Thursday 8th March, 6pm - 8pm.
Where: 6th Floor Cafe, SSH
Sparks at LSE 2018
What: Founded in 2010, Sparks has emerged as the largest and most prestigious student-run entrepreneurship conference in the UK. This year is no different - expect a dashing lineup of keynote speeches, a VC panel discussion, a networking lunch, 2 rounds of workshops, and closing drinks. Check out the confirmed speakers so far & the conference agenda here, and get your tickets here.
When: Saturday 10th March, 9am - 6pm. 
Where: The Venue, Floor -2, SSH
TEDxLSE 2018: Brought to Light
What: In the spirit of "Ideas Worth Spreading", TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. This year, TEDxLSE presents its annual conference, ‘Brought to Light’. Prepare for a full day of inspirational talks from a huge range of incredible speakers - check out their Facebook event page to see the full list!
When: Saturday 10th March, 10am - 4pm.
Where: Senate House, Beveridge Hall.
LSE Dance Society presents Resonance 2018
What: LSE Dance Club’s presents their annual dance show, Resonance at the Peacock Theatre. Featuring dance performances from a range of genres, it’s one not to be missed!
When: Monday 12th March, 7pm.
Where: Peacock Theatre.
AU Pride Night
What: Get out your neon clothes, rainbow laces, and glitter and join us in the Tuns for AU Pride Night. Expect glitter, face paint, and rainbow flags galore!
When: Wednesday 14th March, 7pm - 11pm
Where: The Tuns, SSH.
Working on a Tier 4 Visa
What: The LSESU International Officer has teamed up with the International Students Visa Advice Team and LSE careers to present an informal talk about how the changes to the Tier 4 Visa and how it may impact you after graduation and what kind of opportunities there are after you complete your degree.
When: Wednesday 14th March, 6pm - 8pm.
Where: Room 9.04, 9th Floor, Tower 2
Mature Students Mixer for London Universities
What: Come along to the first ever London-wide social mixer organised by mature student representatives from across the city (including King's, SOAS, LSESU & LSBSU). SOAS is hosting the inaugural event and we invite London's mature students to enjoy free food, drink, music and the opportunity to mingle with other mature students from across London. This event is open to mature students at ANY London university. Please check the Facebook event page to claim your FREE ticket.
When: Wednesday 14th March, 7.15pm.
Where: Room G3, SOAS Students Union
Disabili-TEA Party
What: This is a relaxed social for all self-identifying Disabled Students. It's a chance to meet other disabled students, share experiences and have fun :) There will be tea, cake and arts and crafts!
When: Thursday 15th March, 2.30pm - 4pm.
Where: 3rd Floor Meeting Room, LSE Students' Union.
RAG AU Vertical Rush Challenge
What: 932 steps, 42 floors, one epic competition. AU-RAG’s first ever collaboration takes on this massive skyscraper challenge. Each AU team will race against each other all the way to the top of Tower 42, all in aid of homelessness charity, Shelter.
When: Thursday 15th March, 12pm - 4pm.
Where: Tower 42, London.
St. Patrick’s Day at LSE
What: Irish Society hosts LSE's annual St. Patrick's Day celebration! On St. Patrick's eve (Friday March 16) the Tuns will be transformed into an Irish bar for the night, complete with Guinness and Irish music from UCL Ceilidh Band. All are welcome, Irish and non-Irish alike, so round up your friends and come and take part in the festivities!
When: Friday 16th March, 4pm - 11pm. 
Where: The Three Tuns
See LSE’s amazing A Capella group, The Houghtones LIVE!
What: See KCL’s Rolling Tones, Bath’s Aquapella and the brilliant LSE Houghtones all in one go! Your ears are in for a treat!
When: Sunday 18th March, 7.30pm.
Where: The Venue, Floor -2, The Venue
Talking About Mental Health 
What: We have a panel of professional counsellors representing the private, NHS and LSE services. They will discuss the topic of mental health, demystify counselling as a service and provide self-help advice.
When: Monday 19th March, 12-1pm. 
Where: The Venue
LSESU Baking Society: Inter-University Bake Off
What: This year, the LSESU Baking Society will be hosting the London Inter-University Bake Off in collaboration with University College London (UCL), Queen Mary University and King’s College! Whether you love baking and want to put your skills to test, want to learn more about opening your own bakery or simply want to taste some delicious cakes, this is the event for you! Check out the Facebook event page for more details on how to enter or attend! 
When: Monday 19th March, 6.30pm - 9pm. 
Where: 6th Floor Cafe, SSH 
Happiness & Wellbeing // A Talk With Professor Paul Dolan
What: LSESU is hosting a lunchtime talk with LSE’s Professor Paul Dolan. Paul is a professor of Behavioural Science with an expertise in human behaviour and happiness. In addition to lecturing at LSE, Paul’s research has influenced government action on Wellbeing. This is one event not to be missed. As the time for exams and revision looms ever closer, we hope expert advice on happiness and wellbeing will put you in a great mind-set for future success!
When: Tuesday 20th March, 1pm - 1.50pm
Where: The Venue
LSESU Pole Fitness Annual Showcase
What: Join the LSESU Pole Fitness Society for an evening of breathtaking performances and body positivity. You will see things you didn't know was possible to do on a pole, and might even get the opportunity to try some moves yourself!
When: Tuesday 20th March, 7.30pm - 10pm 
Where: The Venue, Floor -2, SSH.
Click here for tickets
STARS Awards
What: The annual celebration of the most outstanding students at LSESU - the most active, most engaged, those who have made real change - those who embody the spirit of LSE and the Union. Get your tickets here: bit.ly/lsesustarstickets
When: Thursday 22nd March, 5pm. 
Where: The Venue, Floor -2, SSH
You Survived Lent Term!
What: Chill event to celebrate finishing Lent term with colouring in, card games and snacks. Also a chance to chat with your LGBT+ Officer.
When: Friday March 23rd, 5pm - 7pm
Where: 1st Floor Cafe, SSH.
LUCA London Students’ Run
What: Hosted by London Universities and Colleges Athletics (LUCA) these organised 5 and 10k races welcome all abilities and are chip timed meaning you’ll have yourself an official new time or even a PB! Plus, there will be goodie bags… need we say more? Pre-registration is required, and you can use the code ‘LSERUNS2018’ to get a discount on your entry.
When: Sunday 25th March.
Where: Victoria Park, London.
Click here to visit the London Students’ Run website.
Career Highlights
Have a browse of all the great events being run by LSE Careers this month here! You will have to login to your LSE IT account.
LSE Life Highlights
Take a look at the events going on at LSE Life this month here, and you can also sign up to the LSE LIFE Weekly Update email in order to stay up to date with everything that's going on in LSE Life. They have some amazing resources for exam planning and preparation - drop by LSE Life on the Ground Floor of the Library to pick up a revision schedule.
Volunteering Highlights
Make this the month you dedicate a tiny amount of your time to volunteering! You can view the current volunteering opportunities on CareerHub, and for more information about getting involved, visit the Volunteer Centre’s website.
LSESU PRO: Beyond The Classroom Highlights
The newly launched LSESU Pro gives you the opportunity to gain and develop professional skills. The Beyond the Classroom emploability training programme has previously run sessions such as introduction to British Sign Language, negotiation skills, project management, and much more - take a look at what’s going on this month here.
Have you been to an LSE Public Lecture yet?
LSE hosts a public lecture programme featuring over 200 events each year, covering a range of debates and topics where some of the most influential figures in social sciences can be heard. These can be extremely helpful to go to as outside research for your course, or to gain further knowledge about an area you’re interested in or passionate about.
The vast majority are free to attend, and they are open to anyone - LSE or not - so you can bring all your friends and family along! If you want to listen to podcasts or watch videos of past events, browse LSE’s extensive library of their past events here.
Do you have an event you’d like to add to this blog, either for this month or for a future month? Email me on [email protected] with the details of your event and we’ll add it in ASAP!
Happy March!
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
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Special Guest Leon Bridges on Stadium Dates
Special Guest Meghan Trainor on all Dates
Three-time GRAMMY® Award winning multiplatinum band Maroon 5 have announced dates for their upcoming 2020 U.S. tour produced by Live Nation. These upcoming tour dates mark the biggest U.S. shows of the band’s career, with the group playing iconic venues such as at Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Citi Field and Banc of California Stadium. The band’s multi-country tour will kick off on May 30th at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre in Chula Vista, CA. Leon Bridges will appear on all stadium dates. Meghan Trainor will appear on all show dates.
Most recently Maroon 5 released their latest single “Memories” to critical acclaim. Leon Bridges’ new collaborative EP with Khruangbin, Texas Sun will be released February 7th and the title track is out now.  Meghan Trainor will release her anticipated third studio album entitled Treat Myself, coming January 31st on Epic Records.
Tickets for the tour are set to go on sale starting on Monday, December 9th and will be available to the public on Friday, December 13th. A limited number of LaneOne Premium Packages will also be available, including amazing seats, transportation, preferred entrance and more.  Click HERE for LaneOne details. For more information, please see tour dates below and click HERE.
American Express® Card Members can purchase tickets in select markets before the general public beginning Monday, December 9th at 12pm local time through Thursday, December 12th at 10pm local time.
Citi cardmembers will have access to purchase U.S. presale tickets in select markets beginning Monday, December 9th at 12pm local time until Thursday, December 12th at10pm local time through Citi EntertainmentSM. For complete presale details visitwww.citientertainment.com.
The band’s tour announcement follows the debut of their most recent single, “Memories”(222 Records/ Interscope Records).  The release of “Memories” marks the first new music from the Los Angeles band since the release of their global anthem “Girls Like You.” Produced by Adam Levine and The Monsters & Strangerz and Executive Produced by Jacob “J Kash” Hindlin, “Memories” marks a moment of creative and personal progression for the musicians. The minimalist ballad starkly pairs a lilting clean guitar with chantable and evocative lyrics from Levine. In addition to representing another sonic side, it tackles uncharted subject matter for the group— namely loss—but from a different angle.
Following its release, “Memories” quickly claimed Maroon 5’s 22nd appearance on Billboard Hot 100’s Top 40. The track is currently holding at peak position #4 on Billboard Hot 100 chart, their 10th Top 5, and their 12th Top 10 this decade; that includes at least one new song sent into the Top 10 each year since 2011. The track just reached #1 on Billboard Hot AC chart, their 14th #1 which is the most by any act. The David Dobkin directed music video has garnered over 185 million views on Youtube; pushing their video catalog to 12 BILLION views across all official channels on YouTube.
Previously Announced Tour Dates:
2/23     Mexico City, MEX                   Foro Sol
2/28     Santiago, CHL                        Estadio Bicentenario de la Florida
3/1       Sao Paulo, BRA                      Allinaz Parque
3/3       Brasilia, BRA                           Estadio Mane Garrincha
3/5       Recife, BRA                            Classic Hall
3/7       Rio de Janeiro, BRA               Estacionamento da Jeunesse
3/10     Montevideo, URY                   Estadio Centenario
3/12     Buenos Aires, ARG                Campo Argentino de Polo
3/14     Bogota, COL                           Parque Salitre Magico
Maroon 5 2020 North American Tour Dates:
5/30     Chula Vista, CA                      North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre
5/31     Phoenix, AZ                            Ak-Chin Pavilion
6/3       Alburquerque, NM                  Isleta Amphitheater
6/5       Denver, CO                             Pepsi Center
6/7       Austin, TX                               Austin360 Amphitheater
6/8       The Woodlands, TX                The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
6/10     Dallas, TX                               Dos Equis Pavilion
6/13     Chicago, IL                              Wrigley Field
6/14     Noblesville, IN                         Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center
6/16     Clarkston, MI                           DTE Energy Music Theatre
6/18     Cuyahoga Falls, OH               Blossom Music Center
6/19     Burgettstown, PA                    KeyBank Pavilion
6/24     Boston, MA                             Fenway Park
6/25     Flushing, NY                           Citi Field
6/27     Darien Center, NY                  Darien Lake Amphitheater
6/28     Toronto, ON                            Budweiser Stage
8/2       North Little Rock, AR              Simmons Bank Arena
8/4       Oklahoma City, OK                 Chesapeake Energy Arena
8/6       Lincoln, NE                             Pinnacle Bank Arena
8/8       Fargo, ND                               Fargodome
8/9       St. Paul, MN                            Xcel Energy Center
8/12     Edmonton, AB                        Rogers Place
8/14     Vancouver, BC                       Rogers Arena
8/15     Auburn, WA                            White River Amphitheatre
8/17     Portland, OR                           Moda Center
8/19     Mountain View, CA                 Shoreline Amphitheatre
8/21     Los Angeles, CA                     Banc of California Stadium
8/24     Salt Lake City, UT                   USANA Amphitheatre
8/27     Kansas City, MO                     Sprint Center
8/29     Maryland Heights, MO            Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
8/30     Milwaukee, WI                        American Family Insurance Amphitheater
9/1       Cincinnati, OH                        Riverbend Music Center
9/3       Camden, NJ                            BB&T Pavilion
9/5       Hershey, PA                            Hersheypark Stadium
9/6       Saratoga Springs, NY             Saratoga Performing Arts Center
9/9       Hartford, CT                            XFINITY Theatre
9/11     Bristow, VA                             Jiffy Lube Live
9/12     Raleigh, NC                            Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek
9/14     Charlotte, NC                          PNC Music Pavilion
9/16     West Palm Beach, FL             Coral Sky Amphitheatre
9/17     Tampa, FL                              MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
For additional information, visit:
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delhi-architect2 · 4 years
Journal - 7 Ways to Create a Viral Architectural Photo
The One Photo Challenge is currently accepting entries, looking to award two individuals who can capture a single photograph that tells a powerful story about architecture. With 2 grand prizes of $2,500 and global recognition on the table, this is an incredible opportunity to showcase your skills. The Regular Entry Deadline of April 17th is fast approaching, so don’t hesitate to submit!
Enter the One Photo Challenge
There’s no one way to produce a captivating image. A myriad factors are at play in determining whether a photograph can attract the attention of the masses and go viral. 
In the case of architectural photography, a plethora of factors can influence the popularity of an image, including the beauty of the architecture itself, the surrounding environment, the popularity of the architect, the composition of the image, or the story behind the photograph. Therefore, it may be best to examine viral photographs from the past to see what qualities made them so popular. Here are 8 of Architizer’s most liked photos in our Instagram history coupled with what made them so noteworthy:
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Hundreds of identical chateaux have been abandoned in central Turkey after the developer constructing them filed for bankruptcy. Incredible drone footage reveals an extraordinary landscape dotted with castle-like clones in various states of construction. The site will eventually contain 732 buildings in the style of mini French chateaux, of which 587 have so far been completed. The developer in question — Sarot Group — remains hopeful that the project will continue. "The project is valued at $200 million", said Mezher Yerdelen, Sarot Group's deputy chairman. "We only need to sell 100 villas to pay off our debt. I believe we can get over this crisis in four to five months and partially inaugurate the project in 2019." . . . . . 📷 by Getty Images #chateaux #dronefootage #turkey #development
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Jan 28, 2019 at 10:33am PST
1. Instill some mystery
This eery photograph of identical, castle-like homes within a hilly landscape was widely shared and commented on when published in January 2019. The image is surreal, catching the eye of its audience and prompting questions in people’s minds. Where is this located? Why are all these chateaux identical? Why is the space between them unfinished? The mysterious nature of the photograph, as well as the compositional power of repetition, adds to its quality as a viral image.
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Villa Vals by SeARCH Architects, Vals, Switzerland. Surprised that it was permissible to construct a pair of dwellings so close to Peter Zumthor's world famous thermal bath of Vals, the client of this unusual, subterranean residence seized the opportunity to develop the site without disturbing the baths' pristine setting. The architects effectively concealed an entire house in an Alpine slope, while still exploiting the wonderful views and allowing ample natural light to enter the building. To see images and architectural drawings of this unique project, head to architizer.com, click on the Projects tab and search for "Villa Vals". . . . . . @search_architects #searcharchitects #villavals #vals #house #villa #residence #subterranean #underground #architecture #instarchitecture #switzerland
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Dec 10, 2018 at 8:15am PST
2. Add an element of surprise
This unique project appears to be seamlessly integrated into the natural terrain of Vals, Switzerland. The surprising nature of the home is amplified by the photograph’s composition, in which the surrounding environment completely frames the dwelling. It also has a very deep depth of field, in which every element is sharp and in focus. The home itself appears flat, as if it were photoshopped into the image. The overall contrast between natural and building allows the viewer to instantly focus on the home, while appreciating the way the architect has embedded space within this picturesque landscape.
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Qatar National Museum by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Doha, Qatar. Inspired by the whimsical crystal forms of desert roses, the museum uses its formal expressiveness to establish a link between the Bedoiun culture and global modernity. An organic system of intersected disks stretches around the ancient Amiri Palace, creating an undulating itinerary in its interior: a journey through the past, the present, and the future of the country. What do you think of this audacious design? . . . . . @ateliersjeannouvel #jeannouvel #ateliersjeannouvel #nouvel #qatar #doha #underconstruction #museum #icons #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on May 2, 2018 at 10:39am PDT
3. Inspire awe
The wide, aerial perspective and natural lighting play pivotal roles in this image. The perspective allows viewers to grasp the epic scale and formal ingenuity of the structure, provoking a sense of awe. You’re able to see in full view the museum’s organic system of intersected disks stretching around the ancient Amiri palace. The lighting, coming from what seems to be a sunset, accentuates the structure’s striking form. The combination of light and shade give depth to the photograph. 
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Designed by Steyn Studio, Bosjes Chapel possesses a stunning, sculptural form that emulates the surrounding mountains in a remote part of South Africa. The undulating building is further emphasized by means of a strategically placed reflecting pool. The edge profile and roof shape is a modern interpretation of the baroque "holbol" gable, with a combination of outward and inward curvatures that result in a series of peaks and valleys within the roof itself. . . . . . 🏛️ by @steynstudio 📷 by @adamletchfoto #steynstudio #bosjes #bosjeschapel #southafrica #chapel #church #religiousarchitecture #architecture #instarchitecture
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Jan 31, 2019 at 12:10pm PST
4. Harness symmetry
The dusk lighting in this image compliments the soft, smooth form of Styen Studio’s iconic chapel roof. The distinctive shape of the structure is further emphasized through the pool in the foreground, which reflects a blurred silhouette of the building. The beauty of this image also comes down to its near perfect symmetry. The point-of-view perspective allows viewers to realistically experience the journey into the chapel. Finally, the warm interior lighting provides a nice contrast with the darker, more muted exterior. 
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At a double-height window within a private residence in Mumbai, Arqmov Workshop devised an intriguing design in which the first three treads at the bottom are independent, but the upper treads are ribbon-like elements that form steps in two places within the staircase. On the upper part of the structure, steel cables support the treads further. Meanwhile, the bent corners of these longer engineered-walnut treads function as a reclining spot to use the treads as benches. For more inspirational stair designs, check out our guide – swipe up on today's Instagram Story! . . . . . @arqmov #arqmov #arqmovworkshop #mumbai #india #stairs #staircase #stairdesign #inspo #inspirarion #designinspiration #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Oct 26, 2018 at 8:43am PDT
5. Show spaces in use
Displaying the way architecture is used can provide a lot of information to the viewer. You can clearly see how the architecture can function, instead of seeing an empty, lifeless space. Without this lady, it wouldn’t be clear that those vertical beams could provide support to lean and casually sit. Knowing this subtle feature, I formed a greater appreciation for the design. 
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Capilla San Bernardo by Nicolás Campodonico, Córdoba, Argentina. Made from recycled, 100-year-old bricks, this rural chapel is intensely minimal. Outside, vertical and horizontal poles are placed separately and projected towards the interior. Each day, their shadows slide along the curved interior, ultimately overlapping with each other to form a simple but powerful symbol. ✝️ . . . . . #architecture #argentina #capillasanbernardo #church #brick #materials #minimalism #shadows #light #chapel #instarchitecture #instagood #nofilter
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Apr 23, 2018 at 4:06pm PDT
6. Capture a moment in time
The power of this photograph lies in its capture of a unique moment in time. Vertical and horizontal poles were carefully positioned in the opening of this minimalist brick chapel, creating a crucifix-shaped shadow when the sun reaches a precise position in the sky. As a result, the viewer is immediately able to understand the purpose and significance of the building, despite the lack of any other detail. It is prove that even the most simple of images can provides a great level of symbolic depth.
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Architectural details: Hooba Design’s cave-like Brick Spris Coffe shop in Tehran captivated the A+Awards jurors in the Restaurant category back in 2015, and its undulating surfaces form a striking example of brick detailing. Individual bricks were divided into eight pieces, and a turquoise glaze was applied to certain surfaces for a flash of color. Special lighting blocks were then slotted in between some modules for an even more magical ambience. . Take your chance on the A+Awards this year! Submit a project before May 10th, 2019 to be in the running for global recognition just like Hooba Design. Head to awards.architizer.com or click the link in bio to register today. ✨ . . . . . @hoobadesign #hoobadesign #architizerawards2019 #ArchitizerAwards #brickspris #brickarchitecture #brickdetails #architecturaldetails #details #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Apr 17, 2019 at 1:10pm PDT
7. Keep an Eye for Detail
While sweeping views of skylines and majestic architectural icons traditionally garner attention o Instagram, it is possible for even the smallest of details to make a splash. The amazing undulating walls of Hooba Design’s Brick Spris Coffee Shop are made up of traditional terracotta bricks and transparent, light-reflecting blocks, something that is highlighted with the inclusion of a hand installing one of the elements. The material texture, atmospheric lighting and human scale all adds up to a highly satisfying and share-able image.
Now show us what you can do: Register for the One Photo Challenge and submit your best drawings for a chance to win $2,500 and more amazing prizes:
Enter the One Photo Challenge
The post 7 Ways to Create a Viral Architectural Photo appeared first on Journal.
from Journal https://architizer.com/blog/inspiration/collections/viral-architectural-photos/ Originally published on ARCHITIZER RSS Feed: https://architizer.com/blog
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Welcome to your weekly recap of all things dank and spicy from the past week! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!
Sunday, April 7th:
Looks like Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats are illegally leaking information to the press while the Fake News Media make up their own stories with or without sources - sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media, they are a Joke!
Pleased to report that the American tourist and tour guide that were abducted in Uganda have been released. God bless them and their families!
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) The last 2 years, under @RealDonaldTrump, have been 2 years of action – it’s been 2 years of results – & it’s been 2 years of promises made and promises kept! #MAGA
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) .@RealDonaldTrump is doing his job to SECURE OUR BORDER! @CBP is doing their job. It’s time for Congress to do its job and CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES in our immigration laws & end the CRISIS on our southern border!
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service.... ... ....I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!
More apprehensions (captures) at the Southern Border than in many years. Border Patrol amazing! Country is FULL! System has been broken for many years. Democrats in Congress must agree to fix loopholes - No Open Borders (Crimes & Drugs). Will Close Southern Border If necessary... ... ....Mexico must apprehend all illegals and not let them make the long march up to the United States, or we will have no other choice than to Close the Border and/or institute Tariffs. Our Country is FULL!
James Woods - Cherishing diverse body types is a good thing, but this is no more productive than making smoking look “cool.”
Woman loses job for calling Jewish Trump supporter a Nazi, at Commiefornia Starbucks
Obama shatters previous record, mentions himself 467 times in one speech in Berlin
Mexican with a Trump hat gets harassed by psycho liberal trans (?)
Every. Fucking. Time. They play this card every fucking time, and they can't not play this card, even when the playing of it is mind-bogglingly stupid. It's their favorite and only argument.
Best Episode of Reliable Sources EVER
🐕 Biden's Cone Of Shame 🐕
US vs. them
Found this beautiful photo and wanted to share it with you guys. Toxic Masculinity in action
Monday, April 8th:
Proclamation on National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominations
President Trump Visits the New Border Wall
“The reason the whole process seems so politicized is that Democrats made up this complete lie about Collusion ....and none of it happened.” Charles Hurt. The Russian Hoax never happened, it was a fraud on the American people!
“Jerry Nadler is not entitled to this information. He is doing this to get it to the Democrat 2020 nominee.” @KatiePavlich
(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dem talk: -Abolish ICE -Borderless hemisphere -Walls are immoral -Illegals should vote -Raise taxes @POTUS action: -Regs reduced -Taxes cut -Econ growing -5 million new jobs -Justices Gorsuch AND Kavanaugh -Out of Iran deal -Embassy in Jerusalem -Hostages home from NK -New NAFTA
(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dems want President’s tax returns for purely political purposes! Frightening, but shouldn’t surprise us—same folks used the IRS to target Americans for their political beliefs!
(Retweeting C-SPAN) Rep. @Jim_Jordan on President Trump's tax returns: "There's no law that says they have to be public." Watch full #Newsmakers interview tonight at 10pm ET on C-SPAN https://cs.pn
Uganda must find the kidnappers of the American Tourist and guide before people will feel safe in going there. Bring them to justice openly and quickly!
The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get. It will never end, but that’s the way life goes!
Congratulations to the Baylor Lady Bears on their amazing win last night against Notre Dame to become the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions!
A 9th Circuit Judge just ruled that Mexico is too dangerous for migrants. So unfair to the U.S. OUT OF CONTROL!
(Retweeting Official Team Trump) BIGGER paychecks under President @realDonaldTrump! 💰
Congratulations to Virginia - Great game!
(Retweeting The White House) The newly constructed 30-foot wall in Calexico, CA, replaces a barrier made of surplus corrugated steel landing mats from the Vietnam War—and border officials tell President @realDonaldTrump it's making a crucial difference. 1600 Daily: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) Our economy is on fire. Jobs are up, unemployment is at record lows, and wages are still rising. But Democrats would rather lie about @realDonaldTrump than acknowledge all of his economic successes.
Moment of prayer with Military leaders at the White House
Rep. Nunes refers 8 people to Justice Department for prosecution. Crimes include lying to Congress and lying to the FISA court about the warrant for Carter Page.
Trump designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard a 'foreign terrorist organization'
Fucked around and almost found out. A responsible gun owner in Chi-raq. Notice nobody cares until he can defend himself.
A big part of Twitter is garbage
This meme triggered a lot of communists yesterday.
Future is bright!
Friendly reminder: John Oliver violated the terms of his work visa when he joined the writers strike a few years ago. He is in this country ILLEGALLY!
4th wave feminism...?
Tuesday, April 9th:
President Trump Welcomes the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Ivanka Trump on the New Doubled Child Tax Credit
The World Trade Organization finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of EU products! The EU has taken advantage of the U.S. on trade for many years. It will soon stop!
Congressman Jerry Nadler fought me for years on a very large development I built on the West Side of Manhattan. He wanted a Rail Yard built underneath the development or even better, to stop the job. He didn’t get either & the development became VERY successful. Nevertheless,.... ... ....I got along very well with Jerry during the zoning and building process. Then I changed course (slightly), became President, and now I am dealing with Congressman Nadler again. Some things never end, but hopefully it will all go well for everyone. Only time will tell!
The Mainstream Media has never been more inaccurate or corrupt than it is today. It only seems to get worse. So much Fake News!
On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation...
“What’s completely unacceptable is for Congesswoman Omar to target Jews, in this case Stephen Miller.” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO. @Varneyco
“She (Congresswoman Omar) keeps on assaulting Jews...” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO
Today, it was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the @WhiteHouse!
Check this out - TRUTH!
“The underlying issue remains the same without a single American being indicted for Collusion with Russia, & that is a stunning end considering we were led to believe (Fake News) that something much more dramatic would happen. Why did people fall for this?” @TuckerCarlson Molly H
The Democrats must end the loopholes on immigration. So easy to solve!
(Retweeting Tammy Bruce) Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama
Everybody is now acknowledging that, right from the time I announced my run for President, I was 100% correct on the Border. Remember the heat I took? Democrats should now get rid of the loopholes. The Border is being fixed. Mexico will not let people through!
After 8 years of being a Democrat, leaving the Left & Supporting Trump was the most empowering thing I've done! You guys are the most accepting community & I'm going for my carry permit soon, too! Thank you!
Pentagon has awarded nearly $1 billion in contracts to build President Trump’s border wall with the construction set to end in October 2020.
Barr reveals he is reviewing ‘conduct’ of FBI’s original Russia probe
WINNING: President Trump's Job Approval Jumps to 53% – Seven Points Higher Than Obama
PewDiePie just took a MAJOR shit on YouTube and Twitch by announcing an exclusive live-streaming contract with DLive (Blockchain) and is offering $50K for charity. It was only a matter of time. GG.
Remember that time in history that 3rd graders knew the truth way before CNN?
MRW when liberals keep whining but who cares cause the country is doing great
GEOTUS we love you
Dissapointed as fukk.
GEOTUS Has Known About 0bama's Spygate for YEARS
Wednesday, April 10th:
One Nomination and One Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
Executive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth
Order on the Issuance of Permits with Respect to Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings at the International Boundaries of the United States
President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure
President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure
President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure
Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!
Spoke to Bibi @Netanyahu to congratulate him on a great and hard-fought win. The United States is with him and the People of Israel all the way!
So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump, that there was No Collusion with Russia. In fact, it was an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start. I fought back hard against this Phony & Treasonous Hoax!
Join me in Crosby, Texas as I deliver remarks and sign Executive Orders on Energy and Infrastructure!
THANK YOU Texas, I love you!
CONGRATULATIONS to @EricTrump and @LaraLeaTrump on the great news. So proud!
(Retweeting Homeland Security) Today, @CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan was sworn-in to lead DHS as the Acting Secretary. The ceremony took place at the new DHS Headquarters at St. Elizabeth’s.
I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!
Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!
Barr: I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal
BREAKING: Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok could face ‘serious’ charges for his involvement and actions while at FBI | READ and SHARE
Barr Confirms Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump Spy Operation
Ilhan Omar Claims “Dangerous Incitement” By Dan Crenshaw For Directly Quoting Her
Sad to see an @ATT owned company pull such a great video made by an every day American in good fun. AT&T now owns @CNN and is positioning themselves as a weapon of the left.
VP Pence obliterates the Venezuelan socialist regime at the UN
Red pill dropped in the wild 💊
The older I get, the more I relate with Hank.
MRW liberals are losing their minds over three letters .... SPY
Thursday, April 11th:
Eight Nominations and One Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
President Trump Meets with the President of the Republic of Korea
President Trump Greets World War ll Veterans
President Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South Korea
Great News! #MAGA
"Biggest scandal of our time - the coup that failed!" @MariaBartiromo
Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!
House Democrats want to negotiate a $2 TRILLION spending increase but can’t even pass their own plan. We can’t afford it anyway, and it’s not happening!
(Retweeting Arthur Schwartz) Wow. @tedlieu got a well deserved ass kicking. Shame on you Ted.
“And the Radical Dems reeling in disarray as the President continues to Win, Win and Win again! The Left is PRETENDING to be shocked by A.G. William Barr’s testimony before Congress in which he said SPYING did occur on the Trump 2016 Campaign.” @LouDobbs @FoxNews
(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Rod Rosenstein Defends Attorney General’s Handling Of Mueller Report
(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Every CNN Presidential Town Hall Finished Behind MSNBC And Fox News In Ratings
(Retweeting Chuck Woolery) President Trump continues to tally up wins for our country as Americans just saw the best income gains in over 50 years. Listen to today’s #BFT Minute to find out more. https://buff.ly/2KHGBQQ
Wikileaks Co-Founder Julian Assange Arrested In London
But now it’s just bigotry. Foot in mouth syndrome.
He's 100% right. The dishonest and corrupt media would NEVER have told us the truth. The world needed the information we learned. Without it, we'd probably be living in their new world order by now.
Posted by the legendary, Imam Mohamad Tawhidi (@imamofpeace)
The mighty morphing Democrat rangers
New York Post 4/11 Cover Calls Out that Nasty Woman
Time traveler confirmed!
THROWBACK THURSDAY March 20, 2017 - Vox: "All of Trump’s wiretap claims have now officially been debunked by the FBI and NSA". OOPSIE
To Corey Booker. From Bill.
Friday, April 12th:
President Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South Korea
President Trump Delivers Remarks on United States 5G Deployment
President Donald J. Trump Announces Appointments for the Executive Office of the President
President Donald J. Trump Announces Nominations of Individuals to Key Administration Posts
“I don’t need to know any more. We’re done, absolutely done, he (Mueller) tried the case. There’s NO COLLUSION.” @LindseyGrahamSC @foxandfriends No matter what we do or give to the Radical Left, it will never be enough!
President Obama’s top White House lawyer, Gregory B. Craig, was indicted yesterday on very serious charges. This is a really big story, but the Fake News New York Times didn’t even put it on page one, rather page 16. @washingtonpost not much better, “tiny” page one. Corrupt News!
“Democrats don’t like the results of the Mueller Report, so now they’re trying everything else.” @RepDougCollins They should stop wasting time and money and get back to real legislating, especially on the Border!
Even the Democrats now say that our Southern Border is a Crisis and a National Emergency. Hopefully, we will not be getting any more BAD (outrageous) court decisions!
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only.... ... ....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
WSJ's Strassel: Barr 'Right' to Say 'Spying' Occurred on Trump Campaign | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VHDlKn via @BreitbartNews
If the Radical Left Democrats all of a sudden don’t want the Illegal Migrants in their Sanctuary Cities (no more open arms), why should others be expected to take them into their communities? Go home and come into our Country legally and through a system of Merit!
Thank you Jeh, so well stated!
Finally, great news at the Border! https://twitter.com/axios/status/1116872379324612608 …
A Fake Story by Politico. Made up sources. Thank you Mount Vernon!
Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Securiy personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!
In New York State, Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants. No wonder so many people are leaving N.Y. Very Sad!
NY Dems block bill expanding college tuition for Gold Star families after approving $27M in tuition aid for illegal aliens
Avenatti Accused of Hiding $4M Settlement from ‘Mentally Ill Paraplegic’ Client, Faces Up to 335 Years in Prison
Networks Give One Minute to Obama Counsel Indictment, Gave Manafort’s 60 Percent of Airtime
OUT OUT OUT! The Latest: Court allows return of asylum seekers to Mexico.
Censorship is real
“Some people did something.”
I can’t wait to look back in history when I’m telling my grandchildren how Conservative Americans won the culture war with memes like this
With the 5 Liberal Forces Combined you get ...
Reeesistance Member Sets Self Ablaze Outside White House, circa 2019
Saturday, April 13th:
I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand. North Korea has tremendous potential for....... ... ...extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim. I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!
Why should Radical Left Democrats in Congress have a right to retry and examine the $35,000,000 (two years in the making) No Collusion Mueller Report, when the crime committed was by Crooked Hillary, the DNC and Dirty Cops? Attorney General Barr will make the decision!
BUSTED: Mount Vernon Debunks Politico's Fake News Story About Trump's Visit To Washington's Estate
A white child was callously thrown to his potential death only a few days after Congress held a sham hearing on white nationalism and tried to blame it for "hate crimes." The real rise in anti-white crime and hatred will of course get no congressional hearing.
Man Asks Swedes if they would take Refugees into their own homes, get's Pelosi'd
FITTON: HUGE Update: President Trump Vindicated and Hillary Clinton Implicated. SpyGate CONFIRMED--& Smoking Gun Clinton Email Cover-Up Docs. PLUS Fed helping illegal aliens send billions to Mexico.
It really do be like this
Remember when President Trump used to recite 'The Snake'
Looking ahead, this is the favorite to win next years masters. Get your bets in now Pedes!
The Video Michael Avenatti AND The Liberal Media will want removed off the internet
Blink blink ... wat
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
Move On
Lose Yourself To Dance
Can I kick it
Who Do You Love
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
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cynthiajayusa · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Apr. 4 – Apr. 9
Thursday, April 4
Don’t forget its Miami Beach Pride weekend with multiple events happening every day leading up to Saturday and Sunday, the main event days. The parade is on Sunday at noon. For more information, go to Miamibeachpride.com.
Starting today and going through Sunday, is the 10th Annual Land Rover Palm Beach International Gay Polo Tournament.  This event is presented by RSM US. The weekend includes A Wigstock party, the tournament and a Brunch. For more information or to purchase tickets to any of the events, go to: Gaypolo.com/tickets.
Friday, April 5
If you love magic and comedy like I do then you will want to get yourself to the Parker Playhouse tonight to see Piff The Magic Dragon in his “The Lucky Dragon Tour.” You may remember Piff from his appearances on Americas Got Talent and Penn & Tellers Fool Us. This will be a show that you will be laughing out as well as be amazed out from some of the astonishing tricks Piff performs. More info r tickets at: ParkerPlayhouse.com.
Tonight is the 24th annual Las Olas Wine and Food Festival from 7:30-10:30pm. This event features 60 restaurants, 40+ wineries, and many interactive experiences which will take over the boulevard for an evening of unlimited food, drinks, and entertaining fun, all in the name of charity, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting American Lung Association and their fight against the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: Lasolaswff.com.
Saturday, April 6
Matt Farber’s Outlandish Series at the Sunshine Cathedral ends its 2019 run with “An Evening with Liberace and Peggy Lee…Lee Squared.” This is a touching and award winning tribute to music legends who defined four decades of music and culture.  The event starts at 8pm, and to purchase tickets go to OutlandishFL.com.
Ramrod presents Pig Dance #128 (first Saturday of every month) featuring the sounds of guest DJ Brian Hukill, from 10pm to 3am.
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio, at the Manor Complex celebrates the birthdays of the original Mr. Noche Latina and the current reigning Mr. Renaissance Jose Vega and our sexy bartender Marc. The night will be hosted by the one and only Diva Politte. The night will also star DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go papi’s.  Doors open at 11pm to 4am, and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, April 7
Flip Flops Dockside Eatery presents their monthly T Dance (first Sunday of the month) from 4 to 7p.m., hosted by Amanda Austin with DJ Robert Lavalle spinning and this month’s special guests: Shardee Ross, Ana Rexia Lords and Vanity Flair.   
Monday, April 8
If you love theater like I do, then you will want to get yourself to the 43rd annual Carbonell Awards at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30pm. This is South Florida’s answer to the Tony Awards and a highlight of each arts season. These awards pay tribute to the very best theatrical productions on local stages and features the area’s top entertainers and theater insiders as they step out from behind their roles in an unforgettable behind-the-scenes celebration. The benefit performances of South Florida’s oldest and most prestigious arts honors raises scholarships for South Florida arts students. Tickets are only $25 at BrowardCenter.org.
Tuesday, April 9
The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts presents the Broadway hit “School of Rock” from today until Sunday April 14. Based on the hit film, this hilarious new musical follows Dewey Finn, a failed, wannabe rock star who decides to earn a few extra bucks by posing as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. For tickets go to ArshtCenter.org.
Hot Stuff
The Bourbon Pub and New Orleans House in Key West present “Spring Fling” every Saturday from noon to 5pm they are the only clothing optional pool party on Duval Street. 18+ to party and 21 to drink with live DJs, shot boys, pool volleyball, beer pong and much more…all genders welcome!
Check out the new ad for Miami Playground in this week’s issue and grab your coupons for a $10 gift certificate with a minimum $50 purchase and a $20 gift certificate for a minimum $100 purchase. They have 2 locations in Miami and Pompano and are open 24 hours a day!
This is HOT
I always love it when Cirque Du Soleil brings a new production to South Florida and this summer from July 24 through August 4th they will be presenting Corteo at the BB&T Center Arena.
Corteo, which means cortege in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth.
The cast of Corteo includes 52 acrobats, musicians, singers and actors from all around the world.
My friends are always complaining they can’t get good seats to Cirque show,  and that’s why I am writing about this now as tickets are available at cirquedusoleil.com/corteo. Cirque Club membership is free and benefits includes access to advance tickets, special offers and exclusive behind the scenes information. To join, go to www.cirqueclub.com.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/04/03/whats-hot-south-florida-apr-4-apr-9/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/04/whats-hot-south-florida-apr-4-apr-9.html
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demitgibbs · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Apr. 4 – Apr. 9
Thursday, April 4
Don’t forget its Miami Beach Pride weekend with multiple events happening every day leading up to Saturday and Sunday, the main event days. The parade is on Sunday at noon. For more information, go to Miamibeachpride.com.
Starting today and going through Sunday, is the 10th Annual Land Rover Palm Beach International Gay Polo Tournament.  This event is presented by RSM US. The weekend includes A Wigstock party, the tournament and a Brunch. For more information or to purchase tickets to any of the events, go to: Gaypolo.com/tickets.
Friday, April 5
If you love magic and comedy like I do then you will want to get yourself to the Parker Playhouse tonight to see Piff The Magic Dragon in his “The Lucky Dragon Tour.” You may remember Piff from his appearances on Americas Got Talent and Penn & Tellers Fool Us. This will be a show that you will be laughing out as well as be amazed out from some of the astonishing tricks Piff performs. More info r tickets at: ParkerPlayhouse.com.
Tonight is the 24th annual Las Olas Wine and Food Festival from 7:30-10:30pm. This event features 60 restaurants, 40+ wineries, and many interactive experiences which will take over the boulevard for an evening of unlimited food, drinks, and entertaining fun, all in the name of charity, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting American Lung Association and their fight against the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: Lasolaswff.com.
Saturday, April 6
Matt Farber’s Outlandish Series at the Sunshine Cathedral ends its 2019 run with “An Evening with Liberace and Peggy Lee…Lee Squared.” This is a touching and award winning tribute to music legends who defined four decades of music and culture.  The event starts at 8pm, and to purchase tickets go to OutlandishFL.com.
Ramrod presents Pig Dance #128 (first Saturday of every month) featuring the sounds of guest DJ Brian Hukill, from 10pm to 3am.
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio, at the Manor Complex celebrates the birthdays of the original Mr. Noche Latina and the current reigning Mr. Renaissance Jose Vega and our sexy bartender Marc. The night will be hosted by the one and only Diva Politte. The night will also star DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go papi’s.  Doors open at 11pm to 4am, and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, April 7
Flip Flops Dockside Eatery presents their monthly T Dance (first Sunday of the month) from 4 to 7p.m., hosted by Amanda Austin with DJ Robert Lavalle spinning and this month’s special guests: Shardee Ross, Ana Rexia Lords and Vanity Flair.   
Monday, April 8
If you love theater like I do, then you will want to get yourself to the 43rd annual Carbonell Awards at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30pm. This is South Florida’s answer to the Tony Awards and a highlight of each arts season. These awards pay tribute to the very best theatrical productions on local stages and features the area’s top entertainers and theater insiders as they step out from behind their roles in an unforgettable behind-the-scenes celebration. The benefit performances of South Florida’s oldest and most prestigious arts honors raises scholarships for South Florida arts students. Tickets are only $25 at BrowardCenter.org.
Tuesday, April 9
The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts presents the Broadway hit “School of Rock” from today until Sunday April 14. Based on the hit film, this hilarious new musical follows Dewey Finn, a failed, wannabe rock star who decides to earn a few extra bucks by posing as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. For tickets go to ArshtCenter.org.
Hot Stuff
The Bourbon Pub and New Orleans House in Key West present “Spring Fling” every Saturday from noon to 5pm they are the only clothing optional pool party on Duval Street. 18+ to party and 21 to drink with live DJs, shot boys, pool volleyball, beer pong and much more…all genders welcome!
Check out the new ad for Miami Playground in this week’s issue and grab your coupons for a $10 gift certificate with a minimum $50 purchase and a $20 gift certificate for a minimum $100 purchase. They have 2 locations in Miami and Pompano and are open 24 hours a day!
This is HOT
I always love it when Cirque Du Soleil brings a new production to South Florida and this summer from July 24 through August 4th they will be presenting Corteo at the BB&T Center Arena.
Corteo, which means cortege in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth.
The cast of Corteo includes 52 acrobats, musicians, singers and actors from all around the world.
My friends are always complaining they can’t get good seats to Cirque show,  and that’s why I am writing about this now as tickets are available at cirquedusoleil.com/corteo. Cirque Club membership is free and benefits includes access to advance tickets, special offers and exclusive behind the scenes information. To join, go to www.cirqueclub.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/04/03/whats-hot-south-florida-apr-4-apr-9/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183919152140
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