#its cuz the therapy is like 45 minutes away
gender-snatched · 1 year
i want onion rings so bad
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goldenageofwireless · 1 month
Bruh our dad's been so nice to me lately I'm so confused. But like in a good way
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bittlicious · 3 years
mari’s omgcp fic reqs (:
some fics i’ve read lately and that i’m totes in luv with <3
— zimbits
i. you’re my amen, zimbits, by @/julibean19 https://archiveofourown.org/works/12801069/chapters/29218386
this crazy, 100k+ word zimbits fanfiction is just absolutely amazin. it has all of its highs and lows, and an insane plot twist that left me speechless and broken. but don’t be frightened! it has a happy ending, because that’s what our gay hockey boys deserve. also bitty is so absolutely amazin in this fanficion, my face hurts from smilin at him all of the time (: ps. shitty in this fic is just, like, absolutely hilarious and a friend that you just need in your life. he calls jack “mon petit fromage” (my little cheese) and i couldn’t breathe for like ten minutes after first readin. 
ii. bitty of goose lake, zimbits, by @/itsybitsybitty https://archiveofourown.org/works/17622797/chapters/41548541
this totally awesome and interestin 37k word au is everythin i love in a fanfiction. without givin away spoilers, jack is.. kind of in a honked up situation, and bitty jus loves his emotional support goose that eats all his pies and sometimes hugs him when he’s feelin sad. i’ve reread this fanfiction religiously and it never gets old. 
— patater
iii. put on my shoes and run away, patater, by @/maraudeer https://archiveofourown.org/works/27466612
YOOOOO KENT PARSON GETS THERAPY MOTHERFUCKERSSSSSSS!!! i’d call that a fuckin W. this 7k word oneshot is the cutest soulmate au i’ve ever read! and i LOVE soulmate aus, let me tell y’all. alexei and kent are jus the cutest together and along the journey of realization that their shared dreams have been with each other, alexei is the softest human being ever. did i mention how much i love alexei? gosh!
iv. two feet in front of me, patater, by @/maraudeer https://archiveofourown.org/works/17665718/chapters/41664608
i mean, babes, it’s a 19k word bachelors au. what else is there to say? alexei’s a gay mess and we’re ALL here for it. also i jus really love kent parson in this story, don’t know why. (we alr know i’m a kinnie,, movin on-) 
— nurseydex
v. everyone wonders what it’s like to be loved by you, nurseydex, @/jennycaakes https://archiveofourown.org/works/29450085/chapters/72342033
okay!! so i don’t really know what hang the dj is or what the au is inspired by but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things (: basically it’s an incredibly angsty (i mean what do you expect with nurseydex, dudes?), cute story!! EESH CAN I BE ANYMORE BLUNT UHH it’s cute and fuCK IM BAD AT THESE THINGS !!!!! 
vii. love finds you, nurseydex, @/hockeysometimes, poindextears https://archiveofourown.org/works/22089940/chapters/52718095
i searched through 29 out of the 45 pages of my archive of our own history to find this fuckin book and anyways. OKAY this 200k+ word fic (please it’s worth it) is amazin nd i know the entire plot nd have read it more than thrice and please it’s so good. basically nursey loses motivation and goes for a nice drive and OOPS he ends up 60 years in the past and meets closeted cutie dex. kent parson is my favourite thing about this fic please and the side zimbits is absolutely fuckin adorable. i think abt this fic religiously.
— pimbits
viii. the camera tells secondhand lies, bitty/kent/jack, @/summerfrost https://archiveofourown.org/works/11199471/chapters/25011333
HOLY SHIT IT’S A BIG BROTHER AU SIDUFHG. i. love. THIS. i think about it ALLLLL of the time!!! kent’s super swag and i absolutely love jack’s character in this. bitty’s also rlly horny but like it’s fine cuz i would be too if i was near kent parson for longer than an hour.
— honourable mentions
all hail the underdogs, nurseydex, @/xiaq https://archiveofourown.org/works/15446814/chapters/35854725
do i even need to explain?
and i’m so furious (at you for making me feel this way), nurseydex, @/dharmainitiative https://archiveofourown.org/works/15194981
nurseydex hogwarts au WHICH!!! i don’t agree with the houses. dex is a slytherin and that is FINAL.
crossed wires, nurseydex, @/lecrivaineanonyme https://archiveofourown.org/works/8258459
another fic i think about religiously. bro it’s a dex!best buy au. he works at BEST BUY!!! i agree
love and insomnia, zimbits, @/wrathoftthestag https://archiveofourown.org/works/25391977/chapters/61573672
it’s a 2020 fic where zimbits meet during quarantine and it’s just adorable. also it makes me sad cuz the author wrote like an ending without covid-19 anymore and it made me sad cuz like,,, i need an ending pls
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lecfosa · 4 years
my parents offered therapy to me a bunch of times but im rly afraid because a) i have balkan brainrot and am still very ashamed of my mental health issues 😐 b) know that by going to therapy something will officialy (tm) be wrong with me c) have issues opening up to ppl. so to get to my actual question (sorry for the long intro lmao) was it weird talking to a random adult? if this is too much you dont need to answer i just never met anyone who went to therapy irl
omg yeah i understand the stigma here is scary honestly. my therapist actually mentioned it today cuz her office is kind of hole-in-the-wall and she doesnt even have a poster or anything saying its a therapy center / psychologist office bc people asked for it to be removed because they didnt want anyone to see them walking in so people wouldnt talk. also i dont mean to sound condescending but you should really be glad you have parents who would support you going to therapy, mine still arent supportive and im only going because i started getting physically ill from how bad my mental health was/is. there really is nothing to be ashamed of, like my therapist said "in the us theyd applaud you for getting help" (debatable) and at the end of the day it's just a medical professional. and yeah, diagnosis is... scary i guess, but also it's just one step forward to getting better. the screening tests / tests for diagnosis are in written form so you wouldnt actually have to say any of the scary shit out loud. abt the opening up thing, that's completely understandable. i actually mentioned to my new therapist straight away that im bad at talking / expressing how i feel and she said not all of my sessions are going to be only talking cuz there's different projects that will also... hint at my thoughts / mental state without me explicitly expressing it. any good professional is going to adjust to your needs. and to answer your question, it wasnt that weird? my first therapist sucked ass (she was a psychiatrist at the hospital) bc she treated my 14 y/o brimming-with-anxiety self like a 35 y/o and would just ask me one question and expect me to lie down on the couch and talk about it for 45 minutes which... i did not do lmao. but the new one is much more understanding, and it feels more like talking to a friend. the psychiatrist / psychologist difference is HUGE btw. if you just want to get some meds to get better go to a psychiatrist n if you want to actually talk / vent / work on your problems yourself then you go to a psychologist. there's no shame in wanting to get better
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starsisbig · 7 years
Part 3~ @histrionicdaisy im on a roll
Lee isn’t sure why he decides to go back again and again. Maybe he needs to know it’s real– that he didn’t dream up a scary flirt and a ghost from his past. He doesn’t tell his dad how ridiculous it is or how useless it seems. No, Lee takes the next check and hops on his bike.
He hopes this is the part of him that wants to get better taking over.
Lee had woken up early. Immediately uneasy from a forgotten dream, he’d slugged through his morning ritual with persistence and resistance smacking at each other. Every room felt unfamiliar, and for a halting moment, he couldn’t remember which toothbrush was his.
The first breath of outside air felt like a parachute. He was no longer uncontrollably hurtling toward– something. Relief was so loud. Loud enough that he didn’t hear the broken latch crack against metal.
Lee is taking the longer, safer, back-road through the trees. Riding in the narrow strip of gravel along the highway is far less peaceful; tractor-trailers and pick-ups roar by with their coughing diesel engines, hardly taking care to avoid bicyclists. The wind off their tires and exhaust burn the inside of Lee’s nose.
Here, it smells like pine and blooming pollen. The breeze carries gently over to his back. Cars are sparse, so he can look up to notice the sky and enjoy how it looks against the white of birch bark. This route is longer, too. Something like contentment finds him three-quarters of the way there.
When he arrives, two people are visible through the front window. One has a dark, beanied head, the other has voluminous curls of black hair. The two least likely to talk to him.
Despite this, anxiety starts to boil deep in his chest. He’s going to have to sit in that tiny waiting room with them and their “not-talking.” They’ll be looking at him. They’ll wonder what a guy like him is still doing at group therapy. They’ll look at him and think about how pitiful he must be to land here from where he was.
Lee takes his time unwinding the bike lock. He plays with the idea that he can’t remember the combination. Then, of course, the rubber-like material on the coil is absolutely confounding. It’s not his fault if he takes an extra minute to examine its properties.
A car skids into the parking space behind him, forcing him out of his mind. With a hand over his pounding heart, he reflexively turns around.
Theo barely shifts the car into park before he’s swinging out of his dingy-gray Honda Civic. His eyes are harpooned through Lee’s neck.
Fucking hell.
Lee puts additional focus into the chain-link fence, fantasizing about the glorious safety of the waiting room. Russ and Daphne’s gazes would be kinder. He imagines ripping his heart out and chucking it across the lot, Go fetch!, and breaking for the building.
Theo doesn’t speak. He walks over slowly, occasionally dragging his rubber-soled shoes over the pavement.
When the noise stops, Lee manages to look up.
Heat floods the two-foot gap between them.
His face is completely blank. He doesn’t know what Theo wants from this. Lee should probably say something. Ask him. Make it friendly. Impossibly black eyes give nothing away. Freckles across his nose and cheeks don’t spell any clues, and his lips are cracking, in desperate need of Chapstick.
Why is he so scared of this little bespeckled kid, again?
He’s about to release his bated breath when Theo sniffs, making Lee and his traitorous cheek flinch in surprise.
Theo nods and starts over to the door. Okay.
There’s something off about that guy.
In an unspoken agreement, everyone sits in the same spots as last time. Dora slouches languidly in the largest armchair, Cassie twirls on a padded office chair, and Theo hops to his perch on the arm of a yellow loveseat, strangling the life out of a decorative pillow.
Dr. Usa opens “How is everyone today? Anything big happen since we last saw each other?”
Cassie immediately raises her hand.
“Cassie! Great. With a small group like this, you can feel free to just shout it out.”
“Yes, ma’am!” she enthused with a dinky salute. “Well, I put pictures of some of my paintings online– watermarked, of course– and someone bought one! I don’t know them, but they’re going to send the money through PayPal. They gave me their address. I’m sending the painting– it’s a view of the sky from my backyard– to them in the mail!”
Lee feels a smile force itself onto his face, cracking the plaster of an incomplete mask.
“That must feel very rewarding.”
“Oh, yes!”
His hours of sleep feel infinitely far away. What has he got to be proud of. Anymore. Lee remembers newspaper clippings on the fridge, surprise parties from his team and his family, his little brother swearing up and down Lee was the best football player in the world, and how Neal was going to be a quarterback just like him. God, did he take that harmony for granted. Now, his father and Neal just look at him. That’s all they manage to do when he’s around.
“Yes?” He blinks a couple times, meeting Dr. Usa’s gaze. “Sorry. I was...” he trails off.
“Someone didn’t have their listening ears on.”
He sighs and looks at Dora. Eyes tired, he says “That’s why I apologized.”
Something flashed in her eyes, face assuming a rather odd expression. Surprise, maybe? Embarrassment... seems unlikely.
“It’s quite alright, Lee. I just asked how your day off went.”
Air puffs through his lips. “It was fine. My little brother had a soccer tournament, so he and my dad were out all day.”
“You didn’t want to go with them?”
“Nah. I liked having time by myself.” He starts fiddling with his sleeves. Alone is safer. Fewer awkward conversations that no one wants to have.
“I feel that.” Theo agrees in an exhale, thumb and middle finger pressing over his eyelids.
With the focus momentarily elsewhere, Lee takes the opportunity to sink into his chair. The heat of the spotlight recedes. Theo is talking. From what Lee’s seen, it’s obvious he takes to attention like a plant to the sun.
“We had extended family from all over tarnation at the house yesterday. It was ridiculous! They wouldn’t understand my right to privacy if it bit them in the–”
“Sorry, but they wouldn’t! They act like lowering their voices protects the sanctity of the quote, unquote ‘secret’ when they’re telling it to everyone!”
“Why don’t you like your family discussing this?”
“‘Cuz it’s me they’re discussing!”
“Please keep your voice down.”
“Sorry.” Theo says it quick, like an afterthought. “They aren’t acting concerned. They’re tossing around what’s ‘wrong’ with me like hot gossip. Like– finally something interesting is happening in the family.” The last part is drawled with a dramatic touch of the fingertips to the sternum, but his voice is too sharp to be simply joking.
“Every family, and every person in it has a different way of expressing their emotions toward a situation. It’s possible this is their way of showing that they see what’s going on, and just don’t know how to help.” Dr. Usa’s voice is melodious and quiet. It’s a very distinct contrast to Theo’s frustration.
“Well. I wish they’d cut it out.”
Lee notices the subtle tremors in Theos hands as they cover his face. Something’s coming loose. He has a feeling that when Theo falls apart he doesn’t crumble. No, those are bolts rattling, threatening to blow outward with the shriek of scalding steam.
“My family acts like nothing happened at all.”
When silence strikes the room, nerves punch him right in the gut. Shit. That’s where his plan ended. All eyes have moved back to him. He successfully got the attention away from Theo– go him– but he, being an eternal idiot, failed to realize that now he’d have to hold it.
Thankfully, Dr. Usa says “It’s likely a very painful topic, seeing someone they care about hurt.”
He laughs. Immediately he covers his mouth, feeling like he’d just smacked himself across the cheek. Wiping the knee-jerk reaction from his face, Lee swallows.
Before Dr. Usa has a chance to follow up, Cassie bursts in.
“If they don’t care, they don’t matter!”
Her nose is scrunched up, pinched by the angry purse of her lips. A newly pale-painted, manicured finger points at the ceiling, as if that’s where the injustice is hiding.
Cassie always seems to have a motivational quote up her sleeve. This is not the first time one had been directed at him. And though the words themselves aren’t helpful, the earnest way she delivers them always heals a small part of the ache.
“Thanks, Cassie. They matter. They’ve just moved on. They have other things to worry about.” The half-lie tastes weak as it leaves his mouth. He knows his family is embarrassed by his mistakes; they can’t bear to revisit the shame.
He sees movement in the corner of his eye, where movement is usually not. Russ is signing something.
“Family is not always right.”
Instead of going home right after, Lee decides to sit cross-legged on the pavement next to his bike. He has Twitter open on his phone, but he’s not really reading anything.
It’s nearly 10:45. His brother is probably up. Neal’ll probably hang around the house for a bit, texting a couple of his bajillion friends to meet up. Then, he’ll borrow dad’s car and pick them up on the way downtown, uptown, or a McDonalds in either direction.
Dad is probably working on the shed. The roof caved last winter, and he needs a dry place to store the tractor. Since his brother is taking the car, he’ll have no choice but to stay home.
A kick to his left shoe startles him back to the real world. He sees ragged black jeans.
Theo looks at him, avoiding his eyes.
Thanks? Not sure what he’s referencing, he responds “Uh, yeah. No problem.”
“Sorry. You know, about earlier. You’re confusing.”
Not as confusing as this conversation. Lee just looks at Theo, hoping for some elaboration.
Theo turns and skips back to his car. He opens the drivers-side door and points to Lee over the roof.
“You’re a real one, Lee Pugnator,” he shouts. “If Nicki Minaj lyrics were enough I’d be serenading you right now, you gorgeous son-of-a-bitch.”
Lee laughs helplessly.
That kid is absolutely inscrutable.
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Utilizing Anti-aging Face Creams
There is a time in every person 's life when our growing age becomes a worry for us. This is the time when even a small hope feels like a lifelong promise and also we have the tendency to experiment with numerous anti-aging formulas. The initial visible indicator of your passing age is your first laughter line i.e. more frequently referred to as wrinkle. Normally these indicators are experienced in your 30s or if you are fortunate sufficient after that in your 40s. You could lengthen your skin from aging using suitable therapies at an earlier age. This is the time when you search for an anti aging crease cream. You can utilize anti aging crease creams even before wrinkles begin to show up on your face. Even if you sanctuary ' t yet took care of it, you can still do something regarding it. It is a good idea not to disregard these symptoms. If you assume that ignoring is a great choice to tackle with wrinkles then you can ' t obtain even more incorrect. In today 's way of life the most inescapable sign of an aging skin is its look. With contamination degrees rising to its severe and also hazardous contaminants airborne are unsafe to our skin. Acne, abrasions and also other skin illness are some of its harmful results. Inning accordance with research studies conducted by skin doctors, anti aging crease creams have numerous nutrients and also vitamins that aid in slowing down the aging procedure. Additionally, you could prevent various other extreme skin treatments if you use these lotions. There are lots of products in the market identified as anti aging but you ought to select them utilizing little sound judgment. Don ' t get deceived by the advertising and marketing approaches which promise much and also rarely provide anything. Pass your impulses and also select intelligently. To learn more on skin creams visit http://www.reduce-age.com
hi guys welcome to my channel today I'm going to share with you how you can make your very own anti-aging cream easily at all by using this cream regularly you can get rid of all the signs of aging like wrinkles fine lines sack skin age spots dark patches pigmentation and can get a brighter tighter softer supple and flawless skin within just few days to prepare the cream we will need 2 TSP of sheer butter sheer water provides natural anti-aging properties it contains vitamin A & E which helps in cell regeneration and sub tailing of the skin it reduces wrinkles and fine lines it also boosts collagen production shea butter acts as a moisturizer which nourish and feed your skin and gives you a nice glowing and radiant complexion the next ingredient we will need is 2 TSP of apricot oil apricot oil is rich in omega-6 vitamin A & E which hydrate and nourish your skin boosts new cell production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles it absorbs into skin very quickly and heals mature and dry skin it fades away dark patches pigmentation blemishes and gives you a brighter and flawless skin then we will need 1 vitamin E capsule vitamin E helps to treat wrinkles by supporting new skin cell growth and speeding up cell regeneration it fades away dark and brown spots on the skin that are caused by aging and free radical damage it helps to lighten tighten and smoothen rough and aged skin and the last ingredient we will need is essential oil essential oil will boost the shelf life of the product add some extra goodness and also a nice fragrance to the cream Here I am using lavender essential oil but you can also use orange avocado carrot seed or any essential oil of your choice take a clean jar where you can store your cream into that first I'm adding sheer butter [Music] then add apricot oil [Music] cut the vitamin E capsule and extract the oil and few drops of essential oil now mix all the ingredients very well until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency you [Music] once your homemade anti-aging cream is ready you can store it into an airtight container in room temperature up to one month use it everyday as a night cream take a small portion of the cream and gently massage it on your face and neck for three to five minutes on upward motion then leave it for overnight it blends on your skin very well and gives you an instant radiant glow you can also use this cream as a body moisturizer this will improve your skin texture prevent your skin from aging and you will get a youthful ageless glowing and flawless skin you can start using this cream from the age of 22 to 25 for maintaining your skin from further damage if you find this video useful then don't forget to Like share and subscribe you can follow me on facebook twitter and instagram you can find the links into the description box below thank you for watching
never age you ever wish you could find that her secret well today I found women who literally look half the rage we put their pictures up online for America to see and we also asked their studio audience to guess their age and everybody guessed they were decades younger their woman just like you and they're ready to spill their secrets they could do it so can you you can defy your age y'all curious about this before I first you're gonna hang out like a secret eradicate wrinkles now America thought Donna was 34 years old but Donna's chronological age is 52 come on out Donna when I get a look careful I cannot believe you are 52 I am so what is it what are they single look at you people normally think I'm a lot younger especially men who try to hit on me around the hole got a nice feeling which is which is quite nice which is very nice so there it's shocked amazing you tell me your age yeah people for the most part think I'm usually in my mid to late thirties which is which is which is quite flattering I must say well you should be flat because you are a beautiful woman are you willing to reveal your secrets yes I am doctor open Rafi get your little toolbox here show us your age-defying trick it is it is white vinegar vinegar cinnamon and honey so I have this concoction that I make where I combined make my own exfoliating face mask with honey and cinnamon and I find that it takes off a lot of the dead skin cells and it makes my face more moisturize and it also makes it you know quite supple probably how you do it it seems so simple yeah so actually what I do is I combine the cinnamon with honey I mix it up and actually use this every night I leave it on for about 30 minutes and then I use white vinegar as an astringent which it's delicious as well you can also eat it absolutely I would even leftovers me and then you could use the astringent which kind of tightens your skin and prevents it from sagging yes how long you been using this for I've been actually using this for a few years but as I get older I use it more frequently I gotta say I'm amazed something so simple can make such a huge difference in your life do you want to try it yeah please okay I'll be there I'll go first that's a move like you I'll definitely do it yeah don't you feel it working a little bit well I'd like to lick it off I could it feels it feels cooling acting but you know I actually looked into these tips in fact I did for all the guests onto the show today the vinegar I love because it keeps yourselves hydrated which is always a valuable thing to prevent wrinkling but I specially love the cinnamon in the honey yeah and the cinnamon in particular is a fantastic exfoliant which is probably the best way out there to fight off wrinkles oh it's great so I've made you a little you look wonderful guys like this I guess hmm all right now I'm gonna show you why I think this is so cool I I built you a little replica of your skin okay it's uh what's that maybe it's a big replica of your skin your skin sort of looks like this this big parachute reflects what's going on in our bodies now you'll notice we have some audience members here and with all women um oh maybe a little bit weakly pretend you're weekly I know you're ready not all right and what happens is the collagen in our body starts to get weak and especially as we get older the hormones aren't quite perfect you don't have enough collagen to lift up this parachute then look at this front area over here it's completely worn through right there's not no collagen a that's a that's a big wrinkle right there but there was your exfoliate with cinnamon paste it changes everything cuz that's nice bringing these big burly men burly men come on in burly men pink Alfa college everyone pulled back hard as you can it reinforces your skin it gives you less wrinkles I'm not that is pretty spectacular you don't think you that kind of war over there that's why you don't have Rico I think thanks girly men I thought my audience members I appreciate like a secret government agent discoloration on your chest neck in hands now America thought Diane was 45 years old we checked her driver's license which says that she is you ready all its sixteen she having no sunspots um well I'm the only girl so and the boys don't count so um my mother lived to be 94 and I will say that when she died she didn't look a day over eighty that's pretty good I got that yeah so you say fifteen years they allow it because you don't have any discolorations at all I mean looking at all of your skin so what's your secret gonna show it to us sure okay first of all in the morning when I am making my coffee I take some lemon and I squeeze it over the backs of my hands and the decolletage a decoupage of course yes Latasha you know what that is yes it's and um the acid and in the lemon helps to bleach out any you know when we were kids we used to put it in our hair and go out in the Sun it does yeah so it bleaches out any kind of discoloration you may have of course I don't have it yeah you don't have any company might actually blocks melanin production you
Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1 400. That’s an error. Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.
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hardwarevent · 8 years
2016-2017 plans
So, it’s January 1st 2017. My 2016 has been eventful. Pretty much the defining moment was me breaking up with C and the resulting aftermath bullshit. Kinda sad, but... also, I mean, I got new clothes, exercised and dieted, became a better person, but the one thing that really sticks in my mind and that I’ve been struggling with is this C thing. It’s still a struggle. You know, honestly a small part of me hopes they never get a new job here and run out of money and have to move back with their parents, so I don’t have to deal with their shit anymore. C also wrote a 2016-2017 thing too. They mentioned the breakup, but it was a “oh i’m not sad about it cuz I knew it was going to happen” thing, which kind of really is a kick in the balls, considering all the internal struggling I’ve been doing about it. The primary focus of C’s 2016-2017 post was how they want to transition and become more androgynous and be more open with their sexuality and genderfluid stuff and things like that. They also want to make body modifications accordingly, like breast reduction/androgynous haircut/new glasses/maybe hormone therapy etc. It’s weird, but I think that after reading it, it made me become more at peace with not being with them anymore? Because I can say with pretty solid certainty that it wouldn’t have worked out in the long run between us. Like they want a hysterectomy? I... would like to have children someday. They do not, obviously. And someone who would look/be like that... it would be someone I would be embarrassed about dating. They mentioned that they want to get out in the dating world once they get a new job, and it would come with it’s own sets of challenges because of that stuff. I don't know. There’s just so much that clashes between us.  I kind of figured this out actually, because I spent a lot of time thinking about this. I am, or was, in love with who they were when I dated them in college, where they were someone that I felt really passionate towards, who was full of potential that turned out kind of underwhelming. I can never really get that person back. It’s like a corrupted save file, a little bit. We have both changed immensely, and we need to find people who would be better fits with who we are now. Every time I feel myself be anxious or depressed or that stabbing feeling in my chest about them, I remember this fact, that who they are now isn’t who I was in love with, and that person is pretty much gone forever. It’s not even sad necessarily, its just something that happens. It’s comforting in a way. It’s definitely helping me move on. Another question I’ve been struggling with was, what do I do with all those pics and videos of them that aren’t really SFW? I don’t want to feel tempted to look at them, but I really don’t want to just delete data I might want later. I’m kind of a data hoarder. I thought of the compromise that I would put them up in the cloud somewhere, but delete them off of all of my local drives. That way if I want to look at them, it’s an “are you sure you want to do this?” thing, and it’ll make me think twice about getting them again. After all, especially with how much they’ve changed, it really does feel more like a person who used to exist, and less of the C I know now. So overall, I think I might actually be making progress emotionally. It feels pretty good. Getting a break from them by being on the east coast helped a lot. It doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, it’s just acceptance that our romantic relationship has ended. But enough about that bullshit. I’m gonna try to talk about it less unless it really starts to bother me again. How about this year? What’s in store for 2017? What are my resolutions? Well, I’ve heard the trick is to focus less on vague stuff (i’m gonna lose weight/work out more) and more on concrete, measurable goals (lose X pounds). So, I’m going to keep my goals quantifiable. So here they are. I’m actually excited to look back on these in a year -Complete a regimen of P90X (preferably before swimsuit season)
-Perform athletic activity for at least 45 minutes, 3 times a week, for 9 months’ worth of weeks (gives me leeway)
-Run a 10k (this is a maybe, i’m trained to do it now at least but I'm worried about knee joint stuff)
-Make a game that I have spent at least a combined 40 hours on, not counting research/reading -Read 1 solid (100+ page) book a month
-Move the fuck out/away from C. If roommate, get one that there is no sexual/romantic tension with
-Go on dates with 3 different girls, or find a new girlfriend, whichever comes first. (it’s the exercise in finding new people that matters) -Get some face moles removed, because I’m starting to feel self conscious about them -Learn about concealer/basic makeup so I can make these fucking bags under my eyes go away (could be called complete when concealer is bought and applied regularly) -do interviews with 2 different, decent companies or find a new job, whichever comes first (not that I don’t like my job, but doing interviews keep me sharp, and I’m like 95% sure I can find a better one than I have now, and this year would be the time to switch) -Continue diet regimen when able Yeah, so I put a lot on my table, but that’s because I know I can accomplish a lot. What makes me happy about this is that once I have this written down, I have somewhere where I hold myself accountable. I think the trick is to not get intimated just...do it, you know? And plus, at the end of 2017 I can be like “Oh yeah, I did all this shit, nice”. I pledge to not edit this list when I see something comes up that might be difficult. So yeah. Here’s to a great 2017. I’m cautiously optimistic.
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Utilizing Anti-aging Face Creams
 There is a time in every person 's life when our growing age comes to be a problem for us. This is the moment when even a little hope feels like a long-lasting guarantee and also we have the tendency to try numerous anti-aging formulas. The first noticeable indicator of your passing age is your initial giggling line i.e. extra frequently referred to as wrinkle. Typically these signs are experienced in your 30s or if you are lucky enough after that in your 40s. You could prolong your skin from aging using proper therapies at an earlier age. This is the moment when you look for an anti aging wrinkle cream. You could use anti aging crease creams also prior to creases begin to appear on your face. Even if you sanctuary ' t yet took care of it, you could still find a solution for it. It is advisable not to ignore these signs and symptoms. If you believe that ignoring is a great option to tackle with creases after that you can ' t obtain more incorrect. In today 's way of living one of the most inevitable sign of an aging skin is its look. With air pollution degrees climbing to its severe as well as hazardous toxins in the air are hazardous to our skin. Acne, abrasions and also various other skin diseases are several of its dangerous effects. Inning accordance with researches conducted by skin doctors, anti aging wrinkle lotions have many nutrients and also vitamins that help in decreasing the aging procedure. Additionally, you could prevent other harsh skin therapies if you use these creams. There are lots of items in the market labeled as anti aging but you need to select them utilizing little common feeling. Don ' t obtain tricked by the advertising and marketing techniques which guarantee much as well as rarely offer anything. Pass your instincts and choose wisely. For more details on skin creams visit http://www.reduce-age.com
never age you ever wish you could find that her secret well today I found women who literally look half the rage we put their pictures up online for America to see and we also asked their studio audience to guess their age and everybody guessed they were decades younger their woman just like you and they're ready to spill their secrets they could do it so can you you can defy your age y'all curious about this before I first you're gonna hang out like a secret eradicate wrinkles now America thought Donna was 34 years old but Donna's chronological age is 52 come on out Donna when I get a look careful I cannot believe you are 52 I am so what is it what are they single look at you people normally think I'm a lot younger especially men who try to hit on me around the hole got a nice feeling which is which is quite nice which is very nice so there it's shocked amazing you tell me your age yeah people for the most part think I'm usually in my mid to late thirties which is which is which is quite flattering I must say well you should be flat because you are a beautiful woman are you willing to reveal your secrets yes I am doctor open Rafi get your little toolbox here show us your age-defying trick it is it is white vinegar vinegar cinnamon and honey so I have this concoction that I make where I combined make my own exfoliating face mask with honey and cinnamon and I find that it takes off a lot of the dead skin cells and it makes my face more moisturize and it also makes it you know quite supple probably how you do it it seems so simple yeah so actually what I do is I combine the cinnamon with honey I mix it up and actually use this every night I leave it on for about 30 minutes and then I use white vinegar as an astringent which it's delicious as well you can also eat it absolutely I would even leftovers me and then you could use the astringent which kind of tightens your skin and prevents it from sagging yes how long you been using this for I've been actually using this for a few years but as I get older I use it more frequently I gotta say I'm amazed something so simple can make such a huge difference in your life do you want to try it yeah please okay I'll be there I'll go first that's a move like you I'll definitely do it yeah don't you feel it working a little bit well I'd like to lick it off I could it feels it feels cooling acting but you know I actually looked into these tips in fact I did for all the guests onto the show today the vinegar I love because it keeps yourselves hydrated which is always a valuable thing to prevent wrinkling but I specially love the cinnamon in the honey yeah and the cinnamon in particular is a fantastic exfoliant which is probably the best way out there to fight off wrinkles oh it's great so I've made you a little you look wonderful guys like this I guess hmm all right now I'm gonna show you why I think this is so cool I I built you a little replica of your skin okay it's uh what's that maybe it's a big replica of your skin your skin sort of looks like this this big parachute reflects what's going on in our bodies now you'll notice we have some audience members here and with all women um oh maybe a little bit weakly pretend you're weekly I know you're ready not all right and what happens is the collagen in our body starts to get weak and especially as we get older the hormones aren't quite perfect you don't have enough collagen to lift up this parachute then look at this front area over here it's completely worn through right there's not no collagen a that's a that's a big wrinkle right there but there was your exfoliate with cinnamon paste it changes everything cuz that's nice bringing these big burly men burly men come on in burly men pink Alfa college everyone pulled back hard as you can it reinforces your skin it gives you less wrinkles I'm not that is pretty spectacular you don't think you that kind of war over there that's why you don't have Rico I think thanks girly men I thought my audience members I appreciate like a secret government agent discoloration on your chest neck in hands now America thought Diane was 45 years old we checked her driver's license which says that she is you ready all its sixteen she having no sunspots um well I'm the only girl so and the boys don't count so um my mother lived to be 94 and I will say that when she died she didn't look a day over eighty that's pretty good I got that yeah so you say fifteen years they allow it because you don't have any discolorations at all I mean looking at all of your skin so what's your secret gonna show it to us sure okay first of all in the morning when I am making my coffee I take some lemon and I squeeze it over the backs of my hands and the decolletage a decoupage of course yes Latasha you know what that is yes it's and um the acid and in the lemon helps to bleach out any you know when we were kids we used to put it in our hair and go out in the Sun it does yeah so it bleaches out any kind of discoloration you may have of course I don't have it yeah you don't have any company might actually blocks melanin production you
[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to hot and flashy today's video is my year-end roundup of the best anti-agers of 2016 so these are the best things that I use this year to turn back the clock on Aging so in 2016 I tried lots of masks creams lotions potions sunscreens and a new injectable a new laser and some new makeup tricks you know I always say that 50 is a gift that keeps on giving and now that I'm getting closer to 55 it's giving me even more presence which I would like to be able to return but can't in the form of gray hair and sparse eyelashes and eyebrows and enlarged pores new wrinkles and new sagging my channel here hot and flashy the goal is to help me and help you to look the best that we can as we age people who watch me fall all over the spectrum of anti-aging some people want to go into it all natural some people only want to use topical some people want to do procedures and more aggressive intervention and so I like to investigate it all and so you can find it all here so let's start first off with the thing that I think has made the biggest change in my skin that I've seen over the year and of course over the last 4 years and that is prescription retin-a I am using the 0.1% tretinoin cream I started in four years ago with the 0.05% last year I bumped up to the strongest lengthy 0.1% so I now have a full year under my belt of using the 0.1% and I have to say it has been great I cannot really believe the changes that I've seen in my skin it is a long-term play you do have to use it for a long long time to see results I didn't really see any results until I've been using it six to nine months and then it just kept growing and growing so by the three-year mark I was like blown away at how you know the clock was turning backwards on my face it's been studied since the mid 80s it is the gold standard of anti-aging and this is great stuff if you can get your hands on unfortunately the more of us that figure out that this works the more demand it creates in the marketplace and then the pharmaceutical companies start jacking the price up so I have heard from viewers that this is retailing for anywhere from two hundred and fifty dollars to six hundred and fifty dollars for a 40 gram tube like this I paid $10 for this because for some reason my insurance company covered it a lot of people say that their insurance will not cover it I also know in some parts of Europe you can't get it at all in England and all this other stuff in other parts is over-the-counter I went to Spain last summer I bought two tubes for 12 bucks apiece in Mexico you can get it cheap at the airport so you know it's crazy how its regulated in some places not regulated in other places but Americans who couldn't get this I have great news for you there is an acne treatment that is a tretinoin dual derivative that is now available over-the-counter this is a new development 2016 it happened over the summer I just found out about it and that is that adapt alene brand name different is available over-the-counter this is another vitamin a derivative this is a synthetic but it does work much like tretinoin does this has been studied in a few studies also as a wrinkle cream so it has been shown to work as a wrinkle cream but with much less irritation than tretinoin this one was $29 for one point six ounces and this one was $14 for the half an ounce so if you had been wanting to try this and just couldn't get your hands on it here is a great new option for you as I mentioned before I do like a good procedure but because my tretinoin use I got to say I used some of the procedures that I had done in the past much much less this year so for example I had gotten filler a couple of times in the past this year I was completely filler free I didn't use any filler the filler that I had gotten before has completely worn off so my face is still are free but I feel like because of the tretinoin I don't really need it I feel like my skin is firmer and plumper looking and all that great stuff I do still continue to use Botox but I got to say I'm using it much much less than I used to just because I do like the preventative aspect of it so I'm going to put Botox as one of like the best anti-aging procedures that you can get the one thing that I did try this year is a Botox alternative is called Dysport I did like the Dysport better it's not as widely used as Botox but I feel like the main difference is that the Dysport does like spread a little bit more so it just softens the lines between where the injectable stops and your non paralyzed muscles start so I had a Fraxel dual laser treatment done and can I tell you that I absolutely loved it but for bang for your buck I still will say that Botox is like number one on my list and there is no downtime where this one laser treatment was $1500 it makes like micro channels of injuries in your skin it helps with collagen production with the laser there was like three or four days of downtime where my skin was just like fluffing and it was so impressive to see that and then it was oh my gosh it was beautiful like baby skin afterwards it was like velvet I just couldn't believe it unfortunately that velvet stage didn't really last that long for me it was definitely worth it because it did get rid of this actinic keratosis I have over here when I did my three-month check-in that wasn't gone yet and I was still hoping it took it about six months for that to really disappear but once it did I had had a scar there and like a little bump there that wouldn't go away and after about six months it finally did go away and now that skin is nice and smooth so I got to say that laser treatment really did take care of that so if you were a Sun worshiper and you're worried about skin cancer this is a treatment that can actually remove some of your skin cancers to come in the future it definitely got rid of a lot of my discolorations faded a lot of my age spots and brown spots this is a dual laser and my only criticism was of my provider that she only used one of the wavelengths there are two one is for surface discolorations and surface wrinkles and it did do some good stuff for my service wrinkles but the other one is a deeper laser that's more for texture like pores I don't really like this group Lee skin I have down here so I would like to have seen what the other lasers results would have been and that's why I'm actually thinking of getting it done again but having or use the other part of the wavelength so for the best over-the-counter skin care of 2016 there was a big splash when matrixyl synth-6 came out and I did try a matrixyl synth-6 product this is from timeless skincare this is their matrixyl synth-6 i put it in a test using it on my neck and i combined it with an over-the-counter retinol because i couldn't use my prescription tretinoin on my neck anymore and so i wanted to see if using a combination of ingredients would help with my neck and boy did it ever I did a video showing the results after I use the combination of these two for six months this is the Sarah V skin renewing cream serum this is their over-the-counter retinol I had used another retinol previously but it irritated my neck just as much as the prescription tretinoin but this combo and this in particular did not irritate my skin at all and so by the end of the six months my neck was looking fantastic I took the after pictures and I couldn't even believe how good they were and again that videos link will be in the information box below this one so the combination of these two are the best over-the-counter that I found this year so let's move on to the best temporary wrinkle treatment I tried a couple of different masks this year I try to mask with magnets in it I try to mask with gold in it I tried one of those temporary things that you put under your eyes that like makes a film over your skin and makes it so you can't even move your skin that thing we're great until you put makeup on and then poof away it went so the best of temporary wrinkle treatments is the de marche labs relaxing lift gold instant wrinkle smoothing mask with 24 karat gold I was sent this product I tried it in a try at Tuesday video and I was surprised at how well it worked it smooth on my under eye wrinkles it diminished my pores amazingly in just 10 minutes you put this stuff on it gold it goes on gold then it dries to white then you wash it off then you can put on makeup and the effect seemed to stay even when I was like smiling it kept my smile lines from crinkling up as much as they usually do it only lasted for a few hours I'm not going to say that it was like Chanel would last all day or anything but it did show some promise and I would use it in the future like if I was going to a party all right you guys know that I cannot talk antiaging without talking sunscreen and in 2016 I did another massive review of all mineral sunscreen the best sunscreen in 2016 was again the Hydra peptides solar defense this is an SPF 30 this is the best one under liquid makeup the other sunscreen that really is fabulous but doesn't work as well under liquid foundation is the exuberance sheer daily protector this is an SPF 50 PA plus plus plus plus which means it gives you full spectrum coverage over all the rays that cause aging and skin cancer but the big news that I learn in 2016 is that exuberance is parent company is NeoStrata and NeoStrata makes a sunscreen that is identical to exhuming it's for about half the price this one retails for $45 for and ounce this one's about 27 dollars an ounce and then right at the end of the year I of course started looking at sunscreens for the 2017 video and I found a couple of sunscreens that I'm loving I haven't done the full test to see how they are under makeup and everything but very few of them they look good on their own and there aren't days when I really don't want to wear any makeup but I still want to wear sunscreen and I don't want to look white or I don't want look super shiny or gray or weird so the one that I found miss here that is really great to wear on its own that I absolutely love is by skinceuticals it's their physical matte UV defense sunscreen broad-spectrum SPF 50 this is a beautiful sunscreen and it's so lightweight and fluffy it's almost like a whipped up texture and I just love it and it goes perfectly with my skin tone so I can wear it without having to put any makeup on over it it doesn't reflect any light so that is a great one for me another one that I have been using and loving lately is not a hundred percent mineral you know I do like the mineral sunscreens because the chemical sunscreens tend to irritate my skin especially the ones that were loaded up with like five or six different chemical sunscreens so if I turn it over it's got Abel Ben's own homo Sally octonauts a you know on and on I kind of stay away from those because those are the ones that really burn my eyes but I found recently but the ones that just use zinc oxide and octa NOx a really don't irritate my skin as much so I picked this one up so this is Obagi medical sunshield matte broad-spectrum SPF 50 you get three ounces so the nice thing too if you're not going to run out anytime soon and it looks like your standard white sunscreen but when you rub it in it just disappears into your skin and it leaves a lovely matte not shiny finish so there you go it's been already it's not white it's not shiny I just love it it doesn't accentuate cores and wrinkles so it's a really great sunscreen and it doesn't really smell like anything it doesn't feel greasy to the touch it dries back it's very very nice alright the last two categories are hair related I know a lot of people my age where our hair is getting thinner our hair is getting grayer our eyebrows and eyelashes follow suit as well and in last couple of years I had tried Latisse and I had also tried rapid lash both of which work fabulously I didn't like Latisse because it hurt I couldn't stung my eyes and they were burning all the time I loved I loved rapid lash it was inexpensive it worked great for me my lashes grew my brows grew then all of a sudden they just stopped growing for no apparent reason it just stopped working so at that time I decided to switch it up and try a different one so I picked revitalash advanced and I've been using this one for about four or five months now and I got to say this has been working great for me this has the tiniest little brush delivery system so I really love that it's not cumbersome like the Latisse is you just take the brush and every night before you go to bed last step paint one swipe on each eye right where the eyelashes meet the eyelid then I also apply it to my eyebrows a couple of strokes in each eyebrow this tube is expensive but it lasts so if I only have to buy these a year it is so worth it my eyebrows have really been growing in like crazy much much better than the rapid lash and my eyelashes too are longer and they're also fuller so loving that product and then my you know last little discovery this year was that huh where my roots were coming in gray and I had to conceal those so I tried a lot of the powders and a lot of the different things but the ones that I prefer are the sprays and I had bought two of them over the course of the year this one is the Rita Hasan root concealer touch-up spray and the souther one is L'Oreal root cover-up temporary gray concealer spray these both contain almost the exact same ingredients they work just about almost exactly the same this one is more like 25 dollars this one is like ten dollars and I feel like they are interchangeable but yet I reach for this one more often I can't really explain why and this is new one that I did just buy but for covering up your roots and stuff is so convenient because you know you just spray it on there the only warning that I have for you is that it does tend to you know overspray and leave little dots on your forehead so after you spray your hair you might look in the mirror and be like oh my god do I have a new age spot today no just you know clean it off with a little spit and the nice thing about the mo is that once you get it on your roots it is waterproof it doesn't cost you go swimming it doesn't get come off you get caught in the rain it doesn't come off if you have a hot flash so you won't have it dribbling down your face so those are all the successes that I had in anti-aging this year I'd love to hear if you tried a new procedure or a new cream that you swear by something that you love feel free to leave me a comment below I'm sure everyone else would like to hear about it too because as you know I love to exchange ideas with you guys I can't do everything because I only have one face but I like to try to get through a lot of it so there's a lot more coming up in 2017 here on hot and flashy I hope you stay tuned and so that's the end of today's video so thanks everybody for your time you know I always appreciate your watching and have a great day and I'll see you next time bye
Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1 400. That’s an error. Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Cosmetics Get rid of Years From Skin
It might take several years for age lines to develop on the face, yet they can be eliminated in an issue of mins with the help of anti-aging cosmetics. There are other points that people could do making them go away for a longer time period, like utilizing shots that incapacitate the nerves in the face. These treatments are rather pricey to utilize and require that an individual get shots several times a year. A more affordable approach for concealing wrinkles is to cosmetics that are frequently used as base makeup applications. These crease reducers could be discovered in lotions, or fluid base makeup applications and could be put on the face every day. Because percentages of these wrinkle-reducing solutions are utilized, it is typically the most cost efficient methods of concealing the effects of age in the facial area. Many wrinkles are decreased in look because the items have extra moisturizing buildings in them. Various other skin maladies can be hidden through the usage of these items as well. Skin stainings could be masked with an application of a colored make-up base. These cosmetics make the skin show up softer, smoother and also younger. Some cosmetics have nutrients added that lower the amount that skin ages even better. Vitamin E will certainly aid fix any scarring that strikes the skin 's surface from acnes or holes to the skin. Cosmetics that have this vitamin in them are fixated making the skin seem even more vibrant, and it is to a point. To maintain healthy and balanced skin, a woman should eat a healthy diet, beverage lots of water as well as get a complete evening 's sleep. After that she could utilize cosmetics as an elegance product as well as not as a beauty maintenance product. The anti-oxidant chemicals that are in all types of wellness and beauty products can counteract the number of bacteria that create on the skin. These radicals create skin to age at a faster price as well as this attribute has made anti-oxidant cosmetics incredibly popular. People add these cosmetics to their everyday regimen of cosmetics applications as well as are enjoyed see the noticeable differences in their complexion in around 2 weeks. A lot of cosmetics applications serve as an obstacle against environmental components. These cosmetics should be physical gotten rid of from the facial region every day via some sort of scrubbing procedure that is not too difficult. This is since the cosmetics with anti-oxidant residential properties cause cells to regrow as well as leave dead cells behind. If these cosmetics are not removed daily, they might cause aging to increase and any type of anti-aging therapies would be termed as ineffective.
Do you want more informations on antiagins solutions ? So visit metformin anti aging
 never age you ever wish you could find that her secret well today I found women who literally look half the rage we put their pictures up online for America to see and we also asked their studio audience to guess their age and everybody guessed they were decades younger their woman just like you and they're ready to spill their secrets they could do it so can you you can defy your age y'all curious about this before I first you're gonna hang out like a secret eradicate wrinkles now America thought Donna was 34 years old but Donna's chronological age is 52 come on out Donna when I get a look careful I cannot believe you are 52 I am so what is it what are they single look at you people normally think I'm a lot younger especially men who try to hit on me around the hole got a nice feeling which is which is quite nice which is very nice so there it's shocked amazing you tell me your age yeah people for the most part think I'm usually in my mid to late thirties which is which is which is quite flattering I must say well you should be flat because you are a beautiful woman are you willing to reveal your secrets yes I am doctor open Rafi get your little toolbox here show us your age-defying trick it is it is white vinegar vinegar cinnamon and honey so I have this concoction that I make where I combined make my own exfoliating face mask with honey and cinnamon and I find that it takes off a lot of the dead skin cells and it makes my face more moisturize and it also makes it you know quite supple probably how you do it it seems so simple yeah so actually what I do is I combine the cinnamon with honey I mix it up and actually use this every night I leave it on for about 30 minutes and then I use white vinegar as an astringent which it's delicious as well you can also eat it absolutely I would even leftovers me and then you could use the astringent which kind of tightens your skin and prevents it from sagging yes how long you been using this for I've been actually using this for a few years but as I get older I use it more frequently I gotta say I'm amazed something so simple can make such a huge difference in your life do you want to try it yeah please okay I'll be there I'll go first that's a move like you I'll definitely do it yeah don't you feel it working a little bit well I'd like to lick it off I could it feels it feels cooling acting but you know I actually looked into these tips in fact I did for all the guests onto the show today the vinegar I love because it keeps yourselves hydrated which is always a valuable thing to prevent wrinkling but I specially love the cinnamon in the honey yeah and the cinnamon in particular is a fantastic exfoliant which is probably the best way out there to fight off wrinkles oh it's great so I've made you a little you look wonderful guys like this I guess hmm all right now I'm gonna show you why I think this is so cool I I built you a little replica of your skin okay it's uh what's that maybe it's a big replica of your skin your skin sort of looks like this this big parachute reflects what's going on in our bodies now you'll notice we have some audience members here and with all women um oh maybe a little bit weakly pretend you're weekly I know you're ready not all right and what happens is the collagen in our body starts to get weak and especially as we get older the hormones aren't quite perfect you don't have enough collagen to lift up this parachute then look at this front area over here it's completely worn through right there's not no collagen a that's a that's a big wrinkle right there but there was your exfoliate with cinnamon paste it changes everything cuz that's nice bringing these big burly men burly men come on in burly men pink Alfa college everyone pulled back hard as you can it reinforces your skin it gives you less wrinkles I'm not that is pretty spectacular you don't think you that kind of war over there that's why you don't have Rico I think thanks girly men I thought my audience members I appreciate like a secret government agent discoloration on your chest neck in hands now America thought Diane was 45 years old we checked her driver's license which says that she is you ready all its sixteen she having no sunspots um well I'm the only girl so and the boys don't count so um my mother lived to be 94 and I will say that when she died she didn't look a day over eighty that's pretty good I got that yeah so you say fifteen years they allow it because you don't have any discolorations at all I mean looking at all of your skin so what's your secret gonna show it to us sure okay first of all in the morning when I am making my coffee I take some lemon and I squeeze it over the backs of my hands and the decolletage a decoupage of course yes Latasha you know what that is yes it's and um the acid and in the lemon helps to bleach out any you know when we were kids we used to put it in our hair and go out in the Sun it does yeah so it bleaches out any kind of discoloration you may have of course I don't have it yeah you don't have any company might actually blocks melanin production you
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