#its december now so christmas content is free reign
holmesoldfellow · 10 months
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Illustrations by Gaston Simoes da Fonseca for "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Félix Juven, 1909)
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seungcheolrk · 6 years
rkmelting — 2019 new year’s celebrations. december 31st, 2018 → january 1st, 2019. 
it hits him a little late that this is his first new year’s eve away from his parents. really, it doesn’t matter — it’s not like he’s scared of the fireworks ( surprisingly ) or of being alone, but the shift in his life in such a short time makes his head spin. this time last year, he’d been blissfully unaware of the fact that in three days they’d have a measly five days to sort out sleeping arrangements between themselves and move into their dorms. at that point, he didn’t even really feel like he knew some of his group mates, let alone enough to live with them — to share bunk beds and living spaces. now, he feels like he can talk to any of them about his worries without judgement, he feels at home, but he still can’t help but feel that a presence is missing as he realises the clock is ticking closer to midnight. 
but then, he thinks they likely all miss their parents. he surely isn’t the only mummy’s boy in a group of thirteen, right? it’s just not statistically likely. 
his fingers itch to dial their number a few minutes before the clock strikes, his thumb hovering over the button. it’d only take a twitch to accidentally hit call and maybe that’s what he’s hoping for inside because as it is, it feels like there’s a force field around his phone that prevents his thumb from lowering any closer. he wonders what they’re doing; he doesn’t want to disturb their peace. maybe they’re out at a new year’s party or fireworks show, free of the reigns of staying in with him. they could’ve gone out in his later years, but they’d always insisted on staying together in the warmth of their home, watching the celebrations on television or out their apartment window. he wonders if they’re wondering what he’s doing. he can hear the usual ruckus of thirteen boys under one roof in the next room, knows they’re getting ready to countdown together while he sits here, unsure what to do. it’s silly. the longer he sits here pondering, the closer he gets to running out of time, the new year starting without him. 
drawing in a deep breath, he sends his parents a group message wishing them a happy end to the current year and a promise to call soon after the turn of the new one. he pockets it and celebrates with his members, as he did christmas, as he will almost every holiday for the years to come. 
january 1st, 2019 — 00:21am 
slipping away, he speed-dials the familiar number in a heartbeat, holding his phone at arms length, his mother having gotten fond of video calls in the last few months of scarcely seeing him ( and rarely believing his insistence that he’s fine; he can’t blame her, though, she is his worrywart mother — he had to get his own tendencies from somewhere ). she answers after a few seconds, framed poorly as his father tries to fit in beside her. 
“hey,” he smiles softly, “happy new year.” 
his mother frowns as their tablet slips between her fingers. “hey, cheollie.” he blushes, embarrassed. “happy new year to you, too!” 
his dad pitches in, voice even though his face displays a warm smile. “did you celebrate with your group?” seungcheol nods, glances at the door, expecting one of them to come crashing in at just the right moment, but nothing happens. he doesn’t say that he missed ringing in the new year with them, but he knows they can read it in his eyes, in the way they soften when he sees his mother finally content with her placement of the tablet. her hands free, she gestures wildly as she lists off expected, pressing questions.
“no, I didn’t drink,” he answers first, “and yes, we’re having a good time. yes, I’ve been looking after jihoon, and yes, I am flying out to jeju and no, I am not ready to go on a plane but I don’t have a choice. It’s not like teleportation has been invented yet.” 
his mother laughs, “just pretend it’s the— what’s it called? the spaceship in star wars?” he rolls his eyes. 
“the millennium falcon?” she nods. “I can’t believe it’s been twenty years and you still haven’t either learnt the names of anything from my favourite franchise but also realised that relating every situation to it in any way possible offers me no comfort.” he teases, unwilling to admit that it does, in fact, help a little. he’s still scared beyond belief, but she isn’t too wrong. it is still a flying hunk of metal, designed to get its occupants from one place to another — it’s just that one is real and one is fictional; one travels around the earth and the other through the far reaches of space. really, his short trip to jeju is a walk in the park in comparison. 
a little while later, his mother asks him if he has any new year’s resolutions, or if any of the others do and whilst he doesn’t really know in terms of the rest of convex, he has thought a little about what to aim for in 2019, knowing full well it’s ridiculously likely to be a question they’re asked if they are to do any interviews or television shows in the next couple of months. at first, he has no idea. he knows he has plenty to work on — his stage presence, his stutter, his dance skills beyond their given choreography he’s had so long to practice, to name a few. he wouldn’t ever say he doesn’t have anything to improve on; maybe it’s just harder to pin down one or two or word them in a way that makes them feel both realistic but worth fighting for. ‘dance better’ isn’t a goal he can see progress on at the end of the year, but practising more overall is. abolishing his stutter, as unlikely as it feels now, is a viable goal over a vague ‘get more confident’. he draws in a deep breath. 
“yeah, I have a lot to work on—” he laughs, but it’s genuine for once whilst talking about his weaknesses. he doesn’t feel any shame talking to his parents about the things he lacks. “I want to practice my dancing more. I’d also like to learn to play video games, though I feel like that’ll conflict a little with practising more.” his parents laugh this time, warm smiles making his cheeks flush red once more. “maybe I’ll even see someone about this darn stutter. or maybe I’ll just leave it and call it my charming point. I’ve thought about new year’s resolutions a lot, but... looking back at the past year...” he clears his throat, embarrassment creeping up his spine. “you’re not allowed to laugh, alright? but the most important resolution for this year, to me, is to talk to you guys more. getting ready for convex... I had jihoon and the other members, but... I missed you guys a lot. I want to call more often, even if we don’t have much to talk about. it’s hard for me to take time off even when they tell me to because I feel like I should use every minute to improve as an idol, so this is my happy balance. fair warning, though— it’ll almost always be stupidly late at night.” 
no one will ever know if his affectionate chuckle is at his own words or the soft tears trickling down his mother’s cheeks. he gets his emotional side from her, too, he’s reminded. 
“we love you so much, cheol; we’re so proud of you. you have so much pressure on your shoulders and yet you’re worried about us—” 
gasping, he exclaims, “you? I’m worried about me! I’m the mummy’s boy here!” his mother laughs once more. 
“we’ll definitely call more, cheollie. promise us you won’t miss out on sleep or anything just to call us, alright?” 
he frowns, but hums in reluctant agreement moments later. “fine. but you have to promise me you’ll at least learn one star wars character’s name before we next call!” 
she grunts, “excuse me, I know han slow-mo!” his dramatic groan mixes with her cackle as they say their final goodbyes, hanging up with a smile that rounds his cheeks and crinkles the corners of his eyes. his heart lifted, he sighs contently. ringing in the new year isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but he can get used to this, he thinks. 
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seekfirstme · 4 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2020. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: Do you know the mercy and favor of the Lord? Those who hunger for the Lord will not be disappointed. The Lord himself will fill them with the fruits of his peace, joy, and righteousness. We see God's boundless love manifested in the promise of a Redeemer. As the events leading to the birth of our Savior unfold we see all the prophecies, promises and prayers of the Old Testament being fulfilled because "God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son" (John 3:16).
Those who are humble and hungry for God receive his Spirit
The Gospel of Luke reveals the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in Mary's life. When Elizabeth and Mary greeted one another they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with a joyful anticipation of the fulfillment of God's promise to give a Savior. John the Baptist, even before the birth of the Messiah, pointed to his coming and leapt for joy in the womb of his mother as the Holy Spirit revealed to him the presence of the King to be born. The Holy Spirit is God's gift to us to enable us to know and experience the indwelling presence of God and the power of his kingdom. The Holy Spirit is the way in which God reigns within each of us.
The Holy Spirit fills us with the joy and hope of heaven
Mary accepted her mission with uncompromising faith and obedience. She acted with unwavering trust and faith because she believed that God would fulfill the word he had spoken. Her great hymn of praise echoes the song of Hannah (see 1 Samuel 2:1-10) and proclaims the favor of the Lord: God exalts the lowly and he fills the hungry with good things. Hannah like Mary had been without child and God in a marvelous way gave her a son, named Samuel, whom she dedicated at an early age to the service of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:24ff.) Mary, too, would lose her son to a servant ministry that would take him to the cross. Christmas is a time for renewing our faith and hope in God and in his promises and for deepening our love for God and for neighbor. Do you seek the Lord Jesus and the power of his Holy Spirit so that you may be renewed in faith, hope, and love?
"Lord Jesus, help me to earnestly seek you with humility and confidence. Increase my faith in your promises, strengthen within me the hope of heaven and eternal life, and set my heart on fire with burning love for you and for your kingdom. May I always praise and magnify your great mercy and glory."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2020.
“Now I, in turn, give him to the Lord; as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the Lord.” —1 Samuel 1:28
Because Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday, we should be thinking of what to give Him for a birthday and Christmas present. Since “the Lord’s are the earth and its fullness” (Ps 24:1), the Lord has almost everything. Therefore, it is difficult to give Him a present. However, we can give Him our lives, wills, days, future, and love. Like Hannah, we can also give our children to Jesus.
Hannah presented Samuel to the Lord forty days after his birth. Later, when Samuel was three years old, Hannah presented him a second time. By this second presentation, Samuel was given as a minister to the Lord (1 Sm 3:1).
Parents, seek God’s will about giving your children to the service of the Lord as priests and religious. If you believe the Lord wants your child to become a priest or religious, present your child to the Lord in this way after Communion at one of the Masses of the Christmas season. It remains for your child to accept this vocation, but, by your prayer of presentation, you have opened much wider the door to a priestly or religious vocation for them. You have given God, the Church, your child, and yourself a wondrous Christmas gift.
Prayer:  Father, show parents the unique power of their prayers for their children.
Promise:  “My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior.” —Lk 1:46-47
Praise:  “O King of all the nations, the only Joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature You fashioned from the dust.”
Reference:  (For a related teaching on Parenting and Religious Vocations, order, listen to, or download our CD 71-3 or DVD 71 on our website.)
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from December 1, 2020 through January 31, 2021. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio January 14, 2020"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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unifiedsocialblog · 6 years
10 Brands that Excel at the Art of the Comeback on Social Media
Engaging with audiences on social media is an important part of any brand’s communications strategy. You want your customers to know that you’re listening to them and that you care about their experiences and opinions.
Most of the time, helpful or positive replies are enough to keep your followers happy and build your audience over time.
Sometimes, however, it pays to take a risk. That means sharing content that could spark controversy, thrust your brand into the spotlight, or draw critical attention.
If you do them right, these tactics can pay off big time helping your brand establish its identity, win new followers, or stay ahead of criticism. But they can also lead to disaster.
How can you make sure your brand avoids disaster? By learning from 10 brands that did it right.
Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.
1. Netflix always has a reply for critics
Does anyone not love Netflix on Twitter? Their social media is so good, it almost makes me forget that they no longer have Buffy the Vampire Slayer available to stream.
Even their pre-Christmas bio, a cheeky acknowledgement of one missing holiday classic, shows how well they know their audience:
That’s the key to their success on social: it’s clear that they share their followers’ passion for TV shows and movies. And they’re not afraid to get defend themselves, like when a follower criticized their description of Gossip Girl:
1. Everybody loves Gossip Girl.
2. Where is the lie tho?
— Netflix US (@netflix) December 11, 2018
They don’t play favorites with their programming either. When one follower questioned their retweet of an unconventional routine by Miss Toto from RuPaul’s Drag Race, they didn’t hesitate to reply.
— Netflix US (@netflix) December 18, 2018
They’re even ready to stand up for the infamous peach scene in “Call Me By Your Name.” That’s how much they love their movies.
quite the opposite.
— Netflix US (@netflix) January 7, 2019
Many brands try to cultivate a suave, cool voice on social media, but Netflix’s responses show that sometimes it pays off to embrace a weirder, nerdier brand voice. Their genuine enthusiasm for TV and movies allows them to connect with fans and followers, and it also helps to promote their content.
2. Merriam-Webster makes the dictionary cool
It might be hard to believe, but one of the best social media accounts out there is run by… the dictionary.
That’s right — the giant book you only crack open to settle Scrabble arguments. Somehow, Merriam-Webster has built a loyal following of more than 725,000 people by tweeting about definitions and grammar.
How did they do it? By seizing opportunities to inform and educate, with a tone that’s funny and confident, like your best English teacher from high school. Here are some of their most cutting clapbacks.
.@dannygonzalez Why don't you look words up before complaining to the dictionary? https://t.co/2HFnO4Y0aY
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 17, 2017
People keep 1) saying they don't know what 'genderqueer' means
2) asking why we added it to the dictionary pic.twitter.com/wsGZ7Y6XB8
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) April 25, 2016
If the dictionary can transform their public reputation from a dull reference material to a vital source of trivia and current events, there’s hope for any “boring” brand!
Take it from Merriam-Webster and look for opportunities to share timely, thoughtful content. Use clear language or emojis to make technical information accessible. And don’t be afraid to let your values show through your posts — you may not win everyone’s approval, but you’ll build loyalty and trust with those who choose to follow you.
Oh, and it never hurts to be funny.
We save all our hardcore, heavy metal content for Thursday afternoons. https://t.co/pTLZNSyNS6
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) December 13, 2018
3. Sanofi fixes a PR crisis
Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi experienced every company’s worst nightmare when they were thrust into the center of a PR scandal in May 2018. Actress Roseanne Barr blamed sending several racist tweets on her use of the sleep aid Ambien, which is made by Sanofi.
Rather than trying to dodge the spotlight, the company responded swiftly to her remarks with a strong position of their own:
People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.
— Sanofi US (@SanofiUS) May 30, 2018
Their response went viral and garnered overwhelmingly positive responses. While they could have stayed silent and wait for the next medial scandal to redirect public attention, their decision to respond allowed them to turn a disaster into a win.
Keep hoping that your brand is never associated with a celebrity’s public meltdown, but just in case, it’s important to have a plan in place.
4. MoonPies seizes the mo(on)ment
The August 2017 eclipse was a rare cosmic event, and a lot of companies attempted to ride the coattails of public excitement with stunt advertising campaigns. But few were as perfectly positioned to do so than the aptly-named MoonPies. Rather than pulling together a big campaign of their own, they managed to achieve a massive impact with a single tweet:
Lol ok https://t.co/lobyuNOkee
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) August 21, 2017
It’s always a good idea to take note of upcoming occasions and events that align with your brand (a content calendar can help you there!). These are perfect opportunities to boost your visibility in the public eye and gain new followers.
But MoonPies proves that sometimes there’s value in a less-is-more approach. Rather than competing with rival campaigns, MoonPies broke through the noise with a funny, irreverent message.
5. Adidas owns up to an insensitive email
Is there a more awful feeling than realizing that you just said something really insensitive a moment too late? Adidas knows how you feel.
In April 2017, they sent an email to select customers with the subject line, “Congrats, you survived the Boston Marathon!”
While most would agree that running a marathon is an impressive feat of stamina, their phrasing inadvertently made light of the devastating Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.
My friend received this email from Adidas after the Boston Marathon… I don't know how an advertising team doesn't catch this. pic.twitter.com/Fe16Z4Hnvq
— Robin Dich (@RobinDich) April 18, 2017
Rather than minimizing or ignoring the situation, Adidas swiftly issued an apology.
— adidas (@adidasUS) April 18, 2017
While publicly apologizing could have drawn even more attention to their faux-pas, Adidas managed to strike the right balance with their message. They didn’t deflect or minimize the impact, and they take responsibility as a company for the mistake.
As proof of public forgiveness, the ratio on their apology tweet is excellent. People on social media are quick to pile on when it comes to a public blunder, but a genuine and thoughtful apology can go a long way to restoring your brand’s good name.
Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.
Get the free guide right now!
6. Wendy’s is the reigning clapback champion
No roundup of social media comebacks would be complete without mention of Wendy’s, which may now be better known for their online sass than their Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers. They even wrote a blog post, patting themselves on the back for their best 2018 Twitter roasts.
Not really afraid of the burgers from a place that decided pancakes were too hard.
— FREEBACONATOR (@Wendys) June 11, 2018
Fast food restaurants are a competitive bunch when it comes to social media sass, but Wendy’s is the undisputed champ, always ready with a witty response.
@Wendys thoughts on @IHOb ?
— Gabe Kapler’s Coconut Oil (@GabeKaplersOil) June 11, 2018
Their strategy can’t work for everyone; Wendy’s has built their online reputation on being snarky, and 2.9 million people follow them for their merciless burns. Before you follow their lead, make sure sarcasm is true to your brand voice.
7. The MERL gains popularity with humor
Why does a small museum about the English countryside have more than 80,000 followers on Twitter? Because unlike other tiny museums about mundane subjects, this one knows how to build a brand using social media!
The MERL (Museum of English Rural Life) first emerged from internet obscurity in April 2018 with a delightful riff on the “absolute unit” meme. Even if you’re not a scholar of internet humor, you can still appreciate the artistry:
look at this absolute unit. pic.twitter.com/LzcQ4x0q38
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) April 9, 2018
Twitter users came for the chubby sheep joke and stayed when they realized this museum (and its collection of old farm photos) was absurdly funny. Suddenly, we were all fans of rural British life.
me at xmas dinner: just a couple roast potatoes please being good this year
me 5 mins later: pic.twitter.com/W93gtEQAh0
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) December 19, 2018
Just as marketers since time immemorial (or, okay, since the early 2000s) have tried to predict what content will go viral, social media managers are always trying to nail the formula for the perfect post.
In part, their tweets work because they’re so unexpected — who would think a museum account could be so weird and hilarious? But also, their content works because it’s unique. They’re drawing inspiration from their own archives and collections, which means their posts aren’t like anything else you’ll find on Twitter.
At the end of the day, social media users care about the quality and originality of content above anything else. If you’re sharing funny, interesting, or visually striking content, you’ll find your audience.
8. KFC proves that honesty is the best policy
In February 2018, KFC turned a PR disaster into a major win when 750 of their restaurants in the UK and Ireland closed suddenly due to a supply issue.
Fried chicken fans were livid. Local authorities even had to remind the public that a fried chicken shortage was not a valid reason to call the police.
How did they fix the fiasco? By taking responsibility, admitting fault, and being transparent about the issue.
In addition to setting up a website where customers could check if restaurants had reopened yet, and taking out some profane print ads to apologize, they also kept their social media followers in the loop.
There's gossip in the hen house, here's the facts… pic.twitter.com/lEuyiOZx2h
— KFC UK & Ireland (@KFC_UKI) February 21, 2018
Good news, over half of our restaurants are now back open! Our teams are working flat out to open the rest. Equilibrium will soon be restored. pic.twitter.com/ZXgijpBR7L
— KFC UK & Ireland (@KFC_UKI) February 20, 2018
As the head of brand engagement Jenny Packham said, KFC decided to “remain true to its brand voice” and apologize to customers, rather than hide behind a formal statement or point fingers at the supplier.
As a result, their fans and customers felt like there were real people trying to fix the problem, not just a faceless company trying to minimize a major problem.
9. Patagonia defends their environmental values
Outdoor retailer Patagonia is well-known for their corporate values around sustainability. And they’re willing to defend their reputation as environmental stewards when customers question their commitment:
Considering they are printed on 100% recycled paper with non-toxic ink, we do think that it's worth it to share our stories and photos with our customers. If you'd like to be removed please send your name, address, and customer number to [email protected]
— Patagonia (@patagonia) November 30, 2018
We didn't have a Black Friday sale as it promotes buying more which promotes more waste.
— Patagonia (@patagonia) November 30, 2018
But they brought new attention to their cause when CEO Rose Marcario announced on LinkedIn that the company was donating their $10 million tax cut—the result of changes to corporate tax rates administered by the Trump administration—to environmental causes. While many companies avoid wading into political territory, Patagonia took direct aim at Donald Trump with this comeback, calling the corporate tax cut “irresponsible.”
The tax cut is a contentious political issue, and their bold response did generate some criticism. But it ultimately drew a huge amount of positive attention to their company and practices, and reinforced their brand values.
Customers increasingly consider company values when choosing between brands. If you want to set yourself apart from your competitors, making it clear what your company stands for can be a smart strategy.
10. KLM improves the traveler experience
Airlines have it rough on social media. By my unscientific estimate, ninety-nine per cent of all messages they receive are from disgruntled passengers who are mad about flight delays, lost luggage, and disappointing mid-flight snacks. They’re a hard bunch to appease, but Dutch airline KLM does it better than anyone else.
In 2014, they launched a campaign to encourage customers to reach out on social media if they had lost items during transit. It kicked off with an adorable video featuring a dog named Sherlock returning forgotten possessions to happy travelers, which racked up over 24 million views.
Unfortunately, Sherlock isn’t actually checking flights for your forgotten headphones, but KLM flight attendants are. And customers still regularly contact KLM for assistance.
Big thanks to @KLM and the wonderful lost+found crew who found my #amazon #kindle and returned to me before flight today pic.twitter.com/uMvipnsHeW
— Andrew Lombardi (@kinabalu) October 17, 2017
Me: I’ll just leave my laptop in the seat pocket in front and have a quick nap before we land. ????
Fortunately, @KLM’s lost & found team & @Schiphol airport retrieved my trusty mobile office in under 20 minutes. ????
Thanks guys! ????
— Luc Dockendorf (@LucDockendorf) June 12, 2018
Promoting this option to customers has two benefits for the airline: it generates positive stories about returned items, and demonstrates their commitment to customer service.
Hello Nick, we would like to request our KLM Lost & Found Team to start a search for your lost item. Please send a Direct Message for this. Thank you!
— Royal Dutch Airlines (@KLM) September 10, 2018
It also clarifies how their social media team can assist customers. People often tweet at brands asking for help with problems that can’t be addressed in a tweet or a Facebook message, leaving the customer angry and unsatisfied with their unresolved issue. By telling people what their social media team can do, KLM has set themselves up for success.
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