rkcoco · 6 years
♡ cold winter = warm food ♡
Coco closes the door right after Hoseok enters her apartment, she puts down her bag with food to take her jacket off with her freezing hands as she keeps her gaze on Hoseok “why is it always so cold in the winter?” she says with a smile on her face.
Not really sure how, but Coco managed to convince Hoseok to come over to her apartment, and afterwards take a walk outside in the cold winter, and on top of that to cook dinner with her. She stretches her arm to hang her jacket as she switches her gaze from Hoseok to her jacket. Slowly sitting down while taking off her boots, she thinks about whether they will succeed at cooking or not. Standing up while still smiling bright, Coco looks at Hoseok “are you good at cooking? I don’t cook often” she says as she keeps her gaze on Hoseok and walks past him. She stops and goes back to the door once again, she lifts up her bag with the food and then turns around and goes past Hoseok again.
“when it’s winter, it’s best to eat warm food” she says as she takes out the food from her bag and lays them on the kitchen table. “I’m happy that you’re cooking with me” she says as she smiles even brighter. Coco rarely cooks, and when she does, she mostly does it alone or with her brother or mom, and her mother is no fun to cook with so Coco prefers to not cook with her.
Taking out two mugs from a cabinet, Coco puts one of them on the table and waves the other one as she looks at Hoseok “cocoa?” she asks him while still smiling bright.
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rkiny · 6 years
˙ ˖✶ chance encounters. ❜
( a rkmelting starter w. @rkhyunjae ).
it had been ages since nayeon last went ice skating, the last two years having been spent recovering from her ankle injury upon coming back home, then occupying herself with working full time. where it had once been an activity she’d be happy to do, it gave her a slight sense of unease at the idea of just how quickly and easily it could be for her to get hurt again. but, she’d made a resolution with herself for the new year— no more letting fear hold her back. so, when the younger male had proposed the idea, with a small amount of hesitation, she agreed.
“are your laces tight? i don’t want you to fall from having too much wiggle room,” her voice comes softly, standing there on slightly shaky legs, her own rented skates held tightly to her feet, and she holding onto the side of the rink for balance. she’s bundled up warmly, taking small steps to where they’re meant to enter the rink, and she looks behind her to find him, a grin on her lips. “don’t laugh at me if i fall, it’s been a while.”
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soljirk · 6 years
✨ daydream in blue
( an #rkmelting starter for @kentark )
solji wondered if it was a bad idea that she had asked kenta to travel to jeju with her. she knew they wouldn’t have a lot of time to spend together what with her having to practice for most of the time there as well as having to live in dorms. plus, now that she would become a public trainee, it would be quite a scandal if she were caught with a male trainee. actually, now that she thought about it, it would only be a scandal if it happened after the concert, right?
she sat on the edge of her bed, looking around her room and trying to figure out what she needed to bring. “i still can’t believe you’re coming!” she cried, folding one of her shirts and putting it in her suitcase. “that made me so happy to hear,” she smiled at the other, hoping he understood really how much his ‘yes’ meant to her.
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rkevent · 6 years
Tumblr media
It may be a brand new year but the wintry season remains the same! Chances of snow are now low yet you can be sure the temperature will stay low as well. Fans of the sweater weather, this your lucky time, and those who simply enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate on days like these are welcome to gather together, too, and make the most out of the season.
There’s no better time than now to take pictures of the specialty coffees you like to try during winter and share it on social media. Other hobbies might be to expand one’s coat collection during the season, or perhaps shop for the sales for summer clothes in preparation for the coming year. Why not invite your friends over to cozy up and watch the Samsung special new year show? If you made any New Year’s resolution, are you ready to start on the list, or did you already give up on it? Only the lucky may catch a bit of snow falling right in front of their eyes, and there’s nothing more inspiring and romantic than that — or maybe lonely, depending on the company.
For +2 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, write a four post thread or a 250+ words solo describing your character enjoying the winter season during this New Year with activities such as the ones mentioned in this post (i.e. enjoying hot chocolate, going shopping, hanging out with a loved one) or unique to your muse’s preferences. 
For an extra +2 CHARISMA POINTS, write a four post thread with a character your muse has never interacted with before. Relationships may be pre-established, but they must not have written content with each other. 
Please tag all your posts related to the event with #rkmelting and have them up by midnight EST on the end of January 23rd. Threads may be continued after the deadline, but after January 23rd points can no longer be collected.
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rkxblue · 6 years
* ☆ › tranquility —
the first month of being a debuted idol isn’t exactly like what ahyoung would have pictured it would be. practicing to perfect their moves for music shows turns into practicing for the new year’s show, but once that comes and goes, a day of glamour and knotted, buzzing nerves; there’s silence. it’s to be assumed that promotions would come for their debut song, but as for now they’re given somewhat of a break, to put it nicely. ahyoung could think about what the company was planning, why things weren’t going on the way that they were supposed to be ( in her eyes, at least ), or she could take advantage of the time they were given.
the latter option seems a lot more appealing than the former. so instead of just lounging around, ahyoung snatches up the youngest member and asks if she wants to go shopping -- for the dorm, for them, for whatever, just to get out of the house. from what she’s heard from ariel, yeri enjoys interior decorating than most do. and despite the fact that they had been living in the dorm for a while now, it still looked a little barren within her eyes.
“is there anything specific that you’re looking for?” she asks the girl while they’re making their way towards the shop, hands snug within her coat and scarf pulled down from her mouth so that yeri could actually hear her speak, “i’m not too much of a decorator myself ... i think. i just know colors that go well together because of college, but like ... themes and stuff like that? i don’t know. so i’m letting you take the reigns for today, ma’am,” she admits, allowing her tone to go laughably serious while a hand salutes towards yeri, “lead me well!” before falling into laughter. in all honesty, ahyoung was looking forward to this a bit -- she hadn’t had much time to spend with yeri outside of kt, so hopefully they would become just a little more closer by the time they had to head back. “maybe we can --” words are halted by the smell of chocolate, and she looks over to her left to see a small cafe advertising their hot chocolate drinks, “take a little pit stop first?” she asks, turning to the young girl with a grin.
💌  ↝  sending transmission to @rkyeri  ‧ ‧ ‧
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rkwxnb · 6 years
—- jack frost and elsa
a starter for @rkseokwoo
When she promised her mother that she would take her brother out to the park so he can meet his friends, Naeun had ulterior motives. Mostly it was to play in the snow while keeping an eye on the younger Son. Although to be fair it was not as though their family driver was not by the corner street parking area by the park watching over the both of them. 
She watched a few group her age throwing snowballs at each other and having a snow ball fight. Biting down her lower lip, she wonders if would have been better if she had called a friend to accompany her in her prompt to babysitting. Her thoughts were stopped when a stray snowball fell just by her feet, looking up she hears someone apologise and a boy walking her way. Without really thinking about it, she promptly blurted out, “Do you wanna build a snowman?” Now that it was out there, Naeun blushed as she ducked her head, peering at him through her long hair. She hoped he would say yes, especially cause she really did want to build a snowman.
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rkhendery-blog · 6 years
— on the grind(r)
starter for @rktaeil
taeil is a peculiar friend, if guanheng’s being honest. not that taeil himself is particularly peculiar, though he’s interesting, just the way they became friends, to many people, might seem strange. they’d met through instagram - one of them followed the other (guanheng can’t quite remember who, though) and the other followed back, and it all went from there. guanheng liked taeil’s unique photography style, and after talking to him a bit, realised he’s a pretty funny guy. so, being in the same city, after not having been to begin with, guanheng had thought it only right they move their friendship to the offline world. 
they’d hung out a few times since guanheng had got to seoul, most notably around halloween, enjoying the rides at lotte world together. since then guanheng’s korean had improved enough to have simple conversations, so hanging out was a lot easier. not having google translate and some time to respond to things in real life, as he had had online, had made this offline friendship a little challenging for a while, but guanheng, being skilled with languages, had managed to learn enough to communicate somewhat well now. 
so, they’d decided to wander to a nice cafe together through a park lit with fairy lights in all the trees and then past some little stalls selling steaming street food, to finally get to the tiny cafe. guanheng thought it would provide a nice route to chat, and possibly grab something warm to eat. 
“so, how’s the... macro photography going?” he’s not entirely sure if he got the name of it right, since he tried to learn how to say it in korean, but wasn’t entirely sure if he’d gotten it right or not. 
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jkookrk · 6 years
『 The Drunken Truth 』
⇢ outgoing to: @rkjimin
He hurries down the streets in his Audi, biting his lip as his brows furrow. Jimin being peer pressured into drinking on new years eve surely would have ended bad. If Hoseok had been there he could have stopped them but- alas he didn’t belong to that part of Jimin’s world. 
Hands tightening on the steering wheel he sped up further, dashing forth from a stoplight with squeaking tires. All he wanted was to get his Hyung to safety for now, calm him down from his frantic rambling about having to make sure Hoseok was safe and wouldn’t disappear again. Seems like he’d caused a lot more damage there then he’d originally thought.
With another sigh he finally comes to a halt at the address Jimin had giving him, getting out of the car to see his hyung already waiting for him. Hands in his jeans pockets in nothing but his sweater he rushes up towards the drunken man, patting his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. “Hyung. Hyung, I’m here.”
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rkseokwoo-blog · 6 years
— winter wonderland
Switching from being a trainee to handling his part for a fashion shoot took a little longer each time, Seokwoo blinking himself back into the moment and staring at the rack of winter clothing that he’d designed in front of him. The company had given him a model, a young girl who was waiting for him to pick out the perfect one for her to wear and he was struggling to focus on that without a coach asking him to do something. His tongue darting out over his bottom lip as he shook his head and reached out for a white woollen jumper, a little oversized, and then his plaid coat. They were made to be warm, modern, comfortable to wear day-to-day, but made to stand out and get that bit more attention.
“How about these?” Seokwoo asked, holding them up in front of himself. Ever since he’d run Interstellar, he’d always asked his models opinion on what they were doing to be dressed in. If they weren’t happy with it, then it would read through in the pictures and that was the last thing that Seokwoo wanted to have happen. Everyone had an opinion on what matched their skin tone, their style, their body, and sometimes they were right -- sometimes. “We can compliment them with some dark skinny jeans, or a denim skirt and leggings?” He adds, finishing up the look as he runs his eyes down her; mentally moving through what items they could put together and had on hand. His head tilting, twisting around the space where they had everything set out from clothing, to jewellery and accessories, and shoes. 
“And... ankle boots? With a little heel to give you that height?”
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rkwon · 6 years
a new chapter.
rkmelting with @rkmg !!      the new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.                — melody beattie.
“it’s almost midnight,” he whispers in the dark of their bedroom, the lights turned off and the moonlight shining through their open curtains. ordinarily, the room would be vibrant, full of tired but blinding smiles and melodious laughter. tonight, they’re curled together by the window, a blanket and mingyu’s arms wrapped tightly around his own endlessly cold body. he can feel the older’s warm breath against the skin of his neck, squirms a little at the sensation, drawing a soft giggle from both their lips. in actual fact, it’s not almost midnight by any means— not enough for the eager to let off their fireworks early, but plenty of time for won’s mind to have dived entirely into the memories of their last new year’s eve and what that means for this one. 
smiling to himself, he reaches up to pat the blush from his cheeks. he turns his head to face his boyfriend, back still snuggled against his chest, and presses a single kiss to his jawline. “can you believe it’s been a year? it’s flown by. this time last year, I was kind of sad I would go another year without a kiss at midnight but you granted my birthday wish.” he sighs contently as warmth envelopes him. “I mean, that wasn’t exactly my wish— my birthday is in july, I’d have wished for it to happen sooner than december no matter how romantic, but— close enough.” 
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rkpjy · 6 years
*shopper extraordinaire
with @rknvna
he texted nana out of pure desperation, not because her presence wasn’t appreciated otherwise but because he officially entered panic mode right before new year. he had no social life since the end of september and it had been a while since he saw his friend so she was probably surprised to hear from him so suddenly. but his first anniversary with his girlfriend was right over the corner and he’d put off buying her gift because he didn’t know where to even begin to look for couple rings. nana was always so well dressed, seemingly out of a fashion magazine so it was only natural that she came to his mind when he thought of who to ask for help. and she so easily agreed that he wondered how he could ever repay her. a meal, maybe? he would figure it out by the end of the day.
“i can’t thank you enough, really.” he keeps repeating every few minutes as if she would just vanish into thin air if he forgot to remind her of his gratefulness. shopping was a nightmare to him, his closet was almost exclusively items given to him as gifts or bought out of sheer necessity. he never stepped foot inside a mall unless he absolutely had to and even his girlfriend was aware of that. so the fact that he was here for her was enough proof that he loved her deeply. so part of his debt towards nana would probably be to stick around for whatever she had to shop for later on. “i um...” he rubbed the back of his neck. “didn’t tell you what i’m looking for right?” he was not exactly embarrassed about it but nana liked to tease him apparently so he wanted to avoid that. not that he ever could after the movie theater fiasco.
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yuzurk · 6 years
「 Leave It To Me! 」
⇢ request received: @nonork !
One bottle after another makes its way into her card, a giggling Yena the happiest Nako has probably seen her all year. This will be the first new years Yena can actually buy alcohol herself without having to use one or two tricks to delude people about her age.
“Ahhh the life with 19 sure feels great, man.” She teases upon snuggling against a six-pack of cider, grinning mischievously at her companion.
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rksora · 6 years
this girl ain’t loyal
            ━━━━━━━━━━━         @rknak ◞  ❤
so, maybe she did a bad thing. and maybe that bad thing happened to be keeping a secret from one of her closest friends. perhaps, that secret had something to do with her being a trainee -- but who really knew. of course, jiwon did -- and who was she to think that she could keep a secret as huge as this one from one so dear to her was beyond herself. she didn’t really ... know why she kept it from nakyung, but a part of her did think it was because she wasn’t sure how the other would react.
of course, nakyung was much more knowledgeable when it came to the entertainment industry, hell the girl was practically a super fan with how much she cared about kt -- and that was what seemed like the biggest blow. the fact that jiwon had gotten an audition, even worse: a contract, from her friend’s favorite company. she definitely didn’t know what to do, let alone how to explain it to her, which was why ... as shitty as it was for her to do so: she just let time pass, without telling the other, bidding day by day adieu hoping that some kind of sign would expose her lies in a way that would somehow clear a path for a mended friendship in the future.
what she didn’t expect was the sign to come in the form of a public performance all the way in jeju and for jiwon to return to feel the cold shoulder nakyung was currently giving her.
“nak -- please can you at least look at me?” she frowns, reaching out to grab the other’s wrist ; after having tracked her down -- it was no mean feat, she practically had to bribe the other’s brother to tell her where she was -- she had spent the last twenty minutes following the other to god knows where, pleading with her to give her the chance to explain. even though, quite frankly, jiwon didn’t really know where to start on that explanation. 
well, here goes nothing!
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soljirk · 6 years
✨ after the storm
( an #rkmelting starter for @rkdoyoung )
solji missed the days of being able to leave practice on the weekends and have the sun still up and greeting her. now, she was only greeted by dark nights and temperatures that left her teeth chattering. it was so cold today that her normal short walk home felt too long, and without a thought, she slipped into a café to grab a cup of hot cocoa before she would settle at home.
she was waiting in line when she noticed the male in front of her looking awfully familiar. she poked her head around to make sure she wasn’t wrong in who she thought it was as she gave him a light poke. “doyoung-ssi,” she bowed her head politely at the other. “it’s been a long time. how are you? i didn’t expect to see you here.”
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rkxrm · 6 years
New Blues ||
After returning to KT from Jeju, following the Samsung concert, minhyuk decided that he was going to go hard at becoming the best. He wasn't about to let someone pass him by and take what was rightfully his. He wasn't average, and he was going to prove to Katie Lee that she was wrong in calling him average. Where Minhyuks true passion laid, was rapping and he was going to make sure that katie lee was proven wrong. he strolled into kt with a sense of purpose.
initially he regretted re-signing his contract after Katie Lee's cold cruel words. and he still did. he didn't want this as much anymore if that was the word being used to describe him in all conversations. Average.
he hated the word. it was like a horrible tag on his persona. he strolled into a practice room but seeing that it was busy, minhyuk awkwardly made his way back out. "sorry for interrupting," he said.
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
「 blast from the past」
a rkmelting starter for @rkyounghoon
since christmas alot had happened, taking to nayeon again had been nice. it had been a while since he had seen her, there was something warm about her he couldn’t really tell what it was. he found himself to be ready for a new year-- today the weather was surprisingly nice and it wasn’t jiwon that had made him go outside either.
many new things were happening for him, things he had no control over-- while he was standing in line to get something warm to drink before watching the new years show.
there he found himself standing behind a male, taller than himself-- something that was unsual, since he was quite tall as well. he got a glimpse of the side profile as the male infront ordered something and jaehyun felt there was something familiar, a nostalgic feeling came over him, as if he was looking at a happy memory from years ago. 
“ah--” then it came to him but he wasn’t sure, jaehyun quickly placed his order and stood next to the male while waiting, “...” he felt awkward, wanting to say something but if it wasn’t the person he thought it was then, this would be embarassing, “younghoon.... hyung?”  
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