yuzurk · 4 years
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At first people only see her face. Headphones in and the set up a lot more professional than for her first vlive, it’s still clear she’s not sitting at home but in a room that looks suspiciously alike to the place she used to live at when still living with her cousin jieun. Not having the space to set up her gaming pc in the dorm, she resulted to keeping it here. Her manager chilling in the background as Yuzu invited them to stay with her and just catch a breather while she streamed this vlive, the girl is more focused on getting everything set up and working. 
“Does everything work,” she asks the chat as soon as some people start posting comments, asking where she is and where the other members are. It’s a common question that Yuzu doesn’t mind being asked. She really should nudge the others more into appearing on vlive as well. 
“The others aren’t here. As you can hopefully see when I do this-,” she moves the settings, having the game screen pop up in full screen instead and herself in a tiny window at the bottom. Bless technology. “-we’re about to hop into a coop farming squad! I don’t got heartz girls for ya but I got other idols. Let’s see if we can make them appear if I do this-” With a snap of her finger she unmutes the others, a grin on her lips as she chirps a quick hello into the microphone.
“Why don’t you guys introduce yourself real quick~,” the ex-streamer chirps, grinning at the reaction in the chat as one after another @rkkaeun , @rkyena and then @jacerk introduce themselves. “Yo, pleople are going nuts in my chat,” yuzu eventually informs the others, laughing as the rest of the gang chuckles along with her.
“Now that we got the introductions out of the way- let me explain why we’ve all gathered here today!” Completely in her element, Yuzu claps her hands together, eyes straight at the camera. “This... is ... well not a series but definitely something reoccurring. Sometimes we may stream from Androma’s Vlive channel or LUXE’s or Convex’ channels or potentially other idol groups’ channels if one of their members joins our little... gamer squad- I guess you could call it that. The principle is simple: we just all like to play games and so we play them together! Since I just finished promoting with Heartz 1/3 and Yena eonni is in the middle of promoting with LUXE and of course ISAC just finished- we could all use a bit of time to unwind and just chill down in a really relaxed and laid back game. So~ we’re going back to our coop farm in stardew valley and went live to invite you to join us and watch how we take care of our lovely samsung farm!”
Eyes crinkled into a happy eye-smile, it’s clear that she’s excited to find these tiny windows in which she can still do a thing she enjoys while also connecting her old and new world with one another. 
With the roles quickly explained and distributed, Yuzu guides them all through the streaming adventure as if she never stopped, the switch from English to Korean making things a little harder for her to land some jokes and figure out what to say and what to not say but in the end she gets a few laughs out of the others and the chat, so she’s content.
It really helps that Jace has been an old friend, who’s dynamics she can rely on and that gives her a sense of comfort to have with her.
It also helps that her friends are frigging hilarious at times. When Kaeun begins cackling suddenly and mentions how she got a trashcan lit as a hat from rumaging around in the trashcans, Yuzu nyooms down to where she was just to show the stream. Needless to say they all double over in laughter as soon as the fishing kaeun comes into view, wearing a very chic trashcan lit. 
She only hopes the viewers will enjoy these vlive streams as much as she enjoys doing them. Not only because of the games but because it was a nice way to show some interaction between the groups as well.
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rkidolships · 4 years
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Sehun / Hyun / Micha / Royal / Haru / Taeyong / Lay / Link / Jace / Seonghwa / Jinwook / Prhyme @rkohsehun, @rkhyun, @michaxrk, @rkxroyal, @rktaeyong, @rklandon, @sangyeonrk, @jacerk, @seonghwark, @rkjinwook, @seungcheolrk
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rkohsehun · 4 years
cheering for you-*
the idol star athletics championship was an event was the perfect chance to catch up with old friends as much as make new ones. it was also the perfect opportunity to interact with their fans. they’re used to all the cheering, yes. it’ll probably make him sounds old, but this really just gives him that nostalgic feeling of being back in high school, participating in sports event for the school’s pride. but that was the thing - the school event in school were focused only on sports. of course, he had seen PUBG in the list of events, but he knows his nonexistent skills in mobile or PC games.
that doesn’t mean he’s completely clueless, but that also means he knows himself well enough not to try and participate. he makes sure to be there and cheer as much as consta does for the members participating in the PUBG category.
"jace hyuuuung~" sehun calls, wrapping an arm around the older male's shoulder. jace's growth spurt is probably one of his favorites. his hyung is perfect height for extra cuddles now. "you have to teach me how to play this game properly when we get back. this looks fun!"
for @jacerk
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rkhongjoong · 4 years
▫︎ ▪︎  ━     <     txts  ;   sandwich lover 😻     >
●  [  SENT  ]  attention me 🥺 ●  [  SENT  ]  img attached
▫︎ ▪︎  ━     <     @jacerk     >
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rkxroyal · 4 years
sweet chaos,
with the comeback approaching steadily, everything seems to be moving very fast paced-- to catch up and to ensure everything is ready for the big day. it's growing easier to get used to it woohyun feels, as each comeback and promotions feels like theres always twice to do than the time before.
this time around, they've got a bit more preparation set up before actual scheduling, but they do have a recording for knowing brothers beginning to creep up on them. woohyun's watched a few random episodes when he has time, so he has a general gist of who the hosts are and what they tend to do.
as he steps into the living room, he pockets his phone, keeping his hand tucked in his pocket out of comfort as he makes his way over to the couch. he peers over the back of it, humming out a soft greeting to jihoon. "are you excited for the recording later this week?" he asks curiously. "the knowing brothers cast seem like they have a lot of fun together. very chaotic." he chuckles after a moment, thinking back to the episodes he's watched. "do you watch it?"
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 4 years
▫︎ ▪︎  ━ s-ᴘᴏᴘ : ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 10
when gahyeon first stepped onto the set for iqs, she won’t lie – she’s absolutely terrified. gahyeon hardly expected to be put onto iqs in shiah’s wake, but she had accepted nonetheless. maybe it had been a stupid decision, or maybe gahyeon had honestly just taken it because she was pretty sure she was expected to take it – but regardless of the reasons, she was here. she really didn’t have a choice at this point, which meant she needed to get over her concerns and just go for it. working with minhee and chanyeol came easily, luckily, as both had been hosts since the show had started and were more than happy to work with gahyeon. she was almost surprised that they were so open to working with a new host, that she would hold them back – but they had both been welcoming and more than happy to help her out with learning how to do everything required of the show.
so, despite gahyeon’s worries, everything actually seems to turn out well.
gahyeon hadn’t expected it all to come so naturally, interacting on the show seemed to be akin to interacting with any of her friends. she wouldn’t have considered herself a people-person before now – quite honestly, she still doesn’t consider herself a people-person – but it turns out she’s better than she thought she would be with the people on the show. for her first show, they have convex’s jace and seonghwa – neither of which gahyeon actually knows, but minhee seems familiar with them so it makes things easier. being that they’re all from sphere, gahyeon assumes correctly that they’d all trained together, and played along easily with their antics. she tries to get involved as much as possible and being that gahyeon and minhee are more of a team than anything makes things easier for her to work with. they still have time to have proper chemistry between the two girls and considering how well they already get along gahyeon’s sure that it’ll come naturally.
overall, gahyeon’s sure that iqs is going to be a fun experience for her. perhaps it wasn’t something that gahyeon had planned on ever doing – while she’d auditioned for the channel, she hadn’t really known what it was really all about and not knowing what they were, it was something she couldn’t have seen herself doing even a year ago. but gahyeon knows that part of the reason she’s been so stuck recently is that she’s been stuck to a routine. she needed to break out of that, and gahyeon wanted to change that. doing something that she perhaps wouldn’t have seen herself doing before could be a good thing. and iqs was certainly that – and perhaps something better than she would’ve expected beforehand.
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rktaeyong · 4 years
as now one of the older members in the group, taeyong feels it a responsibility to check up on the members from time to time, more often than not. he’s always been one of the older ones anyway, despite his cheerful and rather youthful demeanor, but now that he’s technically the second oldest member, he realizes that he has to step up a bit and start acting like a hyung to the other members a little more. after a whirlwind of news in january, they’re already starting off with equally as overwhelming news this month -- taeyong himself is somewhat exhausted of the change, even if he accepts everything that’s new and trusts the process.
he knows that other members won’t feel the same as he does -- and it’s understandable to feel those feelings, because they’re indeed very valid things to be concerned or worried about. taeyong tries to at least ease some of their minds with whatever he can offer. “hey, jihoon,” taeyong begins, offering a small wave as he steps into the living room, where jihoon has apparently been sleeping, “do you want some ramen? i was going over some of the new song’s lyrics and got hungry so i decided to come in here and make some, wanna join me?”
➢ starter for ; @jacerk��
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rkkwseok · 4 years
new tweet from:
sehunisaprincess, i wanna be there for you forever, until forever ends, which hopefully is never ! ! ! #ConvexSelcaDay
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♡ 10.227 likes                                     ♻️ 573 retweets                         💬 1029 comments
lambdammhyos0p, this isn’t the 12th?? –> sehunisaprincess, ok and. sphere isnt giving me a selca day so i can do it whenever i want. 
AhIocb, did you dye your hair? –> sehunisaprincess, temporarily 
bbhyosoap, y’all r so cute
tominhyuknback, *gorgeous, both of you* –> sehunisaprincess, *thank you*
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rksuas · 4 years
˟ ▀   distance .
it’s not hard to see that the members of convex, when she manages to catch a glimpse of one whenever she passes them in the halls, are not the happiest crowd.  after the news of yien’s departure, she assumes that she can understand why  -  especially since it’s the first week of the year and they’re already starting off on a bad foot.
then, a few familiar faces from other companies slowly start to trickle into the halls of sphere and sua thinks she understands a little more.  eventually, she manages to catch sight of a more familiar member to her  -  after all, she and jihoon have danced together once or twice before in a practice room, just the two of them alone.  in the end, she finds that she’s worried about what this means for convex  -  what it means for hyun, or for jihoon.  after all, seeing jihoon right now with the dark look cast over his face is enough to warrant concern.
“ hey .. wanna talk for a minute?” she asks blandly, arms crossed with a frown on her lips.  “ you’re not looking like yourself.”
˟ ▀  &. @jacerk
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seungcheolrk · 5 years
happy haunting.
samsung wonderland with @jacerk 
he’s so grateful for this break in what has otherwise been quite a stressful month, but he can’t say he’s entirely thankful for his apparently non-existent social skills and lack of party experience once he’s actually inside the venue, in costume and looking around the room at all the people he’ll never have the guts to talk to. he’s standing awkwardly at the side, back pressed to the wall the best he can without damaging any part of his costume. ( after all, he doesn’t know how generous the company is feeling — are these outfits theirs now? either way, seungcheol is too respectful. ) members of convex pass by him every so often, stop to chat, then go on their way and he can’t blame them. for some, this is the best chance for them to see their friends again between their busy schedules, not to mention that it’s a chance to meet scandal-free. but seungcheol doesn’t know anyone here that he hasn’t already spent the last two years training with to debut, so he’s perhaps a little out of place. 
“hey, jihoonie.” he mumbles as the younger falls into place beside him. he offers him a sip of his drink before realising he already has one. “are you having a good time?” his head tilts ever so slightly, his gums just poking through his smile. “you know parties aren’t really my scene, but the food... so worth it.” 
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 4 years
* smol aegyo battle
Taeyeon is really pleased to see Jihoon after all this time another one of the convex baby boys who she loves dearly. He was one of her fellow foodie friends so it was lovely to see him on set alongside Sehun even though when stood next to Sehun it did make him look even more smaller than actually is. During the filming of the episode there was challenge of every person who enters into the house needs to show off their aegyo skills, Taeyeon naturally did it without no care in a world since she loves looking very cute plus she enjoys seeing others reactions to her silly aegyo poses. The older female took upon herself to encourage Jihoon to show off his aegyo by using a her silly sweet voice while pointing her fingers at the other small being in the room even he was taller than Taeyeon which can be annoying yet it most look good for Jihoon too. 
“Jace! Jacey! Gimme aegyo please~!” she said in english so it sounded like a children rhyme to make it amusing for the cameras especially when Taeyeon speaks english there is still thick korean accent when pronounced the words as she can speak basic english not fluent like the other friends of her who literally could have conversation in english for hours and Taeyeon would get completely lost in the conversation not knowing what they were talking about. 
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rkzhengting · 4 years
﹢ aju brutal , ₀₁.
        on a scale of one to ten, zhengting’s stress level is about a fuckin’ thousand.  when he accepted this offer, he figured he would be nervous like most normal people.  granted, he was at one point.  he’s had his nervous breakdown.  that was two weeks ago, right in the middle of him packing his bags.  and now that that’s over, his anxiety has reared its ugly head toward frustration.
        there are too many songs, too many dance moves, too many names he has to learn, and too many group members he has to make a good first impression on.  for the cherry on top, he doesn’t even remember what he said or did to @jacerk, but clearly, he’s done something wrong within the last couple of days, since the other seems to be avoiding him.  upon further speculation, he’s come to the dawning realization that jihoon isn’t just avoiding him.
        and maybe, just maybe, if zhengting isn’t a fuckin’ thousand, he would just ignore him and let this all go.  but because he has an issue with people not liking him  ( or appearing as such ),  he has to say something.
        “we need to talk.”  right out of the blue, in-between breaks.  “alone.”
        he gets it.  it’s nerve-wrecking to semi-call someone out like this, but in his defense, it’s more nerve-wrecking to be on the receiving end of what feels like disdain from an original member.  and maybe he’s just reading too much into jihoon’s behavior, but that doesn’t matter -- fact still is, jihoon’s been actively avoiding him.
        “look,”  he starts before he loses his gut.  “i understand that you were close to the other members, and that me being here is . . . intrusive, b-but---”  he bites his lip, curses in his native tongue.  “but that’s not a reason -- a good reason -- to ignore me.  us.  ignore us.  i mean.”  he lets out a shaky breath.  inhale, one, two, three, four, exhale.  “what i’m trying to say is this---this is as uncomfortable for you as it is me, so it’ll be . . . y’know, nice if you could be, um.  if you could be a little more . . . welcoming?”
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rkheunji · 5 years
first hello’s / jihyo & jace
it had been an extremely close call. honestly, one of pure luck. she had settled on dance for her personal study and it was time to wrap up. and wrapping meant leaving listening to the music. her face was in her phone as she opened up the door. when she realized someone was ready to walk in, jihyo took a step back. eyes wide at the narrow accident. honestly, she really needed to get into the habit of paying attention to what was going on around her. 
then she realized who it was and she dropped her head in a bow. belatedly pulling out her earphones. “sorry about that.” if only seoyoung could be here now, she’d die if she was in front of one the convex boys. “i wasn’t paying attention to what was happening. i’m jihyo, a fairly new trainee.” 
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rkohsehun · 5 years
**a night in the life of
it's late, sehun is sure. it's somehow become a habit of his to wake up at ungodly hours either feeling ridiculously thirsty or weirdly craving for something to eat. sometimes he wakes one of the hyungs up, anyone who knew their way around a kitchen without setting anything on fire (unlike him). but he figures after a hectic month of promotions, everyone needed some decent rest, so he avoids on waking anyone up. surely he can whip up something simple to eat. maybe jinki hyung had some leftovers in the fridge for him.
the lights were off but the faint glow from the television is still fairly bright. jihoon, he thinks. sometimes he still can't believe the guy had taken the living room as his room instead of an actual bed. maybe he's playing again. it isn't too surprising to see him still playing at such late hours. he walks his way to the kitchen, switching the lights on so he can grab something to drink and eat. he makes sure he's got enough for two. there's enough chips to put in a bowl, and he grabs something for them to drink. switching the lights back off, he ventures his way back towards the living room.
"jihoonie~~" he greets, voice soft but loud enough to catch jihoon's attention. he carefully places the bowl of chips in front of them along with their canned drinks before he sits up, moving to snuggle his friend without actually ruining his play. sometimes it's nice how he's able to just fold on his hyungs and rest his chin on their shoulders. at this point, he's sure it's a kind of talent. "what are you playing so late in the evening?"
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rkhongjoong · 4 years
▫︎ ▪︎  ━   puppy dog eyes .
he knows that he doesn’t have a lot to offer.  all he does is laze around in the sun all day and steal fruits from royal’s orchard, but hongjoong wants more than anything to impress just one boy.  just one.  
jihoon is everything that he isn’t.  a hard worker, doesn’t laugh much, too shy to function and for some unknown  reason, hongjoong has fallen head over heels for him.  and if he isn’t at royal making his brother mad by running around through the trees, he’s usually trying to get jihoon to notice him through little gifts of  (  probably stolen  )  fruit as a sign of his affection.  today isn’t any different.
every time that he shows up, jihoon is unsuspecting.  hongjoong creeps around with light feet and soundless movements, only because he’s used to sneaking around and stealing fruit from royal.  this time, he quietly sits next to jihoon and nudges a peach over to him, his eyes round and blinking slowly.  on his expression, a pout  -  because after all, he’s just thinking, what will it take for him to notice me?
▫︎ ▪︎  ━     <     @jacerk     >
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rklandon · 5 years
░▐ ★_SIGMA 、
《 ★ @jacerk 》 he’s listened to his friends explain all the heroes to him for months before he tried out the game himself. now, he plays whenever there’s some time and he decides he deserves a break instead of heading back to practice more. this time around, he mistakenly thinks he’s updated on the latest news with the game and he brings it to jihoon, their resident gamer, he jokes but he thinks it might be true. that is also something yixing doesn’t know too much about: the gaming community. the most he knows are the mainstream youtubers that his friends would show him clips of when they visited him at tea!licious and he would pretend to understand all the inside jokes. he lost count the number of times his friends use to yell something about barrels at him a few years ago. 
“hey jihoon, have you heard of that new hero, sigma? my friend told me he reminds him of an air-bender but then he told me that sigma throws rocks so isn’t that more of an earth-bender?” that show is also a topic yixing doesn’t know a lot about but jihoon will probably, hopefully correct all his mistakes. at least he recognizes xmen characters and the mcu. that’s something, isn’t it? 
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