#its grrrrrrreat
kornyo · 11 months
daddy will be honest w u kitten. he is not made to be working 9 to 6 and then cook and then do chores and then do private work and then
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szif · 7 months
i like it when people compliment on my english skills even as it is deteoriating because its like wow thank you its the only thing anyone has ever taken as a skill of mine like the only thing that actually mattered . so losing that consistency in the way i speak and no longer being the important fluent english speaker kind of fucked up me up for a while when i wasnt at that age anymore for it to matter since transferring schools and growing up made me realize im like a goldfish in an ocean and not a shark in a pond so you know all that. but anyways im glad to have shed that like my language skills arent like a thing that makes me like a good person in peoples eyes anymore nobody cares anymore and i think thats grrrrrrreat. wouldve been great if i couldve grown out of caring about it sooner but like it was instilled in me way too much for it to disappear overnight you know? and now i have a bnch of other thigs people know me for it seems and i also do not pride myself on being good at anything which is cool cuz like its more about my character rn than my achievements whichi s like. i feel like you have to grow into that sort of mindset at some point because what you can do and what you can achieve will always be dictated only useful if its like society beneficial and you can make money w it or whatever. or if it makes you look better like more intellectual. so i guess thats cool the way i developed after that . and the first sentence was me saying i like it when people still compliment me on it and honestly yeah its cuz it brings back memories and it makes me feel better that i am no longer priding myself on that only? so their words make me look back
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wanderingblindly · 2 months
hi liquid 😊
here for the director's comentary about impasse of biting :))) nothing specific, just want to read a bit of rambling about that masterpiece..... whatever you what, really, just want to know... stuff
thanks a lot, dude :D your fics are fucking grrrrrrreat
Hello anon!!!! hope you're doing well :))))))
Thank you so so so much for the kind words!! And thank you even more for asking about Impasse of Biting!!! I'm shocked so many people want to know about it lol, but I'm always happy to talk!
I think this time, I'll ramble on a bit about how I viewed Lando's café, symbolically, and some favorite lines :)
Lando and the Café
The intro to the café sets up the comparison between it and Lando really clearly (I hope):
There aren't many regulars in a coffee shop that few know and even fewer care about. But Lando, in his own way, cares about it. There's a part of him that understands it, a building with a pealing façade and décor ten years out of date. There's a bigger part of him that aches about it, about a place that could be so much more if people knew. He cleaned the espresso machine an hour ago. He hasn't used it since, but maybe he could clean it again. The chrome sparkles in the unobstructed morning light, bright and cheery and entirely unaware that it exists in a world where no one wants it. Cares about it. Lando grabs his spray bottle and goes back to polishing its surface. He cares about it. No one cares about it.
It's easy to view Lando's character as entirely accepting of his place in life. Though he tells himself that he understands his spot in the world, that he's acquiesced to the role he's destined to play, Lando believes that he -- like the café -- could be so much more if given the chance. And he cares. He isn't so beyond saving that he's stopped caring.
In that way, the café is sort of a symbol for himself, like he's viewing himself in a mirror: both under appreciated, both cast aside, both desperate for appreciation, and both the stage for Charles to just... storm in.
This comparison continues with Lando's meticulous care for the espresso machine, and in how Charles and Oscar interact with it.
The care:
Lando's never really been needed at all, if he thinks about it. Looking out at the empty café, at the machinery he's polished despite their disuse, it's obvious that he's not needed here. It would be the same without him; an espresso machine gone dusty without anyone to see it doesn't matter.
Lando's continuous polishing of the machine, even when it's out of use, indicates a sort of desperation. To me, it can be read in two ways. Literally, it shows that Lando cares about things that others don't appreciate. He wants things to feel valued, even if he can't, and he doesn't want to be a force in the world that makes things -- even inanimate ones -- feel useless. Maybe, in way, it's how he looks for purpose: being needed.
Figuratively, I viewed this as Lando constantly trying to present himself to the world "correctly". If he's constantly preened, if he's constantly put together, if he's wearing the right mask and asking the right questions, then maybe one day someone will look at him and realize he's useful. Desirable. Worthy. Just like the espresso machine, gleaming brightly and attracting a customer to order from it, to like what it makes for them.
They both, in Lando's eyes, exist to serve and give. You can't give back to an espresso machine, can you?
"No clue how this place stays in business," Lando agrees, already moving to get Charles his double espresso. He moves to dirty the machine.
He says nothing more when Lando steps away, when Lando makes his drink. He can't be sure if he mumbles a quiet thanks when Lando places his cup on the bar, but he surely says nothing more as he sits in a leather arm chair at the back of the café.
Charles never actually thanks Lando for what he gives him, never acknowledges that he's taking. What he receives is, in his mind, what he's owed. Oscar -- even in their first meeting, when he's so removed from humanity that he doesn't know how to function properly -- thanks Lando. Quietly, uncertainly, but he thanks him. He's appreciative of what he receives, appreciates its value even if he can't actually consume it (just like how he feels about Lando, yeah?).
Favorite Lines
Lando's mouth runs dry, trying to take it all in: the warm brown of Oscar's eyes, nearly swirling in their depth, the gentle creep of his blush under his eyes, across the bridge of his nose; the small traces of acne scars, small imperfections in his skin that look so nostalgically boyish and achingly human;
I really loved describing Oscar in this fic, especially contrasting him depleted versus him revived. This line was, actually, inspired by something @dumbf1sketches and I talked about one time -- how she included some of the marks on Oscar's face because she always notices when people remove them.
I wanted Lando to view him in a similar sort of way, like reveling in all the bits that make him feel real as opposed to some idealized, air brushed supernatural creature.
"I'm not feeling well," He says, his tone almost… childlike. Not in a petulant way, but in a small, fragile way – a vulnerable way, like a little boy moments away from clinging to his mother's familiar warmth. Lando's chest hurts. "Am I making it worse?" "Dunno." "Can you come here?" Oscar takes a step, the silent stalk of an unwilling predator shaped by venom and blood. "I… want to."
Though I found this entire scene really difficult to write, this specific exchange was really important to me. I didn't cut it out in any of the iterations it went through. Beyond the mental image -- I love the idea of Oscar on the brink of tears, trying to open up but being terrified -- I love how it connects to what we know about him.
Oscar loves his family. He loves that his family is proud of him. He hates that what he's become has torn him away from the dream that they've always held together. And now, for him to feel childlike in front of Lando -- to let himself be a little boy like he probably was with his sisters and his parents, something he probably hasn't felt since he moved away -- felt like a knife to the chest.
It's intensely vulnerable to admit that you feel ambiguously bad, that you don't know a solution or a cause. And yet, so succinctly, Oscar let himself express that. Idk i just love this specific section a LOT.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
hello oh my opinion of you is VERY HIGH (think about it every night and day..spread my wings and fly away..🎵) because youre so smart and silly and such a creep freak weirdo also (woah oh oh oh) not to mention an excellent conversationalist when talking to you isn't easy and fun its like a sword fight w pool noodles HoW ON eartH Could i possibly match your quick wits and funny quips..and yet we duel anyways 🤺 and not to turn this into a fandom hero worship thing but youre an indispensable part of the st crowd as i've seen your content is BALLER your fics r the BOMB your takes are BEMUSING (see that..triple B 👆✌for the three Bs in your name (phoebebeeberry)) and even when youre just hangin around everybodies so glad to see you (BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE THE WAY THE YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED etc) would donate one of my appendages to be able to take you to Chili's or something and play uno w you while we wait for the chips and guac youre a jolly good friend mate
tdlr: youre grrrrrrREAT
hey. hey noah. what if i took you in my hands and shook you so violently that you exploded like a coke and mentos science experiment. i read this like 3 times so i could fully absorb it bc. BRO. Brotato. man. this is so nice . like u think i'm a good conversationalist ???? as we battle with our silly quips???? YOU LIKE MY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ST FANDOM???? paying me the absolute highest compliments here 🥺🥺🥺 and OFC the same goes for u bro i don't think tumblr would be anywhere without u tbh . or maybe i'm bias but WHATEVER.
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Thoughts while watching the newest Cartoon Therapy
This has been a warning
Ok after this video I am totally subscribing to this thing
Aight I’ve seen some of the Avatar. Like a few years ago... is that ok?
OMG Larry playing the ukulele is amazing. Did they just come from Hawaii or something lol I love it 
Wait... Joan is wearing a leather skirt? This is something i need in my life so much
i love my children ilovethemsomuchomfgicanteven
Larry me too. What are sports
Kai... That’s like... almost my name
Talyn looks so different without their glasses
L A R A N O L D???
Salmon Bagel? I haven’t even heard of that 
i love the cuts from one session to the next
Dot c’mon why’d you bring it up
Kai is meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you gotta
talk to him
2:48? okay
Ok Dot i was on board at first
But the ending was a lot omg
Ok Picani accent? Where did this come from? 
“oh you have no idea” THAT FACE THO
Elliots face at 9:12
I love it
I love their relationship too
Can Picani be my therapist?
Joan is so amazing
i love them
Larry k n o w s
Ok im just seeing the posters now and i love them all
ok so i definitely remember enough 
You say Aang, I say Aang
Wait aren’t those two waterbenders brother and sister?
if so plz tell me he won’t compare Larry and Dot to them
“Those who trip in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”
“I don’t have an attitude” Said Kai, with an attitude
what am i doing
Larry why’d you put avatar in air quotes
Saki is a spice thing... right?
wait was joans tattoo always there? im so observant wow
I very much want that stitch poster
good grief - yet another charlie brown reference i love it
“ya see this picani? take notes” “i cant see your pupils so” I love it 
i love the whole exchange
You can see the Logan coming out when Larry said nobody died in his version of Hamlet
AAAAAAnd there’s Patton right on cue with Dot
Why does their affection look so hard to watch
Animation makes you queasy? but like... picani is your therapist
Kai! So vulgar!!
who am i kidding i swear a lot too
“i just stopped trying to keep up” lol Dot
awww Kai
ok but like same with not doing crazy shit but anxiety instead?
i love the puns
oof where’s the skip button on this add
wait there isnt one?
there’s gotta be a shit ton of bloopers
Why does this remind me of the Delta Airlines John Mullaney story? 
Like the one where his girlfrient points out the obvious
yeah nobody likes the name Herbert
it makes me think of herbert hoover and he was a terrible president
Appalogy x 2
omg is this show on netflix
where can i binge this 
oh thank god thats the relationship he went with 
how does your gf not know your friends
my bffs bf knows all her friends
plz dont say fortnite
omg yes Kai
damn that’s some big kid shit
seriously where’s the accent coming from
Thomas you musical loving boi don’t bash em
Roman is a firey boi rn 
dammit now i cant stop hearing danny zuko
damn he got daddy issues
also yeah the picani = logicality fusion is hella accurate
elliots face was like “uh sure. i think my dad is the firelord”
“wow people who truly loved him. Cant relate” Ok so me too? and hun
wait you can’t just cut scenes like this
why am i thinking of voltron rn 
omg i love kai 
kai is mine now
oof picani got stumped
i can hear patton saying he will physically fight kai
i thought kai was gonna say like “who are you talking to” but instead the whole office cutaway thing was just unphasing
i love them all
omg so poetic picani
yes we can’t ignore the bisexuality
tHeRe’S nO wInNiNg On ChRiStMaS
i need that whole negative energy thing
Scooby Dooby Doo time? 
Oh yes i know that
im totally a touch person
and yet my partner isnt irl ;-;
ok wait is larrys hat... not go over his whole head? like is it just a visor thing?
omg they are so excited about vacations lol
is that cave for copulation tho...
that one SU episode where steven was playing music while lars and sadie were off being str8
wait dont the certain kingdoms only take one thing tho and those who use all 4 are avatars?
omg they’re both so excited abt cartoons together yay
why does the hand thing remind me of romans elbow thing in why do we get out of bed in the morning
oh no its almost over
aww hun test it at home first
dont jump in without testing it first
oof thats still easier said than done
the whole neutral thing
he k n o w s about stitch
me too picani
you were sitting on the pun this whole time omg
aaaaand here’s the end card
Thomas omg yes
my children 
Thats all folks
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puropoly · 6 years
New headcanon (that may or may not have just come from the manga: A had a photo album that only her and B know about. It's full of pictures of them, and it's called 'The AlBum".
I WONDER what ultra secret material they have in there........
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purplemonkeyzm · 4 years
submitted course selection 23 hours before it is due, had ten days to do it. we're starting the week off grrrrrrreat (tony the tiger style)!!! its march im burnt out don't make me make B I G decisions please *cries*
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centerpointfashion · 4 years
For just $3.78 Gaysentials Pride Goods Bear Flag ID Tag Necklace. This military ID tag necklace is made from durable enamel to hold its vibrant colors. The ID tag hangs from a 21 inches adjustable ball chain necklace. To adjust just unhook and cut down to desirable size. Celebrate Bear Pride with a Grrrrrrreat looking Bear Pride necklace.
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Week One
June 15/16
The long and grueling travel is finally over;  I’m in Buenos Aires!!  Let me mention that my flight from MIA to EZE was delayed an hour but coincidentally, my roommate and another friend were also in MIA because their flight was also delayed...five hours. They had been there since 6pm so i couldn't really complain too much about my delay but I got on the next available flight and was delighted to get the aisle seat. I settled in with my free pillow and blanket, I browsed the free inflight entertainment and watched Captain Marvel (it was as tony the tiger would say “There GRRRRRRReat!”). I fell asleep soon after dinner was served around 2am and thankfully was able to sleep for about five hours, but that last hour and a half was full of turbulence.
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When we finally landed, I was a little sad since it was rainy and dark outside. On top of that, there was a country wide black out (our taxi driver said that the dam that generates the power for Argentina was broken! He said it might have been an accident but he wouldn't doubt that someone might have done something to it on purpose...) We were in the taxi for about 40 mins; I was too tired to keep my eyes open and had fallen asleep! As we pull up to the residence, the taxi driver yells “levantase mija ya llegamos.” I got into the room and wanted to take a shower immediately; I felt like after traveling for 12+ hours you just feel so nasty. Of course I hopped into the shower using my phone flashlight to make sure I didn’t slip, but to be fair our shower is like 2ft by 2ft so there really is no room to fall. I got out the shower and then took a four hour nap, and thankfully when I woke up the power was back on.
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I got ready to go to dinner with our group at a restaurant called “Rietti” (Jorge Luis Borges 2205) it was a cute cafe a couple blocks from our residence. I ordered a “Milanesa de Carne con Puree de Papas” - which I would rate about a 6/10. The meat wasn’t as flavorful as i thought i'd be, and the mashed potatoes were pretty plain. Thankfully I had a glass of red wine; I couldn't tell you the name but it was great!
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After dinner we went back to our residence and made friends with other people who also live and go to school here. We met some Peruvians, an Ecuadorian, a Costarican, a Chilean, and of course some Argentinians. They were all studying here and had been away from their families for months but were determined to finish school so they could have a career and help their families after. I admired them for being brave and studying in a different country where they don't know anyone. Now being 2 hours from home doesn't seem too bad. This was the end of my first night here, I went to bed feeling excited that I had made new friends and that they welcomed me with open arms.
June 17
This morning we walked to the Subte, which is what they call their metro, and bought and loaded cards so we can be prepared for our first day of school tomorrow. We took the Subte to Las Heras and went to grab lunch at this cute cafe that had dog paintings all over the walls. It kind made me feel like I was in the “Dogs Playing Poker” painting. I got a ham & cheese omelet which was subpar; maybe because I wasn’t very hungry it wasn't that appetizing, but it was just not for me. On the bright side, I ordered orange juice and let me tell you it was BOMB.COM. Honestly, that was probably the best part of my meal.
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After lunch, we went back to the residence and proceeded to take a nap. After the nap, my roommate and I went to a restaurant that a friend recommended about fifteen minutes from here and it was called “Chicken Bros”. As my roommate and I were deciding what to order, the guys behind the counter asked us where we were visiting from. Usually, I tell people I'm from right outside of DC just because people know DC. Anyway, turns out that one of the guys was from Woodbridge, which isn’t too far from where I’m from in VA! It was cool to see an American-owned restaurant in a foreign country. Besides the owners being really cool, the food was great and the ambiance of the restaurant was really amazing. The table markers they were handing out were people from american pop culture so it was funny to see that. After this, we went home and went to sleep since tuesday would be our first day in class.
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June 18
If you know me at all, you know that I am NOT a morning person. I am THE queen of sleeping in and sleeping for hourssssss. With this being said, waking up at 7am was not the most exciting thing to do. We got up to eat breakfast, and I tried my best to eat something because I knew it was going to be a really long day. For transportation, we use the Subte (their version of the metro) to get to class. It takes us about half an hour to get to school which isn’t too bad; the only thing is that the Subte is really crowded with everyone trying to get to work and school so you kinda have to be aggressive to just push yourself onto the train. We got to Expanish which is where all of our classes are being held. The first two weeks of classes are a crash course of spanish, so they did an oral exam to make sure they were placing us in the right level. Being a native speaker, it wasn't too difficult for me so I was placed in the advanced class. There were only two other kids in my class: an Italian girl and a Swiss guy. I was kind of nervous that our class was so small but throughout the day it felt better because she was able to pay more attention to how we spoke and we were also able to have more in depth conversations about different topics. Today was an exception because we had to take the oral exam but usually class starts at 9:30 and went till 1:30 then we had an hour break then class started again at 2:30 until 4:30. It sounds excruciating, and it is, but the class is fun and time goes by pretty fast. As the class finished, everyone was drained and we all went home on the Subte.
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Once we got home, my roommate and I decided we wanted to go find a snack so we walked out of the residence and just started to walk. If you didn't know, street art is a big part of the culture here and is legal, so here in Palermo everywhere you look there is graffiti on the buildings. We started to walk all over the neighborhood and just took pictures and looked at all the beautiful art around us. We ended up walking around for about two hours. Once we got back home we took another nap and then got ready for dinner. We went to this bar in Palermo called “Ragnar” I got myself a burger, and because im legal here i got my first mojito which was really tasty. I really enjoyed the view from the rooftop that they had. Overall it was a really long day but we were finally getting on some kind of schedule. After dinner we went back home and got ready for bed.
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June 19
I had a normal school day today but since the women's Argentinian soccer team was playing in the World Cup, we headed over right after class to my teachers favorite bar to watch the game! I later went with Gloria (the italian girl from my class) to eat at a sushi place about a block from our school. I got myself a Mexican Poke bowl which was absolutely delicious. It was my first time eating a poke bowl so i didn't have anything to compare it to. After lunch, we went back to Expanish and waited for everyone to get out of class.
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After class we all signed up for a tango class. We waited for our teacher to come and she taught us the basics of Tango; I learned that Tango is not a dance where the point is to move all of your body but it should be a continuous motion (not sure if this makes sense but its not like merengue where your hips, legs, and shoulders move). I think after this class I have more of an appreciation for tango just because I had never really been exposed to it and it didn't look that interesting to me, but dancing it was a whole other thing.
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After the tango class we all hopped on the Subte back to the residence. We all took naps (as you can see naps are a crucial part of our routine here lol) and then got ready for dinner. We all decided to go to a bar and to be able to watch the Argentina-Paraguay game. Not sure what bar we went to but it wasn’t too special; I got a quesadilla and some nachos on the side. The most exciting thing about dinner was seeing everyones excitement when argentina scored. The bartender even had a vuvuzela! Since we didn’t have class Thursday, after dinner we walked about two blocks and went into a club. The thing about Argentinian nightlife is that things don’t start poppin till 2am. This is something that we all questioned but it makes sense because they eat dinner at about 10pm. A group of us were just hanging upstairs until about 1:30 and then finally the music started to get really good so we all went downstairs to dance, it was one of the funnest nights so far. We left the club at about 3:30am and got home and all knocked out. 
June 20
Waking up at 9:30 after a night out was not ideal, but you do what you gotta do right? Since we didn't have school today our professor from JMU (and our mom for the trip) took us to La Boca which is where the city of Buenos Aires first was established. It’s now very touristy but let me tell you... it is beautiful. All the buildings are so colorful, and craftwork and artwork they sell on the streets were mesmerizing.
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We went to the“Museo de Bellas Artes Benito Quinuela Martin,” this museum was in Benito Quinuela Martin house that he lived at the time. The gallery is free to enter and I definitely recommend going if you have time.
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The exhibits they had were really interesting my favorite exhibit was the one they had for Roberto Cortes. He is able to depict perfectly what La boca entails and also the struggles and oppression that argentina has faced. The museum also had the rooms made up like how Benito Quinuela Martin had them while he was alive and it was interesting to see how someone lived during the early 20th century. I'm not much of an art person but this entire museum was really interesting, especially to see how different artists show the oppression they have faced as a country.
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After the museum, we went to lunch at a restaurant down the street called “La Perla”. I was not the biggest fan of this restaurant just because their service was bad, and the food was mediocre. 
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We later hopped on a bus back to Plaza de mayo. I'm going to give a little back story for this next part:
During the 1970s, Argentina was facing a “Dirty War” where anyone who was against the government was persecuted. Most of the people speaking out against the government were college students, and because of this students started to disappear all over. Once mothers started to notice that their kids were not the only ones missing they started to organize themselves and want to get answers. This government was obviously very oppressive and because loitering was illegal, mothers would get into groups of two and march in circle in front of La casa rosada (equivalent to our white house) they would wear white scarves on their heads as symbols that these were mothers looking for their missing children. In total over 30,000 students went missing during this dictatorship. There is so much more to this but I personally do not want to write a whole dissertation on how horrible this situation is so here is a link to more information: https://www.history.com/news/mothers-plaza-de-mayo-disappeared-children-dirty-war-argentina
To this day, every thursday, these mothers still march on Plaza de Mayo. We all had the honor of seeing these mothers, family members and activists march in front of la casa rosada. There are now two groups from my understanding one group is still looking for answers for what happened to their children and so this group would walk around La Plaza de Mayo and they would read the names of the disappeared students outloud and after each name the group would yell “Presente” (Present) just to show that their kids will never be forgotten. The other group is now more politically active and strives to make more changes so that this never happens and they walked around the plaza saying different chants. It was remarkable to see that even fifty years later these mothers are still the front of the movement.
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After seeing them march, we walked over to a cafe to get some coffee but I personally got a Submarine which is THE best hot chocolate you can drink. It’s basically a bar of chocolate that melts in the boiling milk its delicioso! After we all finished we went back home to the residence, and you guessed it, we took a nap. After our wonderful nap we went to go get dinner at a restaurant around here called “el Galeon”, not my favorite but it was a 6/10, to be fair I only got a salad but the chicken in the salad was a bit questionable. After dinner we went home and got into bed.
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June 21
Today was our last day of having class till 4:30; we had two holidays this week since we had to make up for the class time missed. But I am so,so,so happy we do not have to be in class for seven hours anymore. Today in class, I realized that my vocabulary needs to expand more so now i'm glad that we were talking about topics I usually don’t discuss in spanish like the economy and politics. Other than that, class had been fun but I was a little sad today since my friend Gloria was graduating from the program and won't be in class but since shes still gonna be here for another five weeks we plan on hanging out so i'll update you guys when I get to see her again
After class we all went home and then later that night we got ready to go to dinner at a restaurant called “La Robla,” this was a spanish inspired restaurant in Palermo. I shared a Milanesa Clasico with Mashed Potatoes and we also got a side salad. This has been one of my favorite meals so far. The milanesa was to die for and those mashed potatoes really had me begging for more.
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After dinner we went to a bar called “Chupitos,” we paid 140 pesos to get in and the entrance fee comes with two shots. I got a shot called “Poseidon,” it had tequila, lime juice and some blue liqour in it but i thought I wasnt going to like it but it was really good. I also took a picture of my friends beer because i mean just look at it...
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After the bar we went to a techno club which was really cool to see EDM in a different country. We stayed out till about 5am with everyone and some of the guys from our residencia. After that we all went home and went directly to bed.
I know this was a really long post so I may try and keep it to three or four day a post but I just am living in the moment an enjoying life right now so it might be a bit difficult so you all will have to bear with me. Thanks for your support!
Con mucho amor,
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chipsncookies · 7 years
Oml tuna has been my comfort food since I can remember its grrrrrrreat (hOW could one eat tuna without mayo?????? Its like, a requirement)
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donniemadden · 8 years
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I havent had a spirited beverage in quite some time. But its fun to play dress up and pretend I'm an old hollywood guy. Btw, it feels amazing to wake up each morning feeling grrrrrrreat! Two things that made my tension headaches go away years ago; I went gluten free and stopped drinking socially. Ill celebrate on occasion and like coffee i enjoy much more when there is lots of space between encounters. Thats what worked for me. Unlocking myself has been an incredible journey. 🙌🏽
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centerpointfashion · 4 years
For just $6.30 Gaysentials Pride Goods Enamel Key Chain Bear Flag. This key ring is made from durable enamel to hold its vibrant colors. A sturdy key ring is attached for ease of use. Celebrate Bear Pride with a Grrrrrrreat looking Bear Pride key chain.
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