#its guys who get weirded out tho bc they expect Netflix and chill
edwardslostalchemy · 2 years
To us here on tumblr, it is like really normal to watch stuff together through discord and other apps and we're like fine with it, that's how we bond. I've watched series and movies with friends and it was a fun time. But i introduce this idea to people outside of tumblr and they think I'm weird or I'm nuts like why would you watch things like that? And the answer is I don't have to go to your house for us to watch a movie at 2 am lmfao. Literally, it is so convenient.
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springday-aus · 4 years
Ghost!AU with Jungkook
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moodboard link
Group: BTS 
Member: Jeon Jungkook
Other Characters: mentions of ghost!Yoongi and neighbor!Taehyung
Genre: fluff, platonic bc he’s literally dead 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 1.5k 
A/N: totally late bc Halloween, but better late than never 
Jungkook died in an embarrassing way
not like, on the toilet embarrassed
more of… he forgot to drink water while he was playing some video games….
so……... dehydration
even though he died in the 21st century, dehydration is probably the stupidest way to die 
so he died fairly recently
around 5ish years
recently enough to still be roaming around earth
especially in the apartment he died in
the nice landlady tries to rent it out to other people and while the price is lower
(primarily bc he DIED in there)
people just keep leaving
it’s not Jungkook’s fault but also his fault
like he doesn’t mind having other people
but the other people………. don’t really wanna live with him
lowkey he gets hurt whenever people move out
bc when the landlady asks
they always say there’s a chill that brushes by and it freaks them out a bit
(homeboy is just trying to walk from place to place)
and then how things move without them moving them
(it’s more convenient for Jungkook if people have coasters under their glasses, just saying)
and how in the evenings, the electronics would turn on
this is actually Jungkook’s fault bc he’s in the habit of playing games at night and watching tv until late
so when a tv turns on its own and flips channels and you know that no one else is in your living room……………….. people move out the night that he starts turning on shit
yeah, when your shit starts to turn on by itself…… I would be moving out too
that’s paranormal activity shit
and most don’t wanna mess with that
Jungkook isn’t intentionally pushing people out
it’s just an accident bc he just forgets he’s not alive
Yoongi, the ghost from two floors up, says that it’s because humans tend to fear the unknown
he’s got a point too
that’s why humans fear death—they don’t know what happens after you die
there was one guy who ended up “living” with Jungkook for the longer time period
Namjoon was a good guy
he’s so great that after seven months of moving here, he moved out to live in a bigger space with his partner
Jungkook was upset but he was happy for him, even though he hasn’t spoken a word to him
so that was his current situation: another empty apartment that the landlady is trying to rent out once more
this is where you come in
you rent out this place and within a week, you’re moving in
Jungkook stays in the corner a bit, just observing you
he makes note of your pictures, knick-knacks, and other supplies
it’s about another week or so until you’re settled and established some kind of routine
he doesn’t mind you
you’re consistent
it’s about another two weeks or so until he makes his presence known
one night, you were working on an assignment late at night with the tv on
you just picked something off of netflix and let it play
it was just the soft sounds of the television and the typing of your laptop keys
and then
you felt it
there was shift in the temperature and a chill brushed against your neck
even with your hoodie on, you shivered from the cold
and moved from your spot to grab a heavier blanket 
when you came back from your bedroom, you didn’t notice how one of the throw pillows have slightly shifted over
by slightly, I mean moved over to the other side
you didn’t think much of it and shrugged it off, thinking you might have moved it earlier
the sleep deprivation was getting to you
to Jungkook tho, it meant acceptance
small, but still meaningful
again, you didn’t think much of it
until it was happening for a solid month
even during daytime
so……….. you asked around the building
they didn’t really say much, just that a lot of people tended to move out because of some of the stuff that happened there
it wasn’t until you met Taehyung that you found out about Jungkook
he was pretty close with him, since they were close in age and bonded over video games and dogs
when he died, he actually attended the funeral and it was…. upsetting to see such a young man die
Taehyung: “you know, most people tend move out about a month after moving in”
Taehyung: “they all seem freaked out and the landlady even called a shaman to check out the place because it was deemed as ‘unliveable’”
You: “well, has anyone found evidence that he’s still there?”
Taehyung: “I don’t think anyone could handle it if they found out”
You: this is a bad idea but oh well
so you may or may not have bought a ouija board (you did)
and you try talking to him
you set up candles and a picture (which you got from Taehyung himself)
once the sun sets, you officially start
Jungkook thinks it’s hilarious so he plays along
You: “hello spirit of Jungkook, I’m (Y/N) and I wanted to ask if you are here”
after a couple of minutes of no response, you sigh, feeling ridiculous
You: well, this is stupid
and then
it moves
your eyes widen as your hands push towards the yes
you didn’t actually think you would get an answer so you were at a bit of a lost
You: “is it okay if I’m living here?”
he moves it towards the no
you let out a sigh of relief
You: “cool, so you aren’t a murder ghost, great”
he’s laughing but you can’t really hear him
although, you do hear a faint sound of wind chimes—even though you are very sure that none of your neighbors even have wind chimes
so you “talk” with him a bit more and eventually, you head to sleep
You: “thank you for not killing me and please look away when I’m in the bathroom or changing”
if Jungkook wasn’t dead, he was very sure there would have been blush on his cheeks
so you two live side by side peacefully
you were wearing a lot more hoodies to avoid the cold breezes that pass by
if you forget where something was, most of the time, they show up in front of you in courtesy of Jungkook finding it
when you often forgot, he would help you with
one time you didn’t push the cook button for the rice cooker
(he saved you from throwing the whole batch out)
sometimes you even leave a small bowl out for him like an offering
and, yeah, he can’t eat it but he does appreciate it
it goes like this for a while and you’re both content
and then Halloween comes
at previously midnight when Halloween begins
there’s another cold breeze that passes by and you wake up, dazed and confused
and, in the darkness, there’s a shadowy figure you spot at the end of your bed
and suddenly you’re awake, sitting up in your bed
you wrap yourself a bit tighter in your blanket as you hear your name being whispered
Jungkook: “I didn’t mean to wake you”
You: what. the. fuck.
Jungkook: “go back to sleep”
the last thing you hear is soft singing from an angelic voice before you drift back to sleep
you wake up the next morning
putting on Halloween movies, putting on the Monster Mash, and prepping candy for the kids that stop by your apartment
it wasn’t until Jungkook makes an appearance that you remembered what happened last night
you physically saw him in your kitchen
and screamed
he was just as startled as you
but you haven’t even seen him until today
(expect for the pictures Taehyung showed you, which is the only reason you recognized him)
Jungkook: “did I not mention that on Halloween I can physically appear?”
Jungkook: “well, I’m telling you now” :(
after you calm down from the miniature heart attack, you get to spend a day together
well, mostly on your part since you can actually see him now
he’s just more…… visible
it’s fun, it’s like a longtime friend coming over and spending the day with you
so you spend the night watching more movies, dressing up (at least, you did), and giving candy to the kids
you learn more about him and it’s a super fun time for the both of you because it means actual conversations
like how good he is at singing
(it’s very clear how much he loves music)
how often he likes to play computer games
his cleanliness
how much he likes the romantic comedies you put on
his weird obsession with trying different ramens
Jungkook: “I had like 6 cups in a row once”
You: “well jesus, no wonder you died”
Jungkook: “stop making fun of me” ​😭​
he’s not sure how long he’ll be here, but he’s glad he’ll be living with you while he’s here
and when midnight comes and you’re falling asleep as Hocus Pocus plays in the background
you hear it 
“good night, (Y/N), until next Halloween” 
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reactingwithexo · 7 years
exo as boyfriends (ot9)
luna208: Hey i was wondering if u could please do what dating exo would be like but like in bullet points for each member? 😊🤗
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♦ supportive all the way
♦ likes to go on simple yet intimate dates
♦ not the best at texting but will try
♦ probably likes more to talk via skype or something
♦ soft car duets
♦ needs some alone time sometimes
♦ lots of smiles
♦ casual
♦ great at hugging and sorts
♦ always smells good
♦ organizes stuff in your house
♦ whispers while caressing your hair
♦ knows how to pleasure you *wink*
♦ lets out a chuckle everytime he sees you happy and excited
♦ doesn’t understand when you just insanely wants to suddenly cuddle (because he’s too cute)
♦ mindblowing just out of this world kissing
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♦ #ideal
♦ randomly texts you jokes he just thought of and the boys’ reactions
♦ you’re judged by all EXO members
♦ tends to remember the important dates
♦ fancy
♦ the type to start the kissing with little smiles and suddenly get really into it
♦ wants to travel with you
♦ random at a daily basis
♦ sometimes you two just sit down and he opens up about all the pression and stress he is into
♦ gets really upset when arguing
♦ has a bunch of little habits
♦ always grabs your hand
♦ makes you laugh 
♦ eye smile
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♦ we all know he’s a butt guy so yea
♦ expect lots of idk butt action after you’re close (lol wat)
♦ skypes you and eventually falls asleep hearing your voice 
♦ you’re constantly mad at him for overworking
♦ he’s constantly warming your heart with compliments
♦ sweet mumbles
♦ gentleman
♦ those hips tho
♦ knows what you’re thinking while watching him dance
♦ takes advantage of that hehe
♦ listens to everything you say
♦ is always in touch
♦ shows you a piece he’s been working on
♦ always sending you cute selfies
♦ really REALLY good kisser
♦ wants you to have everything of the best
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♦ never shuts up 
♦ obligatory duets 
♦ inside jokes af
♦ you’ll have to remind him of that date you two had scheduled but he’s an hour late because he’s playing games
♦ uses those fingers right if you know what i mean
♦ likes to just go somewhere not that crowded to feel ordinary with you
♦ plays with your hair
♦ is always caressing some part of your body 
♦ smirks playfully
♦ full of sweet moments
♦ appreciates when you take care of him
♦ impressions while you two are watching something
♦ you slowly discover every layer he has 
♦ cutest smile
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♦ you two do charity together
♦ picks up sexual vibes fast
♦ screams lots
♦ whines lots
♦ laughs lots
♦ knows how to persuade you
♦ manages to take a lot of his time for you
♦ is interested in your opinions
♦ also car duets
♦ netflix and chill
♦ kisses everywhere
♦ isn’t that cheesy
♦ lowkey spontanious
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♦ shows off his many skills
♦ is lowkey insecure of your feelings
♦ is always thinking of you
♦ ‘i wrote you a song’ 
♦ always tries to make you happy
♦ gets mad easily if he’s tired
♦ will only open up after a while in the relationship
♦ constantly buys you stuff overseas because it reminded him of you
♦ that damn deep voice
♦ takes your breath away
♦ always jamming to something
♦ can go in the slow pecks direction OR
♦ the super intense makeout session type of vibe
♦ feels lucky he has you
♦ giggles after doing something cute
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♦ appreciates pretty much everything you say
♦ smiles to himself when he remembers some moment with you
♦ expect lots of movie nights
♦ kisses on the cheek
♦ you calling him cute and squishy
♦ doesn’t get mad that often
♦ tries to cook for you
♦ can spend hours kinda just kissing but it’s so good
♦ feels weird when you ask him to sing for you
♦ but sings without noticing
♦ loves to watch/hear you excited about something
♦ eyes sparkling
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♦ this fucker
♦ shy at first
♦ most handsome smile ever actually makes your soul leave your body and you get addicted
♦ pouts
♦ always showing you new music
♦ wants you to meet his children aka puppies
♦ prob gives you for christmas and you think aw how cute but it’s actually just an excuse for him to have another one and he used you as a disguise for getting another puppy
♦ sometimes he doesn’t pick up his phone for like 12 hours because he’s playing games 
♦ you’re always reminding him to have a limit when practising
♦ skype/facetime calls really late at night
♦ sleeping together (as in literally sleeping)
♦ cuddles
♦ messy hair
♦ always lowkey horny
♦ neck kisses
♦ also long kisses
♦ teases 24/7
♦ random in depth talks
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♦ sweet sassiness
♦ prepare for confidence overload
♦ shy and smol bean when you’re out with your friends and there are guys too
♦ gets small random gifts for you all the time
♦ “here i got you these socks. Didn't you say your feet are always cold”
♦ pulls out some weird ass cute socks smh  gets really shy but also fucking proud when you wear the stuff he got you even accessories
♦ Vivi listens to you more than to him sorry mr. Oh
♦ Isn’t really into pda but def will hold your hand outside or again use you as a arm/ body rest of you are like waiting in to buy bubble tea 
♦ he will def make you go on many bubble tea dates
♦ bc he “started the trend”
♦ when you feel down or seem to have had a bad day he go grabs your fav taste for you to drink bc it normally makes him happy so he thinks it makes you happy too but he isnt sure and he is just trying to be a good boyfriend
♦ If you are in a cuddle mood he will make it as if its obvious bc who can resist oh sehun and he will tease you so long until you slap his arm and tell him to just come cuddle and he will let
♦ bc a) you just stopped listening and clinged onto him and
♦ b) you clinging onto him makes him go so mushy he is like DAMN RIGHT SHE WANTS ME
♦ afternoons with legs entagled and each on their phone 
A/N: aH THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN, I actually love making these bulletpoints post stuff, I know it’s been such a long time but I was taking a break from tumblr, hope you guys like this <3 
Shotout to @damned-fangirl for the noodle insight, love ya
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