#its like if the adams family had a son named kyle who was really into roblox.
danmeichael · 4 months
Wei Wuxian wants to be a milf (rip it'll never happen) but he's just a wine aunt, and Xie Lian is either the stepdad who tries too hard or doesn't try hard enough.
i agree that wei wuxian is a wine aunt as stated in my milf post but, with respect to your interpretation bc it works well, to me xie lian is a camp counselor and not a step dad. he sincerely cares about those children but they are not his problem in 3-8 weeks and will never cross his mind after that.
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Don't worry, we get it. With that said, how were Frisk, Papyrus and Undyne going to find the parents of each soul and what was going to happen to them, especially when they were given the objects of the souls?
((Just a disclaimer! This post is probably gonna get pretty long...
Anyway! So, first we'll start off with how Frisk and the gang were going about finding the soul's homes and their parents...
Frisk was the second character to be poofed into the Void (the first being Flowey), and while they were here, I started getting the idea to make the comic since I thought it'd be a neat concept to have Frisk return all the humans belongings to their family!
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If you've read the start of Returning The Memories, Frisk looks at this paper for reference a lot. This is because, while they were in the Void, they had asked all the souls either what their home addresses were, or, where they most likely would expect their parents to be. (As you can see, Kaden's has question marks on it...we'll get to that later!)
This is how Frisk knows where the soul's homes are, and what their parent's names are as well. So, all they needed was transportation, which is why Undyne and Papyrus came with them! And, also, Undyne and Papyrus may have helped lighten the mood some, since...this comic was certainly going to have some sad moments ;n;
Anyway, now for how Frisk went about addressing the soul's parents about the sad news/the parents reactions...
Pate's mother's reaction 🎀🗡:
[See these pages of the comic: PG2 PG3 PG4]
Thankfully, Pate's section of the comic was one (and the only one) of the sections I managed to finish! But, I'll summarize Melissa's reaction here, as well:
She felt terribly guilty for how badly she had treated her daughter during the time she was alive...She often criticized Pate about how she looked, or what clothes she wore, and not only that, but Melissa would often ignore Pate because of work, and, well...dates. She also wasn't aware of Pate being bullied, which was also a major part that played in Pate climbing Mt. Ebott.
Seeing her daughter's items...it just brought back all the guilt at once...and, she really wishes she could have treated Pate better...
Matthew's dad's reaction 🧤🧡:
[See this page of the comic: PG5]
So, this is the part where I stopped updating...but, it was pretty much hinted at that Frisk would have to go to a jail in order to visit Matthew's father, Kyle. (They'd be able to talk to him by using one of those glass seperated things they have in jails?? Where you can visit them face to face. Frisk probably would have had to give the Gloves and Bandanna to a guard there, and entrust them on giving Kyle the items once he was out of jail.)
Anyway, after hearing the news about Matthew...Matthew's dad probably would have felt the same as Pate's mother...just, horribly guilty.
He would have put all the blame on himself immediately. (Just like how Matthew had blamed himself for being a horrible person about the whole thing that happened to Pate.)
However, Frisk tells Kyle thats not true. The way Kyle acted may have had somewhat of an impact, but, Matthew chose to climb the moutain on his own because whatever Matthew climbed the mountain for was important to him. Matthew is headstrong, and ultimately, probably would have climbed the mountain either way, even if his dad wasn't a bad influence.
In short, Kyle would have learned a lot when talking to Frisk about these things, and would have decided to make better decisions in his life once he was out of jail.
Amy's parent's reaction 🩰🎶:
So, to explain Amy's parent's reaction, first we have to know why Amy climbed Mt. Ebott. Essentially, her reason for climbing the mountain was to understand if monsters were truly bad, or not...she had been taught for as long as she could remember, that monsters were horrible, and evil...But, she noticed some people still thought that monsters were not all bad, and that them being trapped under Mt. Ebott was a horrible mistake...
Because of this, Amy had become very defiant the last few days before she climbed because she was so blinded by wanting to know the truth about monsters. It was so bad, that she thought her parents were going against her wanting to learn truth whenever they would tell her how dangerous the mountain was, and why she shouldn't explore it. Of course, that didn't stop her...
So, you can only imagine both Amy's mother (Alice) and father's (Jacob) reaction when they hear, and are presented with Amy's belongings...They would have both been horribly sad, thinking that because they were not willing to be strict enough, their daughter had perished...
But, Frisk tries to explain to them, that it wasn't all their fault. Amy was so blinded by wanting to know what was true and right, that she couldn't see what dangers she was putting herself into. Neither could she see that her parents only wanted to protect her...
In the end, with Amy's mindset...the outcome may have not been able to have been helped.
And Amy certainly regrets her decisions as much as her parents regret theirs...
Lucas's grandmother's reaction 📒💜:
Now we get into what would have been the shorter sections of the comic, shorter by some degree, at least...
For context, Lucas and Kaden are the only souls that have a parent/guardian that is dead...and neither of them are really aware of this, except for Lucas, who only assumes that could be the case with his grandmother.
Sadly, his assumption is correct, as only a few years after Lucas had climbed, his grandmother had passed away...
But, she was alive and well before Lucas climbed, and his grandmother (Margaret) influenced Lucas's climb pretty much unknowingly by talking highly of monsters. She remembered hearing about their kindness when she was much younger. However, Lucas heard at school and read books frequently that would say monsters were horrible beasts. This made him extremely conflicted. And, much like Amy, he wanted to know which side was correct. Not to mention, hearing stories that his grandmother told him would always leave him with more questions about monsters than answers.
Margaret was shocked that her actions had such an impact, and was very lonely, sad and worried once she realized Lucas had suddenly disappeared...Lucas had been the only one keeping her company...
I wanted Frisk to see both Lucas and Kaden's dead family members somehow and the only way I thought about doing this was by having Frisk lay the belongings of both Lucas and Kaden by where their family member was buried. So, Frisk had to go to whatever graveyard Margaret was buried, and lay Lucas's glasses and Notebook there...
However, when Frisk did this, I thought that perhaps something similar that happened with Chara would happen. Frisk saw Margaret's ghost by her clinging to their Determination. They either would have exchanged glances, or would have had a short conversation is what I had planned. But, once Frisk left, Margaret would no longer be able to persist as a ghost.
Kaden's grandfather's reaction 🍳💚:
Kaden's situation was different, however, since he had at least one member of his family still alive, and that was his grandfather. But, meeting him would have been easier said than done...
The reason why Kaden has question marks written on his part of the list is because, well...he was not able to remember his home address very well when Frisk asked him. He actually had a hard time remembering a lot of things...but, luckily for Frisk, he managed to remember the name of the hospital his mother stayed in.
While it wasnt a lot of info, Frisk does their best to work around it, and ends up having to visit the hospital Kaden had told them about. The receptionists, or possibly some of the nurses probably would have helped Frisk out, as they would more than likely have any info on Kaden and his family since his mother stayed in that hospital, and died there...
Once they obtain the address, Frisk goes to the home and is greeted by Noah, Kaden's grandfather, who is now the only person living in that home. Frisk breaks the news to him, and has to ask him if theres a graveyard Lily was buried in so they can lay Kaden's items there. Noah is obviously very shocked to hear all of this...but he tells Frisk there is a graveyard and agrees to ride with them, Payrus, and Undyne to give them directions and visit Lily's grave.
They get there, and Frisk and Noah go up to Lily's grave, and...Noah is just, completely distraught....he lost his daughter and nephew in such a short frame of time...its heartbreaking...
Frisk lays the items near the grave, but, again, the same thing happens with Margaret, where Frisk is able to see Lily's ghost, who is persisting via their Determination...She would have also been shocked and sad to know about what happened to Kaden, as...she didn't know he had went through all that suffering, just so that he could have attempted to help her.
Lily and Frisk can only exchange glances, though, since Noah is there, and Noah can't see Lily like Frisk can...
They don't visit for very long, but Noah is at least happy that now Kaden and Lily can be reunited in some kind of way now.
Justin's dad's reaction 💛:
Now, we get to Justin's dad (Adam). However, Frisk has actually encountered Justin's dad quite a few times before. Remember that one Undyne ask that mentioned how she was trying to get hired into the police force, but everytime theyd talk to the sheriff in the village, he'd always decline her? That was Justin's father. So Frisk is familiar with talking to him, to some degree.
Frisk would have gone to the police station in town in order to try and talk to Adam, and, once Frisk managed to come in and talk with him, and breaks the news to him, and shows him his son's belongings...
He was furious.
Monsters killed his son. And yet, now, Frisk is their ambassador. And he has to ask Frisk why they would have ever thought it was a good idea to let monsters, beasts who are not afraid to kill children, free on the Surface.
And Frisk has to do their best to explain to Adam that the monsters were only doing what they thought they could. And humans were doing everything they could. Frisk tells him that they remember the missing children being all over the news before they climbed Mt. Ebott. They wanted to help, and Frisk tells Adam that Justin must have wanted to help, too. But, sadly, monsters weren't being the friendliest when Justin, or Frisk climbed. But they're friendly now. Frisk would have had to explain that they were able to teach monsters that, even though humans did them wrong, acting out of rage wouldn't solve anything. Because of Frisk, monsters want humans to forgive them of the past, they just want to move on, and they want things to be peaceful, like they had been.
Adam remembers getting into multiple arguments with Justin about the search, and he remembers how desperately Justin wanted to help find those missing kids, and, he realizes that Frisk has a point...that Frisk and his son just wanted to do the only thing they could to help, and because of humans, monsters had to resort to violence...
He regrets having treated his son in a way that made him feel like a child, when, in the end, he could have been super helpful...perhaps if Adam would have thought through things more, and hadn't been so strict and angry, his son would have still lived...
In the end, Frisk teaches Adam to accept these new changes with monsters, and to realize that sometimes, being too strict can lead to bad things. That he needs a balance.
And, to add more to this happy ending, Adam decides to think about letting Undyne into the police force. :)
(Bonus) Chara encounter ❤:
So, I also thought about having Frisk climb back up Mt. Ebott, and summon Chara so that they could talk to each other. Chara is also considered one of the fallen humans, after all.
Frisk would have first apologized to Chara. (because, by this point, they had already done a Genocide route once, and they know that was a horrible experience for Chara to go through.) Chara, of course, begrudgingly excepts their apology...and Frisk would have promised to not RESET anymore.
Then, it would only make sense for Frisk to ask Chara about their parents. They would have explained what they had been doing with the other soul's items, and would have said that Chara deserves for their items to be with someone they care a lot about. However...Chara doesn't go into too much detail, but tells Frisk that they dont want the items going back to their real parents. They want Frisk to return their items to the Underground, where Chara thinks they belong since that is what they think their true home was.
So, Frisk would have ended up throwing the Locket and Dagger back into the Underground, and just like that, they would have returned every one of the human's items! :)
So, that was my entire plan for each section of the comic! I just felt like it would have taken a long time for me to finish, and wouldn't have been as short as I orginally thought, it was just an overwhelming amount of work that I wasn't expecting. :(
But, still! At least I can share the plans I had this way! Feel free to ask more questions about the comic or the soul's pasts in general! Its fun to talk about! :)
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
OK, May 10
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Inside Kim Kardashian's Wild New Single Life
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Jenna Dewan enjoyed a stroll around her L.A. neighborhood with 13-month-old son Callum, whom she shares with fiance Steve Kazee, in a stroller
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: The world watched as Prince Harry came face-to-face with the royal family for the first time in over a year to say farewell to his late grandfather Prince Philip, and now that he's back home in Montecito, California, with pregnant wife Meghan Markle and their 23-month old son Archie, Harry's been reflecting on the emotional reunion and preparing for what lies ahead in the coming months -- although the trip inevitably had its share of awkward moments, he's generally happy with how it went, and things had been especially frosty between Harry and The Firm following his televised tell-all, but the main thing is they broke the ice, and he's finally communicating properly with his family again -- in fact, Harry is said to have enjoyed low-key meetings with several relatives before heading back home to the States, including his grandmother Queen Elizabeth and cousin Princess Eugenie, although he did not have a one-on-one chat with his estranged father Prince Charles and it was more of a civilized catch-up than an intense sit-down because it wasn't an appropriate time to delve into recent tensions; however, Harry did take the opportunity to reassure everyone it wasn't his intention to upset them and that he loves them all very much and they, in turn, echoed their affection for him and they mutually agreed to keep moving forward positively and constructively and there's a still a lot of unfinished business, many are hopeful that all will be resolved when Harry returns to the U.K. for a memorial honoring his late mother Princess Diana on July 1 and this could be Harry's last chance to sit down with his family and properly repair things and Harry and Prince William have both agreed to meet before the event and have a frank discussion about how they can do their best to fix the damage that's been done and air their grievances in a calm and pragmatic manner
Page 6: Next spring, Johnny Depp and his ex Amber Heard will head back to court in the latest installment of their ongoing legal drama, but this time, Johnny, who filed a $50 million defamation lawsuit against Amber following a 2018 op-ed where she detailed her experience as an alleged abuse victim, is determined to clear his name one and for all -- Johnny and his team have new and explosive testimony from two of the responding officers, plus new body cam footage, that they believe will finally turn things around in their favor and they're convinced it will show that Amber made up claims about their alleged May 2016 brawl in an attempt to ruin him and the video shows a neat apartment with nothing out of place, nothing broken or anything to suggest a knockdown fight had just occurred -- Johnny's always maintained his innocence and now he's confident this evidence will prove it and Johnny's also working on a tell-all that he intends to release as soon as he's declared innocent and the tome will vividly detail what happened on that night in 2016 and throughout their year-long marriage and Johnny feels Amber never really loved him and his friends warned him not to marry her, but he didn't listen, and he's paid a dear price for it
Page 7: A fateful chapter from Ashton Kutcher's past could be coming back to haunt him as he's being urged to take part in the upcoming documentary on his late ex Brittany Murphy and it's stressing him out to no end and so far, he wants nothing to do with it -- the documentary is going to look for clues as to why it all ended like this for Brittany, and producers want Ashton to tell his side of the story and the thinking is he may have little choice but to participate because he had a front row seat to Brittany's life, and her fans want him to shed light on what really happened
* Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria Baldwin knew that having six kids would be a challenge, but they're realizing it's even harder to find nannies who are up to the task of tending to their brood because Alec and Hilaria have some pretty high expectations for the kind of people they want to employ and what the job entails and it's been a logistical nightmare hiring and scheduling a rotating team of caretakers -- in addition to children Carmen, 7, Rafael, 5, Leonardo, 4, and Romeo, 2, the parents welcomed baby Eduardo in September and their sixth child, Lucia, via surrogate in March -- long hours and multitasking are a must given the meal prep, diaper changes and homeschooling, plus the nannies have to know how to deal with a cranky set of kids without losing their cool and Hilaria's every bit the mother hen, so she won't settle for anything less than perfection
* Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna have had it with the romance between their daughter Amelia Hamlin and Scott Disick -- Amelia recently raised eyebrows when she was spotted with bruised lips, which often occurs after lip filler injections, and Harry and Lisa drew a line in the sand and they're concerned that Scott is convincing her to mess with her appearance, especially since she's talking about boob and butt surgery to keep his eyes off other girls and ever since the couple hooked up last October, Harry and Lisa have been sitting back and hoping that Amelia would come to her senses, but it's clear she's in way too deep now, and that they need to make their feelings known, but the worry is that Amelia will be pregnant before she knows it, so Harry and Lisa are ready to take the bull by the horns before Scott ruins their daughter's life
Page 8: It's been nearly four years since Matt Lauer was fired from Today amid a sexual assault scandal, and he's still being snubbed by his old Hamptons crowd -- Matt, who retreated to his waterfront estate in the celeb enclave after a colleague accused him of assaulting her at the 2014 Olympics, has done everything he can to regain his place in the community, but he's remained persona non grata despite his best efforts; he'll turn up to fancy events and be super friendly with everyone but most people just turn their noses at him -- the disgraced ex-anchor, who hooked up with public relations exec Shamin Abas after his 2019 divorce, has been talking to friends about marrying her in a big Hamptons wedding, but it's hard to imagine there'd be much of a turnout and people have had ample time to put out the welcome mat, but it seems like they've shut their doors on Matt for good
* Former Playboy Bunny Kendra Wilkinson has gone from living the high life to pounding the pavement to earn a paycheck, and she's missing the glam old days -- Kendra, who enjoyed a pampered existence as Hugh Hefner's girlfriend and Girls Next Door star, has had to bring home the bacon in the wake of her 2018 divorce from Hank Baskett to help provide for their two children, Hank, 11, and Alijah, 6, and being a single mom is a lot harder than she thought it would be and she currently resides in a humble Calabasas rental and recently snagged a job as a realtor and was hired by Kyle Richards' husband Mauricio Umansky and she's working long hours and weekends, and she looks pretty burnt out and Kendra tries not to complain and is sucking it up as best she can, but she can't help but think about the times when she didn't have to worry about bills and rent and could sleep in as long as she wanted
* He was once Hollywood's biggest bon vivant, but Jack Nicholson has become a total hermit, and friends are concerned that he's harder to get a hold of than ever and Jack's shut himself away in his hilltop home on Mulholland Drive, and everyone is worried about his state of mind -- the actor, who was last seen in public looking disheveled at a January 2020 Lakers game, says he just wants to spend his retirement in peace and quiet, but his loved ones wish he'd make himself a little more accessible -- Jack's admitted that he yearns for one last romance, but how can that happen when he's hiding at home? Jack turned 84 in April, and it's as if he's resigned to spending the rest of his life alone and it's so sad, but it seems there's nothing anyone can do for him
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars wow in sexy shoulder-baring dresses -- Ella Balinska, Renee Zellweger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Page 11: Adrienne Warren, Martha Hunt
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Rainey Qualley vs. Celine Dion in Chanel, Melissa Wood-Tepperberg vs. Idina Menzel in Alice + Olivia
Page 13: Ellie Goulding vs. Charli XCX in Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood
Page 14: News in Photos -- Gavin Rossdale took his beloved dog Chewy with him to tennis practice in the park in L.A.
Page 15: Jeff Goldblum stopped at celeb hotspot Craig's for dinner with wife Emilie Livingston and their kids Charlie and River in West Hollywood, newly single Real Housewives of Orange County star Braunwyn Windham-Burke hit the beach in Miami, Natasha Lyonne continued filming her series Russian Doll in NYC
Page 16: Amber Rose enjoyed lunch with her son Sebastian whom she shares with Wiz Khalifa in L.A.
Page 17: Anchor Robin Roberts filled viewers in on current events during Good Morning America in NYC, Kristen Taekman got all gussied up at her home in NYC, Howie Mandel showed up to the America's Got Talent set in surfing gear in Pasadena
Page 19: Bling Empire's Cherie Chan and fiance Jessey Lee grabbed a bite with their daughter Jadore, pro wrestler Ariane Andrew (a.k.a. Cameron) fueled up with a healthy sip
Page 20: Wells Adams stocked up on some essentials at the grocery store in L.A., Rachel Brosnahan protected herself with an umbrella while filming The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in NYC
Page 21: Jon Hamm and his new rescue dog Splash get some fresh air in L.A., Whitney Port in a beige sweater dress and matching boots while recording her podcast in NYC
Page 22: Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn brightened things up in designer duds while walking her dogs in L.A., Monique Green attended the drive-in premiere of her new series Big Shot in L.A.
Page 23: Irina Shayk and her daughter Lea De Seine walked hand in hand around NYC, friendly exes Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry take a stroll in L.A., Law and Order: SVU stars Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T snapped a photo together in between takes
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's designer digs
Page 28: Home Town stars Ben and Erin Napier recently announced they're getting ready to welcome their second child, a girl, and the famously private pair, who chose to keep the news a secret to avoid any extra unwanted attention or stress, could not be more excited -- this baby is a miracle because Erin was told years ago that pregnancy would be unlikely due to a past health issue and when their first daughter Helen arrived, they were overjoyed, and they never imagined they'd be blessed with a second -- with Erin's due date just around the corner, she and Ben are busy prepping Helen to become a big sis and they have no doubt she'll be wonderful because she's very warm and empathetic toward others and she loves to hug so the baby will be extremely loved -- after the newborn's arrival, the busy HGTV stars will take some much-needed time off and they're a team, and Ben plans to be there to support Erin and make sure she gets her needed rest, but they both love what they do, so it won't be long before they're back in front of the cameras -- while baby No. 3 chatter has already begun, the college sweethearts aren't getting ahead of themselves and Ben and Erin always dreamed of having a big family, and if they can, there will be more children, but if it doesn't happen, then they will be quite content as a foursome
Page 29: Kacey Musgraves is head over heels for her new boyfriend Gerald Onuoha, but friends are worried that she may be rushing the romance -- Kacey, who hooked up with the Nashville-based doctor after calling it quits on her three-year marriage to Ruston Kelly in July, tends to jump into things with her heart and this relationship falls into that category and Kacey, who was spotted snuggling up to her physician beau while out and about in L.A., is on cloud nine with this guy, but when she has to hit the road again it's not like he can pull up stakes and follow her -- she's not thinking straight about the future, and her friends are bracing for trouble once reality sinks in and Kacey would be wise to slow things down and not get ahead of herself
* George Clooney turned the big 6-0 on May 6, and his wife Amal Clooney is being a bit of a birthday buzzkill -- George wants a big, booze-soaked sky's-the-limit bash in an exotic locale like Mexico or Italy with his old drinking buddies like Rande Gerber, but Amal is pushing for a quiet family celebration at home with their children Alexander and Ella, and it's led to a few arguments -- George figures it's his chance to finally let off steam and that it's his choice on how to mark the milestone occasion and he wants Amal and the other wives to come and join in on the fun, but watching George get wasted certainly isn't her idea of a good time and she sees nothing wrong with a dinner at home
Page 30: Harrison Ford is finally set to start filming the new Indiana Jones movie this summer, and his wife Calista Flockhart will be keeping a close eye to make sure he stays safe on the set -- Harrison has been training hard to get in shape and is feeling great, but at his age, you can understand why Calista is concerned and protective Calista plans to accompany Harrison as he shoots the fifth Indiana Jones installment in London and other locales and he's still capable of doing his own stunts, and a lot of it is thanks to Calista, who made sure he stayed fit with weight training and proper nutrition, but Harrison's going to have the best people in the business looking out for him so he doesn't get hurt again, otherwise Calista wouldn't have given him the green light
* It's barely been three months since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker went public with their hot and heavy romance, and they're already talking about getting engaged and pregnant, not necessarily in that order and Kourtney fully believes this isn't just a honeymoon phase, but that Travis is the man she's going to share her dreams with -- as for Travis, he's been telling everyone he's hit the jackpot with Kourtney and Travis, who has two kids of his own, has already started shopping for rings and he's planning an ultra-romantic proposal because he's big on grand gestures and he's still looking for the perfect ring, but that doesn't mean the baby-making has to wait until it's on her finger
* Love Bites -- Zac Efron and Vanessa Valladares split, Brooks Laich and CrossFit athlete Katrin Davidsdottir dating, Tan France and husband Rob are having a baby this summer
Page 32: Cover Story -- Kim Kardashian single and loving it -- ready to mingle, an unattached Kim is having fun exploring her dating options -- she did all she could with Kanye West and now she needs to steer a new course for herself -- she's been relishing her single status and feels like she can finally breathe again -- Kim may be living it up, but her four children remain her primary focus -- the eligible bachelors who've caught Kim's eye: Drake, Rege-Jean Page, Brad Pitt, Lewis Hamilton
Page 35: Jennifer Aniston's on such good terms with her old flames she still talks to ex-husbands Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux regularly and has even stayed in touch with her former beau John Mayer -- Jen and Brad have a lot of complicated history, but she's glad they reconnected and are friends again and she thinks the world of Brad, and they support each other -- Justin recently revealed he and Jen text and FaceTime, and the divorced duo will always share a special bond -- although she and John split in 2009, Jen and the musician still hang out from time to time and they flirt here and there and when John's in town, Jen's down to meet him -- but friends are urging the star to finally and firmly move on from her exes and they think she needs a fresh start, and Jen's been on a few dates with someone who isn't famous and Jen's not looking to get married again, but she'd like to have a partner to share her life with and this guy could be the one, she's just got to give the relationship a fair chance, without any distractions
* Weeks after announcing she'd called it quits with Alex Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez is feeling sad and disappointed and she didn't want to believe the rumors about Alex's wandering eye, but the Madison LeCroy thing was the last straw -- it's not the first time Jennifer's been fooled by a bad boy as cheating rumors plagued her romances with Sean "Diddy" Combs and Casper Smart and she's wiser now -- Jennifer's saving grace is she's got a jam-packed schedule so it won't leave too much time to be broken-hearted and she's a busy mom of two with a million projects up in the air so don't expect her to be dwelling on the past for too long
Page 36: Young and In Love -- Why wait? These stars were in their early 20s, or teens, when they tied the knot -- Olivia Wilde married an Italian prince when she was 19, Hailey Baldwin married Justin Bieber when she was 21
Page 37: Demi Moore married rocker Freddy Moore at 17, Uma Thurman married Gary Oldman when she was 20, Cher married Sonny Bono at 18, Macaulay Culkin married actress Rachel Miner when he was 18
Page 38: Jessica Simpson married Nick Lachey at age 22, Kate Hudson married rocker Chris Robinson when she was 21, Drew Barrymore married when she was 19 for only 19 days
Page 39: Janet Jackson married R&B singer James DeBarge when she was 18, Kim Kardashian eloped with a music producer when she was 19, Solange Knowles married and a baby at 18, LeAnn Rimes married a backup dancer at 19
Page 40: Interview -- Anya Taylor-Joy thrilled to pieces -- The Queen's Gambit star is still processing her phenomenal success
Page 42: Role Models -- like mother, like daughter -- these stars are inspiring their kids to stay healthy and fit -- Brooke Burke, Gisele Bundchen
Page 43: Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber, Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley-Cook, Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, Jessica Alba
Page 46: Style Week -- Saweetie has a new sunglasses collaboration with Quay
Page 48: What's Hot Right Now -- stand out with a statement piece from the 8 Other Reasons x Draya Michele capsule collection
Page 49: Make Me Blush -- follow spring 2021's hottest beauty trend and create a flush with a pop of peach, pastel pink or terracotta -- Mindy Kaling
Page 50: Mother's Day Gift Guide -- Molly Sims
Page 54: Entertainment
Page 55: Reality Check -- your small screen guilty pleasures are back and here are all the details -- Bar Rescue, The Real Housewives of New York City, Teen Mom 2, Million Dollar Listing New York
Page 58: Buzz -- The ACM Awards in Nashville -- Carrie Underwood and CeCe Winans, Keith Urban and fellow emcee Mickey Guyton, Kenny Chesney and Kelsea Ballerini
Page 59: Blake Shelton, Chris Young and Kane Brown, Miranda Lambert and Elle King, Jimmie Allen and Brad Paisley, Maren Morris and husband Ryan Hurd
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jessica Alba on not being afraid to complain, Justin Theroux on dating, Jodie Turner-Smith on her and Joshua Jackson being perfect partners, Rob McElhenney on expectations of men in Hollywood
Page 61: Chrissy Teigen on her break from Twitter, Courteney Cox showing off her extremely organized kitchen on Instagram, Lance Bass on the basic thing in his past he'd like to move on from, Amanda Seyfried on confiding to the Mank costume designer about her pregnancy, John Stamos on getting together with wife Caitlin, Eiza Gonzalez on developing body confidence
Page 62: Horoscope -- Taurus Henry Cavill turned 38 on May 5
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Rege-Jean Page
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itsworn · 7 years
HUGE Gallery Of Rare Stuff From Petty’s Museum & Shop!
When your career spans 35 years and you’ve racked up 200 wins with seven Winston Cup titles, it’s probably a safe bet that you’ve collected some swag along the way. Throw in a bunch of cars and all the sponsorship merchandise associated with those accomplishments, and you inevitably end up with enough stuff to start a museum. That is exactly what “The King” Richard Petty’s wife Linda did in 1988. The Petty Museum was originally established at the Richard Petty Enterprises facility in the Petty family’s home town of Level Cross, North Carolina. In 2003 it was moved to a new facility in the nearby town of Randleman, where it remained until 2014. That year it moved back to the Level Cross location, which is actually where Lee Petty started the race team, and where the cars that took Richard to those seven titles were built.
While the main focus of the displays are linked to Richard’s success, it is more than just a celebration of one individual. It is a showcase that spans four generations of the Petty family, which includes his father Lee Petty, his son Kyle, and his grandson, Adam. If you’re a Mopar lover, there is plenty of eye candy on display, since the most successful years Richard had were either behind the wheel of a Dodge or a Plymouth. There are also some Oldsmobiles, Buicks, Chevys, and Pontiacs in the mix if you’re a well-rounded car guy.
The museum also offers 60-plus years of NASCAR history, and the impact that the Petty name had in its growth. From its humble origins, you can see the series growth as big money poured into the sport, and how sponsorship evolved beyond the Detroit automobile companies to all forms of products. If you like diecast cars, you’ll be able to spend a few hours looking at all the various examples made over the years, and the various obscure liveries that have been preserved in small scale. There are of course cases and cases filled with trophies collected over the years that are the measure of success, and cases of items that have nothing to do with racing. One of those prominent displays shows the huge collection of firearms that Richard has amassed over the years. As an avid gun aficionado, his collection is both vast and impressive in its scope.
Beyond the cars and memorabilia on display, the facility also houses a thriving work zone that is Petty’s Garage. At any given point in time when you visit the museum you can also have a peek at some of the projects the Petty’s Garage crew are working on in the shop. If you own a Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, or Ram vehicle, they can take it to the next level in performance with one of their powertrain and suspension upgrades. If vintage Mopar’s are your thing and you want one restored, they can do that as well. If you want a Superbird clone like the one they recently built as a giveaway for Smithfield Foods, they can put one together powered by whatever Chrysler flavor you like, old or new. They also have a thriving Mustang business if you happen to have friends who are looking for a unique Blue Oval product. We spent a few days hanging out and documented some of what you can see at the museum; some items not open to the public, and some of the really cool projects currently under construction at Petty’s Garage.
This car is a recreation of the 1971 Plymouth Road Runner that Richard drove. While it looks the part on the outside, it is actually a road-going car that is used for promotional purposes at ARCA races. The original car had Goodyear tires, however, Petty’s Garage has a huge sponsorship deal with General Tires, which are the official tire supplier of ARCA, so this car sports General rubber.
While the hood says 426 on the 1971 Plymouth, the engine under the hood is a 440. Those familiar with how stock cars look under the skin will notice that this car still retains its original firewall and inner fenders.
This 1972 Dodge Charger is the real deal, not a recreation. This car represents the first year Petty and STP teamed up. That year he notched eight wins, 25 top-fives, and 28 top-ten finishes, which gave him his fourth NASCAR Winston Cup Championship.
In 1972 the Hemi was the weapon of choice in the NASCAR ranks. Under the hood of the Charger lies one of the race-prepped Hemis that propelled “The King” to his fourth Winston Cup Championship.
The 1957 Oldsmobile 88 on display in the museum is a replica of Richard Petty’s first car that he raced in NASCAR. This car was designed with a removable hardtop so that it could race in either the convertible or the hardtop series. Cars like this were designed to race in different series, unlike today, where teams have purpose-built cars for a variety of different tracks.
This 1949 Buick Roadmaster is from Richard Petty’s private collection. He is a big fan of this body style so it is prominently displayed in the museum.
Not every race car that is built makes it to the track. This Dodge Charger is actually a show car that was built to mark the end of Winston as the primary sponsor of NASCAR’s premier series in 2003. It was never raced, but was used extensively by Richard Petty for promotional purposes.
When NASCAR introduced the “Car of Tomorrow,” teams were forced to switch over. This is the first “Car of Tomorrow” built at Petty Enterprises. It was assembled in 2007 and was driven by Bobby Labonte. The paint scheme celebrated Richard’s 50th year of NASCAR involvement.
In 1965, NASCAR banned the 426 Hemi, so many of the Chrysler-backed drivers moved to other forms of racing. Richard went drag racing with a Hemi-powered Barracuda. This car on display in the museum is the second of two built in 1965. It was recently restored at Petty’s Garage.
This is one of the Hemi-powered Belvedere’s that propelled Richard Petty to 27 wins, 10 of which were consecutive in 1967. This is the most successful car in the Petty collection.
Sponsored and built for the Automotive Lift Institute, Petty’s Garage modified this 2009 Dodge Challenger and made it a running tribute to Richard Petty.
Perhaps the most famous car in the Petty collection, the 1970 Superbird, was Plymouth’s answer to get Richard Petty to defect from Ford. In 1969 he switched over to the Blue Oval but said he might return back to the Mopar ranks if an aero car was available for him to race.
This station wagon is based on the “Mrs. The King” character from the Cars movie. This is a 1969 Forrd Fairlane station wagon that was actually used by Lynda Petty to go to the races.
In recognition of his contributions to NASCAR, this checkered flag was given to Richard Petty after his last Daytona 500 in 1992. It was signed by all the drivers and is an item that hangs in one of areas in the museum not open to the public.
The “200 Wins” license plate was a gift to Richard Petty commemorating the legacy by Petty’s Garage.
Diecast cars play prominently in the Petty family history. Richard Petty partnered with Racing Champions to do a series of cars that spanned 50 years. Each car in the set portrays the actual graphics used on the race car from that year. How many have you collected?!
At the end of 1970, NASCAR banned the Superbird, so Plymouth went back to the wind tunnel with the 1971 model. The 1:6 scale clay model on display was used to develop the aero package for 1971.
Not all items in the Petty Museum come from corporate sponsors. These pedal cars are actually gifts to the museum that weren’t available for sale.
There are numerous cases that display the diecast cars in the museum. This one houses a collection of 1:18th scale cars that show the various liveries over the years.
Another pair of diecasts commemorates the first win and last start for Richard Petty at Martinsville Speedway. This was awarded to him in 1992, his final season as a driver.
In 2009 and 2010, Richard Petty Enterprises fielded an Indycar entry at the Indy 500 with John Andretti as the driver. The deal saw the cars carry the traditional blue and day-glo orange found on the stock cars. These two diecast examples illustrate what the cars looked like.
When you cut deals with sponsors, there are often merchandising opportunities involved. In the mid ’80s Richard Petty had a personal service agreement with Pepsi and these limited-edition bottles are part of that deal. These are NOT for you to open and drink!
When you have a successful career as long as Richard Petty, other stars in other sports pay attention. Over the years many have given him personalized mementos in recognition of his achievements.
Richard Petty is an avid gun collector and his museum is the ideal spot to showcase that collection. There are many limited-edition numbered guns in the collection, and his goal has always been to collect the 43rd of every series he liked. Some of these were purchased over the years, and some were donated.
This 1973 Plymouth Road Runner GTX is a car that came from Texas to have some engine work done. The Viper behind has a twin-turbo installation. Both cars illustrate the versatility and variety of work being performed at Petty’s Garage.
During our visit to Petty’s Garage, there were three Superbirds in the shop being rebuilt. The blue one is a real 440 six-barrel car that is receiving a 426 Hemi transplant and will look like Richard Petty’s 1970 Superbird, while the orange one is a clone.
This 426 Hemi will be dropped into the blue Superbird once it is complete. Hemis like this one were lying all over the place during our visit!
This 1963 Dodge Polara Convertible is a recent arrival to the shop. It is 1 of 11 convertibles built with a 426 Max Wedge engine. Petty’s Garage will be doing a full restoration on this car.
While the Dodge Polara looks a bit rough, the 426 Max Wedge that came with the car looks ready to be dropped in.
Something new and something old. The 2017 Challenger Hellcat is awaiting the installation of a bigger blower, while the Superbird is a project car that has been at Petty’s Garage for a number of years, and is finally moving forward with a nut-and-bolt restoration.
Not every car that comes into the shop is a performance vehicle. The Dodge Magnum R/T wagon on the lift was having a head and camshaft package installed.
The orange Challenger with the Barracuda grille was a full build performed at the shop. It was supercharged and also received a suspension upgrade.
Engine swaps are pretty common at Petty’s Garage. This Jeep was having a 5.7-liter Hemi installed while we were there.
This 1974 Dodge Charger took Richard Petty to his fifth Daytona 500 win. He also won 10 races that year and took home his fifth NASCAR Winston Cup Championship.
This Pontiac Grand Prix propelled Richard to his 200th win at the 1984 Firecracker 400 at Daytona. This was his last win in NASCAR and was attended by President Ronald Reagan.
Located in its own section, the museum has on display items that belonged to Adam Petty. On display is the Pontiac he drove in the ARCA series, and the Chevrolet that he used in the Busch Series.
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