#its like rlly sexy
notiddygxthgf · 1 year
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the girl you babysit is cute. her hot, single, mafia dad is cuter. (and he's rich).
.You're No Good For Me
.❥ hot dilfs near u
.❥ the interview (7/9/23)
.❥ to be continued...
(based on Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey)
master list + more!
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pastadoughie · 1 month
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wish i waz beddr at drawing oldr women but thea stuff that liek. people poimnt out,, like, having realistic-ish preportions and, bodies affected by gravity (her boobvs r pretty perky but idkshes prolly wearibn a push up) and like, eye wrinkles n stuff is like?? stuff that??? all women have?? you are still affected by gravity at 20?? i think the main thing is that as you get older you (hopefully) get less obsessed with appearance and weight and stuyff and so youre not trying to hide "unattractive" traits as much??? idk can people who look at women more then i do plz tell me things u like abt oldr women im struggling
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heyitsmemel · 5 months
hi hello gals and gays. Here is a rare wav from me struggling with the flu. The virus has mainly been in my chest but my entire body is so wrecked I was able to induce super easily. No talking bc I’m literally unable to 😭 Do not listen if you can't stand harsh coughing because it gets a bit rough. If it sounds a bit weird the first half of the recording is from yesterday and the second half is from today, bc the coughing is so much worse in the second half lmao. Ok that's it thankkk you for feeding me so good lately tumblr love u all <3
also personal rant about ableism and intentional contagion in the comments :///
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feline-evil · 4 months
Dethvanity is really funny to me conceptually as an episode because you can see how little they had to make the characters insecure about for the bit. They swing for obvious lowblow choices with Pickle' baldness and Nathan's weight and even those require some suspension of disbelief because ok. Sure. Nathan '(said extremely proudly) never skipped a meal in my life!' Explosion is insecure about being a big man now. Nathan *guy who everyone thinks is smoking hot 99% of the time* Explosion is a tiny bit larger than usual and is insecure about it now. Lol. Lmao even.
But anyway then we hit Skwisgaar and Toki and there's like NOTHING to swing for, you can see them going uhhh ok Skwis doesn't sleep he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and Toki? Shit, what does Toki have to be insecure about with his looks. He's perfect, he's adorable, he's ripped. Um. FUCK IT, HE'S DOING NOTHING BUT EATING LEMONS. WE GOT NOTHING, WE GOT NOTHING, JUST GIVE THE BOY CITRUS FRUITS.
I'm sure i could make some smarter points about the attempts at applying vanity in this ep and how outside of this and a few other moments i do actually like that the show rarely takes pot shots at things like Nathan's weight, but you see Nathan has shirtless scenes in this one and so my intelligence is impeded when all the blood rushes out of my head and into my-
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I LOVE TOKI'S LEMON EATING CHALLENGE HES ON IN THIS EP. BABY YR STRANGE AND PECULIAR#pickles being insecure abt balding is funny too. my man has chosen a hairstyle that is actively making that worse for himself#buddy if u didnt have whiteguy dreads impromise yr hair wld be healthier. but we love u for yr octopus swag anyway <3#also hi nathan dont listen to the tv listen to me you look great. hi hello. im unsheathing my sword to cut down anyone who makes u feel bad#EVERYBODY IN UNIVERSE IS A COWARD. ITS BIG BOY SEASON. COME GET U ONE#dethvanity isnt in my list of favs i think most its humour is rlly easy lowballs but i find it funny for reasons outside of that#which is namely the show trying to make charavters insecure abt things when they absolutely are not any other time lmao#trying to find things to make skwis and toki insecure abt but theres NOTHING. ITS RLLY FUNNY#listen. putting my hand on everyones shoulder. lets not ignore the elephant in the room this show is uh#OFTEN VERY FATPHOBIC. so its no bastion of rep just cuz it doesnt take all the pot shots it cld at nathans body#it still does take some and theres plently of fatphobia outside of nathans character#but i do like that nathan is a bigger guy and outside of a few eps thats just treated as smth fine! its not remarked on outside of those!#and i think his body is drawn really well and i like that hes permitted to be sexy and to be like. seen with his body out just as much#as like anyone else in the band. like yeah duh nathan explosion is sexy in universe ppl are rocking with this. AS THEY SHOULD BE#idk like i say. not denying the show its fatphobia just saying i like how nathan is treated and portrayed a lot of the time :]
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venomgaia · 4 months
what's good about a pilot falcon?
HI! The Pilot Falcon (older generations were sold in the US as the Namiki Falcon for whatever reason) is a japanese fountain pen manufactured by Pilot!
it's often referred to as the best modern flex pen, or the best gold nib for a beginner! Tldr for people who aren't pen nerds, a flex pen is a pen that...well, flexes! Most pens have some sort of "flex" to them that results in some sort of line variation, but flex pens can handle a relatively higher amount of pressure. Think like a G nib used in a lot of manga. Old pens were the MASTERS at this, and a good bit of that is due to the nibs being made of gold, which naturally has a "bounce" to it that modern steel nibs have a really hard time living up to. Most people wax poetic about Waterman or other vintages like that because of it. Even modern gold nibs can't really keep up with the gold nibs of yore, but the Falcon is considered to be one that can. I do think legally it's considered a "soft" nib, meaning it's not truly a flex pen but has a lot of flex qualities to it, but some terms that get used are used interchangably so. idk. True flex nibs aren't really a thing in fountain pens these days outside of Noodler's Ahab and Konrad (which are their own nightmare and a half tbh).
The Falcon prized amongst artists for it's very fine nib, which Japanese pen manufacturers like Pilot and Platinum are known for. A Japanese Fine is comparable to a Western (Kaweco, Lamy) Extra fine, and a lot of these pens come in an EF, F, and M. It gets alot of nice line variation despite being so small, and is really an all-around great pen, if legend is to be believed :] An alternative to buying the Pilot Falcon would be getting the Pilot 912 FA, which has something called the "Falcon Nib," not to be confused with the actual pen. They actually look pretty different. The FA nib (right) has these weird cuts on their side that help with flexing and allow it to mimic a full-flex nib, but again. According to legend, modern pens don't flex like vintage pens do, but it IS pretty close.
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(sources mentioned in alt text)
I've never used either myself, but I'm pretty picky about my pens and so I don't know if I'd ever pay upwards of $200 unless I got familiar with the nib first tbh....The falcon's nib isn't offputting to me like many feel about it, but I'm particular about aesthetics and the feedback on paper and I can't tell if I like them just from looks alone lol. Right now, I don't have much experience with pilot nibs, but if i were to get a pilot pen, tbh I'm looking at the Pilot Elite/e95s in a fine or medium, or a vintage platinum pocket pen.
Anyways that's that and this is also that. *twirls so elegantly and then collapses onto the ground in slapstick fashion*
#im a dweeb#im picky enough about pens that if the nib isnt particularly pleasing (good examples are Visconti Pelikan or Parker nibs)#or particularly unique (examples are Regalia Crossflex and Trilogy or most Music Nibs)#im not particularly drawn to them. superficial and so on#I really like inlaid/inset nibs like the Platinum Carbon or old Pilot desk pens. or the aforementioned Pilot Elite#The Shaeffer Quasi-imperial is PARTICULARLY sexy in design with the diamond inlay tbh#a good flexy or at least bouncy pen can be EF or F for me (sometimes F is actually too large like with the Platinum Preppy)#i tend to benefit from thin nibs anyways (and gold but bouncy steel is good too) because the inks i use are wet#so im not always picky about nib size. but i AM also rlly picky about pen body shapes and a lot do NOT speak to me#I like desk pens bc of the tapered tail but they really aren't suited for travel. but i dont care much for the classic cigar shape of pens#i like how twsbi pens are shaped. i strongly dislike lamy's shape these days. flat top and torpedo pens are better imo#Benu makes both beautiful and gaudy pens and the dream would be a regalia crossflex in either a benu or something truly atrocious#like a custom fountain pen themed after my lonesome cowboy by takashi murakami. no i wont elaborate no dont look that up#alas fountain pens are an expensive hobby and ppl can be a bit dickish about 'lower quality' pens so its not very newbie friendly#esp on reddit. some ppl are so obnoxious tbh. i like the tumblr fp fans way better theyre a lot more helpful and not married to brands#OK THATS ENOUGH SORRY YOU GOT THE RAMBLINDS OF A LUNATIC ITS MIDNIGHT GOOD NIGHT ANON#not art
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
What was the beta s2 villain design? I haven’t heard or seen abt that one n im curious
,,,,Bombshell my bbygirl,.
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#she is So fucking cute & as a standalone design i love her but#for WOYS2's main villain.. for WOY's MAIN CAST........ bro absolutely not this is literally just 'hrjfdf woman hot' villan and nothing else#swapping this out for manic hot topic gremlin bastard lesbian was where they struck gold like. ty god hrjbhsdjgfbng#not that the way they used dominator was /perfect/ by any means#bc believe you me there's a few things in the show that were ehghhghhh at best & stuff from the crew that pisst me AWFF at worst but#overall dom was really solid. the purpose her character served and the writing & character building choices for her were all *chef's kiss*#there was a lot about her whole vibe that was communicated REALLY WELL through her design alone imo#(and a lot about her personality and motivations that you could gleam from JUST her first out-of-suit appearance on its own#i just really wish they'd given WAY fewer fucks about her being pewtty or conventionally attractive or Whatever bRO IT'S HOLDING YOU BACK!!#i dont think Any of that stuff was prioritized when brainstorming for bombshell here 😭 maybe they hadn't fleshed out those ideas yet#bc with Bombshell? the only things her design communicate are that she's hot & apparently that's Important + she has a bug theme going on#& i GUESS that she's ostentatious & goes for v loud clothing. those pauldrons command a room#so you can get ''commandeering'' and MAYBE even ''powerful'' from that#but for a MAIN VILLAIN meant to majorly challenge the main cast & shake up the show‚ THat is extremely milquetoast!!!!!!#again there's rlly nothing here to take away from her design overall other than that she's sexy. why define her that way for being a her#it's such a big ''nah man''#it's tired it's been done to death#the read you get on her from Overall Vibes alone are very bland!!!#i have to wonder at what point they really started to get the ball rolling in the right direction w/ their S2 big bad to end up w dominator#wondering if maybe it was when they figured they should make her a punk to contrast wander being a hippie?#do you think maybe they just got input from women#grateful every day for the absolute bastard supreme we ended up with#finalhaunts
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rodismancave · 7 months
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the fact they seem to call semi-frequently is so funny. Hot rod seems at least a little put out by how much dealer wants to do shit. his heart is not in it at all
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garyfischy · 10 months
my controversial opinion is that the henchmen wouldnt have gay yaoi sex with each other
#think abt it timelinewise the monarch was done w college and interning under phantom limb by the time he started his career#assuming hes around the same age as 24 that'd put him at like 22-23 at the nicesr estimate#well 24 didnt go to college. So younger than monarch? But my point stands that he would have met 21 as a kid#sorry i dont think agegaps are sexy#anyways its not even abt that its that their dynamic isnt even romantic for me#yeah i know the show pokes fun at this#anyways i think theyre both bisexual but both so clueless that they dont rlly discuss it w each other#like i think they both like men but its never brought up#21 likes dudes but doesnt rlly think abt it and buries it in the back of his head. eventually comes around but doesnt tell anyone#24 is like#the most stereotypical closeted story ever. considers fuckin dudes for like 2 seconds. Dies#i dont think theyd suck each others cocks sorry theres funnier dynamics out there#i love making convoluted posts abt characterization that 3 people max are gonna read#I feel this way abt the monarch/21s relationship too#IN GENERAL i like character analysis and rlly gettign the meat of a character down right#but fandom even well meaning fandom tends to compress character relationships and dynamics into simpler ones#Not some kind of unforgivable evil but a bit frustrating#i wanna talk to ppl abt characters i like and their flaws and their ups and downs and their (mildly abusive codependent) relationships with#other characters#but vb fandom is.. not the place for that lol#fish talks
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
I'm replaying the story on my EU alt and I picked the vigil for sylas. Trahearne in those story instances has a lil bit of FightBoy in him and I like leaning into that for my au trahearne, how he grows into being The Marshal(TM)- need to talk more about that too BUT
Trahearne starts as a sapling scholar, forced to play roles and to chase a "destiny" he may or may not truly care about. Ive seen others talk about him not really care about fighting the dragons like treating it all as a checklist for his wyld hunt- I like using that as where he starts. Heart of Thorns shows him what he couldn't see for awhile, he watches his best and first friend almost die in front of him, trying to save his life. That's The Moment he realizes what everyone has been fighting for the entire time, and when he realizes he wants to fight for tyria too.
So he deliberately steps into The Pact Marshal as a sort of persona. an image. He uses it for diplomacy, for speeches, for everything Official(TM) and he has the choice to step out of it. To just be "Trahearne" again whenever he wants. To spend time with his friends and his cats and read books and talk to his sister etc etc. He doesn't have to stay "The Marshal" in his private life.
Maelgwyn kind of does have to stay "The Beast" even in private. He has no one to REALLY share himself with. His real personality aside from the entire Bit of being The Desert Beast. Maelgwyn doesn't have a tree, he doesn't have friends separate from his persona as The Desert Beast. He can't turn it off he can't escape it. He did chase after a persona for himself. But he's trapped by his persona whereas Trahearne can find being the Marshal to feel like a purpose, something freeing.
Maelgwyn sought out his reputation because he had to. It was his best shot at assimilating or having any amount of normalcy. To gain a reputation that preceded him. And he does enjoy it but he couldn't escape it if he wanted to. He doesn't. But he IS trapped. Even when it doesn't feel like that.
Trahearne isn't as trapped- "The Pact Marshal" could be anyone. It just happens to be him. He can promote the Commander any day and be free of it all if he wanted. "The Desert Beast" will never be anyone except Maelgwyn. If he dies his legend lives on. If he leaves his legend stays and will welcome him back with open arms if he ever returned. In fact if he left his legend may very well haunt him.
Which is another thing. Maelgwyn hates leaving Elona BECAUSE his legend won't go with him. (and he hates non-dry desert climates.) He NEEDS the safety of everyone ATLEAST being at peace with his presence. When Divinity's Reach citizens stare or gawk or lust for him he hates it. Because he doesn't recognize it. Because they aren't familiar. Because it's not directed at the Beast. It's at him. He hates that. He hates being seen as a monster.
Trahearne is completely capable of finding SEVERAL small towns that don't give a shit about him being a firstborn or a sylvari or the pact's marshal or even at all KNOW about any of that.
Maelgwyn will be haunted by a reputation for the rest of his life whether it's because of his appearance- his stature and scars and coloration, his eyes and his demeanor. Whether he is "The Beast" or not.
Trahearne can just. be A Guy.
Okay enough rambling my main point: Maelgwyn chose his persona and he sought out his reputation and eventually it soured to him a bit even though he'd never willingly give it up.
Trahearne had a destiny and a reputation put on him and he didn't enjoy it- he just followed the steps he was told to, until he decided his own path and welcomed a persona that felt freeing.
Also for Trahearne its much more of an actual persona whereas Maelgwyn's relationship to his legend as The Desert Beast does border on an alter ego thing. Not by too much they are both very much personas but Maelgwyn uses his to hide his actual emotions and feelings and thoughts and all the like from even himself. He is not good with the FeelingThings for a long while.
They both have an interesting dynamic with their own relationships to their own roles. i might not be good at vocalizing it myself but my brain is goin 78mph abt this atm
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fragiledate · 8 months
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cringetober day 31: HALLOOWEEEEENNN!!!!
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bloodswag · 8 months
FINALLYYYYYY i got this one piece i've been working on for the past week done!!!! i'm never drawing a mirror ever again <3
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catboybrain · 9 months
fuck i have rlly funny OP art to post but like. it's so so so weird to draw fan content again after all these years lol .
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possumteeths · 10 months
when i was in middle school i was just obsessed with having white skin. i googled a thousand things, went to the asian beauty store to get skin bleaching products. I took weird fkn lemon baths and stuff. And like i guess I never realized how fucked up that was?
Every time I come across the term porcelain skin I want to throw something. Bodily descriptions in books these days are much much better than they were when I was twelve but fanfic is still very much in the past. Obviously i’m not inserting myself in everything I read, I like to be like fifteen steps away from the story but someone exceptionally beautiful is always described with such white centric terms and often the stupid term porcelain skin. Its annoying and stupid and can we stop saying this dang phrase lol.
#even the whitest goddang person isnt porcelain#im pale as hell compared to the rest of my ppl and its just kinda weird to think back and remember that I was once so ashamed and#embarrassed of my skin color id cover every inch of my body and had long ass hair to hide my face#and everyone was like lol ur goth but like nah! its much worse#i also understand this might just be a me problem but like i think there is something to be said that something beautiful or lovably fragile#is always goddamned described with white ass terms#Also u need to be conscious of the way u describe side characters when ur main character is ~porcelain~ and white#If ur mc is so cool and badass sexy u need to be so conscious of the way they speak and the terms they use and the terms you use to describe#their thoughts and actions#U need to be conscious of how u describe side characters as well its just important to understand the indirect ways that your privelege has#affected you#Yknow also its important to understand the way the world has shaped your thoughts and your person esp when ur a white person writing a poc#I dont rlly feel like idk explaining this in detail but I guess im saying that people need to be more conscious of the way they indirectly#come across and the way that certain terms are outdated and just about harmfull#if ur describing a corpse sure use porcelain skin lol but dont have every instance of bodily description circle around their whiteness#and especially dont have poc characters described in any less affection#if ur white mc is porcelain and beautiful and ur supporting poc character is described rough and u talk abt their scars and etc its weird#cause like CLEARLY everyone on this earth doesnt have perfect perfect skin#its much more interesting to describe ur characters skin and the minor imperfections they have because it tells me about them#it builds something yknow? if ur character is porcelain then theres nothing that tells me abt the character other than that you as an author#find this to be fitting as a descriptor and it says a lot#and like this goes for poc also like poc can write just as harmful things as white ppl#Anyways I read a mass effect fic that described sooo many things soooo bad
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housecatclawmarks · 2 years
Fag4Dyke relationships (epic platonic friendships I have w lesbians) and Fag4Dyke relationships (me and bi women having transgender sex) r very much their own distinct dynamics but both r gay and beautiful
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cherrysnax · 1 year
I did a lot of blue art last year
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uniheadsstuff · 2 years
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