#its more like a morticia and Gomez Addams kinda deal
shewolf-sinclair · 5 months
OKAY this post is gonna be long, bear with me.
Wednesday s2 is in production. here are my thoughts + what we know so far. -> anything in bold is my personal opinions and annectdotes. regular text is confirmed information. I will color code this by character and list in order of appearance in post. (percy hynes white/xavier addressed in italics. it is its own thing kinda)
Addams Family
Ajax - also listed eugene and pugsley (related information)
New Sheriff - Enid - Divina&Kent - Barry Dort - Dr. Fairburn (i am running out of colors so they don’t get one/each only has one mention/not much information.)
New headmaster - who???
Stalker arc - so excited, is it someone old or new? (see yoko)
New mayor? -> What’s the deal with lucas? I hope to see him return as he became really interesting towards the end, in his interactions with Bianca and suggested past with tyler. His actor is not listed on any casting announcements, he (iman) is however interacting with the announcements on social media.
New Sheriff! Donovan Galpin’s actor is only listed as gueststarring, yet the deputy from last season is listed as recurring and in the cast picture with all the regulars for the season. This suggests donovan is stepping down or something and we will have a new sheriff for Wednesday to butt heads with during her investigation. however donovan isn’t entirely gone, suggesting he still has some part to play in story progression — likely involved with Tylers S2 story.
TYLER!! if you follow my blog for a while you’ll know I’m the tyler apologist ever. I wholeheartedly believe he was innocent (yes he did the crimes but like. mind control. i’ll link the thread here and bottom of post) personally I’m hoping we get a redemption arc. We know that hunter doohan is a season regular and major player based on his spot on the cast list. He broke out last season.. but how/why? I’m excited to see more of tyler. i love him sm you guys. -> thornhill is not coming back, as christina ricci is not listed and is seemingly univolved. the general consensus is thornhill died in her last few minutes of screentime though nothing on that was ever confirmed. I am looking foward to confirmation and what that means for Tyler, not having a master to force him to kill and all (again, ties into my previous point and I have evidence for why this in particular is important) (see bottom of this post)
Moving on: Bianca. Joy Sunday is listed as a series regular and a major player. After last seasons ending, I am excited to (hopefully) see the continuation of her growth and development away from being a bully and also hear more of her backstory with her mom and ‘morning song’.
That being said, nightshades. Percy Hynes White is confirmed to be not returning, neither percy nor netflix has made a statement, and we are unsure if this decision was percy’s or netfix’s. We do not know if Xavier is to be written out or was recast. -> Naomi (yoko) is also not returning. Naomi made a statement on instagram as to why. However, she was in last season’s promotional materials which suggests she was intended to be important. there were many theories she was the stalker. Here’s to hoping for a S3 return!-> the dias-watson twins (divina and kent) are not listed on any casting announcements nor have the twins posted anything regarding the production announcements. However, nothing has been confirmed regarding their return and no statements have been made. -> we don’t know what this means for the nightshades but I hope to see more of them this season, including inducting enid. maybe pugsley and eugene, who are both set to be series regulars - as is ajax. Personally ajax is one of my favorite characters and I am excited for him to play a bigger part in the story. enjax truthers unite!
Addams family members are also set to return. Morticia and Gomez are now considered series regulars according to the production announcements. Additionally, we will be seeing Grandmamma and Fester (Fred Armisen) as guest starring characters. The 90’s actor of fester is also confirmed to be making an appearance, though no character name has been announced.
STEVE BUSCEMI?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE HELLO??? (I love him guys he’s so silly) -> Several other new cast members has been announced. Steve Buscemi is confirmed to be playing someone named Barry Dort, we have no further information on the character. Thandiwe Newton is confirmed to be playing someone named Dr. Fairburn, we have no other information on the character. Based on the gueststar status and Dr. in the name, there are many theories that they will be the new therapist, but nothing is confirmed. We also have Billie Piper as Capri. no further official information. I am so excited to meet this capri!! All I can say is that I doubt they will be the new headmaster because what headmaster has only a first name?? However, they also likely won’t be a new student because it’s Billie Piper, who is the same age as the other adult characters’ actors in the show whereas the students’ actors are in their 20’s/early 30’s. I think there’s a good chance they’re a siren as Capri is an tropical island. (please be morning song pleaseeee I’m desperate) -> three members of our new cast have no character names (Evie Templeton, Noah B. Taylor, Owen Painter) There are RUMORS (nothing confirmed) That Taylor or Painter may be Xavier recasts. -> All of these new cast members (besides Newton who is a gueststar I think probably a new therapist to replace kinbott) are listed as reoccurring, with Steve Buscemi listed directly under Jenna Ortega and above Emma Myers on the cast list, suggesting he has a major role. Earlier this year there were rumors or Buscemi’s casting, with people suggesting he may play the new headmaster. THIS IS JUST A RUMOR at this time. There was speculation that Weems (Gwendoline Christie) may still be alive, but with Christie being seemingly uninvolved it is likely to be false speculation. There are more new cast members plying unnamed characters, listed as gueststars.
They will not be filming in Romania again. The majority of the show was not done on soundstage. and was filmed in and around real buildings in romania. This means they have to duplicate everything as a soundstage, possibly limiting some filming capabilities. They are, instead, filming in Ireland.
Lastly, we have the title for Episode 1: Here we woe again.
This is all for now!! Please let me know if you have more CONFIRMED information (i will add it to this post and tag you!) or have questions on anything mentioned. I will be sharing more as things come out.
My sources include: Season 1 references, Netflix’s official instagram, The cast’s official instagrams, and these articles.
if you want my comments on tyler: (be prepared it is literally a thought dump and not organized and composed like this post. i may properly write it out at a later date idk yet)
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sagesmokearts · 3 years
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ratdad and snakemom for my demon au! this chapter took like a million fucking years that's my bad
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unchartedterritoria · 7 years
Dangerous (Sam Drake x OC) - Chapter 20
This chapter was hard to get started and then just came flowing out. I promise a lighter chapter soon!
WARNING: There is mention of suicide in this chapter. It’s a dark chapter.
You can read past chapters on A03, as well as read this current one if you don’t wanna read it here:
A03 Chapter 20 Link
“You sure we're out of museums?” Faith asked.
“Yup, the drunk bastard's house was the last one on the list,” Sam answered her.
“How do you know Hemingway was a drunk?”
“Weren't all the 'great' American authors drunks?”
Faith thought about it for a second and shrugged her shoulders in agreement.
As the prospects of finding a link between Mudd and Key West were beginning to dry up faster and faster, Faith and Sam decided to switch the focus of their search to the phrase branded into the barrel. The Third Artillery. They found no mention of it in any of the history books they had, which left what hope Faith had left waning. Sam on the other hand, who was trying to hold on to his diminishing optimism, had another idea.
Faith and Sam rounded the corner of the block. A basic, black wrought iron fence ringed the Key West Cemetery. Beyond the barrier sat 19 acres of eccentric island graveyard. Each headstone, each marker, each crypt had a unique twist that embodied the essence of the island itself. White mausoleums, faded with age, stretched along segments of the fence. They dwarfed the other single person crypts, five rows of final resting places resided in the tall buildings.
Sam strode through the gate and under the large metal archway into the cemetery as if on a breeze while Faith trudged slowly through, the unease of all of the dead people inside doing a tap dance on her stomach. Nervous perspiration began to form at her temples and mingled with the beads of sweat already there from the heat.
It's just a cemetery. It's not like you know anyone buried here. You got this Faith; you got this.
“You ok?”
The sound of Sam's voice shook her brain loose from the anxiety that was trying to grab hold.
"Yeah, I'm good," she said.
“Then let get moving,” He said, nodding his head forward.
Faith blew out a heavy breath, quickly caught up to Sam and fell into step next to him to explore the sprawling graveyard.
A small, green sedan with Georgia plates parked underneath one of the massive palm trees which lined the street that led to the entrance to the cemetery. The man in the driver's seat watched as Sam and Faith walked up the wide lane, the graves flanking them on either side. He kept his distance. When he was sure he was out of earshot, he slid out of the driver's seat and closed the door behind him. Stowing a small handgun in the holster hidden under his billowing shirt and a cellphone in his pocket, he began to follow them. He kept a reasonable distance, but never took his beady eyes off the pair walking a couple of rows ahead of him.
Faith made sure to grab one of the maps for the self-guided walking tour of the cemetery when they came in. After a few blocks in, she produced the glossy pamphlet from her back pocket.
“Where's their section for the military?” Sam asked.
"I don't see a designated military part, so I'm guessing they're just spread all over," Faith shook her head and scanned the numerous gravestones around her.
“Shit,” He grumbled as he produced a smoke from his shirt pocket, giving it a light.
Good thing it's a full pack, he thought to himself, I'm gonna need it if I have to look at every goddamn tombstone in this place.
“So, I gotta ask, how do you know so much about a town you've never been to?” Sam asked, his words accented with an exhaled plume of smoke.
Faith smiled as she stared at the long worn in ruts of the cemetery road under her feet.
"When I was around 15 or 16, my mom decided that we should go on vacation when I graduated high school. She let me pick where we would go, and I picked Key West. Before we went, I wanted to know all about where we were going, so I read up on the city and its people and its history. You know, like the geek that I am. Then graduation came and..." Faith shrugged her shoulders with a defeated sigh.
Sam nodded knowingly while he walked beside her. He knew that expression. He'd spent most of his teenage life wearing it.
"We tried to go again when I graduated college. We got closer that time! We had the money for it then, and we were all ready to book it, but then my mom got sick, and that was that." Faith's voice went soft and quiet as she reached the end of her story.
“She was sick for a pretty long time, huh?” Sam said as his eyes scanned the text of the tombstones as they walked by them.
Faith picked at her cuticles. "Since I was eleven. That was the last time I remember her being healthy."
Faith's answer caused Sam to look at her; his face wore a look of confusion.
“Ok,” She began with a deep breath, “My parents loved each other. I mean, really loved each other. I'm talking Gomez and Morticia Addams level of love; you know what I mean?"
Faith continued after Sam nodded his head, his full attention focus on Faith's story, the cemetery falling away around him.
"And that shit's rare. I knew that when I was little but I didn't really understand just how special and how rare that intense, 'compliment and complete each other' kind of love was until I was a lot older. Anyway, my parents went on vacation. There was an accident. My dad got hurt and ended up in a wheelchair with brain damage."
“How bad?” Sam interjected.
“Before it, he was a music teacher, did piano accompaniment that kinda thing. And after it, he couldn't play anymore; he couldn't remember how to either."
“That's a tough hand to be dealt,” Sam said as he ground the butt of his cigarette into the grass with his boot.
“Yeah it was, and mom tried her best. Quit her job, took care of him full time. Then one day, two years later, he told her he was tired and put a shotgun in his mouth,” Faith said very matter of fact.
“Jesus,” Sam exclaimed in a low voice.
Faith's eyes hardened. “Yeah, I don't think he was there that day,” she said through pursed lips.
Her retort caught him off guard and made him stop in his tracks while she continued forward without breaking her stride.
Sam wanted to tell her that she didn't have to talk about this. That she could tell him to fuck off and mind his own business and that would be alright, but Sam had a feeling this was something that needed to be said.
"Ma kept it together pretty well in the beginning. She was strong for me; I was strong for her. Between going back to work and getting me through high school she didn't really have time to fall apart, you know? Then I went to college, and it was like this depression just... consumed her. She stopped taking care of herself. I'd come home on weekends and take care of her, try and distract her, get her out of her head and out of the house. But it just didn't work. She kept fixating on dad and why he did it and why didn't she stop him and yadda, yadda, yadda. And after ten years, her body just broke down. Kidneys stopped working, infections all the time, her muscles atrophied. She couldn't walk anymore so she couldn't work. For ten years I tried to get her to fight, tried to make her want to live. But in the end, she said she was tired, and she didn't want to fight anymore. So I had to let her go," Faith finished with her head hung down. She willed herself to keep it together and not cry. Instead, she continued to stare down at her shoes intently while they walked.
Her story sat in Sam's throat like a sticky ball. Some of it had felt so chillingly familiar. A mother giving up on life, depression, suicide, being left alone. The story had echoed that of his teenage years with the loss of his mother and ending up in an orphanage with Nathan. For one of the few times in his life, he didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell her he understood, that he understood deep down on a level that only a person that has lost a parent at a young age could.
Instead, Sam put his hand on her shoulder and gently pulled her in close next to him while they walked. He tilted his head, letting it rest on the top of hers.
The action was more sincere and heartfelt for Faith than any 'I'm sorry' ever could be.
They walked like that for a few more steps. Unable to deal with the sad, maudlin feeling anymore, she broke from his grasp and turned around to face him while she walked backward.
"But hey! I made it! I'm here!" Faith said with a grin as she stretched her arms out. She saw Sam smile back at her, but the small guy in the distance caught her eye. He was only a row or two back from their current position. There were other people in the cemetery, tourists on bikes, the occasional work truck of the groundskeeper. What grabbed her attention was his shoes. White penny loafers with no socks that stood out under his light tan slacks.
Definitely not appropriate footwear, I don't care how Miami Vice it looks, she thought to herself.
The man in the insensible shoes looked ahead to see Faith staring at him. He quickly slowed his pace and began to find the small mausoleum next to him very interesting, giving it his full attention.
Despite the looming threat of being found by Jasper's people, Faith had tried to keep her paranoia to a minimum. She knew if she were suspicious and freaked out about every person she passed in Key West, she would be a complete mess. She had been doing well until now. Those out of place shoes though. They sent a quiver up her back as if someone dragged their thumbnail up her spine. Faith shook it off, keeping the expression on her face light and airy.
“Let me see the map,” Sam asked, bringing himself to a stop and holding out his hand. Faith handed the sweat softened map to him.
Sam unfolded it carefully, his face contorted with a look of playful disgust.
“Didn't you just grab this at the gate?”
“Oh bite me. It's warm out,” She said with a wave of her hand as she stood next to him to read over his shoulder.
"I think here's probably our best shot." Sam pointed at a small square with a picture of an anchor that read 'USS MAINE MEMORIAL.'
“Yeah, but let's snake our way through the place, see if any of the graves in here mention 3rd Artillery.”
Sam refolded the damp map and put it in his back pocket.
“Alright sister, you lead the way.”
Faith chanced a small glance behind her, the man in the white shoes was nowhere to be seen.
Faith made her way through the cemetery with a lightness that came from the person next to her, Sam. She had entered the graveyard full of dread and trepidation, all but convinced that a panic attack was looming in her not so distant future. Instead, she ended up talking about the one thing that had sent her into countless states of anxiety and discomfort for the past six months, her mother, her father even. She had never told anyone about what happened with her father before, in the hopes of keeping conversations airy; the mention of suicide tends to really bring down the room. When people asked her about him, she always said, 'he passed away' and left it at that. But something in Sam, in his kind eyes, in his easygoing personality, acted as a truth serum for her. It brought down walls in Faith that had been built up brick by brick, leaving a wall that was mortared together with avoidance and hardened solid with the passage of time. Faith's wall had started to crumble and the sheer terror that she had anticipated with it, hadn't come. Instead, it was a feeling of refreshment, cleansing, and comfort.
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warriorqueen1991 · 7 years
What Fresh Hell (pt. Two)
Characters: Clyde Brenek X OC
Warnings: none yet ;)
Notes: please let me know if you want to be tagged :)
Glaring at the silent bookworm sitting across from him once again, Clyde stewed in a pool of rage he hadn’t felt in years.
This was fucking insane
The timid woman refused to make eye contact, opting for picking at her short fingernails instead.
There was a slight sweet smell in the air around his companion.
Deep down
He hoped it was fear
Clyde coughed into the foam cup he held between his hands, black sludge oozing from his mouth as he wiped it away with his torn sleeve. His face and body still covered in dark blood, a long slash refusing to heal from his brow to his chin disappearing below his rags.
His once well put together ensemble was now shredded, dangling from his arms and chest in sheets.
The bookworm sniffed rubbing her arm nervously
“I’m so sorry”
The small whisper might as well of been a shout in the quiet confines of Clyde’s kitchen.
He grimaced dabbing away more black ooze.
“sorry?” he growls
He shakes his head in disbelief, a sarcastic chuckle vibrating up from his chest.
“sorry is something you say to the stranger you bump into on the bus. Or when you pronounce someone’s name wrong…”
He frowns at her “sorry sure as shit ain’t what you tell someone you take to a surprise game of operation”
She’s trembling still avoiding his gaze “I…I didn’t know they were gonna show up”
He leans forward tapping his finger on the table baring his now pointed teeth “I don’t care, I want fucking answers” he growled.
“I sa…”
Clyde raised his eyebrows as she fought to get the words out.
“I….” she sighed “I saved your life…”
Clyde’s face hardened his eyes flashing red in anger “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” he shook his head rubbing his hand down his face, pulling away in disgust as the action only smeared the black substance dripping from his mouth to his chin.
“It’s not like I was drowning, lady…I wasn’t hanging onto some ledge” he gestured behind him in frustration “my fucking intestines were spread from the damn Espresso machine to the fucking restrooms”.
He let out a pained wheeze
Leaning forward he once again coughed up dark blood into the cup, pushing it aside ware four more had been placed.
“I was dead” he hissed “…I was about as dead as someone could’ve possibly been, then you drag me back and now…” he scoffs pulling at his shredded shirt “now I’m in constant pain, and I’ve been coughing up this shit for the past…” he lifted his wrist wiping the now drying blood off his watch “hour and a half…so you can imagine why I don’t appreciate your help”.
She frowned “but…you protected me?”
He ran his hand through his sticky hair “well obviously I wasn’t expecting to be torn apart by Gomez and Morticia Addams either”
He rubbed his temples in frustration as his eyes flickered from there normal hazel to glowing red “da hell did you do to me?” he groaned.
“I injected my blood into your corpse” she whispered looking up at him as his lips curled back in disgust.
“so what the hell are you?”
She shifted slightly in her chair smiling briefly “my name’s Katrina but my friends call me…”
“I don’t care”
Her lips snapped shut her eyes dropping to the table.
Clyde’s jaw ticked “we are not friends…this right here..” he gestured between them “this isn’t what you build relationships on”.
He let out a pained groan scooting his chair back to rub his bare side “but as pissed as I am..” he narrowed his eyes at her “I got a feeling you knew exactly who I was when you tumbled into that diner”
She glanced up at him with a nod, grunting in reply he gave a rough cough “…so I’m guessing you had something in mind for me besides taking a bullet for you”.
She sighed in confirmation “it’s called The Devil’s Halo, it gives the demon who wears it limitless power…I escaped when I overheard that Tilla and Zule were seeking it out”.
Clyde nodded “the picture you showed me”
She nodded “it’s true, I knew who you were…”
“they called me Shield, why?” he growled, once again interrupting her.
Katrina rolled her lips biting her tongue “it’s a term the ones below use when referring to those who are capable of sustaining demonic essence”.
Clyde sighed “and what the hell would cause that?”
She scooted closer to the table “well…you’ve..uh…you’ve fought demons before”
“what?…no” he snapped wide eyed “I didn’t fight anything, I was protecting my daughter…I was fucking useless, Tzadok did the fighting and he paid for it later”
Katrina gave a soft sad smile “when you called Abyzou out of your child and took him within yourself…it…it changed your biology…it’s unoticable by humans but…” she shrugged “to us your kinda hard to miss” she let a small giggle escape.
He glared at her “and your blood, what did it do?”
Her smile faded “uh…it..it enhanced your body with demonic essence…the uh…effects may very, possessions are quite common but willing vessels are rare…your quite special” she mumbled.
“oh great” he growled, his eyes flashing “so what now?”
She sniffed “I could really use your help”
“you didn’t give me much of a choice”
She ducked her head “I am very sorry Clyde but you’re the only chance I have at stopping them” she shook her head “if they get the halo were all doomed”.
He glanced over at the clock, 1:45 am he hummed
“are you a demon?”
Katrina stared at him, she looked terrified “no”
He nodded getting to his feet with a sigh “I’ll help you”
She bit her lip, a small smile pulling at her lips “thank yo…”
He growled cutting her gratitude short
He ran his hand through his messy hair with a grimace, his shoulders stiffening as he held up his hand “but…” he snarled baring his long fangs letting his eyes burn “afterwards, you fix this” he jabbed his finger at his face.
“I refuse to be this…this…thing” he grit his teeth closing his eyes.
She shook her head, her eyes wide “you’ll die”.
“Fine” He breathed “shit happens…I can accept that, my life’s not worth much anyway”
She frowned but nodded “ok”
She was desperate, if she lost him she was doomed to fail. For now it was in her best interest to just do what he said.
He nodded wiping his face as he stalked down the hall “we’ll leave tomorrow”
Wait what?
she stood up quickly knocking her chair to the hardwood floor “where are you going?”
“I’m taking a fucking shower…smells like something died in here”
The door to his bathroom slammed shut making her flinch.
She let her eyes drop to the floor as she rubbed her arm
“thank you” she whispered a single tear trailing down her pale cheek as the storm continued to rage beyond the windows.
“thank you”
Black and red water swirled down the drain at Clyde’s feet, his skin had knitted itself together just enough so that his guts could function.
His torso was littered with deep red scars, one large scar wrapped around the left side of his throat, the long gash down his face now fully revealed ran clear to the bottom of his pec.
He looked like a damn voodoo doll
His fucking eyes burned, he gasped scrubbing his face as more blood dripped from his lips swirling down amongst the rest.
Groaning he pressed his forehead against the tile.
He was dead
Or should be…
Or would be…
He shook his head
What would the girls think, what about Stephanie? would she even care or would they all let out a collective sigh of relief?
They had all been so close the following year after Emily’s possession, but things just slide down hill from there. Emily was plagued with nightmares and paranoia that she had to be hospitalized for.
Clyde himself had retreated to his work… having your body hijacked by a malevolent force was something he would never forget.
And the death of Tzadok… that man had went above and beyond to help him and it got him killed.
He’d still be alive if it wasn’t for him
Even now that damn box was probably out there destroying someone else’s life.
His eyes opened slightly, there deep red glow dancing out between his lashes.
Happy endings didn’t exist
Happy endings were just stories that hadn’t finished yet.
He coughed spitting blood out onto the tile with a pained grunt. Sliding his hand through his hair bloody water poured down his abdomen.
This was all just so fucked up
Leaning back against the wall he slid down it wrapping his arms around his knees.
This is what he gets for being kind
Why couldn’t he just be an asshole
After spending more than an hour scrubbing his scarred body he finally stepped out of the shower.
Wrapping a black towel around his waist he glanced up at the mirror glaring at his monstrous appearance, he growled baring his newly acquired fangs slamming his fist into the mirror.
The glass exploded shattering down around his sink.
Looking down at his knuckles he grimaced as streaks of black pulsed down around the freshly opened wound. Pieces of glass slowly pushing from his flesh clinking down into the sink as his skin began stitching itself back together. Clyde examined his hand
well that certainly could come in handy
Walking down the hall in just his gray shirt and black sweatpants Clyde entered the living room.
Katrina was curled up on his couch her legs pulled up to her chest in the fetal position.
He shook his head
Her hair had fallen behind her head revealing her fair features fully to his wandering gaze. Her body was slim and soft…
She really was gorgeous
He ran his tongue across his lip, scratching his cheek before shaking his head.
As far as he was concerned she was a snake in the grass
Her shy and innocent facade was a trick… he could feel it, he trusted her about as far as he could throw her and if she backed out on their deal he’d kill her himself.
She shifted slightly, her arms hugging herself firmly as she shivered.
Rolling his eyes to the ceiling he sighed bending over to drape the gray throw blanket over her sleeping form.
She snuggled into its warmth with a small smile.
This is the kind of crap that got him into this mess.
Growling he plopped himself down in his recliner eyeing her suspiciously, leaning his chin on his hand he watched her sleep.
He’d be damned if he let his guard down around this creature.
Then again…he already was
@noodlecupcakes @zoesmama2024 @artemisxeros @dixonsbait @jdmfanfiction @jdms-network @ashzombie13
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