#its my blog and i can uranium post if i want to
ladybeug · 1 year
Really hope I'm the first to send this to you: https://twitter.com/PolposLighter/status/1666170203342794753?t=-cBs2Q88p7Fp7EI41l_riA&s=19
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this is a bad post.
i cant believe this is the only vaguely pride-related thing ive posted.
i love your ask.
im not providing any context go tag diving if youre curious, its stupider than you think it is.
i feel like i owe a formal apology but i am still posting this
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lowryinbohemia · 1 year
Transfer to Česky Krumlov
One last breakfast this morning in Prague, as we said goodbye to the City of Dark Magic and made our journey towards Cesky Krumlov, a gorgeous fairytale-esque town. As I sit here to type this new entry, I sit at an antique desk in a hotel building from the 15th century, the window open to let in the cool evening air, the faint sounds of the town below. It’s blissful, cool and I still can’t believe I am here.
Our bus journey to Cesky Krumlov had a couple of very interesting stops along the way. The first of these stops was at the Vojna Memorial, a former labor camp for at first prisoners of war and then later enemies of the communist party in Czechia. The memorial wasn’t very crowded, which added to the errieness & general sense of unease that still remains on these grounds. The camp was a Uranium mine, which offered little protection for it’s miners, so even if you were able to complete your sentence, it doesn’t mean your life wasn’t cut short in a truly horrible way. The halls of the “education center”, the hospital and other buildings still hold the portraits and busts of Stalin & Lenin, a constant reminder of the ideology that was being forced upon those who were sent there to “be re-educated”. I did not take many photos of the area because I wanted to treat it with the reverence you would any other graveyard; these are places to learn about history so we hopefully not repeat it, not a place for selfies.
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We stopped then in the small city of Pisek (which means “sand” in Czech) for a lunch of boar and dumplings, as well as a little cake to celebrate Mom’s birthday and the birthday of one of the other ladies on the trip, Linda. I can now cross boar off my list of interesting meats I have not eaten; it tasted a bit like ground steak patty, so not too bad. We took a short stroll along the river, crossing the oldest bridge in all of Czech Republic as well as seeing some of the fantastic sand sculptures.
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Our next stop was somewhere that if you know me personally, you would think I would never step foot in: the Budweiser Budvar brewery. This massive brewery is the home of the first Budweiser brews, though their brews taste much richer than the Budweisers found in the US. I myself have NEVER liked Budweiser beers (I have often told friends when offered a Bud that I would rather drink cat urine) but I did get a chance to taste fresh brewed larger straight from the tap which was actually not that bad. Not the type of beer I would drink regularly but not disgusting. I unfortunately left my phone on our tour bus so I was not able to get photos of the brewery but I did get a pretty handsome and very comfy hoodie from the gift shop. For those of you saying/thinking, “seriously Lowry, ANOTHER hoodie?”, this one is written in Czech and its comfy and cute and I don’t care what you think. 😝
After one last 45 minute bus ride, we arrived in Cesky Krumlov. The city streets are cobblestones and narrow so our bus couldn’t take us directly to our hotel, but it was just a 10 minute walk to our hotel, Hotel Latrán. The history of the building goes all the way back to the 15th century, with each room slightly different or unique due to the nature of the building. No air conditioning, but the windows let in a lovely breeze and I have a little fan by the bed to keep me cool. Tomorrow we get the visit the castle and then take a river boat trip, and then a homemade meal with a local family. A busy day for sure but just another brilliant day of adventures!
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I should probably head to bed or at least settle in with my audiobook, so that is where I will leave you tonight my friends. I hope you all have been enjoying my blog & the photos I have been able to post. Unfortunately I’m limited in the number of photos I can post so I try and pick the best ones to share along with my stories.
Love to you all.
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About This Blog
In an episode of The Adventure Zone, the McElroy brothers claimed that Pokémon cannot write books then decided a few, such as Mr. Mime and Mewtwo, would be able to write books. So, on this blog I will determine whether or not Pokémon can write books using a random Pokémon generator and a 100 point scale.
If and when I cover every Pokémon, either total or by a category, we will know if Pokémon can write books.
The 100 point scale assigns points based on the following questions:
Is this Pokémon physically capable of writing?
Does this Pokémon know what a book is?
Can this Pokémon read?
Would this Pokémon have access to the materials needed to write a book?
Does this Pokémon have enough basic education to write well?
Would this Pokémon be good at writing?
Does this Pokémon have anything to write about?
Would this Pokémon be able to get their writing into a book?
Would this Pokémon want to write a book?
Does this Pokémon have any other redeeming qualities?
Additional notes
This is not a serious blog. It is a joke treated seriously.
This blog is not a roleplay/ pokeirl blog. More below.
The only posts on this blog will be the usual “can Pokémon write” posts, posts related to both Pokémon and books, and responses to asks. No reblogs from other accounts.
My main blog is @entity9silvergen. I sometimes post about Pokémon on there but I go through phases. 
Pokémon are referred to with it/ its pronouns (usually) because this is how they are referred to canonically. I personally refer to them with gendered pronouns but I wanted consistency here.
Determining whether a Pokémon can or cannot write is not reflective of my own feelings about that Pokémon. I will often leave a note in the tags if I particularly like a Pokémon or if a popular Pokémon has scored poorly to clarify this.
Dunsparce points are given to Pokémon who score low but are loved enough that they deserve to write books. 
Many Pokémon are very similar so the posts about them will be very similar. I will try to vary them but there’s only so much I can do.
A 50-70 on the writing scale is a pretty solid gray area and will usually be determined based on whether or not the Pokémon has hands or I will say the Pokémon can write but not well.
A 70 or higher usually means the Pokémon can write but not always.
Here is a link to this blog as a separate website.
Asks, Requests, and Challenges:
You are welcome to challenge any decision or make suggestions. I prefer you make suggestions for posts via ask and any challenges by reblog. You are welcome to include your own image if you don’t like the ones I use. Other asks are welcome as long as it’s sort of on topic or related to a post.
Please only leave one Pokémon per ask. You are welcome to leave multiple asks.
Suggestions made by ask will be moved to the top of the queue. If multiple suggestions are made at once, whichever came first will be queued first.
Revisions are not prioritized so it may be some time before I update a Pokémon’s score. I will respond to the ask though. I think the discussion around the score is more significant than the discussion itself. 
If a Pokémon’s score is contested purely on the fact that the Pokémon is liked, I may give it some Dunsparce points.
You can request any canonical Pokémon. 
This includes any Pokémon from the Pokédex, Pokémon from the latest generation, a specific trainer’s Pokémon from the games, a popular Pokémon character from the anime, a Mega Evolution, a and regional variant.
This excludes OCs and fan-made Pokémon. If I ever run out, I may review the Fakémon from smogon’s Create-A-Pokemon project and/ or Pokémon from popular fan games such as Uranium, Sweet, or Insurgence. 
You are welcome to roleplay in asks, such as reference your trainer OC’s Pokémon or roleplay as a canon character. I will respond going along with the roleplay but I myself am not roleplaying a character. Claiming that your own Pokémon is able to do something will not affect scores though, especially for challenges/ revisions.  
Asks can be requests but they can also be anything related to Pokémon, writing, or books. I respond to asks about me or my thoughts on Pokémon on my main blog but perfectly okay to do so here. 
Pokemon Analyzed: 
Gen 1:
Meowth (request)
Gengar (request)
Lapras (request)
Eevee (request)
Vaporeon (request)
Jolteon (request)
Flareon (request)
Porygon (request)
Mewtwo (request)
Gen 2:
Furret (request)
Spinarak (request w/art)
Espeon (request)
Umbreon (request)
Dunsparce (contested)
Porygon2 (request)
Smeargle (request)
Gen 3:
Sceptile (request)
Breloom (request)
Banette (request)
Luvdisc (request)
Gen 4:
Garchomp (request)
Riolu (request)
Skorupi (request)
Leafeon (request)
Glaceon (request)
Porygon-Z (request)
Arceus (request)
Gen 5:
Audino (request)
Leavanny (request)
Scolipede (request)
Whimsicott (request)
Trubbish (request)
Cofagrigus (request)
Gothorita (request)
Joltik (request)
Yamask (request)
Chandelure (request)
Hydreigon (revisions)
Gen 6:
Sylveon (request)
Goodra (request)
Phantump (request)
Diancie (request)
Gen 7:
Pheromosa (request)
Celesteela (request)
Kartana (request)
Poipole (request)
Gen 8:
Rillaboom (request)
Raboot (request)
Sobble (request)
Drizzile (request)
Inteleon (request)
Snom (request)
Gen 9:
Meowscarda (request)
Tinkaton (request)
Sandy Shocks
Wo-Chien (request)
Iron Valiant (request)
Regional Variants 
Specials/ Collections
Eeveelution Special
Utria Library Masterpost
Can the author write books?
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Independent Together Building and Maintaining Values in a Distributed web Infrastructure
Trucker Dating is the fastest way to meet truckers near you. Dating apps are a bit of a necessary evil, for those of you who struggle to find the time to meet someone IRL. I paint mostly outdoor scenes, so I'm always on the go trying to find my next subject. There are far more female accounts than males ones, so hopeful men can find their share of potential partners. I need to be able to show that other people are also able to read it and understand what to do, and then build functional software” (Interview with Aaron Parecki). And it turns out that it is working and it has actually helped the way I thought it would help, which is that each side of this picture can iterate faster and make more progress because they don’t have to build both sides of this thing. Let’s try to get people to build stuff now and see if this is actually working before we go any further with it. The editor of the Microsub spec explained that writing the spec, and even implementing it himself was only “half the story because just because I can build something based on the spec doesn’t mean it’s actually a good spec.
I received comments from a few IndieWeb contributors encouraging me to consider adapting Yarns into a Microsub server. The first day began with a series of keynote talks, including several comments about readers. שירותי ליווי Around the same time as I had been working on Yarns, others in the IndieWeb community had been developing a different approach to readers called Microsub. A Microsub client connects to that API, making requests for specific pieces of content (such as a list of feeds, or an array of feed content). When user responds to a feed item, the response should be published to their website as a post. However, at the time I began working on yarns, WhisperFollow did not include features for replying to or liking posts, except for “reblogging,” which posts a copy of a post to one’s blog (equivalent to retweeting).12 Another IndieWeb reader software I looked into was Woodwind (Mahan 2017). This software includes several functions not available in WhisperFollow, such as the ability to reply to one’s feed with likes and replies, as well as a better interface for subscribing to feeds.
Because WhisperFollow is a WordPress plugin that includes many features I wanted to include in Yarns, it was possible to copy and adapt its code, rather than starting from scratch. I had experience building WordPress themes14 in the past, but Yarns required me to learn several features with which I was unfamiliar. Empathy and acceptance can go a long way toward building trust and intimacy. Mature dating doesn’t need to feel like a chore, it can be easy to give up on love but with our help you don’t need to alone. Doesn’t hurt to brush up on the difference between flu and COVID-19 before your next date. It doesn’t necessarily mean establishing a government-run National Dating Service or taking Tinder under state control. Despite the simplicity and clarity of the interface, the service has lots of great features to surprise you. Two readers that had previously been built by members of IndieWeb’s community offered some of the features I wanted. Some free features of this secured site are browsing profiles of other widowed singles in your area and sending free messages to those around you. Area 1 includes test units that fell inside Structure 1-S and its associated midden (Nonstructure 4-N); test units in Nonstructure 1-N, a large, flat, open area, part of which is likely associated with an unexcavated kiva to the north; and test units in Structure 9-S, which was discovered in the course of testing Nonstructure 1-N. The information presented in this chapter for Area 1 thus derives from our sampling of all three kiva suites in the west half of the canyon bottom.
You must be open to receiving reflective and constructive feedback. The uranium content of the sample must be known; this can be determined by placing a plastic film over the polished slice and bombarding it with slow neutrons - neutrons with low kinetic energy. In terms of what people expect, they expect a mobile client, they expect a client that they can interact with, that they can quickly favourite or like or retweet posts. I perceived that knowledge requirements as a barrier for people who are not professional or hobbyist developers. The last thing you want to do is start matching with people online, get to talking, and realize you have no idea what you're looking for out of a partner or a relationship. In 2020, Match launched Vibe Check, a social distancing-era video call feature that aims to give matches the closest thing to a first date. When a search engine sends out its spider to index the Web page content, it adds the new indexing date. I enjoy eating out as I am a real restaurant buff. No rush. Often when adults get acquainted in real life they hurry too much and end up disappointed by each other when it is too late to change anything.
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kerloncollector · 2 years
Ultimaker cura 4.8
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My question is, what is the correct location for cmake modules? On my system there is nothing other than the aforementioned file under /usr/share/cmake-3.22 and everything else is simply under /usr/share/cmake. sudo ln -s /usr/share/cmake-3.22/Modules/UraniumTranslationTools.cmake /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UraniumTranslationTools.cmake ‘Custom mode’ gives over 400 settings for. Optimized, expert-tested profiles for 3D printers and materials mean. Recommended profiles tested for thousands of hours ensure reliable results. Ultimaker Cura is a slicer, an application that prepares your model for 3D printing. Intent profiles print specific applications at the click of a button. All of the other cmake modules in my system are located in /usr/share/cmake/Modules so as a workaround I created a symlink. At the heart of Ultimaker Cura is its powerful, open-source slicing engine, built through years of expert in-house development and user contributions. The problem is that uranium-git places UraniumTranslationTools.cmake into /usr/share/cmake-3.22/Modules which is an otherwise empty directory. I tried rebuilding all of the VCS package dependencies including uranium-git but it did not help. However, even though it is no longer supported, there is still a high likelihood the application keeps functioning.I could not build the package today because I was getting the error, include could not find load file: Technically this means Ultimaker will stop testing and developing for such operating systems. This means Windows 7 and MacOS 10.13 will no longer be supported. When loading a project file, you can select which printer type you want to open with. From Ultimaker Cura 4.8 onwards, parts that are sunk below the build plate and will therefor be cut off, will be shown in a different color.
The download is provided as is, with no modifications or changes made on our side. Sometimes you need to drop a model below the surface of your build plate, in Ultimaker Cura. The download version of Ultimaker Cura is 4.13.1. We also recommend you to check the files before installation. The download was scanned for viruses by our system.
Please, be aware that after version 4.10 Ultimaker Cura will only be supported on operating systems actively maintained by their software manufacturer or community. Thank you for downloading Ultimaker Cura from our software library. And let us know your feedback in the comments below or on Github. Ultimaker Cura 4.8 is officially live - supporting the all new Ultimaker 2+ Connect, faster arranging of models on your buildplate and some other small impro. Download it today to experience several new features that enable you to enhance your print preparation, so you can work. It was checked for updates 1,100 times by the users of our client. Want more information for Ultimaker Cura 4.10? Read the blog post or watch the video. Ultimaker Cura is a Shareware software in the category Internet developed by Ultimaker. Read here more bug fixes and new features.
Contributed by fieldOfView.įixed a bug where Cura crashes when scaling a model on Linux.įixed a bug where a model is partially below build plate if center selected model is used.įixed a bug when using right to left language, numbers were overlaying on text in the print settings. This is the start of my new Cura settings in 5 minutes or less playlist, which i am updating for 2021 in this cura 4.8 tutorial i will show you how to impor. Ultimaker PETG print profiles are now available for the Ultimaker 3!Īdded another set of third party hardware definitions, and updated others to improve accessibility.įixed authentication issues when logging into UM account.
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0 notes
siberiablog · 3 years
What does a “secret” closed city, classified during the USSR, hide?
…a common sight in my hometown of Seversk 
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A slightly creepy illustration about a closed nuclear city will set the atmosphere for this article :)
In the era of socialism, the Soviet Union had many closed cities that were hidden not only from the prying eyes of enemies, but also from their own people. These cities weren’t even shown on the map until 1993, but they were home to thousands of people who didn’t actually exist. Most of these closed cities in Russia were excluded from train and bus routes, and were known only by their postal code, consisting of a name and number. Tomsk 7- this is written in my birth certificate document in the column “ place of birth”.
Today, most of the former closed cities are open to the public, but there are some that are still hidden by the authorities. It is estimated that today there are about 40 closed cities in Russia, and more than 1.5 million people live here. If you want to visit a closed city, you need to get special permission from the security services, and it is not easy to get it. Permits are mostly reserved for relatives of people who live in these cities, or for those who are assigned there for work or service.
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Seversk today: the main street of the city is called “Communists Avenue” 
I was born in a closed city and lived in it for more than forty years — all my childhood and youth. Seversk is a closed locality, since its territory is home to a plant for the production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium. In General, the secret of the nuclear industry. What is it like to live behind barbed wire, sew a respirator for yourself in BLS lessons (Basics of life Safety, in Soviet and now Russian schools there is such a thing) And why do I watch the TV series “Chernobyl” with completely different eyes?
So, my hometown is Seversk. One of these legendary “secret” cities of the USSR. This blog entry is dedicated to a brief description of it. I will tell you the history of the city and touch a little on current life. so that the reader has some minimal idea about this place.
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Seversk today: a bird’s-eye view of the city 
Seversk is located in the geographical center of Russia, in Western Siberia, on the right Bank of the Tom river, a couple of dozen kilometers from the regional center — the large ancient Siberian city of Tomsk. This is away from the usual tourist routes, a provincial city on the plain, where of the natural attractions in the surrounding area, first of all comes to mind only the world’s largest swamp, it is difficult to compete with tourist centers in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the historical pearls of the “Golden ring” of Russia or the famous Baikal. But relatively close to us are the wonderful Altai mountains and Tomsk itself is known for its ancient wooden merchant buildings. For those interested in the history of Russia and the USSR, especially some dark pages of the past, we have something to see ;) 
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google maps, Seversk in red 
A closed city is not just a name. It is really surrounded by a solid protective strip around the perimeter. The city is surrounded by a perimeter fence with 5 rows of barbed wire. This is not a saying, there are really 5 of them. For the unprepared, it looks creepy, for the residents of Seversk — a common thing. All roads to and from the city pass through special checkpoints (abbreviated as KPP). 
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a wall of barbed wire on the border of the city 
In this regard, the main document of the northerner is not the passport of the Russian Federation. The pass is our everything! You can only enter the city through a checkpoint with a special pass. “Without a piece of paper, you are a bug” (a Soviet folk saying) in our case works 100 %. If you forgot or (Oh my God!) lost your pass — you just can’t get into the city. What to do? Call relatives in the city and sit at the checkpoint, waiting for them to bring a pass. For such at the checkpoint there is a special bench, and people almost always sit on it. The city is located on the river, which means that a trip to the beach in the summer-also through the checkpoint. And that’s when the pass is easy to lose. And it can also be pulled out by thieves along with the wallet. Or you can leave it in another bag. In General, when you use a pass every day, it becomes commonplace. 
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special pass to a closed city, the inscription on the left — “ it is forbidden to transfer to other persons” 
Every time you drive into the city, you show your pass, open the trunk and all the doors in the car. Armed military personnel are searching you, your document, and your car. Strangers are often shocked by this situation, but we are used to it, there are almost no people who are dissatisfied with the city’s regime among my friends, this is additional security in the city.
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Stella at the entrance to the city 
Stella at the entrance to the city, it is she who is depicted on the cover of the pass to the city. Stella is decorated with the image of the “peaceful atom” — a new concept of the city.
Seversk was founded in 1933 as an independent locality. It was then that the barracks were rebuilt and a youth labor commune was created (a normal phenomenon in the spirit of post-revolutionary Russia) with the proletarian name “Chekist”. In Russian, a Chekist is an employee of the “Cheka”(R.E.C.) or the all-Russian Emergency Commission by analogy with the current Russian name of an organization with similar functions — the FSB (Federal Security Service), probably known to you, dear reader, the Soviet secret service KGB (state Security Committee), or for example, a similar organization is the USSS. Maybe these linguistic explanations explained something to some of the readers :)
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old photos of the area “security officer”. To the right, next to the new high — rise building, the oldest building in the district-a wooden hardware store-was preserved for a very long time, almost until the two thousandth years. I remember it well, a ramshackle old building with creaking floors and peeling green paint on the wood. Now in its place is a modern shopping center 
Under the commune, there was a labor camp for” re-education by labor “ of idlers, parasites and other members of society who were not conscious, according to the authorities. 
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old photo of the labor colony building 
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old photo — labor colony in the commune of “Chekist”
The commune gave its name to the village in which lived the first builders of the city. After this name passed to the area of the city located here today. Now this neighborhood is the South-Eastern border of the city. There is a stadium “Trud” and a sports school, a children’s health camp, the main medical center of the city and a dacha village that runs up to the mouth of the Kirghizka river.
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Seversk today: stadium “Trud” (translation - Work)
By the way, in the mouth of the Kirghizka river, which is considered the territory of Seversk, there was a monastery in about 1650, which can be considered the oldest building in the city. Alas, it lasted less than a century — as follows from the Chronicles, the monastery was destroyed and washed away by a flood in 1730. But I do not plan to go so far into history, otherwise I will have to mention the sites of primitive people and numerous finds in them found on the banks of the Tom river.
We will go back to Soviet times. In General, there were several villages on the site of Seversk. Some were transformed and became the outskirts of the city, some concrete jungles of the city just swallowed up, such as the village of Beloborodovo. It was located in the area of the current “new city” (relatively new multi-storey areas) and was formerly the outskirts of Seversk. I remember, as a child, we often rode bicycles with neighboring boys in Beloborodovo, drinking water from the pump — a stupid excuse to just roll somewhere :) The village, as such, finally disappeared in 1980.
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Seversk today: Pobeda street is the widest street in the city, located in the new part of Seversk. 40 years ago there was a village Beloborodovo 
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Old photo, high-rise buildings of the new district absorb the old wooden houses of the village of Beloborodovo
And for example the village Iglakovo exists to this day, only transformed it in a holiday cottage complex. Now this is the western border of the residential part of the city, then the industrial zone begins.
The future Seversk began to turn into a city in 1949, shortly after the end of the terrible and bloody Second World war. Then the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to build a plant for the production of enriched uranium and plutonium near Tomsk. The new industrial complex was originally called the “Zauralskaya office of Glavpromstroy” or Combine №816.
However, during my youth, the labor of prisoners was not used for a long time. But the construction of the young city actively involved the internal troops of the USSR — the so-called construction troops. Units of the army without high military qualifications, in which young people, soldiers of military age, mastered the peaceful construction profession. I think, during my childhood, this was the largest army category, something like reserve troops in case of an enemy attack. These soldiers-young people who served for two years after reaching the age of 18, had to learn the basics of military discipline and the basics of popular construction professions after school and College, being both a reserve of combat army units and a “free” labor force of the Soviet state. This is a tricky Soviet system, which had both negative and positive aspects… Of course, the internal troops were not the most prestigious category. All those who dreamed of military service, wanted to get into any other army. It was still completely incomprehensible and uninteresting to us boys from the eighties. For that it was interesting to get to the construction site and try to exchange for example for fried sunflower seeds or just beg for a shiny soldier’s button with a star or even better, a cockade. The king of wishes, I remember, was a soldier’s belt with a huge badge :)
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a military cap with a cockade and a belt with a shiny shirt — the dream of boys in the USSR :) 
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An old photo of construction of Seversk. A truck tries to pull out a car stuck in a large puddle 
The original code name of the “Сity-Mailbox number 5”, because the construction of the city-forming plant was named: mailbox #5, in this regard, the city was colloquially called “the Fifth Postal” or simply “Postal”. Seversk is still often called “Postal” by locals for old times ‘ sake, most of them don’t even know where it came from.
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“Postal”… The famous computer trash-FPS of the same name is just a funny coincidence ;) 
In 1954, the closed settlement was given the name Seversk, but later documents began to refer to it as Tomsk-7 for reasons of secrecy. That’s the name on my official birth certificate. This is my homeland. A beautiful and cozy young city, whose residents bravely forged the atomic shield of the Motherland with their own hands for several years. (irony with a huge amount of truth) The world’s second industrial nuclear power plant (NPP-1, also known as Sibirskaya) with a capacity of 100 megawatts was built in Seversk in 1958. 
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a cooling tower from Seversk nuclear power plant 
The symbol of any nuclear power plant is a cooling tower. They cool the treated water that is fed from the reactor, then this water is discharged into the river.
The city’s secrecy status was lifted in 1989. At the same time, the city returned its name — Seversk. During the time of Gorbachev and Perestroika, secret production was reduced due to the disarmament program and ceased to be secret. Production was curtailed, and enterprises were repurposed for the production of peaceful products. The last reactor was shut down and mothballed in 2008. The production base and scientific potential of the former “military” industry is now engaged in peaceful research, primarily in the disposal of nuclear waste.
The city is still closed, although all the secrecy has long been removed. Every year, the regional administration discusses the issue of opening the city and removing the checkpoint, but so far everything is still the same. Residents see development prospects in the event of opening the city, but are aware of the possible loss of the current advantages of increased security, space and cleanliness of the city. There is no consensus among the people. This is how we live now. Yes, I forgot to mention that the city’s population is currently just over 100,000 people. In the neighboring regional center — Tomsk, which is 15 minutes away by car just over 600,000 residents. Seversk is considered the largest closed city in Russia. The city is cozy, clean, and self-sufficient. We live and work in the same way as residents of any other cities. All the infrastructure is there.
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Seversk today: city streets
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Seversk today: the old part of the city, winter 
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Seversk today: cinema “Russia”. In Soviet times, the city had three cinemas, but now with the development of television and the Internet, the interest of viewers has somewhat decreased.
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Seversk today: The city is home to the largest monument to Vladimir Lenin in Siberia. It is installed on the square in front of the administration building 
Perhaps it is worth noting that the people of Russia in general are calm about some historical buildings and monuments. There is no such thing that with the new trends of time something began to have a negative assessment in society and there was a need to immediately erase reminders of this from the face of the city. Even streets, as you may have noticed, are rarely renamed, although the Communist ideology has long ceased to be relevant. Well, is “Lenin” worth it and worth it to yourself, does it interfere? This is primarily a historical monument from the period of the city’s formation, we rather rethink and treat such monuments as architectural historical buildings. No, in the nineties, we also had a wave of reformers who wanted to demolish everything old for some reason, but thank God common sense still prevailed and now such objects can be safely recorded in the sights of our city, giving it its own identity. 
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Seversk today: the building of the city administration
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Seversk today: Nikolai Ostrovsky theater in the old part of the city 
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old photos: on the Left, the construction of this theater, 1958, the parade on the square of the same name. On the right is a theater in the late sixties 
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Seversk today: authentic old streets, classic “Stalinist” buildings 
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Seversk today: as the antipode of the previous photo, high-rise buildings in the newest district of the city, near the river Bank. By the way this place used to be a cargo dock 
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Seversk today: entrance to the nature Park in the city center 
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Seversk today: Museum, music school, “Khrushchevskaya” building in the center of the city… and on the horizon pipes of frozen regime nuclear facilities 
Since childhood, we have understood what city we live in and what can happen at any moment. This was recalled by the inscriptions on the houses “Shelter-5 m”. They were in any part of the city, installed in the basements of apartment buildings. 
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inscriptions on houses “Shelter-5 m”. 
Such small concrete towers are found all over the city: on playgrounds, on city alleys, near the roadway. This is the ventilation system of urban shelters. When you stand next to one of these, you realize that under your feet is a network of underground corridors. 
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concrete ventilation towers in the city 
In the lower grades of the school, training activities were also conducted on the organized issue of protective respirators and gas masks and rapid movement to the nearest shelter. Passed standards for the time of putting on a gas mask. I also remember how we were shown special posters and educational films. I can still see the “atomic shadows” from those posters. Imagine a person standing and casting a shadow on a wall. At the moment of radiation, a person evaporates, but his shadow remains. This is called the “atomic shadow”. That is, the person is no longer there, but his shadow is there. 
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sign “radiation” on the Bank of a small river near the city
This sign stands on the Bank of a small river, which is popularly called the Daisy. By analogy with the sign of radiation. It was from here that water was taken to cool the nuclear reactor, which produced fuel for the nuclear power plant. The water was also returned there… In the river, fish are caught, unnaturally enlarged in size, which clearly should not be eaten. 
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a berry “Irga” 
All residents had the idea of fix-products that remove radiation from the body. For example, everyone had honeysuckle and Irga berries growing in their gardens. Everyone ate these berries in buckets. Although outside the city, many do not even know that there is such a berry — Irga.
In addition to the time, date, and temperature, the main city clock also shows the radiation level. I’m sure most of the city’s residents have no idea what level is considered normal. But in fact, the norm is 15–20 microrentgen/hour. By the way, in some Russian cities the radiation level is much higher than in our country. But if you take a walk with a dosimeter in some places around the industrial zone, you can find bad places…
Here it is worth Recalling again the excellent TV series “Chernobyl”. No, it is not perfect, it is too” Western “ conveys the communication of people — in the USSR, people did not talk like this and did not behave like this, it has a lot of “cranberries”. This term is used by the Russian audience to describe the demonstration of unreliable Western cliches and images about Russia or the USSR in the cinema. But in terms of scenery and atmosphere, the film is certainly impressive. Personally, I liked it.
All closed cities are very similar-the architecture, the location of the streets. Especially the old part of the city, which was built during the Soviet era. That is why I watch the TV series “Chernobyl” with different eyes. I watch Chernobyl, but I see Seversk.
Of particular interest is the fact that an outstanding scientist Valery Legasov once lived and worked in Seversk. Yes, the same Legasov, the main character of the series “Chernobyl”.
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On the nuclear topic, I would also recommend to you, my dear reader, the Russian film “Aurora”. A very emotionally moving film with a brilliant atmosphere. If you find somewhere this movie with a translation into your native language, I highly recommend watching it!
And why did I remember movies with atomic catastrophes after a note about city clocks? Of course, because this crown is close to the residents of Seversk. In 1993, an accident occurred at the Siberian chemical combine. The explosion resulted in the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, and 1946 people were exposed to radiation. Index on the international scale of nuclear events INES-4.
I remember the atmosphere of suppressed fear in the city during this event, even though I was still a young boy who only had girls on his mind. And I remember how three months later, at the end of August this year, a group of schoolchildren went for a walk “around the objects”. Well, such a self-entertainment event on school holidays, a twenty-kilometer hike along the “wild” route around the regime objects. Walk, hot summer, the birds are singing. Boys flirt with girls — in General, the usual walk of youth. We have already gone quite far, almost half of the route. The path makes a sharp turn and behind the dense foliage of acacia, a group of youngsters in open summer clothes suddenly face to face with a group of adults in white protective suits, fully closed “spacesuits”, with dosimeters similar to mine detectors, which these “cosmonauts” were leading in a line along the road and roadside. We stood up, our mouths open and our eyes wide. “Spacesuits” , too, I think were taken aback, perhaps they wanted to tell us something, but because of the glass they did not hear anything. Perhaps the senior one waved his hand at us intensely, saying get out of here immediately. They ran as fast as they could. Such a funny childhood memory.
In the end, I would be happy if some of my readers, inspired by this article, wanted to visit my native Seversk for tourist purposes. Moreover, despite the status of a closed city, the administration of the Siberian Chemical plant regularly conducts excursions to the territory as part of organized tourist groups. You only need to have a group or the help of a local travel Agency in the organization. And of course extra time, the documents of all willing participants are carefully checked by the FSB :)
However, it seems to me that with the latest photos and information, I drove away any desire to come to us :) And now you see Seversk as something like this:
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Seversk is not really like that!
Please remember it better this way: This is a full-length statue of a Mother and child near a children’s clinic in the city center. the monument is very old, I remember it from my childhood and I always liked it very much.
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statue of a Mother and child near a children’s clinic
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rutak · 4 years
Sillamäe, known also in Germanized version as Sillamäggi or Sillamägi (Estonian for”Bridge Hill”), is a town in Ida-Viru County in the northern part of Estonia. During the Soviet regime in Estonia, Sillamäe remained a closed town due to the secrecy and security measures related to the uranium production activities at the local plant. And till today, this is quite complicated to notice the entrance to the city.
The locality of Sillamäggi was first mentioned in 1502 when the area was under the control of Livonian Order. The bridge across Sõtke and a mill in Sillamäggi were documented in 1700. In the 1800s, Sillamäggi developed into a resort village offering a more tranquil experience than the nearby resort town of Hungerburg. But In the 1920s and 1930s, Sillamäe became the industrial city.
This part of Estonia- north-eastern Estonia, Ida-Virumaa, has a challenging and little bit sad history.   Settled a long time ago. Amazing nature, sea, forest and cliff coast. Near to Russia…Older people still remember beautiful buildings, cosy cafe… But by the end of 1944, the original native inhabitants were not allowed to return to their homes after the war and immigrant Russian-speaking workers from other parts of the USSR were brought in to populate the city. As I wrote, Sillamäe was a special, industrial and very secret city, even the locals could not visit it. I visited Sillamäe first time at the end of the 90s…
But Sillamäe is a very different, stylish and interesting city.  You have the possibility to examine the buildings from the post-war period of Stalin, classical avenues, pompous promenade and museums.
And yes. Most of the inhabitants of the City are Russians. And yes. There are still live some people, who believe that their president is Putin, People who cannot and do not want to speak Estonian. But most of Russians in this area are very hospitable, hearty and friendly people.
    Best Route to Visit Narva Jõesuu From Tallinn to Narva 211 km (2 h 30 min) on the way back visit:
Narva is the third-largest city in Estonia. It is located at the eastern extreme point of Estonia, by the Russian border, Not far from the town is the Narva Waterfall, whose spillway capacity is one of the largest in northern Europe.
Narva Jõesuu 7,5 km beach, covered with fine sand and lined with a pine forest; Old fashioned dachas (summer houses) alternately with gorgeous villas. Abandoned nine-store houses alternately with The New Russian (a person who gained quick riches) style palaces with arches and towers…
The Sinimäed Hills (or Blue Hills; The hills are best known as the location of the Battle of Tannenberg Line, fought in World War II on July 26–August 12, 1944. There, the Waffen-SS defeated a Soviet offensive against Germany.
Sillamäe during the Soviet regime in Estonia, Sillamäe remained a closed town due to the secrecy and security measures related to the uranium production activities at the local plant. You have the possibility to examine the buildings from the post-war period of Stalin, classical avenues, pompous promenade and museums. (Drive in the city Rumjantsevi Street and find Sillamäe Kultuurikeksus (Cultural Center- if possible ask permission to visit this centre as well, inside is very interesting)) Park your car and walk in park and promenade
Toila palace and Park, President Päts used as his summer residence. You can walk in the well-marked and well-maintained park, look at various species of trees and shrubs, explore Hõbeallika (Silver Spring) Cave, as well as enjoy the sea view and the sunset from the Swallow’s Nest.
Valaste waterfall located on the Ontika limestone cliff, is more than 30 m high, making it the highest waterfall in Estonia
Vihula Manor At the time it belonged to the Danish baron Hans von Lode. The manor fascinates with its atmosphere and picturesque location in Lahemaa National Park.
Viinistu In the little coastal village of Viinistu, you can visit an Art Museum located in old cold storage of a fish processing plant.
Viru Raba Viru bog nature trail ( 3,5 km) 3,5 km is one way, a circle will be 6 km.
  In Estonia
In this region the first language is Russian. But practically all Estonians speak or at least understand English.  Because of the similarity of languages, Estonians are able to understand Finnish.  Children learn German, French, Swedish or Chinese at school
almost everywhere you can pay with a card. ATM -s are in the bigger place and petrol stations.
and yes, this is not a fairy tale. Almost everywhere in Estonia is Wifi
Best Souvenirs to buy from Estonia
Kalev confectionery, liqueur Old Tallinn/Vana Tallinn, Balbiino ice cream and Tallinna spiced sprats (Tallinna vürtsikilu) and Narva silmud (lamprey)
Handicrafts made of linen, wool, wood, juniper or limestone. Haapsalu scarf. (NB! In Tallinn Viru Street you can find a lot of amber and Matrjoschka. Amber is from Lithuania and Matrjoschka from Russia. Both countries are beautiful and with a rich culture and interesting history. I suggest to visit Lithuania and Russia :))
for children, everything about and with Lotte.
    Estonian Food you Must to Try
visit Estonian supermarkets and buy some Estonian dairy products: kohuke, kodujuust (cottage cheese), hapukoor (sour cream). Buy Kama and rye bread, handicraft beer
 In restaurants ask for quark cake, soups with dumplings, meatballs or cabbage. Semolina cream, quark cream or bread cream. Local lake fish. Drink kefir, kvass or local beer. Värska mineral water. And Estonian tap water and spring water are clean, pure and drinkable.
check and google timetables for Viljandi Folk, Pärnu Weekend, Jazzkaar, PÖFF or Laulupidu.
buy movie about Estonian history: ” Nimed marmortahvlil”, ” Tants aurukatla ümber”, ” “Tuulepealne maa”. Or ” Malev”, this is a comedy and pseudo history, but very good summary about Estonians.
Music: Pärt ja Tüür.  Tõnis Mägi, The Sun; Metsatöll and TradAttack. And read my blog posts. I gave a lot of links for good Estonian music.
Sillamäe. #visitestonia #sillamäe #estonia100 Sillamäe, known also in Germanized version as Sillamäggi or Sillamägi (Estonian for"Bridge Hill"), is a town in Ida-Viru County in the northern part of Estonia.
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toothpaste-dragon · 6 years
21 Questions!
I was tagged by @woppy42!
Rules: Tag 21 people you’d like to know better! (If you don’t know 21 people in here that’s fine too, just tag who you want)
Nickname: I’ll never tell ;)
Zodiac: Aries
Height: A whopping 5′4″
Last movie I saw: I rewatched “Logan Lucky” last week and it’s still one of my favorite movies!
Last thing I googled: “a hat in time shapeshifter” (you can tell I’m in too deep)
Favorite Musician: My mind read ‘musician’ as ‘composer’ so I’m putting down Eric Whitacre
Song Stuck In My Head: “Moon Jumper’s Theme” from the AHIT OST
Other blogs: @toothpaste-art is my art-only side blog! Other than that, I don’t have any other blogs (I’m lame)
Do I get asks: Sadly, no...
Blogs following: 182, but many are inactive now. My dashboard generally consists of posts from the same 5-10 blogs.
Amount of sleep: What is sleep
Lucky number: Seven! (sounds cliché, I know)
What I’m wearing: Sweat pants and a giant crewneck (AKA my pajamas - it’s freezing outside)
Dream job: I’ve never really had a ‘dream job’ per se, but I was an amusement park employee in a dream once. Does that count?
Dream trip: Isle of Berk ;)
Favorite food: Chicken and grape salad! It’s more of a dish than a food, but whatever.
Play any instrument: I used to play piano and viola, but it’s been a loooong time since I practiced. I’m still fluent in the romantic language of kazoo, though.
Languages: English (YEEHAW, BUDDY)
Favorite songs: It’s very hard to choose, so here are some of my recent favorites:
Amatree Town - Pokemon Uranium OST
My Neighbor Totoro - Kaze no Toori Michi (my chord-progression senses tingle whenever I listen to this song)
Your Contract has Expired for Orchestra - arr. Takuma Nishimura (I stinkin’ LOVE this arrangement)
How We Belong - Ruben Hein & Perquisite
Random fact: I can still quote “How To Train Your Dragon” word for word even after all these years X’D
Describe yourself with aesthetics: The crackling of an old 12″ television, the warmth and pleasant whir of an overheating computer, the sweetness of chocolate after slamming a handful of no name-brand cheez-its, and the haunting realization that your life will never be as fulfilling as Cool Guy’s. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I tag @secondquill, @the-majestic-cheese-turtle, @gollygeesir, @blairaptor, @mari-the-dreamer, @mememic-bry, @skippyin and @monster-monsoon! Don’t feel obligated to do this, it’s just for fun :)
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popkas · 7 years
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Hey guys.  I’m going to start by saying that Bulbasaur is my platonic ideal for Pokemon designs.  It looks like it kinda COULD be a real animal but distinctly IS NOT any specific animal, and it has unrealistic, borderline-supernatural elements that give a basic impression of its abilities.  When I say ‘this doesn’t even look like a Pokemon’ that’s because I’m holding a design to the Bulbasaur standard.  It’s not my favorite Pokemon and it’s not my chosen starter, but I consider it perfect on a technical level.
Why is it in black and white and why am I drawing Bulbasaur?  More under the cut.
I got a lot of suggestions for what to do after Uranium and a bunch of them are things I want to do, but they’re also things that will require research and I don’t have a lot of time to put aside for that.  I could just start drawing Yokai Watch or Robopon and post them with commentary like “what the fuck is this, I’ve never played this game lol” but I’d rather have at least a vague impression of what I’m looking at.  So I’m going back to basics instead.
I’m going to go through the original 151.  When this blog first started with Bobzar I wasn’t posting with commentary.  I didn’t start adding words to the daily popka posts until 5th gen, because that’s where the designs started feeling ‘new’ to me and I could give some fresh impressions.  So this is my time to go back in and tell you all my Bulbasaur opinions.
I’m also doing these in a different art program!  For the last decade or so I’ve been doing all my art in GIMP 2.6, which is an outdated version of a free open source Photoshop substitute.  I’ve chosen not to buy a ‘better’ program because I dislike Photoshop, and I’ve chosen not to update to GIMP 2.8 because they changed too much.  I’m incredibly comfortable in 2.6 and I can use it proficiently enough to create works like Laserwing, a full color comic.  That said, NOBODY ELSE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE STILL USES GIMP 2.6.  I’ll bet you’re more likely to find artists working in Deluxe Paint or fucking KID PIX than in GIMP 2.6.  I should probably learn to work in a medium other than the digital art equivalent of a Zune.
Years ago, a friend sent me a physical copy of Manga Studio Debut 4.  I tried it out a few times and found that it was INCREDIBLY different from GIMP.  So I didn’t use it.  For years I didn’t touch it, and now it’s also rather old.  Manga Studio got rebranded as Clip Studio Paint at some point, and from what I hear that’s the current go-to for comic artists.  It’s set up to kinda imitate the process of inking a manga on paper, but it also has separate KINDS of layers and it’s all very different.  GIMP is set up to kinda imitate Photoshop, and neither program is actually intended for illustration.  They’re for shopping photos.  For someone who has literally relied on GIMP for a decade it’s a steep learning curve.
But I felt bad for not utilizing this gift, and also I needed a new hook to spice up some old Pokemon.  So I’m forcing myself to learn Manga Studio by doing Popkas in it.  I’m starting with greyscale but might move to color once I’m comfortable with these new tools.  I might do weird junk with the screentone, because I have the option to use screentone.  I might, if I get too frustrated, switch to learning Krita instead.  Who knows!
Oh, and if 8th gen comes out in the next 151 days I might cut this series short and start on 8th gen popkas immediately.  Or not.  We’ll see.
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managician · 7 years
5 things tag meme
tagged by @choiery, thank you ruby it’s been a year since i’ve been tagged in so much stuff fghjd <2+1
5 Things found on my blog: 
01. memes 02. manganime and videogames 03. personal posts 04. signal boosts and politics stuff and whatnots 05. the occasional kpop post (i blame ruby for this)
5 Things you’ll find in my bag:
01. tissues. i can’t live without tissues stuffed in my backpack’s pockets. 02. a small notebook to doodle 03. my earphones and mp3/mobile phone 04. my ML badges fdfnvm 05. a book to read if im bored
5 Things you’ll find in my room:
01. cables. lots of cables. did i mention cables? 02. my manga and book collection 03. my laptop 04. my glasses, probably, laying somewhere 05. like 4 plushes laying scattered around the bed and floor
5 Things I’ve always wanted to do:
01. travel to france 02. learn and have a good level of english / french / spanish 03. buy a 3ds! 04. get a good url for my blog fgdfhjdf 05. be able to like, actually write fanfiction on english
5 Things that make me happy:
01. getting tagged on tag memes,, its such a nice feeling 02. talking to my friendos and mutuals 03. listening to people be all happy and passionate about stuff that i dont know of!! like OCs or other series i’m not into! it’s so pure 04. playing videogames 05. listening to Good Music
5 Things I’m currently into:
01. LOONA & Twice (also blame ruby for this fgdhfdfg) 02. ginga e kickoff!! 03. pokemon uranium 04. can i get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bnha mobile game 05. haikyuu!!
5 Things you may not know about me:
01. i made a Twitch account to use the chat on one (1) stream. due to a long story and drama between the chat moderators, i got to be an admin during almost the whole streaming, that was 120 hours long, and never touched twitch ever since. 02. i like a lot of veggies and fruits but i get alergic reactions to kiwi 03. my favorite pokemon is umbreon but given the chance i usually evolve eevee into jolteon instead 04. i had this on-going crossover rp with @/emilgestalt where we mixed a mystery murder series with a mecha kids anime and it worked surprisingly well 05. i genuinely don’t know my sexual orientation because ?? i tend to stare at irl girls a lot, and i like a lot of fiction gals as well, but ?? i only like like fictional boys and haven’t ever felt any attraction to a real one so i just dont know
i tag: @tsunamifalls @chiaki73 @jinjojess @holy-shit-dangan-ronpa @rigolotekitten, five to keep the pattern fgdhfjd. feel free to not do this if you don’t want to btw!! :o
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arcanemorganite · 7 years
It Me
I was tagged by @splend-42
Nickname:  I guess I don’t really have one?? I just go by my name, though some of my friends still call me by my last name exclusively
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′7 or something like that
Time: 10:20 PM
Birthday: Jan 11th
Favourite bands: The Wonder Years, FIDLAR, Led Zeppelin, Paramore, Jukebox the Ghost, TOP, Black Keys I could go on forever honestly lol
Favourite Solo Artists:  Johnny Cash, Carly Rae Jepsen, Gaga, Porter Robinson, Marina and the Diamonds, Halsey
Song stuck in my head: There, There by the Wonder Years and Lovesick by Peace
Last movie I watched: the first pirates of the caribbean 
Last show I watched: Steven Universe I think? Maybe that or House of Cards its been a weird week
When did I create my blog: Like, early 2013
What do I post: Pretty much whatever, including my random stream of thoughts whenever they occur. I pretty much bombard y’all with whatever I’m obsessed with
Do I have any other blogs: yep, got a dumb hipster blog over at @mega-pixel-queen and also @bulbasaurincollege
Do you get asks: Not really tbh. Talk to me! I love asks honestly
Why did you choose this blog name? I used to post exclusively Rooster Teeth stuff so I named my blog after the slow mo guys and it just kinda stuck and I use it for everything
Following: 600 I think? (I can’t find the exact number on mobile)
Followers: 1052 and I love all of you!
Favourite Colours: Seafoam green, blue, and the type of pink that gives you a weird sense of nostalgia
Average hours of sleep: God I don’t know and I don’t want to know
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: Ukulele and the piano though like... barely.
What am I wearing: Some comfy-ass walmart shorts and a blue tshirt I got for free at school
How many blankets do I sleep with: Like three, but clustered around me in nest formation
Dream job: To have one of my story ideas be successful and I get total creative freedom to do whatever I want with it
Dream Trip: Anywhere I can find something that makes me feel crazy alive. Somewhere I can feel free and explore and experience something outside of my comfort zone
Favourite food: Really good bbq ribs and pulled pork
Nationality: American
Favourite song right now:  Never Going Home by Hazel English
tagging @princesskonan @polyhedralprincess @hyperpigeon @baegentnorthdakota @mermaidwarriors @acidpikachuu @asshatry @lazorkitten @nuclearsweetheart @depleted-uranium-cell @m-icoo @agentcoralina and whoever else wants to!
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My Answers to HW5case, Q2
Q2. Online students: Explain the case and discuss, one at a time, each question you devised about it, plus the 3 standard questions. Post this on your blog.
The source of my case is https://www.rand.org/blog/2016/12/beyond-the-headlines-rands-christopher-paul-discusses.html
This case is regarding the Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" propaganda model. Christopher Paul discussed his recent study on the "Firehose of Falsehood" at RAND Pittsburgh December 7th 2016. The general idea is that Russia wants to further its agenda in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria and hopes that flooding the internet with mostly plausible fake stories will keep the real news about their involvment buried. What distinguishes this propaganda model are four characteristics: high volume, rapid and continuous, "no commitment to objective reality", "no commitment to consistency". It is argued by some that this propaganda model was used by the russians to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.
What impact did the Russian propaganda campaign have in Ukraine and Syria? The efficacy is hard to gauge. All the articles I am finding date to at least a year before the paper was published. I imagine that it was highly effective because I have seen people fall prey to some of the fake news stories like the hoax of the shark swimming down a Houston street after a hurricane.
What impact did the Russian propaganda campaign have on the U.S. presidential election? This is something we have been hearing a lot about for the last 3 years and it seems to come from a set of documents called the "Steele Dossier" which was the basis of the Mueller Probe. As far as I have been able to tell, the entire Steele Dossier was untrue. What is true is that 13 Russian nationals were indicted for attempting to influence the U.S. Election with 3,500 pro Trump facebook ads. According to the new investigation into Trump's alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine we find out that the Ukrainians were also interfering at the same time period with anti-Trump advertisements.
Why does it work?
What benefit would Russia get from this? Honestly, not much. They really just seem to be exploring how social media will revolutionize propaganda
Can it be countered? According to Paul, the best way to fight this is to flood with truth. People will believe whatever they learn first, so the idea is to "innoculate" people by having a constant flood of true information.
What if you apply deontological (rule based) ethics to this case? Technically it's against the law for foreign interests to attempt to influenceour elections by paying for advertisements, this is unethical.
What if you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case? Depending on your view of world politics the Russians either got the result they wanted or didn't. If you believe that the Russians bribed Hillary $145 million for purchase of American Uranium then you might find their actions unethical because they didn't get a favorable outcome in the election. If you believe otherwise, then you might find the Russian actions ethical because they Trump won the election.
What if you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case? If you apply virtue ethics it is unethical to interfere with elections, full stop. Propaganda itself could even be considered unethical from this viewpoint
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rickjsposts · 5 years
A flat open on an FOMC day. What are the home and abroad events to consider today? My thoughts
New Post has been published on https://www.rickjshandicappingpicks.com/a-flat-open-on-an-fomc-day-what-to-consider-for-today/
A flat open on an FOMC day. What are the home and abroad events to consider today? My thoughts
A quiet opening this morning after a very strong move to the upside. Today is FMOC day, where we should hear whether rate cuts are in the cards.
The EU is flooding liquidity in the markets, which prompted the move yesterday. Trump is now jawboning the Fed to follow suit so that the dollar does not get too strong and affect trade.
How this works out remains to be seen, I am skeptical that Powell is going to turn into a rate cutter consider what we are seeing in the U.S. economy. But there are many who disagree with me:)
On the geopolitical front, things are still heating up. Iran now is the hot spot and its getting hotter. U.S troops are heading that way, while the EU ponders which side they are on. Iran gave everyone a 10 day line in the sand before they start enriching uranium to levels prohibited under the Iran agreement.
There is some question whether they ever stopped or ever complied with anything in the Iran agreement. But that is an open question.
On Trade Trump and Xi are meeting at the G20. The NAFTA rewrite is waiting for the House to approve it( never happen), and the White House has reached an agreement with Mexico on handling the caravans.
There is a lot to watch, all potentially market moving.
On the Home front, its dysfunction as usual in DC. Nothing is getting done, except for what the White House can maneuver through agreements and executive orders.
In addition, the house has not quit the witch hunt, even though Mueller essentially found nothing after 2 years and 40 Million. But the tone has changed. The dems are in desperation mode, while Barr and Durham start their investigations and prosecutions.
I would usually think that it would be business as usual, where nothing happens, but Durham changes the equation. He is a no-nonsense prosecutor. I actually believe this time will be different. Heads will roll.
So, expect more volatility in the markets as this progresses.
The market is primed for another shot to the upside if Powell starts talking dovish or there is a deal with China. I would not want to be short anything in this market right now. There will be pullbacks , but forget about trying to pick a top.
If you were a top picker the last year or so, I doubt you would be in action right now:)
So that is a readers digest version of the back drop for the markets this morning. Its much more complex than this, but, its not the purpose of this site to examine each in more detail.
As a trader you have to have a grasp on what is going on. What that means is forget about the media. Forget all Cable Tv pundits. Pick out five to 10 real experts in their fields, and follow them to get an idea of the environment. I see some of the best traders stuck in these destructive political themes. It can only hurt their trading.
I have no particular ideology. I am issue driven. I evaluate politicians based upon what i see and observe, rather then what the media tell me to believe.
In addition, I am a true contrarian. Usually the herd is wrong. You can almost take that as a given.
My granddaughter was explaining her views on many issues to me, some of with I agreed with and some I did not. But after seriously explaining to me her thoughts she said: ” But I do not like Trump”. My only comment to her was that when all around you have the same view, you should question whether its the correct one. As usually, group thinking is wrong.
It seemed like a light went on:) But, who knows.
There are things to like about Trump and things to dislike. But, to hate the person to the degree we are seeing is a symptom of obsessive irrational thought. A trap that is not good to fall into.
The idea is to approach things from an analytical perspective rather than an emotional one. Not everyone has the ability to do that. As we say a person light themselves on fire in front of the White House last week. But many do, and many choose the emotional irrational side.
Its not easy when you are bombarded 24/7 with fake news. But, nothing is ever easy in life. And its times like these that determine what you are made of.
So, try to let your analytical side take hold, get good information, and you will become a better trader.
I will try to post more often, but between handicapping sports, and preparing for the stock market open, it’s tough to work in a blog post regularly.
I do share my thoughts for a few minutes each morning on my private twitter feed @rickjswings. Its free, and it is only for about ten min in the morning after the market opens.
As a part of my sports handicapping subscription I sent out almost all of my trades via Viber. This has been a nice valued added feature of the handicapping service. At $49.00 a month for all sports plays I handicap, you get most of my stock trades.
If you want to follow some of my thoughts typically given after the open you can go to @rickjswings. Typically I talk about the overall day expected with the markets and also give some levels on the ES and NQ for failed breakout scalping.
It’s my private twitter feed for the stock market and its free. Sports Handicapping is the subscription-based part of this site. But considering the cost of joining it’s almost free:) In addition, I share all my short term swing trades to subscribers.
Good Luck Today
RickJ’s Handicapping Picks
Skype: Ricca
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thewebofslime · 6 years
HOME IOTW IMAGES BFH’S PET PORTRAITURE CONTACT ABOUT US BLOG ROLL ____ WHATFINGER NEWS ____ PRIVACY POLICY Search for: WikiLeaks: Former State Dept. Official Coordinated with Team Clinton on Uranium One Scandal Pushback October 27, 2016 MJA Uncategorized 3 Breitbart: One month before former State Department official Jose Fernandez defended then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s decision to sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia, Fernandez told John Podesta that he was eager to “do all I can to support Secretary Clinton,” according to purported emails uncovered by WikiLeaks. On March 30, 2015 — weeks before the explosive book Clinton Cash was released, and nearly a month before the New York Times published a 4,000 word story detailing the Uranium One transaction that multiple donors to the Clinton Foundation made millions from — Jose Fernandez wrote an email to Podesta in hopes that the pair could meet. On April 17, Fernandez writes to Podesta, again, thanking him for their meeting and said, “I would like to do all I can to support Secretary Clinton, and would welcome your advice and help in steering me to the right persons in the campaign.” As it turns out, Fernandez’s “support” came less than a week later. On April 22, the day before the New York Times ran its Uranium One story, Time Magazine online published a story quoting Fernandez as calling Clinton Cash’s reporting “absurd conspiracy theories,” adding, “Secretary Clinton never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter.” What’s more, on April 23, following the publication of Times reporter Jo Becker’s groundbreaking Uranium One-Clinton Foundation exposé, the Clinton campaign responded to Becker’s story in a blog post on Medium, citing Fernandez’s quote from the day before as the centerpiece of their pushback. MORE HERE CLINTON FOUNDATION HILLARY CLINTON JOSE FERNANDEZ PODESTA URANIUM ONE WIKILEAKS PREVIOUS ARTICLENEXT ARTICLE 3 COMMENTS ON WIKILEAKS: FORMER STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL COORDINATED WITH TEAM CLINTON ON URANIUM ONE SCANDAL PUSHBACK Unruly refugee OCTOBER 27, 2016 AT 9:03 AM The Clintons should have a prison cemetery named after them, complete with their own two matching headstones. Clinton’s dirty little corrupt 1/2 acre. Where only the worst criminals are buried, and outhouses are emptied. They are record breaking corrupt. 0 Anonymous OCTOBER 27, 2016 AT 9:12 AM see? der furor gassed no one! 0 Joe OCTOBER 27, 2016 AT 4:26 PM Clinton/Obama corruption of the federal government – State Dept. – Justice Dept. – FBI – IRS – INS – FCC etc., etc. 0 Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website RECENT COMMENTS BUTTHEADICUS alter ego of RADIOATIONMAN on Over 25 Central American Migrants Die in Truck Accident Looks like a 1 ton F… Lazlo The Elder on Old man wants goat to head butt him Butthead got a tan 0 JDHasty on Over 25 Central American Migrants Die in Truck Accident The bottom line is t… Geoff C. The Saltine on Crab Legs Make People Lose Control Joe6 about 10 or so… refuse/resist on Old man wants goat to head butt him In muslim countries… joe6pak on Old man wants goat to head butt him That was just father… Bad_Brad on Old man wants goat to head butt him I won’t mentio… Different Tim on Old man wants goat to head butt him Two tough old goats.… flip on CNN to be sued for more than $250M over ‘vicious’ and ‘direct attacks’ on Covington High student If he wins, I bet he… Tony R on Should Churches Remain Apolitical In Exchange For Their Tax Break? The problem isn’t so… joe6pak on Crab Legs Make People Lose Control Tim, Brad, here is m… Lazlo The Elder on Crab Legs Make People Lose Control Crab legs, seriously… RECENT POSTS BEYOND THE FRONT PAGE After Sweden’s Social Democrats Run on Tightening Influx of Immigrants They Screw Over Their Constituents 8 Comments Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow 9 Comments Let’s talk flu shots 63 Comments How Living in a City Can Mess With Your Mental Health 20 Comments Anti-“Dark Money” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-D) has no comment on accusations against Ocasion-Cortez 6 Comments Eric Wang: Dems pass HR 1 — and it could make life harder for Ocasio-Cortez 8 Comments Alabama: Bill That Would Require Drug Tests for Some Food Stamp Recipients Introduced 7 Comments Driver Sends Worker Flying After Hitting Bucket Truck 16 Comments Follow Up: Controversial Canadian Bitcoin Exchange A Scam? 9 Comments Jim Acosta, A Clown Without A Circus 25 Comments HOUSE ENDORSES DC STATEHOOD BILL WITH PASSAGE OF ANTI-CORRUPTION AND VOTING RIGHTS BILL 14 Comments Pentagon to activate transgender military ban 16 Comments DO YOU LIKE ME? SEND ME A MONETARY GIFT! FOR A FIXED MONTHLY GIFT CHOOSE BELOW AND CLICK SUBSCRIBE BFH’S SNAIL MAIL Email me for my mailing address. [email protected] IOTWREPORT ARCHIVES iOTWreport Archives iOTWreport.com ©2019
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