#its not faaair
goddess--x · 10 months
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bxttxrflygem · 1 year
Absolutely feral abt the fact that i had a dream abt getting attention and its not real end me
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tellmeayarn · 2 months
actually Letterkenny has perfect bi representation and that's what I appreciates about it
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ttransthirteen · 1 year
i hate that sad post about the plums so much why did i rb it now i have to keep seeing it. been crying for an hour watching youtube videos of old animals experiencing love and joy for the first time in their lives lmao. it always changes everything for them
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bushido-jack · 2 years
//sorry for all the ooc posts lately but I am MENTALLY ILL about Sakura and Jack. I AM CHANGING THE SCOPE AND FUNCTION OF MY BRAIN about them. AILING IN THE MIND
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waluijoe · 8 months
idk how much of this is biased by my traumatized brain but tbh growing up now i feel like overexplaining yourself is just tiring and i don't wanna do it. like, if i have an issue with someone or whatever i used to really dissect it and wish to dissect it with them so they'd Understand Perfectly and what i got from that is : it doesn't matter at all because even well meaning people don't understand most of the time. they don't care to, maybe they just can't because they work different, not everyone can put themselves in someone's else brain no matter how hard you wish to etc, and also, sometimes, it's still inneffective because even if they understand they're still hurt but now they also resent themselves/you for it. maybe they get defensive too, because now they understand how much their actions hurt me, and why, and they hate to know that. it's a mess. it's like the more feeling i give them the more they can twist them into knots.
yknow what i like doing now .. being like. i'm gonna sit on this and allow it to make me sad/angry/whatever. i can dig it up a bit, try to get why i feel this way. and then i'll see if i wanna talk abt it to the person or not, is it worth it ? can it change ? is it just the result of my issues ? if i think it is worth it, i'll be like "i didnt like when you did that, maybe theres smthg i do that you don't like too, let's talk abt how to be cooler in the future when u have ideas" and bam. if the person needs to Understand Everything Perfectly like my procressing/why it hurts/why im like this then,, maybe we can dish it out yknow. but honestly i'd rather not do it, im so tired of poking the beast i just wanna walk forward
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
Regency England. Bit more black than they show in the movies.
it's "thin ice," which is personally the episode to me that cements some of this season's (perhaps some of this era's?) ethos. it's also the one that people often bring up about twelve-as-the-doctor, and I do appreciate it. I've had critique of twelve's writing throughout most of s8 and a faaair bit of s9, and I think the twelve that people fondly remember is mainly s10 (with a dash of s9 and a few choice scenes in s8 -- it's not all bad) but I am happy that capaldi was able to give the doctor real nuance bit by bit until we got to this point and can sort of feed that back down the line, even though I'm not convinced that the beginning of writing him knew what it was doing entirely
also this episode has a really big fish in it. and the fish... is people! (sort of, it's an animal, but animals are people!)
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 7/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 7/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 6/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 7/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 8/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 10/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 7/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 7/10
FULL RATING: 77/100 (if I can count….)
imagine if we'd had this the whole time...
OBJECTIFICATION: Bill wears this really cute regency fit, the Doctor's swaggering about in a top hat he then gives to a homeless kid, looks upon looks
PLOT-POINT: Bill and the Doctor unexpectedly land in the past (no doubt because the Tardis doesn't want to end things just yet), and she navigates everything from being Black to the Doctor's morality. it's a very clear trajectory from episode one (the wonder, but with some personal sadness), episode two (the danger, but with the feeling of doing good) -- in episode three, Bill realises that things aren't so clearcut, and that the Doctor is, despite being her professor, a bit of an enigma to her
it's not as big of a Thing as back with Rose in s1 or Clara in s8, where they were both really wondering whether the Doctor wasn't a bit fucking unhinged (I'd say Martha as well, but her unhinged Doctor flavour was... unique RIP), but it's a bit of that
of course the Doctor has had their own character growth by now so is sort of more able to not fall to pieces on the whole + isn't the kind to seemingly ignore suffering for the sake of the bigger picture, which I don't think would have been on with Bill at all. yes the Doctor speaks about the bigger picture, but it's about protecting the kids
also I think Bill witnessing the Doctor standing up for her was good for her belief in him, as well as her own worth
COMPLEXITY: it's quite a simple plot. a child just fully dies relatively early on, and I don't know why that's shocking but it just is. I think because the plot is on the whole a tad on the sillier side, but then the villain is truly vile, and the the heart is very much in the right place (what if orphan kids were people! what if big fish trapped in the Thames was people!) so it becomes very Doctor Who
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: there's not technically much Big plot advancement, but Bill and the Doctor feel like they advance a lot in their understandings and trust of one another
at the end of it there's a bit of spooky banging on the door, and it's the Master we know this. knowing it's the Master makes me wonder a bit about how the various hints work out. I need to rewatch the bits where the Master is properly revealed, because yes they're bored and frustrated, but how do they really feel about the Doctor seemingly ignoring them/moving on at this point. banging on the door and all that, but that feels more for effect. idk what I'm saying here, it's not actually critique, I think I'm just wondering about a fic from the Master's perspective while locked up
COMPANIONS MATTER: yeah Bill is both emotionally and practically important in this! it's been more than a week so some of the details are hazy, but she definitely Participates. I think a little less on her own steam than in some others, but definitely doing some Stuff
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: as far as I remember there's nothing egregious in this episode beyond the fact that the Doctor takes charge most of the time and there aren't any really distinguishable single-episode characters who carry some of that side of things. there's the bad guy and the kids, and youknow... hypocritical perhaps, considering how often I've felt like this era has had kids who were kind of superfluous to plot and often unfortunately not good actors, but I'd have liked to have seen more of these kids beyond the Idea of them, if that makes any sense
they're introduced very strongly with the pick-pocketing and the death and finding out where they live, but for the main gist they fall a bit on the wayside
maybe this is the wrong point to be talking about that -- my point is, if the episode had been able to make the kids make more choices in the plot, then the Doctor could have been leading it slightly less
it's not a big thing, it's just a thing
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: the Doctor's been to the frost fair a few times, which is very funny to me and gets a mention. otherwise this isn't much of a referencing episode, and that's fine
“SEXINESS”: can we cross this one off the list for good? (almost, but there's ooone episode I just wanna talk about... well, and then I don't remember if it gets really bad near the end, it's a bit of a risk, as much as I'm so into Gomez!Master, sometimes she does still get the bad dialogue + with the sexism Type that they write the first doctor as at the end of the season... we'll see...)
INTERNAL WORLD: it's the frost fair of 1814. there's circus. there's orphans. there's an evil rich man. there's the Thames. there's the big fish under the Thames. I mean, what more do you need tbh
POLITICS: this is the episode that's famous for the Doctor punching a racist in the face. I cannot say if anyone would have preferred it to be Bill or for it to not have happened at all or... personally I think it's pretty great and of course feels a bit like a direct answer to critique no doubt gotten for some of Martha-in-the-past episodes, where the Doctor never stood up for her and she never really had her worries/fears taken seriously
in this episode you've got a very similar beginning (stepping out of the Tardis and getting nervous because it is 1814), the Doctor allaying those fears in a way that I think was pretty acknowledging of them, while also giving us Black people 1814, as youknow... there were Black people in 1814. including one of the single-episode main characters, so it's not just background characters and Bill
and then the Doctor loses his cool because of racism, which is both admirable and unhelpful to their situation, as it does get them captured. but youknow. you wanted the Doctor to stand up for Martha and this feels like a long time coming -- I don't think it needed to be subtle, I think a bit in-your-face was very needed. now the question ofc is whether we think Ryan and Yaz in chibnall!era are able to continue that... I don't remember
and the next question of course is whether the fifteenth Doctor adds even more layers to the story as a Black character (Ncuti Gatwa at least has said that he thinks so, which is exciting). as a whole though, it's interesting watching this from the perspective of where we are now. Freema Agyeman as Martha shouldered a lot of weight and while I think her character was fantastic and her arc was interesting and nuanced, we know they didn't (and the fandom certainly didn't) give proper space for her to be a Black woman and also just... didn't give her space, in various ways -- however one might have seen it, gracious read is that they "wanted her to be like any other (white) companion, without being singled out," or "they were afraid of writing race," or or or... we know it can be done better (and that if Martha were to come back, say, right now.............) Bill was a very different character to Martha, and after her Ryan joined the team, and since then Rose (Noble), and the fifteenth Doctor are now a part of a much bigger, more exciting (or maybe I should say less depressing) analysis of writing Black characters on Doctor Who, which will only grow as the character roster grows
and the thing is, this season isn't just "important because we need to support Black characters in scifi" in the sense that it's badly written and we're kiiind of gritting our teeth through it, it's... it's quite good. it's not perfect, and I think others could give a much more in-depth analysis of that than I can (specifically in terms of race), but as a trajectory both for writing Black women, for writing marginalised main characters generally, for writing queerness -- which is more my wheelhouse to critique and I do -- for writing the twelfth Doctor's character arc, for the end of this particular era of the show... I think it deserves that kudos. sometimes. someone's gotta punch a racist in the face. and a Black woman can know that her white buddy has got her back. and the two of you can save a big fish and a bunch of homeless orphans and get said racist eaten (or drowned, I forget if the fish got him)
that's good political theory
I want to also note the orphan kids. I mentioned I wish they'd been more fleshed out after the first act/been more heavily involved in the plot, so that the ending really pinpointed how it wasn't just good because homeless kids is... bad... but specifically also from a character standpoint. this especially because one of them died at the beginning, and I feel like it didn't quite sit through the rest of the story -- that being said ofc, the ending is neat. good on you Bill for getting this through and confirming it happened
FULL RATING: 77/100 (if I can count….)
I feel like I did a good summary in the above point. solid stuff. big fish
Just realised "thin ice" obviously also refers to someone who is metaphorically on thin ice- we talking the Doctor taking Bill out even though he's not supposed to? the Doctor and Bill's relationship having a tense moment? the Doctor generally getting "bored" and needing to do something? perhaps and yes, and also ooh big fish
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nonymous-nb · 2 months
Im 😆dogdgay 😔 and😨 im😿 just🤓 so🧏 sad🤫 why🚂 do👀 bad💥 things😈 happen🙀 to🙊 good🤑 people😗 like😝 me🦵 ITS💔 ISNT😡 FAAAIR🥺 life✨ isnt🥹 FAAAIR🤬.....im😓 dogdaay😥 and😰 im😖 saad😮 im🤢 just🤮 want🤠 too😵 be🫤 glad😎 im👹 dogday💀 and🥸 im🤡 sad💩 my⭐ life🦴 is🦷 just💋 so👂 bad 😭❤
Lunar.. istts WHAT IS THIS SHET 😭😭
{you needa be grounded for at least a year/hj/srs}
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Im 😆dogdgay 😔 and😨 im😿 just🤓 so🧏 sad🤫 why🚂 do👀 bad💥 things😈 happen🙀 to🙊 good🤑 people😗 like😝 me🦵 ITS💔 ISNT😡 FAAAIR🥺 life✨ isnt🥹 FAAAIR🤬.....im😓 dogdaay😥 and😰 im😖 saad😮 im🤢 just🤮 want🤠 too😵 be🫤 glad😎 im👹 dogday💀 and🥸 im🤡 sad💩 my⭐ life🦴 is🦷 just💋 so👂 bad 😭❤
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1poda · 1 year
She Hates Pirates! Pt.6
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A furrow-browed Alba stormed her way through an empty dusty town road void of any life aside from a lowly tumbleweed which quickly bounced out of danger. 
With balled fists and a quick step she hurried to a stone-walled building which was the island's largest bar, it was also the only place barrelling with loud men who were yelling and growling in celebration. A shadow cast itself over her sight as she raised a leg to kick down its massive doors from its hinges, all life stilled as navy men paused in their delicious glugs of mutton and biting off fresh food that they had no doubt stolen. 
As the intruder stood before the grumbling crowd they began shouting insults and questions, asking why a little girl such as herself was fighting her way into such a dangerous area. The seemingly largest of them all stepped forward with a grin splitting through his shabby beard, leaning close he muttered "I suggest you leave soon girly- it's been a while since my men have been in such fine.... company" he giggled lowly as the monsters around him followed and stood from their comfortable seating. 
She didn't move, nor did the shadow. 
Fists kept alarmingly clenched as the female's limbs shuddered with the rage they withheld. 
The imposing being before her chuckled again as he landed a hand on her shoulder with a cruel smile "Now now, we’re the good guys here. There's no need to be afraid" 
His men began surrounding the entrance she had bullied to the ground, many still chortling to their friends as weapons were grabbed and pronounced in her sights. 
Luffy sat in a pile of bones and plates as their contents were inhaled and soon replaced by more fresh deliciousness, the Capitan crunched and munched without much to bother him until he glanced around the area of staggering men, some his own and other the islands, and his brows furrowed with a hum. 
"Wher'd Alba gor?" he forced through his packed cheeks, a hand on his straw hat as if it would help the monkey boy see further, the chef cooking from a large pot released a smoky breath "I don't know, last I saw she speaking to Nami and Robin" he stirred the large cauldron with and even larger ladle. 
Switching his confused stare from Sanji to the ginger looking at a map on a nearby table Luffy yelled through his piles "Heeeeeeeeeey NAMI!"
The navigator growled at his rudeness as her concentration broke "What Luffy? I'm in the middle of some very important work!" 
The Capitan blinked at his crewmate before taking another bite "Do you know where Alba is?" 
At his simple question Nami halted her rage for a moment and held a thoughtful hand to her chin "Hmmm, I'm not sure where she is, the last time I saw her she asked me and Robin what was happening on the island" 
It only took a split second for the dots to meet but both female members of the infamous straw had band gasped at their revelation "You.. don't think she went...?" 
"She went to fight the Marines all on her own" Robin finished the trembling Navigator's words "By the look in her eyes Alba knew exactly what was going on. That must been why she left without us spotting her" 
"GRRRRR THATS NO FAAAIR!!" the black-haired male yelled at the top of his voice in his angriest tone "She left to fight those guys without me! And withoUT BREAKFAST!!" Luffy roared at the betrayal before grabbing a red apple and racing toward the town, leaving a string of dust with ever-speeding footsteps. 
"Huh? She hasn't had breakfast?" Sanji suddenly nipped into the conversation before bouncing from his makeshift stove's side "DON'T WORRY ALBAAAAA! YOUR KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR IS COMING TO FEEEEED YOOOOOOU!!" 
The tornado chef was quick to follow the path his leader had left behind without any thought to the treats he left uncooked, Nami sighed as she took stock of their situation with fingers rubbing her temples "Zorro! I need you to wake up and go with them!" 
At her command the hung-over swordsman slithered a dirty stare from one groggy eye before mentioning that she should go with them herself, with a louder growl and threatening fist she demanded he leave right this second. 
"Alright already! Geez, can tell you didn't drink enough last night" 
Luffy raced down the main street of the small parts of town Alba had shown him, so with very little memory the straw-hatted fool held up an apple with one hand and yelled from the other, not having much luck pinpointing a location until a bright explosion came from further inside the town. While the island shook dangerously at its strength Luffy giggled delightfully and his grin couldn't stop growing. 
"What the hell was THAT?!" Zorro yelped from behind his Capitan as the chef couldn't stop staring at the tiny yet powerful explosion. Both gasped as Luffy somehow ran faster with a louder laugh. 
"It's Alba!!"
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angeltism · 9 months
EEEEEEH honestly during the time we were mutuals we interacted like a maximum of . two times. perhaps even just once. which is a bit crazy considering all of this now. i was just scared of trying to keep interacting honestly HSJAHDJSHD but if you dont feel like dating after i reveal myself that is completely absolutely alright! i would appreciate having you as a friend just as much! its whatever you prefer and whatever you feel more comfortable with :3
- 💌 anon
oooh well . still honestly I bet uur kewl <3 and yayaya !! thank uu for being understanding , I very much appreciate it . to be faaair , I do . kinda . have a soft spot for uu , y'know ? so even if it isn't immediately . . . the idea isn't something I'm opposed to ^_^
#➳ the fool's mail box#➳ sender; 💌 anon#with all of this being said . there def are things I'd need to know before like . being in a relationship#likeee . are we close in age bodily . nawt that uu would know since i don't share my age online idk but still . like . age range ?#but also no need to directly share that . at least for nyeow ? at the least i trust uu are a minor 😭#um . and also if uur . dating anybun else ? aha ? <- very monogamous very mono . unlike a lot of the beings I've met on here . scary !#augh it's purrobably obvious by nyeow but I'm a clingy jealous mess so being with anybun who'd be dating others . i just . can't#and that's honestly something I'm worried about a little bit like poly beings r so kewl but it just isn't for me#and a lot of beings i know on here are poly . ^_^'#or like idfk being poly itself is fine in a theoretical partner as long as they aren't strictly poly#like ''no if i wanna date other people will i can't just be with only one being bc that doesn't work for me''#but ''i could theoretically be in a polycule but I'm okay with being in a mono relationship'' is good !#and ofc ''i am fully mono just like uu'' is . also something that works for me#idk#these are the kinds of things i didn't wanna ask right off of the bat and i suppose I'll purrobably find out for myself whenever uu reveal#but like . still . uu can easily see why we could be incompatible lol . so .#augh idk where I'm going with this . I mean uu should know my boundaries n such if uu like-like me I just feel like a bit of a downer#bc boom what if everything is ruined nyeow or whatever blehhh#but anyways I'm gonna stfu nyeow i have some chores 2 knock out so I'll speedrun em while uu either write back . or do something else and#then write back . orrrr while uu do something else and write back when I'm done and at the computer so I can reply asap etc etc#agh i feel like i got weird w this even if uu are currently w others or something again we can totally just be friends . buddies . pals .#uur still kewl and really niceys so !
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sneakygoldie · 9 months
🎈Pop A Laugh🎈
(first tickle fanfic on here, its on my favorite character, Pop Harukaze! This takes place in Ojamajo Doremi, probably mid-season 1!
Pop was helping sell some goods in the Mahou Do, then she and her older sister, Doremi got into a fight on who’s goods were better)
“Doremi-chan.. I don’t think you should-“ Hazuki was trying to stop Doremi from taking the fight too far, but went quiet, Pop had sold all her charms, Doremi had only sold 2.
“This ain’t gonna be good..” Aiko sighed, Hazuki looked at Aiko and nodded.
“You act so mature, Pop.. I don’t understand!” Doremi poutted.
“Well then take a clay class, you barely sold anything with that effort.” Pop stuck her tongue out at her older sister.
“Yeah, sure..” Doremi poutted once again and looked at Hazuki and Aiko.
“I have an idea, guys.. since she does such mature things-“ Doremi started.
“Huh?” Aiko stopped Doremi’s sentence.
“Aiko-chan, don’t..” Hazuki said, she secretly tried holding in a giggle.
“….As I was saying.. Pop does stuff like me.. like making those useless clay thingys.. and I always make at least one mistake and Pop.. doesn’t. SO I WANT TO GIVE HER REVENGE HAHAHAHAH-!” Doremi was stopped again.
“Wait, how?..” Hazuki looked a little scared, squeezing Aiko’s sides and slightly hiding.
“Hazuki hahaha.. that tihihickles..!” Aiko laughed, that’s when Doremi’s idea SHOT HER.
“Tickles! Of course!” Doremi ran off then hid behind Pop, she looked at her, scared if Pop might look behind herself and see Doremi, so she just went straight for her sides.
“EEEP!!” Pop squirmed in a more childish way and tone than usual, Doremi knew it tickled Pop, and BADLY.
“Doremi! What do you think your doing! This is so childish..” Pop looked down at Doremi.
“It’s not childish! You shouldn’t even worry about that, your 4!” Doremi looked at Pop, giggling a little bit goofily.
“Geez..” Pop tried walking away, but Doremi tickled her neck, now.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Pop was caught off guard by the sudden tickle, this went on for a unexpected 4 minutes, but Majo Rika came in.
Doremi looked over at Hazuki and Aiko, Aiko was now slightly tickling Hazuki, even after Majo Rika was complaining about a LEAF ALMOST being stolen.
“Hey Doremi, your the only one who hasn’t been tickled, its not faaair hehe~!” Pop teased Doremi as she started tickling her neck, and boy Doremi laughed so loud, I cant even type it all out!
Anyways, that was the tickle fanfic, I am sorry it’s so short, Ojamajo Doremi tickle fics are so rare to find, and I love Ojamajo Doremi so much! Definitely making more! Also, check out my other fandoms if you haven’t already and tysm for reading, if ya did XD-
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orcelito · 1 year
i started saying girlie/girl [ie. girl help] a few months ago and its getting to the point where its genuinely a problem. its settled down in my brain right next to "dude" as Gender Neutral Terms To Refer To Someone except girl ISNT widely accepted as gender neutral like dude. girl help im gonna slip up one day and misgender someone
Hfkshdjdb FAAAIR yea I don't use girl myself in that way but it is Definitely a valid thing. We made dude gender neutral girl can be gender neutral too. If we believe.
But yea I call myself a goroboy and a wolfwood girlie I'm all the genders and so much love for my favorite characters
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
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kozykricket · 5 months
sad to see a lot of games have really cool plans and then cut them. feels like a lotta sorta big franchises n games have been
ig theyve always done so, but… feels different when you can FEEL the potential, the missed potential of something
whether it be pokemon or five night freddy, its like. you can tell there was a good plot
and the plots they replace em with arent even like BAD but just focus on entirely different things, its kinda awkward. when theres still vague like… signs. like
well, you can tell the game was originally designed around the original plans. and then they change…
which is faaair yknow . i get it, overscoping happens sometimes.
subnautica below zero did a decent job considering they Completely rewrote every element of the story.
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plogieplogie · 1 year
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