#its officially unofficially canon xD
roloko-karlstein · 7 years
Me: *sees Mikoto and Totsuka standing together* mmmmm good shit soulmates and boyfriends
People in charge of merchandising: lol pairs Mikoto with Munakata in the badge set
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty: Dowsing ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse:Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
None of them, when they hatched this ridiculous plot, ever claimed to be a learned adventurer or traveler. Sasuke and Itachi had lived in one of the major cities when boys, forced to flee when civil war broke out. They then lived in a forest home. And while Sasuke took a few beast-hunting contracts, they never took him very far. Hinata, too, was a child of a city: one by the southern seas. But her family’s fleeing also took them to a secluded home, and her father - too paranoid of being attacked by el’kor - rarely let either of his daughters leave. And the light mage, the unofficial leader of their expedition, may have been well-traveled when younger, but...well, she was young. And kept hidden by her two teenage caretakers. A lux mage, after all, was - and still is - a rare thing...and there were fears she’d be taken...or worse.
So, when their journey leaves them with empty waterskins and no immediately viable water source...none of them are even remotely prepared.
“Can’t you just...make water?” Sasuke asks as they check the rest of their provisions. They’re currently astride a large plain, with no signs of water anywhere.
Hinata, to whom the question was directed as a water mage, give him a cool glance. “I can’t make water, no. No mage makes their element.”
“I make fire.”
“No...you control it. Fire is just heat. You use your energy - your ven - to control heat, which can take the shape of fire,” the lux mage cuts in. “Ven is not your element - it is energy that is specifically...tuned for an element. Which is why you cannot control water as Hinata does, nor could she control fire as you do. When you wield an element, you use your energy to manipulate it to your will. Just as I manipulate the body when I heal. I feed it energy, and it uses that energy to speed up what would naturally be its healing process. Of course...other things require more...interference on my part, but that is the gist.”
Sasuke contemplates that a moment. While he’s never been officially taught about ven, just what his parents have described, he’s never made that connection. Fire, he supposes, is a bit...unique that way.
“There’s water in the air,” Hinata notes, “but it would take far too much energy to gather enough to make a difference.”
“...what about the earth?” Itachi pipes up. “Is there not water beneath the surface?”
“There is...but depending on how far down it is, it would be just as taxing,” Hinata explains. “Water is a heavy element, as is earth...it takes a lot of energy to move it straight up, especially through the ground. If we had a terra mage, it would be easier…”
“Well...isn’t terra also a child of tenebris?” Sasuke muses. “Just like igni and aer are both children of lux? Wouldn’t you have the best chance of all of us to move it?”
“I...guess I would. But then I’d have to do both, and it would be even more taxing.”
A thoughtful hand at her chin, the lux mage seems to try to come up with a plan. “...what if you were to dowse for it?”
“It is an old technique the el’kor use to find water. A strange method that uses a split stick to locate water close to the surface. But...perhaps rather than doing so literally, you could use your ven to ‘feel’ into the earth and find a place more easily accessible…?”
Hinata hesitates a moment. “I...could try?”
“Well, we just finished our water...we can go a few days without it before we start to get into real danger,” Itachi murmurs. “You have some time to look before we become desperate.”
“Do you think you could do it?” Sasuke asks. “Because if not...it might be our lives.”
Worry creases her brow. “...I-I…”
“This is my fault,” the healer murmurs. “I...was not prepared. Do not place that burden upon Hinata’s shoulders.”
“At least you’re taking responsibility for once,” Sasuke mutters, ignoring the sharp look he gets from his brother.
“...I can do it.”
The other trio look to Hinata with varying expressions. “...are you sure?” the lux mage hushes. “I don’t want to lay this upon you if -”
“No! I...I can do it. Just...be prepared for me to be a bit tired. But I think - I know I can do it.”
Exchanging glances, the rest then nod. “...all right then,” Sasuke offers. “Guess we’re doing this.”
Packing up their camp, the group hitches their bags to their saddles, mounting their horses and leaving the treeline behind for the great plain that stretches out before them. In the distance, the mountain range they must cross to reach the Luxerian homeland awaits. It’s barely a bluish smudge along the horizon...but Sasuke hopes they’ll reach it soon. Because the sooner they reach the empty remnants of the capital, the sooner - he prays - his brother will finally be cured...and they can go home.
...even if he gets the sneaking suspicion it won’t be so simple.
They make good distance, all things considered. The open, arid plain is home to a great amount of wind...and by the time they stop for the evening, the group is all but sick of it. Skin dry and lips cracking, there’s no respite come evening. It slows a bit, but never stops. The lux mage manages to urge their horses into lying in a line, providing just a hint of protection. A fire is nearly impossible, even with the pair of igni mages to feed it.
But the real test comes to Hinata.
Eyes closed in concentration, she walks a small distance from the group, hands planted to the ground to let energy seep into the soil in search of water.
The rest try not to stare as she works, giving fleeting glances for any sign of success.
She returns a while later, expression wilted. “It’s too deep...at least thirty feet if I had to guess.”
The lux mage hesitates. “...we’ll look for a low spot tomorrow you can try. That may help.”
“Low spot?” Sasuke asks. “This is a level plain! I doubt anything will change! We should turn back first thing, and find another way to the mountains.”
“There is no other way,” Hinata rebukes. 
“There has to be!”
“Please,” the healer cuts in, tone strained. “...for now, we should rest. There’s nothing to be done in the dark, either way.”
Clearly not impressed, Sasuke simply skulks off to one side, leaning against his horse’s middle to take advantage of the cover, no matter how small. After a sheepish pause, Hinata does the same.
“...you really can’t reach it?” he asks after a pregnant pause. 
“I...I don’t know. I think I can...reach it. But pulling it up through so much rock and earth...I don’t know if I have the energy.”
He gives her a glance. “...is there a way we could...give you energy?”
“Well, it’s like the lux mage says: when she heals, she gives a body energy. So...why couldn’t we do something similar?”
Staring up at the stars, the water mage considers that. “...I guess...we could try?”
“Gods know I can’t sleep, so...sure. Let’s try.”
The pair move back to where she’d tried dowsing, ignoring the elder pair’s curious glances. “...so it’s all about the same level?”
“Yeah...at least, in the range I can sense it. There’s no telling how it might change. It might even get worse further from here.”
“Okay, well…” Sasuke pauses, considering...what exactly to do. “You find it, and...when you do, tell me. I’ll try to transfer some energy.”
Giving a determined nod, Hinata does just that. A faint blue glow emanates from beneath her palms, bleeding into the earth.
“...got it.”
“Okay…” Putting hands on her shoulders, Sasuke focuses. He’s done this before with his brother, but...well, they’re related, let alone the same element. He has no idea if this will work… “...try it.”
His own hands glow a fiery red, the pair working in tandem. For a moment, nothing...and then -
“I-I got it!”
“Don’t lose your concentration!”
Hearing Hinata’s cry, the other two mages join them, filling water skins as Hinata brings a large pool to the surface. Mounts are then led over to drink, the humans doing the same. Only once they’ve all drank to bursting does Hinata let the energy fade. Slowly, the water seeps back into the earth.
The group all glance to each other.
“...well, at least we know it works,” Itachi muses.
“At this depth, at least...it might be more draining should the water table lower later on,” the lux mage cautions. “Hinata, how do you feel…?”
“A...a little tired, but Sasuke lent me some energy. I’ll be fine after I get some sleep.”
“Well...good. Good. That’s a relief. Now...we all need rest. Back to it in the morning.”
With the light mage and Itachi taking first watch, the younger pair retreat to try to sleep. “...I knew you could do it,” Sasuke murmurs, eyes closing.
     This prompt was...so random xD Google says dowsing can be for more than just water, but! I thought that fit this verse pretty well. Not a lot of room for shippiness (besides some teamwork and praise), but...well, it was kinda there, lol      I can't believe June is almost over...and with it, our unofficial halfway mark! Technically I think day 182 is the most halfway (half of 365 is 182.5 lol), but! I'm gonna try, for those of you who care, to have a bit of a Q&A session on Tumblr June 30 and July 1 as a bit of a celebration for the big marker! You can ask me, or Sasuke and Hinata, any questions you want! It can be about certain universes I write them in, canon stuff, or just...whatever you want. I thought that might be a fun way to note the milestone. Technically the inbox on Tumblr is ALWAYS open for this kind of thing, but...I figured I'd try to make a thing of it, lol      Aaanyway, for now...I need sleep, lol - I'll post more about it when I get back online tomorrow on Tumblr. For my AO3 peeps, you can head over there if you want, but...I guess there's no real way to ask questions beyond comments on the fics...which I guess you can do if you want? xD But for now, I'ma call it a night - thanks for reading!
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acetechne · 7 years
I'm confused on how many ocs are there. Can I join this? Is there a St John's?
ok [cracks knuckles but unsuccessfully and just does an awkward hand stretch instead] here’s a crash course in What Is This Thing I Do
SHORT ANSWER: there are some ocs but while i basically know everyone in our lil group i dont take an official census of how many or who’s active etc. Re: joining, sure why not? and no there is not yet a St Johns and we’re kind of lacking in the east coast in general I’m afraid. We’re a loose unofficial conglomeration of people who met through a common hetalia project or two and so some of us make ocs - there’s kind of an unspoken rule that if an oc for a place already exists and the person is still active its polite to not do duplicates, but its not a hard/fast rule. It’s no fun to play favourites and start drama you know?
LONG ANSWER which is probably gonna get long so I’ll explain below the cut.
ONCE UPON A TIME i dunno if you guys all would remember this but ONCE UPON A TIME in 2008-9 the (English) Hetalia fandom was young and we were all really excited about this Thing that was pretty limited as far as I’m aware to Livejournal, which is how I found 
The I Am Matthewian Project (2009-2011 ish?)
you may have seen us around youtube or deviantart- basically its a hetalia fan project about Canada and his 13 provinces and territories (created by ctcsherry) and we did voice acting and stuff- I was the VA for Yukon and the most recent VA for Alberta and I did a lot of art for the project that i can no longer look at without cringing because HAHA what is anatomy. The project is currently on hiatus indefinitely and a lot of us have drifted our separate ways so I try to keep tabs on everyone where I can but I’m also Kinda Shy and don’t like prying or tracking people down all the time. Would I change some things about how the project was done or some of the dumb kid things I said or did or whatever? Yes. Do I regret the fun times, the art improvement, and the friends I made? Not on yer life bud.
Anyway the cities started as a roleplay thing and it’s kind of surprising since I’m really not a good roleplayer and I really don’t enjoy rping that my ocs, out of all of them that were made on those old boards, survived the longest. They’re nearly ten years old, man! But yeah, as far as I’m aware Ed and Cal are the only surviving OCs I created back in those early days- you can still see some of the old designs floating around dA but they were never really fleshed out and more just created as a little roleplay game between us that wasn’t really meant to go anywhere (although a couple of us, myself included, did sneak OCs into finished IAMP episodes).
Project Canada (2013-?)
So apparently people actually enjoyed and missed our lil videos so the project got rebooted. New admins, new fans, a couple of veterans from IAMP, that sort of thing. Same province and territory characters, new direction. Or… lack of direction idk xD; I loved being an admin for the project but we never really got off the ground because I think we rushed a little too fast and I ended up leaving my post for a variety of reasons. I’m making a go of it on my own now which is why I don’t speak for everyone who posts in the projectcanada cities tag (but lets be honest 90% of that tag is Me haha, I’m the annoyance that made the tag necessary in the first place)
The projectcanada cities tag is generally people who are or were members of this little group- we’re by no means an exclusive club and not all ocs were created /out/ of the project, I’m sure some people like me saw the opportunity to bring back some old ocs and revitalize them with a new audience and new people to brainstorm with- these might have been roleplay ocs or ocs doodled for fun or ocs that came together out of the fear that - like in the IAMP - we’d create ocs for the fun of it off stereotypes rather than putting a huge whack of thought into it, haha. (I admit though, for our own storytelling purposes quatsch and i got together to make a halifax oc thats not necessarily ‘canonical’ in the sense that we’re two angry albertans who haven’t ever been that far east, so if anyone would like to breathe some life into the design we’re happy to collaborate etc etc)
So yeah we’re not exclusive but we’re not organized either, which is why I’m hesitant to speak for everyone. I’m generally the most active so people generally come to me with questions and I can point them in the right direction, but I don’t really have any intention of making anything ~official~ looking of who’s around and who’s not because that would be a whole other boatload of work that I don’t wanna do and also I’m personally ok with interacting with whoever (so long as you don’t expect me to seriously roleplay because thats Not what I do and I’m no fun). And I mean if you’re interested in the project itself as far as I know there’s still room for more members, but idk when if ever anything is going to happen at this point.
My Personal Feels
Honestly since my ocs transcend both iamp and pc and are probably going to outlast both of them at this rate, it’s kind of weird that i haven’t gone back to tagging them as ‘aph’ rather than pc but eh i like my little spin-off-of-a-spin-off nook in the hetalia fandom. But yeah I’m not going to police the tag, aside from saying things could get Messy with duplicates both using the pc tag. So for example say you got a winnipeg oc that’s not affiliated with our lil group- thats a-ok! cool, if I like them enough i’d be willing to use them in my own stuff if i dont have a pc character for it if you’re ok with it and dont mind them interacting with this “universe”. I’d still probably tag your oc as ‘aph winnipeg’ or something if you dont have a specific tag for them. There’s not really an ‘expiry date’ on ocs or how long their creators have been away, but after about 5 years and a project reboot i tend to feel pretty Weird about using ocs when their ‘parents’ arent around to supervise, you know? but again that’s a personal hang up of mine. Another personal hang up of mine is I really am mostly interested in ocs created by people living in that place or really into researching it or who have good inside jokes because that’s the reason I really love this fandom, but hell it’s not a requirement (sweeps my multitude of alberta ocs under the rug because I haven’t been to most of them lol)
so yeah thats the long and the short of it, feel free to ask any more questions and I’ll do my best to answer. I don’t mean to brag when I say I’m probably the person to ask about these things, I just mean I’m nosy and I haunt this little corner like a plague so I’m more or less in touch with everyone in it. :) haha
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