ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
homra making asmr videos for mikoto to go to sleep to
Wake up, new Totsuka hobby just dropped. Imagine Totsuka finding out about ASMR and he decides to make a video just for fun, say he films himself doing some small hobby like knitting and afterward adjusts the sound settings of the video so that the knitting noises are amplified. He heard that these types of videos are good for helping people sleep so naturally Mikoto is his guinea pig, he puts on the video and Mikoto is out like a light. Kusanagi is not convinced that the video did that, considering Mikoto normally doesn’t have much trouble sleeping. But then imagine later Mikoto has one of his Damocles Down-type nightmares and wakes up all agitated, smoking a cigarette because he can’t get back to sleep. Totsuka sits next to him while he calms down and idly suggests they try the video to help Mikoto get back to sleep. Mikoto just grunts a reply, not particularly expecting this to do anything, but then as it turns out the ASMR video does help him sleep peacefully after all.
Having discovered this Totsuka decides to make a few more videos for such occasions, especially if he’s not around (oh and now I’m imagining Mikoto watching one of Totsuka’s ASMR videos the night after Totsuka’s death, because he can’t sleep otherwise). Anna sees him filming and asks what he’s doing, he explains that this is a gift for King. He asks Anna if she wants to help and she nods, so now the two of them are filming videos together. Kusanagi lets them use the kitchen so Anna can make a cooking ASMR video, she’s very careful and serious about trying to make things sound soothing. At some point the rest of Homra shows up and asks what they’re doing, thinking Totsuka is just playing with Anna, and Anna very seriously says they’re making videos so Mikoto can sleep. Totsuka’s eyes shine as he wonders if everyone else would like to help too. 
Eventually this leads to Mikoto being showered in ASMR videos, Totsuka used up a whole bunch of film to make them. Imagine he got all kinds of different ones too, like Yata made a skateboarding video and Kamamoto helped Anna make ramen, Bandou did one pressing a bunch of buttons on a video game controller, Fujishima and Eric petted some cats and Kusanagi even made one of bar cleaning sounds. Mikoto grumbles that he doesn’t need so many and Totsuka smiles as he says it’s fine isn’t it, everyone wanted to help King feel better. Mikoto says he doesn’t need those to sleep but if Totsuka wants to put one on that’s fine. Totsuka’s like right we don’t want everyone’s hard work to go to waste, telling Mikoto to just lie back and relax while he plays a video.
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lisutarid-a · 7 months
[Gakuen K] Extras Translation
Watermelon split in the Red club
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[Translation under the cut]
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Totsuka: Hey, King. Are you interested in splitting watermelons?
Mikoto: I'm interested in watermelons, but I'm not interested in splitting them. It's too much trouble.
Totsuka: Ehh, it's good that it's troublesome. It's like they say, "If you don't work, you don't eat". Watermelons taste better after a hard work, don't they?
Mikoto: …What are you up to?
Totsuka: I'm not up to anything. Just…
Yata: That's terrible, Mikoto-san!
Mikoto: What's wrong?
Yata: Outside, um… It's hard to explain, anyway, please come with me!
Mikoto: …What the hell are you talking about?
Totsuka: Ah-h, I guess he's already found out.
Kusanagi: …What have you done this time?
Totsuka: Now-now, shall we go too?
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Kusanagi: …It's such a shocking sight that it makes the heat outside disappear. What the heck is this large amount of watermelons?
Totsuka: Well, it's me-e.
Kusanagi: Don't answer me so cheerfully… What's all this?
Totsuka: I grew them for some reason, and the harvest was unexpectedly bountiful. I couldn't eat all of them, so I brought some with me~
Kusanagi: You, are you think of us as some kind of leftover scavengers?
Totsuka: Don't worry, we can all finish them up!
Totsuka: So, Yata, do you want to split a watermelon?
Yata: Eh, haven't you eaten it already?
Totsuka: When it comes to summer, it's no fun to just eat. Well, how about a blindfold and a stick.
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Yata: Hehe! I'm gonna kill it with one shot!
Kusanagi: Yata-chan, on the right~!
Yata: Eh, on the right?
Mikoto: …Don't be fooled, it's on the left.
Yata: O-On the left…
Totsuka: Wow, King is so cruel. Yata, it's actually straight in front of you.
Yata: Seriously!?
Mikoto: Really, and which of us is being cruel?
Yata: Eeeh~~. Which direction is it really…!!
Yata: (In times like this, you have to believe in yourself)
Yata: (Before I was blindfolded, I checked the position. I must concentrate my senses on hearing and visualize my current location)
Yata: (--Here I go!)
Yata: Haaaa!!!
Watermellon?: Gyaaa!!
Yata: Hell yeah, I'm sure I did it!
Yata: --Eh, what's wrong, Kamamoto? Who did this to you!? Damn it, even when I was right beside you!
Kusanagi: He got hurt because Yata-chan was beside him. You were swinging a stick around like crazy.
Kusanagi: Mikoto, try next.
Mikoto: …Me?
Mikoto: Just one time.
Kusanagi: Don't make such a sour face. It's good sometimes, isn't it? To return back to your childhood.
Mikoto: …
Totsuka: Do you think King will split it?
Kusanagi: I'm sure he'll split it easily. That guy's sense of smell and instincts are extraordinary--.
Totsuka: Eeeh, I didn't know watermelons could burn like this~
Kusanagi: This is no time to impress!
Kusanagi: Hey, Mikoto. Why did you burn the watermelon?
Mikoto: This is quicker than swinging a stick. Well, it's splited, right?
Kusanagi: It's splited, but it's all burnt up. If you can't eat it, what's the point?
Totsuka: You guys are pathetic. Let me show you how to split a watermelon.
Kusanagi: Hmmm, you seem awfully confident.
Totsuka: I used to take a correspondence course on watermelon splitting. Compared to amateurs, I should be good at it.
Kusanagi: What is a correspondence course? There is no such thing as amateurs or experts in watermelon splitting…
Kusanagi: Well, whatever. Let's see how you do.
Totsuka: Okaaay. …Totsuka, ready!
Kusanagi: …
Kusanagi: …Ha?
Totsuka: I just wanted to try the Blue club's shout for once. …Okay then, here I go.
Kusanagi: …
Totsuka: All right. I've decided.
Totsuka: Here! Hit!!
Totsuka: Huh? It's a strange response…
Kusanagi: You have to swing down with more force. You hit it, but it didn't break.
Totsuka: Sorry, I was careless.
Yata: Amazing, Totsuka-san! I can't believe you got it with one hit!
Totsuka: Ri-ight? Just kidding. It was just a pure luck, a pure luck.
Yata: Is that so? But even if it's just a pure luck…!
Kusanagi: What's wrong, Yata-chan?
Yata: There is a suspicious figure there…Oh, one watermelon is missing!
Yata: Watermelon thief! I'll get you!
Totsuka: We have plenty of watermelons, so it's okay if they take one … A-ah, he's gone.
Kusanagi: It can't be helped, no one can stop Yata-chan when he's like that. We'll slice the watermelon and wait for him.
Totsuka: That's right. Huh, where's King?
Kusanagi: He said it was hot and went into the clubroom long ago.
Totsuka: Ahaha, that's so like King.
Kusanagi: …Hey, Totsuka. Was it thanks to the correspondence course that you were able to hit a watermelon with a stick?
Totsuka: That's a surprise, I didn't know Kusanagi-san would be interested.
Kusanagi: No, because it would have been really cool if it had split with a single hit.
Totsuka: Eh, so that's a reason!?
Kusanagi: Tell me. It's no big deal, right?
Totsuka: Hmmm, I wonder what should I do~
Kusanagi: I’m begging you, it's a matter of life and death!
Totsuka: …I guess so.
Kusanagi: Is that a "yes"?
Totsuka: No, I won't tell you.
Kusanagi: Why!?
Totsuka: Because, Kusanagi-san, for what it's worth, you haven't split a watermelon a single time yet.
Totsuka: As I said, "If you don't work, you don't eat". I can't tell this to someone who hasn't done anything.
Kusanagi: Damn it…I'll make you tell me one day, I swear!
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jokertrap-ran · 4 months
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: I don’t intend to let you go Translation (Good END)
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: What do you mean he’ll wither and die-
Totsuka: Ah, looks like you’re here after all!
Ran: Totsuka-senpai, Yata-kun!
Totsuka: Look! It’s my win this time~
Misaki: Tch… lighthouse…
Totsuka: Huh? Did you just say something, Yata? I couldn’t quite hear you~ Why the mention of a lighthouse?
Misaki: I-It doesn’t matter whether or not you heard me!
Totsuka: Hmm, you can’t do that to me. Haven’t you heard? Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, and I’m so, sooo curious~ So, what about my nose?
Misaki: Ugh…
Totsuka: C’mon now, don’t be afraid to share with the class~
Yata: I-It’s hard to notice things that are under the lighthouse!!!
Totsuka: Yata… Mmhm, I know how you feel about that. *Chuckles*
Misaki: I-Is that pity I see in your eyes!?
Totsuka: Mmm, I expected as much. Hey, Yata, you may be a 3rd year now, but don’t ever change, okay?
Totsuka: By the way, the correct saying for that is “It’s hard to notice things that are right under your nose” not the “lighthouse”.
Izumo: You guys… Did you come here just to provide the venue with some comedic relief?  
Totsuka: I suppose you could say that.
Yata: No! That’s not what we’re here for!!!
Totsuka: Oh? We aren’t?
Misaki: Umm… I heard from Totsuka-san that…
Yata: You’re dating Ran? Is that true?
Izumo: Yeah.
Ran: Did you not know???
Misaki: Did I not know!? Hell if I did! I came here to double-check it with you guys! Since WHEN!? Yesterday!? The day before yesterday!?
Ran: Summer, actually…
Totsuka: Wow, Yata, I didn’t know that you were a poet.
Misaki: Hehe. I like summer vacation where summerti- Ahh, no! That doesn’t matter!!!
Misaki: Why didn’t anyone say anything about you two being a couple…!?
Totsuka: I mean, you could tell just by looking at them.
Misaki: Just by looking at them?
Ran: …Do you… get it yet?
Misaki: Like hell I do! Can you read the air or something, Totsuka-san!? Like, you know, can you see people’s auras!?
Totsuka: *Sigh*...I suppose you’ll understand once you grow up a little more, Yata.
Misaki: Hey! Stop giving me that distant look!
Totsuka: I’m parched. Could I get a drink, Kusanagi-san? What about you, Yata?
Misaki: Sure… I’m good with a soda.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Phew. They finally left…
Ran: And the sun has long since set.
Izumo: Yup. Make sure to get back to your dorm before curfew today, okay?
Ran: Sure thing.
Izumo: To think that I actually got an honest reply out of you this time. Hey, don’t hold onto me like that.
Izumo: Let’s have a serious talk for a bit, hm? C’mere.
Ran: Okay.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Uwah!?
Izumo: Man, that’s an uncouth noise comin’ from you. How ‘bout a squeal or something?
Ran: L-Let me down…
Izumo: Sure thing. But first… let us make a promise.
Ran: What promise?
Izumo: Promise me that you’ll take responsibility for makin’ me fall head over heels for you. Forever. 
Ran: Forever…?
Izumo: Yup. You know how it goes— in sickness and in health, until death do us part?
Izumo: I have absolutely no intention of lettin’ go of you, so I was thinkin’...perhaps make a reservation for the ring that’s s’posed to go onto your left hand’s ring finger?
Izumo: How about it? Are you willin’ to entrust your future to me?
Ran: Are you sure about wanting to spend your future with me?
Izumo: Of course. Only if it’s you. You’re the only one I’d go so far for.
Izumo: Stay with me… forever and always?
━━━ ∘◦ ♔END♔ ◦∘ ━━━
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
One of your day thirteen suggestions inspired me. Can you do ‘Which character is most likely to eat expired food because they don’t believe in expiry dates?’ for the HOMRA boys?
First, I’m always so glad when suggestions and prompts inspire asks! Also, this is such a funny and delightful question. Thank you so, so much for sending this in because I had a blast thinking about it and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Mikoto honestly probably can’t even find the expiry dates on most things. He never even thinks about best before dates and such on food and he doesn’t really check them out unless they’re super in his face. Most of the time, he relies on instincts. Does whatever he’s going to eat look and smell okay? If it does and it’s what he wants to eat, he’s going to eat it.
Totsuka does check expiry dates when he goes to buy food. For anything that’s not fresh, he tries to get food with expiration dates the furthest away so that he doesn’t really need to worry about it. For fresh food, he actually is really careful in buying only what he needs and will eat before it goes bad. He doesn’t have a huge food budget and doesn’t like to waste food. Kusanagi is much the same way, though he’s a real stickler about best before dates when it comes to anything served in the bar.
Anna and Yata are both along the same lines as Mikoto, where they don’t even really think about expiration dates or notice them. If it looks, smells, and tastes okay, both of them will eat it.
Kamamoto and Dewa are the two out of the boys who are actually really super strict about expiration dates on food and beverages. Best before dates are absolute to both boys and neither of them will eat anything past that date. For Dewa, he won’t even dare eating it the day of the expiration date or, for things like milk that easily could’ve spoiled, the day before the expiration date. Kamamoto just takes his food seriously and really wants the best taste experience, while Dewa has some paranoia around food-based illnesses.
Shouhei and Bandou are both the same. They’re pretty broke a lot of the time and while they’re obviously not eating anything heavily expired, they rely heavily on the savings you get for buying things that are really close to their expiration dates. They’ll freeze what they’re not going to eat right away and assume that the freezing and then cooking will be enough to fend off any food borne illnesses and honestly, there’s not a super huge taste difference, in either boy’s mind, until the food really spoils and is heavily expired.
Chitose actually eats out a lot. He hates cooking for himself and part of why he’s always got money issues is because he will take fast food or eating out any day over having to prepare something for himself. Because of that, he doesn’t really have a lot of food in his house, and he just assumes that any restaurant isn’t serving expired food.
Eric is someone who has experienced food insecurity firsthand. He knows what it feels like to go hungry for days on end. He’s learned how precious food can be and he’s going to eat what he has on hand and what he needs to to stay alive, and that’s definitely included spoiled food or expired food. He’s done it growing up, he still does it, and he’ll continue to do it whenever money is tight.
Fujishima’s parents still cook for him a lot of the time. He does know how to cook though and he’s pretty careful about expiration dates. He’ll throw away things like cheese that has spots of mold on it, bread that is stale, milk that is past date, but there’s some things that he really doesn’t care about the expiration dates on. These include a lot of condiments, bottled water and soda, honey, and peanut butter.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
Anna Kushina attended a public high school in the city of Shizume.
Anna was hospitalized in an extraordinary research center when she was a child, and even after leaving there, she lived alone in "Homra" and did not go to primary school.
There was also the reason that Anna's sensitive ability, that she tends to see other people's minds, was not suitable for the closed group life of the school.
However, in her high school year when the "Slate" disappeared, Anna decided to go to school, partly due to Kusanagi's recommendation. Until then, Anna had been content to interact with everyone in "Homura", but she decided to expand her world.
"Anna has grown into a wonderful young lady... I wish Mikoto and Totsuka could see her."
Kusanagi, who saw Anna in her uniform for the first time, said so in disgust, and Yata pushed him away and said: "Kusanagi-san, I'm sorry."
At first, everyone in "Homura" was worried about whether Anna was doing well in school, but as time passed, they got used to the situation that "Anna goes to school" and it became normal and acceptable.
For Anna, who has spent her time in a group of older men, school, where boys and girls of the same age meet, was a new and often confusing place, but she did her best to get along with her classmates.
She thought it was rewarding. However, Anna's secret problem was that she couldn't create a relationship at school that she could proudly call "friends".
A beautiful and mysterious girl was sitting behind her.
Due to that fact, Kakine Tsubaki's body was stiff and tense.
Due to the recent class change, Tsubaki became a classmate of a beautiful and mysterious girl, Anna Kushina, and her attendance numbers were also mixed up, so Anna Kushina was sitting in the seat right behind Tsubaki.
Anna Kushina was a girl who attracted attention since she entered the school.
She was born with long white hair and red eyes. A face that looked like a doll. She was of few words and had a mysterious aura that set her apart from ordinary beautiful girls. Even the so-called "normally" cute girls who were the center of the class, were treated with special respect by Anna Kushina.
Tsubaki was in a different class during her first year, but she often heard rumors about Anna Kushina.
She did not appear to have attended any elementary school. (As to the reason, the most popular theory is that she was sick, but she wasn't sure.)
She looked like a noble lady from Fukamado, but in reality she was the boss of some scandalous delinquents from Shizume City. (It's a silly story, but there are surprisingly many eyewitness stories that lend credence to the rumors, like walking around with scary men, or going in and out of bars even though she was a high school student.)
Also, there were various rumors, such as that she was the daughter of a yakuza boss, or that she was a fortune teller that politicians could trust.
Regardless, she was a mysterious girl with many mysteries and difficult to approach. She couldn't really talk to her, and when she got a chance to talk to her, she got excited and told her friends, "I just talked to Anna Kushina!"
(If she was in the front seat, she would have watched her back carefully, but since she was in the back seat, she was nervous.)
Tsubaki groaned inwardly.
She felt restless and nervous just thinking that she was right behind her, but since it was a big deal, she would like to see her face up close.
Tsubaki slowly turned around and looked back.
(Wow, seriously she is mysterious.)
Up close, Anna was truly beautiful. She was not a vulgar beauty, she was a beauty with pure power, like a grateful work of art.
Her long lashes cast shadows on her cheeks. Her eyes lifted, and her eyes met.
A small voice involuntarily leaked out. It would not look good to look away or look ahead. Tsubaki frantically searched for a topic.
"Um, er... Kushina-san, what kind of power did you get in January?"
When she said "January," she meant January of a year ago. It was during the incident that everyone suddenly had a mysterious power and caused chaos.
It turned out to be an abrupt question, but since the memory of the incident was fresh when she first entered last year, it was a topic that was often used to create conversational opportunities, much like "What elementary school are you from?"
Anna didn't answer and just looked at Tsubaki.
It was bad? As she broke out in a cold sweat, Anna slowly opened her mouth.
"Tsubaki, you had the power of the color red, right?"
She was shocked by the fact that the mysterious beautiful girl suddenly called her name and that she guessed something that the mysterious beautiful girl had no way of knowing.
"Uh... W-why...?"
It's true that Tsubaki emitted a red light during that commotion. Later she heard that people whose power color was red had a high chance of emitting flames, but Tsubaki's flames didn't burn anything at the temperature of a heater, they just fluttered.
Tsubaki, who had such carefree strength, did not encounter any danger, so she remembered that confusion as a bit funny and extraordinary.
Because she talked about it relatively casually, she had quite a few friends at school who knew about Tsubaki's power. Did Anna hear from anyone? But who would put a particularly uninteresting story about an ordinary girl like Tsubaki in Anna's ears?
"It's the same as Tsubaki's name."
"A beautiful red like a camellia flower."
She said it as if she had seen it.
Anna's eyes seemed to be looking at what happened in January on the other side of Tsubaki.
Now that she mentioned it, she thought that Tsubaki's power that came out at that moment was like a camellia flower dancing in the air.
Tsubaki looked at Anna's beautiful face and once again thought, "She's really mysterious."
The mysterious girl Anna Kushina had the image of a solitary and lofty flower, but when she started talking to her, she responded unexpectedly. She seemed to be of few words, but it was just a personality trait, and she didn't seem to dislike her idle talk.
"Tsubaki, did you have that kind of courage?" That's what her friends who were in the same class as her in first year told her, but it was only at the beginning that she needed the courage to talk to Anna.
Although she was expressionless, she was not angry and was very cute when she smiled sometimes. Maybe because she didn't go to elementary school, her answers were a bit off, and being ignorant of trends is more of a "gap" than a "mystery", she was happy that when she told her what was hot in at that time, she heard intently with a straight face.
"I'm happy to be Tsubaki's friend."
She was eating crepe on the way home from school when Anna suddenly said that.
Tsubaki was nervous because she never expected that mysterious girl to say such a thing. The hand that held her crepe strengthened.
Anna elegantly bit into the edge of the crepe with many red berries wrapped around it and relaxed her eyes.
"It's the first time I buy and I eat with my friends."
"Ah, Kushina-san, you look like a girl."
"I'm not a girl."
"How is your family, Kushina-san?"
Tsubaki suddenly remembered one of the rumors about Anna, the theory that Anna Kushina was the daughter of a yakuza boss. That was ridiculous, she laughed to her heart and waited for Anna's response.
"Um... There are a lot of people who are like family."
"Sometimes people get scared, but they're all good people."
"They're like a family, so they're not related by blood?"
Tsubaki secretly broke out in a cold sweat when the weather turned suspicious.
Anne agreed.
"But we are connected by a bond stronger than blood."
(Let's not delve further into this story.), Tsubaki thought.
Although she still didn't have the courage to find out the truth from Anna, she didn't dare run away from being her friend. The agitation caused her to bite too much and the cream overflowed.
Anna's slender white finger reached out and touched Tsubaki's cheek.
"Your cheek has cream on it."
Anna smiled as she wiped the cream from Tsubaki's cheeks with her clean fingertips.
Tsubaki's heart was beating a different type of beat when she sensed the presence of a yakuza in Anna's house.
When she was about to fall into a perverted mood, she heard a loud laugh that snapped her out of her joyful feelings.
Looking around her, she saw a group of guys coming out of the arcade across the street.
Tsubaki involuntarily shrugged. Anna looked at Tsubaki curiously.
"Right now, among the people who came out of the arcade, Tsushima-senpai is a third-year student at our school."
Tsubaki answered Anna's question as she looked away so as not to make eye contact with them. Anna tilted her head.
"Bad rumors?"
"He still has the power of "January", and that's why he's doing bad things. It's a power that makes his hands hot like a hot iron, if he threatens, everyone will listen to what he says, so he's talking about doing what he wants behind the scenes."
Tsubaki only had the carefree power to make her look a bit beautiful, but it seemed like quite a few people had the power to use violence. Most people's powers wore off quickly, but it was a bit scary to think about what would have happened if everyone's powers had continued.
In fact, even Tsushima, a senior who seemed to have some strength, was feared by everyone because he always carried a weapon.
However, instead of freaking out when she heard Tsubaki's story, Anna looked directly at Tsushima.
"Hey... Kushina-san!"
She was about to say that it would be better not to make eye contact, but before that, Tsushima caught Anna's gaze. Even so, Anna didn't take her gaze from him. Tsushima turned his foot towards her as if he was attracted to her.
Tsubaki turned pale and grabbed the hem of Anna's uniform.
"You're Kohai from our school, right? I've seen that face before."
Tsushima, standing in front of Anna, said that. The bad boy who seemed to have his entourage also surrounded the bench where Anna and Tsubaki were sitting.
Tsubaki was completely scared and crouched down, but Anna looked at Tsushima with a doll-like expressionless face. Tsushima's eyes were so direct that he frowned.
"Hey, say something."
"It's better not to do bad things using your power."
Somehow, even though she may not have responded to the request, Anna suddenly said something like that.
Tsubaki's face, which she had thought was completely drained of blood, began to bleed even more. She pulled at the hem of Anna's uniform so she won't say something weird. Desperately she sent a silent signal, but Anna paid no attention.
"Hey, what kind of advice do you give Tsushima-kun?!"
"Just because you're kind of cute doesn't mean you're disrespectful!"
The entourage roared. Tsubaki looked at Anna next to her with the feeling that she was about to die. Anna was still looking at Tsushima with a beautiful expressionless expression that showed not the slightest bit of agitation.
Perhaps because the surroundings were excited, Tsushima's face relaxed, and he slightly raised his hand to control the surroundings.
"Hmph, to give me an opinion. You are an interesting woman."
Tsubaki, on the other hand, freaked out and withdrew a bit.
"What is your name?"
"Anna Kushina."
"I will remember."
Tsushima left with his entourage. As his back disappeared, Tsubaki let out a long, deep breath.
"Kushina-san! Don't say those things to scary people! Don't stare at them in the first place!"
Tsubaki complained with half teary eyes, but Anna tilted her head blankly.
Seeing those innocent eyes, Tsubaki withdrew any further complaints and let out a sigh.
"I shouldn't have said something rude..."
She knew that Anna had a mysterious side… or rather, she didn't know what she was going to do, but she let it slip and reflected on herself. Tsubaki straightened her back and turned to face Anna.
"Anyway, Kushina-san. Be careful from now on. That person seems to have set his sights on Kushina-san. Even if he invites you, turn him down while trying not to make him angry. Try not to be alone as much as possible."
She said that feeling that she should protect that mysterious girl. Anna kept looking at Tsubaki with innocent and beautiful eyes.
Soon everyone at school knew that Tsushima had his eyes on Anna Kushina.
That was because Tsushima, a third-year student, had often been seen going up to Anna's class, which was in a different grade, to pick on her and get involved with Anna when she was trying to go home from school.
Anna didn't seem particularly worried or angry, but of course she didn't seem happy either, and she treated him nonchalantly with her usual doll face. If someone spoke to her or invited her, she didn't ignore it, she would simply say: "I don't want to go, so I won't go."
Tsubaki was scared next to her and couldn't do anything, but at least she was more aware of being with her so she wouldn't be left alone.
"I hope she gives up on Kushina-san soon..."
On the way home from cram school, Tsubaki muttered under her breath to herself.
Anna didn't seem to mind, but the commoner Tsubaki, just being next to him made her stomach ache. Furthermore, due to Anna's bluntness, Tsushima, who was smiling at first, gradually felt his mood worsen.
Tsubaki let out a deep breath.
Due to the exhaustion of studying in cram school and Anna's case, her body felt like she was craving sugar and she was thirsty. Tsubaki found the light of a vending machine floating on the street at night and bought an orange carbonated drink. That went before dinner, but she thought a sweet drink would be fine, so when she drank half at once, she heard footsteps and voices.
"That Anna, it's bothering me that she's being too arrogant."
That was the voice that had been bothering Tsubaki lately. Tsushima was approaching while he was chatting with his entourage.
Tsubaki quickly hid behind the vending machine.
"It's because Tsushima-kun is nice to her, aren't you getting carried away?"
"She feels like a princess who takes pampering for granted, so maybe you should teach her about fear of men around here, okay?"
Hearing the words of his entourage, Tsushima burst out laughing.
"That's right. She doesn't know I'm a scary man."
(What are these guys planning?)
Tsubaki trembled with equal amounts of anger and fear welling up. Her hand slipped with the rhythm and the soda can, which was half full, fell out.
Tsushima and the others turned to the sound of the can hitting the asphalt with a thud.
"Eh? You're Anna's waistband."
Tsushima, who came over to the side of the vending machine where Tsubaki was hiding, said that in a mocking tone.
(What kind of waistband? I'm Kushina-san's friend. You're the only one next to her who just tries to please her. By the way, why do you call her Anna? Even though I still call her by her last name.)
Various thoughts popped into her mind, but she looked at Tsushima without saying anything. At that moment, anger prevailed over fear, making her eyes sparkle.
Looking bluntly at Tsubaki's face, Tsushima thought of something, snorted, and laughed.
"Ok. Hey, lend me your PDA."
"Hurry up."
Tsushima snatched the bag from Tsubaki and grabbed the PDA that was in the pocket. "Give it back to me!" Tsushima's entourage held back Tsubaki, who extended her hand.
Tsushima fiddled with Tsubaki's PDA for a while, then smiled and looked at Tsubaki.
"I'll call Anna with your PDA."
There are several abandoned buildings in Shizume City.
It seems that they have played a role in the deterioration of public order, such as being used by homeless people as a place to live and criminals to hang out.
Tsubaki was taken to a nearby abandoned building by Tsushima and his entourage.
Sitting on a dusty tube chair set along the wall, she crouched down tightly holding the bag that was handed back to her. Only her PDA continued to be taken over by Tsushima, and she couldn't call for help or send a warning to Anna that she shouldn't come. There were four in Tsushima's entourage, two of whom were on Tsubaki's left and right, and she seemed unable to escape.
"Don't be so scared. As long as Anna is calm, neither you nor Anna will get hurt."
Tsubaki gritted her teeth at Tsushima's laughter. Her heart had been beating so hard inside her chest for a while that she was aching, and due to her fear, her breathing had become shallow and it was a bit difficult to breathe.
However, anger welled up to the point of swallowing even that fear, and Tsubaki's mouth moved.
"Kuh... Kushina-san won't do what you want...!"
Tsushima raised his eyebrows and moved closer to Tsubaki. His right palm glowed red hot. In the dark and abandoned building, Tsushima's hand turned red and light, like cast iron. Tsubaki took a deep breath. The entourage to Tsubaki's left and right jumped back as if they were scared.
Cursing, Tsushima's palm hit the wall behind Tsubaki. The sound of the concrete wall burning next to her face made Tsubaki fall off her chair without screaming. The wall that Tsushima touched had a clear mark from his palm, like a hot iron.
"Haha, are you scared? My right hand is getting ridiculously hot."
Tsubaki, trembling, rubbed her buttocks on the ground and stepped back to get away from Tsushima. Seeing Tsubaki like this, Tsushima took a deep breath.
"Because of what happened in January, I became a monster, no one can beat me. Don't think you're going to go against me too."
"What are you doing to Tsubaki?"
As if interrupting Tsushima's words, a calm and beautiful voice resounded.
At some point, there was a small shadow at the entrance of the room. Anna had arrived. Because Tsubaki was caught by those guys, Anna was drawn to a place like that.
Tsushima smiled and turned to look at Anna.
"I was just teaching her about my powers. Because this girl seemed to underestimate me. Anna, you too. I've been acting wrong, so you've been arrogant up until now, but…"
Tsushima couldn't say for sure.
The room was suddenly filled with red flames. The interior of the dark and abandoned building was brightly lit, and Tsubaki narrowed her eyes for a moment, then widened them.
There was a spinning sound as the flames burned. She knew that the sea of fire referred to such a scene. The whole room was on fire.
However, the flame did not scare Tsubaki. Tsubaki's body was surrounded by a dome of red light and the heat from the flames was transmitted just like the heat of a hot sun.
That was clear from the fact that the metal desks and chairs had melted and lost their shape that the flames that filled the room weren't fake. That flame contained a higher temperature, much higher than ordinary fire.
Tsushima and his entourage were shouting. They weren't burned, but they weren't enveloped in a dome of light like Tsubaki either. They were surrounded and stunned by the billowing flames that seemed to attack them at any moment.
Anna walked slowly through the flames. As she watched Anna walk through the fire in the cool air of walking across a meadow, she realized that the fire was a part of her.
Anna stopped in front of Tsushima, who was crouched on the ground and desperately trying to get away from the flames.
"I won't forgive anyone who hurts my friends."
Tsushima was speechless for a while, opening and closing his mouth, but finally managed to get a few words out.
"I'm sorry..."
The flames that filled the room suddenly disappeared.
Anna turned her feet towards Tsubaki, paying no further attention to Tsushima and the others who were sitting still.
Facing the stunned Tsubaki, Anna lowered her head in apology. She knew that she was depressed because he had scared her, but Anna's bright red flame had completely consumed all the fear in Tsubaki.
"It was a beautiful red flame..."
Such a stupid impression came out of Tsubaki's mouth.
Although Tsubaki had witnessed a terrifyingly hot sea of fire, for some reason Tsubaki remembered the dim warm red light that she emitted in January.
"Anna! Don't go alone!"
There was a voice calling for Anna and multiple footsteps, and grown men ran into the abandoned building. A small man in a knitted hat and a large plump man in front, followed by six other men.
"I'm sorry, Misaki. My friend might be in danger."
"You are ok?"
The person in the knitted hat nodded and snapped his fingers as he turned to look at Tsushima and the others.
Tsushima and the others were still hunched over, their faces trembling as they looked at the terrifying men who suddenly appeared.
Not knowing what to do, Anna took Tsubaki's hand, stood up, and led her to the exit of the abandoned building.
"Don't do anything terrible."
Before leaving, Anna turned around and said that to the men.
"Haha, don't worry! I won't do anything immature. However, it is the duty of an adult to properly scold a bad boy."
Said the man in the knitted hat. Anna tugged at Tsubaki's hand and left the abandoned building.
"Hey! What are you doing bringing a girl to a place like this?!"
"Don't be shameless, damn kid!"
"Don't look at Anna with strange eyes!"
Tsubaki cringed when she heard an angry roar.
Those men were probably Anna's "family people who were connected by ties stronger than blood".
"Well, Kushina-san is... the daughter of a yakuza boss... is that so...?"
When she couldn't help but ask, Anna gave her a dumbfounded look, then smiled a little and shook her head.
"I was once a 'King'."
This time it was Tsubaki's turn to flinch.
Anna didn't say anything else and walked down the street at night, hand in hand with Tsubaki. When they got to the point where they could no longer see the abandoned building, the hands holding her slipped. As soon as she released her warm soft hands, she felt a sudden chill.
"I'm sorry I made you scared because of me today."
Anna lowered her head towards Tsubaki. Tsubaki panicked.
"Oh, that's...!"
"But... Tsubaki, if you want, I would like to continue being your friend."
Tsubaki became uneasy. She opened her mouth thinking that it was time to say it.
"Mmm, of course! Um, if you don't mind, Kushina-san… can I call you Anna-chan…?"
At Tsubaki's suggestion, the mysterious Anna Kushina laughed like a normal girl, as if she had lifted a mysterious veil.
Anna Kushina attends a public high school in the city of Shizume.
Even after a year, she secretly worried that she wouldn't be able to create a relationship at school that she could proudly call "friends", but recently she finally made a friend in her class.
Due to the troubles from the other day, all of "Homura's" worries had returned, and it was a bit annoying to worry about strange men approaching Anna again, although it was a fun day.
"Anna-chan, thank you for today. It was the first time I had entered a bar, so my heart was pounding."
Anna had invited Tsubaki to the HOMRA bar where she lives. (The suspicion that Anna was the daughter of a yakuza boss had not been cleared up, so it also had to be explained.)
Kusanagi was delighted that Anna had introduced him to her school friend for the first time and served them pancakes with elaborate decorations.
"Come visit us whenever you want."
As she left the bar and was about to walk Tsubaki down the main street and say goodbye to her, Anna's sensory ability sensed him.
"He returned."
Tsubaki tilted her head at Anna's mutter.
A moment later, there was a commotion across the street.
"What is that procession?" "A sightseeing tour?" "There are too many people, right?" She heard many voices murmuring.
She heard the sound of a large number of overlapping footsteps and saw a strange group marching towards them.
Walking in the lead was a tall man with glasses. The appearance of civilian clothes without wearing a blue uniform was unusual for Anna.
The "Blue King" Reisi Munakata.
And behind him, a mysterious group was following him.
From their facial features, skin color, and the clothes they wore, it was clear that they were people from various countries and cultural spheres, with various occupations. There were people who looked like high-class people, other people who looked like bad guys, and also people who looked like magicians who came from a land beyond the reach of civilization.
They were all of different races, ages, and genders, and they all looked at Munakata, who was in the lead, waiting for something.
"Oya, what a coincidence."
Munakata stopped in front of Anna and said that happily. Tsubaki looked at Anna with a surprised face.
"Ah, Anna-chan, do you know him?"
Tsubaki secretly asked in Anna's ear. Anna nodded curtly.
It is true that she knew Munakata, but she did not know the group behind him. Apparently, a lot of things happened while she didn't see him for a while.
"I heard you were on a trip."
"Yes. I'd like to talk about one of the memories, but excuse me for rushing."
Munakata said that and again led the group and walked briskly.
Dismissing Munakata and the mysterious group, Tsubaki let out a sigh.
“So you know someone like that. Anna-chan, you are really mysterious…”
Anna tilted her head vaguely after receiving an incomprehensible impression.
Continues in the eleventh chapter, "Reisi Munakata's Return".
36 notes · View notes
shoheiakagi · 8 months
I would like to see the band girls aesthetic plus more detail on Chitose and Mikototsu relationship(I'm a shameless fangirl here I can't help it) ❤ with love, redlovesashes
@redloveashes So I’m currently on my phone and away from my laptop, so I’ll like give brief overviews on the aesthetics of the girls. Once i get near my laptop, i’ll create some edits!
ABC boys as rockstars
Miyako: long and straight black hair, red lips, pale skin, long skirts and blouses, expensive jewelry, warm hugs, deep voice, kimonos, neutral colors, eyes crinkling while laughing, hands on hips and steady eye contact
Izumi: blond hair, black leather jackets, chunky combat boots, cigarettes, dark eye makeup with heavy eyeliner, long black nails, raised eyebrows, monotone voice, empty bottles of liquor, dark lipstick
Kaoru: short black hair, streetwear, abs, lips pulled up in a cocky smirk, cropped tops and baggy pants, cartilage piercing, junk food, carefree and blunt, toned legs, loud snorts of laughter
Sakuno: long and wavy brown hair, mini skirts and dresses, cherry blossoms, hair clips, giggling behind the hand, puppy dog eyes, blushing cheeks, heart shaped sunglasses, lots of pink with shades of red
Izumi learns about Chitose through her friend, Maria. After Chitose casually breaks up with Maria, the darker haired girl goes in a spiral, which unfortunately the media has a blast with. Izumi personally witnessed Maria’s breakdown, seeing her get constantly plastered in dingy bars and get into fights. So it’s safe to say that Chitose is her least favorite member of a group she already dislikes
Chitose being Chitose, doesn’t take her too seriously at first. She’s a hot girl, who’s in a group with other hot girls, so he’s having a tough time to pick his favorite right away (if he had it his way, he’d definitely have a fivesome with the entire group lmao)
even when he notices her cold attitude towards him, he still doesn’t take her that seriously. Ignoring her insults, he would have a lazy smirk on his face while cornering her against the wall
Chitose is honestly impressed when he learns about Izumi’s body count, trying to coax her into a competition on who gets laid the most
Izumi scoffs at first but slowly starts to warm up to him, finding him fun to be around. They soon start to party together, where they definitely hooked up once, twice, or maybe even more
Chitose would entertain other girls, which would bother Izumi just a little bit, before she brushes off her feelings and hooks up with other guys, which chitose definitely notices
To be honest, they will be more of a minor/supporting pair since this au focuses more on the abc boys
But I like the idea of the nation’s sweetheart secretly fucking his hot ceo lmaooo
Like just imaging all these interviews and tabloids trying to see if Totsuka is dating any other idol, and how he apparently seems to hover near this female idol a lot at award shows, only for him to be sucking on Mikoto’s dick while kneeling under his desk
but sex aside, while both are good friends with kusanagi, there was always a more intimate connection between mikoto and totsuka
secretly, mikoto would overspend the company’s budget by trying to get the best stylists and staff for totsuka, wanting him to succeed and reach his goal
but as totsuka gets even more famous, and gets even more praise, mikoto can’t help but feel that he’s getting farther away from his grasp. theyre barely able to get a glimpse of each other in the company building, let alone meet each other in his apartment, because of totsuka’s packed schedule
and it doesn’t help that the less he saw totsuka, the more totsuka is seen publicly interacting with other celebrities who are enamored with him
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roloko-karlstein · 7 years
Me: *sees Mikoto and Totsuka standing together* mmmmm good shit soulmates and boyfriends
People in charge of merchandising: lol pairs Mikoto with Munakata in the badge set
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thefinalcinderella · 3 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 7 - The Qualifiers (Part 2)
I will finish this novel by the end of summer...no matter what
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. According to Wikipedia, the second leg of Hakone is 23.1km from Tsurumi to Totsuka and the longest leg of the race, so traditionally the fastest runner of each team runs this leg. It’s called the “Leg 2 of Flowers” because all the aces of each school take part in it
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The race unfolded at a fast pace right from the start.
Kakeru and Kiyose were part of the first group that consisted of twenty to thirty people. Kakeru was impatient to do a spurt, but he was admonished by Kiyose, running next to him, to “calm down,” and he managed to control his impatience.
Two black transfer students from Saikyo University were in the lead. In no time at all, they had established a lead from the first group and were already rounding the first corner of the runway. Iwanki, the black transfer student from Koufu Academy and a Hakone regular, also followed them resolutely. Iwanki was an ace in his final year of school who had run the second leg (1) of Hakone for three years in a row, and Kakeru felt the ace’s pride and ardor for Hakone as he stared at Iwanki’s distant back running far ahead.
As though influenced by the three in the lead’s running, the first group also passed the first kilometer in two minutes and forty-nine seconds. It might have been due to the fact that the JSDF’s runway was so wide that it was difficult to get a sense of distance; considering they were running twenty kilometers, it was a pretty fast pace. More and more people couldn’t keep up, and by the time they rounded the second corner, the runners were already all stretched out lengthwise.
Kiyose checked his watch and turned around. The other Chikusei-sou members were in the third group that consisted of seventy to eighty people, and they were running together.
Kiyose went out to the edge of the course, where it would be easier to see him from behind. His palm was facing down, signalling them to “restrain themselves.” According to the rules they had decided beforehand, he indicated numbers with his fingers in succession, telling them to “run up to five kilometers within three minutes and ten seconds per kilometer. The rest is decided by you.” “Decided by you” was indicated with a gesture of opening and closing his palm near his temple. He could see Yuki and Shindou nodding and quickly informing the others around them.
“Are we slowing down too?” Kakeru asked.
“Are we?” Kiyose asked back.
He had absolutely no intention of doing that. As Kiyose ran, he lightly tapped Kakeru’s back.
“Once we’re on the regular roads, there will be new developments. When the time comes, just launch forward without worrying about me.”
Hanako had finished gathering the bags near the start point and was cheering on the residents making the second lap on the runway. It was so expansive that when the runners were running at the farthest side, she could only see specks. But as the group approached, she could feel the earth shaking, and when they passed before her eyes, she could feel the breathing of the runners and the heat dissipating off their sweaty bodies.
With a stopwatch in hand, Hanako was amazed.
Everyone is running at such a fast speed. They’re even faster than I would be if I pedalled my bike with all my strength. The runners are passing by so quickly that I can barely make out their faces—and they’re running a whole twenty kilometers at this speed.
The three black runners passed by, and about forty meters behind, the first group arrived. Kakeru and Kiyose were among them; they were still carrying themselves lightly and compactly, with calm expressions on their faces. The surrounding spectators cheered, “Let’s go!” Hanako also tried to call out to them, but she couldn’t; a lump of air was stuck in her chest.
The twins were in the third group. The eight people of Chikusei-sou were together, running as hard as they could to not fall behind—to get even a little bit further ahead.
“The lead is at a pace of two minutes and forty-nine seconds. Don’t let yourselves be dragged along!” As Hanako conveyed that information, she realized that she was on the verge of tears.
I never knew that the running form could be this beautiful. What a primitive and lonely sport this is. No one is able to support them. No matter how many spectators there are around them, no matter if the teammates they practiced together with are with them, those people are currently continuing to run using everything in their bodies, all by themselves.
They ran two laps on the runway, and after they had run five kilometers, the gap between the black runners in the lead and the first group was more than a hundred meters. A middle-aged man near Hanako clicked his tongue.
“Japanese runners are so weak.”
Not at all, Hanako wanted to say. What are you looking at? There’s no difference between those leading and those following. Why can’t you see the seriousness in their faces and their determination to overcome their physical limits? There’s no weak person here.
Clenching her fists tightly, Hanako’s eyes chased the Kansei uniforms. Don’t lose. Everyone, please don’t lose.
Even Hanako herself didn’t know what she was praying that they wouldn’t lose against; was it the rivals from the other schools, the people who were spectating along the route while making arbitrary judgements, or was it they themselves who were running? She didn’t know, but Hanako prayed with all her heart: she didn’t want them to lose. To anything.
Yaokatsu called out to her.
“Let’s go, Hana.”
Hey, hey, Yaokatsu prompted Hanako. “Everyone looks like they’re in a good position. Let’s wait for them at the finish line.”
The plasterer sniffed and nodded. It was the first time the people of the shopping district had seen track athletes running at close proximity. The speed was breathtaking, and they couldn’t help but be moved by how bravely the people of Chikusei-sou were competing, by no means inferior to anyone else.
They’re always laughing like idiots, but they were serious. They were serious about running. Watching the qualifiers, they finally realized that.
The people of the shopping district picked up the towels and water bottles and began to move through the park. They had to secure a good spot on the grass clearing to welcome the runners after they finished the race.
Hanako was blinking, drying the tears that had welled up. This was no time to cry. The race had only just started. She had to believe in them and do what she had to do.
Holding the plastic sheet, Hanako vigorously walked through the grass wet with morning dew.
The race took on a new dimension when they passed the five kilometer mark and went out onto the regular road. The first group began to come apart. The gap with the lead didn’t shorten, but it also didn’t get longer. It was still a very high-paced race, and some were falling behind.
Kakeru and Kiyose were firmly in the first group, which had about ten people; they were surrounded by ace runners from TSU, Kikui, and Koufu Academy. Kakeru confirmed that Sakaki wasn’t there. No sense of superiority or, of course, sympathy sprouted in Kakeru’s heart. He only thought, “Oh, I guess he couldn’t keep up with the pace.” But I’m going further. I’m gonna break away from this group.
At that point, the staff inside the leading car that was loaded up with TV cameras shouted in admiration, “Oi oi, there’re Kansei runners here. They’re doing pretty good!” But of course Kakeru and Kiyose had no way of knowing that. Where would the race go? They were playing a silent game with the runners around them.
Large track teams had backup members posted along the route, who were able to relay the positions of each runner and the pacing instructions from the coach. However, Kansei didn’t have enough people, and Kiyose had to pay attention to the other runners as well, not just his own running. Occasionally, he turned around to look at the situation—the eight people from Chikusei-sou were still huddled together, taking rear positions in the expanding second group. The previous second and third groups had also broken up, and those who weren’t left behind seemed to have merged with those that couldn’t keep up with the first group.
It could be seen from the twins, Musa, and Yuki’s faces that they still had spare energy left. Shindou and Nico-chan were calm, striving to maintain their own pace. King was managing to keep up, but Prince would soon be at risk. The Chikusei-sou group was also stretching out vertically.
More than that, if the members stuck together any longer, those with slow paces might drag them all backwards.
They passed the seven kilometer mark. The first group’s time for the last kilometer was 3.05 minutes. The race had slowed down a bit compared to the initial fast pace. This was probably due to the group psychology of being afraid of running out of steam in the latter half, as well as the slowing down of Iwanki, who was in third place, running a little further ahead.
It would only be after ten kilometers that some from the first group made a spurt, which Kiyose had judged would happen. There, of course, Kakeru and Kiyose had to cling on, but they also had to consider the impact on the rear. There would definitely be those who fell behind or fell off their pace because they lacked stamina, and the people of Chikusei-sou could not be swayed by it.
Kiyose approached the center line and made another signal towards the group in the back. He rotated his right arm widely. “Move out soon.” He fluttered his right hand’s fingers near his temple. “You guys can break up.” Next, he made a fist with his right hand and gave a thumbs up. “Good luck.”
Except for Prince, who couldn’t afford to do it, everyone raised their hands lightly to indicate they understood.
“Kakeru. Starting from the ten kilometer mark, the first turning point of this race will come. Don’t fall behind.”
Kakeru nodded at Kiyose’s whisper. He could sense that, both from the breathing of the runners in the first group and the fact that the scrambling for positions that would make it easier to break away was intensifying. The runners were inferring with each other, keeping each other in check, and waiting for their chance.
Even as they left the street in front of the station and approached the monorail overhead, there were spectators lining the streets along the way. But their voices were distant. They only caressed his ears like the roar of the sea, and tore back in an instant. It was because he was concentrating on the race, and Kakeru was reminded once again that today, his body was moving well.
There were times when his body felt light, but his pace didn’t reflect it. On the other hand, there were days when he felt like he wasn’t doing well, but was actually running at a very good pace. No matter how much he practiced, there were many times when his body and mind didn’t sync well in a real race, creating illusions.
Just to make sure, Kakeru dropped his gaze to his wristwatch for the first time; he had come this far at a pace of two minutes and fifty-seven seconds per kilometer. It’s not an illusion. Just as thought, I’m in good form today. Even if the race speeds up, I can still do it. I can go even faster.
Kiyose seemed to sense Kakeru’s confidence. Running next to him, he said “Whoa there,” as though calming a horse. “Wait, Kakeru. You’re free to do what you want after we pass the ten kilometer mark.”
If he put on a spurt too soon, he would self-destruct. Kakeru answered “Yes,” and controlled himself, not dropping his pace.
As soon as they passed under the monorail and saw the ten kilometer mark, the first group moved as expected.
A third-year from Kikui and the TSU captain put on a spurt. They pulled ahead of everyone except for Kakeru and Kiyose.
Using them as a shelter from the wind, Kakeru stayed right behind Kikui and TSU, who were competing against each other. After running about five hundred meters, he murmured, “I’m going.” Kiyose nodded without a word.
Kakeru overtook Kikui and TSU by running around them from the center line, and he continued to run according to his own rhythm. He didn’t have the leisure or urge to look back, but the sound of footsteps moving away from him was enough for him to know that he had pulled ahead and was in fourth place alone.
I feel great. The cutting wind and the road I’m stepping on are all mine for just this instant. As long as I’m running like this, this is a world only I can experience.
His heart was hot. He could feel the blood flowing to the tips of his fingers. He felt heavy—he wasn’t supposed to feel like this yet. He had to change his body more. Like a nimble beast that ran through the grassland without knowing pain. Like a silvery light in the darkness.
At the 11.2 kilometer turnaround point, Kakeru turned so cleanly that he looked like a brand-new aerodynamic machine. Slowing down is a sin. Because everything I have is for the sake of running.
Kakeru was already in range of Iwanki, who was ahead of him.
Seeing Kakeru accelerate right before his eyes, Kiyose was ecstatic.
Show me that run. The beauty of that existence, born for running.
The figure that easily surpasses frustration and envy. Like it’s some other creature. What a difference from me, who’s bound by gravity and struggling to supply oxygen to myself.
Kiyose managed to suppress his urge to shout. As expected, it’s only you. You’re the only one who can embody running like this. Kakeru, you’re the only one who can spur me on and show me a new world.
He wanted to catch up to Kakeru, but that was impossible for Kiyose, who had a bomb in his leg. He matched the pace of Kikui and TSU. Both of them were doing their best to get over the shock of being overtaken by Kakeru even though they had put on a spurt. How would this affect the ups and downs after they enter the park? The only tactic that remained for Kiyose was preserving his strength and taking a gamble on the end. He didn’t have the leeway to look behind him anymore.
But, he could feel it—the other eight had definitely witnessed Kakeru flying out from the group. He could tell that they were excited to see that sparkling running.
Jouji saw Kakeru, who was running past the turnaround point, from the front. He had the same face he had when he was jogging, his breathing composed and no hint of pain in his face. But, his eyes are different, Jouji thought. Kakeru’s dark eyes were shining with joy. It was the joy of just being in the act of running.
Kakeru probably didn’t know what kind of face he makes when he’s running. Jouji felt jealousy and affection at the same time. Can I run as purely as Kakeru? So innocently and freely to the point it’s inhuman. I want to run. Jouji thought. I want to run like Kakeru too.
Nico-chan groaned at Kakeru’s running as he ran right past him. I didn’t think he’d be that fast. How fast can he run when he’s going all out? That glint in his eyes is dazzling. It’s like he’s proving that there is such a thing as chosen ones.
But I’ll run through to the end. Nico-chan sucked air into his lungs that were beginning to scream. I can’t afford to fall behind Kakeru in my will to run.
The people wearing Kansei’s uniforms, with Kakeru in the lead, were connected by their passion and strength, and like a constellation shining in the night sky, they formed a single shape to reach the finish line.
Hanako staked out a spot on the grass clearing and then hurried towards the park course. The cheering squads from each school were crowding near the finish line. The spectators also formed a double or triple wall of people waiting for the runners to arrive. Since it suddenly became very noisy, the birds flew out of the park trees in surprise.
About fifty meters from the finish line, Hanako finally found a gap in the wall. Saying “Excuse me” as she slipped through, she was able to join the front row. She was wearing a Kansei jersey, so the spectators guessed that she was a staff member and considerately made room for her.
Hanako looked at her stopwatch; fifty-three minutes and thirty-five seconds had passed since the start of the race. They’re running twenty kilometers, so it’s going to take a while no matter how you look at it.
Just when she thought that, the sound of cheers approached like a wave. The cheering squads of each school were singing their school song and waving their flags about as though this was the critical moment.
The leading runner appeared from the shade of a green tree: it was a black international student from Saikyo University. Next was another black student, also from Saikyo.
“Amazing…” Hanako murmured.
Amidst the roars of the crowd, the two international students crossed the finish line in fifty-eight minutes and twelve seconds and fifty-eight minutes and twenty-eight seconds respectively. The word “unrivalled” would be a fitting word to describe their physical ability. Hanako wondered what happened to the Chikusei-sou members. While applauding the runners who finished, she stood on tiptoe and looked at the course.
A figure appeared, turning the curve. Hanako screamed in spite of herself. She couldn’t find the words.
It was Kakeru.
It was Kurahara Kakeru who approached the final stretch right before the finish line in third place.
“The top places are going to be the black runners anyways.”
Even the spectators who had been whispering that to each other erupted in undulating roars, unmatched by the ones earlier. Hanako forgot herself and was shouting, “Kurahara-kun! Kurahara-kun!”
It didn’t seem like Kakeru was hearing anything.
The ragged breathing passed in front of Hanako in an instant. Kakeru was only looking at the finish line straight ahead and dashed through the fifty meter distance as though he was running short distance. The spectators were swept away by his running which was brimming with persistence and fighting spirit.
The area in front of the finish line was silent for an instant, as though a saint had passed through.
Hanako checked her stopwatch. Kakeru had finished in fifty-nine minutes and fifteen seconds. Iwanki finished five seconds later. Kakeru had beaten the ace of Koufu Academy.
A buzz filled the area in front of the finish line.
“That was Kansei. I’ve never seen that school in Hakone before.”
“They have one amazing runner there.”
He’s Kurahara-kun. He’s Kurahara-kun, who’s still a first-year. Hanako wanted to say that to everyone around her. However, there was no time for that, because the trailing runners were reaching the final stretch in front of the finish line one by one.
When Kiyose passed fifteen kilometers and entered the park, he made his spurt as planned. Kikui and TSU increased their pace at almost the exact same time, but he had no intention of losing.
When he sped up on the upward slope, he felt a faint discomfort in his right shin. Shit, he thought, but he didn’t mess up his breathing or show it on his face—he was done for if his weakness was discovered. Right now, every second counted. It was not the time to worry about old wounds.
Kiyose continued to speed up without hesitating. The cheering squads’ musical performances were in complete harmony, singing in a chaotic scale. A few familiar faces from the shopping district seemed to be shouting along the course. However, he couldn’t hear anything. The Kikui runner pulled another step ahead. Every time his sole touched the ground, he felt a numbness in his shin. Even so, Kiyose had no intention of being outdistanced.
He definitely heard Kakeru’s yell. Kiyose poured his last strength into the muscles of his legs and practically collapsed through the finish line. He managed to move to a position where he wouldn’t be in the way and put his palm to his shin. It was hot. He was tied for sixth place with the Kikui runner. His time was exactly sixty minutes.
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Bright as Red [2]
Pairing: Yata Misaki x reader
Description: Reader is left on the streets in a severe situation, being found by Totsuka Tatara, who gets to himself the responsability to help and heal the girl in HOMRA’s headquarters. When she wakes up, she’s led by the wanting to seek for revenge, going after who’s hurt her.
Warnings: swears and mentions of possible r*pe.
Word count: 2,750.
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That afternoon the headquarters was silent - not even Kusanagi was behind the bar, taking care of his beloved belongings.
Y/N was sitting on the leather couch as she tied her shoelaces. Yata Misaki had just entered the building, skateboard on hands, when she got up and crossed eyes with him. Curious, the boy asked, not wanting to sound rude:
“Where you think you’re going?”
She hesitated before answering, passing her weight to one feet to the other.
“Home,” Yata’s brows furrowed, and before he could ask anything else she added: “Kinda. I can’t use your clothes forever,” she gestured vaguely to her own body, still using Yata’s shirt and shorts, a bit loose on her.
“I thought you said your house was attacked,” his brows were furrowed more than ever, his hand gripping tightly to his skateboard. 
“It was.”
“And you intend to go there alone? All by yourself?”
The boy sounded not only angry, but a little worried, Y/N thought.
“I can’t ask anyone to go with me.”
“Of course you can. You’re one of us now.”
“I didn’t mean that,” she smiled just a bit. “The bar is empty,” she shrugged.
“Oh,” Yata lost arguments. “In that case, couldn’t you wait?”
She took a deep breath and sat back on the couch, hands passing through her hair. 
“I need to go there. I need to see… what left. If anything.”
Yata didn’t understand any of that, his life before HOMRA being way too different than hers, but he thought that she wasn’t being inconsequent, at least not entirely. It was understandable. Except the part for going alone. That was stupid.
“As far as I understand, that place is still dangerous for you to go, let’s say alone. C’mon, I’ll go with you,” he said before she even opened her mouth. Yata got his baseball bat and looked at her by the door, as if saying you coming?
She smiled - causing him to blush - and followed him. Even though Yata had his skateboard, it remained on his hands.
Y/N led the path to her house, the silence between them very much palpable, although it didn’t seem to bother the girl. She had her hands on tight fists, her jaws clenched. Yata could only wonder how she felt - angry? Sad? Nervous? All three of them? He didn’t know what to do nor what to say, so he just stood behind her, following as she turned street after street.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t want nothing to happen while they were at her house. It was a dangerous location at the moment, but he had hopes that whoever attacked her, they would be there, so he could kick the shit out of their bastard ass.
What kind of person would hurt a girl that bad? The memory of her being carried inside the bar by Totsuka still haunted Yata’s thoughts, all the blood and dirt and ripped clothes. He only hopped for the ripped clothes to mean nothing else like he was imagining. He thought that, if it was the case, she would’ve said, right? She wouldn’t be hanging around with all of them, with all those men.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she said upfront, as if reading his mind. He swallowed. “It’s written in all your faces, the doubt. Don’t worry, Yata-san,” she turned her head to look at him, and Yata’s heart raced at the sufixe on his name leaving her mouth.
“Good,” was his only response as he gripped his hand tighter to his skateboard and baseball bat. “But that doesn’t mean they’re impune on that.”
“No. They’re not,” she said, impassive. “It’s here.”
Y/N stopped at the front gates, the house behind it being very beautiful.
Besides the fact that was a damn mess. 
“Were you here? When this happened, I mean,” Yata asked.
She hadn’t told that part of the story, not yet.
“I was. My mom told me to hide, but when I saw that…”she closed her eyes. “When I saw that it was useless, after…”
Yata froze in place, not knowing what to do.
“I know,” he said, saving her to say the words, or anything like it.
“So I ran. I know it might look like that this was useless too, but maybe this is what saved my life.”
He nodded once.
“Because of that Totsuka-san saw you. Saved you. It wasn’t useless. It was a good call,” he gestured his head towards the house. “Ready when you are.”
She opened the gates and entered the property without ceremonies, Yata right behind her.
“Let me,” he said before she could open the front door. Y/N stared at Yata for a moment before nodding one time, giving him space.
With the bat he opened the door slowly, taking a peek inside. It was dark and a mess. The furniture was broken and scattered all around, papers being the new floor. Yata tried to switch the light on.
“I think the energy was cut.”
“Or destroyed. The wires, I mean.”
Yata entered, followed by Y/N. She took a look around, devastated.
“I didn’t know… it looked that bad.”
“Were they looking for anything specific?” Yata poked the mess on the floor with his bat.
“I don’t know. I mean, clearly they were - are -, but I don’t know what it is.”
“I don’t understand why this happened. All you said is that you and your parents were attacked.”
“I don’t understand much of it either, I never knew something was up until that day. All I know is that this creepy guy came in, prying up the gates and door, screaming for something,” Y/N got on her knees and moved a piece of furniture - or what left of it - away from the wall, revealing a vent. With her fingers and nails she tried to open it, failing.
It took Yata only a movement of his hand to open the small vent with his Red Aura.
“You gotta learn how to use your powers now.”
“It’s been less than a day. Cut me some slack,” she gave him a small smile and put her hand inside the vent, taking out some money. She continued to tell the story as more money came out. “That piece of shit came in, already breaking everything and asking ‘where is it?’ as some demand. Fuck, I wish I knew what ‘it’ is. I don’t even know what my father had gotten himself into.”
“You’re here to find this out,” Yata stated as Y/N got up, money in hands. She nodded.
The next thing she did was go upstairs, to what Yata thought was her room. Shy, he stood by the door as he waited for her to gather what she wanted. She came back with two backpacks, one full of what he assumed was her clothes and the other for whatever she was looking for. The money was in there.
“I need to go to my parent's room,” she said seriously.
“I can’t do this alone.”
Yata froze once again, chewing the inside of his cheeks. Of course that he nodded to her, what else could he possibly do? Let her go alone in there? In front of the door she froze, hands halfway to the doorknob. Yata opened it for her with his power. She gave him a thankful look.
He could hear when she stopped breathing, taking all in.
The room was just as a mess as the rest of the house, but he understood why Y/N would be all shaken up. Her parents just died, she was all alone in this world and to see this place looking like this…
It wasn’t easy, he wondered. With shaky hands and a racing heart, Yata placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her tremble by surprise. It felt like his touch gave her the strength that she needed, because a second later she was already moving around the room.
Yata moved along, taking a peek here and there, not really knowing what to look for - or what he was looking at.
“I’m looking for my dad’s computer, or my mom’s. Any computer, really, hoping that no one got it first.”
“Got it.”
Yata started looking at the dresser, ignoring the underwear with a deep heat blush as he found a key.
“Oi,” he called, both of them turning at each other. He tossed the key at Y/N, who got it midair. “Nice catch,” he said with a rascal smile.
Y/N examined the key carefully.
“I’ve got no idea what this opens,” she said while turning the key between her fingers.
“Guess we gotta try to open every damn thing to find out,” and there it was again, that rascal smile.
“So let’s try to open every damn thing,” she answered with the same smile on her lips.
“We should try my dad’s office,” Y/N said after a failed search at her parent's room. She didn’t want to take anything from there, or at least Yata didn’t see it. As they stepped in the room, Yata pointed at the computer on the desk.
“That computer, you meant?” He had a funny look on his face.
“Of course not,” she said calmly. “Although I could take the hard drive off to take a look later, but I have the feeling that there’s nothing in it.”
“Considering everything, yeah,” Yata opened every drawer and door.
“With your power we don’t need this key to open whatever’s closed, but that surely gave us the idea to look for something hidden.”
“I don’t know, the first thing you did when you got here was to pry open a vent and take money. I think you would find something that was hidden in some closed drawer or whatever.”
“Good point,” she smiled.
Yata’s phone started ringing and he answered.
“Yatagarasu here.”
“Yatagarasu?” Y/N let out a little giggle.
“Ah, Kusanagi-san. She’s with me. I-I’m with her, I mean. She…”
Y/N was nodding furiously. Don’t tell him!
“She needed fresh air. To think. I’m keeping her company, making sure nothing happens. Okay. Got it.”
“Thank you for not telling anything.”
“That’s not good. If they ever find this out, I’m dead meat.”
They continued their search, Yata being faster than ever. “After that call I think we should speed things up a lil’ bit.”
“I have an idea.” Y/N started to toss all the books from the bookshelves to the floor in a speed up race. “Help me!” And so Yata did it. After all the bookshelves were clean, he asked: “What now?”
“Now we look for fakes.”
As an answer, Y/N started knocking on the wall, trying to hear if anything sounded like there was a space behind it.
“It sounds weird here,” Yata said, knocking the same spot multiple times. Y/N nodded to him, giving permission to use his power there.
“But be careful. We don’t want to fuck up anything in there.”
A rash of red flames burst out of Yata towards the spot in the bookshelf, opening a hole up. The edges were still burning when Y/N stretched out her arm and looked for whatever was inside there.
“A velvet purse,” she said before opening it.
“Are those…?”
“Computer parts,” Y/N finished. “A hard drive. Two, actually. I’m gonna take the one in the computer as well. It’ll only take a moment.”
“No rush,” Yata said as he turned around, wondering if they should look for more.
“I think we can call it a day. Just do these last honors, would ya?”
Y/N was kneeled by a vent, giving Yata a sassy smile.
“Sure thing,” he quickly opened the vent and Y/N grabbed a handful of money. When she got up he noticed her stare at him. “What?”
She was actually staring at what he had on his hands, his skateboard and bat. 
“My dad had…” she pointed with her chin at his bat. “My dad had one autographed by his favorite player. I would like to take that with me.”
“Where is it?”
“It was supposed to be here.”
“Let’s go look for it. Maybe it’s still here.”
Yata’s determination in helping Y/N surely gave her the strength that she needed to not start running away from her house, scared by her feelings and by the state of the property. What was she thinking? She could’ve never go there alone. She wouldn’t make it. Not by herself.
“I’ll look here and you there. Let’s make it quick,” she told him.
After some time of looking through the mess she finally found it, her dad’s aluminum metal baseball bat, signed by his favorite player. For a moment she didn’t have the guts to take it, to merely touch it - the hell with it, she couldn’t even look at it without threatening tears. She sobbed as she kneeled in front of it, dropped carelessly on the floor. As if it was used and then discarded.
Yata was seeing all of that from the corner, not wanting to let her know that he could see her; but considering how good she was to say all the right things in the right time, he had no doubts that she knew he was there, looking.
It was heartbreaking, the whole thing.
Her sobs bursting out of her made Yata want to do something, anything, to make her feel better. A thing like this should never happen to a girl. And she was so smart, so self-reliant…
“Did you really look everywhere?”
Y/N immediately turned to where the strange voice came from, and Yata didn’t give a shit anymore if she knew he was looking at her crying. Both of them stood there, frozen and quiet. Even her breath was calculated. 
The outsider steps were fading away - whoever was there, they were probably going to the office. Thank goodness Yata and Y/N had just left there, taking anything important with them.
With the most silent steps Yata has ever heard, Y/N got up, her dad’s bat in hand and both backpacks on each of her shoulders.
She said silently “the garage” and Yata followed her. Once there - no car at sight - she started looking for something, with a mixture of most silent and quickness she could pull up. She let out a happy sigh when she found whatever she was looking for. Yata turned to see her putting on roller skates. 
Something lit up inside the boy, a new and therefore unknown sensation. He quickly shrugged it off - there was no time for new feelings, not now.
“We gotta go,” Y/N said in a rush, getting up on her roller skates.
Yata stood where he was, anger flowing through him, getting into his bloodstream, making his Red Aura make a casual appearance. He tightly gripped his bat.
“Was it them?’ It was all he asked.
“I don’t know. The voices sounded different, plus I think the guy who attacked me isn’t here.”
“But they surely are with him,” it was taking all of Yata’s strength to not go after those bastards and give them hell. 
“There’s no time for it. We gotta go. Now,” when she saw that Yata wasn’t moving, his Red Aura getting darker and stronger, she continued talking. “Don’t you think I don’t wanna do something, too? I do! But that’s not the right time. I can’t take the risk of losing the hard drives.”
His aura gave up a little bit, but he was still not moving.
“Yata-san, please,” his jaw clenched. “Please.”
“Lemme take one backpack,” he held out his hand. She tossed him one.
“Let’s be quiet until we’re at a safe distance.”
Yata was amazed by her ability to tiptoe on those roller skates, being able to not emit a single sound. Outside the garage, in the backyard, Y/N looked back at her house. “I don’t think I’ll be coming back here again.” He could only give her a sympathizing look.
“What about the key?” He asked.
“I don’t think it matters anymore. Let’s bet on a race to HOMRA,” she said, a smile on her lips washing away any sadness. Before Yata could agree, still putting her backpack on his shoulders, she was already skating away, getting an advantage.
“Oi!” He shouted when he was already on the streets. “Wait up! That’s not fair!” He complained as the air gave him her laugh as a response. 
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Facts & Trivia || Izumo Kusanagi
The following is part of a series of posts made by me. The information listed is official canon provided by GoRa. Sources will go from the anime, to mangas and novels as well as official short stories. These are NOT fanmade headcanons. The purpose of these posts is to provide useful information for fans as well as roleplayers looking for confirmed lore for their muses. Please do not reply to argue with me about what you read here. I did not come up with this stuff myself. GoRa did. I’ll come back to edit these as I find more info.
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Born on April 10, 1986 (The same year as Ryūhō Kamo and Mitsuha Kurayama).
He speaks with a soft accent from the region of Kansai.
The first clansman of Mikoto Suoh alongside Tatara Totsuka, co-founder of Homra since 2007, when he was 21.
He acts as a “mother” to the clansmen of Homra, according to Totsuka.
His Homra insigna is on the right shoulder blade, opposite of Totsuka’s.
He is the strategist of Homra and acts as a spokesperson for Suoh Mikoto, as the King doesn’t like to talk much. While Suoh doesn’t choose for his clansmen and lets them do as they like, it is typically Kusanagi to give them instructions.
He is also the main informant of the Red Clan, thanks to his many underground connections. Before Fushimi left Homra, Kusanagi had hoped to pass down this role to him.
Because of this, he was one of the Homra members most affected and disappointed when Fushimi left. But unlike Yata, Kusanagi decided to respect Fushimi’s choice.
Kusanagi gets information out of people typically through intimidation. He is particularly good at frightening his victims with veiled threats to burn their faces and other body parts.
Heavy smoker, he can turn small embers and flames into explosive fire projectiles. He often uses his cigarettes and zippo lighter as a medium in battle.
He met Mikoto Suoh and Tatara Totsuka in high school and the three of them have been friends since.
Has attended college.
He can speak fluent English.
Owner or bar Homra in Shizume City, which he inherited from his uncle.
He repeatedly asks Homra clansmen to enter from the back during business hours, probably to not give the bar a scary reputation that could chase away customers.
He organizes “cleaning weeks” for his bar, involving several clansmen.
He loves his bar dearly and can become furious if anything happens to it. The best known strategy when that happens is to run away and wait for him to calm down.
He cares much for the quality of his drinks, even going as far as traveling from England to purchase liquor. The bar furniture is also imported from England.
Though keeping a gentleman air to himself, he can be rather brutal. He often beats up the other clansmen with a smile on his face, and has no hesitation in yelling at the Red King. Even Suoh seems to be a bit afraid of him, apologizing with his head low when accidentally ruining the bar.
He’s a parent figure to Anna, being the only one who will try to discipline her when she crosses the line of common sense (such as trying to keep a horse in the bar). That said, he has a soft spot for her and hardly can say no when she insists.
Appears jokingly flirt with Seri Awashima, though without ever getting vulgar (He even calls her Seri-chan, as though they are close), and he often jokes about her cold rejections. Though he’ll playfully pretend to be hurt by this, he doesn’t appear to really be, showing that his feelings towards her are closer to friendship than romantic interest.
Also calls her “tundra woman”, because of her seriousness and no sense of humor.
From as early as high school he was pretty level headed, not allowing others drag him into doing careless things. He often lost at tests of courage against Suoh and Totsuka for the sake of putting safety first.
This also shows that he’s not the type of guy to care for his own pride.
Even today he’s always the voice of reason in Homra, speaking up against any reckless or dumb ideas his fellow clansmen may have.
He’s enthusiastic of Kamamoto’s summer transformation and always makes sure to hire him as a waiter for the season to lure girls to the bar for business.
He thinks at his age he cannot be as direct in approaching and courting girls.
He doesn’t believe in ghosts and doesn’t seem to get scared in spooky settings.
He once gave canned peaches to Totsuka when he had a cold. This made it so that Totsuka did the same for Kuroh when he found him sick with fever.
He is considered the most romantic in the clan, having the best ideas on how to impress a lady. His suggestion for Anna’s birthday was to give her a bouquet of red roses gifted from each member of the clan individually.
Kusanagi was aware of the consequences of Suoh’s actions (that would lead to his death) from the beginning, as the Red King told him so after Totsuka’s death in private.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
when sarumi first joined homra misaki became the designated hypeman, whenever a homra member had a 1v1 fight he was right there yelling "grab his dick and twist it!" or "punch him in the balls!" some of the homra boys would crack up a little and maybe he even accidentally made them lose once cause the person he was hyping up couldnt hold in their laughter
Just imagining little freshly-joined, still with his middle school haircut Yata yelling ‘punch him in the dick!’ and laughing XD Imagine this was intended as a little friendly hazing, like Chitose thinks it would be fun to play with the new guys by telling them that it’s their job as new blood to hype up the other guys in their fights. Fushimi of course immediately refuses and tells Yata not to listen but Yata’s eyes are already shining because he’s been in Homra five minutes and he’s already got a role, this is so cool. Kusanagi wonders if they should tell him it isn’t necessary but Totsuka’s like ‘now, now, we should let the boys have a little fun,’ mainly because he thinks this is very funny and wants to see what happens. Kusanagi groans but allows it, he’s probably worried about letting the kids get into fights right off the bat anyway and this will give them an excuse to hang back and observe. 
Yata absolutely takes his duty as hype man very seriously, imagine him dragging Fushimi along and Fushimi is just sitting there deadpan as Yata’s jumping up and down and punching the air as he yells ‘Get him! Kick his ass! Punch him in the neck!’. The Homra guys all find it kinda cute and maybe it does actually unexpectedly hype people up just because Yata is so very into it, Yata’s just infectious that way. Even Mikoto can’t help but smirk when Yata’s all ‘Fuck him up, Mikoto-san! Burn his fingers!’ (and then Yata’s so thrilled that Mikoto smiled at him and Fushimi is even more annoyed). At some point imagine there’s a brawl and Homra are easily winning but Yata’s still over here yelling ‘Twist his dick! Fry his balls! Burn his eyebrows off!’ and no one can keep it in anymore, the random Homra guys all start laughing. Chitose nearly gets hit by karma because he’s laughing too much and a guy tries to jump him, luckily Fushimi is the only one not laughing and gets the guy with a knife. After that it’s agreed that Yata and Fushimi can be part of the fights now and Yata doesn’t need to hype everyone up anymore, Yata’s happy to be more a part of the clan now but also a little bummed because he was enjoying himself.
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Even after graduation
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kamamoto: Yata-san, I'm glad you somehow managed to move up…
Yata: Don't say "somehow"! I just took it seriously, that's why.
Saya: I wonder if we'll be able to see Yata-kun's seriousness in the third year?
Yata: That is…
Kamamoto: We will see it, right?
Yata: Y-Yeah, I'll show you! Don't be scared, you two!
Saya: Fufu, he ran away.
Kamamoto: Waaah. I am so glad that I was able to celebrate the closing ceremony with Yata-san.
Saya: Kamamoto-kun really has a soft spot for Yata-kun, doesn't he?
Kamamoto: Because, you know. If he became my kohai, I wouldn't know how to address him, right?
Kamamoto: I still respect him and would like to continue to call him "Yata-san". But it would look strange from the outside.
Saya: It sure would… Uhm, I'm glad we were all able to move up.
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Totsuka: Oi-i. Come here, everyone!
Saya: Totsuka-senpai.
Totsuka: It's long awaited closing ceremony of the school year, right? So come on, everyone, smile. I'll capture it on camera.
Yata: Totsuka-san, that kind of thing should be done at the graduation ceremony.
Totsuka: Well-well, it doesn't matter. You see, I couldn't graduate for some reasons.
Totsuka: Okay, Yata. A few words about the joy of moving on!
Yata: A- A few words!? Let's see…If it were in my hands, there'd be no such thing as a test-
Totsuka: Wow, that's going to be a long comment. Can you please keep it to two seconds? I'm running out of time.
Yata: Ha!? It was…"Easy win"!
Totsuka: Thank you. Next one is Kamamoto!
Kamamoto: I can't think of anything. I'm hungry, so let's have lunch.
Totsuka: Uhm, a bit later. Last but not least…you!
Saya: Me!?
Totsuka: That's right. Since you're the last performer, make it straightforward.
Saya: It's, em…
Saya: I will do my best next year!
Totsuka: Ahaha. That's ordinary. It's so like you.
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Saya: …I'm really glad that senpai is back.
Totsuka: Fufu. How many times I've heard that, I wonder.
Saya: I'll say it over and over again. Because I'm really happy.
Saya: I was a little prepared for that. I thought I would never see you again. Because I hadn't heard from you at all.
Totsuka: …Uhm.
Saya: That's why I'm so happy. I absolutely hated the thought of that being left behind.
Totsuka: That?
Saya: These are senpai's belongings that were left in the classroom. Anna-sensei asked me to take care of them.
Totsuka: Oh, is that so. I see, no wonder I can't find them.
Totsuka: By the way. Do you know where my diploma is?
Saya: Yeah, I have it too.
Totsuka: What a reli-ief. I heard that a diploma is a very important thing.
Totsuka: Worst case scenario, I won't be able to enter the university. That's strange, even though it's just a piece of paper.
Saya: University…You'll enter the university without any problems.
Totsuka: Thanks to you. I wonder if I can somehow manage to get the money I need for tuition.
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Totsuka: I have to study hard for that, so I don't think I would be able to visit the club room as often as Kusanagi-san.
Totsuka: I want to spend time with you, but there will be days when I won't be able to do it. I might make you feel lonely.
Saya: …It's all right, nothing to worry about.
Saya: As long as you don't lose contact with me suddenly or disappear for a long time, I'm fine with that.
Totsuka: I'm really sorry about that…But it's nice to hear you say so.
Totsuka: I'm like this, but I look forward to being around you even after graduation.
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[Prev: Extra][Next: Normal ending]
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: A small fire Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut ! *T/N: Here’s to seeing how long I’ll stick around on this blog now that I’m back for a bit.
Misaki: Man, my grades are so bad that it’s actually depressing…  I’ll leave everything in your hands if I die, Kamamoto…
Kamamoto: You’re amazing! “Depressing”? I didn’t know that you knew of such a complicated word!
Misaki: Heh, but of course! Such a word is just…
Misaki: Hey, bastard! Aren’t you making fun of me either way!? Ya wanna have a go, huh!?
Kamamoto: I-I’m not, I swear! Uhh…. Oh, right!
Kamamoto: You’re real amazing, no joke! Weren’t you fourth in class? It makes me really proud as a member of the Red Club!
Ran: Thanks, Kamamoto-kun.
Misaki: Even so, isn’t that because you’ve got Kusanagi-san helping you? Isn’t that considered cheating?
Ran: Well… you do have a point.
Ran: He’s really good at teaching. Plus, he has the know-how on how the tricky questions are made…
Kamamoto: The know-how?
Ran: Yup. He said that he knew what type of questions would come out depending on who set the paper.
Misaki: Seriously!? That’s really cheating… Will he be willing to teach me a thing or two…?
Kukuri: --Heeeeey!!
Kukuri: Thank god I found you…
Ran: What’s wrong? Why are you in such a flurry?
Kukuri: Something big happened! Something terrible! The Red Club’s Clubroom went up in flames!
Ran: WHAT!?
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Totsuka-senpai!
Totsuka: You’re all here.
Misaki: Is everyone unscathed from the fire?
Totsuka: Yes. Probably.
Ran: Probably…?
Totsuka: We’re waiting for the fire department to arrive. And based on the scale of the fire, I suppose it’s not anything too serious, but…
Misaki: But…? Cut to the chase and tell us!
Totsuka: I haven’t been able to contact Kusanagi-san. He might be inside…
Ran: !
Totsuka: Wait, Mizushima-san!?
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Kusanagi-san!
Ran: Kusanagi-san, where are you!?
Izumo: …Hm?
Izumo: Huh? Oh… It’s you.
Ran: Get yourself together!
Izumo: Mm…
Ran: Kusana- *Cough*!
Ran: (The fire near him’s getting a little too close for comfort. I have to put it out… but, how?)
Ran: (There’s a water source nearby, but how do I bring it over… Oh!)
Ran: (My Ability! If I can use it, then I’m sure…)
Ran: (Please work…!!)
Izumo: Argh!?
Ran: Kusanagi-san!
Izumo: Y-You drenched me agai-- Wait, what’s goin’ on!? Is this a fire!?
Izumo: Yikes, we gotta get outta here… Stop blankin’ out. You’re gettin’ out too!
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Mikoto: …Hm? It’s them.
Totsuka: Ah, Kusanagi-san! So you really were in there… I’m glad to see that you’re alright.
Totsuka: But, how did a fire break out?
Izumo: Well, that’s the thing. I don’t remember. I only know that my report deadline was drawin’ close and I was smokin’ while sortin’ them out…
Izumo: Then I got sleepy as it dragged on, fell asleep… And the next thing I knew, I was splashed by water thanks to her Ability.
Ran: So… In other words…
Mikoto: You caused the fire.
Izumo: N-No… Well, I don’t know for sure, ya’ know? Maybe there was a conspiracy behind it or…
Totsuka: But, you were asleep. Right?
Izumo: Yes… Like the dead.
Mikoto: ……
Totsuka: …Hmph!
Izumo: Ow! What’cha doin’, Totsuka!?
Mikoto: Totsuka, dish him my share too.
Totsuka: This one is for King! And this one’s for the Red Club!
Izumo: Ow, ouch! Hey, quit it!
Totsuka: We were worried sick!
Ran: Yeah… Still, I’m glad you’re fine.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: If you had gotten hurt, I…
Izumo: Ran-chan…
Ran: It’s the first time my Ability made a positive impact.
Ran: It… did, right?
Izumo:  It did. You woke me up right in a snap. You’re pretty much my savior.
Ran: You’re exaggerating.
Izumo: Not at all. Things would’ve turned out much worse if I’d remained in there.
Totsuka: …Hey. Mind letting us in on the secret anytime soon?
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: C’mon now, Totsuka. We were just having a moment!
Totsuka: Well… You two looked like you’d be talking till the next morning if we left you to your own devices.
Totsuka: And I bear a message from Anna-sensei. She says that it’ll only be till winter that they manage to return everything inside back to normal.
Totsuka: In any case, they’re treating it as part of school property, so the school will be funding the repairs. Consider ourselves lucky.
Ran: Which means…
Izumo: We can't use the Clubroom while the repairs are ongoing?
Totsuka: Sounds like it.
Izumo: Well, that’s fine by me. I’ll just have to continue the rest of my report back at my own place.
Totsuka: You sure about that? How about moving in with her? You know, after the fire and all, maybe you’ll want to…
Izumo: Nope. Unlike the retro-style HOMRA bar, my house has emergency fire sprinklers installed, so I’ll be just fine.
Ran: So you’ll be just fine? That does make me worry a little…
Izumo: No, I’m good. Really. This only happened ‘cause I accidentally fell asleep. I’ll be careful from now on. Promise.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Drink Bar “HOMRA” Re-opens!
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day Two? For Homra Gang and Saru: IF they had a good friend with a bab and became godparent, what kind of godparent would they be? Only there in emergencies? Super doting like a second/third parent? Faking their death to get out of the responsibility of caring for another human person???
Okay, but I absolutely love this idea! I get and see a fair amount of characters as parents but you next to never see the idea of what they would be like as godparents. I loved imaging these and hope the headcanons will do the great idea justice!
I think when approached with the question of whether he’d be the child’s godparent, Mikoto just kind of stared at his friend for a good long while. Like, he’s not going to refuse them but…are they sure he’s really who they want as a godparent? No, seriously, really?? Out of all the potential godparents, do they really want Mikoto? Like I said though, I really don’t see him plain out refusing because, while he’s not the most expressive man, he does see the respect and honor they’re showing to him by appointing him as a godparent and he doubts that he’ll outlive the kid’s parents anyway. I don’t see him being a really hands on godparent. But he does take the responsibility seriously and he would make sure his godchild and their parents were living really good lives and that they were definitely safe. He might occasionally give a gift here or there, something that catches his eye, but he normally just has it delivered instead of hand-delivering it himself because he is the Red King and he does feel that his direct presence in the child’s life could lead to them being in more danger than if he just keeps his distance. He would be there in emergencies, without a second thought, but generally keeps his distance otherwise.
Ana is actually really quite happy to be thought of and asked. She wouldn’t appear it but she would be and I do think she would accept. However, much like Mikoto, I don’t think she’s overly hands on with her godchild at first. She’s never had any experience of being around babies and while she would visit quite often, she’s hesitant to handle the child too much until they get to be a little older. I do think that, while not the most hands on, she does give her godchild the most thought out of everyone and checks up on them fairly regularly and, whenever possible, she would want to spoil them with the same kind of love and gifts that she experienced when HOMRA took her in. However, other than that, I do think she prefers to be more of a ‘cool, aloof aunt’ than a second/third parent.
Totsuka is flattered by the request, and it does make him happy to be thought of. I do think he accepts really quickly, and he really gets into his role as godparent. At first, at least. But Totsuka’s interests come and go in fits, and it is hard for him to really dedicate himself to much, other than HOMRA and Mikoto. I think that, while he’s always kind of available, he’s largely in and out of the child’s life when he feels like it and when it suits him. When’s he’s in the mood to be a godparent, he’s the world’s best godparent, really. He’s so there for the child and will willingly take care of them and babysit to give their parents a break and will dote on them. But then he’s not in the mood anymore and he’s just MIA for months at a time, which can cause some issues for his godchild and make it hard for them to really trust him as a responsible adult figure.
Izumo’s going to refuse his friend’s request. He’ll be so polite about it, so kind that his friends won’t even be able to be offended. He’s kind enough to explain his reasoning, in broad strokes – he’s really not got the time to dedicate to being a good godparent, he’s not great with children, he can’t take on the extra responsibility, his life can be dangerous…by the end of it, his friends will be nodding along and grinning and all ‘you know what, buddy, you’re totally right and thank you for refusing; don’t know what I was thinking!’ However, that’s not to say he won’t leave them with no options whatsoever. If part of the reason that his friends had asked him to be godparents to their child was because they were afraid for the child’s safety either in their daily life or their child’s security if anything were to happen to them, Izumo would be more than happy to assure them that he would make sure that everyone in their family remained safe, to the best of his abilities, and he’d guarantee them that, in a worst case scenario, Izumo would step in and make sure his child was placed in the best possible home they could be.
Kamamoto’s actually pretty open to it and he’s going to be one of the most hands-on godparent. He’ll walk around doing gang shit with that baby strapped to his chest, asleep and happy like it’s no big deal at all. He’ll happily show anyone who even threatens to disturb his godchild’s sleep during those times why he’s a part of HOMRA. I have always felt like Kamamoto actually kind of likes kids and has a soft spot for them. He’s not ready to have the full-time responsibility of actually having children of his own but the chance to be a ’dad’ without the full-time responsibility? It’s too much for him to pass up on and he’ll enjoy every moment of it.
It will really depend on how close to his friend Yata is. He’s a really loyal friend and hates to let his friends down or disappoint them but unless his friend is super close to him, I think that the request to become a godparent will be something that gives Yata a lot of pause and makes him hesitate. He’ll be so flattered either way and he’ll definitely show that but he’s also not ready to accept any responsibility for a child so soon. I do feel like he’d accept only if he was pretty confident in his friend and knew that they were highly unlikely to put themselves in a situation where they might leave the child parentless. If he doesn’t have to actively look after the child and accept responsibility for them, he’s pretty good as a godparent. He’ll put the baby in the carrier and skateboard with them, just up and down the same patch of sidewalk, if they’re really crying because it always helps them quiet down and he will help out here and there, little things like rocking the baby’s bouncer with his foot while he talks to their parents or buying them the coolest toys on their birthday to introducing them to things he thinks all kids should know how to do, like playing classic games together or teaching them to skateboard. However, he does have other things that do take top priority to him and he’s not going to be around every day by any means and can be a little like Totsuka in his in and out method of being a godparent, though not quite to that extent.
Akagi finds it hard to refuse anyone…but the request does fluster him. He’s not even sure if he wants children himself and he’s definitely not sure if he wants to accept potential responsibility for someone else’s child. He’d probably laugh, flash that big grin of his, and make some dumb joke about how he’d corrupt their child and were they sure they wanted that. He’s definitely no angel and he does know that. Would he even make a good godparent? He’d do his best to change the topic to give himself time to think about it. If his friends did repeatedly ask or they made it clear that they really needed his help, Shouhei would accept, with some major qualms. He’s really going to take his friend’s cues on how to go about the whole godparent thing and he’d do his best. He even has a lot of fun sometimes, taking the kid out to the park as they grow up and playing around with him on the playground equipment but it’s never more than an hour or two spent with the kid at a time and he does go extra out of his way to make sure that nothing happens to his friends because…that hour or two can tire this very energetic man out and he’s definitely not looking to assume all the responsibility for his godchild, no matter if he loves the little squirt or not.
Bandou’s honestly got no idea what all it means to be a godparent. He doesn’t really understand the responsibilities it brings because I don’t think he’s really been raised to know about godparents. However, he does know being a godparent is a pretty big deal and that alone has him agreeing before he fully understands everything. To be honest, he definitely kicks himself for hastily agreeing later on at some point. But, because he did agree and because Bandou is a man of his word, he’s going to do everything he can to live up to what is expected of him. He’s not going to be hands on with his godchild if he doesn’t have to be, but he’ll show up and he’ll at least show an interest in them. He’s usually really broke, but he brings gifts for them whenever possible. I see him getting closer to his godchild only when they become older, from about preteen to teenage years and they start getting their own rebellious streak.
Chitose’s shutting that shit down before it even gets fully out of the parent’s mouth. He’s gone, he’s leaving, goodbye Chitose. He doesn’t like kids, doesn’t want kids, doesn’t want that sort of responsibility, no fucking thank you and, unlike some others, he’s probably not going to step up or allow himself to be put in that position no matter what.
Dewa, unlike Chitose, isn’t going to run away at the mere suggestion of becoming a godfather but he would ask his friends for some time to think about the idea. He’s not one to hastily rush into things and he likes to be able to plan. He’d ask the questions, he’d want to know what would be expected of him, how hands on his friends want him to be, what his responsibilities would be in the day-to-day scheme of things and in the worst-case scenario. Until his friends were able to answer those questions, he’d refuse to accept or deny the request. He’d prefer something more hands off. He doesn’t want to babysit; he doesn’t want to have many responsibilities. If he only has to show up every now and again, have some fun, and would only be responsible for the child should the worst-case scenario happen, he’ll happily agree.
Eric has suddenly become deaf and dumb. Like, please please please don’t do that to this boy! He’s secretly a little flattered that someone wants him to do something so serious and he’s glad someone trusts him that much but honestly, just the idea will scare the shit out of him. He has no idea how to deal with children or how to be a godparent or substitute parental figure because he’s never had a healthy parent-child relationship (or much of one at all) and it’s just too much for him. He definitely avoids his friends as much as possible for as long as possible, hoping that they’ll find someone else but, if he was pushed on the subject, he’d definitely get angry and lash out with some harsh words because again, he really doesn’t know how to deal and anger is his go-to whenever he gets that way.
I do think Fujishima accepts the responsibility but mostly because he’s not really sure what being a godparent really even ensues. He just knows that those are his friends and they’re asking him for something and, being the guy he is, he’s not going to let a friend down. He’s pretty good at the whole godparent thing though and I do strongly headcanon him as being pretty great with babies. He’ll help out if specifically asked to do something and he’ll be good at it but at the same time, Fuji has a lazy streak and he’s not going out of his way to find ways to help. He’ll specifically have to be told what to do or asked for help doing this or that because he won’t be going out of his way to do extra. He definitely is the ‘cool godparent’ figure who just kind of always accepts his godchild how they are, who gives them new pets, and who just kind of is always around if you need him.
Fushimi refuses. Flat out, no hesitation, no misunderstandings. Every time it’s brought up, he’s refusing. He wants no part or responsibility for part of any child’s life, especially since he does fear becoming like his own father as he grows and that really is something he doesn’t want to face mentally in any way. His friends can go ahead and list him as godparent or refer to him as one or insist but he’s shutting it down each and every time and refuses any part of it. I do think, if worst case scenarios did happen, he would begrudgingly step up because, at the heart of it, Fushimi is a good guy but even in that case, he’s taking as little responsibility as possible, supporting the child only financially and practically, and making sure they’re living someplace safe, where someone else will provide better for them in terms of a loving home.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
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―― Please introduce yourself first.
Suoh: Nothing in particular.
Kusanagi: You have a guitar, right? That is a special ability you can be proud of.
Totsuka: It's a world-class skill after all.
Kusanagi: It's particularly special. Simply put, it's a way to make money.
Yata: Good. Kusanagi-san can sing, dance and act, he can do anything!
Anna: I am the representative of the "Homra Entertainment Office".
Totsuka: Ana sings. Yata clearly has a special ability called dancing.
Kusanagi: Isn't that kind of person in demand on television?
Totsuka: Haha, I wonder if it's easy to use. It is a so-called variety group.
Suoh: (Starts to play the guitar)
Kusanagi: Well, we're doing a lot of unique things.
―― "Homra Entertainment Office" has the most momentum in the entertainment world right now, but what are Homra's strengths that make it stand out from other agencies?
Suoh: Strengths? It just is what it is.
Totsuka: Hey, King. There are many things. hm.
Yata: Can't you lose in a fight?
Anna: Very strong.
Kusanagi: Oh, no! Cohesion, for example. This is something that other offices cannot beat. As you can see, we have a lot of individuality, but if something happens, we can't lose to anyone in the spirit of working together to liven up the office.
Totsuka: Oh.
Yata: That's right. That is one of our strengths.
―― Former representative Suoh-san, who returned from United States, is an idol who should be called a living legend, but what kind of person is Suoh-san to everyone?
Kusanagi: Well, seriously, if Mikoto wasn't here, we wouldn't be able to survive.
Totsuka: It's our symbol. But to me, it's the same King I knew when I was younger.
Yata: I respect him a lot. He's great.
Anna: I love Mikoto's guitar.
―― How do they feel about each other?
Kusanagi: Of course, we respect each other. However, unlike other places, there may be a relatively athletic type place.
Totsuka: I agree. The upper and lower eyes can be quite distinct. Superiors love subordinates and subordinates admire superiors. Well, I'm a bit lazy when it comes to that sort of thing.
Kusanagi: The order is Mikoto, me, Totsuka, Anna, and Yata.
Yata: Wait a minute.
Anna: I'll take care of you.
Yata: Hey!
Kusanagi: Haha, just kidding.
Suoh: Are you kidding me?
―― Do you have an idol that you admire as a rival?
Suoh: I don't know if they are rivals or not, but I don't like Munakata Reisi, the leader of "Promotion Scepter 4".
Kusanagi: Totsuka and I don't particularly care.
Totsuka: That's right.
Anna: Me too. Neko from "Shirogane Records" is a friend.
Yata: Well, I don't want to lose to Fushimi Saruhiko from "Promotion Scepter 4" at any moment.
―― This time, the theme of this magazine is "grown up man", but what was the moment when you felt that you grew up?
Suoh: Liquor and tobacco.
Kusanagi: Alcohol and cigarettes.
Totsuka: I don't really smoke, but I do drink alcohol.
Yata That's the only thing I don't do.
Anna: I want to grow up fast.
―― Finally, say something to the fans who are looking forward to the benefit event.
Suoh: Well, if you come, I'll burn you without leaving any bones.
Kusanagi: I'm going to make it great. It's just like Mikoto said.
Totsuka: I hope you enjoy it.
Yata: Thanks for keeping me motivated!
Anna: Enough spirit.
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endless-season · 4 years
Candles in the Night
by Rairaku Rei K Fan Clan Next - Mini Episode 30 Requested Theme: Totsuka Tatara's consultation
Maybe I should kill myself, I thought half seriously.
I was on a rooftop at night, leaning against the edge and continuing to cry as I looked down at the surface below.
If I leapt off now, would he feel a bit of remorse? Would he regret it? Could I make him feel some of the pain I felt?
I fantasized about it, but that was as far as I got. I turned away from the dark ashpalt of the building and looked up towards the sky. As soon as I did, I spotted the airship, gracefully swimming through the sky in the distance.
It was a mysterious airship that was always flying in the skies above Tokyo. Some even called it the 'Whale of the skies'. I’d heard that an eccentric, wealthy foreigner was riding on it and various urban legends stemmed from this mystery.
"... If a person was going through a hard time and wanted to be saved, it would pick them up off the ground... was one of those urban legends, huh."
As I remembered one of the more well known urban legends, I took out my PDA from my coat pocket. It's said that for the Whale of the Sky to pick you up, you'd need to point up at the sky with Candle, an app that would light up a red light.
As soon as I searched for it, I found it. There were no instructions on the download page, so I just installed it and started it up. Once I did, something that looked like a candle appeared on the PDA screen and lit up in red. It seemed this light could be seen even from far away. I pointed it towards the Whale of the Sky.
"Hey, it's a lovely night, isn't it."
Suddenly the gentle voice of a man sounded from behind me. Startled, I turned around and saw a young man around twenty years of age holding a retro style camera.
He gave a gentle smile as if melting away the warniness between us into a more amiable mood.
I stared at him, my eyes still puffed up from crying too much.
"... Do I look like I'm having a lovely night?"
"Oh my. Did something happen?"
"Someone who's fine wouldn't be standing on a rooftop crying at night while pointing Candle at the airship...!"
"That's true."
I was brooding to the point of wanting to get kidnapped by some mysterious airship and yet this guy was just calmly smiling as he stood next to me.
"Miss, do you want to get on the airship?"
"Not really. I just... want to escape. It seems a lot better than jumping off from here," I said in desperate voice.
"Indeed," the young man replied in a bright tone.
I frowned at the man.
"But if you get on the airship, you might never be able to come back you know? Before that, isn't there anything you want to do down here?"
Caught up in the flow, I began to think seriously about what I wanted to do. Right now I didn't have any forward looking desires. If I had to say something then...
"I want to drink."
"Then... let's go drinking?"
"What, are you here to flirt?"
"Who knows~" he laughed as if dodging the question.
It was a tempting invitation but since it was obvious from my face that I'd been crying, I was hesitant to go to a bar in this state.
"Or would you rather drink here instead?"
"I'll go buy. What would you like to drink?"
"... Something sweet with 9% alchohol."
"Ahahah, okay."
The young man laughed and left.
As I stood there dumbfounded by what was happening, he arrived back holding a convenience store bag in hand. He took out several cans of Shochu Highball and a lot of sweets and laid them out on the concrete rooftop.
"How many sweets did you buy... this isn't an excursion, you know."
"Well... I got a bit excited while choosing which to get."
I let out an exasperated sigh and got down opposite him.
Since I wasn't exactly in the mood to care about getting my skirt dirty, I simply plopped down onto the floor like a kid.
I opened up a can of Shochu Highball and chugged it down.
The alcohol and the sight of the somewhat otherworldly guy smiling before me lifted the tension in my heart. As I swiftly emptied the cans I got everything off my chest.
After dating someone from university for six years, getting engaged, and even booking the wedding venue and sending out invites, I found out he'd been cheating on me. The reason I'd been contemplating death was simply because of that.
"And! And!!!!! When I confronted him, he just started listing out all the things he didn't like about me and started comparing me to the woman he was cheating on me with...."
"Wow. What a shameless guy!"
"In the end I broke up with him and cancelled the marriage! ... How am I suppose to explain this to my parents... or friends or coworkers that I sent invititations to..."
When I was wiping away my tears with my sleeve, the young man offered a handkerchief. I took it, wiped my tears and lied down with my back on the concrete rooftop. Thanks to my drunken state I was in an audacious mood.
"Ahhhhh! This situation is so miserable that I haven't even told my friends yet but after letting it all out I feel a bit better."
"Mhm. Good job."
The young man, still with a calm smile held out some sweets. It was a strawberry flavoured pocky. I hadn't had any recently, but now that I thought about it, I quite liked them during my high school days. I took one out from the box and the nostalgic sweet taste filled my mouth.
"... Delicious."
"Delicious, right?" the young man smiled.
When I looked at his face, something tugged at my heart. For some reason it felt like I'd seen him somewhere before... But then again, after drinking several cans of 9% alcholic drinks by mind wasn't thinking straight so I stopped that train of thought.
The man listened to everything I had to say. He didn't really offer any useful advice or memorable words, yet talking to someone as easy-going as him, after all those thoughts about impending death or even being abducted by an urban legend, made me realise my suffering was not that big of a deal. How strange.
After drinking, eating, and chatting, the young man accompanied me to the taxi stand.
"See you. If we meet again, let's go drinking."
He smiled and waved goodbye as I got on the taxi.
"... That guy, he didn't get my contact details or even my name..." I mumbled as the taxi swayed.
Maybe he wasn't interested in me, I thought. And yet, he had been there for me until the very end. Just what in the world was he? I wondered at a loss. 
From tomorrow I'll stop feeling miserable about the marriage cancellation and deal with it. First I'll contact my parents and explain the situation. As soon as I thought about it, it felt like I was going to get sad and gloomy again but when I looked at the box of strawberry pocky in my bag, I was reminded of that young man's smile and said "Well... I guess it'll work out somehow."
Three weeks passed since the night I cried on the rooftop and met and chatted to the mysterious young man.
It was a chaotic three weeks. I had to cancel a lot of things for the marriage ceremony and explain the situation to everyone; Everyone's eyes filled with piercing pity or curiousity, my father ready to beat up my ex-boyfriend and talk of cost settlements.
The one good point was that since I was so busy, I didn't even have time to wallow in sadness. Thanks to my friends organizing drinking parties out of concern for me, I hardly had any time alone.
Today was Christmas Eve. After leaving my boyfriend/fiance I was prepared to spend the day miserable and alone. But the friends I mentioned earlier decided to have a Christmas Party together. It'd been soon many years since we'd spent it together.
Before I headed over to my friend's place, I went to pick up a cake I reserved from Shizume-cho and saw in front of me a tall man wearing sunglasses.
Eh? I feel like I'd seen him somewhere before... and then a few moments later as he was walking right in front of me I remembered.
"Ah! Kusanagi-kun!"
It seemed he hadn't noticed either. He looked up in shock at my face.
"Ah... It's you, Nattsun."
"Yeah, that's right! Wow, it's been so long! You rarely come to the alumini meetups so it's been so many years already!"
Nattsun was my nickname in high school. Kusanagi-kun was my classmate who was cool, had no bad points and was good friends with a somewhat badass guy that was called 'Wild Beast Mikoto'. As I recalled all these nostalgic memories, many things came to mind.
"... Ah!"
"Hm? What's up?"
"Kusanagi-kun, during high school you were friends with a sort of strange middle schooler right? A cheery, always smiling kid who was like a small animal... he'd wait at the school gates..."
He'd sit on the guard rails in front of the school and happily wait for Kusanagi-kun's group. One time I called out to him.
'Hey, you're that kid who's always around Kusanagi-kun's group right?
The boy smiled and nodded, "Yup!"
Hooked on by his amiable smile, I introduced myself as Kusanagi-kun's classmate and told him he'd probably be out soon. And like feeding a small animal I offered him some sweets... if I remembered correctly, it was what I liked at the time, strawberry flavoured pocky... that I gave him.
That kid's smile and the smile of the mysterious young man who offered me strawberry pocky on the rooftop that night overlapped in my head.
"I think... I might've recently met that kid!"
As soon as I said that, for some reason something resembling pain flashed by Kusanagi-kun's expression.
"... You mean, Totsuka?"
"Yeah, Totsuka-kun! He didn't give off the impression of a small animal anymore, but rather a lovely man... but now that I think about it, he gave off a very similar mood."
"What was he doing?"
"What...? Um.... He had a retro style camera so maybe he was going to take photographs...?"
Kusanagi-kun let out a small chuckle.
"Yeah. That was probably Totsuka."
My chest felt warm at the small fateful encounter.
"Kusanagi-kun. Are you still close friends with Totsuka-kun and Wild Be- Suoh Mikoto-kun?"
"... Yeah."
"I see."
The nostalgia and Kusanagi-kun treasuring his precious bonds from his younger days made me happy and I inadvertedly let out a smile.
"Lately, I've been through a lot... when I was in a struggling state, Totsuka-kun listened to my troubles and it helped me calm down a lot. So next time you see him, can you pass on my thanks to him?"
"... Yeah, I'll let him know," said Kusanagi-kun with a vague smile. He lifted up the bag with the cake he was holding. "I gotta go. There's a kid waiting for this."
"Ah, okay! Sorry to keep you."
Kusanagi-kun gave a light wave and walked off.
Did he have kids? Did get he married?
There were lots of things I still wanted to ask, but knowing that his friendship was enduring was enough. With a cheerful feeling I took a step forward from the sad days behind me.
\o/ In case y’all don’t know Nattsun, she appears in KoR. The scene with Totsuka she mentions is here.
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