#its okay kids you dont have to redeem the bad guy this time ill just make him fall in love w me itll be fine dw
loverboypercy · 2 years
Starline for the acrostic game? ~sunlight-ships
thank uuu @sunlight-ships <33
S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
tbh i already have an idea of sa/tbk red being morgan le fay - granted as much more of a "arthur/sonics silly wizard sibling that lives in the mountains" than their more traditional kind of personality.
i think it would be funny if we got to see eggs in that universe as some kinda evil king, w starline as his like advisor, trusted guard or smthin. then he gets seduced by a funny weirdo.
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
uh, i mean. they had to start learning more hand-to-hand combat bcs thats what starline kinda does-
but in their like. actual relationship he'd try to get red into hacking and some of the more advanced robotic stuff but they either are Bad at it or just don't really care all that much.
however, i hc that he actually loves cooking/baking so thats something they get to do together and bond over ! he's also one of those Fancy mfers that have their tea like done in a specific way. buddy learns how to do that for him bcs sometimes he needs a lil pick-me-up
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
he admits to having a mild soft spot for aesthetics. he did design and paint his logo himself after all ! if he did end up making art it would probably be more the abstract kind. its a little pretentious but like. red thinks its cute.
he is not allowed to talk about his inspiration and why he wont stop drawing stylised cityscapes and theme parks.
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
tbh that really nice magenta on his outfit and his eyes make me a lil <3 u kno. its a v pretty colour !
L - Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
being annoying /j
i think its pretty solidly set up from his canon appearances that he's an acts of service/gifts kinda guy ! red is also gifts but also quality time.
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
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i love everyones take on him but evans got a special little place in my heart. also his gay little earrings,, never forget what they took from us..
(i also really REALLY love his more monsterous/frankenstein-y concept art where he is Tall. but this post is already really LONG-)
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
considering uh. how He Is and comments made off-handedly on ians podcast - i imagine his family wasnt. the best. there was always a disconnect there, and he never really felt like he fit in with them.
but theres one time. he built a little robot for his mother - a very simple and crude thing, something he'd be ashamed of now. but it made her smile and she ruffled his hair. its his most treasured memory, and he hates it.
a second is the first time red called him starlight unironically (it was a bit of a joke before they became actual friends/partners, red called it him once by accident and he got So Mad that they kept doing it). they were still just, very loosely, friends at that point. he was still figuring out what to do with himself, so red took him out to the chao garden with them that morning and had him help out a little. at one point they remarked:
"i don't know if you'll get it right, starlight. but i hope you do."
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
starline is one of those people that just bottle and bottle and bottle until they explode - usually by having a breakdown and crying. sometimes he lets stuff slip but he tries so hard to desperately hold onto his cool and calculated persona that it just makes him slip more.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 3 years
🌱a zhongchi twitch streamer au
ive had this idea for so long and it was originally supposed to be a text fic but im bad with those so it never came out. until now, i guess ehe -lynn🌱
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childe's been streaming for maybe three years??
over the course of that time his fanbase has watched him go from 'kid having fun in his basement' to one of the biggest streamers of all time
he's most known as one of the "faces" of Genshin Impact
manz has 'voice actor🎙️' in his twitch bio but everyone knows the only character hes voiced is Tartaglia (basically a promo character think like aloy)
ok- childes so charismatic and his personality shows through stream PERFECTLY
everytime he talks abt teucer his eyes light up and occassionally he appears on stream and chat squeals
aside from being his incredibly genuine self tho,,,,
his stream reeks of fanservice
its all very intentional.
he has this channel point redeem where chat can get him to do anything they want (with few exceptions)
because of this hes had to say multiple embarrassing things
and also flirt with the camera.
his fandom is iffy but childe is very kind to them
he treats everyone like his little brother and sister even if theyre older than him its so cute
and is also very openly bi.
he has a bunch of channel point redeems bc this man literally has no dignity
one day smn redeems the 'questions' one asking what his type is
"uhh i dont really have one? must be teucer-approved!"
chat starts playfully booing at him for giving a boring answer when someone else redeems;
"can you give an example?"
and now, from chat's peer pressure and the part of him wanting to dote on his lil siblings he goes
"okay okay! uh- god this is embarrassing- zhongli?"
chat: from rex lapis?
childe nods, blushing.
rex lapis is a much smaller streamer than childe- and in a totally different genre- you see-
childe is a gamer. rex lapis is a therapy streamer
his chat is like talking abt money struggles and he shares his past experiences with being a spendthrift and suddenly-
$200 Donation from Childe✔️
"....*ahem* thank you for the dono, you could not have worse timing."
also bc childe has a lot of issues in the genshin world but hes generally just a fun chaotic guy -> i feel like that would translate into the streamer au
so him watching therapeutic streams
he also just thinks zhongli is pretty🤷‍♀️ (cant blame him hes right)
and now his whole fandom knows hes a simp
chat: "wow childe so this is where our dono money has been going??" PLS
one day hes streaming at the same time as rex lapis and chat asks him to stream the stream
after a lot of convincing, he does (mostly bc he also wants to watch) but is like "if any of you snitch im ending stream immediately."
its cool for like an hour, childe plays genshin with zhongli in the background- and then
"oh, another streamer is streaming my stream? uh, hello"
the person who snitched donates childe like 100$ and is like 'SPARE ME PLS IM SORRY'
and since childe sees them as his little sibling hes like 'okok but im giving ur dono money to zhongli'
so childe just donates the 100$ to zhongli and hes like
"...should i stream his stream too?"
afterwards they definitely become friends and play genshin together and zhongli mains childe's promo character
imagine childes streaming and zhongli calls-
"hey, xiansheng? im live right now so if its something private.."
"ah. nevermind then, ill ask later."
"wait no- ill turn of stream if you wanna say something-"
"..i just wanted you to kill the oceanid for me."
and childes like 😀"what do you think chat? genshin stream?"
the poll is 99% in favour of a genshin collab stream with zhongli
THEYRE SO CUTE TOO bc zhonglis like 'sorry im not that strong' and childes like "YOURE ONLY AR 29 OFC YOURE NOT STRONG YOU DONT NEED TO APOLOGIZE WHY ARE YOU SO NICE"
...perhaps im projecting a little
either way theyre adorable. everyone thinks theyre dating before theyre actually dating
then sometimes zhongli accidentally opens the genshin chat while streaming genshin (bc hes not used to the buttons- grandpa moment)
and theres just a msg from childe like 'I'll call you later, ok?'
these two deserve all the love
if you're interested in seeing more of my content; like headcanons, WIPs, etc. ;
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sparklinpixiedust · 4 years
I've recently seen some old posts talking about how Ben and Gwen trusted Kevin too quickly and it was stupid. Apparently it's something they both would've never done. It's the word never that struck me.
So I just want to add my opinion and say it wasn't a stupid move. I agree Gwen and Kevin falling in love seemed rushed but the trust thing isn't as bad as people have made it out to be.
I'm going to talk about Ben and Gwen separately.
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In Forge of Creation Paradox says to child Ben But one day, you'll remember it dimly and trust Kevin when you shouldn't, and he'll respond to that trust and help save the universe.
So Ben trusting Kevin wasn't out of nowhere. Paradox literally mentions that Ben will trust Kevin when he shouldn't. " shouldn't " most likely refers to when they met 5 years later. Ben shouldn't have asked Kevin to join the team but he does because Ben subconsciously knows Kevin's importance.
The show does acknowledge that Ben included Kevin in the team too quickly but also gives us a reason, though it was later on.
But even then , in Kevin's Big Score , Ben also says Still not buying the "nice guy" act, Kevin.
Again, while a part of Ben gives Kevin a chance, he still isn't too sure about his decision.
So we do have the conflict of interest shown from Ben's side so he's clear from his side.
But even if Kevin didnt save the universe Ben still would've given him a chance, maybe not that soon but eventually because thats who he is anyway. He helps Vilgax with his planet and isn't hostile against the Reiny when they were trapped. So why wouldn't he have asked Kevin to join him?
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Okay with Gwen I'm probably reaching but hear me out.
In What Little Girls Are Made Of she mentions how she feels like and outsider and then says that's what she thinks high-school is anyway to try to make herself better.
[ I couldn't get transcripts for the episode and was too lazy to type out word for word ]
Also Gwen doesn't have many friends. I dont know if the writers have ever mentioned her having friends besides Emily, because I guess Ben having lots of friends before the omnitrix in Alien Force has been mentioned.
Yes I know in OS Gwen [because she had invitations ready for her birthday] had friends but its natural over time that people drift away.
My point is Gwen feels alone. I dont think she was bullied but her being different in a magic-alien sense made her feel out of place.
I guess somewhere she knew where Kevin was coming from , though not completely.
Ben would've told her about Kevin, about how he lived in New York and what he knew of his situation, so I guess in a way she put the pieces together and could relate to being different from others.
Ben has the omnitrix but he's still a human. He's still like other people, but Gwen is inherently different.
She can't just turn off her powers, they are part of her.
So Gwen placing full trust in Kevin? probably not. But she understood enough to give him a chance.
Also I've read a few old posts about how Gwen would never be with Kevin because he tried to kill her.
My thoughts on this? Gwens mature enough to know while Kevin was bad, he was also 11 years old.
He was a child. If he was older, then I would agree that the things he did were maybe unredeemable and Gwen would never.
But they were kids. He was kid with a huge troubled past, any sensible person could see that he wasnt evil, just really angry at the world. Ben just happened to be his punching bag. He mentions people laugh at him and call him a freak. He wanted revenge for that.
Gwen has shown to give people the benefit of doubt throughout the series too e.g. with P'andor.
She even tried to patch things up with Charmcaster , though she shouldn't have right? Charmcaster was just a big a threat to them as Kevin was in the OS. That post also mentioned Charmcaster being redeemed makes more sense than Kevin's. But you're reasoning Kevin shouldn't have a redemption because he tried to kill them , then charmcasters redemption also shouldn't work because she too tried to kill them.
Having a preference for her over Kevin I can get but your reasoning should make sense.
[ chamrcasters arc is a whole other train wreck so won't be going into that ]
So teaming up with Kevin being a never isn't in the picture, atleast not for me.
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Also why wouldn't Gwen like him? He's good looking , he's got charm , he's smart, and got that boy thing going.
She's still a teenage girl, crushes happen.
Though I will agree leaning into him and the whole "ill follow you anywhere moment " was too much too soon, but Gwevin being a possibility isn't so far fetched as some people claim.
I read a post on tumblr a while back and someone mentioned that even the rushing made a little sense. Because what they said was that Gwen and Kevin had a crush on each other and the reason they got together so quickly was because of it. They weren't expecting to actually fall in love with each other, however once they got together the casual-ness of the relationship became more serious.
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takrat · 3 years
I hope its okay that ive stolen snazzy-suit's name for this... I wanna go ahead and share my take on the District 9 AU. Oh yeah spoilers for the movie
Irken/child shippers DNI (yes dib is older in this au but z*drs do not fucking interact)
District Doom AU notes under cut:
So its not a perfect parallel of the movie but roughly here are the character parallels: Dib is Wikus (son of Prof. Membrane the founder of PEG labs--"MNU" who's primary goal is researching the aliens for SCIENCE! and Dib desperately wants to be a part of it), Zim is Christopher (former Irken Scientist and lead Invader of his squad in Impending Doom I who were aboard the Massive before catastrophe hit), Gir is Oliver 😊, Skoodge is Paul aka the alien that gets shot early on in the movie but don't worry he's okay now, Gaz is here but idk she's just vibing on her own, oh that assistant guy to Wikus? Uhmm probably gonna be Dwicky or something
After an encounter with a Florpus Hole, the Massive is seriously messed up and finds its way to Earth, hovering over a miserable city, miserably out of fuel with dozens of miserable Irkens aboard. Its systems are horribly damaged so there is no contacting Irk for help.
At the very oldest Dib is 19 and the Irkens have been there for around 20 years, possibly only 15 or so?
Because the Massive's systems are all offline, theres no online PAK charging stations--after about ~20 years, the Irkens with standard issue PAKs are growing weak and dying off (Zim has an Invader's PAK--his charge can last much longer)
The Tallests are there basically in hiding. Purple hates earth donuts.
Dib is put in charge of Operation Eviction, moving the Irkens to a new district further away from the city because they are just so fucking ANNOYING nobody can stand them--while this isn't what he wants, he still goes with it because he hopes to study the aliens up close. It'll be the first time he's been allowed in District D--not just snuck in as a kid and either got kicked out by security or almost blown up
Zim and Skoodge have been collecting fluid from scattered Irken technology for many years, fuel for the Massive so that they may return to Irk and send aid (and also come back and destroy Earth)
Commence chaos and commotion--Dib finds himself with a dead Irken's PAK attached to his chest that is slowly turning him into an Irken. and also he confiscated the fuel which was taken to high security PEG labs
I cant believe they fucking killed skoodge
PEG doesn't have a large focus on alien weaponry like in the movie (they do have some, but studying the aliens and their tech in the name SCIENCE! is their whole deal)
Dib and Zim clash and have to end up working together. Dib is able to get them into PEG labs to get the fuel, Zim can get the PAK safely detached from Dib without killing him and reverse the side effects once they get aboard the Massive. There's a lot more character development and friendship that i just don't have the brain power to work out right now
Unfortunately Prof. Membrane is a bit less redeemable in this au.. hes more antagonistic but I really don't want to fuck my man up too bad cus I really like this guy. Hes not horrible, but he does see whats happening to Dib and wants to study him, reasonably though I think that comes across as very scary to Dib and he freaks out. So not entirely sure why Dib has to run away and seek refuge in District D, but I think he's just scared? Miscommunications with him and Prof. I'll flesh it out later whatever
They go to the Tallests' little hideout and Zim tells them his plan for saving them all.. they think he's crazy but send him and Dib off with some cool gear (probably hoping he'll end up killed or captured by PEG labs).
Zim is outcasted among the stranded Irkens because he's generally assumed to have caused the Florpus hole (yea it was him), but he's been desperately trying to prove himself and make up for it (and hes really the only one with any initiative to save them and return to Irk--everyone else is too stupid, hopeless, or cowardly).
They break in whatever. end up running into Skoodge who's kind of just been chilling in the labs and going through some boring experiments
"Skoodge? I thought the humans killed you" "Yeeeaahh but im okay now"
However, Skoodge exempt(?), there's been some Fucked up tests going on to captured Irkens and Zim is really angry and distraught. Dibs also freaked out--like yea he assumed the scientists were doing scary tests and in fact wanted to perform them, but actually seeing the results and how it effects Zim, and getting to know Zim and the Irkens as people, really snaps him to reality and how messed up what PEG labs is doing
Now this would be the end where Zim takes off in the Massive back to Irk and Dib ends up retreating to District D and ultimately transforming fully into an Irken.. but the au definitely doesn't end here. But I dont have the brain power to think any further. Let's see if District 10 ever really does come out like the directors promised
They get the fluid, escape, Zim gets the control module up and running God DAMMIT who is supposed to be that stupid bald military guy in this. That guy in the movie. Okay there's some guy ill figure it out later.
Zim was gonna just fix Dib up, leave him, and take off for Irk, but after finding out about what PEG labs has been doing with experimenting on his people, he has to use all of the fuel and get help as fast as he can, so Dib is left behind.
Anyway if anybody has any ideas im begging dont hesitate to share 🥺 ive also got a bunch of doodles for this? So if you think I should post them sometime let me know. I need to stop typing because my hands hurt now
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mazojo · 5 years
Noah screenshots? Hcs? Canon facts you like about him? If you guys were to break up, why?
I am sorry for taking a moment there to answer you, I have been trying to write up this answer for a couple days but fumblr here always messes my post up //rip
I am gonna put this all behind a read more cossss I may get ramble and sentimental and people may not like it asdfghj but just know there may be spoilers below and that in this household we are always at all times and every single second, stanning Noah Marshall hours foLKz.
*Cracks knuckles* leTS GeT ThIS BreAD shall we?? ill be dividing it into each part because yo girl just got a chance to cream about her bby boi Noah and she will take iT asdcfvghjk trash
I am not sure what you mean 100% but I am guessing its sharing my fav screenshots while screaming about it and I will 100% do it xDDD
1- I call this one the “Tragic Backstory™ meets sappy”
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Okay okay okay i gotta say this whole scene may as well be one of my favorite ones. Not only does it capture them soooo well, but it also made me connect even more to Noah. He lost everything the day he lost his sister. Everything he did was in order to gain everything back, in the hopes of bringing her back to return to how things were and i…..i…..am……weak……
2- This ones called “Everyone @ PB headquarters is a coward for not giving Noah happiness”
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Not gonna put the entire scene because its too long buT when I say I would die for Noah Marshalls entire happiness, I mean I would diE FOR NOAH MARSHALL’S ENTIRE HAPPINESS (literally, because, you know, MC kinda dies for him….. ha…..haha….. too soon). thats it, thats the whole message I want ya to get from this post lmaooo.
3- This one goes by the name “Top 10 cursed moments in Choices history”
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how he blames himself. “it should have been me….” because his mom blames him. he blames himself. Noah has carried this burden alone for his whole life. he is broken please someone hug him (and that someone is MC obviously pfffff).
4- This one is “I am damaged, gone wrong, got killed (100% real, not clickbait)”
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DOnt have to explain how much this scene literally broKE one (1) dumb soul. This whole exchange is so powerful and everytime I re read it I get tears in my eyes because we all deserve better than this ;w;
5- Lastly I call this one “I added one more because all of the ones I choose were depressing and I needed to redeem my rat boi so”
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Thats it, thats the screenshot. Please someone who doesnt know Noah Marshall describe him by this one image asdfghjk
Well, I actually made some of my MC x Noah HC because they are s o u l m a t e s and this is the post buuuuut some Noah hc I have are:
- As I mentioned in my other HC list, Noah is insomniac. He is always staying late and avoids sleeping because almost everytime he falls asleep he has nightmares thus he is always anxious when sleeping. Since he began dating MC in this magical AU the nightmares have been more manageable
- Can I reiterate on the fact that he has a beanie collection?? Like, I am talking all colors and sizes, homeboy’s only fashion statement is his beanie and we stan.
- He is terrible at using social media. MC and Stacey had to b e g him to create an Instagram account. To this day he still does not understand why people add hashtags to posts
- His favorite bands are Green Day, Simple Plan, Set it Off and Rex Orange County (see as I self insert myself in Noah LMAOO)
- His favorite Disney movies are treasure planet and Dumbo because he used to watch them as a kid a lot with Jane *crying noises intensify*
- He is actually a pretty decent singer! The one or two times MC catches him whispering some song she makes a huge deal out of it and asks him to sign autographs for her so when he becomes famous she can sell them, causing him to dramatically roll his eyes and blush while looking away.
- Even though he is a good singer, Noah haaaates dancing and he sucks at it. As I mention in the other HC list, he always ends up tumbling over with his own feet and avoids dance floors like the plague, only slightly softening for MC
- He refuses to buy AirPods even tho all the others have them. His most significant character trait is using wired headphones and owning it
- He has MC saved as “Dumbass 🖤”
- The crew has a group chat in which Noah has tried exiting, multiple times, only to be added once again and everyone going in his case for him to stop being emo asdfghjk
- His spirit animal is a wolf according to him, every-time MC remembers his answer to that question she starts quoting the “in all levels except physical I am a wolf” vine and “Noah has exited the chat” once again.
- His proudest achievement is his music library, with his infinite playlists selection.
This are some of the HC I haveee, I dont want to bombard you with them but I actually have a notes thingy with this lmaoooo, I do this with my fav pairings but never end up posting them asdfghj
Canon facts I like
oh boi
asdfghjkl but in all seriousness:
- I mention this in almost all my Noah posts but his love for family is one of the things I like the most about him. How much he grasps into that hope his sister is alive and how much he suffers for it, even willing to sacrifice his soulmate friend for that, which okay, was wrong, but he did it with all the good intentions in the bottom of his heart.
- His humor definitely. asdfghj cynical and dark humor is very uwuwuwuwuwu attractive to me and my dankness so yeeee
- His passion for culinary school is soooo asdfghjk of his part. I personally have absolutely no idea how to boil water, so in the first place I admire anyone who knows how to cook, and just how much it means to him. Culinary school is his dream and he has abandoned it, but in every scene you speak that he brings it up, you can see how happy it makes him and asdfghjk bby boiiii
- His beanies asdfghjkkuytr okay okay I know I make fun of them a lot and stuff but beanies are actually are one of my few weaknesses for guys clothing lmaooo (just right behind glasses 😍)
- Just the whole thing with helping MC out (in my play-through) after getting turned into Redfield. Like, hello? he is literally not giving up until she is back? because he believes in her? eye-
Those are the ones I can think off right now from the top of my head but if I remember more later I will come back at ya with emmmm ^^
If you guys were to break up, why?
Big Ooffff
So I answered an ask from my homegirl Kato a while back answering and analyzing if Noah and I would actually work out in real life and I think in a way, the same answer can answer this question.
We would break up because in some way, we are too similar. In the sense that we are both pretty introverted, kept to ourselves, a bit of bad humor and that would lead us to clash in our own ways. Thats why I believe he needs someone like I HC my MC to be. She is outgoing, helping him get out of his shell, get out and explore, she is like the light and they balance each other out. If I were to date Noah we would just both fall into one side of the balance xDD
That being said I still loVE ma BaBY BOOOiiii nOahhhh but I think he would make a much much muuuuuch better couple with someone like MC :33 as I said, they are soulmatessss 🤧
Bishes be loving Noah. thats me, I am bishes and Anon has just blessed my inbox and we been stanning
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tumblunni · 6 years
hey uhhh YKNO WHATS GOOD brainstorming potential headcanons for a character you know NOTHING ABOUT
i guess its less headcanons and more like.. wishes? hopes? what i think would be cool to do with this dude and like ALL I KNOW is that he is a cool dude and apparantly he doesnt have a backstory or sympatheticness SO consider what if he did and maybe thatd be cooler. like dude he owns THE SINGLE BEST BOSS BATTLE THEME IN ALL VIDEOGAMES EVER and that is ALL I KNOW ABOUT HIM and i just want him to deserve it, yo. also if he turned good i could be his friend and some of the badassness would rub off on me
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i would vote for this man as squesident
seriously the design is SO GOOD!!! how did they manage to get such a cool colourscheme out of his entire Thing being that he has no colours?? like damn i like white being used as an evil colour for once, thanks. it symbolizing emptyness and emotionlessness is like BIG YES and i really hope thats what they were going for cos apparantly the wiki says that all the yokai who join his “we should never be friends with humans” gang turn colourless to match? but like the dude himself is less plain white and more very light shades of blue, grey and gold. MAYBE REFLECTS THAT HE IS A MANIPULATIVE DOUCHE WHO MAYBE DOESNT REALLY CARE ABOUT YOKAI AND JUST WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD PERHAPS dammit why does everything about him scream “great 100% evil guy who is very scary” when man I WANT TO LIKE HIM, DAMMIT!!
ALSO SERIOUSLY the visual effect of the wild spirally red yellow eyes against an otherwise “peaceful” colour whose entire point as an evil is “peaceful” taken to a bad extreme. it REALLY immediately sells that “tries to pretend to be calm, collected and fancy but is actually an angry mofo at heart” vibe i got from his theme song??? I REALLY HOPE THATS ACTUALLY HOW THIS COOL BOSS BATTLE GOES DOWN cos man the best villains are smug asshles who Always Win and then when you FINALLY win you get that much of a better ending!!! but AGH another part of me is like “i hope im wrong because he looks like a Cool Dad and i want him to be good”. Maybe his true design concept was to betray me personality with using all his cool dad power for evil...?
ALSO im not gonna spoil you guys on it cos it is JUST AS AMAZING AS HIS SONG but i was toooootally right that he has some sort of super intimidating second form and its got THE COOLEST DESIGN EVER HOLY SHIT! and also apprantly there’s a recoloured bonus boss called Minister Squisker who’s like a colour swap in a really creative way?? it swaps him being all “blank” themed with scary bright eyes and instead his entire body is a wild ye olde mythological illustration style paint job in every colour ever. okay COOL HEADCANON NUMBER ONE thats actually the regular colour of the species and mckraken is the white sheep of the family lol
also UHHH i dunno it seems kinda weird to me that theyd have this dude running a goddamn political party about humans being bad yet he doesnt seem to have any motivation whatsoever for it? unless it really is just supposed to be ‘he only pretends he wants to protect yokai from humans so he can manipulate and rule the yokai’. but like HYPOTHETICALLY in some universe where he actually lives up to his Grumpy Dad Who Has A Hidden Soft Spot potential, maybe he has an understandable backstory that raises legitimate concerns about how humans are destroying the natural and mythological and forgetting their roots, or other reasonable reasons why yokai could think humans are dangerous and all. i mean we ARE dangerous, we’re just a wide group of people that contain evil bastards and also good people, yknow. And thatd resonate well as a plot probably, cos well the whole point of the series is “in real life ur scared of yokai but theyre actually all goofy pranksters who will be your best friend forever”. Both sides being afraid of each other could lead to some good plotness! and it could be really effective and sad if after hours of joyous childhood wonder the protagonist bumps into the first yokai they couldnt befriend. the first one thats scared of them. the first member of this weird colourless political party who accuses them of committing crimes against yokaikind, of obviously only enslaving these yokai friends cos you have an ulterior motive, just like all humans! it could be effective if its something that shakes up the whole way you saw the world and establishes that hey its not all fun and happiness, and there’s some people you are powerless to convince. maybe even some people you are powerless to save...?
ANYWAY possible idea for ‘what if the dude originally had a sympathetic motive but it got twisted over time and now he’s just a fuck BUT maybe he could still be redeeminated someday ok thanks” What if he’s the spirit of.. like.. ocean pollution? Like there’s some yokai who are ghosts of a mortal person but theres some that are just nature spirits or personifications of concepts. What if he’s the personification of the dying screams of all the wildlife killed in a particular tragic oil spill? hence squid = thematic, and blank white colourscheme = even more thematic reflecting the stain the oil would leave on a pristine ocean and also the blank emotionlessness he was left as after witnessing that tragedy. Cos like his entire Purpose would have been born out of avenging anger but i mean he was just a kid, the only one left alive on a ruined beach and seeing just how powerful humans were and how pointless it would be to try and fight them with his weak power. like he was born to avenge all these souls and he just keeps failing!! his entire reason to live and he’s just too small!! so he ends up becoming bitter and cynical and learning how to use his silver tongue to manipulate others into becoming his weapons, and he vows that someday he’s gonna come back when he has the power he needs to complete his mission. and he’s just forever had this anger seething inside that he’s been unable to get any catharsis from, so when his cold and collected persona cracks he’s really damn scary with all these years of a man who’s grown old fearing he’ll never be able to avenge his ocean friends and just AAAAAA! itd be really good cos itd be a way he could still be intimidating and high stakes as a boss fight but also sympathetic!! also it could make sense why he’d only be redeemable after defeating him? like this entire time he’s been hidden behind a million layers of politics and minions and stuff and its very easy for him to not see the reality of the fact that he’s terrorizing human children just like how humans scarred him as a child. so like his whole big second form transformation super anger mode time would be sort of a last ditch attempt to deny what he already knows, the doubts that have been eating away at his soul now he’s getting close to the end of his life goal. but also like.. he doesnt even know who he IS, under the lies! its been his entire purpose for existing. like he probably uhh.. didnt have much plans after his victory. he probably wouldnt have much will to live left. so yeah you basically beat up this guy’s emotional walls and make him face the face of the people he’s been hurting, when he’s been trying to avoid it for so long. and he gets to see how much all the other yokai genuinely trust you and how much youre personally sacrificing to protect them so maybe you really arent just lying about being a good person...
oh also i was thinking about the inherant hypocrisy present in the fact that this guy is a big spoopy REALLY WELL DESIGNED squid monster that spends all his time in a depowered humansona instead, despite his whole Thing being hating humans. and, yknow, ‘i’ll solve this using a carbon copy of human politics instead of any more traditionally magical way of fighting the humans’. Yeah. So THEORY of SADNESS maybe he like never actually met any other yokai for a long time? I dont think it really makes sense that he’d be hypocritical because he secretly likes humans or something, that wouldnt jive with this backstory idea. So im thinking another explanation could be that he genunely doesnt know much about yokai culture? Like cos of his backstory he just poofed into existance on this destroyed beach in the human world and spent the first few centuries of his life completely alone except for the terrifying monsters that haunted every second of his life, and the knowledge that it was his purpose to defeat them but he didnt know how. And he was a nature spirit of the sea but his sea was empty of everything except death, so he couldnt even hug a cute fish sidekick or something- OH GOD WHAT IF HE DID HAVE A CUTE FISH SIDEKICK AND IT DIED COS OF HUMANS!!! very tiny sad squid monster child holding a dead pet, oh god why did my heart did this to meeee!! so yeah he didnt even know he was a yokai or wtf yokai are, he didnt know anywhere outside the tiny rock pool he would hide in on this barren beach. And then someday he gets found by an older yokai and adopted and like he feels like he owes them so much cos they gave him a reason to live, and a connection to the nature that he was supposed to protect, and.. well.. any companionship at all ever. So thats how his directionless “humans are bad” turned into “yokai are good and i need to protect them from humans like i failed to protect the beach” which turned into “i need to get more power to do this” which turned into manipulating other yokai and seeing them as nothing more than tools to take down the humans, his revenge consuming him until he barely remembered the reasons he originally wanted to do it...
and blablabla thats where we bring in the recolour bonus boss also, and say thats the nice grandpa figure who adopted him when he was all lost and trapped in the human world. and cos he was sorta adopted into nobility thats why he’s so over the top with his pompousness, its like a hint of IM LOVV MY GRANDEPA shining through his grumpface. ALSO maybe a sad situation where the gramps saw his kid growing up into this scary extremist and he tried to reason with him that humans dont need to be destroyed and that led to them fighting and him getting sealed off in recolour bonus boss land. and mckraken sees it as the biggest betrayal of his life and it totally threw him off the slippery slope to feel like the one man he trusted the most was a traitor to yokai all along. but even at his most evil he couldnt bear to actually kill his beloved gramps so he just imprisoned him and tries to stop thinking about it but like THE CONSTANT SPECTRE OF THE GUILT HANGS OVER YOUR HEAD THAT YOU DID YOU GRAMPS WRONGGGG So yehmaybe protag could find the gramps guy and hear about the sad backstory via him and then defeat mckraken and make him realise he was wrong and he apologises to his gramps and atones and all the humans and yokai are friends again and BUNNI CRIES FOREVER the end
cos seriously man this guy’s design is too good to be wasted on a hateable!! srsly he’s like that archetypical goofy big beard chubby pirate dude BUT INTIMIDATING AND BADASS AND COOL FASHION AND DAVY JONES SQUID BEARD SQUEARD I LOVE HIM he is too round to be 100% evil
aaa i need to stop just sitting here theorizing about this game and actually friggin play it lolllll
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