#its over but i just want to archive this milestone of theirs
atarashii-gakko · 2 years
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I posted another chapter of the zombie fic! Now featuring Esmé, and her being surprisingly concerned for Kit.
You can also read it under the cut, if you want.
There’s a plume of pitch black smoke rising to the east, out in the forest. The color tells Kit that it’s still burning. She slows the taxi down to a stop and sits for a moment staring at it. She’s too late. She just hopes Charles got away before whatever happened went down.
Sir can burn for all she cares.
She knows she should continue onward to investigate, although that wasn’t her original mission. She ought to have something to show for her journey into the field, some information to bring back to Dewey at least, so he hasn’t been forced to worry about her for absolutely nothing. But the part of her that just wants to go back to headquarters argues that there will be very little left to investigate, with no firefighters on hand to combat the flames.
There’s a twinge in her gut and she immediately reaches down to touch the slight swell of her stomach. A kick? If so, it would be the first one. She’d hoped she’d be with Dewey when that milestone was reached, and that’s what helps her make up her mind. She’s writing off the mission and going to the hotel, mission be damned.
She’s just put the taxi in gear when she spots a figure on the side of the road out in the distance, walking towards her. She immediately reaches for her spyglass, hoping against hope that it might be Charles.
It isn’t. Not unless he started wearing black catsuits and elaborate blonde wigs. No, she knows who this is even though they’re too far away to make out their features.
Once again Kit is faced with a choice. She can drive up there, like her superiors definitely wouldn’t want her to do, or she can turn the taxi around and pretend like she never saw anything.
Weirdly enough the thought that crosses her mind in the last second before she shifts the taxi into gear and drives ahead is that Esmé is probably donning really impractical footwear with that outfit.
For a person who presumably just burned down a small town and a lumber mill, and fled on foot in boots with five-inch heels, Esmé looks good. Great even. When she recognizes Kit as the driver of the Snicket taxi she smiles wickedly and waves at her. Kit ignores the gesture and turns the cab around so it’s pointed back towards the City, then brings it to a stop. Esmé opens the passenger’s side door and slinks inside, making herself comfortable on the seat with a satisfied sigh. Finally she turns to Kit, “Hello, darling.”
Kit fixes her eyes on the road ahead and floors it, enjoying the way she is pressed back into the seat as the taxi lounges forwards almost as much as Esmé yelp of shock. The taxi gains speed at a much faster rate than you’d expect for a vehicle of its age, but Kit doesn’t let up until they’ve hit 100. It’s terribly irresponsible to be going this speed, even out here in the middle of nowhere, what with random Infected shambling all over the place, but Kit wants to get back to the City as fast as possible, so she can kick Esmé out somewhere relatively safe, and then return home.
Esmé takes a few miles to relax. “You’ve made your point,” she then says, tersely.
Kit doesn’t slow down. “Why did you do it?”
Esmé somehow shrugs without shrugging. “Orders.”
Kit bites down on a snide comment, realizing that she’s not really in a morally superior position this time. “Charles?” she asks, trying her hardest to sound uncaring.
Esmé gestures dismissively with one hand. “Didn’t see him.”
That’s not comforting in this world of theirs, but Kit still finds herself relaxing her press on the accelerator.
And she regrets this choice of action immediately when Esmé’s hand comes to rest on her knee. “It was very... noble of you to pick me up.” There’s an undeniable hint of mockery in her voice and nary a trace of genuine gratefulness. “Must have been a difficult decision.”
Kit doesn’t answer, but nor does she try to get Esmé hand off. Human touch is in short supply in this world, it despite everything it feels comforting. That obviously changes when Esmé inevitably starts sliding her hand up Kit’s leg, nails dragging along the fabric of her pants. Now would be the time to put a stop to this, but Kit is uncharacteristically frozen. Esmé reaches her thigh and then goes for the button of her pants.
Which is the moment her inner wrist comes in contact Kit’s stomach, and she immediately jerks her hand back as if she’d been burned. Kit doesn’t need to look at her to know Esmé is stunned, her temporary silence is enough.
Her hand darts out again, moving Kit’s jacket out of the way and exposing her middle.
“You’re pregnant?” she shrieks, loud enough for Kit to flinch. “Have you lost your mind?!”
“It wasn’t planned,” Kit replies tersely.
“You do realize there are ways to fix problems like this, right?” Esmé asks, voice still laden with disbelief.
The very thought makes Kit press harder on the accelerator as she is overwhelmed with emotion and finds no other outlet for them. She’s not going to cry in front of Esmé.
This time Esmé doesn’t react to the change in speed. “Who’s the father?”
Her gut instinct is to ignore the question, even though there’s really no reason to keep Dewey’s existence a secret anymore. What’s the other side going to do, kill him? There’s no reason, Dewey’s work no longer involves gathering evidence to put firestarters in jail, so why should they care that he’s alive and working?
“Dewey Denouement.”
“Dewey Denouement isn’t real,” Esmé says. “Or he’s dead.”
Kit sighs. “He’s real. And alive. And he’s the father.”
Esmé covers her eyes with one hand and sighs dramatically. “Immaculate conception would have been more understandable,” she asserts.
Kit doesn’t answer.
Esmé removes the hand again and out of the corner of her eye Kit can see her giving her a surprisingly serious look. “Does your side have any qualified doctors? Or a midwife?”
Kit frowns. “What?”
“Do you even know what the mortality rate is amongst women giving birth without professional help?” Esmé asks, sounding increasingly disturbed. “Imagine dying in childbirth during the apocalypse, that would be very not in, darling.”
“You still care about what’s ‘in’, do you?” Kit asks, because she doesn’t know how else to react to Esmé unexpected concern.
“Dying has rarely, if ever, been in,” Esmé says, then adds, “I’m serious. We have a couple of doctors who used to work at Heimlich Hospital in our ranks. They could help you, when the time comes.”
There should be something fundamentally wrong with considering letting some firestarter help her give birth, but Kit finds herself doing it anyway. Sure, almost all of her associates are trained in first aid, but there are no real doctors amongst them anymore. And while there are plenty of books on childbirth and care in their libraries, actual experience with the process must be vital.
Esmé must sense her wavering resolve, because she pops open the glovebox and fishes out Kit’s common place book (she still remembers that Kit keeps it there during missions, that’s almost flattering) and a pen, flipping it open and writing something down. “This is the address of one, he lives in the Free Zone, so unless you people are banned from entering the safest place in the world, you should be able to get to him.”
Kit almost tells her that, actually, all known VFD members have been banned from the City by the authorities, and they’ve had to create false identification papers by the hundreds and brush off even the oldest disguises to keep moving freely. Obviously the tunnels are still safe, and they will remain so no matter what, but sometimes you need access to the streets.
Esmé tosses the book back where she found it, “Please consider it. I would hate to see you dead.”
Kit feels tears threatening to form in her eyes again. She was never this emotional before she got pregnant. She takes a minute to compose herself, then speaks, “Thank you, Esmé.”
“You can thank me once you’ve safely delivered the ghost’s spawn and both of your made it.”
“Please don’t call my baby a ‘spawn’,” Kit says, but she finds herself smiling despite it all.
Esmé makes a dismissive sound, then asks, “Boy or girl?”
“Girl,” Kit replies.
“Is that a fact or a feeling?”
“Just a feeling.”
Esmé scoffs. “Typical. Got a name picked out yet?”
“Not yet.”
“How about Gigi?” Esmé asks. “As a show of gratitude for my help.”
“I’d rather not advertise your involvement,” Kit says. “If I can help it.”
She doesn’t need to look at Esmé to know she’s rolling her eyes. “You people are absurd, shouldn’t your safety be more important than anything?”
“I’m afraid some people will never accept it if I seek help from your side,” Kit says, and she knows it’s true.
“Then I guess we’ll just keep it between us, won’t we, darling? I can be discreet.” 
Kit lets out a bark of laughter, which morphs into a series of half-hysterical giggles. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” she finally manages to say.
Esmé doesn’t sound offended when she replies, “You forget, I’m a very good actress.”
There’s no denying that. Hell, if it weren’t for Jacques, Esmé would be married to Jerome by now, and they wouldn’t have the penthouse, the last safe place in the City for them.
Actually, Kit can’t help but gloat a little at the thought. “Too bad about Jerome,” she says.
Esmé waves her hand casually through the air. “Easy come, easy go,” she declares breezily. “He was a terrible, cowardly little man anyway.”
Kit feels unexpectedly defensive of her brother’s lover all of the sudden. “He is a kind, generous, well-meaning man.”
“Exactly. It’s incredibly pathetic.”
Kit decides not to argue any further, and the irony of doing that during a conversation about Jerome isn’t lost on her. “Where should I drop you off?”
“The edge of Zone 3 would be nice,” Esmé answers. Then she leans further back in her seat and sighs. “Wake me up when we get there.”
Kit finds herself feeling sad at the apparent end to their conversation, but she doesn’t want to appear desperate to talk with someone other than her associates, so she floors it and lets Esmé doze. Burning things down can be tiring. She knows from personal experience.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Breakthroughs from the tennis court to the Supreme Court
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/tennis/breakthroughs-from-the-tennis-court-to-the-supreme-court/
Breakthroughs from the tennis court to the Supreme Court
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From the first U.S. Supreme Court ruling to address homosexuality to the first bisexual “Bachelorette,” here are 10 historic LGBTQ milestones from around the world.
Kathy Kozachenko
First out gay person elected to office in the U.S.
Kathy Kozachenko holds a photo of her son and her partner at her home in Pittsburgh in 2015.Chris Goodney / Bloomberg via Getty Images
Three years before Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, out lesbian Kathy Kozachenko was voted onto the Ann Arbor City Council in Michigan on April 2, 1974.
Kozachenko was just 21 and a student at the University of Michigan, a hotbed of anti-war protests and activism supporting racial justice, women’s rights and other causes.
Her sexual orientation didn’t seem to be an issue with voters, and “gay liberation was not a major issue in the campaign,” Kozachenko said in her victory speech, Bloomberg reported. 
“This year we talked about rent control. We talked about the city’s budget. We talked about police priorities, and we had a record of action to run on,” she said at the time. 
Kozachenko only served one two-year term and eventually moved to Pittsburgh, where she remained involved in gay activism and met her longtime partner, MaryAnn Geiger.
“I am so proud of all the activists that came after me,” Kozachenko told NBC News last year. “The people that pushed and pushed and pushed for gay marriage, the transgender people that have pushed for their rights … I’m grateful for the chance that I was able to play a small part in this.” 
‘Wings’ (1927)
First male-male kiss in a Hollywood movie 
Charles “Buddy” Rogers and Richard Arlen during the filming of “Wings” in 1927.Hulton Archive / Getty Images
William A. Wellman’s silent film “Wings,” the first movie to win the Academy Award for best picture, follows Jack (Charles Rogers) and David (Richard Arlen) as they enlist in the Army Air Service during World War I and bond during basic training before being shipped off to France.  
While they’re ostensibly romantic rivals for “it girl” Clara Bow, neither “shows as much love for her … as they do for each other,” queer writer Kevin Sessums wrote, according to the LGBT History Project blog. 
In the pre-Hays Code film’s climax, Jack accidentally shoots down David, who has commandeered a German biplane. Running to his dying friend’s side, Jack takes David in his arms and begs forgiveness. As the camera zooms in, the two stroke each other’s hair tenderly and Jack declares, “You know there is nothing in the world that means so much to me as your friendship.”
The men share a lingering closed-lip kiss before Jack takes his final breath.  
“While the relationship is referred to repeatedly as a friendship, the acting and directing of the film make it obvious that the men’s feelings were romantic,” wrote culture critic and curator Francesca Seravalle. “A swell of romantic string instruments plays in the background as Jack mourns over Dave’s still body. The directing choices made by Wellman humanized both characters and allowed the audience to experience the tragedy without exploiting the perceived exoticness of a relationship between two men.”
One, Inc. v. Olesen
First U.S. Supreme Court ruling to address homosexuality
Founded in 1952, ONE, Inc. was one of the earliest gay rights organizations in the United States and the first to have its own offices. 
An accompanying magazine, One Magazine, started publication in 1953 — selling through subscriptions and at Los Angeles newsstands — and is considered the first mass-produced gay publication in America.
In October 1954, L.A. Postmaster Otto K. Olesen refused to deliver the magazine, declaring it “obscene, lewd, lascivious and filthy.” ONE sued but lost the case and a subsequent appeal — a panel of federal judges declared “Sappho Remembered,” a lesbian love story that ran in one issue, “nothing more than cheap pornography calculated to promote lesbianism.”  
Founding editors Dale Jennings and Don Slater appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, which, surprisingly, agreed to hear their case.
On Jan. 13, 1958, without even hearing oral arguments, the justices issued a terse, one-line ruling reversing the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision and affirming that the mere subject of homosexuality was not obscene.
In a Washington Post op-ed in 2014, Brookings Institution fellow Jonathan Rauch called One, Inc. v Olesen “the seminal gay rights case in America — the one that extended First Amendment protection to gay-related speech.”
Marcia Kadish & Tanya McCloskey
First same-sex couple legally married in the United States
Marcia Kadish, left, and Tanya McCloskey after being pronounced wife and wife at Cambridge City Hall in Massachusetts on May 17, 2004.Dina Rudick / Boston Globe via Getty Images
On Nov. 18, 2003, Massachusetts became the first state to recognize same-sex marriage when, in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, the state Supreme Court ruled it could not “deny the protections, benefits, and obligations conferred by civil marriage to two individuals of the same sex who wish to marry.”
“Recognizing the right of an individual to marry a person of the same sex will not diminish the validity or dignity of opposite-sex marriage,” wrote Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, “any more than recognizing the right of an individual to marry a person of a different race devalues the marriage of a person who marries someone of her own race.”
The first licenses were issued on May 17, 2004, and McCloskey and Kadish, who had already been together nearly 20 years at that point, picked theirs up a few minutes after midnight. With a waiver that allowed them to skip the traditional three-day waiting period, the women exchanged vows later that morning at Cambridge City Hall.
“We felt we were married already,” Kadish told NPR’s “Morning Edition” in 2019. “This was just making it legal.”
At least 78 same-sex couples married in Massachusetts that day — the same day President George W. Bush called for a congressional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
“The sacred institution of marriage should not be redefined by a few activist judges,” Bush said in a statement. “All Americans have a right to be heard in this debate.”
It wasn’t until 2015 that McCloskey and Kadish’s union was recognized federally, when the U.S. Supreme Court effectively made same-sex marriage the law of the land in Obergefell v. Hodges.
By that time, McCloskey had been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. The disease spread quickly, and she died on Jan. 6, 2016.
“We wanted to lead by example, not that we were leaders of anything,” Kadish told NPR. “We just wanted to make sure that the world saw the most positive side of being a gay couple.”
While Kadish and McCloskey were the first same-sex couple legally wed in the U.S., a marriage license mistakenly issued to gay couple Michael McConnell and Jack Baker back in 1971 was retroactively validated in 2019, making them the longest-married same-sex couple in the world.
Chicago’s Gay Liberation March 
First gay pride march
One day before the first Christopher Street Liberation Day march in New York, the Windy City hosted the world’s first Pride march on June 27, 1970 — albeit a much smaller one than the Big Apple’s. The half-mile procession officially went from Washington Square Park to the Water Tower at the bustling intersection of Chicago and Michigan avenues, but many participants continued down to the Civic Center plaza (now Daley Plaza).
Once there, about 150 people listened to speeches at the plaza before doing a “chain dance around the Picasso statue as the marchers shouted, ‘Gay power to gay people,’” the Chicago Tribune reported.
Chicago Gay Liberation, which organized the event, chose the date because the Stonewall uprising had started on the last Saturday in June the year prior. The members also wanted to reach the biggest crowd of shoppers on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile.
Today, the Chicago Pride Parade takes place on the last Sunday of June, drawing more than 800,000 people to North Halsted Street, long known as “Boystown.”
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
First out LGBTQ prime minister
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir speaks with the media after winning the elections on April 25, 2009 in Reykjavik. Olivier Morin / AFP via Getty Images
While gay finance minister Per-Kristian Foss was briefly in charge of Norway in 2002 when both the prime minister and foreign minister were traveling abroad, Iceland’s Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir is the world’s first openly LGBTQ elected head of state.
A former flight attendant, Jóhanna was first elected to the Althingi (Iceland’s parliament) in 1978 as part of the Social Democratic Party. Throughout her career, she has also served as deputy speaker of the Althingi, vice chair of the SDP and minister of social affairs.
On Feb. 1, 2009, Jóhanna was formally sworn in as Iceland’s first female prime minister and the first out LGBTQ world leader in modern history. She served from 2009 to 2013, steering the country’s economy “back on solid footing” after the massive financial crisis, according to Britannica, with the country’s GDP growing 3 percent in both 2011 and 2012.
She and girlfriend Jónína Leósdóttir entered into a civil union in 2002. In 2010, when Iceland recognized same-sex marriage midway through Jóhanna’s tenure, the pair became one the first same-sex married couples in the country.
Society for Human Rights
First officially recognized gay rights group in the U.S.
German immigrant Henry Gerber launched the Society for Human Rights out of his Chicago home in 1924 and received an official charter from the state of Illinois, making it the first incorporated group devoted to gay rights in the U.S.
The society’s publication, Friendship and Freedom, is believed to be the first American publication for gay people. 
Stationed in his former homeland during World War I, Gerber witnessed Berlin’s thriving gay subculture and was influenced by the work of pioneering sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld.
Returning to the States, he took a job with the post office and founded the society out of his apartment at 1710 N. Crilly Court in Chicago’s Old Town Triangle neighborhood. 
But the organization lasted less than a year, disbanding in 1925 after police raids on both a member’s home and Gerber’s apartment. Gerber was fired from the post office and eventually moved to New York, where he continued advocating for gay rights until his death in 1972.
In 2015, Gerber’s Chicago home was designated a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service.
Renée Richards
First transgender tennis player to compete in the U.S. Open
Dr. Renée Richards reaches for a backhanded return during a match with Australia’s Lesley Hunt in the $100,000 Women’s Professional Tennis Tournament at Walter Brown Arena.Bettmann / Bettmann Archive
Renée Richards was set to play in the 1976 U.S. Open until officials learned she was assigned male at birth and attempted to ban her from competing.
Richards had been a tennis prodigy from a young age, playing in the men’s Open several times and even making the semifinals in 1972. A successful ophthalmologist, she medically transitioned in 1975 and began living as Renée Richards (the name Renée meaning “reborn”).
She kept a fairly low profile — entering a 1976 competition as Renée Clark — but her transition was “outed” in a local news report by San Diego reporter Dick Carlson, father of Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson. Fans rooted against her, with shirts reading “Go away, Renee,” and late-night talk show hosts made crude jokes.
When Richards entered the Tennis Week Open in 1976, 25 of the 32 women in the competition withdrew.
To keep Richards off the court, the United States Tennis Association started demanding a chromosome test for all female players. She challenged that policy in a case that went before the New York Supreme Court.
Mirroring arguments made by groups seeking to ban transgender athletes today, the USTA argued it was trying to maintain “fairness” in the face of “as many as 10,000 transsexuals in the United States and many more female impersonators or imposters” who would be eager to snatch “millions of dollars of prize money.”
Billie Jean King, who had played doubles with Richards, testified that she “does not enjoy physical superiority or strength so as to have an advantage over women competitors in the sport of tennis.”
In a landmark victory, the court ruled in Richards’ favor.
“When an individual such as plaintiff, a successful physician, a husband and father, finds it necessary for [her] own mental sanity to undergo a sex reassignment, the unfounded fears and misconceptions of defendants must give way to the overwhelming medical evidence that this person is now female,” Judge Alfred Ascione wrote in the majority opinion.
Two weeks later, Richards played in the 1977 U.S. Open, where she lost to Wimbledon champ Virginia Wade in the first round. She did reach the doubles finals with Betty Ann Stuart, but the pair lost to Betty Stöve and a fiery new upstart named Martina Navratilova. 
Four years later, Renée Richards retired from professional tennis at age 47. She continued her thriving ophthalmology practice and even coached Navratilova to two wins at Wimbledon. 
Karl M. Baer
First person to surgically transition
Born in 1885 to a Jewish family in Arolsen, Germany, Baer was assigned female at birth, though the midwife told his father the baby’s body had “such strange” characteristics it was impossible to determine the gender.
In his 1907 autobiography, “Memoirs of a Man’s Maiden Years,” published under the pseudonym N.O. Body, Baer wrote about being ostracized at school and feeling ill at ease in his assigned sex.
While he is often referred to as transgender, today Baer would more accurately be considered intersex.
“I was born as a boy and raised as a girl,” he wrote. “One may raise a healthy boy in as womanish manner as one wishes and a female creature in as mannish; never will this cause their senses to remain forever reversed.”
In 1904, Baer moved to Hamburg to work as a social worker with the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. It was there that he began living as a man.
“I introduced myself as a man, never as a woman,” Baer wrote. “What am I really? Am I a man? Oh God, no. It would be an indescribable delight if I were. But miracles don’t happen anymore these days.”
Two years later, Baer was in a trolley accident in Berlin. He was rushed to the hospital, where doctors realized his ID listed him as female despite his presenting as male. They connected him with Magnus Hirschfeld, who diagnosed him as “a man who was mistakenly identified as a woman.”  
With a permit from the Prussian Interior Ministry, Baer underwent a multistage gender confirmation procedure, Haaretz reported, though the exact details of the surgery are unknown. He was released from the hospital in December 1906 with a medical certificate identifying him as male. The following year, court clerks in Arolsen issued him a new birth certificate.
Others had transitioned socially before, but Baer “was unusual in that he used medical technology and surgical means to change his gender,” transgender historian Iris Rachamimov told Haaretz. 
Brooke Blurton
First bisexual “Bachelorette”
Brooke Blurton on June 19, 2019 in Perth, Australia.Faith Moran / GC Images
Since “The Bachelor” debuted on ABC in 2002, the marital-minded franchise has spawned multiple spinoff series and over 30 international editions. But it wasn’t until the upcoming season seven of “The Bachelorette Australia” that producers tapped an out member of the LGBTQ community to headline the show: 26-year-old Brooke Blurton, who is bisexual.
For the first time in the franchise’s history, the star will choose among both men and women during the rose ceremony. 
“I am not too sure if Australia is ready for it,” Blurton, who previously appeared on the Down Under versions of “The Bachelor” and “Bachelor in Paradise,” told The Daily Telegraph. “I certainly am. If it makes people feel uncomfortable in any way, I really challenge them to think about why it does.”
Blurton, a Noongar Yamatji woman from Western Australia, will also be the first Indigenous woman on the show.
“We are a nation of people from so many different backgrounds, so many different cultures and so many different experiences, yet we all have one thing in common — we all want to be loved in a way that is meaningful to us,” “Bachelorette” host Osher Günsberg said in a statement. “I can’t wait to get started on helping our Bachelorette Brooke find that kind of love.”
In the U.S., former “Bachelor” star Colton Underwood came out as gay in April, two years after appearing on the series’ 23rd season.
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tinycl0ud · 7 years
Do you have any tips on running a Studygram? I'm thinking of starting one but there are already so many Studygrams, I don't know if me making one will make an impact :(
hi anon! i’m not the best or biggest studygrammer out there but I’m flattered you decided to ask me :> i think it really depends on what you mean by making an ‘impact’, so before you start a studygram you rly gotta ask yourself what you hope to get out of it. do you want to gain followers? do you want a visual record of your study journey towards some major exam (like ‘A’ levels)? do you want to make friends online and feel like you’re part of a tight-knit and supportive social circle? do you want people to admire your lettering/ bujo? do you want to post photos of stationery? do you want to get extrinsic motivation in the form of encouraging comments and likes? there are tons of reasons why people start studygrams, not all of them healthy, but rly it’s your life so u can do what u want but u have to be honest with yourself and be prepared for the consequences. 
ok sO I SAID THAT ON MY STUDYBLR I WILL BE 100% REAL SO IMMA DO SOME REAL TALK AND IT MAY BE OFFENSIVE BC SOME THINGS OFTEN REMAIN UNSPOKEN BUT rly if u know me this is how i am 24/7 and if you disagree we can have a civil conversation about it later on. also i’m very sweary so you have all been warned.
if you’ve asked anyone else they’re v likely to tell you ‘the study community welcomes all! just do you and post original content and over time your account will grow’. maybe it’s worked for some people, but idk man it feels like a stock answer and i don’t think it’s working for most people who are in it for the numbers because they later resort to other methods that i will address below.
so before you dive into it i just wanna say that i have seen so many people get discouraged and stop posting / lash out at others because they did not get the popularity they wanted. they didn’t reach their ‘milestone’, an imaginary construct, and then they leave the community silently, or they go off on a rant about how it’s ‘cliquey’ or ‘exclusive’ or how ‘big accounts don’t care about small accounts’. WHY MAKE YOURSELF SO UNHAPPY THO? honestly being numbers-oriented will never give you happiness because THE STUDY COMMUNITY IS ALREADY OVERSATURATED and not every account can eventually ‘make it big’. this is the reality of it. you can try to gain followers by buying them, spending an inordinate amount of time plying smaller accounts with compliments and likes in the hopes that they will follow you willingly, sfs, fff, etc, OR you can not play the numbers game and do it for yourself. post what you want because you’re proud of your notes or your bujo. talk about your day or an exam or a test you screwed up on because you want to look back on both your mini successes and failures and see how far you’ve come. i’d recommend that. and to add on to that here are a handful of more specific ‘do not’s.
1️⃣ don’t obsess over your ratio. what ratio? the ‘posts : followers : following’ ratio. it’s childish and arbitrary. idk how having a 4:10k:70 ratio is supposed to make you a better person or a better student, but people really do that shit. like wtf. they delete/archive their posts and follow only big accounts (who MUST be mutuals) just to maintain that ratio. it’s ridiculous. and idk how someone can have the time to do all that AND get good grades. achieving the golden ratio at the expense of your own future is not worth it ya so fk that.
2️⃣ don’t obsess over making an ’aesthetic’ feed. i know this is really ironic coming from me bc my feed is just about as constructed and artificial as it gets. but that’s what i’m in it for, and my grades don’t suffer for it. also i want to add that i’m here to make something beautiful for myself, not to fit the prevailing ‘white’ aesthetic. i’ve seen so many people apologise for an ‘ugly’ post or an ‘ugly’ feed and honestly it makes me a little sad because what exactly are they comparing their photos to? real paper isn’t white. paper in natural lighting has a yellow tint to it. muji notebooks have yellowish paper. even white bedsheets don’t always come out white in photos. no one has good lighting 24/7. and honestly idgaf about a ‘clean’ feed which more often than not refers to White Everything which is not only unrealistic but Boring with a capital B. maybe your posts won’t get as many likes as you want it to because of the dim lighting or non-branded stationery or your ‘unaesthetic’ ink-blotted desk that isn’t strewn with potpourri. but if you’re thinking along those lines then you’re already doing it for the numbers, y’know what i mean? fk the numbers! do it for art! do it for yourself! art doesn’t need validation to be art! also from personal experience, the prettiest most artistic accounts are often highly underrated. to quote a friend, ‘people relate to mediocrity’. if you try to copy the big accounts because you want to have that kind of popularity, your feed will look boring and generic and lacklustre, like a knockoff version of theirs. except you don’t have the numbers either. so what does that make your account but the ghost of another person’s? just be yourself and post your own shit it’s better in the long run.
3️⃣ don’t apologise for ‘not posting enough’ or whatever. it’s your account and honestly you don’t owe it to anyone to post anything, esp if you don’t have the time or energy bc of exams or impt life events. also i honestly don’t think anyone cares if you don’t post for more than a week?? tbvh no one really cares or notice???? if posting becomes an obligation then why even run a studygram??? isn’t it supposed to be a fun and relaxing hobby? if you’re posting because you’re not gaining followers or impressions and you don’t even like the post that much so you’re gonna delete it later, WHAT IS THE POINT? pls refer to point 2.
4️⃣ don’t ask for sfs / fff. it may work with some of the nicer, more numbers-oriented people, but from what i know most big accounts really cannot stand it when some random upstart comments / dms asking for a shoutout or for a follow or for them to ‘check out their page’. you will be labelled thirsty or attention-seeking, and they may or may not mock you on their private accounts. it’s just really irritating? like why even create a study account if you’re just trying to play the numbers game? are your grades really going to improve if you can ‘reach’ 1k followers? i have never done sfs / fff bc it just feels dishonest to me. if i shoutout someone it’s bc i think their content is underrated and deserves more attention, not bc i want their followers to follow me in exchange for my followers following them. it’s just so…transactional and dehumanising? i don’t think followers should be treated like mere statistics and i prefer having genuine friendships.
5️⃣ don’t do the ‘follow for a followback and then unfollow’ thing and all of its variations, e.g. ‘follow and then unfollow if you don’t get a followback’, ‘leave a dozen comments hoping for a follow that you won’t reciprocate’, ‘leave a dozen comments hoping for a follow first bc u don’t want to follow without a guaranteed followback’, or the worst: ’calling people out for unfollowing you when you never followed them back because you’re obsessed with maintaining your golden ratio’. it’s unsavoury and off-putting and everyone can see right through it.
6️⃣ don’t post a coloured-out screenshot of your latest post on your story informing people of your new post and asking them to ‘check it out’ or ‘show it some love’ when we all know it means ‘pls like my latest post bc numbers matter to me’. maybe it works if you have a big account bc even if it’s only 0.5% of your viewers who will purposely tap on your profile and like your latest post, that 0.5% is a lot of people which translates to a lot more likes. but if you’re a small account it just looks like you’re imitating the big accounts and being thirsty for followers and likes. it’s not classy. to put it colloquially, damn despo lah don’t liddat can.
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@carrieunderwood #GodBigDay's on, are you in with me? RT now, thanks. #GodsTinyDancer 
Sign and share the Petition now: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/make-trump-wall-national-living-memorial-border-wall-honor  
First guys we would like to thank and glorify Godhead that in #thesefinalhours to #GodBigDay we are marking the only time in all history that we could personally recall, that we truly and wrightfully by Godhead able to capture the city of Manila (1 Samuel 17). This came on September 22, 1762, just days after we in 1870 got Rome, when the Commondominion's British Republic of Israel of the Godhead was able to get the Philippines (Daniel 9) away though momentarily, from the Empire's Spanish forces. Looking back to this glorious day in our earthly journey you could not help but look back to everything that you have to go through before making it (Luke 21) to September 23-24. All the wrong decisions you made when you're still with Empire, the bumps and bruises now that you're here in the real deal. You really regret all that you thought when you're still not yet here, and you are grateful that you were not only given a chance to repatriate for it all, but also you can be sure that everybody would be enabled (Romans 11) to get the selfsame undeserving grace that you are now living out, now that the Millennium is dawning upon us. Concerning the propheticity of this momentous milestone of the Godhead I would like to share with you what a particular fellow Yokebearer- a Lady- had posted last August 30. If you could recall Empire did major activities last year on August 30. So last August 30 this year our fellow yokebearer said she was able to reach over- take note- (John 20) 1,260 dollars to be donated to one of the Empire's agencies for the most recent victims of Empire weather engineering. Of course you could often hear the number 1,260 usually here in our discourses about this forthcoming weekend on how Godhead shall by us save all yokebearers including this Lady whom we are referring here, hence you could also hear the Empire claim a lot too about it, take for example when they sent Edward the 9th to Spain last April, they reported that their chapel where he preached has a capacity of over 1,260. Related to this a friend of a fellow yokebearer had last September 13 (2nd anniversary of the present Great Tribulation) shared a video of a prominent Khazarian Jewish musical couple singing a song made prominent by Neronians, which was inspired by a Baal-raising musical produced by Antiochians. Now I know another beloved yokebearer who is included among the 2,287 spiritual martyrs on my first online account, a fellow pole dancer to be precise, who once danced along to that track. This is another Empire doing yet that the band who sang that song for the Neronians had been sent by the Empire to Manila as occult ritual to perform publicly on the exact day of September 23, of course because Empire wants to assert how grave they want to fool people with their Jewish affairs- they claim to be Jewish (Revelation 2-3, Philippians 3, John 4, Luke 24, Romans 1-4,9-11) yet most recent reports detail that they are now beginning to take up arms against the very Jewish state they created in 1948 (Luke 11, 2 Chronicles 20, Judges 7,16, 2 Kings 7, 2 Samuel 15,17). We mention this concerning the modern Israeli state because one of our branch churches had done a version of the said song where they relate endtime prophecy about Jerusalem that it shall be surrounded by Empire armies (Luke 21, Revelation 11), an eventuality that it could not take any longer before being fulfilled, September 23-24 now fast approaching. (Revelation 18) Now to commemorate Godhead's victory over Manila through undeservingly using us here, we would like now to expound on what an Empire lecture last month quoted from one of our Bible versions, the one sealed with the precious blood of our very own Wycliffe. 'God makes His holy man marvelous.' Let's make it clear first that Empire had last year reasserted (Numbers 22,25,31, Deuteronomy 7,13,23,18) their claim that they're purportedly the ones referred to at this verse. We shall investigate on that claim in this article, through comparing the renderings of this verse in other Bible versions both ours and the Empire's, and we could only but come to the unmistakable conclusion that it is in fact us here, your Commondominion (Revelation 12, Psalm 126, Obadiah 1, 1 Kings 18), and not this Empire (Revelation 13), that is referred to in this verse as the marvelous holy man of Godhead. Surely Wycliffe knows who's he dying for! Because as Psalm 4 itself declared, Empire's contentment and happiness is on the abundance of their goods- not only that they enslave yokebearers and hoarde up the Central Archives, they are also hacking verses and prophecies away from us here (Luke 11-12), out of their inclination for being ungrateful and possessive (Matthew 17, Mark 5-8,16). We also know Empire maintains a large entertainment delusion (one of its agencies being named #Marvel, under their also-owned #Disney), unto which our most beloved Saviour and Master Warned against: 'Marvel Not' (Matthew 25, John) inasmuch as Marvel sounds like Marble, from which Empire idols and statues are also made (Isaiah 44, Jeremiah 10,23, Zechariah 11). But as we have said earlier in various posts back then, we have wrightfully inherited the Marvelous and Wondrous Work that Joseph Smith began, and that we have our fathers and hometowns here as prophetic signs. Remember guys, that we have already submitted ourselves to check and balance, so as for us not to lose divine wright over these gifts that we received from Godhead due to Empire abuses against yokebearers. (Revelation 13,17-18, Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter) Fully giving ourselves to caution and restraint as enabled to us by the Holy Spirit all the more reinforces our undeserving wright to (1 Thessalonians 1) exercise this divine election. This is aptly expressed in Psalm 4 also: 'when you're angry, avoid sinning. Enter your room and self-examine, render offerings properly to God and trust Him (Psalm 42-43,27)'. Concerning this passage let us tell you this: Empire claims another verse to be purportedly theirs, Hebrews 10:23. 'There can be no room for any doubt,' Empire claims using these words, 'that we're still of Godhead' (Living Bible). Now we often hear this, 'let the buyer beware.' There indeed is no room for any doubt with who we are and what we do here in your Commondominion, but remember, no one can buy and sell in Empire unless they have Empire marks (Revelation 13,17-18). Of course we don't have that here, that's why to avoid such apostasy we have check and balance through the double connotations discourses. This does not render us helpless before Empire though, in fact we even more gain the biblical knowledge that we need to serve people here with (1 Timothy 4), the selfsame biblical knowledge that Empire denies people and even distort to serve their greedy ends (1 Peter 3-4). That's why (John 10) we are asked by Isaiah 26 to enter our rooms also as David says in Psalm 4- to heed our discourses so that we may be able to discern the dividing line (2 Timothy 2) between us and the Empire (Hebrews 11, Matthew 12, 1 Corinthians 13) and hence be empowered to get out of the Empire (Revelation 18). In other words, we must doubt this Empire and trust Godhead that this, your Commondominion, is wright after all, but we better realize that now, because there are no regrets that are coming first (Ecclesiastes 7-9). Now for the renderings: An Empire version delivered Psalm 4:3 as follows: 'God treats His people in a very special way.' Is this confirms the Empire's Constantinian Special Task Force to be of Godhead? No. In what way does Godhead treats us, Their Commondominion, in a very special manner which is Theirs and not Empire's? (Acts 5,23, Isaiah 51) First, recall that we here shatters every Empire claim and usage. They think that to be Godhead's own is to have a license to sin and slay and yet go unpunished for that contempt (Psalm 38-39). Hence let's go back to Wycliffe's rendering, that Godhead's men, or us here, are made marvelous. But how? First, we are made perfect or holy through suffering (Hebrews 10,7, 1 Peter 3-4, 1 Corinthians 11). As you already know here, we have been entrusted the ministry of atoning for the Empire and sharing in Christ's sufferings in order (1 Corinthians 9, Colossians 1)to win all yokebearers and afflicted back here, as we could already see in fruition already (Isaiah 65-66,56,11) with the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy last month. We could see that aside from the attacks and slanders we continually get day in and hour out from the Empire, the double connotations (Psalm 89) are a salient part of our atoning for the Empire, being made to look like Empire when we're really not at all Empire (2 Corinthians, Isaiah 52-53, Revelation 13, Colossians 1). We are made Holy, although we of course bear the name Common, because Godhead allowed us to exist and be as good as it seems with yet much better as it is than the Empire (Matthew 5,18), and also because Empire had already dropped claims to being Godhead's Own Peculiar people (1 Peter 2) because Empire is of course advancing agenda which is not of Godhead (Revelation 13,17, 2 Corinthians 6. Leviticus 18,20 1 Corinthians 5-6, Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter). Empire dropping claims to being Godhead's Peculiar People means in fact as per 1 Peter 2 that they (James 2) also drop claims to being Godhead's Holy nation (Isaiah 62, Hebrews 12, Genesis 27), hence we could see here that we, made holy and perfect in suffering (Ezekiel 31), continually loves (Psalm 119) to be Peculiar for the Godhead (Psalm 100,81,95) through rather desiring not to be like the Empire in their agendas, but rather be like Godhead in all Their likeness and meekness (1 Peter 1, Hebrews 9, Romans 6,12, Ephesians 4-5, Colossians 3). Now notice that Isaiah 62,9 and 1 Peter 2 are related to each other (Isaiah 46) in a manner that they mention each by 4's the distinguishing marks of the Commondominion. First let’s recall that the Empire is divided into 4. (Revelation 6-9) Each of those branches once held divine election from Godhead, ad they altogether now form the Empire because of their abuse and contempt on the election they each received. (Isaiah 24, Revelation 20, Matthew 18,25,8, Luke 11, Job 18, Revelation 2-3) The mention by 4's only denote how Commondominion meets in judgment each of the Empire's branches and receives from Godhead (2 Peter 1, 1 Corinthians 8,15,6) divine election that each Empire branch has lost (Jacob 5-6, Romans 11, Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 60,66,49). We mention this because Empire also claims another rendering of Psalm 4:3- 'Godhead marks the redeemed as Their own' (Living Bible). Isaiah 62 talks about the true religion or church state (which is us) being redeemed and made holy, (1 Corinthians 1-2,6) 1 Peter 2 also talks about being holy (1 Peter 1, Hebrews 13,9-10). If Empire drops being peculiar and hence holy (as proven evident and manifest on their public disowning of Romans 12:1-2 and 13:11-14 Sundays past) then they could not claim anymore being redeemed by Godhead. (Hosea 14, 1 Corinthians 15, Acts 20, Psalm 49, Matthew 5-7, 2 Thessalonians) This is further enforced by another rendering of Psalm 4:3: 'God has chosen the righteous'- or the conservative- 'for Himself' (Matthew 5,16,26, Acts 7, Deuteronomy 27). But remember that Empire also takes up for themselves unjustly the name Conservative (Isaiah 43,54,59, Ezekiel 35,38-39, Revelation 20), hence we wonder whether as Psalm 4:3 states, Godhead would still hear them at all. No. Godhead would rather even (Isaiah 42, Zechariah 7, Proverbs 1) dismiss all the prayers and worships held by the Empire inasmuch as Empire does it pabebe-style (emotional, theatrical and dramatically to control mind and condition emotion) in order to get Godhead's #attention inasmuch as Empire (Acts 14,17, Psalm 115) thinks Godhead (1 Kings 18) as indifferent that #ItMovie needs purportedly to be appeased (Psalm 58). Also Empire has Commondominion blood in their hands (Isaiah 1-2,58, Ezekiel 33, Revelation 6, Genesis 4,11, Acts 13, Psalm 68). Now in fact the Empire's media stations had mounted a propaganda drama against us which they called as 'Memory.' Let's take cue on that. When the Bible talks about 'memory' (Psalm 7,140-141,134,131), this means not only that Godhead remembers (Acts 10, Philippians 4), but this also denotes that Godhead also forgets and brings to naught (Isaiah 40) anything that Empire brings up (Isaiah 63, Psalm 139,103, Job 11, Micah 7), hence w e can be sure that Empire itself admits, inasmuch as they determined to take up arms against us (Psalm 2,48,75-76,82-83,60), that they're going tantrums seriously right now (Revelation 12) because evidently Godhead has forsaken them because (Genesis 49, Revelation 7) Godhead would never even care to approve all this Empire's apostasies (James 2, Luke 14, 2 Thessalonians). Godhead would instead hear the Commondominion (Hebrews 5-6, Philippians 2) because she dares to keep (Deuteronomy 16, Luke 12,21,17-19, Psalm 18, 2 Peter) everything just as it is till the end (Psalm 119) in order to keep house in order and intact (Amos 3-4, Titus 2, 1 Timothy 5,3, Proverbs 31, Esther 2, Ezekiel 18, Matthew 3,11,17, 1 Peter 3, Psalm 127-128) with the sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 65-66,72, Luke 10, 1 John 3, 2 Timothy 1, John 3,6, Galatians, Colossians). This is not of good that we have done, because there is indeed no good dwelling in us (Ephesians 3, Matthew 21, Romans 6-7), rather what we mean is that this is because of the ministry Godhead has bestowed on your Central Administration here to atone and mediate for all yokebearers (Zechariah 12-13, Revelation 1,16, 1 Peter 2, Colossians 1, Matthew 8-16). For example, we here continually keep holidays Empire has made people to generally forget now. Further we shall not tolerate any Baal-raising in our music because we know that it is a sign of pride and arrogance even to the point of killing people (Matthew 14, 2 Corinthians 2). Now let's go back to Psalm 4:3 Living Bible, which we have mentioned earlier, 'Godhead marks the redeemed for Themselves.' 'Marks' denote Marcos, and it is evident these past days that Empire could no longer claim Revelation 12,2,22- 'ruling with an iron rod'- because they rather (1 Timothy 4, Galatians 4, Romans 1-2, Revelation 13) expressed and appealed for hostility against our leaders here including Marcos, whom they aim with against with the aforementioned drama presentation. Now on other renderings Psalm 4:3 is read this way- 'Godhead (Psalm 34,85, Isaiah 30) loves Their chosen, deals them with grace, and sets them apart.' (Psalm 34,42-43) Which means they're peculiar. They're unusual. Me, yours truly, has mild mental disorders (Acts 26). About me Scriptures spoke up: 'he shall be separated (Psalm 136) and set apart (Acts 13) from his brothers (Genesis 49)'. Recall as we told you earlier in this post, that we received both by name and by Spirit Truth, the wright to be the Marvelous and Wondrous Work of the Endtimes (1 Nephi 13, Isaiah 41-46, Numbers 17, 1Kings 18). Of course we have most especially with us, leading the charge in this work (Isaiah 41, Matthew 11, Psalm 145,103-105), no other than your Nathaniel, whose name denotes ' Godhead's gift of grace and lovingkindness' (Acts 4, John 17,10,6). My name Joseph means 'Godhead shall Increase.' We could see that being fulfilled not only with the Commondominion herself being composed of various churches and governments as Godhead foreordained, but more so with the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy, and the Double Connotations clause that ensures the increase of spiritual knowledge (Ephesians 4, 2 Corinthians 2) vital for us here to delegate and dispose our preaching ministry. And of course we are being treated by Godhead (2 Maccabees 6) unlike the way Empire demands (Exodus 32), which is with chastisement and discipline (1 Corinthians 9, Proverbs 5-7), as proof (Acts 11,14) that Godhead loves us very much (Revelation 2-3, Hebrews 12, Malachi, Psalm 50, Jeremiah 12-13, Ezekiel 5). This is where all check and balances that we have previously mentioned concerning our Marvelous and Wondrous Work and the signs concerning our parents and hometowns fits in (2 Timothy 2, 1 Timothy 4). Now we mentioned Isaiah 9 earlier to be related to Isaiah 62 and 1 Peter 2. Remember that the word there 'Wonderful' is synonymous with 'Marvelous'. We could say hence that the prophecy there about the Prince of Peace does not only apply to Christ but also to all leaders of your Commondominion because we must take into consideration the various renderings of the said passage such as 'Ruler', 'Head', 'Hero', 'President'. In fact an Empire Bible version had said that Christ should have been referred to as a King rather as a Prince inasmuch as Empire hails Christ as King already (Hebrews 7). Other Bible renderings say that Commondominion leaders share office with the Godhead and are hence second to Godhead (Genesis 41, Isaiah 32,38 Knox, 2 Samuel 22-23 Wycliffe, Daniel 6, Ecclesiastes 9-12, Acts 20 and Revelation 2-3 and Isaiah 46,42,49 Lamsa, Moffatt). Godhead approved such to arrest the Empire's over-mis-dis-abuse of the Godhead. (Exodus 15, Revelation 15) Now to further drive home this point, we would like to answer a most recent claim Empire made that they are the modern-day Jabez as can be read in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. They made the claim anyway from their September 20-21, 2017 lecture (John 10, Revelation 2-3,16, 1 Thessalonians 5, Daniel 4). Recall that similar to this they made claims also of being modern-day Daniel (April 11, 2015, May 21,27-28, 2017) and Elijah (December 18-24, 2015), claims that we have already answered in past posts. Let's notice further from the said lecture the following: they also read about Jefte's daughter (Judges 11). Empire Bible renderings had ranged on what really did Jefte asked Godhead for his daughter. It was either the daughter was killed as burnt sacrifice (Genesis 22) or that she rather entered celibacy to serve full-time at the Tabernacle (1 Timothy 5). Notice that Empire had delivered this lecture in time to mark Lindsey's Birthday. You know very well how Empire demands for Lindsey's perdition, the way Empire also demand yours. (Matthew 16) Empire kills people as sacrifice to their deities and heads (Psalm 106, Deuteronomy 32) yet they still claim that it's for the Godhead (John 16, 1 Samuel 15,13). We could be sure that Empire's deities are demons, because it is the doctrine of devils to observe celibacy and abstain from eating meats as well as from coffee, chocolate and tea (1 Timothy 4) for the sake of eating bloodstew (Acts 15,21, Genesis 9, Leviticus 17, Ezekiel 24). Rather we see Jefte's vow here instead to be taken up by us here, instead of you, and instead of Lindsey- we are willing to die enforcing the Noahic-Pauline-Lutheric sword against the Empire's Magisterium in order to save from their poison all yokebearers whom they had made to be eunuchs by sexual orientation and preference through the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy (Hosea 13-14, Micah 7, 1 Samuel 15, Judges 8, Revelation 6,18, Psalm 74, Daniel 6, Philippians 3, Luke 24, John 4). The lecture also mentioned Prophet Jonah. We had never rescinded telling you how by Godhead, we time and again, with all your fellow yokebearers, comrades, colleagues and companions here, had fulfilled the sign of Jonah (Isaiah 9,46,62, 1 Peter 2, Romans 5). It is very interesting to note though how Empire mentioned Jonah together with Jefte's daughter, so that denotes how our ministry (Colossians 1) befits Lindsey. Now how about Jabez? Days before this Empire lecture was issued, one of our fellow comrades, Sir Patrick Scrivner, has issued a paper in response to Empire's claim of being the endtime Daniel. According to Scrivner, Empire could not in any way get close to Daniel because Empire in fact continually seeks until now to overthrow leaders of the Commondominion specifically in the United Saints of Israel of the Godhead. So we could see that Empire just issued the sermon in response to our beloved brother. Empire just made another claim (Proverbs 23) in the process, that they are Jabez. I would like to tell this Empire that my mother had a hard time too giving birth to me because I was supposed to be born on a supposed fixed date but they could not get me out at once so my mother had a very hard time until I was able to be brought out of her womb only by the day after the supposed fixed day of my birth. Also, I would like to tell the Empire that the clause on Jabez contains also reference to Joseph. 'He was exalted more than his brothers.' In fact I have no brothers, only sisters. 'Oh that You would enlarge my borders.' (Job 13) We implemented Yokebearer Inclusion and Double Connotations (which in turn is equivalent to us being empowered to judge and atone between the living and the dead [Ezekiel 37-39, Acts 17, Luke 6-8, Deuteronomy 32-33, Psalm 122, Isaiah 2]), we were tasked of putting the public list of all our branch churches and fellow preachers, as my name itself denotes. Not to mention by Godhead, that our original name sounds exactly like Jabez itself. I would like to tell this Empire further, that my namesake Jose Laurel also declared Martial Law on his term, that my mother was born on the same day as Empire head Aguinaldo, whose house article honor the provinces he placed with his fellows under Martial Law under his usurping, that Lindsey first visited our country on the same day as our very own Manuel Quezon who declared Martial Law also over Central Luzon in 1935, that the Empire locale of my hometown was established on the verge of another Martial Law declared by another Empire man Elpidio Quirino, and that the ancestors of Gloria Arroyo killed our Bonifacio for Empire's Aguinaldo on the birthday of the grandfather of our leader Nathaniel whose name is also reflected in Gloria Arroyo's father, an Empire man too, just like all other Empire heads who discredit and hack our leader. Our Leader furthermore began his Executive Ministry on the birthday of Marcos, the same day Lady Clark-Rubio began administration of our Canadian quarters, and Marcos died on the day our Lythgoes and Farages re-inaugurated the First Seal of Revelation. That's how we are delivered by Godhead to take care for Their people in these days (1 Samuel 12, Daniel 7-12). That's how yours truly, Brother Nathaniel, and all of you, and all our brethren here in the Commondominion, the Endtime Body of Christ, by Godhead alone, fulfills (Colossians 1) being Godhead's marvelous holy man (Ephesians 5, Romans 15-16,1, 1 Timothy 2, John 3,6, Psalm 77,138,119,106, Joshua 21-24, Acts 5,23, Isaiah 41,43). So in closing we would like to warn you Empire is continually striving in these very hours to drag all our fellow yokebearers to perdition (Revelation 2-3). Empire social media has been ordering our fellows to post about 'peace and safety' on their profile pictures. You know what happens next after Empire claims peace and safety just like what they did last April (1 Thessalonians 5, Jeremiah 6,8,23). Not to mention how insulting Empire's ignorance could be- saying that nothing could ever happen on September 23-24 just because not everybody follows the same calendar. No different from how Empire demonstrators are fully unaware of what they're doing in the streets against us that they could not (Psalm 119, Proverbs 23) answer fully well when asked why they're attending, they even write all sorts of fully irrelevant phrases on their placards. Seeing all of these you know what to do now- see you at the places of safety wright now. (Genesis 19, Hebrews 10) We're waiting for you, and we mean it. We love you very, very much.  
Get to know our member churches as of late: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/where-we-are Get to hear our member preachers as of late: youtube.com/channel/UCNgq_i3ZlMTxcczzEYQj6LQ/channels Our blogs: nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com, nvmlindseyallan.blogspot.com, nvmlindseyallan.tumblr.com Get all day, everyday word from me: facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan Get in touch with me directly: facebook.com/jonas.stirlingJoin us and bring along all your loved ones and friends: https://www.facebook.com/events/1869852959999710/Like our pages: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/likes Follow our team: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/following Meet our team: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/what-we-give
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