#its really interesting to see how kpop groups are less personal and more...conceptual?
Okay correct me if I'm wrong but I'm like a....marginal looker-on of kpop groups and something that I've picked up that utterly fascinates me is the way that these kpop groups focus their songs and music around some sort of concept that has so much story potential in it.
It's like...combining ballads and epic songs with modern pop music and in essence creating the short stories/one-shots in the same world version of those ballads and epics. Like musicals but rather than a cohesive single story, fragments of story ideas, and I kind of really love that....
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noona-clock · 6 years
Study: Im Jaebum
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite KPOP idols.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Capricorn (Earth)
Jaebum has a lot of Capricorn in his birth chart, so if there’s any one sign he identifies with, it’s going to be this one. I feel if you really understand Capricorn traits, you can get a good grasp on who Jaebum is.
Capricorns are known for being one of the most down to earth, dependable, and solid signs of the whole zodiac. I think we can certainly classify Jaebum as all of these traits. He’s the dad/grandpa of the group, as well as the leader, and he wouldn’t hold these positions if he weren’t dependable and responsible. He’s very good at managing the other members, though not necessarily in an authoritarian way (hence the ‘down to earth’ part).
Another Capricorn trait Jaebum personifies is being on the more serious, conservative side. We all know Jaebum likes to have fun and be funny, but would we say he’s the most fun-loving member of Got7? No, definitely not. Would we say he’s the most serious? I might, actually. As I said earlier, he’s the dad/grandpa of the group, so he’s more likely to be the one breaking up the fun rather than the one creating it. He’s also pretty conservative when it comes to showing affection, giving praise, and values. We all see how uncomfortable he is with skinship with the Got7 members, and he didn’t want to seem like he and BAP’s Youngjae were a couple (but, like, it wouldn’t matter if they were). 
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is generally viewed as one of the unluckiest planets. Many Capricorns deal with lots of struggles in life and really don’t have it all that easy. They only get stronger because of it, but they still go through some shit. I honestly don’t know if Jaebum has gone through many personal hardships in his life as he doesn’t tend to share much about his private life. Being an idol certainly has its struggles, and I know it hasn’t been easy to become such a popular group. He’s also had to deal with darker, more serious sides to his personality, but if Jaebum has dealt with any sort of loss or tragedy, I haven’t heard about it. Let me know if you have! Just be on the lookout for our Jaebummie, okay? We need to be ready to support him!
Moon Sign: Scorpio (Water)
I’m going to be honest here. Scorpio is one of the most difficult signs to have in your lunar placement. Your moon sign is connected to your deep, emotional, inner self, and Scorpio is already an intense, deeply emotional sign. So I think we can bet Jaebum has a lot of emotions. But, like a Scorpio, he’s really good at hiding them. Scorpios tend to be pretty mysterious and private, and I think we can all agree Jaebum fits that description. He’s pretty quiet, and he doesn’t reveal too much about his personal life. He doesn’t show too much emotion, including when it comes to the Got7 members. He’s known as being “Chic” and “Cool,” two words which really mean “doesn’t say much.”
This doesn’t mean he has no emotions, of course. He’s got a lot of them. We just don’t see or hear about them all that often. And this also doesn’t mean he never shows affection, because he does! Scorpios are very loyal and loving people. But when you think about Jackson... and then think about Jaebum... the difference is almost comical.
Even though Scorpios are very good at keeping their emotions private, they do actually have a lot going on in their minds. They tend to be very imaginative and creative, and we see this side of Jaebum when he write songs (especially when he releases songs as Defsoul on his SoundCloud).
One other Scorpio trait Jaebum 100% possesses is that of valuing family. Have you seen when he’s at a concert or fanmeet and he spots his parents?! The way he smiles and how his eyes light up?! It’s honestly so adorable, I die inside every time. I can only imagine how great of a husband and father he will be in the future.
Fun fact: Scorpio is known for being intense and very sexual, which is why Jaebum is so good at being RUDE.
Chinese Astrology: Water Rooster
Roosters are seen as one of the more organized signs in the Chinese Zodiac. They are thorough and highly intelligent, and I feel we see these qualities in Jaebum as a leader. As we know, he’s good a managing things (especially the members), and I feel one basically needs to be smart in order to write, compose, and produce one’s own music. 
In addition, Roosters have a propensity to be extremely caring and have a need to help those who are less fortunate than them. While Jaebum is more private, we know he cares so much about the people he loves as well as his fans. He’s got such a big heart despite the struggles he’s had to overcome to become a popular, well-liked idol and leader of Got7.
Something I found interesting about Roosters is they’re very likely to have large families. Since we know how much Jaebum’s family means to him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up having several children in the future!
Numerology: Life Path  3
Those born with the Life Path number of 3 are known as Communicators. They have a talent for communicating with people, though this communication may come through in many different forms. We all know Jaebum is not a huge talker; he’s pretty shy, quiet, and very serious. But he does a heck of a job communicating through his music. (Also through dancing, which seems to be his way of communicating in a more sexual way). He also uses his communication skills as a leader. We heard from the psychology in Got7 Hard Carry that Jaebum is probably one of the best leaders in the KPOP world. He does an excellent job at managing and communicating with the other members. He’s not afraid to say what needs to be said, and the members know exactly what is expected of them.
3s are also known to be talented individuals, and they like presenting their ideas/talents to an audience. Besides the fact Got7 is always capable of drawing huge audiences, Jaebum likes to share his own music with his fans on his SoundCloud. He also FINALLY!!!! got an Instagram, and he’s been sharing posts and stories pretty regularly since then. He’s private, but he still likes to connect with his fans.
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
Jaebum is definitely Introverted. He is quiet, very serious, and he’s extremely private. It doesn’t really seem like he enjoys going out all that much, either. He keeps to himself most of the time, which is really the best way to tell if someone is Introverted or Extroverted. You can be an outgoing Introvert or a shy Extrovert, something it took me a while to realize. Shy and Introvert are not synonyms! I’m a shy Introvert, but Admin T is not. I think Jaebum is a shy Introvert, but he’s truly an Introvert because he is more reserved, he keeps to himself more often than not, and he has the ability to think through his words before speaking.
I’m very grateful Got7 were professionally typed because I honestly would have a very difficult time typing Jaebum. Since he is so private, it’s hard to really know and understand him. According to the test, however, Jaebum is Intuitive. He actually got the highest score on this type than any other dimension. Since Jaebum shows such a strong inclination toward Intuition, we know he thinks more about the big picture rather than the small details. He has the ability to look to the future and imagine the possibilities. He can think in more abstract, conceptual terms, and he doesn’t necessarily have to experience something to learn about it.
Again, I’m glad Jaebum has been professionally typed because I’m not sure I would’ve come to the conclusion he’s Feeling since he does such a good job of hiding his emotions. Granted, his Feeling score was only two points higher than his Thinking score, so I do feel a bit of validation in my insecurity. I do feel the songs he writes are a good indicator of his feeling domination, though, because he definitely writes songs with a lot of emotion behind them.
Lastly, Jaebum types as Judging. And while this can mean he’s more prone to leading an organized life, it mostly means he’s more controlled by his judging function - his is Feeling. Again, he only scored three points higher in this dimension so his Feeling function will not be extremely dominant. But I can see how he would be controlled by his feelings rather than by his intuitive thinking. I feel like he really takes his members’ feelings into account when making decisions.
Other Studies: Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Choi Youngjae, BamBam, Kim Yugyeom
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