#though of course you do get a lot of personal songs but idk man
Okay correct me if I'm wrong but I'm like a....marginal looker-on of kpop groups and something that I've picked up that utterly fascinates me is the way that these kpop groups focus their songs and music around some sort of concept that has so much story potential in it.
It's like...combining ballads and epic songs with modern pop music and in essence creating the short stories/one-shots in the same world version of those ballads and epics. Like musicals but rather than a cohesive single story, fragments of story ideas, and I kind of really love that....
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milliesfishes · 1 month
Hi Millie 😊 Hope you're doing okay 😊
I'm sure you have lots of things to write so it's okay if you're not interested in this, but if you want to I would love to read your thoughts on timetraveler!reader and Billy?
Like, she's from our era but accidentally travels to the past. I think he would be so amazed and amused by her at the same time, observing her behaviour and realising she's so different but in a fascinating way... idk I would love to read your thoughts on it or whatever you decide to write related to this idea, but only if you want to 😊❤
⋆౨ৎ𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮-𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂'𝓼 𝓮𝓻𝓪⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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It had been a day as ordinary as any other.
You were relaxing in the clean expanse of a field near where you lived, soaking up the sunshine beaming down upon the earth that created shadows you laid just at the edges of. The day was new, and you were determined to get some Vitamin D in before the air became sticky with heat.
Lying flat against the cool grass with your eyes closed, feeling yourself warm as the rays kissed your skin. It was simple pleasures like these that propelled you through the week's mundane tasks. You were a daydreamer by nature, and sometimes you thought that if you weren't, the banalities of life would have turned your spirit grey by now.
Endless fantasies filled your head now as you basked in the fingers of sunlight, their romantic nature making you glad you were secret. It was a shameful thing to you- the things you wanted in terms of love. In this day and age, women were supposed to secretly want things, supposed to meet men who teased the notion out of them and thrust them into a supernova storybook love. It confused you to your core, and so you avoided it outright.
Romanticism was your friend in everyday life. You had no one person to give love to, and so you found it everywhere you went, from the way you dressed to the books you read. And lying stretched out in a meadow a ten-minute walk from home, kissed by wildflowers, you felt the earth was loving you in return.
You'd discarded your top, bra the only thing covering your upper half. The little shorts you wore were cotton and clean, comfortable for a day of leisure. Here you were safe from the prying eyes of single-minded men, free from the demands of being a young person in this world. This is where you were at your happiest.
The heat slunk over you like an embrace, and you felt the siren song of sleep overcome you. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to slip into such a vulnerable state when you were alone like this, but it had been such a long week, and you were wholly exhausted.
Humming to yourself, you folded your arms under your head. Though the threat of a sunburn loomed, you didn't move, feeling the shade of a nearby tree begin to cover your legs like a blanket. As the sun continued its charted course, you'd be fully covered by the shadow when you woke up. Your shirt, a cute white thing with tiny bows at the base of lace edged thin straps, was bunched between your fingers, nearly a comfort object as the callings of sleep drifted over you.
There was a rustling nearby. Your eyes flew open, head turning frantically as you searched for the source. This area was secluded, you were sure of it. After all, this wasn't the first time you'd come out here to relax, at one with nature.
The crackly noise stopped for a moment, but before you could breathe a sigh of relief, it started up again, and then the head of a horse appeared from the bushes. Perplexed, you tilted your head, eyes going full as the moon when the rest of the creature appeared, a man sitting atop it.
You were stunned by the sight of him. Though a hat was perched on his head jauntily, his dark hair peeked out of it, curling at his neck. His clothes were awfully strange, a long-sleeved blue shirt with suspenders pulled up over his shoulders. When you saw the belt around his waist, gun sheathed in it, you froze, heart pounding in your ears.
Mind scurrying like a squirrel, your eyes darted from side to side, trying to grasp for a way to get out of here. The stranger's intentions were unknown, and it frightened you. Did he come up here to kidnap defenseless young women who sunbathed all by themselves? You never brought your phone up here since there was no service anyways, and right now you cursed the habit. At least if you ran down the hill you'd have hope of calling for help.
In your muddled tangle of worries, you hadn't noticed the man ride closer, and your body gave an involuntary jolt when he called out to you. "You alright miss?"
You were hardly able to tear your eyes away from him as he came closer. Now you could see him more clearly, see how handsome he was. Brows dark, drawn up in what appeared to be concern, hat shading his eyes, but you could see clearly the piercing blue of them. They seemed to reach inside your soul and grasp something in them, wholly disarming you before you remembered your fear. Lots of serial killers are good-looking.
He crouched before you, eyes roving over your figure and seeming to catch at your midsection, before they hastily skirted to the side. You were suddenly aware of your state of undress, hands holding your top flying to your chest and covering it. "I'm alright."
"Are...are ya sure?" Now he was looking into your eyes, and right then you had the oddest feeling that he wasn't going to hurt you. Softening before you could question it, you nodded.
"I come out here all the time...really, I'm okay," you assured him, offering a little smile. It was a challenge to tear your eyes away from his face, and you found you didn't want to. There was something magnetic about this man that filled something in you like a missing puzzle piece, now slid into its place.
"Where's your horse? I can escortcha back to town if you want," the man offered, his wrist adjusting where he was bent on one knee. "Ain't safe for a woman to be out here by her lonesome."
Your brow furrowed at the comment. He was talking like everybody had a horse. "I walked here."
Now it was his turn to frown. "Must've been quite a journey. Nearest town ain't for miles."
"No, I live-" you cut yourself off. Something wasn't right. Looking at the man, the way he dressed and spoke, then to his horse, equipped with a saddle and bags, and then to the gun at his hip, carried so casually, something seemed to dawn on you, the sun rising on a new mindset. It was impossible. Truly impossible. But the thought probed the corner of your mind, imagination run wild.
Taking in a shaky breath, you stared at him, the inconceivable notion invading your mind like an army. He was your only lifeline now if it was true. Seeming to notice the change, the man's lips parted. "You okay? Looks like you saw a ghost."
"What year is it?" The words burst forth from your lips like water from a crack in a dam, panic washing over you for an entirely different reason.
"Eighteen seventy-eight."
Your heart stopped, frozen as ice as the information hit you. A look of horror crossed your face before you could stop it, and you nearly dropped your shirt as your body grew taut with worry. It was pointless to wonder how this had happened- your mind couldn't even comprehend the science behind it.
But what were you going to do now? You had no money, no family, no friends. For the first time in your life you were truly, utterly helpless and there was nothing to do about it.
A warm hand found a place on your shoulder, and you looked back up at him, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes. He wouldn't believe you if you told him. Nobody from your time would believe you if you told them.
Your distress must have been palpable, because the man's lips pulled down, a troubled spark in his eye. Oh how kind his eyes were. It was a look you weren't at all used to seeing in men. His roughened thumb smoothed over your skin. "You were robbed, weren'tcha? Took your horse 'n everything?"
Lips parting slightly, you saw a lifeline. Here he had provided you with an out. Slowly nodding, you whispered, "Yes." The lie was bitter on your tongue, but you didn't have a choice. If you spoke of unwilling time-travel who knew what he'd do? Would he leave you here, sure too much sun had inspired your ravings? Or drop you off at the nearest asylum? You didn't want either to happen, and he was the only soul around here for miles, likely, and a kind one at that. "I don't have anything."
"Lemme help you out." He stood, offering you a hand. "I can take you into town, we'll getcha situated...it'll be okay. You got any family round these parts?"
"Not anymore." At least that wasn't a lie.
"Hm." His lips bunched to the side as he thought. "Well...that's alright. We'll figure somethin' out. You're gonna be okay."
He re-extended his hand, and you hesitantly put yours in his, getting to your feet. Remembering your state of dress, you quickly turned to the side, pulling your top over your head and pushing your hair backwards. It wasn't much in the way of dress, especially for this time, you gathered. But it was something.
His eyes seemed to linger on you, but it wasn't in a way that had you shrinking back. You took his outstretched hand again, the warmth of his palm a comforting thing as he led you over to his horse. Shyly, you looked up at your rescuer. "What's your name?"
"William H. Bonney, ma'am." He stopped briefly, tipping his hat at you in a way that spread a smile across your cheeks. "Billy."
"Billy." You tried it out and found it suited him.
He almost seemed amused. "What's yours?" When you told him, he nodded. "Pretty."
A tiny blush colored your cheeks, and you looked at your feet. The sandals you wore probably weren't great for horseback riding, but they were better than going barefoot. At the saddle, he held out a hand to help you up, but you were already hoisting a foot over, swinging the opposite leg to sit on the other side. A surprised smile crossed him, and he quickly did the same. Now your back was snug against his broad chest, and you bit your cheek at the feeling.
"Hope you don't mind we're ridin' like this," he commented, grasping the reins in front of you with one hand, securing the other around your waist. "It'll be faster 'n walkin'. Figured you've been out here long enough."
"It's okay," you managed, ignoring the flutter in your heart at the placement of his hand. It was obvious he was trying to be a gentleman, but still trying to keep you steady on the horse, which you found gentlemanly in its own way.
You had no sense of how long the ride was because of how lost you were in Billy's touch. He grasped your waist, careful not to touch any of your skin that was uncovered. You were fascinated by all that surrounded you, by the same world you resided in, ripened by another time. It was more lush, fuller. This was the way you'd seen the world in your head before, now come to life.
Once you got to town, your fascination doubled. All the women were in long dresses, the men in similar dress to Billy, though his remained slightly different. You were suddenly self-conscious of your clothes. They were certainly attracting strange looks, and you slid your arms around yourself.
Noticing this, Billy patted your side. "I'll find ya somethin', don't worry. If they knew what you'd been through they'd understand." That caused another twinge of guilt deep in your being, but you shook it off. This is necessary to survive.
He helped you off the horse, carefully setting you on the ground. You closed in on yourself, eyes roving over the space, avoiding the gazes of passerby. It was funny. A while ago in your time you wouldn't have a problem being out and about in your current clothing. But the stipulations of the time had worn in on you within only minutes.
There was a shuffling behind you, and then Billy was pressing fabric into your hands, putting a careful hand on your shoulder. "Wear this for now. It's okay." His words comforted you, and when you looked up, there wasn't even a trace of judgement in his oceanic eyes. Your shoulders relaxed, and you realized he'd given you a man's shirt. One of his. It was more touching now than anything anybody had done for you. You certainly weren't used to men doing such things.
Sliding the fabric over your shoulders, you pushed your arms through the sleeves, feeling better about your coverage now. The shirt fell to your upper thighs, still not covering enough, but it was better than before by far.
He guided you into the shop with an arm around your shoulders, helping you through the doors. Calling out to the shopkeeper, Billy greeted her with a smile. "We need a dress. Hers has...gotten lost."
Eyeing you, the shopkeeper nodded, beckoning with a hand. "We have a few options already made here."
You flushed a little at the way she looked at you, aware that your appearance must be rather odd. Making sure to smile plentifully and be enthusiastic about her assistance, you selected a blue dress, wanting to make the process as quick as possible. She ushered you to the back to change into it, giving you proper undergarments and shoes as well. Kindly, she laced up the back of your half-stay and left, gifting you some privacy.
The buttons on the dress were thankfully situated in the front, and you were able to do them up in a timely manner, slipping your new shoes on as well. You were unsure to do with your old things and Billy's shirt, as you didn't know when or if at all you would be returning to your time.
The shopkeeper solved that when she gave you a canvas bag for your things, a brief smile crossing her face. You returned it, happy she'd warmed up.
Billy was waiting at the front, hands folded behind his back, eyes trained on the ground. When he heard your footsteps his head lifted, an expression of pleasant surprise crossing his face as he took you in. You demurely smoothed your skirts, tucking hair behind your ear. "Does it look alright?"
"Yeah," he breathed, a slow smile entering the planes of his face. Something in his eyes lightened, and he held out a hand for you. "You're...it's pretty."
Truly, you hadn't been one to blush so easily before meeting Billy, but now you seemed to redden with every look he gave you. It was a new thing, though not entirely unwelcome.
As he led you out of the store, your arm hand nestled in his arm, you felt brand new. Leaning up, you kissed Billy's cheek, the scratch of his stubble a pleasant sensation. "Thank you for the dress. That was lovely of you to do."
"'s no problem," he grinned, looking down at you. "A lady needs a dress, hm?"
"Oh!" you smiled brightly, leaning on him. Already you were growing comfortable. There was just such an easy way about Billy that made you feel safe. This was strange for you in a way. Never before had you met a man who'd given you such a sense.
Everything outside was bustling, a low hum of chatter filling the air like music. You found yourself turning your head excitedly, entranced by the life of it all.
When you turned your head to Billy, you discovered an expression of endearment on his face, as he watched you watch everything. It hadn't even been a day since you'd met him, and already there was something there. A connection, a hint of a feeling. It was brand new as you explored the old world.
Arm in arm with your guide, you felt your heart come alive for the first time in ages. Everything was bright and new and you could feel yourself stitching into the lines of it all like embroidery. Maybe you weren't a mismatched piece here.
Maybe with Billy you could fit perfectly.
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Maybe some Percy Jackson HC’s or Hellva boss
-🍼 anon
Helluva Boss Agere Headcanons!
A/N: This is only part one, and for this part I’m just doing my favorite characters. But I’ll do more characters in separate parts!
Characters: Blitzø, Moxxie, STRIKER!!! (MY FAV 💗💗💗)
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Flip, with a little lean!! He’s mostly an age regressor, he needs some way to let out all that trauma and stress. His little ages are about 4-6.
He is VERY chaotic when he’s regressed, like even more so than usual. He’ll run around the IMP HQ, jumping on furniture, leaving his toys everywhere, etc.
Moxxie and Millie are his main caregivers, actually! He loves Stolas, even though he’d never admit it, but he doesn’t trust him enough at the moment to tell him something that vulnerable about himself.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s not really a suitable dad caregiver. He’s more like a silly, chaotic older brother or the uncle that’s fresh out of jail.
He likes to spoil littles, he thinks it’s cute when their faces light up and they start giggling.
Thinks it’s super funny to help littles prank their caregivers. He does this even when he himself is regressed too.
Like. Imagine Little!Blitzø hanging out with Moxxie’s and Millie’s little or something. That would be so chaotic pls.
He LOVES coloring, and he hangs his own drawings up himself. He draws horses a lot. He also gives some of the stuff he draws to his friends and caregivers.
Controversial opinion, but flip with a cg lean!! He’s responsible enough to be a caregiver, and he wants kids himself one day so this is good practice he thinks. He does regress sometimes in order to relieve some stress.
He does well with littles of all ages, but he finds that baby regressors are surprisingly the easiest! They aren’t hyper and chaotic like a lot of toddler or kid regressors. He just has to feed them, give them attention, make sure their hygiene is good, etc and it’s fine!
He’ll play his guitar and sing little songs! Maybe while Millie dances around and helps tell stories or sings with him or something.
Him and Millie do everything together, which includes taking care of a little, so if you ask Moxxie to be your caregiver, that’s going to include Millie as well.
He’s actually one of the best people to play pretend with, surprisingly enough. Like it takes him a while to get used to it and he’s not too good at making stuff up on the spot, but when he gets into it, he gets INTO IT.
When he’s little, he also still likes to sing and play his guitar.
He reads kids books a lot or those small little science books for kids.
Or books about history for kids.
He is a nerd. And I love that. Me too, Moxxie.
His caregiver is Millie, of course. And he CLINGS to her when he’s regressed, like hardcore clings. Will not let go of her and has to be at least holding her hand at all times.
Okay I have a feeling this one is gonna be long. He’s my absolute favorite and I love him so so so so so so so so so so much.
I may or may not have the fattest crush on him.
Caregiver! He had absolutely no clue what age regression was before you told him about it, and it took him a while for him to warm up to the idea.
Like it took him a fat minute for him to fully process what it is.
He feels bad when he realizes you do it because of trauma, though.
Like…you had a bad childhood??? You were abused??? Do you want him to like…kill your parents for you…?
Cuz he will. You know he will.
You’re like the only person he feels any amount of sympathy for. It may take him awhile to get used to it, but when he does…MAN.
This guy is clingy and overprotective. If he notices you’re slipping at any time throughout the day, you’re immediately being carried or you have to hold his hand TIGHT for the rest of the day. He knows you’re vulnerable, and he knows it’s very dangerous in hell; obviously, it’s hell. And he wants to keep an eye on you at all times.
The first time you called him “dada”, he blushed. Not because of anything weird but because. Wow. You trust him and love him like that? Like…you care about him and see him as your protector? …Woah.
It takes him a bit to get used to parental nicknames, but he likes it nonetheless!
Does pretty much the same with any type of regressors, but because I’m projecting, I’m gonna say he likes the dependency of baby regressors.
He likes being leaned on and trusted and relied on. And when you’re regressed so deep like that, you need help with a lot of things, and he’ll do them for you.
Feels bad because he can’t be around a lot. He’s got an important and demanding job that he’s absolutely not letting a little baby like you witness.
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leffee · 1 day
I'm not sure if this has already been submitted for the ship ask thing you've been doing but may I request Zinnie?
Nope, Zinnie has not been on the table yet, so let's fucking gooooooooo
who’s the cuddler: Oh, do they both like cuddles with Vinnie liking them even more, but at the same time he's way too tsundere about things like that so he won't initiate them directly or show it. Zoe however has no such inhibitions and after a while she realized that Vinnie's just putting up a tough front while in fact loving touch so much. Cuddle the small man, he's a softie >:]. So Zoe, she just takes him and loves the hell out of him
who makes the bed: Zoe, she wants it neat, dang it while Vinnie doesn't care about stuff like that. He's going to be in that bed later that day anyway, what's the point in making it? But assuming we talk with them sleeping in the same bed Vinnie sometimes does it too. For Zoe's sake, not his. Zoe can absolutely tell him to do stuff and he will, but she doesn't abuse that too often.
who wakes up first: Zoe as well. Not only is she rather productive and just used to waking up at decent hours, but also Vinnie can sleep and sleep and sleep in. If you don't wake him up and it's not too loud around him he's not waking up. It's okay though, if needed Zoe can just tickle him awake or something
who has the weird taste in music: Oh this damn question. Idk maaaan. All I know is that they have sort of similar tastes in music. As in, Vinnie really really likes Zoe's songs. I headcanon that regarless of ships or lack of them, Vinnie adores the songs Zoe sings, he thinks they're great and in fact he sings or hums them often
who is more protective: Mmm, Vinnie, he's just like that with those he loves and obviously his girlfriend is not an exception but Zoe is not that far behind. It's kinda the same thing I imagine with Zoepper, Zoe is aware that her partner, in this case Vinnie, doesn't exactly look like the people she used to date in the past so she's aware others might think Vinnie does not deserve her. It's that girlboss boy failure dynamic. I mean, look at her and then look at him. So yeah, in such situations especially she's protective too. It's her boy-toy and he's perfect, they just don't get it >:(
who sings in the shower: Boooth. Of course Zoe sings in the shower and Vinnie does too, maybe a bit less though. They both sing Zoe's songs as you could have probably predicted reading the music taste thing. Not only that but it's worth mentioning. So when they shower together? Oh boy, it's a whole damn concert. If they sing that is, chances are they making out or something
who cries during movies: Zoe, though it's mostly dramatic crying, mostly. Vinnie doesn't cry easily especially because of movies, like if he is going to cry it will be real life related. And even if he felt like crying during a movie he'd stop himself from doing so, he thinks it's embarassing for him to cry let alone in front of someone else
who spends the most while out shopping: Zoe, of course. More money, more need to buy especially clothes and make up. But she does spoil Vinnie a bit every now and then and buys him stuff. Still, it's her money so yeah, Zo-Zo. Vinnie mostly just buys food anyway
who kisses more roughly: Hmm, they both can get rough. Zoe also really likes being gentle sometimes, more than Vinnie who craves that intensity most of the time. However, because of that when Zoe is gentle with him like that he's caught off guard by the sheer gentleness and how nice it feels. So yeah, Vinnie kisses more roughly because he's intense like that
who is more dominat: It's a Vinnie ship. Of course I choose the other person. Zoe. And Vinnie is her, as stated before, boy-toy. For real though she loves him a lot, I just love love Vinnie being the more submissive one in a ship, any ship. That's how all my favourite characters are. Also girl x boy ship with the girl being the more dominant and taller one? Hell yeah.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 9/10, I twirled my hair and giggled like an idiot several times while writing it all and thinking about them. Also big angst potential on Vinnie's side in this ship and that's good too ("What do you see in him?" "He makes me laugh." I know it's supposed to be haha funny but I see angst in it too much)
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senblades · 5 months
Who are your fav persona 3 people!!!
[cracks knuckles] I'm glad you asked
So! I don't actively /dislike/ anyone in the p3 cast, but some of them definitely speak to me more than others:
First things first: Ryoji. Love that guy. He's so silly. And so tragic. And he makes me sad. (Like holy SHIT I wasn't expecting a reprise of his song in the stage play on December 31st but it TOOK ME OUT) (also Ryomina my love)
The whole Shinji, Ken, and Akihiko trio ALSO lives in my head rent free... two idiots and their son. love them. I've been desperately scouring for Akishinji content and between that, Ryomina, and Shuake, I've come to realise that my shipping habits seem to boil down to "doomed yaoi" HAHA
More on Ken, I have a LOT of thoughts about how he and Akechi would interact and (likely) get along. Whether that be in the p5 era or a situation a la Throw Away Your Mask. (Or, something I've yet to find: Akechi with no time travel shenanigins getting in on the p3 plot. You can bet THAT'S a longfic idea I've got rattling around) (Also the half-brothers headcanon is super fun. Especially when combined with Futago siblings. Congratulations, Shido! All your kids are persona users, and they all hate you! :D)
Aigis! She's just. Infinitely charming. She'll say something that will absolutely take me out and then turn around and say something devestating HAHA. I also think that her and Ryoji's social link and linked episodes respectively do a LOT of thematic work in the story. Death himself and the girl that can't die, both trying to figure out how to live (y'all that shit's METAL)
Strega are so interesting to me... I don't think they're perfect villains- I think their motivation is underexplored and a bit choppy, but ASIDE from that, I really like all three of them as characters. Idk why Jin is so funny to me LMAO he's so in love with Takaya and Takaya's just like "k. met your quota yet?" (But, also, some of Takaya's lines definitely imply that he cares about Jin too, but doesn't let himself acknowledge that at all due to his whole "attachments are weakness" shtick, another thematic point to contest his ideology, as he is actively denying himself happiness in pursuit of some idea of salvation)
Chidori- I like her well enough. Some of her lines really did make me smile, but I think she's another case of "underdeveloped" (I actually read Throw Away Your Mask before I played p3r, so that fic did a lot of the heavy lifting for my like of Chidori (and, by extension, Jundori) i think)
Which leads nicely into: Junpei! He's da man. Nuff' said. HAHA if you can't tell, I love Junpei. Awkward dudebro stuff aside (though it's occasionally part of his charm), I really love his development and personality in general. I really love how all the "bro" characters across the modern three persona games, while fulfilling the same archetype, are all distinct in personality and motivation and I love them ALL
Mitsuru is quite interesting to me, but I think she might be a case of "I wish her social link was about something else". Personal preference of course, but I kind of wish that it focused more on this intense guilt she seems to have for things that a) weren't her fault, and b) happened when she was 7 or younger. THAT is a super interesting mindset to explore, imo, though I did find her social ineptitude charming haha
Yukari... I think that she might grow on me more later. I can feel it in my bones. I suppose I'll find out with The Answer dlc! I know broadly what happens in it, but I haven't actually seem a playthrough of it, nor do I really know what happens to all the characters. I think my opinion of Yukari might have been tainted slightly by everyone having such strong opinions HAHA- I definitely like her, but I don't think she's clicked just yet. (I did really like her social link, though!) (also Yukamitsu I love Yukamitsu. The lesbians aren't doomed! Good for them)
Okay this is going to upset some people probably but Koromaru isn't really much of a character and I keep forgetting about him LMAO. uh. he's a good boy?
Fuuka... I really think that she's just underdeveloped. Her social link didn't really do her any favours in my eyes (I'm SO glad that atlus cut the "girl learns to cook" social link in p5 HAHA i really didn't like it with Yukiko either) Her social link obviously isn't just the cooking shenanigins, but it overshadows the bits of character growth that happen intermittently. I think that her SL really would have benefitted from being more about her love of electronics, if anything, since that isn't explored AT ALL and is more a plot device than a character trait. (Plus, the root of all her self-esteem issues go unadressed, which I think would have been a good character beat otherwise) (In saying this I think Fuuka/Natsuki is very cute. The lesbians stay winning in p3)
Makoto/Minato! Honestly, I was pretty neutral towards him from the majority of the fics I had read before playing p3r. I really like his characterisation in Throw Away Your Mask and The Twilight Wants Him Back, but those had been outliers in my mind. I started liking him more and more after playing p3r, and NOW, after having watched 1/4 of the p3 movies- oh boy. boy oh boy. I really like him now HAHA. Having his apathy actually effect his realtionships with SEES early on is super interesting and I love when it's done. (plus, I think Yukari hating him at first really strengthens their friendship later on)
Uh this post is already super long so for all the other plot-relavant characters and confidants I'm just gonna say "it's a secret" and melt into a bush or something
(tysm for the ask! You can tell I was waiting for an excuse to talk about this HAHA)
(btw y'all shoud read the fics I mentioned in this- they're excellent)
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softie-rain · 5 months
Same anon that loves how you write Sejanus, headcanon only for him? 🥺 No reader just Sejanus now 💞
Love you anyway 💞
note: so it's funny because that was my first thought but then I was like, wait what if they mean it as dating sejanus? But don't worry I love talking about Sej so I'm super glad you "corrected" me. Anyway as I already stated anon ily thanks for making me write about my bby 🫶🏻 Also I really hope you don't mind I headcanon Sej as gay, so some of these are about that! Once again, tell me if you mind and I'll edit it and add something else :)
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I wrote a little something about this one but I feel like on his first day of school in the Capitol he brought cookies that his ma' made, but no one took them and made fun of him for it ):
He has a stuffed pet (cat) that he brought from District 2 which he still sleeps with, his father thinks he threw it away long ago (his ma' knows about it though)
I personally headcanon him as gay even in the canon tbosas universe, I think he kind of always knew he had a thing for boys even back in 2 but his true first crush was Coriolanus (no one knows about this except for him)
The first year after they moved away from District 2 he always cried himself to sleep, his ma' heard him but didn't know what to do to help him ):
In the same period he also tried to run away but like, he's eight, so he didn't go far. As in he didn't even make it to the front door
He's almost constantly arguing with his father
now onto the happy ones because god what's this depression
his favourite colour is blue
He loves to read, like seriously. He's always at the Academy's library reading any book he can find, especially about Panem's history
As kids him and Coriolanus actually used to spend lots of time together, at Sejanus' house of course, but less when they joined the Academy. Only him and Coryo know about it of course
My man is not a virgin!!! He never had a boyfriend but he hooked up with Festus at his 16th Birthday Party
Festus was OBVUOUSLY drunk, and OBVIOUSLY neither of them acknowledged what happened
He kissed Coriolanus too. They were alone at Sej's house, his parents were out and the alcohol cabinet was unsupervised... (they were 17 at the time, one of the few times Coryo was at his house to work on a school project).
Sejanus' memories are blurry, was it a dare? Did they mean to do it? Either way Coriolanus was so wasted he doesn't remember a thing about the night. Sejanus on the other hand does, but knows better than to tell Coryo.
In District 12 he had some girls trying to flirt with him at the his cute adorable ass either doesn't realize they're flirting or is just super awkward about it, like
"Youre very handsome you know?"
"Oh! Thank you :)"
Yes the smile is included.
He loves the Coveys songs?? Like obsessed. He loves going to the Hob to listen to the songs (he's a bit sad Coryo is there for Lucy Gray but the music helps!!)
I feel like in District 2 with Marcus they used to do "races"? Idk like imagine coming back from school, "Who gets home last is a loser!" Those kind of things, to distract themselves from the horrors of the war
Studying is so easy for him? He has a photographic memory, so he just needs to read a paragraph, do a small schematic map on his notebook and bam he studied.
He daydreams A LOT. Especially at night before going to bed, he dreams of still being in 2 and often wonders how his life would be if they never moved
He always wanted to get a cat (even when in 2) but his father is allergic (the bitch)
Has a kid, when his ma' used to bake, he'd always steal some paste with his finger (It was not good. Often had tummy aches. He did not care and kept doing it.)
I could go on forever but that's it for today!!
Listen he sings in the shower. I do not make the rules I'm sorry.
Bonus, TS songs that are him coded!! I Can Do It With A Broken Heart; Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me; So Long, London; I Hate It Here; This Is Me Trying; Mirrorball;
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garbbitch · 9 months
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post concert fluff (blurb? idk it’s not a full fic but it’s somethin) i don’t know how to write a blurb, clearly.
ie: untangling her hair, soft touches as the adrenaline wears off, letting her (wo)man handle you a little (gently), having something comfy waiting for her straight out of the dryer, bath?, cuddling as we watch her fav movie (love actually)
reader pov (writing in the second person is annoying so it’s gonna be first person)
i watched her from the sidelines as she head-banged to her favorite song in the set. she ran around with lucy and pheobe occasionally smiling at you. as soon as the show ended she ran over to you giving you the tightest hug.
“you did so good baby.” i said to her as we hugged. her hands moved to my hips squeezing them and she moved a hand down to my ass and squeezed it.
“julien-“ i started to say before she kissed me roughly, i knew it was just the adrenaline but it was so hot.
“sorry, just wanted to feel you.” she said softly pulling away from the kiss just to kiss my neck. i chuckled.
“c’mon let’s get out of here.” i said holding her hand and leading her to the car. she got in the car and as we drove seemed to be feeling a little low. i turned the radio down.
“you alright?” i asked her reaching for her hand.
“yeah, im good, just the concert rush is wearing off.” she said as she realized just how tired she was. as we drove i held her hand drawing little shapes on it trying my best to soothe her.
we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel. “c’mere,” i said to her standing at the trunk of the car. she slowly walked over and i hugged her rubbing her back and arms softly. she hummed softly as i hugged her.
“i’ll take your bags, you wanna go check us in?” i say to her still hugging her.
“yeah i’ll check us in.” she said as she reluctantly pulled away from the hug going into the hotel as i grabbed our bags. in the hotel an attendant took the bags up to the room allowing us to take our time up to the hotel.
i could tell julien was loosing steam and needed some rest. as we walked up to the room she leaned into my side, i didn’t mind it, i would’ve carried her if she asked.
we walked into the room and julien immediately layed down sprawled on the bed. i chuckled lightly walking over to her.
“do you need anything honey?” i asked her.
“um, i dunno, my legs are killing me but i-“ she was cut off as i was taking her sneakers off of her.
“how about a hot bath? it’ll help any soreness.” i suggested. her eyes lit up, i knew that look.
“not that kind of bath you goofball.” i said as she frowned a little. “just not right away, you seem really out of it.” i added as she sat up on the bed.
“a bath would be really nice actually.” she says to me.
“ok gimme a couple minutes ok?” i said before i walked out of the room to go fill the tub and find some bubbly soap to use in the bath. as i set it up julien made us both some tea, she just wanted to feel helpful.
“thanks baby.” i said as she gave me the tea. she started to undress for her bath but i stopped her.
“let me, just relax.” i say as i slowly remove her clothes not in a sexual way in a comforting way.
“you don’t need to do all of this for me.” she said as she got in the bath.
“i know, but i want to.” i said back. i came back with a little candle and lit it leaving it on the counter.
“this ok?” i ask her making sure everything is good before i leave her to herself to relax.
“it’s perfect.” she says back. i start to leave. “can you stay though?” she asks.
“of course, is there something you want me to do?” i ask taking off my own shoes trying to get a little more comfortable.
she thinks for a moment, “you could join me” she says with a mischievous look in her eye. all i do is shake my head while smiling.
“julien, you’re killin me. i’ll join you but we’re just relaxing.” i say as i take off my own clothes and settle behind her so she’s flush against my body. she hums softly at the feeling. i softly ran my fingers over her arms soothing her. i moved my hand to her hair, i notice how tangled it is.
“is this from the show tonight?” i ask her worried that it’s gonna start to hurt.
“hmm? what’re you talkin about?” she asked not paying attention to much as she relaxed into my touch.
“your hair is all tangled baby,” i say to her.
“oh, i didn’t notice, it must be from the show.” she said slowly, “can you comb it out?” she asked.
“of course baby,” i say as i reached for a comb and started to comb at the ends trying my best not to hurt her. as i moved up to the back of her head i felt a tug from the not on the comb.
“there’s a big not, it might hurt, i’m sorry baby.” i said as i pulled it applying a little more pressure. she winced and i soothed her as soon as it was out.
i gently comb through the rest of her hair making sure there were no other knots.
“there you go.” i say to her. her head rested against my shoulder.
“thank you.” she said quietly against your skin. she leaned back into me more.
“you don’t need to thank me baby,” i whisper in her ear. when she felt the feeling of my breath on her neck she moved her head the other direction giving me access to her skin.
i appeased her finally kissing her neck softly. the feeling made her breath hitch.
“is this ok?” i ask whispering in her ear. she nodded slowly. “baby, you gotta use your words” i say as my lips brush against her neck.
“that’s perfect.”she says encouraging to kiss her neck. she moaned softly as i continued to kiss her neck.
“how’re you feeling baby?” i ask softly against her skin. julien only hummed in response. i massaged her arms and back gently as i kissed her.
“c’mon use your words baby,” i say softly in her ear as my hands continue to massage her arms and back.
“i feel good,” she says breathily leaning into my touch.
“you want somethin to eat?” i ask moving away from her neck.
julien dramatically groans, “i could eat,” she says. she starts to get out of the bath.
“where are you goin?” i ask her as she starts to stand up.
“i was gonna go get the menu,” she says admiring you from above with a small smirk.
“don’t look at me like that, “ i say standing up to get out as well.
“like what?” she asks as she walks out in a robe. i shake my head while chuckling before following suit with a robe on.
she flops onto the bed, much more relaxed this time reading through the room service menu. i get onto the bed with her.
“what’re you thinking for dinner?” i ask her as she reads the menu.
“hmm? i dunno. you take a look,” she says holding it over for me to read it as well, i slowly sneak a hand around her waist, wanting to feel close to her.
i read the menu, “what about that?” i point to a vegan italian dish.
she hums reading the ingredients, “that looks really good actually.” she says. i get out of bed to walk over to the phone and call the desk. julien follows and sits on a desk chair in the room bringing it close to me.
“what’re you doing?” i ask while smiling as the line rings.
“oh nothing,” she says as she gently pulls me down to sit on her lap.
“julien-“ i start as the woman on the phone answers. julien takes at as her cue to kiss my neck hard enough to leave a hickey. i loose my focus on what the woman is saying to me.
“mm sorry, what was that?” i ask the woman on the phone. julien chuckles before moving a hand to my boob, teasing it through the robe.
“mmhmm, ok. thanks,” i say before hanging up. julien chuckles at my flushed state.
“if i accidentally ordered the wrong thing it’s your fault ya know.” i say while smiling at her. “what’re you trying to do to me?” i ask as she looks up at me.
“nothin,” she says, that southern drawl comes out a little.
we ate the dinner on the bed and watched tv until we fell asleep.
(AN: can you tell i didn’t know how to finish it?)
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seeingivy · 3 months
dream girl asks (there are a lot)
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correct. also the dance trend for mamushi and the i'm a star thing is SOOOO THEM. like sorry idk the lynch sisters is callign one of them broke and then they're posting a tik tok to "I make money i'm a star" just because they can (and you know they can both dance)
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WOWWWWW THANK U THANK U THANK U SO MUCH!!! my deepest delusions being called literature is insane like I do fear you're making my head quite huge. it means the world to me that it's easily to like visualize and that it kind of resembles a movie bc that's intentionally the type of vibe I try to portray 😭
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@you-always-made-me-blush HI!!! DON'T APOLOGIZE AT ALL i'm just glad you're here <3 I hope you're taking time to rest and stay hydrated. and on the real, the actor plague truly never leaves me
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kim lynch I hope you die
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real. I BET U DON'T EMBARASS ME MOTHERFUCKER!!! he would also buy her a cake that says motherfucker idk
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correct. see above. (I love how I got two asks about this the day it literally came out like the vibe check was so real)
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stick like toffee, sip like coffee YUP YPU YP
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omg so very sorry it wasn't her getting her hair done </3 though I do think that if she was persuaded enough, she would die the ends of her hair pink or something for like a photoshoot or a tour concept (to match mister man of course AND he would go crazy for it yup)
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taking notes bc I was already running out of characters that had pink hair. I thank you for your service. big fan of cosmo and wanda actually you ate with that one I forgot about them,
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opening this tik tok to kendall and kylie actually made me laugh like there is nothing that would be more spot on than this. AND THE SONG TOOO LMFAOOOO link here
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correct. she makes sukuna in the sims and then explains what woo hooing is and then he's like ???? so you literally run away from me every time I kiss you in person but our sims are doing it online? and she's like yes ❤️
sukuna is also a big fan of the grim reaper with the ipad.
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WAIT THIS IS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY you are so right. method acting y/n unironically obsessed with rachel berry bc of how crazy she is. dream girl y/n buys sukuna shirt with mr shuester on it until yuuji goes brother are u crazy what even is that
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androdetective · 1 year
since someone already asked for au poli (THANK YOU), can i ask for ur thoughts on og poli? :o]
also as a bonus, any thoughts on the official playlists for the characters?
I think I'll start off with my thoughts on the official playlists for the characters as my thoughts are more shorter. I like them! You can tell the characters are older with their tastes lmaoo. Theyre still pretty good though. My personal favorites are Juan Carlos' and Juanín's as they're more my tastes lol. I feel like the playlists say something about the characters. Off the top of my head, Juanín's playlist is filled with sad love songs with themes of longing for something good. And his character just so happens to deal with shitty friendships. I feel like we can assume he values friendship a lot because he tolerates so much of his friends' bullshit and still sticks around and cares for them a lot. And ofc he wouldn't like that so I can assume he just wants better. At least, that's what I get from it. I just care about Juanín a lot 😭
As for og Poli, I have several thoughts. First off, he's very funny 💀 I love how mean he can be like you go girl. Policarpo is honestly, just a superficial person. He's fake and a snake and he has pride. He gets friends and family he knows for the top rankings. He'll take bribes for who'll be the top ranking. (as seen in that one season finale) He's one of the several mean, superficial, and insecure characters on the show (ie tulio, bodoque) He has gossip on everyone and is willing to reveal things to humiliate others or just for entertainment. He is willing to screw others over for whatever reasons. And of course, when you're in an already mean environment, you're gonna get mean. I feel like bc of all the puppets' insecurities and their proneness to being mean, it ends up making the others even meaner in a bad cycle. Policarpo cares about his image. A lot. He is very careful to keep a tidy image. When it got revealed that he was bald, this caused an international scandal (💀). And it genuinely hurt Policarpo a lot. He had to rely on his friends to reassure him (and even then they still initially laughed at him. Assholes 💀) He cares about not only his public image but even his image amongst his friends. None of his friends even knew he was bald (and tbf, I wouldn't tell them that either they fucking suck) The first time he presented feminine, everyone was surprised. While it seems like they know Policarpo, they also don't at all. And Poli probably does that on purpose. Maybe bc his friends are shit. Maybe bc he just doesn't trust anyone with personal information like that. He doesn't trust them to present femininely more often around them. He doesn't like to admit that he's dressing femininely whenever he dresses very femininely. Even when his friends already know. It's sad to think about honestly. He's one of the several characters with low confidence in being their genuine selves and would rather cover it up with a (near) perfect image, superficiality, and meanness. They try to be in control of their image as much as they can but that's just impossible. To get over this unhealthy way of coping, they'll have to realize it's alright to be imperfect. But in an environment where everyone laughs at each other for the smallest things + general mistreatment, that's near impossible.
Idk how to explain it but this series feels so latino bc of the way the characters cope like actual traumatized/mistreated latinos do. Idk man 💀
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beanieman · 1 year
hi! idk if you already talked about this but do you perhaps have any headcanons about shin's (and maybe other characters') music taste? really curious about that
Sara Chidouin - Sara likes indie rock, folk rock, and indie music. She's a Mitski girl and loves The Lumineers. Though she also loves cheesy pop songs that would borderline embarrass her if anyone found out she listened to them.
Joe Tazuna - Joe loves KPOP! He's a big fan of "BTS", "Blackpink", and "Day6." The more upbeat the song the more he's into it generally, though he's the type who can list at least a few songs he likes out of most genres. So a song having a more slow or sad tone wouldn't be a dealer breaker for him.
More Undercut
Gin Ibushi - Gin likes theme songs from TV shows. They're catchy and scratch his brain in just the right way, and he often hums them to himself during school hours. He also likes pop, rock, and instrumentals.
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji is a blues man. He loves the sound as it does something to his emotions that's indescribable. In his opinion it's best listened to while sitting on a park bench watching the world pass by. He also likes country and pop.
Alice Yabusame - Alice loves rock, of course, since it reminds him of his sibling bond. Yet, he has a soft spot for songs from musicals and a not so hidden love of ska.
Reko Yabusame - To no surprise Reko loves rock! She's the type of person to spend hours on YouTube looking for a good rock cover of her favorite songs of other genres. She also has a soft spot for gothic tunes and more unique sounds that most people wouldn't find beauty in listening to.
Nao Egokoro - Nao has a highly specific indie taste that could come straight from the "Life Is Strange" soundtrack. All of the music she really likes is perfect for staring at the celling and contemplating life, and this does not register with her as she'll give you music recommendations with a big cheery grin.
Kazumi Mishima - Mishima likes instrumentals. He often puts them on in the background and listens to them while he grades papers or makes some nice afternoon tea. Generally he likes the softer ones the best, but every now and then he'll look for something that sounds more epic.
Q-taro Burgerberg - He has a not so secret love of country music that he tries to hide, but most people assume that's his favorite genre immediately because of how he's dressed. He's big on banjos. He also likes R&B.
Kai Satou - Kai likes orchestra music. Anything with a ton of instruments that sounds like it could be in the background of a heavily dramatic soap opera is his favorite. He likes pop as well.
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna loves love songs. As long as the main theme of the lyrics are about platonic or romantic love she can listen to any genre and find enjoyment. Though she also likes chiptune.
Shin Tsukimi - Shin listens to a lot of chiptune. It makes him feel like a cool computer hacker from the moves, even though he'd never admit to that. He's also the type to listen to video game/tv/movie soundtracks non stop. Though he also likes indie music and anything by Mitski.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru's big into synthwave. He tends to listen to it while he studies or is drifting off the sleep at night. He also likes indie and blues.
Naomichi Kurumada - Naomichi loves pop rock. It's the one genre that always makes him super excited to work out. His favorite songs have an upbeat tempo and usually he's not big on songs that have a slow melody.
Anzu Kinashi - Anzu likes jazz. She loves the upbeat tone and trumpets mixed with fast paced piano. If she had background music she'd want to have a lot of trumpets for sure.
Mai Tsurugi - She unironically loves ragtime music. She has it on all the time in the background of her bakery. Though she also likes country music about women getting revenge and fun upbeat pop songs.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - He likes both classic and upbeat pop music. This post is making me realize how many YTTD characters I fully believe love pop. That or I'm projecting real hard.
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako likes heavy metal. The louder and more intense the better. Also Vocaloid.
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desertfangs · 1 year
For some reason you feel like the right person to ask about this (probably because of your fic where Daniel volunteers to manage Lestat'smusical comeback lol), but if the Armand bed pile (plus anyone else you have thoughts on) was a band, who would be in each role?
Lestat as lead singer, obviously. I feel like Louis has broody, 'bass guitarist who seems ready to drop out the band at any point but is a fan favourite for his mysterious and dark looks' vibes
But should Daniel be drums or keyboard 🤔 and I'm really unsure about where Armand himself should be
Also, not a traditional bed pile member, but I do want to suggest Bianca as another possible band member, either guitar or drums maybe?
Idk, I've just been imagining all the touring drama (imagine locking this lot up in a tour bus for months on end!), the dramatic and theatrical performances, how completely unmanageable they would be. The Vampire Lestat turned up to 11
Oh this is a fun question! I think you could ask everyone to build their own The Vampire Lestat reunion tour band from the vampire cast and everyone's answers would be different but I'll do my best. I'm just gonna use whoever might be at Trinity Gate when Lestat has this wild idea.
As you said, Lestat is the lead singer. That's his thing. He's the front man and he does the vocals.
I think you're right that Louis would be the bassist. He has dark, quietly brooding bassist energy especially with his hair long so it could drape over face. Louis would have his own groupies after a single show.
Armand would do lead guitar, because he'd refuse to take a backseat and he'd often try to steal the show with long solos. He and Lestat would probably fight backstage over him trying to take over certain songs, which would lead to them disappearing into a dressing room "to work things out" and coming out with their clothes all rumpled.
This means Daniel can do drums. I think he'd be good at them, even if though he might get excited sometimes and do a little "ba-dum-cha!" after Lestat says something that could be taken as a joke but maybe isn't meant to be. (Lestat will glare at him and Daniel will promise not to do it again, but he will.)
I'm also going to veer left here and add Sybelle on keyboard. The original band didn't have a keyboard I think it would add something and she'd be that keyboardist who doesn't speak but answers only in music if addressed.
Since Sybelle is there, Benji can work the merch table. He's probably not a bad sales person. And Marius can bounce between the merch table and backstage, acting as the haggard over-worked manager who's trying to keep everything in check and make sure the show goes on even when Lestat refuses to do a soundcheck (he can sub Daniel in for that!) or Louis refuses to come out of his dressing room in the sequined outfit Lestat is insisting he wear. A lot of this will be Marius solving problems, I imagine, but they'll play a few solid shows.
People will ask for autographs and think it's a fun tribute to Lestat's music and books, and never think these are the real actual vampires since of course the vampire are not real, and obviously this isn't the original Lestat. Except for one or two true believers who post videos on TikTok comparing their cell phone photos of Lestat at the show to footage of him from MTV and insisting it's the same guy and he hasn't aged a day.
Oh and Bianca is going to play the tambourine.
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astrolaurical · 2 years
Has anyone else in bts has met their fs apart from v?
There were rumors yearssss ago that Jin was in a steady long term relationship with his gf and had been dating her for 5 years. If that was back in idk 2018 and if they are still together then I’m assuming they would be planning for marriage. I’ve noticed that Korean couples tend to date for a lot longer than other Western couples until they get married. A lot of my Korean friends have been in relationships for 5-6 years and still going without being engaged. It has to do with housing though. In korea, you put your entire mortgage cost in your deposit, so if your house was 2.5 million won, you would pay that upon buying. Then all you would have to worry about forever would be utility costs,etc. So most people live at home with their parents until they have saved enough to move out and buy their own place (think of any kdrama you have watched where the lead arrives home after a busy day at work and crawls into her bed at her parents house but then the next night goes on a date with her bf and he has to drop her back off at her parents house. Super awkward, especially when parents catch you making out like in Extradionary Attorney Woo.)
Joon did say that Jin’s house looks like a newlywed’s house 👀. Man is in his early 30’s and is a worldwide superstar. If he got married in secret, I wouldn’t be surprised. I would keep it a secret too. This fandom is so possessive and toxic.
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But I don’t think he’s married. It would have gotten leaked. THEIR PASSPORTS HAVE GOTTEN LEAKED. Of course his marriage license would have too. Nah, he’s probably just shacked up with the love of his life. And good for him. He deserves it.
As for the other 6 members…This is all based on astrology and my own opinions. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT PULL TAROT CARDS ON THE MEMBERS. When you try to reach into another person’s energy, others can then reach into yours. Karma- what goes around comes around.
Yoongi- his aura has been so bright lately. I’ve been leaning towards maybe? He went through his Saturn Return and seems to really have found his purpose (making long term goals, etc.)
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Namjoon- based off of Indigo, uh no. He’s still getting into karmic relationships. He needs to do some soul searching and self reflect. Like dude, ask yourself: why do you have like 10 songs all about fake love? WHY DO YOU KEEP REPEATING THE SAME PATTERN? It’s bound to repeat until you learn your lesson.
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Jhope- idk honestly. He’s so protective of his energy, like a smart person should be. When asked if he would be getting a kiss for New Years, he had that great meme face of disgust. Was he disgusted at being asked such an intrusive question because it violated basic social norms and personal privacy or because he was disgusted at the thought of getting kissed by someone other than his sweetheart? (The answer is the 1st one. Media is too invasive.)
Jimin- ha no. Man’s has been burnt out and depressed for a while but everyone pretends they do not see. 95ers are also entering their Saturn Return year (welcome pal) so he is focusing on trying to survive an existential crisis
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Taehyung- see here or here or here
Jungkook- he likes to party and date around (I’m just the messenger. beef with the stars.) He is also superrrrr immature in love (uh perilla leave debate, anyone) so if he does find his fs, they have a lot of work on their hands putting up with not getting annoyed every day not even being able to have basic independence. TLDR: no. He needs to grow up and do some self reflection a La Namjoon. The virgos need to go on a meditation retreat together.
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pinksilvace · 9 months
Hey fern, what if you dropped a top 10 favorite cats the musical characters list
omg 😳😳😳 maybe we could find out 😳😳😳
1: Alonzo
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Surprise, surprise, I know. Silly little vain/uncertain/bravado guy. What is he doing. I just know he's so full of anxiety but he's also probably emotionally illiterate. He's SUCH a big bro figure in my brain in a number of ways, but mostly because I think he'd be the kind of guy to try and fix problems, fail, and dejectedly call for mom's help after the fact.
There's not much I can say about Alonzo that I haven't already said:
Here's where I ranted about his adjectives.
Here's where I ranted about his design for the Egg Cracker Bracket.
Goodness knows I've probably ranted across many many many tags as well. Idk man he's just so Gender to me and I think he's really funny and I love that he's a bit of a loser depending on how much the actor plays up the "uncertain" part of his character (the one that prominently comes to mind is here during Grizabella, the Mac scares, the end of M&R, and the IMMEDIATE change in demeanor during the Song of the Jellicles). I LOVEEEE that he's often shown to despise Tugger; it's such a funny dynamic. I love that different productions have him looking to Munkustrap, Skimbleshanks, and Cassandra for guidance. I love that fics make him a bit of an ass sometimes. For whatever gripes I have with Broadway revival choreo, I also love that it gave him some more character moments than he used to :D.
Every depiction of Alonzo I see gives me a new, interesting look at the character. I have yet to find one I dislike.
Aghhhh we've reached the point where this ranking gets really hard 😭😭😭 LMAO
2: Demeter
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She was my favorite when I first got Really into cats circa 13 years old. I'll forever be bitter that she had no presence in 2019. She's LITERALLY the second most important character for the sake of the plot and they just LEFT HER OUT??? Just because she's hard to recognize after only a single watch or two??? hhhhhhhhhhhhh
The way actors portray her is ALWAYS entrancing. If cats is Subtext: The Musical, Demeter is Subtext: The Character. The Macavity number??? Come ON. The fact that she opens the show? Her reactions to literally everything??? Oughhhh sometimes she makes me want to chew on concrete.
Sometimes, there are portrayals of Demeter that I dislike, though. I guess it makes sense for a character whose words are skittish/cautious/paranoid, but sometimes, those traits seem to supercede her personality, which is always a shame. I particularly enjoy her interactions with Munkustrap and Bombalurina, of course, so when those are overshadowed by just how scared she is, I think it tends to weaken stuff overall. After all, those relationships thrive on how they interact and curb that fear.
I don't spend nearly enough time thinking about Demeter and it's an absolute travesty. Ma'am you are the heart and soul of the show to me. You keep everything thematically linked together. I love you
3: Munkustrap
I think that Munkustrap might be the definition of a comfort character for me. His mental health is rock solid. He's so dad-coded it's unreal. I desperately need to watch a production of Cats and only focus on Munkustrap, because his interactions with everybody are spectacular. There is so much character fit into this guy. He's also entertaining to me because I would NOT guess his adjectives, ever; they always come across as a characterization secondary to his role, and I like that quite a lot.
And oh my gosh, his DESIGN!!! I think Munkustrap has some of the prettiest makeup in the show, and his whole look is pleasingly cohesive. There's so much happening on his face, but when it's good, it's PHENOMENAL.
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COME ONNNNNNNN, the HIGHLIGHTS on those WHISKERS??? The gradients on the cheeks and nose??? oooohhhhhhh it pleases me IMMENSELY. I also really like how the makeup blends into the wig, and the shape of the wig is also one of my favorites in the show - especially when it's a bit droopy, like Michael Gruber's in '98.
let's not forget about the collar
Anyway YEAH!!! He's one of my favorites to see actually moving onstage, consistently has a beautiful voice, and has some of my favorite relationships in the whole show :D
4: Admetus
This is a bit of a cheat listing. I really don't think about Admetus that much, but I would REALLY like to think about him more. I want to know what his deal is. Like Munkustrap, I think he has some fascinating relationships onstage that all present very differently - his time spent with Tumble/Pounce, Victoria, and Alonzo come to mind.
But also
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THIS LOOK WITH THE BIG LOWER LASHES??? GIRL HELP YOUR CAT IS GNC AS HELL. EASILY my favorite cats makeup look EVER. I know it's just because they have to slather on Mac's stuff later but I love that most of the face is left plain so they went absolutely ham with the eyes. It's the opposite of Munkustrap's. Brilliant.
anyway yeah he looks cool and I think his role in the tribe is in a really interesting flux stage
5&6: Pouncival and Tumblebrutus
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They are a pair... do not separate
okay okay OKAY I know I often talk about my favorite characters in terms of how funny they are, and these guys??? Absolute clowns. The product is exactly what's written on the tin; they sure do pounce and tumble!!! Even a few weeks ago, they probably wouldn't have been so high on the list, but writing CFP and forcing myself to learn more about their characters as a result has skyrocketed the amount of love in my heart for them. If I had to choose, I'd probably say that I like Pouncival just a tiiiiny bit more since I think he's more memorable and I prefer his design, but the way they both look up to almost everybody else in the show is intoxicating to watch.
My favorite moments of these two are, of course, Pounce here (2:35 onward) and Tumble here (2:14:25 onward). I just think they're neat.
7: John Partridge The Rum Tum Tugger
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(Okay, but, like, John Partridge is the ultimate here. My second favorite is probably Zach Bravo since his take on the character is so different, but there might never be a Tugger as suave as Partridge ever again.)
Going back to his antagonistic relationship with Alonzo, I think it's interesting that they share "vain" as a descriptor. I also think that Tugger's relationships are interesting in that a lot of them aren't necessarily dissimilar with one another (they're all quite teasing, whether romantic or platonic), but they are unique to him. The dynamism of his character is probably what makes me like him the most; I love how he code switches between his own number, Old Deuteronomy, and Mr. Mistoffelees.
Aside from all that, come on. The swagger is magnetic. (I'd write more but my fingers are starting to hurt)
8: Bombalurina
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women <3
(I do have additional thoughts about her character! She's intelligent, generous, and flirtatious, and though she's always seeking romantic/sexual attention, those interactions are always secondary to her relationship with Demeter, which is something that I really like. Depending on the performer, she can easily come across as one of the strongest characters.
...but yeah. women <3)
9: Skimbleshanks
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(swings microphone around) I am once again answering on the basis of "I just think they're funny"
Seriously though, at this point, there are so many characters that could make it onto this list. I think Skimble juuuuust made it here because EVERYBODY loves him, and that just makes me love him more. He and Mistoffelees definitely seem like the most popular choices for fanart from folks outside of the fandom, 2019 or otherwise.
Also, whenever I need an answer in Quiplash and can't think of anything, I put in Skimbleshanks, and without fail, somebody always votes for it, even if they have no idea who (or, in their mind, what) Skimbleshanks is.
There's not a single thing I dislike about this cat or his number; I couldn't possibly begin to list everything here. I just haven't thought particularly hard about him as a character yet.
10: Electra
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I must admit that I've barely spent any time at all thinking about Electra. HOWEVER, her interactions with Munkustrap are adorable, and the single father alonzo fic has irreparably changed my brain chemistry, and for those reasons alone, she's earned her place here. I also think the unitard design is really unique and beautiful :D
Honorable Mention: Tantomile. She was my favorite when I watched Cats '98 as a young'in :).
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irrealisms · 1 year
isolate song liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it; i'll be posting liner notes for my most recent three fics sort of periodically over the course of the next week or two
fic idea credit goes entirely to my friend birdy, who does songbird neurology research and had a bunch of xenofiction ideas about birdsong + tommy and ghostbur
this fic was almost named so this is what the volume knob is for, from dance music by the mountain goats, and i listened to that song on repeat a lot while writing this. highly recommend it as a song pairing. it's about abuse and music and it's one of my top picks for c!tommy in general. it also makes me think of @divinekillcam a lot (so look i'm seventeen years old ... when the police come to get me i'm listening to dance music, dance music), who is also c!tommy in a way, and who i thought about a lot while writing this fic. he was the first person i sent a draft of it to
the fic was originally written as though tommy was a normal songbird with just the one critical period and then i sent it to my Bird Knowledge Betas and one of them (soroka) went "tommy should be a starling (here are some Reasons it would be Themes)" and the other (birdy) went "starlings are actually open-ended song learners, this is also themes". birdy's comment is almost word-for-word copy-pasted into the end note, lol. this did genuinely make me emotional, though. man. his song will get better ... T_T
something i tried to capture and don't know how well i did at is that techno & tommy are really, really funny. i rewatched some bedrock bros streams for this and spent the whole time laughing. like, tommy's being annoying, but also they're just really funny together! no one writes technoblade funny enough. idk if i did either but i did try.
relatedly: no one writing tommy-sympathetic bedrock bros abuse recovery fic writes him annoying enough. i wanted to make Tommy Is Being So Very Annoying And Frustrating To Techno (and yet they do like each other) a major element in this fic even as i gave the readers sympathetic reasons why
something i didn't get a chance to really include in the fic for wordcount reasons is that tommy is soooooo parasocial and weird about phil for reasons of "he's a corvid TOO.... he's got wings just like me...." etc. even while not really...knowing phil very well
birds with clipped wings can get more anxious and have more behavioral problems (including screaming/being louder!) because they can't do their automatic reflex of flying away when in an anxiety-provoking situation! this felt very bedrock bros era tommy to me. also, "tommy's wings get clipped in exile" is such a stereotypical fanon thing and the exchange i wrote this for was about "what if we wrote stereotypical fanon tropes But Good", so.
did you know that birds don't actually sing while in flight? i didn't! shoutout to birdy for telling me this--the original ending had tommy singing while he flew. luckily i had already set up the tower for him to land on.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
granit and uhhhhhhhhh šime 😭
i was legit just thinking about šime earlier today 😭
@colorsofmyseason also asked me granit so i will answer š's here and then tag u in that one!
favorite thing about them: man, of everyone who's made an appearance on my favs list, he is absolutely the most mysterious, both because he is mysterious but also because he would rarely do an interview in a language i can understand (tyoma is monolingual but somehow very understandable anyway 😂). šime speaks spanish and english but would only really do interviews in croatian or italian i feel like. so i feel like i know so little about him! but of course: he has the absolute most beautiful footballer tattoos (that BUTTERFLY!!!), fantastic taste in music, and his sense of style--a little more alternative/edgy than other footballers. he's clearly a guy who did his own thing without seeking a lot of external validation, and it was fascinating how he comes across as very mysterious but very steady at once. he's also very uniquely beautiful--there is that "you can tell a lot about a person based on whether they think šime or dejan is hotter" concept 😂 and the whole tungelr knows where i stand on this, but, damn if šime's slutty pirate/širen self isn't captivating to stare at. i miss him SO much and think constantly about how he essentially gave his whole career to the 2018 world cup without realizing.
something else is how humble and normal he always came across. of course you can only know about these people what they put on social media, but back when he was active on there, he was never vacationing to dubai or ibiza or on some yacht--he'd go home to Zadar and repair old cars with a grungy tshirt tied around his head.
least favorite thing about them: that he knocked up some Instagram Hot Lady and got together with her! and disappeared off social media and is made of literal glass! promise i'm not showing favoritism--i don't think šejan had a dramatic and bad breakup, but i think science kind of proves that the breakup was driven by šime bc dej is persistent as fuck and clearly a very devoted long distance boyfriend 😂
favorite line: omg i can't remember the exact translation of it, but it was during the wc when he was like "you film me doing everything, you'd probably film me taking a piss" and dej was like "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" i mean, the šejan lajvs had a ton of classics that i could go back and find, but i'm contractually obligated to say that one
brOTP: ŠLUKA! i loved their drunk asses together at the Slutty Pirate Party in zadar after the wc
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there's a lotta good photos but obviously this one has širtless content so... I also feel like šime and domo would make a great brotp.
notp (switching these next two around): probs will piss off some section of gen z tumblr saying this kind of thing but...his girlfriend/fiancee/wife/whoever. just...Not feelin the vibe
otp: i mean...
to see šejan, two grown ass men, in hysterical giggles in their own private world, is something else entirely. those 2 really had something going on. they kind of had "read each other's minds and finish each other's sentences" vibes, except they were usually laughing too hard to even finish a sentence. at the same time, šime's calm, even energy was obviously so healthy for dejan's uh, in the words of Mo, stormy head. it breaks my heart that it is over.
(PLUS. when deki said šime should get his name tattooed on him on šime's pornographic workout livestream...)
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(i think all my other photos are on insta somewhere)
random headcanon: i don't think i have one? in mare liberum, i want to figure out the headcanon about how he uh...got Cursed to become...what he is (NO SPOILERS even though i think mare liberum only has one reader lol).
unpopular opinion: idk what would be unpopular? i think that like, his playing when he wasn't injured was super underrated.
song i associate with them: so these are songs i associate with him because i've seen him listening to them:
badr hari by grše | california love by dr dre/2pac | i'm still standing by elton john (LOL) | klinka by jala brat (the song in the background of the Pissing Video).
jgb edit of deixa a gira girar by os tincoãs because i listened to this on repeat while writing 5.VII lol. i think i wrote the entire bathroom porn scene in 1 sitting and i needed something awesome to power me through
and then also... song for the siren by this mortal coil | o meu amor marinheiro performed by carminho (this song makes me cRYYYYyyY...i think it played a big part in inspiring mare liberum)
favorite picture:
ok i know this seems like a copout because it doesn't have his face, but...there's something about it
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lonelychicago · 2 years
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tagged by @bekkachaos @rogerzsteven @imsupposedtobewritting and @eddiediazisascorpio thanks, loves! 💗
this is for my eddie meets singer evan buckley au 🥺
Eddie knows who Evan Buckley is. Of course he does! He doesn't live under a rock, thank you very much. And he's actually listened to a lot of songs from him, first on the radio— and then, when he surprisingly liked the song and found himself relating to it a bit, he actively searched for the man's music.
The point is, Eddie knows who Evan Buckley is and he knows the guy is incredibly talented— and popular. So he shouldn't be surprised when the fire truck pulls to the venue, along with other stations from all over the city, and finds it completely packed.
There's so many people it's a little overwhelming, and Eddie won't even be on stage.
It's good, though. This is for the LAFD so he's happy it's a success.
And then he gets it— when Buck comes out on stage and the crowd goes wild, he gets it. The music is good, Eddie already knew that, but he would have to be blind to not notice how attractive Buck is - blonde, well built with broad shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a killer voice too. And clearly the guy knows it too. Buck is smiling slightly into the microphone and without any preamble, while the crowd is still hooting and whistling for him, his fingers begin to dance across the strings effortlessly and like he was born to do that, plucking out an elaborate riff and making it look like it was nothing, like ot was easy. The roar of the crowd begins to fade as the blonde continues to play.
Slowly, the crowd goes silent. Every single person in that venue goes silent.
Eddie is mesmerized, it's like the whole world stops on its axis just to hear the man on stage sing with unbreakable confidence as he strums his guitar, belting out an incredibly touching, beautifully written song. Eddie's heard it on the radio but the live experience is a whole nother level that Eddie hasn't been expecting at all. He lets go of the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding in as Evan Buckley's voice cuts through the air, rich and complex, a little raspy and not perfect but so full of life and soul, so full of feeling.
tagging (idk if you've done it yet and it's pretty late so no pressure and feel free to ignore me) : @lilbuddie @evan-bumpkin-buckley @loveyourownsmiilee @gayboyeddiediaz @prettyboyandthekid @two-cut-lines @prettyboybuckley and @anyone else who wants to do it!
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