#its tastey.
cymk8 · 8 months
shadowlach supremacy!! i love seeing people enjoying the idea of them as a pair more and more they’re just so sweet together and compliment each other so well!
you’re art of them is amazing btw my fave has to be shadowheart and karlach with clive the bear it’s just so 🥺
anyways! i wondered if you had any thoughts on what their relationship would be like in act 2? we know it’s a tough act for shadowheart, do you think angst would ensue? would there be tension because of karlach’s intrinsic goodness clashing with shar’s cruelty? would she be an emotional support for shads? what do you think? would love know!
Thank you so much :""""))) and yeah ! i love seeing more and more people liking it like YES finally i will soon not be alone in being absolutely feral about them (I hope...)
but for act 2..... (this is gonna be a READ)
I think that there definitely would be tension between them in the way you brought up! I also think it doesn't stop there: survival at all costs is something that they both prioritize - but how they achieve it and what survival means for either of them...(cont)
I find act 2 to be really interesting in that it forces all of the characters to sort of 'flip' their worldviews. In a lot of ways, it is the real beginning to the end of their lives as they know it. It's an absolute shitshow: everyone's got some form of emotional distress from earth-shattering revelations, everyone's got anxiety-inducing questions over their morality...now slap all of that on top of the constant danger of the inevitable unknown and the all-encompassing need to survive? Damn. I'd be more surprised if the party had more than one day of peace and quiet. The ground is made of eggshells and they are all as graceful as bowling balls.
For the two of them, it would probably all come to a head over how they each view honesty: Shadowheart sees it as something to be earned and Karlach sees it as something inherent (especially when it comes to being a component of survival).
If we look at it through Karlach's lens...
Karlach views honesty as the one thing that she was able to keep throughout her time in the hells. it was also the one thing that let her live - if she was honest about herself, her needs, and the situation around her, she could more readily adapt and survive. If we make it even simpler: demons and devils lie. So what do you do when you hate them? You tell the truth.
Shadowheart...can't even be honest about things to HERSELF. She is simply hard-coded to lie about everything for survival. (It's too bad she truly fucking sucks at lying besides lying by omission...and it's still not a skill she has - she omits because damn, girly doesn't even remember what she is omitting :') )
There is no way Karlach doesn't pick up on it immediately. After a decade of putting up with that...she would probably be down to the last straw in terms of tolerance. Even less so since she probably trusts Shadowheart by this point in the story. I mean. She probably already died once and got saved by her. You would think some honesty would be warranted.
But no. Shadowheart literally lies to herself *all the way to the end of the fucking act.* Girly...she's not doing well.
Shadowheart spends the majority of act 2 completely confused. The lies by omission finally bite her in the ass - both the lies she was taught and the lies that she tells herself. And the worst part is she resists and insists. These poor bitches are both so fucking stubborn it would only be a matter of time before someone's fuse blows.
(and then they do the nasty and it resolves -)
But they do still offer emotional support to each other, no matter how clipped. They fight because they care after all. And that's what matters.
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
this morning, one of my friends dmed me to ask about the limitations of ttk because, "as it has been described to me its kind of insane", and i got to point at sb94 #62 (can chain it through objects, esp as he grows), #84 (destroys every gun in LA and nothing else) and #90 (can control the air around him) again and go "WELL..."
and ive just been thinking about ttk all day now. adult kon, who's comfortable in his own power, who can make the space around him all entirely his own. he's in his apartment, sitting on the couch in the living room, and he can open the fridge to get himself a drink that either scoots itself along the floor/wall or maybe even floats in the air to get to him, no problem. and that doesn't seem like a big deal, but then you realize - it's because this whole space is within his control. you set a single foot in his aura and he could kill you, literally without lifting a finger. just with a thought. he would never do it, but the power is there. the control is there.
he's on the battlefield and even under a red sun, no one can get the drop on him because he's aware of Every Single Movement in a given radius around himself. he can stand on top of a skyscraper and map out the entire thing, then twiddle his thumbs and have a little giggle from way up there while he fucks with some guys on the 7th floor by moving all their furniture around. that thing toph does in atla where she touches the ground and goes "there's a whole secret complex down here"? yeah kon can do that for sure. he could stop someone's heart - and just their heart, no further internal damage - just by standing on the same ground, meters away. he never would, of course, but he could.
in "superman vs darkseid: apokolips now" we see linda and kon use a motherbox and, together, magnify their telekinetic abilities enough to put a blockade around the entire planet of apokolips. that's insane. what do you think an adult kon with that kind of enhancement (like, a mother box, or maybe a blue sun, or some wack red kryptonite, whatever) could do? he could probably shatter a fucking planet if he had to. (yknow. just like when black zero fucked with the core of krypton itself. parallels?) like it would fuck him up so bad. but with the right amplifier, i think he could if he got pushed far enough. i believe it. the latent power is there whether or not he wants it.
and i just think that terrifies him.
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hungryhyena · 3 months
trying to portion out a 100mg soda so i dont die lets see how it goes
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crystal-mouse · 2 months
Fuck you
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*brushes the colour out of your toothbrush*
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mantisbreath · 2 years
I wish I was having group sex with a bunch of monsters and one of them was sucking my t-dick off and the others were lifting me on their arms so I'm several feet off the ground but I'm cradled in their scaly/furry/soft arms so it doesn't even feel like I left the floor, and while everyone is licking and sucking and biting all the soft and sensitive parts of me someone is cupping my head and running their hands through my hair and telling me in a soothing voice that I'm doing a good job and I deserve to be pleasured, and that alone is enough to make me come so hard I almost pass out. anyway
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the-tiniest-demigod · 5 months
one of the legs on my 3rd bedframe just slid off ♥️
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nathanialhowe · 1 year
that line of astarions where hes like "oh dont pout because you're not getting your sweet, cuddly astarion. i can't be the person you want me to be" in act 3 makes me go crazy wtf
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pseudotsugas · 28 days
becoming a lapsang souchong guy
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Bestie do you know any good snacks I should get from an Asian grocer they have many yummy looking snacks but I don't know what to pick
ooooooooh. get seaweed chips if u can (they're just dried seaweed with flavoring usually . also if u like seaweed . if u don't like seaweed don't sdkjghs) also a lot of candies are really good :> also get mochi if u can . it's sooooo good........
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wegtable · 6 days
sleepytime drink and a sleepy kitty on my lap………….
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I wish my snout was adapted for eating sap :(
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blorb-el · 11 months
new chapter of we shall be free is up! please mind the content warnings. it is time for a horrible, horrible little family reunion.
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nexus-nebulae · 4 months
i have been cravibg dorayaki for five days straight,,,,,,
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primumincaelo · 5 months
adam being protective the way mickey milkovich is protective. that is all <3
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 8 months
that pill talk was about my iron supplements but i will NEVER get why most medicine tastes yucky. like.
my mum always said "the worse medicine tastes, the better it is for you" but surely thats bullshit because . cant it taste good and be good for me.
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coolerdracula · 1 year
still mad about how they replaced the waffle house near me with a shitty expensive loud gentrified pizza place with dogshit interior design and bad music I hate you
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