#its the found family dynamic dangit
dg-outlaw · 2 months
thanks for answering!! the reason I had asked was because. well. ever since I found out the word doggone existed I've been reading your URL as Doggone Outlaw. I don't even know what that word means 😭 anyways your explanation is way more understandable than whatever the fuck I was thinking, so thanks for clarifying!! (P.S. if you think yours is generic, mine is literally a variation of a username I've been using since middle school (awkward_af) so. it's much worse than yours)
LOL. This is actually awesome and hilarious, and I want to steal it for multiple reasons.
I'm from Texas and this is definitely the place where one might say "doggone" as a softer way of saying "damn". Same for "doggone it" for "dammit", "dagnabbit" for "goddammit", or "dadgum" for "goddamn". Basically, if you want some cliche redneck character in a kids movie to curse, these work without offending certain parents while keeping it PG.
I don't think I've ever legitimately said doggone. I'm just not that kind of Texan. Nor do I have a horse or any other cliche Texas thing, but I know more than enough about redneck culture and have the family to prove it. If anything I use dangit if I'm not actually cursing (because I'm at work, or around kids or family).
I can totally see some random character yelling out, "I'm sick and tired of that doggone outlaw, Red Hood. He's crossed me for the last time!" while shaking his fist in the air. Maybe Jason's in Texas fighting racist vampires, and just blew up some biker bar after a big fight. IDK.
I'm now seeing some sort of Road House (1989) type of fic with Jason as Patrick Swayze's character, Steph as Kelly Lynch's character, and Roy as Sam Elliot's character. IYKYK. Though I'd have Steph being more involved in the action as opposed to just eye candy love interest. (BTW: I haven't seen the new Gyllenhaal remake so I have no idea what the dynamics are in that film).
So yes, feel free to think of me as that Dadgum or Doggone Outlaw. 🤠
P.S. @qwkwqrdf4ck, as someone who remembers the ancient days of AOL Instant Messenger I get the nostalgia of the teenage screenname. I can't for the life of me remember any of mine, but I respect you for keeping the memory alive.
P.P.S. I initially read yours as "quick-wick-erd...?" and then I read the f4ck and then it made sense. And that's more of a judgment on me than you. My generation was less creative. It was often our name, initials, or favorite character plus our age or birth year... or favorite number if there was already a GokuFan16 and its variants. It truly was the digital wild west back then and we were mostly unsupervised.
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ranminfan · 2 years
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I- I don't know what to tell you even...
I was re-watching minions 2015 'cause I really like that movie, and I forgot they were hinting cameos of what they would look like as humans.
I liked Kevin's design a lot, and Stuart's was a little ok, but I had to re-design Bob's 'cause he's the baby boi baby
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limbosava · 4 years
After the Fall and Before The Dawn Thoughts / Spoilers — Very messy loose string of thoughts I wrote down as they pop up
I hope we get to see Gillian and Carmine again cause they were really interesting characters.
Also the fact that Coco pointed out Gillian’s birthmark was more like a brand made me go 👁🕳👁 I wish they had expanded more on that and went into what happened with the Asturias twins too cause. I don’t think Yatsu can live with the guilt of doing that to somebody :(
I’m so happy that after the battle the people of Vacuo and Shade academy students finally accept that the transfers aren’t weak and Shade really isn’t their last choice / resort school and rather their new home. (Temporarily. Velvet’s longing for their return to beacon almost made me cry and it’s so 🥺 whenever CFVY think of Beacon as their home and their team as their family.)
I really really really love Team CFVY’s dynamic and how Velvet isn’t their weakest member but their secret weapon! It’s also really sweet how Coco really pays attention to Velvet’s opinions on things now after Velvet pointed out how no one cared she wanted to stay in Vale when they first decided to go to Vacuo. And Bunnyvision!! That is!!! Sooooo cute!!! Get you an almost inventor gf that makes special glasses for you that are specifically designed to help you deal with your fears. Speaking of that. I /love/ inventor Velvet and how she created the concept of hard light weapons.
Also.. was I the only one who laughed when Octavia said she used the kids as grimm bait..
I love Fox joking around with people and teasing them, especially Neptune who is downright terrified by him. Yatsu best boi, please get him some breadfruit.
I didn’t notice Scarlet and Nolan flirting until I looked at other peoples thoughts afterwards and was like oh. I now see the light.
I wish Sage had more than five lines and atleast a semblance of personality. Also how do tattoos work cus of aura... did he purposely break his aura to get tattoos?
Carmine gay for Gillian? I would like to meet the rest of their friend group in Shade. They seemed pretty cool before Jax had to drop out and Gil followed :( Speaking of Carmine, I wonder how the Shade students treated her while she studied there as how the Shade students treated the beacon brigade was. Unsavory
Interesting to see that people go to huntsman academies even if they don’t want to become huntsmen, ex. Gus and how he just wanted to control his semblance better. That’s nice to know
Okay I really love Octavia and Velvet’s beginnings of a friendship, and how Velvet has caught falling girls twice (coco and octavia) (ahaha you could say they fell for her ;)) Also how Velvet and Octavia share a braincell (the dust tunnel collapse... that was Not a good idea)
I wish Nebula had more personality, and the other members of NDGO too. Also the sand pit arenas in classes are sooo cool. And dust infused weapons like Octavia’s staff.
Of the new characters (?) that were briefly mentioned I would like to know most about Olive Gashley cause her interaction with Octavia at the Crown place was just too cute. Or maybe it was Octavia being mean. If it was the latter .... man. But Olive is also pretty punny from the brief times she was mentioned and I love punny girls.
The scene where Coco blows up the dust rounds she wears on her to get her out of the sand and almost shattering her aura is . Wow that’s so cool and badass but at the same time SHE COULDVE HURT HERSELF SO BADLY IF THAT DIDNT GO RIGHT... COCO PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL. ITS LIKE TEAM CFVY LOSE THEIR SENSE OF SELF PRESERVATION WHEN THEYRE ALONE.
I loved how Coco and Yatsu realized that they were shit without their weapons so practiced hand to hand combat with eachother. I love them.
Also it was cute to see how protective Coco and Yatsu are of Velvet. Speaking of that. Coco and Fox are balanced out by Velvet and Yatsu so well, as the former are described as being a little sadistic and the latter are absolute sweethearts who wouldn’t hurt a soul. Also how Velvet is the team’s heart and soul because she wears her heart on her sleeve while her teammates are/were all guarded. I love how their development is described and how four individuals melted into one family and trust eachother completely T-T I’m a sucker for found family and they are just beautiful .
Might I just say how hype I was to see Neptune use his semblance cause I *love* characters who have water abilities but dangit!! He didn’t end up using it even though it was the perfect opportunity! and that’s so interesting how his power is making water stick. I really wanna see it being used in battle or conventionally. The books also helped me like Neptune more as the show just made me think he was annoying and spineless. It’s also nice to see other characters from Argus.
I love Theodore’s HAVE FUN BLOW SHIT UP attitude. I feel like without Rumpole, Shade would be much more chaotic.
Shade academy seems to have single rooms? Haven too as Neptune described how his room was barely 100 square feet in area and how back at Haven team SSSN turned Sun’s room into a game room when he was gone. This makes Penny’s emphasis on how the teams share one room in Atlas make sense.
It was nice to see Sun grow as a person, and finally stay long enough to feel something for the place. And that he managed to resolve things with his team :,)
This makes me wonder how Shade students and Vacuo folk are gonna react to team RWBY when they get there, cause of their whole. The outsiders need to prove their worth thing. But I cannot WAIT for Coco and Velvet to see Blake and Yang again! Yes!! Yes!! Bees and Crosshares reunion.
Also the hint at new desert outfits for team CFVY when Coco said she had been working on some designs but free time was hard to come by in shade . I am Very Excited.
I wonder what would happen if Gill and Jaune use their semblances on eachother. Infinite aura source?
In conclusion: I really enjoyed the books and I love team CFVY.
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Phantom in the Twilight 4 - 5 | Starlight Promises | Muhyo and Roji’s BSI 1 | Cells at Work! 5 | BnHA 55 - 56 | Angolmois 5 | Planet With 5
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Phantom 4
The Chris x Shinyao ship is setting sail…figuratively and literally.
Affogato al caffe. I’m not a coffee person but it sounds tasty!
I wonder what “shut up, peanut gallery” sounds like in Japanese or Chinese? (volume off right now)
I like how they decided to randomly stick a drone into this.
Oh, I didn’t really believe Ton when she said Toryu had a talisman over his eyes, but now I can see it too. This crow scene reminds me of Juuni Taisen though…by the way.
The fact Haysin (half-shaven man is Haysin, now that I’ve gotten the villains’ names straight) is plotting above London reminds me of the 90s, where villains would do that a lot for no other reason but to look cool.
I love how Vlad’s cape appears last, so that it can drift behind him dramatically like that.
This show’s a bit monologue-driven, but nothing that isn’t highly entertaining.
Ohmigosh, was that Vlad? As a singer??? What??? That’s fantastic! Amazing! And also surprisingly sexy…not that I needed to divulge that last bit since he’s a bishie vampire as it stands, but…y’know.
Starlight Promises
I normally don’t do commentaries for movies, but I need the notes for the WordPress post…so let’s go.
I wonder why this was delayed…
Was it just me, or was Shouma’s bike/body CGI when he was riding up the hill? I like how they chose to put the bike scene over the phone call though, it would’ve been too boring otherwise.
I always like noticing when someone says “Sankyuu” rather than “Arigatou” because it’s always funny to laugh at…well, that’s a bit of an injoke between me and some classmates from Japanese class, but…yeah.
Yakusoku no Nanayamatsuri = The Promised 7th Night Festival, or something along those lines.
The hologram speaks very formally…but that’s because she’s an admin person. She’s dealing with people she’s not familiar with and might keep at arms’ length.
They’re so going to fall in love aren’t they? That’s the tale of Tanabata for ya.
Oh, Shiori lost her hat! Also, was Shouma always calling her (Shiori) –chan?
Have you noticed the women all dress in pink/red and the boys all dress in blue? Eesh, gender segregation, much?
This water is so obviously CGI…it’s not the most terrible-looking stuff I’ve seen in CGI, but it’s still obviously CGI.
He’s dead! Just as I was thinking all along! As soon as they started dropping hints about Shiori’s sister, I knew Atsushi was gonna be dead!
You can quite clearly see the fabric has been animated by CGI in this dance sequence. That’s probably why the movie was delayed…
There weren’t that many friend-friend pairs…only lovers and familial ones…hmm…
Muhyo and Roji’s BSI 1
Finally! Time for the start of the season to be watched!...At least, I hope so. Between the shows I’ve got, the lineup’s pretty much set.
If Kenji and Nana appear next week, they’re probably just trying to take their time with this show. Then again, they could still rush the ending…or cut out some of the middle stuff…
I find it interesting that they showed Yoichi chasing after Enchu first. By doing that, it’s almost as if Muhyo and Roji don’t matter in this show.
This adaption’s actually pretty by the book, to use a very bad pun. I think the glasses cost Roji about 300 (or was that 390?) yen, but that’s the only missing detail I’ve found so far.
What does “nice course” mean anyway? In volleyball, that is…
Welp, as much as I want to support this show, this first problem could clearly just be solved by having more communication between Rie and Taeko…
…I kind of knew this would happen, but…the lineup I have is so solid and yet I don’t think this show could compete with any of them. So, as much as I want to follow the show weekly, it’s going on hold.
BnHA 55
This “Miss Sai” lady is most definitely going to go “Ohohoho!”, y’know? Just from that hand gesture, I can tell that’s going to happen…*sigh* Anime…
Phreatic explosion. Sounds cool, but it’s pretty simple at the heart of the matter.
Interi Saiko…ohmigosh! It’s just as bad as puns from Saiki Kusuo’s show! Saikou means “best” and interi is short for “intelligence”.
Interesting that Yaomomo thinks of Todoroki first…then Iida…
This high-pitched noise is basically the beginning of Dude of Red, y’know? (LOL!)
Lemme guess, Aizawa thinks Midoriya and Bakugo are the two with the biggest influence.
Cells at Work! 5
Phagocytosis. Haven’t seen that word in years, y’know…
Diastroph-wuh?...Diastrophism, apparently.
“With its antibodies!”
…wasn’t there an explanation of mast cells in one of the previous episodes, though?
I think Mast Cell was using “baka” (volume off) but the subbers went with “bonehead”, which works just as well while including an extra body pun in there! Fabulous, huh?
Steroids can be human-made, right? So that’s why this is a robot! A-ha!
Planet With 5
The giant explosion? Didn’t think they were going to talk about that, LOL. Nobody talks about things like those in ordinary shows…but then again, this isn’t an ordinary show, is it?
I feel like the girls are talking about the case in Eva, where the children constantly had to get evacuated.
Can someone be weird by not being weird? I guess that’s the chuuni life for ya.
Why is there an abandoned ball in the play equipment, though…?
Hey! It’s a world turtle! The Nebula people(?) really do believe in human mythology, don’t they?
Oh. The “ni” in “Universe” is upside-down…
Maybe the snake is Ouroboros? Or the Midgard serpent, which is said to encircle the Earth in Norse mythology?
The hologram machine looks like a macaron…*drools*
There appears to be the kanji for “love” on one side of the bowl.
Ah! Shiraishi is giving them instructions! Just like I said in ep 2’s commentary!
I mentioned in a WordPress post Planet With can be interpreted as a coming-of-age and I think that’s best encapsulated in Nezuya’s change. However, Takezo (old man) is proving that even the young at heart can “have the fire in their hearts put out”, meaning even he need to grow up…metaphorically speaking.
The dog’s Japanese name is Kakka = “His Excellency”. So why “Generalissimo”????
Whoa! Normally it’s a small TBC on the corner (bottom-right quarter of the screen), but this time it fills the entire screen…! The show’s just getting better and better!
Phantom in the Twilight 5
The body text of the newspaper appears to be in Latin, LOL.
Hey, a leannan sidhe! Havn’t seen one since Ancient Magus’ Bride and that’s where I learnt about ‘em anyway.
Is it just me, or does the animation look noticeably wonkier than usual in this episode…?
George Gregory *scoffs*. What a name, it’s almost redundant…
Poor boy Roland seems sleep-deprived…hopefully it’s just the artstyle…or his stage makeup.
“Armlet”? (sic)
I wonder why there are all these blurry shots? They seem somewhat intentional…
I thought Roland was Vlad in the next-ep preview of ep 4! Dangit, show, why do Vlad and Roland look so similar???
This song sequence is pretty much as bad as Dynamic Chord, so thank goodness the entire premise isn’t about the singer…*wipes invisible sweat off brow* Phew.
Oh dear. Why is Van Helsing always the man you want when it comes to vampire hunting? Couldn’t you call for Buffy or something? Not that I know anything about Buffy…
I thought I saw Toryu for a second back there…in the PhaTowa Plus segment…
Angolmois 5
I never realised how good the sound design was in this show. Now that I’m listening to it properly, it’s pretty amazing.
Why was the scout so small in that shot? If they wanted Hitari to show off, they should’ve gone for something more visible, y’know?
Amushi looks like Keith from Voltron…! Why do I even know what Keith looks like? Because you Netflix watchers make such a fuss over him and his sexuality!
Interestingly, the Mongols have spears but the Japanese only just got them…huh. In the birthplace of the naginata, to boot.
Why are there so many stills in this show’s action scenes, though?
“Don’t fight a war unless you know why you’re fighting it.” – Sage advice, Kuchii Jinzaburo.
9th year of the Bun’ei era = 1272. The more you know.
Kuchii still had his scar back then, huh? I wonder when he got it then.
I really liked seeing Yajrou’s character development throughout this episode.
BnHA 56
“It seems pretty handy!” seems like a really bad pun, considering what happened just earlier with Shishikura’s fingers…
I still don’t get why Denki’s glasses are meant to be upside-down, though…
For some reason, I’m laughing *gasp* really *gasp* hard at *gasp* the insult “Dunce Face”! (LOL) (gasping from too much laughter)
Midoriya does the Naruto run. It really shows how much Horikoshi looks up to Kishimoto.
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