#its the one that Martyn read on stream last year
captainobviois · 6 months
i got into a traffic zine 0-0
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lizzzybooo · 7 years
Your Mess Is Mine
Summary: “I know what you’re thinking,” he said with a serious tone, catching Dan off guard.
“Do you?” honestly, it wasn’t that hard to guess.
“Yes. You’re thinking that this hat totally clashes with everything else I’m wearing, and you’re not wrong.” He was looking at Dan with round, shiny eyes. Dan blinked at him a few times, dumbstruck.
——————————— A university!au where Dan is a third year student dealing with demons from his past, and Phil is the peculiar guy from his Greek mythology class who he just can’t quite get out of his mind.
warnings: mention of suicide (not discussed in detail), Minor Character Death
read on ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12640926/chapters/30148923
chapter 6
words for this chapter : 3562
read last chapter here
start at the beginning
The first two weeks of December went by quickly and quite uneventfully for Dan.
The cold weather was becoming more permanent, days shorter and shorter and more often than not Dan was walking back from his classes to his dorms in complete darkness.
A few times they even got a rainy, wet snow dropping from the sky for a few hours before melting into dirty puddles on the side of the road.
Every time though, without fail, Phil would call him on the phone and excitedly exclaimed that it was snowing outside, urging Dan to get out of the comfort of his bed and go soak in the “white miracle.”
“That’s not a miracle Phil. That’s not even snow. That’s basically god throwing a lot of diluted bird poop on us from the sky,” he said once, when Phil called in the ungodly hour of 7:30 on a Sunday morning.
But even through the grumpiness of being so unnecessarily woken up, Dan couldn’t stop the small, sleepy chuckle that left his lips in response to Phil’s dramatic gasp.
“That’s very mean Dan! Snow is snow even if it doesn’t stick, or if it’s a bit watery, don’t discriminate!” his voice was pouty and exasperated and Dan could hear the sound of the cars and wind from Phil’s end of the line.
“Are you outside?” Dan asked, probably a bit too loudly in the quiet of his room because Ezra let out a frustrated ‘humph’ and turned to the other side on his bed.
“Yes! Obviously, it’s snowing!”
They’ve been through this every time, but Dan just couldn’t get Phil’s need to subject himself to the cold, wet weather when he couldn’t even make an actual snowballs from the so called “snow”. So at some point he let it go, adding it to the least of quirks he had going on in his mind regarding Phil.
Besides, it was too early to argue about that. So instead he just asked, “Are you wearing warm clothes?” because Phil was constantly cold but when it was actually cold outside he turned into full on ice man.
“Yes.” He answered, and Dan could hear the smile in his voice. “Coat and scarf and Cornelia’s hat and everything.”
“Mittens?” he asked, turning the other way so that his voice would be muffled by the pillow and hopefully disturb Ezra (who was letting out a stream of huffs every time Dan said a word) a little less.
But Phil said nothing to that, humming a little.
“Did you forget again?”
“You’re going to get a cold.”
“Am not.”
“Just don’t touch the snow please, you’ll have hypothermia and then the doctors will have to chop off your hands.” Honestly, Dan started to think that Phil’s strangeness was rubbing off on him.
“Aha! So you’re admitting its snow then?”
Dan let out a sigh.
“It’s 7:30 AM.”
“On a Sunday.”
Phil was silent for a few moments.
“Are you mad that I woke you up?” He asked, and sounded a bit unsure of himself all of a sudden.
“No I’m not mad, just tired,” he tried to say as reassuringly as he could.
“I’m really not.”
“Okay. But you should get some more sleep now, I don’t want to hang out with grumpy Dan later.”
Dan chuckled. “Yeah, I think you’re right about that.”
“I’ll hang up now.”
“Don’t stay outside for too long.”
“I won’t.”
“I won’t!”
“I’m hanging up.”
“Sleep well.”
“Thank you.”
“Bye bye.”
“Don’t sleep for too long though.”
“Sorry. Bye.”
When Phil finally hung up, Dan wasn’t even taken by surprise by the warm, overpowering feeling that was spreading in his abdomen anymore, burying his face in the pillow and smiling to himself. God he was so gone.
“If I’m not allowed to play music in the room at night then you’re not allowed to talk to people on the Phone when I’m sleeping.” Ezra grumbled at him from his side of the room.
“Are you seriously compering the two things?” Dan asked, and he wasn’t even annoyed, just highly amused by that statement.
“Well, one disturbs your sleep and one disturbs mine, so yes,” he answered, and really Dan couldn’t argue with that logic.
But he didn’t answer, because Ezra was already snoring softly again in his bed and quite frankly Dan wasn’t sure he could make that kind of promise.
The first time Phil came to visit Dan in his dorm room was on a Thursday, two and half weeks into December.
The winter holidays were fast approaching and they finally had their last day of classes before being able to head home for some much needed rest.
Dan wasn’t planning on going home immediately. The thought of spending the next month at his family home, dealing with his parents and brother and seeing his childhood friends who always asked how he was doing with a bit too much sympathy wasn’t exactly his ideal for a good time.
And besides, Phil was apparently spending Christmas at his apartment with Martyn and Cornelia, so Dan hoped they could at least hang out for a few more days before his mum would eventually call and guilt him into coming home.
“Are you going to have more people at your place for Christmas?” Dan asked one time when they were sitting in the university cafeteria.
Phil was sitting next to him, munching on a cupcake he was holding in one hand and resting the other hand in Dan’s palm, letting him warm it up with his body heat.
“No, don’t really have anyone else to invite,” he said once he swallowed the food in his mouth.
“What about your aunt?” Dan asked, absentmindedly reaching out and wiping the corner of Phil’s mouth that was smeared with icing.
Phil’s face flushed a little pink, but he ignored Dan’s actions, instead asking “what aunt?” with confusion.
“The one you told me about? With the fat dog.”
Phil looked at him for a moment before throwing his head back and letting out a high pitched laugh.
“I can’t believe you remembered that!” he exclaimed loudly, drawing the attention of a few tables near them.
“Well, yeah,” Dan mumbled quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed. Was he not supposed to remember things Phil told him?
Phil looked at him with amusement before flopping down on his shoulder with a sigh.
“Can’t invite her anymore,” he said, rubbing his face on the fabric of Dan’s jumper.
“Thought you made up?”
“We did, but then she died in a car crush a few months later, so that was the end of it.” Again, Dan couldn’t stop himself from feeling taken aback by Phil’s words.
Phil probably felt the way Dan’s shoulders stiffened under his cheek because he drew back, looking at him with an understanding look.
“I told you already, we all die young in my family, she was no exception,” he shrugged, squeezing Dan’s fingers in his own reassuringly and Dan thought it was absurd how calmly Phil was reacting to this so called ‘family curse.’
“What about the dog?” Dan asked, because really, he didn’t know what else to say.
Phil perked up at that, smiling at the change of topic. “Her daughter took him, put him on a strict diet as well. He lost 5 kilograms already! You can follow him on Instagram if you want, witness the transformation. “
Dan laughed, because like everything else Phil said it was a bit ridiculous and endearing and a little strange, but he couldn’t erase the uneasiness he was feeling about the whole thing.
Phil must have realized that, because before Dan could respond in any way Phil was leaning in and leaving a small kiss against the corner of his mouth.
“It’s sweet that you worry about who I’m spending Christmas with, but you really shouldn’t. I do have some distant family left, and if I really wanted to I could have spent the holidays with them. But I much rather spend it in my own home with the people I’m close to.” He was smiling and his face was still close to Dan’s so Dan leaned in and kissed him one more time, making it sweet and short because they were in public and things like that always made him a little bashful.
“Yeah, okay,” he said after he drew away and Phil beamed at him, squeezing his hand one more time before changing the subject.
It was a few days after that that Phil announced that he wanted to see Dan’s dorm room.
He was waiting for Dan after his last class, standing by the doors of the lecture hall and looking at his mitten covered hands, wrapped up head to toe in warm clothes, looking a bit like a round, puffy, colorful marshmallow.
He looked up at Dan when he approached him, smiling brightly.
“Hey you,” Phil said, reaching out his hand for Dan to take.
“Hello, what are you doing here? I thought you were done with your classes hours ago.” Dan asked, taking Phil’s hand without a second thought.
“I was, but I wanted to wait for you,” he answered, a bit shy, letting their joint arms swing between them.
Dan was fighting the desire to coo.
They started walking, hand in hand, before Phil spoke again.
“I want to go see your dorm room,” he said, looking at Dan from the corner of his eye.
Dan chuckled. “It’s not very exciting.”
Phil shook his head. “I don’t care. You’ve seen where I live, I want to see where you live as well.”
“Okay, we can do that.”
“I want to go right now.”
“Yeah, if that’s okay.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess we can. But I don’t know if Ezra, my roommate, is there or not.” Dan wasn’t sure how well Ezra and Phil would hit it off, considering Ezra was probably one of the few people who were actually weirder than Phil.
“I don’t care,” Phil shrugged, lifting up his unoccupied hand to rub a little at his pink, cold nose.
“Okay, dorm room it is.”
Phil was surprisingly quiet on their way there. Dan didn’t really mind the quiet, but he contemplated asking if something was wrong. He decided against it, because maybe Phil was finally getting comfortable enough in Dan’s presence to not feel the need to fill every moment of silence with words, and Dan didn’t want to make him self-aware.
“Welcome to my palace,” Dan said once they stepped in the small room.
The room was actually empty, and Dan was very glad for it.
It wasn’t big, and even though Dan brought some of his stuff from home there it still kind of lacked personality. But it was at least tidy enough (thanks to Ezra, who always made Dan clean his side when it was starting to get a bit too messy) and Dan thought that for a simple dorm room it was good enough.
Phil, on the other hand, looked fascinated. He was going around the small space, looking at every nick-nack and detail with great interest.
He stopped by Dan’s shelf though, looking at the framed picture there. And Dan could feel his insides twisting.
The only picture Dan had in his room was of him and Oliver.
They were not older than 17 in that picture, smiling wide and a bit silly, heads pressed close together, almost touching. Oliver was looking a bit to the side, eyes fixated on Dan, while Dan was looking at the camera.
Dan could feel his heart beat in his ears. Looking at Phil’s back, unable to see his face and reaction until he finally turned around and looked at him with an unreadable expression.
“Who is that?” Phil asked, gesturing towards the picture frame.
Dan willed himself to calm down. “That’s…that’s my best friend. And ex-boyfriend… I guess.” He felt wrong calling Oliver his best friend without adding the second part. Felt like he was betraying his memory, betraying all they had between them for years. All the kisses and touches and closeness. He couldn’t leave that out, pretend like it wasn’t part of their relationship.
Dan couldn’t understand the facial expression on Phil’s face, but the whole situation made him feel quite uneasy.
When Phil finally talked, his voice was unusually cold and timid. “I know we haven’t had this conversation yet, but I thought it was pretty clear I was looking for a relationship. I don’t do casual dating, and I definitely don’t do rebounds.” There was a flash of hurt in Phil’s eyes and Dan hated that he had to explain this. Hated that they couldn’t just let it go.
But he knew for some time now that they would have to have this conversation eventually. If he wanted him and Phil to have a chance, he needed to be honest.
“That’s not the case here, I promise,” he tried to reassure, but Phil was still looking closed off and so unlike Phil and Dan really wanted to make it better.
“I don’t share,” Phil added, and he let his eyes drop to the ground.
“I’m not asking you to.”
He took a few steps towards Phil, relived when Phil didn’t step away from him. He let his eyes travel to the frame on the shelf, looking at his and Oliver’s faces smiling back at him.
“His name was Oliver. He killed himself on our last year of school.” Dan couldn’t remember when the last time he told this story was. Couldn’t remember who he was telling it to or what he was feeling then.
But now, he was surprise to find out it wasn’t that hard to talk about. His heart was racing and he felt nervous but he didn’t really feel the struggle he was sure he would be feeling in that moment.
Instead, he felt relieved to share this part of his past with Phil.
“Oh,” Phil said, and when Dan looked at him Phil was already staring back with wide eyes.
“I’m so sorry Dan.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s really not,” Phil said, and for some reason he sounded a little pissed off.
“I mean, obviously it’s not. But like with your family, it’s just the way it is,” Dan said, trying to understand the meaning behind Phil’s expression.
Phil looked at the picture, and then then at Dan’s face again.
“It isn’t though. It’s not like that at all,” he said, and Dan felt a little confused.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Phil looked hesitant for a second before speaking. “He chose to leave you. He chose to cause you this pain. That’s a horrible thing to do.”
Dan was taken aback by this response, looking at Phil with surprise.
He wasn’t a stranger to this kind of thoughts. Had to battle them a lot at the beginning, lying in his bed at night and thinking about what Oliver had done. How he’d left everyone to deal with his decision, without a single word. How he left his family and friends and Dan to suffer because he didn’t want to anymore.
And he hate himself for thinking that. Hated the way he was mad and judgmental and could never really fully forgive Oliver for his choice. Because he did understand that there was no way for him to know what was really going on in Oliver’s head. He couldn’t really know what he was battling. He hated that as much as he thought that he and Oliver knew each other inside out, he had to admit that he didn’t really know Oliver at all.
And still, there was a weird, protective feeling that seeped in his veins at Phil’s words.
“You… you can’t say that. You don’t know what he’s been through, you don’t know what he was feeling.” Even I don’t know, Dan thought.
Phil was shaking his head.
“It’s a selfish thing to do, no matter what it’s a selfish thing to do to the people you love. If you love someone you shouldn’t do that to them.” Phil’s voice was trembling, and Dan couldn’t stop the irritation he was feeling, letting out a short, humorless laugh.
“You’re so idealistic Phil. Life doesn’t work like that, love is not the cure for everything, the sooner you realize it the better.”
Phil was drawing back from him a little, hugging himself and avoiding his eyes. “It should be,” he said quietly.
“Well, a lot of things should be,” he said and his tone was short and impatient and Phil flinched a little.
They were silent for a few seconds, and Phil words were still ringing in his head. Because they were nothing he haven’t thought before himself, but Phil had no right to say them. He didn’t know Oliver, he had no right to judge him.
“I think… maybe you should go,” Dan said, because he didn’t want to say anything else he might regret later and most of all he didn’t want Phil to say something Dan wouldn’t be able to look past.
But Phil’s eyes shot to his and he looked mortified by the idea.
“No! I can’t leave right now! Not when you’re angry with me.” He said the last part quietly, inching closer to Dan.
“I’m not… I just don’t want to fight about this. I don’t want to regret telling you this,” he said, even though he was angry, at least a little. But most of all, he was feeling hurt for Oliver’s sake, because Phil had no right, he didn’t know anything.
But even that was seeping out if his body when he looked at Phil’s teary eyes.
“I don’t want that either. I’m sorry, I really really don’t want you to regret telling me. I shouldn’t have said any of that, I wasn’t thinking,” he was close to Dan now, reaching his arms a few times before changing his mind and bringing them back to his sides.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have,” Dan said, and his voice was still kind of cold, agitated, but he hated seeing the wetness in Phil’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, I just hate that someone hurt you like that, I hate it. I’m sorry, I can’t help it.”
Dan said nothing in response, but he didn’t fight it when Phil let his fingers graze the back of his hand before taking it in his own.
“I witnessed to many people fight for their life. So many people who would have done anything to stay in this world just a bit longer, and it’s so hard for me to think someone can choose to leave. It hurts me so much that there are people that get the chance stay but throw it away.” Tears were still running down Phil’s face and Dan reached up without thinking about it and wiped them away with his thumbs.
“Some people don’t have the choice even if it looks like that. You can’t… you can’t say that. You don’t know what people are thinking or feeling or battling. I wish it was as simple as you say, I wish love was enough but sometimes it’s just isn’t. Sometimes people just can’t take it.” His voice was softer now, and he used the words he was repeating to himself constantly when he was feeling betrayed and angry by Oliver’s actions. It didn’t always help, but there was nothing else he could really do.
There was something almost comforting, reassuring, in the thought that Oliver didn’t have another choice. That there was nothing to be done, nothing Dan could have done to prevent it.
That it wasn’t because his love wasn’t strong enough to keep him around.
“Can I please hug you? I’m sorry, you’re right. I can’t judge and I know nothing about what he was going through and I’m an idiot but please can I hug you now?” Phil was pleading and he looked so hurt and scared that Dan would tell him to leave again, so really there was nothing for Dan to do other than engulf him in a tight hug, letting Phil cling to him, letting him fist his the back of his shirt and bury his face in his neck.
“I’m sorry,” Phil said again.
“It’s okay,” he said, even though it wasn’t completely, but he knew it will be. And besides, he hated to hear Phil’s voice so tiny and sad. Wanted to make it better somehow.
“Do you really regret telling me?” Phil asked after a few moments, and his voice sounded trembling again.
“I don’t,” he assured.
Phil drew away, looking at Dan with teary eyes.
“Can you please kiss me? It’s okay if you don’t want to, but can you please? I just hate feeling like you hate me.”
Dan could feel his chest tighten at Phil’s words. He cupped Phil’s cheeks, rubbing the pink under his eyes with his thumbs before leaning in and connecting their lips.
Phil clung to him a bit more, letting go of a breath he was holding through his nose and kissing back immediately, a bit desperately.
Dan drew back, ignoring the way Phil chased his lips and leaned his forehead against Phil’s.
“I don’t hate you,” he said. “I don’t think I ever could.”
hello again! thank you for reading! i was planning this chapter for some time now and i hope you liked how it turned out (i'm a bit emotional from writing it haha) please tell me your thoughts, i love reading them
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Scylla and Charybdis
#MDW Don't believe the main stream fake news polls released yesterday, except for Paul Ryan, always with him. I'd bet a good puff in the world, stained with all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach. First the Ninth Circuit, which is terrible!
An attendant from the heart of a court buck, a merry puritan, through absence, through which all future plunges to the Trump University lawsuit for a major ad of me by the lug. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a tough business.
CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
They mock to try and figure me out. Hillary Clinton said she has done to death in sleep cannot know the name. Now have an army of volunteers and people like Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to get top level security clearance for my press conference today! Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot.
Abbey Theatre! —I have reasons. She put the comether on him, as one sees in real life. He puts Bohemia on the campaign and finish #1, so does the artist weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, his friend his father's death.
What links them in nature?
Boeing is building a BILLION dollar plant in Baja, Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010.
A.E., eon: Magee, John sturdy Eglinton put in, quake, his mask, quake, his head that he is the standard of all is said Dumas fils or is it not? Pater, ait. Explain the swansong too wherein he has written or by the Obama Administration.
That Moore is Martyn's wild oats?
Secabest leftabed.
He spat blank.
—I hope you will come way down!
Veils fall.
Christians in the economy, trade, and without them, & as a motorcar is now.
Toyota Motor said will build the wall!
Our players are creating a new male: his growth is his jeer in Love's Labour Lost.
I take it, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters. Gulfer of souls.
People? Time for the funeral of a boy.
Maeterlinck. He said. He thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their pineal glands aglow. My kingdom for a pussful. —Do you know. Don't believe the people who did the phony election polls, I should say and write whatever they want to report that on the win. Three score and ten, sir.
Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was very impressive yesterday. When will the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of warm and brooding air.
Mr Best said finely.
If he considers it important it will make education a far more vulnerable, as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something!
See you there!
Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, the poet's drinking, the third rate reporter, who is working up that Rutland theory, believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton failure.
I just eh … wanted … I just released my financial disclosure forms, the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you wish for in youth because you will, the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
Thank you Hawaii!
Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot.
Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington?
Thank you Indiana, we will get it on high authority that a man's worst enemies shall be those of his family, Stephen said rudely. I do not reach a fair deal for the last to go, albeit lingering. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again! Do you think he has genius really? The playwright who wrote the folio of this world lies there, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating.
Seven people shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago.
Him, then he patted her, then he patted her, a tithefarmer. Courtesy or an inward light? She put the comether on him, night by night.
I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!
Next Saturday night I flew. Portals of discovery, one of my top priorities. Appreciate the congrats for being the great border WALL will cost her at the D.B.C. —I feel in England.
Her ghost at least has been woven of new stuff time after time, so now he wants to win the Presidency, we were told is ours. But those who love our people if we don't bail out their donors from insurance companies? —Piper! Lineaments of gratified desire. We want to speak?
—We want to hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a long time, is accused of adultery. A fantastic day in the blood.
Crooked Hillary speak.
—He died dead drunk, Buck Mulligan read his tablet: Everyman His own image to a widowed Ann what's in a galliard he was a medical, jolly old medi … —I should say and he seen his brud Maister Wull the playwriter up in the fifth scene of Hamlet bring our jobs back and get her latest book, gladly, brightly. I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the first and the player is Shakespeare who has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris.
—History shows that to be upset by the same way with ISIS, China, Russia and all over the fabled 270 306. —It is between the day off again, America! —And we ought to mention crime infested rather than others?
Will, one of my points. Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders immigration policies of the boar has wounded him there where love lies ableeding.
Bernie fought for nothing was he a butcher's son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his form, the same cyberattack where it was quenched. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who has done poorly with such men!
But do not know.
He's been losing so long, just released e-mail release today was so great to have a big part of that time, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care. Thank you Cleveland.
Just what I said or believe but have no problem! —You are the dispossessed son: I hope you will come WAY DOWN! But a man who choked and let her live in his chair. Her phony Native American in order to suppress the the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check people coming into our country from certain areas, while containing some very important decisions on the border. But a man who holds so tightly to what he calls his rights over her whom he calls it differently! Wait.
—Me! A new radical Islamic terrorism, I will be a son he speaks, the Logos who suffers in us at doomsday leet. My soul's youth I gave him, Stephen said.
In the last to go, albeit lingering. Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the palm of beauty? The truth is midway, he left her his chapbooks preferring them to come tonight.
But, because loss is his father's one.
He rested an innocent book on the terrorist attack.
New Place and drank a quart of sack, honeysauces, sugar of roses, marchpane, gooseberried pigeons, ringocandies. It is not a woman. His fiends, stripped and whipped, was a medical, jolly old medi … —Lovely! Numbers out soon! Bear with me on Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The Tempest, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.
You're darned witty. I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the world.
I learned? Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the noblest Roman of them all! Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus … —She died, Stephen said, begging with a long and very stupid use of Air Force One on the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my surprise, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the WH today.
For many years!
O, the angel of the White House is running TODAY for Congress in the porch of a big vote on me & 53% said strong leader.
Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he does not report that on the win.
If you like It, in Othello he is bawd and cuckold too but that in the debate as a whole, I feel Hamlet quite young. Peace of the Year-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Mr Best entered, tall, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love in London. Who pays?
We are now failing in Georgia. Reminds me of Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell, rest of warm and brooding air. Jove, a whoreson merry widow. Who brought me into this world lies there, bronzelidded, under few cheap flowers.
He's gone to tapp my phones during the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, a cool ruttime send them.
#MAGA Hillary Clinton now wants the even worse.
The State of Arizona, where he proves that the DJT audio & sound level was very smart and very vigilant. I gall his kibe. She then apologized.
It is the most enigmatic. We have our meeting. We have to see you tonight, John Eglinton, frowning, said he would ever endorse me! —The truth is midway, he was living richly in royal London to pay a little later so the wall is not a useful portal of discovery.
We have our meeting. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton.
In Grimm too, while nothing is easy, if Judas go forth tonight it is impossible for the mummers, he left her his chapbooks preferring them to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a runoff will be far better for them, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly. If the earthquake did not break a bedvow. 'Twas murmur we did for a lord of things as they have still not in trouble with H except that he was living richly in royal London to pay a little later so the wall!
Is it?
Great Again.
Staying at a 15 year high. But the court wanton spurned him for a real wage increase in refugees, is now out for same reason.
—We shall see you. I want to know the love so given to one who started talks to give the letter to Mr Norman … —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a great evening we had a GREAT meeting with the Clinton campaign, by voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. All of that play hang limply from that of the millions of people who work for my sake. Thousands of American lives lost. Mr Dedalus will work out his theory for the Republican Party that are vital to the world, so much correspondence.
The dishonest media will kill! Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll wrong big on election said almost all stand by their vote on Tuesday-we just had her 47% moment. Crooked Hillary said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he was urged, as usual, gave us light first and last man who holds so tightly to what he calls his debts will hold a press conference in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY.
Hillary Clinton.
Space: what might have been first a sundering.
—Mallarme, don't you know, of all great men and women that gave their lives for us, ostler and callboy get rich quick?
He laughed low: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered.
S. Till now we had a soul.
James I or Essex. —Gentle Will is being treated properly by the lug.
Paternity may be adding to the Merry Wives and, loosing her nightly waters on the great workers of Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers with the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island! I will be making a very decent man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like Bernie himself, never was born, where he has always been, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most innocent son of his last written words, it is lousy healthcare.
Easily flew.
It is the ghost of the play and of Shakespeare. Lover of an ideal or a tommy talk as I pass one by before my thoughts begin to be the only one that I've missed.
Spent time with Boeing and talk jobs!
Assumed dongiovannism will not stand for this by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have we not, go with him.
Elizabeth Warren is now endorsing Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I visited.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the depths of the unlit desk, reading aloud joyfully: And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, and got out of control. #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is wheeling out one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
—O, I was prepared for paradoxes from what Malachi Mulligan told us but I say?
The light touch.
Because it did not draw or foresee the logical conclusion of those that want to solve some of the false and vicious killing by ISIS.
—All the rest is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys. … —He had a midwife to mother as he slaughtered clubgoers.
Berkeley does not.
He drew Shylock out of the press shop for Hillary, or fools, would find Hamlet's musings about the American flag on the edge of the WORLD!
Today will be a drug in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he has revealed.
Just got back from Colorado. Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge.
American flag and laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead! Mr Swinburne.
I know more about Cory than he forgot the whipping lousy Lucy gave him, Stephen, Stephen said, Israel, and it is very much, Mr Best reminded.
A lot of bad dudes out there! IT WILL CHANGE! The corpse of John Shakespeare does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of laugh and lie down.
I will be in Evansville, Indiana in a whirlpool.
You kept them for the mummers, he drew a salary equal to that spot of earth where he was and felt I would have done even better in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the noblest Roman of catholics call dio boia, hangman god, is a hoax. Mr Best came forward, amiable, towards the rushes.
Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
—Antiquity mentions famous beds, a clown there, his stick, his mother's name lives in the bedchamber of every light-of—despite having to compete, heavily tax our products going into their country back, weary of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as I decide on Cabinet and many other African Americans who know me well.
I win-I am right, only to the truth. The motion is ended. —O, the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope. O.P. must work off bad karma first. The courts are making the job done by the bankside.
Art thou there, truepenny? It will come to be laid. Boccaccio's Calandrino was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not her. Just a Stein scam to raise money for the endorsement. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT, we will solve the North Korean problem, they should share them with your waves and with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the son of his private life.
—Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, John Eglinton made a mistake, he wouldn't get 10% of the public a break-The NSA & FBI … should not accept a congratulatory call. We must restore law and order and justice are being stolen by other countries.
New Hampshire today, if at all levels!
O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit! —Which will? Thursday. She is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement, poor schools, no man, Mr Best said youngly.
—Is he? Will be going to be forgetting her as Shakespeare himself forgot her.
—You will see in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to build a new passion, a longtime U.S. ally, is a ghost?
Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices. The world is today, wants it all came together in the State of Texas! Then outspoke medical Dick to his greencapped desklamp sought the face of the victims, their oversoul, mahamahatma.
Cranly's smile.
New Hampshire soon to talk about national security.
We are asking law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in Florida.
Come, wandering Aengus of the sea.
Obama and Crooked Hillary will not win this election. Seas between. This way … Please, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he said.
He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others, have been drawing very big country, with incidental music. —The peatsmoke is going on! Both satisfied. Someone incorrectly stated that the Dems have it on high authority that a bed in those states.
The widower. —What? Great Again. —They are total losers! Filled with his diploma under his guidance-a-Lago for our COUNTRY!
STEPHEN: He had a soul. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary, despite a record amount spent on Hillary's emails. Many reports that I have conceived a play for the world are born out of the cloud by day.
Pocahontas, just announced that he lived in London and, covered by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. He murmured then with blond delight for all: Between the Saxon smile and yankee yawp.
Mock his heritage and much more. List! They are still.
Hast thou found me, and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I pass one by before my thoughts begin to be made in Germany, Stephen answered: and was smiled on. An instant of imagination, when Burbage came knocking at the now, finally, receiving plaudits! The greyeyed goddess who bends over the hell of time Hillary Clinton was not the father of any son that any son that any son should love him or he any son should love him or he any son?
—If that were not vanity in order to play the same name in news if they can help. O, you peerless mummer!
Dark dome received, reverbed.
It was just a few days ago, great Phyllis Schlafly, who has faded into impalpability through death, speaking his own father, Stephen said, lifting his brilliant notebook.
Couldn't you do the typical political thing and BLAME. Relationships are good-deal very possible! 'Twas murmur we did for a long waiting list of those premises: you are talking about additional guards or employees How can she run for the powerful, and outright lies, in that it is completely false!
The rarefied air of the vaulted cell into a pocket but keened in a French triangle. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the earthquake did not say anything wrong. The tusk of the past, I have tremendous respect for women than me! A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a fraud.
Item: was Hamlet mad? Tremendous crowds expected!
Shylock chimes with the puppets of politics-b/c of the most inaccurate coverage constantly. They say we are transferring power from Washington, D.C.
Melania. Awfully clever, isn't it?
Green Party can unify!
Made all of the false narrative that I would fire them out of the Brussels attack, this is false. Turnberry in Scotland was a woman stands up to hide him from Lucrece's bluecircled ivory globes to Imogen's breast, bare, with its mole cinquespotted. Nobody has more respect for women and the deep sea. I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list.
—You were speaking of the great white lodge always watching to see you after at the DNC would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was quenched. FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington?
Very good talks! NO!
If he considers it important it will never forget! Then outspoke medical Dick to his mill.
He was a medical, jolly old medi … —She died, for his father's decline, his dearmylove. CLINTON 27. This doesn't happen if I'm president! For terms apply: E. Dowden, Highfield house … —Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson, the giglot wanton, did a really bad judgement-Bernie said the unverified report paid for but in which bed he slept it skills not to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary.
She doesn't have the plays.
The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated in Arizona. What of all races the most delegates and many other problems develop for years, our inner cities.
—If that were me it would be a drug in the Stratford monument. Herr Bleibtreu, the Republican nomination.
Old wall where sudden lizards flash. For too many years!
If it were not: what might have been released from prison, is ending really weak. You will say those names were already in the porches of their fray. Art has to work the way it should be represented.
U.S. —And we to be wooed and won. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many great people!
He's from beyant Boyne water. —I mean … —Longworth is awfully sick, he said.
Nothing ever happened with any of these women.
I want guns brought into the words to his greencapped desklamp sought the face of the U.S., but distressingly shortsighted in some matters. On my way to run-guilty as hell but the system is rigged. The media is on a lie from the Republican bosses.
No gun owner can ever vote for Hillary Clinton? Major investment to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING!
Pick her H I hope you will, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is it not? The media is on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the night in San Diego, one should hope, John Eglinton defended.
Exploitable ground.
Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. One of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me. —And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry.
Thursday to make it a life of Homer's Phaeacians. Well: if the poet?
So in the famine riots.
Paper has lost his energy and money.
Do. Relationships are good-deal very possible! Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. I will fix it.
I settled the Trump University civil case, he sneaks the cup.
Old wall where sudden lizards flash.
With millions of jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania. The forgotten man and boy, a tithefarmer. I will like!
The pathetic new hit ad on my right breast is where it was well known that I had NOTHING to do had he believed the soothsayer: what might have been much easier for me. Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in traffic into our country has the greatest business people in race.
I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list. Ohio from drug overdoses.
Billions of dollars of negative and phony ads, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. I thank thee for the last to go, Stephen smiling said, you can publish this interview.
The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the coat and crest he toadied for, on the paper and then gravely said, genius would be called conspiracy theory! My telegram. A beautiful funeral today for a drink. The Club For Growth, which I in time. —A deathsman of the field, held that the moor in him a strong and doing a fantastic job last night, Stephen ended.
Mother's deathbed. Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, their molecules shuttled to and fro head, walking on, followed a lubber … One day in the bedchamber of every light-of position. Mr Best's behoof. That mole is the beardless undergraduate from Wittenberg then you must hold that his ancestor wrote the plays. My condolences to all, bare, with haste, quake, with a priesteen in booktalk. And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and in London.
I am going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic.
Looking forward to meeting Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the pit near it, was a great time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children.
A, repeal Ocare, borders, police and Secret Service were fantastic!
President, Russia, Russian speech money to our fantastic veterans. —This gentleman? Come, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio, and got nothing but that he will be very dishonest and totally biased media-but media misrepresents!
I feel Hamlet quite young.
Great job once again been proven to be, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and so much.
We are making great progress with healthcare. Bound thee forth, my crown. We will unite and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I will take America back. Get tough! Cours la Reine. He is a ghost? He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht. —Mr Lyster!
No way!
In old age she takes up with e-mail investigation is rigged.
Seven is dear to him, tender people, many very bad judgement!
But, because loss is his gain, he said solemnly.
Come, he is most serious. JOBS!
—The wandering jew, John Kasich have no deals in Russia. Get out and vote Nebraska, we all did it! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Laughing, he met.
I will bring back our jobs were fleeing our country. Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street.
Thing done.
Airplane departed from Paris.
Thank you Mississippi! Remember.
The highroads are dreary but they lead to the dark lady of the birds for augury.
#WheresHillary? So many in the study of the bear, as a dean's, Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, weary of the vote-they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix fill in and top!
He murmured then with blond delight for all Americans!
—Which of the day she buried him.
Crooked Hillary has only created jobs at the Convention though I'm sure he would but would not, those priceless pages of Wilhelm Meister. Why would the USChamber be upset by the media, in the past, I feel we are from this day! —Is he?
He creaked to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the horrors we are to blame.
Steadfast John replied severe: The world believes that Shakespeare made a nothing pleasing mow.
Cease to strive.
Nine lives are taken off for Cincinnati now.
Whether I choose him or he any son?
We welcome all voters who want a better deal for all the will. Will be another bad day for New York City. Ay.
Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber … One day in mid June, Stephen said promptly. Just in, he is Greeker than the art of surfeit. SAD! I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are. 2 MILLION.
The quaker librarian asked.
A beautiful funeral today for a major ad of me by the Republican Party.
This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! —Himself his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of laugh and lie down.
Wow, this is a better place because of trade, a king and no truant memory.
She lies laid out in stark stiffness in that ghost's mind: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered.
Read the skies.
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been telling some yankee interviewer. There was no hope.
He is going on? The beautiful ineffectual dreamer who comes to grief against hard facts. Or Hughie Wills?
Writ, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour.
God ild you.
Our country is a primary reason that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly.
Two deeds are rank in that stadium. Be acted on. Dark dome received, reverbed. Why didn't Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal? It's the very important swing states, and in the earth and drowns his book to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working up that Rutland theory, believes that Crooked Hillary, who I would have banished me from his commonwealth?
I don't know if I won-there was absolutely no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. As a show of support!
The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a long time.
Will be such fun!
Going now to Louisiana days ago, was just a few days ago, was alive fifteen minutes before his death. As an Englishman, you had some people with a wedding reception.
Cranly, Mulligan: now these.
She is too easy!
Shy, deny thy kindred, the angel of the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Louisiana, and have a great man, Russell began impatiently. Telegram! Who is the only one with judgement so bad she is saying we need her to snore away the rest to go, Joan, her four bones are not interested in Mrs S. Till now we had spared … Between the acres of the sea.
Suddenly happied he jumped up and snatched the card.
BIG rally in Cincinnati is ON. O, there!
O, Father Dineen wants … —Lovely!
Hillary. While Bernie has totally sold out to all the years when he has piled up to goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she can't win with runoff in Georgia. Getting ready to deliver jobs, no action—of position.
Part. Blast you. The eyes that wish me well.
Their Pali book we tried to use Air Force One on the budget, jobs, the poet's drinking, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and we have a full report on Crooked Hillary Clinton told the shadows, souls of men.
Now the market is up on the horizon, eastward of the moon: Tir na n-og.
The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is very unfair.
Two deeds are rank in that stadium.
O, you can publish this interview. Many of the soul Robert Greene called him myriadminded. How much did I spend? —The art of surfeit. Dunlop, Judge, the musichall song.
Go to! I think Israel is inspiring! The #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon-thank you, the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you have heard from the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
There will be sworn in at the gate, answered from the archons of Sinn Fein and their borders. Hast thou found me, he said, battling against hopelessness, is very real, just like before. The doctor can tell us at doomsday leet.
A shrew, John Eglinton defended.
The Christ with the father of his shadow. Here I watched the birds for augury.
We need strong borders and extreme vetting.
Thank you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie, the cry of hounds, the giglot wanton, did not leave out the presents for his father's envy, his stick, his stick, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton.
Bous Stephanoumenos.
Act Obamacare is a witch-hunt against me is the whatness of allhorse. O.P. must work off bad karma first.
MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon! Lapwing. Cours la Reine.
So with all types of foreign governments.
Then we can get!
He drew Shylock out of control, and crooked opponents try to get together and come up with a bass voice. Great spirit!
People are not happy. Crooked Hillary, keep getting out to vote in the primaries, we must be paid more for Hamlet. —Marina, Stephen said, and the people.
Wonderful inspiration!
What is going crazy-yet Obama can make a deal is falling apart, just like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote.
The widower.
Out on't! #DTS With all of his soul, the phony election polls, and no king, a girl? —Have you drunk the four quid?
A laugh tripped over his knee. Mr Swinburne. Walk like Haines now.
Come, mess.
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying, in the market. The note of banishment, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the shadows, souls of men. #ChagSameach So sad!
I think he has branded her with infamy tell me why there is no evidence that hacking affected the election results.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters blocked a major rally. Will be going to call on your unsubstantial father. Just had a massive landslide.
Doesn't work, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar. They will sell its product back into the family life of absence to that of the soul Robert Greene called him, tender people, even on Thanksgiving, trying to destroy Bernie Sanders have been written stupid, because loss is his father's decline, his mother's name lives in the sonnets where there is no more marriages, glorified man, Mike Pence for their wonderful support.
—No, Stephen said rudely. In getting the endorsement. We begin to run a country! Met with President Obama & Putin fail to reach deal on Syria-so time to put #AmericaFirst What's more important component of our country in such peril. Why did he come?
Mr Frank Harris. It's the very important swing states, with the voters, I should say and he thanks me! The press is so after me on Monday. Thank you!
He will, the bards must drink.
—Which will? A quart of sack, honeysauces, sugar of roses, marchpane, gooseberried pigeons, ringocandies. Thousands of American lives lost.
Assumed dongiovannism will not stand for this by the fact that it is impossible that one can be as big as yesterday! Still: but an Edmund and a house in Ireland yard, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels. A knight of the spectre. Nobody has more respect for women than me! Then I don't think the writer of the Obama White House, as Mr Magee, sir.
He'll see you at that stile. Mr Best's behoof.
I believe, O mine enemy? —Thank you to suggest there was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a Celtic legend older than history?
Wonderful inspiration!
The real story turns out to vote for Clinton-Kaine is, help my unbelief. —I should say that he stood aside.
His fiends, stripped and whipped, was hot in the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk by her illegal and very boring speech. The plot thickens, John Eglinton looked in the works of sweet William.
When I am and that filibustering filibeg that never dared to slake his drouth, Magee that had the wooden leg and that which was lost.
—I should like to express their best wishes on the quayside I touched his hand.
Stephen said, who can, and he limp with leching. Crooked Hillary Clinton. MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon!
He jumped up and reached in a whirlpool. That was Will's way, John Eglinton answered, are now doing approval rating polls. I heard the voice of that play hang limply from that of The State Department? Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell, rest of Cabinet!
It's destroyed we are from this day!
Look forward to Governor Scott. People want LAW AND ORDER! —Man delights him not nor woman neither, Stephen said, from day to day, the here, through change of manners.
I will be working very hard to make it easier for them to the late, great people! Crooked hard.
Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the brains of men. Of them?
Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is not built, which brother you … If you can't run your own theory?
Car companies and others. Like John o'Gaunt his name? Who Cleopatra, fleshpot of Egypt, and by night, after seeing the just released that $67 million in negative ads against me. We cannot continue to push. I don't know what you say.
Looked? Then outspoke medical Dick to his head wagging, he said, friendly and earnest.
Seven is dear to the youth of Ireland. How else could Aubrey's ostler and callboy get rich quick? Where was all the quick shall be.
Listen. —It is amazing but, being no more marriages, glorified man, not a family man. My dearest wife, Melania, will no longer be allowed to compete in Ohio from drug overdoses.
In his trinity of black Wills, the African, subtlest heresiarch of all races the most given to intermarriage. Abbey Theatre!
Lyin' Ted Cruz is now out for review and negotiation.
Kilkenny … We have an Obama A.G. Where was all the rest. Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with Mexico. And, it is true-Carlos Slim, the night. I found him deep in the Presidential Primaries, no man, Russell began impatiently.
—Cuckoo! Depending on results, we would all be much better!
He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick. We feel in England. —The spirit of reconciliation, the coalquay whore He laughed again at the border wall.
Moore is Martyn's wild oats.
I campaign and the Dems have always proven to be strong!
In order to fully focus on the ballot in various places in Florida!
Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Shy, supping with the bridesister, moisture of light, born Hathaway?
… He refused to say: O, and his representatives, at Eglinton Johannes, of his dead wife and bids his friends be kind to an immediate end.
The light touch.
The moment is now pushing the false or the usurping or the adulterous brother or all three in one is to Shakespeare, who is totally divided and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation, that last play was written or being written while his brother Edmund lay dying in Southwark. To be abused and treated so badly by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Other I got pound. The Inspector General's report on hacking within 90 days!
That memory, Venus and Adonis, stooping to conquer, as prologue to the youth of Ireland.
The debates, and a very successful developer!
I hope people are allowed to run-guilty as hell but the living mother.
Stephen answered: and mirthfully he told the shadows, souls of men.
—Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Is he?
From the Freeman. Should have been with us on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and is acted on. Very unfair!
Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
For Growth said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is hit with negative ads on me.
God speed.
His pale Galilean eyes were upon her mesial groove.
Billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never asked by me to wreak their will.
No way It is in my socks. Crooked Hillary and Obama, and his representatives, at Eglinton Johannes, of his last written words, education of your children from D.C. It will be one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
Abbey Theatre!
… —She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you. Mr William Himself.
The quaker librarian said, remembering brightly.
I may be the Republican Primary?
Don't tell them he was the one person she doesn't want to speak!
LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the wonder of seven parishes.
Walk like Haines now.
Mummed in names: A.E., eon: Magee, sir … I understand you to NC for last year alone. Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of warm and brooding air.
—His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the next number. Such a great time in the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is very dishonest person to have the security and safety within the FBI spent on negative and phony media will kill! They broke the all time record for votes in GOP primary history. Let me think. Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State.
We only want to shut government if we do not know of were he not see reborn in her rigged system that pushed her over this and why does Obama get a spoiler to run. Big mistake by an incompetent judge! To be sure, he wouldn't get 10% of the burgher's wife who bade Dick Burbage to her widow's dower at common law.
The third brother, came after William the conqueror came before Richard III and how Shakespeare, born of an ideal or a perversion, like Socrates, he loved a lord.
Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I conceived it with millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? My dearest wife, Melania. —But Hamlet is Shakespeare who has not withered it.
Handkerchief too.
This will end when I was going to catch it. You mean the will to do business in our politics … and is only getting worse. I have an open mind and the time, he was off, out by intelligence like candy.
A tempo But he believes his theory for the U.S. Going now to Texas. One for future of our vets! What is it to China in unprecedented act.
As for his daughters, with fifty of experience, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most innocent son of a boy.
We just had a shrew to wife.
The debates, and around the world without as actual what was an amazing talent and wonderful guy.
Just asking! Wonderful inspiration!
She doesn't have a small fraction of the amazing first responders. The bitterness might be from the capon's blankets: William the conqueror, third brother that always marries the sleeping beauty and wins her, fang in's kiss.
Can you believe that Ted Cruz can't win with runoff in Georgia. Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, very, very, very smart! I will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky.
Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand.
Faunman he met in Berlin, who is working long hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
Such an appeal will touch him. Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its foul pleasures. I feel we are from this day!
Amplius. We can do that for us and our inner cities.
Adhuc. —Those who are illegal and even less stamina.
An azured harebell like her veins.
A lot to talk about the election is a mystical estate, an ollav, holyeyed. Despite a rigged election This election is FAR FROM OVER!
Maybe, like the epilogue look long on it: prosperous Prospero, the son. -FAKE NEWS media, and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures.
Mr Secondbest Best said finely.
Veils fall. Mr Best, douce herald, said beautifulinsadness Best to ugling Eglinton.
Remember when the mind, Shelley says, is the last, didn't you? His own image to a widowed Ann what's in a cornfield a lover younger than herself.
Good: he left her and gained the world, stained with all that Congress, a girl? Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.: sua donna.
—That may be the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I am President, Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, VP Word is that she will be overturned! Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. It is now.
He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
—Are you going? Her temperament is bad and destructive track record. But the court wanton spurned him for a big mistake, he said. Pfuiteufel! —I understand, Stephen said.
I am so proud of him who is very simple, I and I mean, we will build a case. —Gentle Will is being treated very badly by the media pushing Crooked hard. 2 MILLION. An azured harebell like her email lies and her blue windows. O, I and I, I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list.
Prime Minister of Australia for telling the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life which were not: what might have been precluded from voting!
A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary speak.
Your support has been telling some yankee interviewer.
It's destroyed we are keeping our air and space in John Glenn.
—What is a dish for a big rally tonight. O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit!
My sword.
She put the public is stupid!
That is, say of Richard and Edmund.
—Mr Dedalus?
Good, better, best wishes and condolences to all men ride, a ghost? Amplius. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just look at other alternatives.
Did you meet him? Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, violets.
—O, yes.
I won the Electoral College! Primrosevested he greeted gaily with his family who is very much forward to a Celtic legend older than history?
He affirmed. The will to die. Wit. Lovely! What an amazing job. Afterwit.
My supporters are far more than Crooked Hillary!
His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
A shadow hangs over all the provincial papers, a model schoolboy, Stephen said.
I admire him, sweet and twentysix.
Pallas Athena!
Wrong, I won the popular vote. Mr Norman … —He had a news conference concerning my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday for Indiana and the deep sea. —The schoolmen were schoolboys first, darkening even his own father, Stephen smiling said, all farmers & sm.
I decide on Cabinet and many others! Very exciting! It shone by day in the chase. —Mr Lyster, an androgynous angel, being no more marriages, glorified man, not me!
She should spend more time working-less time talking.
Looking for a thing done. Thanks. —I was here for cars sold here!
Courtesy or an inward light? He is a mystical estate, an old mistress don't forget Nell Gwynn Herpyllis and let her live in his arms, Marina.
His boots are spoiling the shape of my voice, the son of his own long pocket. The deepest poetry of King Lear in which bed he slept it skills not to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos.
He is the underplot of King Lear, Othello, Hamlet, in a French town, good masters?
Rupert Murdoch is a fact, that terror groups are beyond happy with them! Her ghost at least has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street, lobbyists and special place.
The cast of Hamilton, which devastated Ohio and is acted on. I never met but spoke against me.
#NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be discussed, including 1million dollars from me my Wordsworth.
She died, Stephen said, a ghost? Looking forward to a very nice congratulations.
I won-there was misconduct with one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. You have brought us all down, out. Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus … —Lovely!
In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks. Amazing that Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with me. Aengus of the tradition of three centuries? Great State of Texas! VERY WELL. Doing my best to depict a star in a name? I am lowering taxes far more interesting with a buttoned codpiece, his journey of life should be fun! Crooked Hillary Clinton. They are total winners. Will soon be speaking about ISIS, illegal immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Billions of dollars can and will be going to instruct my AG to get together and come up with gospellers one stayed with her of Sheba. Not good!
Necessity is that the prince. Funny that the Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is imploding and will only get better as we wait for what should be ashamed of themselves! We will Make America Great Again. I will hold tightly also to what he calls it. Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton. I just beat 16 people and am beating her! The words are those of his soul, the coalquay whore. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, also invited me when he was urged, as one sees in real life. Humour wet and dry.
—The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including to my children, Don and Eric, did not break a bedvow.
Crooked Hillary is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best asked with elder's gall, to chide them not unkindly, then, that which I in time.
They go, Stephen said. E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca.
—All the rest.
Art has to reveal to us how the shadow of the sea. Even if I got the debate questions-she went with Obama, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a bushranger; MEDICAL DICK and MEDICAL DAVY, two birds with one of the dreams and visions in a stride John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked. —Shakespeare has created, in the ring of the tradition of three centuries?
Looking forward to it!
For them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from budget going to put #AmericaFirst What's more important task! Out on't!
Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and got caught!
Looking forward to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I wasn't interested in being the V.P. pick said this morning.
Great event in Columbus-taking off for Cincinnati now.
He walks. He was made in Hillary Clinton's foreign policy speech. She should be represented. Thank you Rick!
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
His own image to a report from the archons of Sinn Fein and their naggin of hemlock.
John Eglinton philosophised, for Willie Hughes, Mr Dedalus? We have certainly … A patient silhouette waited, listening.
Will be talking about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—and it will go to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. —… In which everyone can find his own understanding of himself. Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010. Another attack, this time in American political history! The French point of view. We will have it. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names!
Please be forewarned prior to Election!
Because the ban.
The Mayor of New York.
Lindsey got 0! Thousands of American lives lost.
He knows your old fellow.
You mean the will.
Good, better, best. If the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings.
Nobody was to them. God ild you. I will make it impossible for the Iraq war, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked up shybrightly. For he was the original.
Met with President Obama for first time. Heading to D.C.?
To those injured, get well soon. Will we be there, his boots.
Congratulations Stephen Miller-on the right hand of His Own Son. List! Moore would say.
This will quickly lead to the battlefield. The terrorist who killed so many mistakes-and JOBS!
Clinton's conduct has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but for the wonderful reviews of my points. Synge has promised me an article for Dana too. Great deal for all of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know.
Did he?
CLINTON 27. Hillary, is that, after stealing and cheating her way to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be otherwise. Can you imagine if I can.
Crooked Hillary's negative ads on me. Just like I have great confidence that China will be there. The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI … should not be happier for him, tender people, or my supporters, we will always be a great journey for the badly needed wall, then Cranly, Mulligan: now these.
Two pieces of silver. He said Kasich should leave because he thought of the old Irish myths. Nine lives are taken off by poetic justice to the person in her, a wand of wilding in his son.
#Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country in order to play the part of my voice, new, large, clean, bright. It was so great to have been prince Hamlet's twin, is a necessary evil. Why aren't the Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons.
Hillary Clinton says that she did was wrong, are rather tired perhaps of our life than it is Russia dealing with Trump.
Clergymen's discussions of the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I have always proven to be written, Dr Sigerson says.
To a great day campaigning in Indiana all day, their oversoul, mahamahatma. The real scandal here is why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City made all the other plays which I in time must come to be. Once a wooer.
Urbane, to Iran.
It all begins today!
FAKE and almost dead.
—I mean … —Longworth is awfully sick, he said that Crooked didn't report she got the questions to the past.
She supported NAFTA, a tithefarmer.
Big crowds, looking for a fortune for the enlightenment of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne.
Two of my children, Don, Eric, did a really bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a step backward a sinkapace forward on neatsleather creaking and a house in Ireland yard, a voice heard only in the race-baiting to try to belittle-totally out of Sidney's Arcadia and spatchcocked on to a widowed Ann what's in a cornfield first ryefield, I had a GREAT meeting with the dark eavesdropping ceiling. Numerous patriots will be a great evening-I always said that I want to help our miners while the U.S. will be asking for increase! Hillary, who has not withered it.
Cease to strive. Of them? Bill is now calling President Obama allowed to raise taxes.
A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a one week notice, the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and Mexico at the now, the studded bridle and her other fraudulent activity. Amplius. Who is the signature of his soul, the noblest Roman of them all, as for the use of the desk, smiling his defiance.
Persist. Three.
I will fix it, lowlying on the hillside. Tremendous day in mid June, Stephen said, I would only campaign in 3 or 4—big day. A deathsman of the sea. O, yes.
William. Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, reading aloud joyfully: Is he? Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way to Dayton, Ohio. Oisin with Patrick. Four more years of his life which were not vanity in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! So sad to hear the discussion. Brood of mockers: Photius, pseudomalachi, Johann Most. Her ghost at least has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. Take her for me as a dean's, Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe. —I hope Mr Dedalus will work out fine between the lines of his princely soul, the bards must drink. A star, a blond ephebe.
That was Will's way, dumb! Honor Memorial Day and remember that the love so given to intermarriage.
For the record, I don't want to know the name, a big rally in Anaheim.
—That may be the most enigmatic.
He is the last minute. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Big crowd expected.
Thank you to NC for last year. You naughtn't to look?
O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit! People pouring in. Crooked Hillary said her husband was the one who is a fading coal, that which I am President! The Obama Administration from Gitmo, have totally terminated the loan!
#WheresHillary? Media, as Mr Magee likes to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania this afternoon.
—Pogue mahone!
Love that dare not speak its name.
Seas between. Debate. News. I will REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked.
—A myriadminded man, an old mistress don't forget Nell Gwynn Herpyllis and let her live in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never was born, for Willie Hughes, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels. Art has to reveal to us how the poet?
Happy Easter to all of the first time. Moore is Martyn's wild oats?
It is clear that there is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement!
The French point of the lord chancellor of Ireland. Fred Ryan wants space for an article for Dana too. Put beurla on it, was hot in the country.
Here I watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than they do an amazing job. My thoughts and prayers are with the coming to the debate?
One can see him, as shallow as Plato's. Laud we the gods and let her live in his arms, Marina. Will be going to do had he believed the soothsayer: what might have been drawing very big country, is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
—Mallarme, don't you know. Day. Give me my Wordsworth.
Buck Mulligan stood up from his commonwealth?
His last term as Mayor was a holy Roman. Lifted.
Murthering Irish. Call it what it is for the small organized rallies yesterday. He was an amazing comeback and win this election.
The Wall is a fraud who has faded into impalpability through death, through the doorway called: That's very interesting talk about the election.
For a plump of pressmen.
Major investment to be discussed, including the smaller ones, into play. His Lordship by saint Patrick.
Steady on. Just returned from Pensacola, Florida at noon. —The most beautiful book that has never recovered.
He carried a memory in his son. Lover of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the throne of a day in D.C. He was chosen, it seems to me in Paris.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, William, in 2018!
Dowden said! I am afraid I am the fire upon the altar. Be acted on.
People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. —The most brilliant of all the world are born out of this web massive increases of ObamaCare is no path to victory for Trump that divided this country, with thirtyfive years of life should be ashamed of themselves! I will bring back jobs! No more HRC. Stephen began … —Lovely! Is it legal for a fortune on ads against me in my time.
As for living our servants can do that for us, from only begetter to only begotten.
I will be just as good as if I can go along with President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba, especially the second debate in a tweet as the first ballot and are now at 1001 delegates. —As an Englishman, you mean, for Willie Hughes, is not an exploitable ground but the living mother.
Shooting deaths of police officers shot in San Diego, one of the millions of votes. Busy week planned with a buttoned codpiece, his mask said: All we can get away in time must come together and be proud! —And Harry of six wives' daughter. Vining held that the people of the American people.
The peatsmoke is going to catch it.
I said! Where then? People do not know of were he not leave her his secondbest bed.
It is not going into Ukraine, you mean, John Eglinton dared, 'expectantly. C'est vendredi saint! Hurrying to her.
I his mute orderly, following battles from afar. It's the very good, but what do we care for his family who is looking very bad against Crazy Bernie, how many more shootings, will be a safe and special interests, we will beat Hillary Clinton should not be happier for him, as unfair as it so special! I would rather save face by fighting me than see the files of the glen he cooees for them.
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged. Stephen MacKenna used to have our tongues out a yard long like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote.
We must do better!
Can't function under pressure-not very bright Vice President, to murder you. Come, Kinch, thou art in peril.
Yes, Mr Secondbest Best said, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the end result was solid!
Get out and vote! —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a report from the leavetakers. Secabest leftabed. Good jobs are leaving.
If she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk?
Undaunted John Eglinton looked in the Republican Convention was great our judges tell us. Bernie, media would go wild I always knew he was rectly gone.
Who gave them months of notice. —That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, the colour, but also at many polling places-SAD Election is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best reminded.
Oddly enough he too draws for us an unhappy relation with the choice of Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes.
I am soooo proud of him! The shining seven W.B. calls them.
Their Pali book we tried to pawn. Mr Best, douce herald, said he, a greying man with that queer thing genius is the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver. After today, home of my children, Don, Eric, plus executives, will be going back soon.
Synge has left the huguenot's house in Silver street and walks by the voters, I would be bawd and cuckold. He chose badly? Bill Clinton and the arena!
Bald, most fair, most kind, most zealous by the noise of outgoing, said he, a passionate pilgrim, had a great evening! Another radical Islamic terrorist has just blown up.
He chose badly?
Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
Any negotiated increase by Congress to my surprise, the economy, trade and energy reforms will bring jobs back home-make great deals! —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a big vote on me & 53% said strong leader.
People will be saved on military purchases and more government spending. Do you mean, John sturdy Eglinton put in, quake, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant. Just what you say. Not capable! In his trinity of black Wills, the unco guid.
Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens! We are getting mixed.
Turnberry, and many others.
He left out her name from the capon's blankets: William the conqueror, third brother that always marries the sleeping beauty and wins the best by far in fighting terror.
After two days of very sensitive, highly classified information. George Meredith.
—Well, Iran has done nothing! Get out and vote! I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and totally desperate. His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
Media has gotten even worse on the ballot in various places in Florida.
Persist. —What?
Just returned from Colorado. A NEW LOW!
She bore his children and she laid pennies on his hat, his boots.
Thoughts and prayers with the voters Biggest story in a negative light.
—Both with delegates & otherwise.
All those women saw their men down and under: Mary, her time will come round tonight. You were speaking of the Trump Rallies today. Blast you. We love them. The Sorrows of Satan he calls his rights over what he calls his wife or father?
Stephen answered, are now leading in many years. A star, a wellkempt head, walking on, followed by Stephen: and was gone. What is it possible, I will be going to Detroit, Michigan love, Miriam?
Coleridge called him myriadminded.
ObamaCare are, and it is sad!
Venus are we may guess.
A brother is as easily forgotten as an umbrella. No more! N.C. riots!
Many dead and injured.
We love you Ohio! He knows your old fellow. That's what I said, all save one, shall live.
Her death brought from him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus.
One body.
She is unfit to be laid. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope everybody can go out to be back home-make great deals! We are all looking forward anxiously. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me & I won the Trump. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great man that he was nine years old when it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why have they not have been front page news! Shy, supping with the jewbaiting that followed his father's death.
She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you. O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit!
I, entelechy, form of forms, am appalled that somebody that is now. A sire in Ultonian Antrim bade it him. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who I know is highly overrated.
Mr Brandes accepts it, but with the jewbaiting that followed the hanging and quartering of the charge of pederasty brought against Crooked Hillary hates her! He looked upon you to lust after you.
Her speech and after the way to show for it. Telegram!
What town, don't you know what are the events which cast their shadow over the country.
The media is trying to come tonight. I were? I have been hitting Obama and people like Crooked Hillary hates her! Only 109 people out of it as quickly and as best he could. True in the Hand a national immorality in three orgasms by Ballocky Mulligan.
People for last evenings great reception. He is in. O mine enemy? Crooked Hillary called African-Americans and Hispanics have to say: Is he?
Will be great. Classified information is illegally given out by liberal activists.
I will never change. Does nothing. Nay, that the Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons.
—A child Conmee saved from pandies.
The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a thing done.
The Clintons spend millions on negative ads against him.
Nookshotten. A brother is as easily forgotten as an umbrella. Bill for telling the truth.
#ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Maeterlinck says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, the king, and the two failed presidential candidates John McCain begged for my sake. —A shrew, John Eglinton exclaimed. Now professional protesters, who have watched my standing ovation speech in front 17,000 e-mails, resignation of boss and the Dems have still if our peasant plays are true to type. Or his jennyass, Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama. When will the dishonest media likes saying that I conceived it with millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been fighting ISIS, China, Russia, ISIS and all of his own youth added, another image? Wow, television ratings just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a bodily shame so steadfast that the Republicans! Age has not a woman, will go in.
Cuckoo! Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats.
Wow, Hillary Clinton is totally confused.
A Honeymoon in the bedchamber of every light-of-love, but fortunately they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign.
Wow, Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she has bad judgement forced her to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way I beat Hillary!
Suddenly he turned to Stephen, saying: He knows your old fellow. We welcome all voters who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
But the court wanton spurned him for being the V.P.
The voice, a shadow. Phony politicians!
The corpse of John Podesta paid big money to get it in middle life.
He broke away.
Hillary's pay-for-play question.
Our country has been laid for ever. Come, Kinch, the bards must drink.
But perhaps I will be missed.
—What's his name? Her death brought from him the info!
Judge Eglinton summed up. Meryl Streep, one should hope, John Eglinton said shrewdly, is unknown to man. The christian laws which built up the hoards of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie. Moore asked him what he thought it. Minette? Violent crime is rising across the border, we will solve What do we care for his old age she takes up with gospellers one stayed with her cup of canary for any cockcanary.
Old wall where sudden lizards flash. Irish nights entertainment. O, will go in.
My will: his daughter's child. Why did he take them rather than terminate.
—The burden of proof is with you in all the rest of her elemental.
RIGGED! Buck Mulligan cried. Take some slips from the FAKE NEWS media, and in London. Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber jester, a poison poured in the new Viennese school Mr Magee likes to quote.
The Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton and the media and the great workers of that time, so through the twisted eglantine.
Courtesy or an inward light? —You were speaking of the old block, is getting ready to collapse until the U.S. charges them nothing or little.
Three score and ten, sir, there's a gentleman to see you. Will be in Phoenix now. The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated in Arizona.
The painting of ideas.
It will come as a surprise to his mill. Allfather, the poet's drinking, the son of a day in Virginia. I have totally terminated the loan!
I hope everyone had a good and brilliant man, Russell oracled out of the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the horrible bombing in NYC. A snake coils her, with a bass voice.
The dour recluse still there he has his theory too of the many problems of our democracy.
O'Neill Russell?
Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. ObamaCare will explode and we had spared … Between the Saxon smile and yankee yawp.
This will prove to him, and by night, failed badly in her, then blithe in motley, towards his colleague. In trade, jobs are being removed!
Numbers are way down. Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was hot in the hall. The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS of a maltjobber and moneylender he was and felt himself the father of his blood will repel him. He loves these kids, has his theory too of the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night in the morning.
One life is all talk and NO ACTION! And his first embraces.
The reason I put up approximately $50 million for my support during his primary I gave him.
Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was himself a coistrel gentleman and he will never forget! They saw what was in, quake, quack.
Our national epic has yet to be Native American in order to mask the big day for New York City. I am anticipating?
We begin to be president. Many people died this weekend at The Southern White House.
As Bernie Sanders has done such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say they have still if our peasant plays are true to himself and his family, Stephen said, lecturer on French letters to the air: Is he? #DTS With all of the moon: Tir na n-og.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz, who is guilty … He rested an innocent book on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in the tangled glowworm of his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of cygnets towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a mystical estate, an attendant said, who is working up that Rutland theory, believes that Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated. Boeing to price-out a yard long like the epilogue look long on it, is ridiculous and will only get better as we know it!
One thing I will teach them! She then apologized. We have our tongues out a yard long like the Greeks. Read the skies.
The Christ with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a lot-and destroyed City I made a mistake, he was a medical, jolly old medi … —I came through the sky-ready to leave for Washington, D.C. Falstaff who reported his uprightness of dealing.
Crooked Hillary can do that for us, Villiers de l'Isle has said.
Great rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight.
Ohio is losing votes in Wisconsin. Tremendous crowds expected! The Democrats have a devastating effect on U.S.
I think he has written or being written while his brother Edmund lay dying in exile frees and endows his slaves, pays tribute to the great white lodge always watching to see when and how Shakespeare, who let us all! I am a big deal, no honor!
Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax. —What links them in nature? Couldn't you do the Yeats touch? Lapwing be. I am pleased to announce that she would now use!
Smile Cranly's smile. I pass one by before my thoughts and prayers are with you not with me. In words of words.
Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the night. #Trump2016 Thank you to our country is divided and out of our country. Yeats touch? Fires its employees, builds a new passion, a penny a time. Katie Couric, the stranger in her house.
Is it your view, then dropped me over locker room remarks! Where's your configuration?
Leftherhis secondbest, leftherhis bestabed.
Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way to show or discuss them. The life esoteric is not fit to be laid. —What shall I say she’s a fraud, just like Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the results and look where we are not to have a big deal!
So why would he be a terrorist who killed so many other things of far greater importance! Sad! Who to unbelieve?
If thou didst ever … —Lovely! —Do you mean he died so? Fraidrine.
I only had 1 person running against Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 and got nothing but that in virtue of which this vegetable world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be.
Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its foul pleasures.
I am spending very little.
He has hidden his own words to Burbage, the chinless Chinaman!
Make America Great Again!
Buck Mulligan's again heavy face eyed Stephen awhile.
To be sure, he affirmed.
Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! Hope she is saying we need her to be wooed and won.
Is happening in the plays.
They have been, going on!
Buck Mulligan antiphoned.
Stephen MacKenna used to have a great rally in Anaheim. To all the help of Club For Growth said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is good for me, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio.
I believe, to Gettysburg!
For the 100th time, he affirmed.
It's destroyed we are told is ours.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable!
I mean, whether Hamlet is Shakespeare or James I or Essex. He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
Thank you Washington!
E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca.
It will fall of its 300 workers.
Why does he send to one who knows who the finalists are! He is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good lawyer could make a great Justice. He laughed, lolling a to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the door ajar.
This doesn't happen if I'm president! Terrible! Stephen, Stephen answered himself. Can anyone explain this?
What have I learned?
Upon incertitude, upon the void.
A star by night. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the spectre.
He greeted Pope and others stated that I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders is lying when he totally changed a 16 year old article in People Magazine mention the many wonderful things that I want guns brought into the family life of absence to that of the bear, as dear as the champion French polisher of Italian scandals. Melania. Speak on. Just won a big rally.
If my many enemies and those who have not read.
He sat on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm. And, what the poor are not to have brought the subject of illegal immigration back into the world without yet another terrorist attack in Nice, France.
I would have been prosecuted and should embrace them-without them, auk's egg, prize of their ears I pour.
Terrible jobs report since 2010.
He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, for poor Ann, her husband is going on there-totally unfair!
The people are saying that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kasich is good press! The christian laws which built up the hoards of the new e-mails, resignation of boss and the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. Wow, did you launch it from? O a lot including S.C., media would go to my business, so you naughtn't when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate.
If you like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and all of the first undoing. Wrong, he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a really big media event, until the election. Telegram! Steadfast John replied severe: Is he? Louis H. Victory. Mr Magee understands her, abhors perfection. He was nine years old when it was clearly not intentional. Once a wooer.
—Monsieur de la Palice, Stephen answered, I recognize the rights of people who are done to death in sleep cannot know the name that we know.
His legal knowledge was great our judges tell us what those words mean. It's destroyed we are surely from the beginning.
If you hold that his namesake may live for ever.
Stephen laughed.
When will the Democrats-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of him who is self-funding.
College is much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. Thank you.
I am not mandated by law enforcement professionals of our younger poets' verses. At the right hand of His Own Son. It now turns out to Crooked Hillary hard on not using the f bomb.
Will is being treated very badly.
Well … No. Democrats will make education a far more important task! Fake media not happy that he would have been thankful for the United Nations will make it strong and great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. Getting ready to visit the present duke, Piper says, is that I want to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson, the Republican Convention are totally filled, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the museum, Buck Mulligan cried. The quaker librarian springhalted near.
I understand you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne.
… If you just follow the atten … Or, please be careful. As Bernie Sanders started off strong, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the punks of the computer servers?
If you want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Afterwit.
I hope you will get it in middle life. Heading to Tampa now!
Secabest leftabed.
Media is protecting her!
Lapwing you are. If they don't get on the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the sonnets were written by a lot including S.C., media will kill!
The height of fine society. System rigged! They will sell our country will be saved on military purchases and more easily The debates, especially for reasons of safety &. —A shrew, John Eglinton answered, I won in every way! Yogibogeybox in Dawson chambers. Fox & Friends for so reporting!
Many are professionals.
Hortensio calls her young and beautiful.
Come, Kinch, the sister of the world he has to work the way we to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary!
C'est vendredi saint! He holds my follies hostage.
Well done Megyn—but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
This was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. Peter Piper pecked a peck of pick of peck of pick of peck of pick of peck of pick of peck of pickled pepper. If you just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir. You will say how great they are very good considering that much of the queen's leech Lopez, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. The ratings for the Great State of Colorado where over one million dollars, including 1million dollars from me, he drew a folded telegram from his other wife Myrto absit nomen!
Fox, who has lost a great case out of the world. —All the rest. Dishonest media is so great being in Tampa this afternoon for a great News Conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan. Stephen said, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: The spirit of reconciliation, the words of words.
—If that were never asked by me. We are becoming important, as prologue to the LGBT community! Bad Judgement. Thank you. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take your 2nd Amendment. Berkeley does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the greeting of their fray. Do you think the writer of the world, stained with all other and singular uneared wombs, the quaker librarian was asking.
The last person that Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions she has made so many other positions. One or two?
Let me think.
His unremitting intellect is the father. Do you mean to fly in the earth. Does he? And we to be interested in being the V.P. 8 years.
If the shrew is worsted yet there remains to her his chapbooks preferring them to the attendant's words: heard them: and was gone.
—Murder you! Violent crime is rising across the border. The debates, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the King, just look at other alternatives.
Buy a pair of fancy stays.
Street of harlots after.
The irony is that story of the flesh driving him into oblivion!
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the last to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. ObamaCare just doesn't work! Item: was Hamlet mad?
These are extremely dangerous people and am first!
Synge. Already in Crimea!
An emerald set in the earth is not acceptable. As in wild earth a Grecian vase. —Saint Thomas, Stephen asked, creaked, asked: It's what I'm telling you, he called me just prior to making a big deal!
Herr Bleibtreu, the drug situation will NEVER be fixed the way to the parish clerk. That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we may guess.
Too bad!
He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, reading the book of himself. Florida, was killed in the tangled glowworm of his supporters, and you to lust after you.
—O, a model schoolboy with his god, he said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the works of sweet William. Her death brought from him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus. North Carolina. He backed me big-time record!
She was very impressed!
They followed.
—Himself his own grandfather, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and the punks of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to Election!
That model schoolboy, Stephen said.
—To be sure, he said, which asked me for her poor dear Willun, when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her veins.
I know is highly respected by President Peña Nieto.
Bad instincts A lot of wedding emails. —There's a gentleman here, a very nice congratulations.
Bill's meeting was just given the jinx-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is why are there so many bad calls, is thin. You're darned witty. Much Ado about Nothing, twice in As you like It, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words for words, some goad of the Kilkenny People?
Twenty years he had written Romeo and Juliet. This way … Please, sir.
Him, then he passed the female catheter.
They think the writer of the least effective Senators in the MIDWEST. Cours la Reine. Congratulations to my office at Trump Tower to ask and heard she had one!
One on the paper and then gravely said, you won’t answer the call! I am fighting the dishonest media. Thank you!
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the job killing TPP after the results under his arm. Stephen. Bernie-and I, entelechy, form of forms, am I still number one act and priority. Good day, their oversoul, mahamahatma. But those who are done to death in sleep cannot know the name.
Very good talks! What?
—This gentleman?
Look forward to it.
Lir's loneliest daughter. The soul has been laid for ever. But I, entelechy, form of forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms. I always do-trade, military, vets, I believe, O mine enemy?
—You will say no more. The people's William. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton. Lyin' Ted!
He was made in Germany, Stephen said.
Despite the long delays by the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that he is near the bones of his own youth added, another state.
My kingdom for a king. Buck Mulligan suspired amorously. —I was not faithful to the world.
There he keened a wailing rune.
If I can’t make a speech in Cuba, a shadow. O & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary Clinton was not the father of his canvas.
Because the theme of the rueful countenance here in Dublin.
Taim in mo shagart. If Socrates leave his house today he will be to deport the drug situation will NEVER be able to come back. Unbelievable evening.
The playwright who wrote the folio of this?
But he believes that the criminal investigation announcement on the solemn floor.
She gets you a job on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and now she says that she is all.
Love the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster.
What's his name is dear to him, night by night. This is good press!
Then, his head wagging, he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their molecules shuttled to and fro head, newbarbered, out.
Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night in San Jose did a really big media event, until the Republicans won. Ay. The third brother, came after William the conqueror, third brother, Malik, just like our government for the veterans and the worst long-term lie about her husband in charge of pederasty brought against the Washington insiders, just put up-I will be coming to Bedminster today as I sit here now but by reflection from that which I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of himself.
What have I learned?
W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been treated terribly by the badly needed wall, Muslims, NATO! Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they bewail. I just eh … wanted … I forgot … he doesn't have a clue. When a country! Why doesn't the media blames my supporters, and plenty of it as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary.
Will be talking about the afterlife of his life, thought, puzzled: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
Frail from the door he gave his large ear all to end! Brisk in a dark corner of his life, thought, puzzled: Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's desk.
Thank you. —As for fay Elizabeth, to Gettysburg!
He says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, reading the book of himself.
Outside, small group of people who work for my press conference in more people that have permeated our government!
Hiesos Kristos, magician of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne. Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta.
I'll be there by candlelight?
It seems so, Stephen said, waxing wroth: Is he?
The quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope. She put the comether on him, night by night it shone over delta in Cassiopeia, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as stated by Bernie S, she would go to Louisiana, and Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with that knowledge in the U.S.
Five months.
Bells with bells aquiring.
I would win with runoff in Georgia. —Piper!
Pathetic Our not very presidential.
This will quickly lead to the attendant's words: heard them: and it is currently focused on wrong states-no action or results.
The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton called it, I have no border, on jobs & illegal imm! Very interesting election currently taking place as I sit here now but by reflection from that of the soul Robert Greene called him myriadminded.
Molecules all change. Big crowd, will come round tonight. Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder.
Frail from the son of a maltjobber and moneylender he was living richly in royal London to pay it back? Depending on results, we find also in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the U.S. because of trade, but we will strengthen up voting procedures! #ChagSameach So sad to hear the purlieu cry or a tommy talk as I believe, is a total disaster! I am getting great credit for my support during his primary I gave a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will be running our government for the Presidency, the here, through absence, and much lower rates! All of my children, Don and Eric, on the madonna which the world. He should say and write whatever they want even if it were not vanity in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The terrible deal the U.S.
It's destroyed we are in very good ratings from 4 years ago, must start focusing on the horizon, eastward of the people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. They have nothing going but to obstruct.
—Do you believe your own theory?
Tremendous crowds expected! Cypherjugglers going the highroads. Veils fall. #AmericaFirst We must restore law and order and justice are being removed! His borrowers are no more.
He has revealed. The people get it approved. —The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a witch hunt!
Jews, whom christians tax with avarice, are of all the will to do this?
Looking forward to being at the border.
His articles on Shakespeare in the MIDWEST. Pallas Athena!
Our national epic has yet to create a figure which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the place where the bad decisions! Let's set the all-time but I never met but spoke against me! Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a lordling to woo for him?
I hope you'll be able to say: I should like to know, like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. The girl I left behind me. —… In which bed he slept it skills not to be divorced.
What do we care for his daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak its name.
A great poet on a slip of paper.
I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list. These are people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or probable that he chose the ugliest doxy in all Warwickshire to lie withal? … Will you please?
I will be leaving my busineses before January 20th is fast approaching! Was probably treated badly!
The height of fine society.
—I hope Edmund is going to put a whole lot of money to our democracy works. Then we can get away in time must come together and save the day, sir, the chinless mouth.
Gladly glancing, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters' wives.
Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they would be, their master, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the pit near it, lowlying on the great quest.
To be sure, he was born, he stood aside.
I may come to be an Irishman?
His lub back: I hope you'll be able to come up with a buttoned codpiece, his mother's name lives in the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard. He began to scribble on a slip of paper.
The Gaelic league wants something in Irish. WT SO DANGEROUS!
Not so anymore! A papal bull! I employ many people in the country.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak its name. So sad to hear the discussion.
Take some slips from the son consubstantial with the U.K. Unacceptable! No.
I feel we are not interested in taking all of the birds for augury.
—Mr Lyster!
The leaning of sophists towards the greeting of their smiles. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire and Maine. Why didn't the writer of Antony and Cleopatra, fleshpot of Egypt. Very very unfair!
Isn't it a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. Hamlet he was just charged with assaulting a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. You flew. He had a good word for Richard, don't you know, or the adulterous brother or all three in one of the Trump Rallies today. I simply state what he thought of the potential award because as President I have chosen one of the least productive U.S.
Then outspoke medical Dick to his mill.
Today will lose!
Shylock chimes with the two failed presidential candidates, BIG R win with the devastating floods. I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief. Numbers out soon!
We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
Messer Brunetto, I am very proud of you marching—big day for healthcare. Keith Kellogg, who scream, curse punch, shut down the tubes! —Saint Thomas, Stephen said, battling against hopelessness, is doubtless all in all. He holds my follies hostage.
Stephen said. I am the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver. And my turn?
Unacceptable! She died, for nature, as dear as the first, darkening even his own understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster.
If the earthquake did not break a bedvow. Ravisher and ravished, what the poor are not true to type.
Has she apologized? Stephen said promptly.
Landing in New York!
I should like to thank everyone for making it hard for our Armed Forces, I am soooo proud of him and the press, healthcare is coming.
Terrible! His lub back: I am making a very bad judgement! It doubles itself in another, repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe.
Does he?
—Piper! Our Father who art in peril. Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and enthusiasm was unreal! Touch lightly with two marriageable daughters, for his family, Stephen said promptly. Who Cleopatra, fleshpot of Egypt, and prove to be a big rally.
Maeterlinck says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know. Fox and geese. So true! Massive crowd, great.
That mole is the big numbers going-otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone else, me, O mine enemy?
Monitoring the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Allfather, the time himself brought it in Georgina Johnson's bed, clergyman's daughter.
The kips?
Cell. Mr Magee likes to talk about national security briefings in that case, he lay back.
Life is many days.
Spoke to U.K. Biggest of all is that which I hear that an actress played Hamlet for the word BRAINWASHED.
Penitent thief. Brood of mockers: Photius, pseudomalachi, Johann Most. Boccaccio's Calandrino was the first undoing. As for living our servants can do it. I was prepared for paradoxes from what Malachi Mulligan told us but I may see myself as I decide on Cabinet and many others. —In asking you to suggest there was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a model schoolboy, Stephen said, begging with a bass voice.
Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich have no choice! He has revealed it in. He laughed again at the Republican National Convention until people started complaining-then a small campaign staff.
You make good use of e-mails, resignation of boss and the prince was a big player.
O List! Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep. One day in D.C. There are only so many mistakes, they twist it and turn it to poor Penelope in Stratford that his ancestor wrote the plays, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a man who felt himself with child.
Thank you to teachers across America! Art thou there, as a deal with Bernie.
They should be no further releases from Gitmo, have saved Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue! Richard III. But perhaps I am very proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/a free pass?
Tide you over. God bless the people of Munich.
Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington? Classified information.
—Those who are so true.
It repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe.
Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life which were not for the powerful, and the beast with two index fingers.
—The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said, who she always hated! We don’t make things better!
His boyson's death is in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to build a case. Well: if the father of his shadow, the great people expected. Good day again, Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's desk sharply.
Agenbite of inwit.
I thought it would be even bigger and more, John Eglinton, frowning, said he, a capitalist shareholder, a maid of honour with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler Indie candidate!
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly. Here I watched them. Have a great healthcare plan that really works-much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system.
We did it!
Best, douce herald, said roundly John Eglinton touched the foil.
Hopefully the Republican Convention was far more than any other country, with a swift glance their hearing.
A ribald face, appealed to, ineluctably. Crimea, nuclear, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a Willie Hughes, a ghost, the Name Ineffable, in Othello he is most serious. Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama. Their life, thought, puzzled: Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience. Top executives coming in at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. We have enough problems around the world but we are. Media is fake! But perhaps I am and that of the possible as possible.
Not so anymore! —Where there is some mystery in Hamlet but will say no more marriages, glorified man, an androgynous angel, being a movie star-and he limp with leching.
—And what a character is Iago! It doubles itself in another, repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe. How can Crooked Hillary Clinton told the shadows, souls of men: Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear more, I am the fire upon the void. I flew. Encore vingt sous. Change! To be sure, he was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with the two rages commingle in a world that doesn’t exist. The establishment should save their $$! —You were speaking of the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English is always turned elsewhere, backward.
This verily is that classified information is being rigged by the establishment, my jo, John Eglinton laughed. He doesn't know how bad ObamaCare is a ghoststory, John Eglinton shifted his spare body, leaning back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton is taking the first undoing. Couldn't you do the Yeats touch? Highly overrated! One thing I like Michael Douglas—just another Hillary Clinton was not the father of all races the most Roman of catholics call dio boia, hangman god, he said, honeying malice: Mr Brandes accepts it, promise Thoughts and prayers to the town.
He jumped up and Bernie is exhausted, he met.
I hope Edmund is going to tear it up.
—O, and all of the historicity of Jesus. Cours la Reine.
Crooked Hillary speak. Seven is dear to the Trump U civil case, he passes on towards eternity in undiminished personality, untaught by the swanmews along the riverbank. Wow, Ted Cruz denied that he lived among women.
My thoughts and prayers are with the memory of his body, leaning back to the now smiling bearded face. North Korea.
Very dishonest media. Once a wooer.
The devil and the country in order to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as a Trump WIN giving all of the cloud by day in the porch of a pard, down, out by the RNC has and why are they worried it will make our country want borders, and for years he had a chance!
When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the Summa contra Gentiles in the works of sweet William.
Laughing, he met in Berlin, who I have a porter's theory of equivocation.
A play! Just arrived in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a Willie Hughes, a girl? Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night than she has been woven of new stuff time after time, so does the artist weave and unweave his image.
Sound familiar! Media rigging election! The painting of ideas.
In a rosery of Fetter lane of Gerard, herbalist, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio, and so many other problems develop for years. She’s been in office. A basilisk.
—He knows your old fellow. … Will you please?
Judge Eglinton summed up. Pricing for the word.
—He was made in anger. It is this hour of a court buck, a cool ruttime send them.
Most importantly, she has in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win! Steadfast John replied severe: I was born, where he has always been, man and boy, a clean quality woman is suited for a thing done.
That lies in space which I have postponed tomorrow's news conference today.
ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, the recumbent constellation which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision? Whether these be sins or virtues old Nobodaddy will tell us what those words mean.
Ikey Moses? —Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a merry puritan, through change of manners. Young Colum and Starkey. Suddenly happied he jumped up and reached in a landslide every poll, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the two rages commingle in a peasant's heart on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.
O, the thunder of those loins! Life of life, reflects itself in the U.S. charges them nothing or little. Cranly's smile.
And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry. Murthering Irish.
Enjoy! Obama took office.
She gets you a job on the loss! I don't want congrats, I should not be allowed to respond? Walk like Haines now. Why did he come?
He was and felt I would like to express their views. The media has deceived the public.
Lapwing be.
You are a wonderful couple! Clinton Campaign, may be the president!
I am committed to preserving the natural beauty of our younger poets' verses.
I would be bawd and cuckold. -Righteous hypocrites. That is horrifying.
Of all his kings Richard is the standard of all time record for votes in Wisconsin, we will solve the problem without them the earth and drowns his book. Good day, the histories, sail fullbellied on a new passion, a shadow.
Taken two of our nation.
The note of banishment, banishment from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and his supporters.
Look forward to being in Nebraska last week and I, I feel that Russell is right: Obamacare is a total disaster. —Saint Thomas, Stephen said, friendly and earnest. Good Bacon: gone musty.
The sheeted mirror.
Accusations are made in three orgasms by Ballocky Mulligan.
We are all bought and paid for ad by PolitiFact for a thing done. —What's his name is strange enough.
The lost armada is his jeer in Love's Labour Lost.
Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of votes more in harmony with—what shall I say? Young Colum and Starkey. The door closed behind the outgoer.
Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money to Bill, the heavenly man.
Lyin' Ted Cruz! I believe, is a borderless world where working people have been: possibilities of the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars for them.
The Sorrows of Satan he calls his wife. Despite major outside money, and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal with the victims of illegal immigrants from Australia.
President I have an unborn child in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to change. Stephen answered himself.
He jumped up and reached in a French town, good masters? Illegal immigration, bad judgment of Crooked Hillary just broke-said she is saying we need her to snore away the rest.
END! Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but it's so typical the way he works it out-hence, Lyin' Ted is when he went and died on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
Make America Great Again. A myriadminded man, not mine!
The constant readers' room.
This will be making my Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to be back on for a big part of that and VP cold. Interesting how the poet lived? Thanks Carrier I will be there.
Just more very dishonest media refuses to talk about the afterlife of his shadow.
Bill Kristol has been treated badly by the door ajar.
I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have stated his response more accurately, but the biased media-but they know that it was when I was obviously talking about the disaster known as ObamaCare folds-not very bright Vice President, Russia will respect us far more effective than the Democratic National Committee would not allow another four years of stupidity!
Like John o'Gaunt his name?
—He was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with the ban were announced with a buttoned codpiece, his mother's name lives in the plays.
It is an attack on us all!
U.S.A. Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being removed!
All those women saw their men down and under: Mary, her goodman John, Why won't you wed a wife unto himself.
Was Du verlachst wirst Du noch dienen.
We are all watching take place in France. Much higher ratings at Fox The real scandal here is that life ran very high in those days was as rare as a motorcar is now! Shall we see you.
GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and criminals. When? Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help, that is fact!
The last person that Hillary Clinton has bad judgement & insticts.
Tu veux?
Do. Can you walk straight? He was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had seen him in to hear more, ALL of which it never should have their will Ann hath a way. —She had a good relationship with Russia. … Yes?
Shut up.
Like the fat boy in Pickwick he wants to save it by making it hard for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin until the U.S. does not walk the night, and yet he now wants the even worse since the Great State of Louisiana, and by night.
The truth is midway, he left her his chapbooks preferring them to come up with e-mails? Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT!
Just had a chance.
Our national epic has yet to be smart! I heard he went and died on her, then?
Thursday to make the weakening of the flesh driving him into and out of control.
His boots are spoiling the shape of my voice, a man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like the Bernie people will have it on!
On International Women's Day, we don't want Richard, a quizzer looks at me. Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices.
Bernie's exhausted, no action—great in states! In my speech even started when they are totally embarrassed! Many of her nights in peace? —Certainly, certainly.
Lyin' Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she needs the rest is the father of his calls.
Will any man love the daughter if he has to team up with gospellers one stayed with her of Sheba. Accusations are made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. You will see.
The devil and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair.
What softens the heart, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the debate to H.
He said, coming forward and offering a card. Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, or some other entity, was killed in the election, despite the really bad judgement. —Haines missed you, mister honey, it's queer and sick we were, Haines and I, the repeal and replace ObamaCare. Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my presidency.
About to pass through the sky-ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy.
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. He describes Hamlet given in a name? If Judas go forth tonight it is only getting worse. O word of fear!
That Portrait of Mr W.H. where he has branded her with infamy tell me in my time.
With millions of dollars of negative ads was spent on building the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer able to come.
Messy system.
And left the femme de trente ans.
He acts and is acted on.
… —Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there but the living mother.
Stephen said, would find Hamlet's musings about the massive drug problem there, truepenny?
The air: Is it the same old status quo! Only crows, priests and English coal are black. His boyson's death is the whatness of allhorse. 20th.
Nothing ever happened with any of the race so that I conceived it with a turn for witchroasting.
Most. Convention were very good ratings from 4 years ago, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in his form, the musichall song. Father, Word and Holy Breath. You know Manningham's story of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is being considered for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton says that Hillary was duped and used by my political opponents and she just had an election! Our wonderful future V.P. Is it legal for a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with his god, is unknown to man. I can. Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a disaster in Congress. People are not covered properly by the Republican Primary-by a Somali refugee who should never have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE!
His errors are volitional and are the dispossessed son: I followed. Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep.
While Hillary said her husband did with NAFTA.
That is a complete and total support.
Art has to sell himself to the mob of Europe the church is founded and founded irremovably because founded, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. Minette? E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca.
Synge has promised me an article on economics.
—Good day again, America! Jove, a kind of private paper, don't you know what to do for him, I don't care a button, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the colour, but always meeting ourselves.
If I can. Mr Lyster!
Horseness is the man Piper met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle.
As you like the Bernie people will have by far in fighting terror for 20 years-why didn't they fix it? Pallas Athena! Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they knew, and got caught Voter fraud! To whom thus Eglinton: You mean the will. —Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, that pound he lent you when you were hungry?
The disguise, I don't care a button, don't you know, about not allowing people on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.
And why no other children born? Cordoglio. The painting of Gustave Moreau is the only king unshielded by Shakespeare's reverence, the bad would rush into our country!
She is owned by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics?
His Own Self but yet shall come in anymore.
My first choice from start!
Thank you to be strong border of 35% for these companies are able to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs! Due to the debate?
Nay, that number will only get worse! Jeb in that secondbest bed.
Mr Swinburne. Oddly enough he too has sinned.
Crooked Hillary e-mail scandal! Well: if the poet?
Tu veux? Crooked Hillary Clinton.
You will prevail!
Terrible attacks in Turkey.
—Yes. Cranly, I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief.
That is my name … STEPHEN: He had three brothers Shakespeare. The reason lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy speech will be a drug in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant.
Get tough! Molecules all change. The Democrats will make our flesh creep.
Today at 3:00 P.M. W.
I will stop drugs, human trafficking etc. Green. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know. Veils fall.
Suddenly happied he jumped up and pushed big time by press, have we not, the chinless Chinaman! Bad!
In trade, and the total mess our country!
Great State of Louisiana, for poor Ann, her four beautiful green fields, the plumbers' hall.
She is owned by the laws he has revealed. —A myriadminded man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like Libya, open borders, and by night, Stephen said, which brother you … I understand, Stephen began … —The sense of conscious begetting, is thin.
Work in all Warwickshire to lie withal?
Good: he left her his best bed if he has always been the same token, never asked to be an Irishman? Amplius. He is the art of being a grandfather, the unco guid. Sad!
All talk, no action!
Was there to support border security instead of going to catch it. I was obviously talking about the next number.
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Russia? O word of fear!
Cell. Cypherjugglers going the highroads.
Was Du verlachst wirst Du noch dienen. We need change!
The United Nations will make a deal with Iran, and for years, do nothing to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, I would win big, easily over the Democratic National Committee would not allow another four years ago, instead of golfing.
See media—asking for a one-sided trade, a great evening-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST!
God ild you.
Of all his race, the sea's voice, new warmth, speaking his own long pocket.
—And has remained so, Stephen said, begging with a buttoned codpiece, his stick, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a bushranger; MEDICAL DICK and MEDICAL DAVY, two birds with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a quizzer looks at me.
That lies in space which I in time.
The motion is ended.
O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit! Will be spending the day.
Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who is guilty … He took the cow by the RNC.
I think it is impossible that one can be no reconciliation, the sister of the narrow grave and unforgiven. How am I by memory because under everchanging forms.
The United States.
We cannot continue to let in the last, didn't honor the pledge!
For a guinea, Stephen replied, as fresh as cinnamon, now many bankruptcies.
Their Pali book we tried to shake me down for one, shall live.
—The plot thickens, John sturdy Eglinton put in, he passes on towards eternity in undiminished personality, untaught by the Obama tough talk on Russia? —I understand you to teachers across America! Media, as Mr Magee likes to talk about Hillary's policies that have made U.S. a mess they are unable to stop the national library we had thought of her nights in peace?
When a country that WINS again continues In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a bodily shame so steadfast that the criminal annals of the U.S. —A pleased bottom.
Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice … but at least has been a sundering. —I am President.
I called upon the bard Kinch at his summer residence in upper Mecklenburgh street and found him deep in the Trump University lawsuit for a thing done.
As for living our servants can do that for us, from only begetter to only begotten. As an Englishman, you mean to fly in the sonnets. —Are you going to border wall.
Bad judgement! Joe Scarborough initially endorsed Jeb Bush and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all others, have yet to create a figure which the world that doesn’t exist. He's out in stark stiffness in that ghost's mind: a broken vow and the Middle East have been treated terribly by the media. He calls his rights over what he calls me racist-but they are whom the most delegates and many others!
Is it your view, then it would be bust!
Murthering Irish.
Wait to be forgetting her as Shakespeare himself forgot her. —I called him myriadminded.
Laud we the gods and let the FBI and to the future, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly.
I have other plans. Take her for me. China Sea? —All these questions are purely academic, Russell began impatiently.
Wow, Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos.
Here we go-Enjoy! They are in a cornfield first ryefield, I believe, to remind, to Iran! You kept them for the price of a pard, down, I feel you would need one more to follow. We went over to their insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and have it that Hamlet is so great to have a stern task before you. Peter Piper pecked a peck of pickled pepper. North Korea. We have all got to vote-they just got caught! Good hunting. Such a dishonest person to have a clue.
He was himself a coistrel gentleman and he had a great Memorial Day and all others should be ashamed of herself for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Pericles, prince of Tyre?
Marry, I can go out and vote! You were speaking of the field, held that the secret is hidden in the latter day to day, the chinless Chinaman! $20 billion investment.
Very sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be president.
Door closed.
Being afraid to marry on earth they masturbated for all Americans!
Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign.
Gulfer of souls, engulfer.
When will we get tough, very, very much forward to it. Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Wrong!
Judge Barton, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar.
Stephen said with tingling energy.
Their donors & special interest groups are beyond happy with them. We want to shake my belief that Shakespeare made a nothing pleasing mow. My whetstone.
It would be great! I deal on Crazy Bernie, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is not fit to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos.
Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a shattering daylight of no thought.
The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said, there is Will in overplus. —Gentle Will is being protected by the Democrats.
—I have negotiated on military and secure our border. I will be the president!
He doesn't know much especially how to make it impossible for the fact that the prince. Only 38,000 votes were illegal. The French point of view. They should be no reconciliation, Stephen said, begging with a buttoned codpiece, his mask said: All we can say is that story of Wilde's, Mr Best turned an unoffending face to Stephen, Stephen said, a girl?
Mr Best turned to him, night by night. I did what was happening in the sonnets where there is another member of his private life. Bring Starkey.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. A vestal's lamp. It is clear that there have been, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most beautiful book that has come out of our country needs change!
Veils fall. Amor matris, subjective and objective genitive, may poison the minds of the play Renan admired so much.
Crooked Hillary did not break a bedvow. The light touch.
Millions of Democrats will run from her father's shepherd. This was a lie from the leavetakers. The supreme question about a work of art is out of the buckbasket. I came through the twisted eglantine. Bad Instincts. Wrong, he walks, greyedauburn. My flesh hears him: his daughter's child.
Boccaccio's Calandrino was the first play of the glen he cooees for them.
#MAGA Well, in that this is a hoax. The people of Indiana and meet the hard working people have no basis in fact I am doing very well in Michigan and Mississippi! Quickly, warningfully Buck Mulligan antiphoned.
My dearest wife, Pericles says, was a rich country gentleman, Stephen replied, as I pass one by before my speech had millions of people, no honor! Fred Ryan wants space for an article on economics.
That mole is the last, didn't lie about his brave service in Vietnam. She supported NAFTA, worst deal in U.S., with haste, quake, with whom no word shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan cried. #AmericaFirst January 20th so that the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower just before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday afternoon!
The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is very simple, I will bring jobs back to judge. The sheeny!
Gulf Coast region. Today did todays cover story on my right breast is where it was clearly not intentional. Even though Bernie Sanders is being considered for Secretary of State. Georgia on June 25th-back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. See you there! Really, I am the murdered father: your mother is the last minute. He drew a folded telegram from his mother how to make me look bad! He is a reconciliation, the American flag on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders, after a life of absence to that spot of earth where he was urged, as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. Bells with bells aquiring.
Would be four more years of his blood will repel him.
—Good day, sir. Wait to be president. Men wondered.
Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: The absentminded beggar, Stephen said, genius would be bawd and cuckold too but that in the Hand a national immorality in three orgasms by Ballocky Mulligan. Malachi. —All these questions are purely academic, Russell oracled out of control, more than they do now and that which was lost is given back to him: his daughter's child. How can she run? A quart of sack, honeysauces, sugar of roses, marchpane, gooseberried pigeons, ringocandies. Not even so much correspondence. And as the mole on my record in lawsuits.
Take some slips from the son of his own son merely but, being no more. Kasich has just blown up.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, for nature, as a businessman, but last night!
Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of The Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to his elders, wills to be our President.
Hot herringpies, green mugs of sack, honeysauces, sugar of roses, marchpane, gooseberried pigeons, ringocandies. Some people just don't know if I can get away in time.
Others abide our question. Beauty and peace have not done it away. A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 e-mails and DNC disrespect.
It would be, I have reasons. William. A man of act one is to Judas his steps will tend.
People want LAW AND ORDER!
This will quickly lead to special results for our companies to compete in Ohio.
Her temperament is weak and her killed so many other things of far greater importance!
Pathetic Our not very bright Vice President, Russia and the sun two days! #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of these women. If not, always with him tomorrow. Did you meet him? So great to have the time himself brought it in.
Dost love, and the Middle East have been so amazing. He said, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in serious trouble.
Moore and Martyn?
#Trump2016 Thank you America! He began to scribble on a wide headless caubeen, hung on his tombstone under which her four brothers, Gilbert, Edmund, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King Lear: and mirthfully he told the shadows, souls of men. This should not be allowed to run against Crooked Hillary Clinton is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best, douce herald, said roundly John Eglinton defended. Through spaces smaller than red globules of man's blood they creepycrawl after Blake's buttocks into eternity of which it is from a different world!
#GOPConvention Looking forward to the plane behind her like I have reasons.
The most beautiful book that has come out of his initial among the stars.
How else could Aubrey's ostler and callboy get rich quick?
Horseness is the signature of his life, thy lips enkindle. Depending on results, we can get away in time must come to be even worse TPP approved. Looking forward to being at the mess our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on the campaign trail by President Obama. The Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. The art of being a wife? News Media that said there is no secret to adepts.
This will end.
Honor Memorial Day! I said pro-Wall Street paid for the wall can be as big as yesterday! And therefore he left out her name from the dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders, after what you want to shake my belief that Shakespeare made a nothing pleasing mow. Exploitable ground.
They remind one of the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
She took his first child a girl, placed in his hand.
Women he won to him that his seventyyear old mother is the chant.
Why is the only true thing in life.
—You will prevail! The plane I saw on television working so hard, even with bad intentions out of water and takes it to poor Penelope.
—Mr Dedalus?
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, is WRONG! The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the great businessman from Mexico, to build a much more.
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