brandeewine · 4 years
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Sunday, August 23, 2020 #stayhome #staysafe #wearamask #believetheexperts #trumpmustgo #blacklivesmatter #bidenharris2020 #savethepostalservice #blackknight #itsjustafleshwound #drawing #whiteboardart #dryeraseart #voteblue2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPFx9CBwpl/?igshid=1pb1689v7thdp
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theamazingboobzilla · 6 years
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When your #friends show their #love for you by #gifting you with a new #stiletto for the #holidays 😻🤣😈✨ #holidayseason #presents #merrychristmas #loved #loveinmanyforms #holidayspirit #spreadinglove #festive #sharingiscaring #poke #itsjustafleshwound (at Englewood, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrypzP7Bkg3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nzbo0h7pnnwu
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#ItsJustAFleshWound {w/@HardGuytokill}
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Piper   ::I looked over the Jones and Warners notes on files, they lacked so many things. Like what was actually asked and to who. Where her parents were, the fact that the man they were talking to was actual Miranda’s step father, so her real dad was out there somewhere with her maybe. Who knows, no one had questioned him. Had they bothered to look at up her mothers name they would have found previous cases of abuse and would have learned that her grandmother had custody. That was more than likely where she was. My eyes rolled instantly as I picked up the phone and dialed out her number, we were on speaking terms but Gwen and I weren’t friends. It rang one to many times for my liking and when she did answer her voice gave way more than she wanted it too::
Hey Gwen, It’s Piper.  I’m just calling to check in on you and Miranda, you two doing alright? Apparently there has been some trouble with her parents again and I’m  just making sure she’s ok.  ::There was a long, long pause before she spoke again, her voice trembling but still firm. “We’re fine, Piper, just came in from playing outside so please excuse my breathlessness.” She even chuckled nervously, anything to distract me from the truth, but I couldn’t just charge in because my gut told me something was off. “Miranda is doing fine, we both are. She’s been asking about you a lot…” The phone hit the floor and someone cried out NO before it cut off entirely. That was all the proof I needed before I was on my feet, already tucking my gun into it’s holster and reaching out for my cell to call Riggs for backup. I popped into the Chiefs office on my way out to give him the heads up to send back up:: I’ll need it, but keep them a block away, he sees any sign of them and everyone in that house is dead. I’ll head in with Riggs, see how far I can get, if I can’t get far I’ll just call and leave the line open. That will be the sign to send everything in. Don’t do /anything/ until then.
One look from the Chief Rowland and I knew he both hated and accepted what I had said, I didn’t wait long enough to hear any complaints he had to say, Anger was already coursing through my small frame as my fingers flexed over the wheel, Riggs was meeting me there. He was closer than I was, he was meeting with some contact getting information on another case we were working on. It seemed to be his thing lately to get info on the seeder side of things and I wasn’t about to deter him from that especially when his info was proving positive.
Riggs. -This was my new routine drowning my memories in booze and feelings in random women, while dodging my partners questions with bullshit like I was getting intel on the gangs shipments of drugs or more. I hated that I was lying to her. Hated that I was putting her life in danger every time we went out but that was just the way it was. She knew parts of my life but she didn’t know all of it, I kept it that way so she couldn’t give me that look that my father in law gave me. The one that was filled with pity and regret for allowing his daughter to marry me. I slammed back another shot, waving the glass at the gorgeous blonde behind the bar- Another beautiful. -FUCK. - Maybe hold off on that. But I would like your number for after this is finished, what time do you get off? -She grinned, I leaned over the bar and smirked sliding my card across the bar- Call me, I’ll get you off after you’re finished you’re finished your shift. I’ll even use my cuffs. - One wink later she tucked that card in her bra and I was out the door towards my car to drown myself in some cologne. A little visine to the the eyes and Piper would never be the wiser when I arrived at our meeting spot. Why couldn’t this just be an easy day. I deserved it, didn’t I?-
Piper: ::I parked about a block away then waited for Riggs to arrive, I was already wearing my bullet proof vest making sure that my weapons were loaded. I tucked two back up cartridges into my back pockets just in case then stood there waiting as always for my “partner”. Ten bucks said he was at some bar drowning whatever issues he had to whoever would listen instead of doing the same to the people who wanted to help him most. I groaned loudly. There were so many of us that wanted to help him but he never let us in close enough. I shook my head focusing again on the case, my phone held the layout of the house, it was simple. Once inside you walked into the living room, on the left was a wall and behind that was the kitchen. If you continued about twenty steps you turn you hit the hallway continue down there you would pass Miranda's room first and then her Grandma’s. Gwen usually stayed on the couch when she stayed over so I was willing to bet money that was were they were gathered right now. Riggs and I would have to go in the back and work our way forward to the living room.
A smoke bomb would just cause chaos, which of course Riggs would love but someone would end up shot and casualties were not an option. Not even to Miranda’s father. Jason, he was nothing short of a jackass abuser. He spent more time in jail then he did out of it. Coming out more dangerous every time he came out of the system, whatever he had going through his mind this time wasn’t good. Maybe it was drugs? Money? Fuck, money for drugs? I just needed this to go smoothly. Just as I was pulling my hair up into a ponytail Riggs pulled up behind me, pulling off his shades as he made his way over::
Riggs:   -Pulling the car to a stop I admired how gorgeous my partner really was in that moment, how hadn’t someone taken advantage of that? She caught me, fuck. How she went from a beaut to a staring demon surprised me. I got out and made my way over, chuckling- You really think Jason is this fuckin’ dumb, Pipes? Stupid enough to put his daughter in danger? He knows you’d find him of all people, you’ve been protectin’ that girl since birth. -I watched her body tense even her jaw as she gazed out at the house, muttering something about men under her breath- I’m just askin’ is all. How we goin’ in?
Piper: ::Sometimes Riggs astounded me, why he always had to question everything made it really hard not to shoot him in the foot. So very fucking hard.:: Why? I have no clue but we are here for a reason, Riggs, maybe he wants money? Drugs or worse. I don't know. That’s why we are going in quiet. You really think having the whole station here would be a good idea? ::I threw up my hands in sheer anger, I hated when I was questioned, especially when I knew I was doing the right thing.:: We are going in the back, you’ll wait five minutes before coming in quietly behind me. Just give me enough time to talk to Jason and see if I can get him off the edge before you come charging in ok? You think you can handle that? And don’t think I can’t smell the booze, Riggs, I need you to focus. Please. ::I practically begged the last word, he was the only backup I had, really the only person I really trusted within the force right now. I let my eyes close so I could collect myself before I closed the trunk and opened them enough to find his.:: You ready?
Riggs:: -She was pissed. It was more than plastered all over her face it was now showing in her actions and words. I fucked this up. Listening was my only option now.- Follow in five minutes after you. If I hear anythin’ that leads me ta thinkin’ any of y'all are in danger I’m comin’ in, Piper. Five minutes or not. -She shot me a look that would have killed if it could but she understood what I was saying, she knew the the rules. She wasn’t about to risk shit.  We made our way down towards the house, creeping along the bushes that lined the house until we were in the backyard. All seemed relatively quiet except for the yelling coming from the living room. Jason was screaming up a storm, smacking someone around that was for sure judging by Miranda’s cries to stop. At least he hadn’t made it to her yet.- You  have 3 minutes, Hart. That’s all I’m givin’ ya
Piper:: ::My heart sank the second I hear the screams mixed with Miranda’s cries, it was already to late for somethings. Too late to stop him from beating someone I wagered was Gwen.:: Wait here, I’ll take the three then come in. Just don’t charge Riggs for the love of god. ::I flashed him a glare before I gave the handle a turn and stepped him, my gun already drawn. Making my way around the house was made easy by the numerous visits I had made to Miranda and her grandmother, we’d made a connection when Gwen was arrested the first time and the little girl would call whenever she was in trouble. Trouble being anything from it’s hot to I can’t find my grandma. This is why I hated that she was in this situation. My back slid along the wall until the scene came into view. Jason had Gwen held up by her hair both her eyes a bright almost shining purple, lip bloodied and swelling. Grandma’s had been obviously been hit as well but she was now curled up in the corner beside Miranda. Poor girl had tears streaming down her cheek, sometime during this all she had peed her pants and was desperately trying to hide it. I was made the second she saw my face::
“PIPER” ::Miranda stood up to run and that’s when Jason pointed his gun her way, instantly grandma grabbed her leg and pulled her back::
{She moves and I will end her, Piper, without a second thought} “NO” ::Screamed Gwen trying anything to get loose now, she bit and clawed at any part of him she could.::
Come on, Jason, what the fuck? This isn’t you. You’ve never put her life on the line before, why now? ::I kept my gun trained on him while slowly moving myself between Miranda, grandma and himself:: What gives? Tell me and maybe we can talk this out. You know me, know I would do anything to help your kid and family. So talk to me. Tell me what’s happening. ::He paused a moment glancing down at Gwen, I didn’t know what he was thinking or what was going on in his mind just that he was still. My eyes wavered between his movements and the gun, then suddenly it dropped, the butt of his gun hitting his ex in the head. She was down in an instant. Still breathing but unconscious. There was a shrill, high pitched scream to my left:: “MOMMA”
JASON! I’ve given you a chance ::I stepped in closer completely forgetting about Riggs:: Put down the gun now.
{What are you going to do, Detective, shoot me in front of my kid? You really want to traumatize her further? You’re too soft for that shit. That’s the whole problem with you bitches. Too fucking soft. Gwen was a fucking bitch, couldn’t handle any fucking thing. She owed me money, owed the gang money and she blew us off to visit the kid. She was supposed to ask my mom for money, was supposed to meet up last night with it, She didn’t . She knew what would happen. Miranda will make a lot of fucking money for us.}
::I gasped, shaking my fucking head at what I was hearing. I stepped in one step closer unsure if I could keep myself from slapping this asshole with my own fucking gun:: You are ..there are no words for scum like you. Drop the gun, get down on your knees and put your hands on your hea…
Riggs: -I heard what was happening before I even went in, fucking Hart. She had no control before she even went in. Jason had it all. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Now she needed me to save her. I peek around the corner to see Gwen down, Miranda in her grandmas grasp and Piper in a full showdown with Jason. This was going to end one way and it wasn’t with my partner getting injured, it was with the perp getting one in the chest. At least if things went my way. I walked into the room slowly, neither seemed to notice until I called out- On your six, Hart. Jason I’d listen to her, I can take you out right here and now. Drop it. -He only seemed to grin darkly, Piper shifted a single inch and took two shots. One ripped through her side while the other buried itself in her abdomen. She turned to look at me before her hands covered the wounds, next she dropped to the floor. Miranda was in hysterics- Fuck. -This time there was no second thought, Jason knew it was over he dropped the gun and got down on his knees and instantly his hands were lifting to settle behind his head. I didn’t give two shits. I shot before he had his secondhand lifted, I kicked him back watching as he began to bleed out, the put the gun back in his palm.
Next came calling in the calvary- I need an ambulance to this location, Harts down. Suspects down. I repeat. I need an ambulance for Hart. ASAP.  -I was at her side before I finished, adding pressure to her wounds- Come on, Piper, you won’t give up this easy darlin’. I know you got some fight in you. -I barely heard what she said as people began bursting through the door- “I said…..don..t….bust in -She blinked a few more times and we lost her. The paramedics pushed me out of the way yammering about iv’s and shit I didn’t understand, soon enough they were gone with her in tow. While half the squad watched all wondering whether she would make it or not but we all knew it would heaven or hell would have a hell of a fight on their hands. She wasn’t one to go down easily-
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chandarchandar · 4 years
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Remember... it’s just a flesh wound. A little love for you all today, happy Sunday!! DM me to get this piece 💕 #chandarchandar #love #heart #bandage #stitches #itsjustafleshwound #watercolor #mixmedia #artstagram #artistsoninstagram #neworleansart #neworleansartist (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfSP1YFd-Y/?igshid=1gphomtp42kd6
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larrythorson · 4 years
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Arizona: fewer plants, fewer animals, but they all want to kill you. #itsnothyperbole #itsjustafleshwound #shoeswontsaveyou #ouch https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4F-ySDRa2/?igshid=8zh6s42ynmvz
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blacksnowcomics · 4 years
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It's just a flesh wound. #montypython #montypythonandtheholygrail #montypythonmemes #blackknight #fleshwound #holygrail #itsjustafleshwound #humor #comedy #art #draw #dailyart #dailydrawing #drawing #artistsoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhQaJfhWMM/?igshid=z73wj9mtfddz
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yendorb-land · 7 years
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It's just a flesh wound! After his encounter in #theholygrail the black knight took up medicine. However, his level of empathy towards his patients was rather lacking. A #wampa and #theblackknight for @zacksploitation 's #superhappyfuntimeprompts #promptlist #sketch #starwars #mashup #montypythonandtheholygrail #itsjustafleshwound #rodneybills (at Rodneyland)
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Nothing like the smell of gunpowder in the morning. #xpressbailbondsfieldtrip #itsjustafleshwound #bangbang #namethosefirearms #rightbehindtgk (at Xpress Bail Bonds) https://www.instagram.com/p/B558gGjHbUI/?igshid=1nfzl44dh1e1e
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chrissisnerosart · 5 years
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Inktober Day 29 - Injured (the Black Knight) #Inktober #Inktober2019 #Day29 #Injured #theBlackKnight #MontyPython #theHolyGrail #ItsJustAFleshWound #Inks #Inking #ArtistOnInstagram #ArtOnInstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SdfBPhY8x/?igshid=ko3y0db1crdt
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legore-studio · 5 years
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Day 29- #injured #inktober #itsjustafleshwound #montypythonandtheholygrail #inktober2019 #montypython https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ORuXEnzRH/?igshid=1fd1514335ow9
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chris-k-cosplay · 5 years
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Ouchies 😬 . , . , . , . , #deadpool #deadpoolcosplay #deadpoolvspoisonivy #poisonivyvsdeadpool #poisonivydeadpool #extradeadpool #deaddeadpool #deadpoolstabbed #injureddeadpool #keystonecomiccon #keystonecomiccon2019 #keystonecomicconsaturday #keystonecomiccondeadpool #deadpoolcosplay #killerplantmonster #killerplant #ouch #ouchies #ouchmyhead #itsjustafleshwound https://www.instagram.com/p/B22IFaUDC0L/?igshid=8g5r062bbqhc
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tshirtpluscom · 5 years
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#tshirtplus #funnytshirts #itsjustafleshwound #montypython #customtshirts #tshirtscustom (at Farmingdale, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Es5HpFG0E/?igshid=6075y8v7q10o
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thesplintersmith · 5 years
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Okay, so. I took a few pics with the bandages off, but they're all a bit gory. and I'm not trying to get my account suspended. So I edited this drawing of a hand to try and demonstrate the injury. I've had a lot of people ask me what I was doing, so here: I was ripping a piece of mesquite for a dagger. I was using a push stick to feed it in, but I had my fingers on it to keep it against the fence. Finished the cut, or almost, and the saw kicked the wood back, meaning the wood was no longer between my fingers and the saw. This would have been fine, except the kickback also scared me, and the reflex is to straighten your fingers out. When I did, they went right into the saw blade. It could have been much worse. Thanks to everyone who has offered well wishes. I'll update again when I know whether I'm getting a skin graft or not. Ironically, this is the beginning of the second year the Splintersmith has been a registered business. #HappyAnniversary . . . #splintersmith #artisan #weapons #wands #whatsits #wood #wooden #woodart #woodcraft #woodcarving #woodcarver #woodwork #ItsJustAFleshWound #worstmanicureever #ifoughtthesawandthesawwon (at The Splintersmith) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvtripTglc3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l9dh8w5l8ac3
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starry-eyed-tina · 8 years
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chandarchandar · 5 years
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Come at me bro! I can handle it. Relationships are not easy and I have struggled more than once with becoming invested in someone who was not right for me, who was not kind, not loving, and even abusive. Despite feeling that I am on a losing streak at times, I remain hopeful in my cynicism that love is always possible, and know that I have the strength to heal and overcome hurt because first and foremost, I love myself. 💗💕 . . . . . #heart #lovesucks #itsjustafleshwound #montypython #bleedingheart #stitches #openwound #cuts #wounds #woundsheal #lovestinks #pain #feelings #fuckfeelings #heartbreak #brokenheart #stab #stabby #stabwound #emotionalabuse #darkart #depression #arttherapy #artistsoninstagram #artstagrams #chandarchandar #emotionalart #loveyourself #besassy (at French Quarter) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGK7BxD4Ej/?igshid=1tgcxcjysihgn
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darlingdreamingtree · 8 years
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I’m crying just a little bit it’s fine. #itsjustafleshwound #CONFIRMED
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