#ivan is the freakiest out of all of them
shakingparadigm · 6 months
I haven't seen anyone mention it, but Ivan literally licks Till's blood from the cut on his cheeck??? (i think I'm interpreting the scene correctly) . And. Okay, honestly, it's one of the least freakiest things he does tbf. (also his lovesick stare in that scene makes me so ill)
Okay so these frames were actually part of the second Patreon post
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And from what little information I gathered from these images + trying to apply any kind of reasoning based off the pre-existing knowledge, I thought this scene would play out very differently.
Ivan sits next to another kid while there is a significant amount of space between Till and the others. We know that Ivan was quite well-liked in the Anakt Garden and had many friends ("not popular" my ass), but Till was more hard to get along with. Due to this, I thought this scene would be about Ivan eating with his larger, more average friend group (the rest of them not pictured in the frame?) while Till sat apart from them, eating alone, bruised with nobody to care for him. Except Ivan, of course.
I thought this scene would be about the fact that despite Ivan and Till growing apart as they got older (Ivan pretending to blend in perfectly with his peers while Till remained himself, an outcast), Ivan would always be looking at Till. He can surround himself with all the friends in the world in order to build his image, but in his twisted mind, Till is the only person that will ever really matter. Everyone is faceless compared to him.
Then ROUND 6 drops and turns out Ivan was just being a fucking weirdo.
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Siren's Song - Chapter 1 - Our Worlds
            Ivan navigated the Paris back alleyways to the Seine. He checked over his shoulder at every corner and rushed past areas lit up by the warm streetlights that gave off a misty glow fresh after a rainstorm. He hurried down to the under bridge that was his destination. He leaned against the wall in the dark and let out a breath. He pulled out a cigarette, lit it up, and took a long drag from it.
            “Hey, Ivan! There you are. And here we were about to go looking for you,” a boy’s voice echoed.
            Ivan turned and squinted in the dark. He smirked seeing a group of boys his age: Yves, Antoine, and Victor. He welcomed each of them as they relaxed.
            “What took you so long?” Yves asked.
            “Yeah. We thought Leon’s guys got to you,” Antoine added.
            “That’s what I was avoiding. Didn’t what to deal with those punk ass wannabes. Y’know?” Ivan remarked.
            “Man, we gotta do something about them. I’m tired of them encroaching on our terf and killing the vibe. We should take it to their terf and see how they like it!” Victor roared.
            “Easy there, Vic. They ain’t here now. Let’s just enjoy the night. Who has the cold ones?”
            Yves held up a case of beer. Each guy took a can and leaned against the wall. Ivan chugged his beer between drags of his cigarette.
            “Man, this is living! Way better than staying home and listening to my bitch ass mom complain all the damn time. ‘Oh, Victor, when you are going to grow up?’ ‘Oh, Victor, you need to stop acting like a five-year old and act like a seventeen-year-old.’ ‘Oh, Victor, why don’t you ever listen to me? You know you’ll end up cleaning bathrooms for the rest of your life if you don’t listen.’ Ugh, I hate her damn nagging.”
            Antoine and Yves buzzed in agreement while Ivan remained silent.
            “I hear that. My mom and dad are on my case. They love to go on and on about how I’m not a good role model for my younger sibs. Like, when did all the responsibility fall on me to be their role model? Isn’t that what you two are for? Fuck, I got my own problems. I don’t need that too,” Antoine grumbled.
            “Well, I don’t mean to brag, but I managed to get a girl to talk to me today,” Yves boasted.
            “Yeah? What’d she say? Get the fuck away from me, creep? Or was it, I’ll get a restraining order on you again?” Ivan mocked.
            “Hey! Fuck you, ok? At least I shoot my shot. Can any of you say the same? Especially you, Ivan. Have you even had a crush before?”
            Ivan rolled his eyes. “What’s the point? No girl or guy could handle me.”
            “What about that Alix chick we’ve seen you with? She’s tiny but fuck me if she doesn’t look like she can step on someone,” Antoine pointed out.
            “Please. Alix is just another of the guys. Besides, I don’t like midgets like her,” Ivan retorted.
            “I dunno, man. It’s usually the fun-sized ones that are the freakiest,” Yves mused.
            “Maybe, but I raise you one better than Alix. Megalodon,” Victor said.
            Yves and Antoine oohed in awe while Ivan rolled his eyes.
            “That Megalodon is a baddy. That wild red hair, those sick shark threads, and those teeth. She can tear me to shreds any day of the week,” Yves cooed.
            Ivan grimaced while Victor and Antoine agreed with Yves.
            “Oy! What are you louts doing here?” a boy yelled.
            Ivan and the others turned to see Leon and one of his boys. Ivan and the others jumped to their feet, ready for a fight.
            “What are you doing here, Leon?” Antoine demanded.
            “Yeah! This is our terf. Go back to your own!” Victor yelled.
            “Not anymore. This is ours now. Rush ‘em, boys!” Leon yelled.
            Ivan gritted his teeth as Leon and one guy rushed from the front and three others from behind them. Ivan, Antoine, Victor, and Yves were staggered as they were ambushed, beaten, and tossed out from under the bridge. Ivan roared and tried to retaliate, but got his butt handed to him. He readied to charge back in when Antoine held him back.
            “Enough. They won tonight, but we’ll get it back. You can count of that, Leon!” Antoine declared.
            “Man, fuck this. I’d rather be home than getting my ass beat. I’m going home,” Victor complained.
            “What? The night is still young!” Yves countered.
            “I don’t care. Later, losers,” Victor hissed.
            Yves sighed and shrugged. “Well, I guess that’s this night. Later, guys.”
            Ivan frowned as Yves and Victor left. “Fucking pansies!”
            “Let it go, Ivan.”
            “Fuck no! If they weren’t so weak, we could have beaten Leon.”
            Antoine shook his head and left Ivan alone. Ivan sneered and headed back home. He pulled out his phone and called Alix. It rang twice before she picked up.
            “What up, hoe? What you up to?” Alix asked.
            “Getting my ass beat.”
            Alix laughed. “Sounds like a skill issue. Was it Leon?”
            “Who else would it be?”
            “Could be anyone. Y’know, you have a natural talent for pissing people off. Except me. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not, bitch.”
            “Look, can you just get rid of him?”
            “Ugh, again? Why can’t you? Weren’t you one of those champion wrestlers the school loved so much?”
            “This. Isn’t. The. Same! That was a controlled match facing one person. Not a free-for-all in a dark passage with dirty ass fighters.”
            “Sounds like a skill issue.”
            Ivan growled. “Just get rid of him, ok?”
            “Excuse me?”
            “I didn’t stutter, bitch. Look, I’m getting tired of cleaning up your messes. You think you can start fights with everyone, get your ass beat, and come crying to me to fix it. You need to wise up or get your ass off the streets. Cause one of these days, you’re gonna pick the wrong fight and end up dead.”
            “Well, excuse me, but not everyone is as lucky as you! We don’t all have little trinkets that instantly make us the coolest thing to ever walk the planet that people literally drop to their knees to worship the very ground you walk on. Some of us have to struggle to get no where in life and have the one thing they can enjoy ruined by others!”
            “Of all the… Ivan, do you want to talk about it?”
            “No. Bye.”
            Ivan hung up the phone as he headed up the steps to his apartment. He unlocked the door and headed inside. He paused near the dark living room that was lit up by the TV screen. Anger and desperation clawed at him as he saw his mom in front of the screen in a drunken stupor with empty containers all around her. He looked away and saw the glints of a wrapped plate left for him on the table. He sneered and threw it at the wall before he stormed off to his room.
            Ivan slammed the door and leaned against it. He used it to guide himself to the floor as he looked around his messy, filthy room. The anger and despair tore through him and brought him crashing down. He took a sharp breath, pulled his knees close to him, and cried into them.
            Kagami headed out of the academy her fencing classes are held at. She hurried past the other fencers to her ride. She tossed her bag in and climbed into the backseat. The car started on its own and drove off towards home.
            Kagami let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long day of classes and activities, but she was finally on her way home. She watched the buildings fly by as she shuddered in disgust. She hated this feeling. It came at the end of every day she was forced to be out in the mundane world, away from home. When she was forced to tolerate the primitive monkeys and their third-rate technologies. She had begged her mother to have her homeschooled but refused. Tomoe always spoke about the importance of seeing the world. She certainly saw the world, and she didn’t like it.
            The car pulled into the garage. Kagami jumped out and headed inside. She took a deep breath as she felt at ease being home. Her shoes were taken off by a robot while another came and took her gym and school bags. She headed into the kitchen where Tomoe sat at the table with dinner already laid out. She took her seat as her plate was filled for her.
            “Welcome home, Kagami. How was school?” Tomoe asked.
            “Same as every day.”
            Tomoe chuckled. “Boring?”
            “Extremely. A lot of the stuff they’re teaching I’ve already learned. I try to focus, but I know it already, so I zone out. Then the teachers think they’re cheeky and call on me, to try and make me look like a fool. Well, those that don’t learn their lessons.”
            “It’s a tragedy. You’d figure the schools around here would be top notch. Well, at least they’re not those American schools. You want to be a bumbling buffoon, that’s your ticket right there.”
            “Well, I could learn so much more if you, I don’t know, had me homeschooled.”
            “Kagami, I’ve told you, you need to leave the house. If I home school you, you’d never leave. Besides, you only have this year left before your exams. There’d be no point to it.”
            “But I could learn so much more from the AIs you’ve made than from those idiot teachers. And I wouldn’t have to subject myself to such horrible technology. I know you make it all, but why doesn’t everyone else use it too already?”
            “I’ve wondered that myself. The best thing I could guess is they’re afraid.”
            “Afraid? Afraid of what?”
            “Change, my dear.”
            “But change is good. You’re always saying change is life itself and to always embrace it.”
            “As you should. If you don’t-.”
            “You’ll be stuck in the past, blinded to the future,” Kagami finished.
            “Exactly, and yet there are people that would cling to the past. It’s those people that will always prefer past happiness to future uncertainty.”
            “It’s still stupid. They should just get over themselves already.”
            Tomoe chuckled. “Anyway, made any friends?”
            “Why bother? Everything everyone says is the equivalent of hot garbage that never should have left the trash chute they spewed it out of.”
            “What of that Agreste boy? I was told of a message from his mother, hoping to make something of a friendship with the two of you.”
            “No, thank you. He’s so broody and moody all the time. And he uses too much eyeliner like those so-called goth, emo boys.”
            “What of the Bourgeois girl and Audrey’s love child?”
            “Chloe and Zoe? Chloe is tolerable at best, but Zoe is so annoying. It’s always nature this and nature that. I don’t want to hear about forests and animals all the time, but she never seems to get that through her thick skull.”
            “And what of that female model for the Agreste brand? What was her name? Something Cheng?”
            “Marinette? She’d be a little more tolerable than Chloe, when she isn’t swarmed by her adoring fans. They literally worship the very ground she walks on. I don’t even want to count all the times I’ve heard her compared to Aphrodite, Venus, or whatever.”
            “That’s unfortunate. I suppose it was too much to expect better of them.”
            “So, about that homeschooling?”
            “Kagami, no. I understand the pleasures and comforts of technology, but we must not be blind to the world we live in. If we grow complacent, we won’t seek change. I want you to see the world as you will and be inspired to carve your legacy into it.”
            “What legacy is there to be carved into a world obsessed with the past? Why even bother with those primates at all?”
            Tomoe sighed and stood. She used the table for guidance until she was at the opposite end. She reached out her hand to find Kagami’s face. Kagami leaned in and guided Tomoe’s hand to cup her cheek.
            “You are a Tsurugi, my darling daughter. We are artists, true visionaries. We don’t let the world define us, but we define the world. Never forget that.”
            Kagami smiled as she pressed her hand against Tomoe’s. “I won’t. I promise. I’ll make you proud. I’ll be sure to fill your shoes and be a great artist like you.”
            “Not like me, Kagami. Always be better. The future is yours. Make it how you’d like, not how I’d like it. I’m doing that already. Soon it’ll be your turn to make the future yours.”
            “I will, and it’ll be a future where everyone has our technology. One where the past won’t need to hold us back anymore. We can look forward, and never back. That is the future I want.”
            Tomoe smiled and giggled. “You really are my daughter, aren’t you?”
            “You mean your amazing, intelligent daughter raised by the greatest Tsurugi visionary, then yes. Yes, I am.”
            Tomoe leaned in and kissed the top of Kagami’s head. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
            Kagami swelled with pride as tears rimmed her eyes. “And I’m so lucky to have you.”
            Tomoe hugged Kagami. “Finish your dinner, Kagami, then get your homework done.”
            “That stuff? I finished it at school during study hall. As per the usual.”
            “Then how about a movie night? It’s been a little bit since we’ve had one of those, and I’ll be leaving soon for another business trip.”
            “Oh, where are you going this time?”
            “I’ll be heading over to Tokyo again. I’m hoping to finally seal the deal with another big tech company. So long as they are pains in the you-know-what.”
            “I know you can do it, Mom. They’ll finally see they’re fools for not agreeing sooner.”
            “That’s the plan, as always. But once they agree, I can finally make our future a reality.”
            Kagami’s eyes lit up. “Really? That’s amazing. Could I help?”
            “If there is a way you can, I will gladly have you help. It is your future too. It is only fair you play a part in leading the charge.”
            Kagami squealed. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Oh, let me finish dinner and we can watch a movie. But I get to pick. I’ll make sure it’s something new. I hope its bad so we can rip into it.”
            Tomoe smiled and pulled Kagami into an embrace. “As always, my darling daughter. I love you, Kagami.”
            Kagami returned the embrace. “I love you more.”
            “And I love you most.”
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shdwycupcake · 2 years
Folks, here I am today on tumblr dot com to tell you all I can remember about the Miraculous Ladybug portion of my weird dream last night.
SO. we start with Marinette de-transforming by my childhood primary school for some reason, and then she starts frantically looking at her phone to try and figure out where her next class is.
She looks across the road and sees Gabriel Agreste staring right at her, in his regular suit-and-tie getup. This rightfully freaks Marinette put and she spends a certain amount of time searching for where her class is.
After a while of searching, Ivan, Mylene, and Adrien come out of Dupont, where Marinette now is, and greet her on the stairs. She explains how she couldn't find her class, and then Gabriel Agreste appears once again and asks to talk with Marinette. Privately.
Turns out, Gabriel was meant to be the substitute teacher for that class today???? It then turns into a heartfelt speech from Gabriel, with him saying things like, "Why did you skip the class because *I* was teaching it? Am I *that* horrible of a man, that the mere sight of me turns you away? Why, Miss Dupain-Chang, *why*?"
The entire time he was saying that, he had really good facial animation, which was the freakiest bit.
Marinette stutters an apology to him, and then runs back to Mylene, Ivan, and Adrien. She tells them what happened, and Adrien goes on a spiel about how "He's not really that bad! He can be really nice, and kind of Australian!"
Turns out Adrien has some hyperfixation on Australian people, and uses the word 'Australian' to equate someone's niceness. He then does a really bad impression of a stereotypical Aussie accent, and the dream promptly dissipates.
What. The. Fuck.
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