#ive edited this so many times trying to make sure i'm making sense lol
spurgie-cousin 8 months
I have a 4mth old baby so a bit younger than Gideon. And if my baby reacted to music like Gideon is in that video I would turn it off so fast! Like can't Kaylee read any ques her baby is giving her? I know when my baby likes a piece of music or song because she lights up and smiles, wriggles, giggles, responds positively. I don't know how someone can be so out of tune with their baby. As an aside, my baby LOVES Queen and I find that hilarious and fills me with joy!
Yea I completely agree, that video was kinda jarring to see tbh. because you'd think even new parents with zero childcare experience would understand that loud noise + crying baby = negative emotion so turn off the noise. I mean even older children can understand that babies don't have complex enough feelings to be "moved" by music, like that's why you don't see anyone taking infants to the symphony or opera lol their feelings at that age are very simple. they only know to react to their most basal instincts, so cry = I am NOT happy and there is no deeper meaning.
@filthyfundie had a theory that I've been thinking about a lot: from what we've seen of Jill's parenting, she's very much a 'stuff the bad feelings down and put on a smile no matter what' kind of Christian mother (unless she's trying to put the fear of everlasting hellfire in you). So it could be that as a mother with that mindset, she developed an impulse to ignore or twist negative reactions in kids, almost as a way to try and make it as if they hadn't happened if that makes sense. And so Kaylee is just exhibiting a learned behavior.
Filthyfundie explained it way better lol and this is her example, but it's like when a small child falls and during that little pause where they're deciding whether they need to be upset or not, you laugh and smile at them as a distraction and it influences them to push past the impulse to cry and they laugh or forget what just happened. Kind of like that but to a much bigger extent that covers even necessary negative emotions.
I think an explanation like that definitely makes sense in a culture that rewards pervasive cheerfulness and obedience. And that would make more sense to me than Kaylee just not understanding that babies get stressed at loud noises, which feels like such a basic, instinctual kind of thing to know. But I do think that video is an unsettling peek into the parenting that the Rodrigues kids probably experienced growing up.
Also your baby has great taste, Queen rules 馃馃
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1eos 1 month
mx kendra, do you have any advice for job hunting? I'm about to start looking(again), but its always so intimidating - have a lovely day!
how it feels to start job hunting in the 2020s:
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but yes i have advice for you anon! last time i went job hunting i got serious enough where i was reading 'askamanager' blogs and shit like that to really make sure i wasn't wasting my effort
so kendra's advice to job hunting in the most effort effective way:
first and most importantly is to understand that job hunting rn is simply a numbers game. it's not you it's just that the society we're living in is full of shit. for every 10 job postings, 4 are fake, 1 has an internal candidate in mind already, 3 are just posting jobs to look good and the rest are legit but slow af
bc job hunting is a numbers game its easy to be discouraged if you're not receiving responses consistently as proof that you're not just throwing shit into the void so its superrr imperative to try your best to apply to legit jobs. ive found my best success using indeed as a method of jobs being brought to me and then going on the company website myself and applying. this also doubles as a way to make sure a job posting/company is real
keep a spreadsheet of applied jobs. i just googled 'job application spreadsheet template' and picked one of the first ones i saw, made a copy, and then modified it to suit my needs. keeping a spreadsheet was one of the best things i did bc it can help keep track of jobs you've found and haven't applied to/ones you have applied to/and if you're like me and had a goal of getting a state job i could pre-empt when the interview requests were gonna come in lol 馃槶
resumes/cover letters. whew. probably the most important part of job hunting. ai scanning or not its a good rule of thumb to have skills mentioned in the job description to match the job posting. what i did was dedicate a folder in my google drive to job stuff and made a folder for each kind of jobs i was interested in. from there i would find a job i wanted to apply to and tailor an old resume to have a bunch of the shit mentioned in the posting on the new resume. i'd save it in the appropriate folder with the date i edited it. if you haven't been in the habit of tailoring your resume you may be doing this a lot but eventually you'll have so many variations you won't have to do much editing if at all. and i do the same with cover letters. i have a general template for my cover letter and then tweak them for each kinds of jobs im looking for. this + ditching linkedin helped me A LOT
create an interview cheatsheet. you probably already know the job hunting sphere has a language and culture all its own. personally as someone with a touch of the 'tism it do not make sense to me so i have unknowingly not navigated interviews as well as i could have. what's helped? ask a manager. seriously. miss allison has helped me blend in as a normie soooo much 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶 if you have any specific questions/have any specific weaknesses just search the site but what really helped me was the list of good interview questions. oh and for the longest i could never come up with a good question to ask my interviewer but one day google recced me this article and now every time i ask 'so what would separate a good candidate from an excellent candidate in this role' and when i tell you my interviewers gag every time lollllll. i also went through 'boost your interview iq' [pdf download link here <3] and jotted down notes on how i can answer common interview questions to quickly be able to go over the night before
study the job posting before the interview btw and try to drum up at least one correlating anecdote for some of the major points of the job bc they WILL ask you that lollllllll
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southern--downpour 2 years
hello Virgil when you have the time you should explain your coloring and lining process
they way i do both lines and ESPECIALLY color changes basically every time i draw but yeah sure! im also p bad at explaining myself so idk if this is gonna make sense to anyone but me!
(first off dont draw on pure white canvases!! itll psyche you out and intimidate you because of the blank canvas, also its fucking eye bleeding!! i like going with a medium/light grey but ive seen people use a beige or light brown too just anything but pure white. also helps to just get SOMETHING onto the page if your having trouble w/ artblock, doesnt matter if its good it just has to be something u can work with. trust the process 100% and if it doesnt turn out good theres no shame in restarting from scratch, at least the idea is out of your head and easier to work through what was wrong)
my sketches are usually super messy and i go through like two to four different layers of refining it before starting lineart, and with lineart i usually use either a simple hard round brush or a sketchier one if im doing painting? my go-to ones are the default G-Pen in clip studio edited a bit to fit how i like pen pressure and 1834113 and 1761353 in the asset store but i like messing w/ whatever i can find on there and whatever feels fun at the time lmao so its not very consistent
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i try and keep my lines pretty thin on the inside and thicker on the outer edge? as well as adding bits of cross-hatching and hatching both in the lines and when i go in with shading!
i keep my lineart brushes pretty minimal with the pen pressure as im not the best with my pen control and just change the size of pen as i go lmao. More prevalent when i'm doing super clean lines for comics and not sketchy ones like this for painting but its generally the same, i'm not the neatest person when it comes to lines
I draw a lot of the individual parts (head, facial features, hair, clothes, hands, etc.) on separate layers so if something looks wrong i can either wipe the layer entirely or go in with the transform tool and not mess with the rest of the lineart in the process lol
(also i saw someone keep the eyes and facial features visible under the hair but erase where they meet the lines for the hair? and just yoinked it for myself because it looks super nice lmao.)
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starting colors is almost always the same, where i just go in and block in the base color for each part (skin, hair, clothes, etc.) on a separate layer to make going back and editing colors a lot easier. with painting like here i also go in and add basic shading, mostly around the skin! usually i add a darker & warmer color around the cheeks, nose, eyes, fingertips and joints as well as in places where theres shading like under the head and under the nose.
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also in the darkest parts of the shading like under the head/neck and under the nose i like to add a light bluish/purpleish color very lightly as a bounce light! it doesnt always fit with the piece but it does look very nice when i can make it fit so i try to remember to do that lol.
(I dont take many progress shots or timelapses so i apologize for not having the best reference images lmao)
if im doing painting, after finishing the base colors & light shading i put everything ive done into one folder and make a clipping mask over top of it and paint over it!
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i usually add more detailed shading + heavier highlights on places like the nose and edges of the skin showing to make it look nice and shiny lol
(i dont have any recent drawings i can show progress pics of but just trust me on this) if im doing cell shading though i do the same thing with putting the lineart and colors into a layer, but add a multiply layer on top of it and pick a pretty saturated color to go in with the shading. if i have a background i try and keep in mind what colors are in the background and what the lighting situation is to make sure the characters blend into the background more realistically. also airbrush tool and the add glow layer is your best friend in this situation
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usually after that i go back and color the line art! I pick the darkest color in a part of the drawing like the clothes or hair, make it warmer and darker and go in on the innermost parts of the lineart with it and keep a lot of the outer lines black for contrast
then i just go completely fucking ham with overlay layers and gradient maps lmao, they ARE the fucking best and are usually what i use to finish off a drawing lol.
usually i use a combination of just fucking with the default "sky" graidents in clip studio or one set i got from the asset store (1814319) on a soft light layer at like, 10-30 opacity because it gives it a REALLY nice look. again just keep in mind the lighting situation (darker night? daylight? funky bright colors?) and just go until it looks good lol.
that's basically it? though tbh i tend to just grab onto whatever technique or tip i saw on tiktok or someone on youtube do and use that, as well as changing how i color hair/skin depending on what i think looks nice at the time. none of my shit is consistent what so ever so i just kinda change things or try new brushes/coloring styles on the fly if i think it looks nice lmao. pure essence of fuck around and find out every time i open clip studio
really hope this makes sense to anyone but me and hope this was helpful!
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jakeperalta 3 years
Hi! Omg what do you think about everything and having info on Red Taylor's version now? I admit I was sorta hoping for an announcement but then it was past 5AM and she posted about Griff instead...then when I finally fell asleep by 10AM..dont worry this is normal for me and I dont just stay up for Taylor...she announced it and I got no notifications! So I found out an hour late ugh lol. But its fine..it was just not what I was expecting really at all so I was shocked but the 4 red hearts kinda pointed to it. I guess because everyone was expecting 1989 cuz of the themed merch..what do you think it was for? Its also not until November so idk. Ive seen people already complaining so do you think she just announced cuz people were asking? Or because of the 22 weeks thing? I guess it seems long right now but we dont know what she has planned and makes sense for the rerecordings to be more spread out. She didnt announce a single though so when do you think that's coming? The cover is from or similar to Evermore photoshoot so I wonder how long its been planned..but I still like the cover..but it seems like Evermore and how Fearless was too. But I really didnt know what to expect for Red either and it fits cuz to me Red is similar to Evermore. I am very interested in the 10 minute All Too Well cuz it never seemed that real to me I guess..like i knew about it but it seemed like a ya right thing and its here??? What do you think about the vault song number? I'm pretty sure Babe and Better Man are included but it's still more than I was expecting cuz it's more than Fearless. It's very interesting to think if they fits the theme of the album or doesnt...and I wonder if there will be more collabs than before? Someone said there was another Ed song and maybe Olivia Rodrigo cuz she gave her the RED ring. I'm not sure who else right now..who are you thinking? Another guy duet maybe like Keith Urban? I hope forNothing New from the Lover diaries too! Anyway sorry if this is a lot and I'm a little late asking..just trying to put all my thoughts. I am really excited to experience it again..since I was 16 and didnt really follow music like now back then and dont listen to it regularly. Last week my sister told me she didnt even know the lyric was this slope is treacherous..she thought it was this love lol. So it will be fun cuz she doesnt know all the lyrics like I do and forgets some songs.. cuz she hasnt heard the full album in years and the last time for me was before hearing Folklore lol and it's been even longer for Speak Now and also when Fearless came out. Anyway yay!!! I bet you're happier than me though cuz Red is more your vibe lol.
i didn't get a notification either and because i wasn't really expecting an announcement or for it to be red so when i first saw the pictures on tumblr i thought they were a fan edit 馃槀 i wonder if the plan had been to release 1989 sooner but things got delayed or she changed her mind but they decided to put out the merch anyway since it's summery. i think it's quite likely she just announced it now because of how people were expecting 1989 this summer to the point it was trending on twitter and getting reported on by journalists so she might just want to establish what's coming and show that it's going to be a slow process, although the 22 weeks thing is the kind of thing she'd do! my guess is that a single will come around september time when it's more autumnal and not such a long gap, but i'm curious what she'll pick! i really like the cover, i think it fits well with the red vibe and the "red" ring shows she didn't just like go back to the evermore photos and pick one, and also it makes me wonder if she's shot any of the other covers already since she's obviously been planning them a long time in advance! i definitely didn't expect to ever hear the 10 minute all too well either so that's exciting. i think this album is probably one of the most exciting for vault songs so i'm glad there's lots because it was a time of more experimentation so there could be some real country ones and some pop too. i do remember hearing a while ago that she and ed wrote two songs but only everthing has changed got released so i'd be curious to hear the other one and i'm guessing there will be two or three features total? i feel like the country/pop/singer-songwriter combination of the album means there's so many possibilities of people she could pick, there could be a combination of an artist she liked/was inspired by at the time and someone newer like with fearless. i'd love nothing new too, the snippet of lyrics we've seen of that look like it could be such an interesting song! it's exciting getting to experience it again, even though it's one of the albums i listen to most i didn't become a proper fan until just before 1989 so i like that this gives a chance to sort of relive the release and everything.
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