#ive got so many manga pages i should post still
the-chokey · 8 months
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hello Chibimyumi! First, thank you so much for all your Japanese language explanations- they're so illuminating! I've got a question about Sebastian's language. You have a lot of great posts on how Sebastian is a master of keigo, and always speaks formally even when he was first summoned. My question is: does this also apply to Sebastian's inner monologues, when he's only thinking/"speaking" to himself, like about how drippingly delicious Ciel's soul is gonna be, or how inept the servants are?
【Response to: "Sebastianese - Keigo"】
Dear Anon,
Thank you for your kind message! I am very happy to hear you enjoy my Lost in Translation series. Now about what you ask, that is a very good question! I guess we're going into Lost in Translation VI now!
Sebas does indeed speak a bit differently in inner monologues than when he speaks to others. Sebas still speaks entirely gender-neutrally, but he does speak informally.
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When the first symptoms of the mustard gas started to show for example, he says:
泣いている…? 私が!?
Naiteiru...? Watashi ga!?
Crying...? I am!?
In formal Japanese, "crying" should be conjugated as "naiteimasu" rather than "naiteiru". It is not "crude" language, but it is informal. You wouldn't say that to your boss in Japan, for example.
Many masculine persons would also change first person pronouns when speaking to themselves on top of using informal conjugation. Sebas however, remains entirely gender neutral and uses "watashi" to refer to himself. As discussed in the post linked above, he speaks gender neutrally as well when he had just been summoned, as well as when he was no longer contractually obliged to be a butler.
The informal conjugation used in inner monologues is consistent throughout the manga. Back in the Campania Arc when Sebas was just summoned for example, he also thinks informally.
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Tondemonai hakoiri obocchama ni tsukaeru koto ni natteshimatta.
I ended up serving a pampered rich boy kept in cotton wool.
Here too unlike the informal conjugation "shimatta", the formal should have been "shimaimashita".
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And indeed, the same applies to the iconic line of: "how mouth-wateringly delicious your soul must be."
Shitataru hodo ni bimi darou
mouth-wateringly delicious must be.
The informal conjugation is "darou", whereas the formal would have been "deshou".
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Something that is very subtle and lost in translation was Sebastian's transition of language in chapter 89. In that chapter Sebas had been speaking hyper formal language to his master before leaving him and diving into the woods.
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In the immediate next page following their separation, Sebas starts his inner sentence in formal language, and transitions into informal.
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In Japanese, Sebas says:
Watashi mo nagai koto ningenkai ni imasu ga, konna shouki wa kanjita koto ga nai.
I have been in the human world for a long time, however I've never felt this type of miasma before.
In the verb conjugation "I have been" in the first bubble is in formal language, "imasu". And then when the sentence is continued, Sebas uses informal conjugation "I've", namely "nai".
Had the sentence been in full formal, it would have been:
"Watashi mo nagai koto ningenkai ni imasu ga, konna shouki wa kanjita koto ga arimasen."
And in full informal, the sentence would have been:
"Watashi mo nagai koto ningenkai ni iru ga, konna shouki wa kanjita koto ga nai."
I find it a very nice little detail that Sebas apparently needs a little bit of time to "switch Butlernese off" before he speaks casually again. Reversely when Sebas had had an informal inner monologue but when he opens his mouth again, he has never once failed to speak perfect keigo immediately.
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Related posts:
Lost in Translation I
Lost in Translation II
Lost in Translation III
Lost in Translation IV
Lost in Translation V
Bard's first person pronoun
Sebas and Bard back-and-forthing in Japanese
O!Ciel's Keigo
Japanese Death Trap known as “Keigo” - Sebastianese
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flourchildwrites · 5 years
While I still have to read Bound By(sooon) how about a fictober prompt? If you dont have anything planned yet, either "fight" or "trapped" for royai? Thanks! Im loving what Ive read so far!
Witch, Please!  Fictober 2019  (13/31)
A multi-fandom Fictober prompt compilation.  Your wish is my command, but be careful what you ask for.  You just might get it.
For @dvltgr
Prompt:   “Fight” from Writetober 2019 Prompt List
Fandom:  Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types
Relationship/Pairing:  Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang
Genre:  Pre-Canon, Young!Royai
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count:  1,726 words
Read on AO3
Dinner at Hawkeye Manor was a pleasant affair for those who were accustomed to long stretches of loaded silence. After three years of dining in a conversation vacuum, Roy Mustang had gotten used to it.
Berthold Hawkeye took his meals with his nose pressed between the pages of the newspaper while his daughter balanced the checkbook. Clinking silverware and chiming glass accompanied the pungent smell of printer’s ink as the tip of Riza’s pencil scratched against the household’s ledger. The set of the fourteen-year old’s blonde brow spoke volumes about the solvency of the Hawkeye estate, and judging from recent observations, Roy braced himself for another hard winter. He wrote home to his Aunt Chris, asking for sweet treats, a thick pair of gloves and extra blankets to see him through, intending to put the letter to post the next morning before his lessons.
“What are you doing?”
Riza’s voice was not entirely jarring, but the sudden urgency of the question caught Roy off guard. He flinched, nearly jumped out of his skin and pivoted in his chair, staring back at the knock-kneed tomboy as if he had seen a ghost. Admittedly, she had been looking paler lately; the threadbare quality of her clothes emphasized that fact.
“Writing a letter to my Aunt. Why?”
“The one who lives in Central?”
“Yes.” Roy supposed he hadn’t quite explained that he only had one aunt, that he knew of at least, but wasn’t about to start now. “Why?” Roy’s voice carried an edge that he hadn’t quite anticipated.
“Sorry,” he added, apologetically, “I’ve got a lot to do here, and you startled me. Is there something you need, Riza?”
Reluctance was not an emotion that Riza wore all that often or all that well. She fiddled with the frayed end of her baby blue sweater, refusing to meet his eyes as she spoke. “You should go into town to mail that letter this evening so it’ll go out on the morning train,” she said. “I’ll set aside some dinner for you. I’ll even give you an extra slice of dessert. It’s peach cobbler.”
“That will take almost an hour, and I don’t want an extra slice of dessert,” Roy retorted. “I can just give the letter to the postman tomorrow morning. One day won’t make a difference.”
Still stroking the hem of her clothing, Riza’s tone became impassioned. She looked up to meet the gaze of her father’s apprentice. “It might freeze tomorrow night, and the mail to Central could be delayed for weeks. Could you please, Roy? I- I need to talk to my father, and I think it’d be best if you were out.”
Roy opened his mouth to argue but stopped as the puzzle pieces fit together, forming a more precise picture in his mind. Riza needed to speak with her father, which she never did. She’d made Professor Hawkeye’s favorite food, peach cobbler, which they rarely could afford. Riza was offering Roy an extra slice of dessert - possible her own - because it was the only bargaining chip she had to offer.
He’d be an ass to refuse her request at this point. Aunt Chris had taught him better than that.
“Fine,” he hissed through gritted teeth. Roy glanced out the window as the wind gusted through the trees, knocking burnish yellow, brown and orange leaves from the branches. He shivered at the thought of a long, lonely walk down the dusty country road.
Roy returned later than intended with frozen toes and cheeks red and raw from the cold. As he stepped into the entryway and stamped his boots against the mat, Roy heard raised voices coming from their small kitchen, the place he usually ate dinner.
“I give you food. I give you shelter. I provide for a first-rate education, and what has that school imposed on us! The clothes on your back are fine as they are, and I should write that school an impassioned letter to protest non-academic endeavors. End of discussion.” Berthold’s raised voice loomed through the wooden walls of the dilapidated country home.
“All the other girls enjoy the cotillion,” Riza stressed. Her tone was high and shrill. “I don’t want to ruin it for everyone, but the nice dress I have doesn’t fit. I asked my teacher if I could help prepare and serve the food again with the lower grades, but she said no. I’m to be judged on table etiquette this year and dancing next year. The cotillion is one-sixth of my overall grade, Father!”
“Table etiquette and dancing!” Berthold scoffed. “I’m not going to allow you to spend a quarter of our monthly budget on frivolities such as shoes and dresses that you’ll wear once. What you have is sufficient.”
“Please, Father. I already tried letting out the seams. See? The hem is too far above my knees, and my chest-”
Roy crept close to the doorframe. He walked softly to muffle the sound of his footsteps against the hardwood and pressed his back against the wall. The apprentice stilled his breath to hear his master’s low, cruel utterance.
“Maybe you should eat less. It fit your mother fine when she was your age.”
There was a beat of silence as the weight of his words settled and wreaked their havoc. Roy’s fists tightened. His teeth clenched, and he heard the soft shuffling of fabric and shoes against the kitchen’s checkerboard floor as Riza darted into the hall.
He caught sight of her as she passed and was surprised to find Riza wearing a lacey white dress gone yellow with age. The delicate layers sat too high on her hips, and the button-up back was taut.  The effect strained the natural curves of her figure in places where the garment should have comfortably fallen. In the split-second their eyes met, she turned away and darted up the stairs toward her room.
As Roy followed in Riza’s footsteps, he stopped off at the small apprentice dormitory to discard his jacket, boots and scarf but caught sight of the dinner on his desk before he could peel the layers from his skin. As promised, there sat an extra serving a peach cobbler and a note thanking him for his discretion. The sight hurt Roy’s heart just as much as the soft sobs coming from the other side of the hallway.
He sat down to write another letter to his Aunt Chris and told himself that he didn’t mind two brisk walks through the bitter cold on the same evening.
If the crates stacked in the entryway of Hawkeye Manor bothered Berthold, he paid them little mind. The postman begrudgingly lugged them in from his wagon with sideways remarks about the size and weight that Roy pretended not to hear. It took the young man four trips to carry the wooden boxes to his second-story dormitory and twenty minutes more to recover from his exertions. But the content of crates far surpassed any expectations he might have had when he asked his Aunt if his sisters had a nice dress to spare.
Chris Mustang’s note was, as she, straightforward and to the point.
A dress is useless without shoes, coats and accessories. Your sisters have no need of these as they are from last year. See that they find a good home.
Aunt Chris
All that was left was to wait for Riza to return home from school.
“Oh, Riza,” Roy called out, pleased as a preening peacock, “could you come here a moment. I have a favor to ask.”
Roy waited with growing impatience for her to turn the corner and smiled like the Cheshire cat when her indignant scowl fell, quickly replaced by a look of wonder. At least a dozen dresses and coats of all colors and styles were laid over the two vacant beds in the dormitory. An entire jewelry box of ornate rings, bejeweled earnings and long strands of pearls sat casually on Roy’s nightstand. And in the corner of the room, a large crate of purses and high-heeled shoes sat, still waiting to be unpacked.
“My silly sisters thought you might be interested in some of their old dresses,” he started. “And I told them that, of course, you wouldn’t want last year’s styles, but they insisted, and here we are. Might you consider taking these off my hands? I’d hate to send them back.”
Riza approached the dresses with equal parts hesitation and fascination, running the back of her hand along the frilly sleeve of a shimmering, soft pink dress and burying her fingers in a fur-lined coat that, Roy realized, once belonged to his own Aunt. Then, suddenly, her awe turned sour as she shook her head to rid her eyes of the marvels before them.
“I can’t accept these, Roy,” she said sadly. “We can’t afford-”
“Oh, please,” Roy interrupted. He’d prepared himself for this particular argument. “No one would be caught dead in these clothes in Central City. And I realize it will be a hassle to take them in, but I’d hate to have to haul these to the post office. It’s so far away, and the weather is absolutely terrible this time of year.”
Roy hoped against hope that, just this once, she wouldn’t be so stubborn, and he was rewarded by a teary-eyes gaze that caught the reflection of the many metallic bobbles glinting in her new jewelry box. Riza gathered the clothing in her arms and looked at Roy with a heartbreaking grin that stretched the corners of her heart-shaped face.
“Thank you,” was all she said in reply.
Through the lump in his throat, Roy grumbled his own response. “Don’t mention it.”
He couldn’t go to the dance with her and probably would not spend another winter under Berthold’s tutelage. Neither could Roy change his master’s mind once it had been made up nor lessen the burden of her lonely life. But if he could play some small part in a brief moment of happiness, the young man decided he would take that chance, if not for altruistic reasons then selfish ones. If only so that when Riza would smile, all decked out in her finery as she departed for the cotillion, Roy would know he was responsible for it.
He would fight for her well-being, even after she herself had surrendered.
A/N:  Thank you so much for the prompt. I hope you like it even though I took royai and made it young!royai.  Today, I woke up thinking about my grandmother and a particular conversation she had with my father about a prom dress.  So, I guess this one it a little for her as well.  Feel free to send me pairing requests for particular prompts (Fictober or original) via my tumblr, and if you read something you like, don’t hesitate to let me know. Your kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions, comments, likes and reblogs make my day!
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crescentmoonrider · 5 years
some details from my recent comic (mostly environment)
also, stuff that hit the cutting room floor and isn’t present in the actual thing
[link to the comic, it’s 5 pages of kekkai sensen noir AU]
so, as some might have noticed (and as i said in the tags of the comic i think), i paid A Lot of attention to the details and environments in this comic. so i thought i’d explain some of the stuff i had in mind while drawing
surprisingly, i have nothing of importance to say about the brick wall (on page 1) i spent over 5 hours on - aside from it being bricks bc, well, new york, man
or, as the artistic director for the bbb anime Kimura Shinji said : “the most emblematic buildings in new york are from the time when art déco was “in”” and “the image of the 70s new york was the one that satisfied me most [in terms of mood]”
(ive got loads of interviews with the anime staff that came with the dvds i bought, though in french, but if anyone is interested i could translate some of them)
anyway that’s what i looked up for reference. 70s streets, emblematic new york architecture (meaning bricks and side stairs or whatever these things are called), some noir movies back alleys to fit the theme of the AU, and four new york taxi photos for a result that is
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... yeah
details i do have loads to talk about though !
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this poster (on page 2) is based on an actual ad for the city of new york, featuring the empire state building
so why did i choose to put this element in daniel’s office ? obviously, the setting is hellsalem’s lot right ? why keep an ad of a city that basically doesn’t exist anymore - plus, what kind of person keeps an ad of their own city ?
(also, side note, is- is the huge building that we see tumbling down at the start of the Collapse in the anime. is it the empire state ?? did the empire state get scraped from new york/hellsalem’s horizon right as Mr. Kimura said he based his backgrounds on this kind of architecture ?)
anyway, this poster was my way of slowly building up the... let’s say static state daniel is in, in this AU. page 3 mentions “The constant numbness that’s been following [him] for the past three years.” and that was my attempt at introducing this idea environmentally
this daniel refuses to move past the disappearance of marcus, refuses to accept it, and that form of denial kind of leads him to get. stuck in place - or maybe stuck in time, leading me to
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this glass of water (page 2 still)
how long has this glass been sitting here ? who knows. a while, certainly, if the way it’s sweating is any indication
how long has daniel been standing looking at nothing through that window, stuck inside his thoughts, until reality calls him back whenever a client walks in ?
how many times has it happened ?
on the same desk, we have... quite a few pictures
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(yes i put effort into this detail explanation, yes i redrew the pictures for this one)
(also i realize i put the pencil on the left side out of habit, so i guess daniel is now left-handed. ooops ?)
on the center of the desk, we can see... Leonardo Watch ? yup, that’s him, he has a file dedicated to him, and daniel apparently followed him around enough to get 4 pictures taken on various occasions, and one mugshot he got.... somewhere
daniel is, in fact, not working on a case relating to leo. officially. alright, so, i haven’t figured out the way everything fits together, but daniel’s search into his brother’s disappearance lead him places, among which research into Things You Can’t See, and as such, the eyes of the gods
pictures 1-3 are just leo in various situations (meeting up with nej, eating at diane’s dinner, waiting for his train)
picture 4 shows leo on a bench, obviously interacting with.... someone ? who cannot be seen. even though leo clearly has his arm over their. shoulder, probably. daniel annotated the picture by hand, circling the empty space at leo’s side, and adding the commentary “doesn’t appear on photos?”, indicating that whoever was there could, in fact, be seen by human eyes
(leo, what the fuck kind of friends are you making in this AU)
on the right side of the desk, literally put aside, is a file full of daniel’s official work. and a picture related to his most current case
not explicit, or even implicit, but probably a fun fact, this one file is just. a collection of investigations into one Zapp Renfro’s many affairs, each investigation related to a different case
i’m not saying zapp keeps daniel fed through his many infidelities, but i’m not not saying it either
if they ever actually meet, daniel is either going to shout at zapp forever for being a garbage person, or he will thank him for all the easy work. or he might do both
so how did daniel take these pictures ? did he use a portable camera, like any old-fashioned detective would ? or did he go the modern way, and simply used his phone ?
the answer is neither
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welcome to “i couldn’t fit this in the comic so just take it”, featuring daniel’s left eye ! my headcanons for his canon self vary from day to day (and also whether we’re talking manga or anime, since his design slightly differs), but in this AU, we’re going with a huge scar and an artificial eye
the eye is a product of beyondian technology. pure tech, no magic involved. it works as a covert camera, but mainly serves as, you know, an eye
sometimes daniel sees people with his right eye that the left one seems blind to, and something tells him he should probably not ask about it if he can avoid it
next page !
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those who saw me post my progress in real time already know this one, but i still can’t get over the fact that i put research into a single shot of a small part of a watch. but i did
anyway the watch is an actual existing one. it’s a Boucheron “Epure”, steel with a white quadrant, and a black gator bracelet. you can look it up
and now we get to the One thing i really, really wanted to put in the comic, but had to refrain myself out of a desire to keep things not too cliché. i mean, shady client comes in, detective thinks to himself “the moment i saw him, i knew he was trouble” while dragging on his cigarette...
look, steven is heavily femme fatale (homme fatal ?) coded already, and is trying to look decent and Not like he murdered someone/is planning on murdering someone, because that’s precisely the problem he needs daniel’s help with. murder accusations
anyway he can not decently show up in a fur coat looking like some mafia boss
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but BOY do i wish he would
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How Horikoshi treats his female characters (Feat. How his ‘Fans’ treat him): A Rant
Something that has recently been popping up a lot in the BNHA tags, for me at least, is this idea that Hori is a “Lazy/Bad Writer”. It’s a topic that’s genuinely interesting to me and I would love to discuss it! After the reaction i got to my last post on discussing the fandom, i feel like this is a really fun topic for me to look into and i love having an open discussion with people. So just to let you know before we start, everything here is my opinion - feel free to respond with your own thoughts and i’d happily have a conversation with you about anything and everything! If you disagree with me then that's fine, if you agree with me then that's fine too! I'm just a person with a keyboard and an opinion and so are you! :)
So today i would love to discuss how people treat Hori in regards to his female characters and i hope you enjoy this 1500 word essay/ramble i did. (PS if you came from my last lil essay then this one is a lot less sarcastic because its a more serious topic and i don’t want to come across as too rude also i actually got sleep today)
Now, this was actually the first topic I came across when looking into the Hori tags. At first, I was on board with the general theme of what was happening. I saw some lovely artwork of Momo where people had redesigned her costume, they were very creative in how they did it and overall, I had no complaints – if the whole topic of this tag was about how people wanted to be creative and redraw characters in their own design then I’d 100% support it, but the more you look into it, the more…. Nasty is gets.
So, the overall theme of what I gathered from this little tag is that idea that Hori is some sort of [Word I really don’t want to type out but im sure you can guess what it is] because of how he draws his females, most of which are underage. So if you, as a consumer, are, well, consuming something, such as a TV show, film, anime, Manga etc. and you see something that makes you go “This is disgusting – I need to write a Tumblr post about this to warn other people about what's happening here” then I fully support you – please keep on doing what you’re doing. 
However, this isn’t what I see, what I see are posts going “F*CK HORI HE’S A [Nasty word] AND I HOPE HE D*ES – HERE EVERYONE I MADE AN ANTI FLAG, SHARE IT EVERYWHERE AND LET ME KNOW WHERE I CAN SEND MY D*ATH THR*AT TO” Meanwhile, when you go on this same persons page it’s all reposts of the characters and screenshots of the show, posts of them saying “Yo did you guys see the new BNHA episode last night?!?” and overall just very fandom-y stuff. I truly cannot comprehend this type of behaviour – you are so set in this belief that Hori is a [Nasty Word] and yet here you are, on the very same blog you use to slander his name, actively supporting him! Listen, if one of you Anti’s were to sit there and say “I wholeheartedly think Hori is a [Nasty word] and therefore I am no longer going to participate in this fandom or with supporting his creations” then, while I don’t agree with you, I support you in your decision as you have made a clear stance on something with both your words and your actions and I can truly respect that, and hell you would actually get my attention and I might read into what it is you’re talking about. I’m not, however, going to waste my time reading a piece of material written by someone who does all that nasty stuff I previously mentioned and take any of what they say seriously. Let me put it this way; you think Hori is a [Nasty word], you are supporting the show, you are therefore supporting a [nasty word], so why should I take anything you say seriously? I don’t want to see any more of this ‘One minute we love him, one minute we hate him’ attitude because when you hate him the things you are saying are some of the worst things you could possibly say to another person and its childish, disgusting and you’re giving this fandom a bad name.
Now back to the girls, I personally do find certain characters outfits a little distasteful, especially with how they’re done in the anime and how they zoom in on certain body parts, i also dislike how it’s ‘funny’ for characters like Mineta to get away with such disgusting behaviour. I do think that’s the biggest flaw I can find in this show – I don’t however 100% blame Hori for this. Now obviously at the end of the day, it is down to Hori what happens in his show, but can we all stop pretending that it’s just him that does this? When I think of anime the first thing that comes to mind is anime girls and their… attributes. It’s an industry issue and Hori is one of many people that partakes in it – so im not saying he’s not to blame, im just saying some of you are a little dramatic and need to realise if you truly want this behaviour to stop then you need to go after the industry and not just one guy.
Now this next point I want to make is something im sure might be a little confusing for most of you and something I can 100% see the other side of better than some other points ive made. It’s also kinda hard for me to put into words so please bear with me here.
I don’t think its necessary for Hori to develop his female characters as much as their male counterparts – now im sure that’s an odd concept but let me explain. As a child growing up in the age of great TV shows such as Hannah Montana, iCarly, Wizards of Waverly Place etc. I think ive spent a fair amount of time watching TV, my personal favourites as a child were Winx Club, BRATZ and W.I.T.C.H (Im from the UK so apologies if you have no idea what they are). Now all of these shows were ‘for girls’, they all revolve around a group of girls and their adventures in their respective worlds, they learn things along the way, because, even if you don’t realise it, these kids shows have hidden messages in them that are like ‘we should be kind’ ‘we should treat others with respect’ and all that jazz you need to know to be a decent human being. However, the one thing that these shows always lacked was any form of male presence. Now im not saying these shows had no males in them, that would be weird, but what I am saying is that the males in these shows were very one dimensional and they were always the love interest of one of the characters, or you might get the odd parental figure that would show up for one episode to be a motivation for a character. However with BNHA, a show that is specifically aimed at teenage boys, I don’t feel like they do such a disservice to females (AKA the ‘men’ equivalent of my other shows), sure they’re not treated great in certain aspects that I've already discussed, but look at their actual characters, Uraraka is the main girl, sure she very much has the same role as many of the men did in my childhood shows of the ‘love interest’ but her character is more than that and we see it in the sports festival as well as some of the more recent chapters (213-215 to be specific). Her character isn't just some airhead and neither are the other girls, Momo is literally top of the class in terms of written ability and she had her own little mini-arc around gaining confidence (which is still ongoing because guess what – people don’t change overnight), Mina has had some spotlight on her and is seen to be a very confident and skilled fighter, Tsu was literally described as the ‘perfect student with no flaws’ and is shown to be a badass on multiple occasions, Midoriya’s mum is even a character that’s had some form of arc with her learning to believe in her son and she's not some faceless character we hear about every so often when they need a plot device.
Now im not saying the female representation is perfect and it’s certainly not 100% equal to that of the men, but im saying it doesn’t need to be. This is a show for boys, sure girls can watch and enjoy it, but its made for boys in the same way my shows were made for girls, and the average boy isn’t going to want to watch a bunch of fairy princesses run around saving their fluffy little pets like I did (im sure a some of them will – and good for them, in the same way that some girls might want to watch superhero films, it’s not something im saying is bad, its just most people raise children into predetermined stereotypes of what gender roles they should fill and the media caters to that).
So what im saying is that taking a show aimed at boys and comparing it to shows aimed at girls and how each handles the opposite sex (we’re not going into gender here, that’s a whole other topic of diversity), I don’t think BNHA is all that bad. I guess if I want to be a little harsher in my approach, why is it okay to have a near-all female cast and not a near-all male cast? I understand a need for diversity, truly I do, but sometimes having a token character for each ‘type’ of person takes away from what the show is actually trying to convey – and in BNHAs case I think its trying to teach young boys that it’s okay to be emotional or vulnerable when you’re in situations that other shows teach you to ‘man up’ in. Not every show can solve racism, sexism and homophobia, I’m sorry to break it to you, but some shows are a little more basic in their approach to what it is they want to show and I think BNHA is a perfect example of that, it’s showing boys that you can cry, you can go through struggles in life, you can even come back from being a terrible person through growth and development, and I think that’s something boys need. A lot of people in this day and age want men to change (and I agree that there are a lot of things all groups of people can work on) and BNHA is showing boys how to grow up in a way that’s not this ‘tough guy that has no feelings’ and at the end of the day isn’t that something we want?
I do believe there are areas that BNHA really needs to improve in when it comes to it’s female cast, but can we stop with this awful hate? This fandom had such potential to be an amazing community of people who are skilled with art, writing, storytelling, cosplay, etc. but it seems like half of you just want to tear each other down and it’s sad to see such potential wasted because you can’t handle someone having a different opinion or view to you.
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wetookanoath · 7 years
the Ultimate™  big, fat, long ass shyan fanfic rec list by your local librarian, part II
So, tumblr fucked the format and apparently, it doesn’t allow you to post as many links as one may want. Fuck you, @staff.
Contains: More than 150 fanfictions on AO3 and tumblr. Commentary for each by me, rating, number of chapters and summaries. Divided by Top 25 Favorites, Oneshots, Multichapter, Ongoing, Series and On Tumblr Only.
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]
Coming Soon: Rec Page.
~ Oneshots, part II
Something a Demon Would Say by EAST (WESTAGE)
Summary: Ryan wants to prove that Shane is a demon, and/or an alien, and Shane just wants to ask Ryan out on a date.
“The jig is up, Shane Madej! I know what you really are!”
Rated: G
Commentary: This fic has one of my favorite endings of all time. It’s fun and funny, and characterization is wonderful. Also, Shane has a not-so-secret crush on Ryan and it’s adorable.
i wanna see the sunrise and your sins by AmazingAida
Summary: ryan goes into heat while filming and shane is, thankfully, there to help.
also ryan and shane come face to face with their true feelings and it’s very confusing.
or, alternatively: in which shane and ryan have sex for one reason that ends up being a completely different implicit reason.
or, alternatively: feelings are confusing just don’t have them.
Rated: E
Commentary: Pure, fluffy PWP, if that’s you think– the only reason I don’t cherish as much this fic is because it is a cheating fanfic. And while they don’t cheat on their real life girlfriends in the fic, Ryan still has a partner and I just... don’t. But other than that, this is very sweeet and hot.
Mausoleum by ghostwheeze
Summary: How about…. Ryan and Shane are stuck in a room for some reason (Maybe the doorknob broke off…?) And Ryan is absolutely terrified. The sexual tension has been high between the two for a while and so Shane decides… fuck it, and does something to distract Ryan ;)
Rated: T
Commentary: This fic has something... something tht makes me love it. It’s so good and hot, even if they are just--- not doing it, and yeeeeet. I ove it.
SLEEPINGWITHAFRIEND by grapefruitghostie
Summary: it’s a risk but, babe, i need the thrillor; the author just wants to cry
Rated: E
Commentary: Alright, this one is kinky. In this story, Shane and Ryan also have a dom/sub relationship, with Shane being Ryan’s dom, and it also has– you guessed it right, daddy kink. I love it.
he is the one named sailor moon by schuyleryette
Summary: Ryan Bergara was just your regular college student trying to deal with classes, an asshole roommate, and one of the most insufferable jerks he had ever met. None of this prepared him for the talking cat who change the course of his destiny…
Rated: T
Commentary: Another big, but nice, surprise in the tag was to find a damn Sailor Moon AU. Look– I grew up watching this anime and this was the first manga I read, and I also probably became a little bit gay because of Michiru (and her wife Haruka), so this AU is everything to me.
That, and the fact that is. so. much. fun. Honestly, give Ryan a break– he had one weird night in this fic. It’s great, you all should read it.
satisfaction brought it back by ElasticElla
Summary: A true crime case turns supernatural, and Ryan gets a little too curious about Shane’s fanfiction references.
Rated: M
Commentary: Listen, Ryan’s curiosity in this fic is everything to me. I felt all the second hand embarrasment in the world while reading him go through smutty fanfics as Shane slept in the same room as him, getting hot at fanfic!Shane saying that “you are mine” and stuff like that. It was amazing.
Danse Macabre by americanchemicals
Summary: On your thirteenth birthday, a mark would appear on your body, a mark that only one other person in the world had. These matching marks, or soulmarks, were a physical connection between two soulmates.
Rated: G
Commentary: THEY GET– AT THE END THEY– DUDE, JUST READ IT. The ending of this, the climax of this fic, had me shook and It made me happy. Lovely fic.
and i’m puffing my chest, getting red in the face by pissedofsandwich
Summary: "Zack’s going to be there?“ Shane asks, masking his… whatever it is he’s feeling in his chest, with nonchalance.
Ryan blinks. “Yes?”
Well, never mind dancing with the fucking sun. He’s Icarus, wings melted and falling face-first into the asphalt.
Or: Shane is definitely not at all jealous of how close Zack and Ryan are getting during the making of Sports Conspiracies. Except that he is.
Rated: T
Commentary: One of my favorite fanfics that also has jealous!Shane and one of the most funniest climax ever. All their co-workers are damn angels, you gotta read this, it’s incredible. Also, kudos to poor Zack having the rage of a jealous Shane Alexander Madej with a cup of coffee in his hands.
Blood Buddies (with benefits) by Squeakyshroom
Summary: Ryan thought they were just friends, but one night and one bite has him questioning everything.
OR: Shane’s a fledgling vampire. Ryan’s an idiot.
Rated: E
Commentary: I’ve read a total of 16 times since it was posted a few weeks ago, lmao. Look– this author? I love her. She is one of the first people I talked to while doing the project, she kinda got me into talking to other authors and that helped me a lot to get through the reading happily.
She has a very unique style and the way she writes their dynamic is something else. This fanfic in particular is a lot of fun, and I hate the fact that I know one and every damn Twilight reference in it.
It also has one of my favorite mental images/scenes in a fanfic ever. If you guess which one is, come tell me about it, lmao.
give me all your poison by ElasticElla
Summary: Shane catches Ryan red-handed. Or well, red-shirted and fuck, this is not the romantic reunion he envisioned when deciding to surprise Ryan.
Rated: E
Commentary: AHHHHH, I LOVE THIS ONE. It inspired a whole series in which both are killers that you should totally read, too: the serial killer ryan quartet. This fic has… a scene I really like. If you get which one, I’ll love you forever. I’m so glad I read and commented this fic, because my comment helped inspire the rest of it.
distorted truths by hwsinbs
Summary: All of Shane’s entourage is convinced that his boyfriend is a ghost. Ryan takes it a little too well (and Shane wishes it was a real ghost).
Rated: G
Commentary: LMAO, this fic. Look– Ryan has to say a little lie and it becomes this big thing… he can’t even breathe properly after it. It’s incredibly fun, I enjoyed reading it a lot.
Eventually, the Darkness Stares Back by EAST (WESTAGE)
Summary: Shane realizes he likes Ryan exactly the way he is: alive.
Rated: T
Commentary: Oh, this one gave me the creeps. Shane is fucking scary, man, and the whole scenary, the moment when everything happens, I just– wow. This one’s good, really good.
Nana by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: I sat with you beside your bed and cried For things that I wish I’d said
You still had your nose red
And if I live past seventy-two, I hope I’m half as cool as you
Ryan is ready.
Rated: Not Rated (I’ll say T)
Commentary: This should be rated DEATH FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES, because is a soul-destroyer fic. Dude, the ending. Dude, be prepared.
“Do you think there’s fanfiction?” by Anotherlostblogger
Summary: This is about to get very meta but it does not necessarily depict real life events and/or my actual opinions about the lovely fanfic on this site.
Rated: E
Commentary: The whole first part is a lot of fun, kinda on the nose, but really funny. And the smut is good, too. Very enjoyable fic, a lot of fun for everyone. Especially Ryan, lmao.
Fuck Fear by Squeakyshroom
Summary: Ryan can’t sleep and Shane invites him into his sleeping bag.
Sex and confused feelings ensue.
Rated: E
Commentary: From one of my favorite authors, this fic has ace!Shane who enjoys getting his partner off, and Ryan enjoys it of course. This fic is a lot of fun.
Ryan Bergara: The Biggest Fucking Tease in the World by ClaraLuna98
Summary: why was Shane so GODDAMN disheveled during the Sodder Children episode?
Rated: M
Commentary: This one is supposed to happen while they are filming the Sodder Children episode of True Crime, season 1. You know the one– when Shane looked like if he had just fucked. That’s the one. And it’s glorious. Also, daddy kink.
i wanna see your face and know ive made it home by isthepartyover
Summary: “I’m going,” Shane announces, blood smeared on his face and baseball bat still clenched in shaking hands.
They try to argue with him, tell him it’s dangerous and he might die and he should really leave it to the adults-Shane barks out a laugh at that one.
“I’m going,” he insists, and follows the scientists to the creepy-ass lab and down under to the gaping, disgusting maw waiting for them underneath.
Rated: Not Rated.
Commentary: SO THIS WAS DONE BECAUSE I SAID ON ONE OF MY SILLY, SILLY FANFICS POST HOW I WANTED A STRANGER THINGS AU IN THE FANDOM AND– and angels do exist, look at THIS. It’s wonderful, you guys, Shane’s POV is rich and fun, and is an interesting story that will make you want to die a little in the climax. Go read it!
Rogue State by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: “Who are you?” Ryan blurted out, once they had gotten away.
The line of Shane’s lips stretched into an amused grin. He chuckled. “I’m still your ol’ pal, Shane. I’ve just been keeping a few secrets.“
“And what secrets are those, Shane?” Ryan asked, voice wavering under the pressure of his anxiety and irritation. Shane pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side. With a small shrug, he explained, “Let’s just say I’ve been watching you for a long time.”
Spy!Shane AU.
Rated: M
Commentary: This is such an amazing fanfic, this AU is incredible and wow, I wish there was more of this. Shane and Ryan’s relationship is everything here, the things Shane has done for Ryan... amazing.
My Wings // Shyan by egofelix
Summary: An Angel by the name of Ryan meets a Demon by the name of Shane and let’s just say… the rest is history.
Rated: Not Rated (M, for sure)
Commentary: In which Ryan is an angel, Shane is a demon, there’s a war between their worlds, and they have some good dicking session. This fic is interesting, boning aside.
Compliment Each Other Like Colors by americanchemicals
Summary: When you look into your soulmate’s eyes, the world fills with color. Until then, people are forced to live in black & white, yearning for the day they’re able to see the universe in a different way.
Rated: M
Commentary: Can’t include a “you start seeing in color when you meet your soulmate” AU, especially when it’s kind of really original and well written. Very good fic with a good twist in it.
Angel With a Shot Gun by notimmortal
Summary: "I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe. Don’t you know you’re everything I have?”
- Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab
Shane is an Angel and will never let anything harm Ryan, ever.
Rated: T
Commentary: Shane (and Sara) is an angel in this one. What I like the most about it is Shane’s POV and the universe it wrote, the world building is pretty rad. And also– Shane does has a gun. His spiritual weapon is a damn gun. It’s fucking awesome.
nothing’s making sense at all by isthepartyover
Summary: Ryan was drunk.
Very drunk.
The room was spinning slightly, making it hard to focus on anything in the room or any one thought, the anxious dread he’d had building in his gut since Keith’s disappearance only getting worse and less tolerable with the alcohol in his system.
The girls were laughing loudly over some joke Ryan couldn’t quite remember hearing, leaning on one another with the force of it, and the sound was making the terrible knot of feeling in his gut worse for some reason.
Rated: Not Rated. (Again, T).
Commentary: This oen is part of the Stranger Things AU. Like I said before, I love this AU. It’s awesome and Ryan’s POV in this one is one of my favorites.
Self care by Mega_purplezebracorn
Summary: Ryan likes to shower. The shower is a private place where he can think to himself and reflect the day.
However, sometimes a certain somebody will flash into mind and…distract him from this…
This is filthy, filthy dirt and I am both ashamed and proud. *sighs* wtf have I become?
Rated: E
Commentary: This one… has something… that I really like, and I don’t know where to put my finger on it. Both chapters of it are smutty. In the first one, Ryan takes care of himself and it’s… certainly sexy. While the second one is THE scene between them.
It’s also a “discovering you got a daddy kink” fanfic, they realize together they are into that. Good shit, good shit.
conflict of interest by spoopyy
Summary: Shane is a high school science teacher who really hates his job. He bumps into a passionate, but lonely history teacher named Ryan, who just might make teaching worth it.
Rated: Not Rated (but I would say, G)
Commentary: BOY, this is such a perfect fanfic, all of it. From how they met to how they get together, and how their relationship keeps going. READ IT.
and he takes and he takes by cooliohoolio
Summary: Shane wants to say I will be dead within the next year. He wants to say the flowers in my lungs are there because of you. He wants to say I’m in love with you and it’s killing me.
Rated: Not Rated (I’d say T)
Commentary: I love Hanahaki Disease, man. It’s so tragic and romantic at the same time, and I guess– sometimes, love does feels like that. It fills you up and yet, it’s killing you, takes your breathe away. And this fic? It killed me.
Bloody Hell by AussieBookworm
Summary: One of the gifts of being bitten by a vampire, Shane supposed, was his improved hearing. For example, he could hear Jen quietly humming a song she claimed she hated, Quinta having a conversation with her mother about her father’s surprise birthday party, and Ryan leaving a meeting room and walking over to him.
Shane is a vampire and Ryan starts getting a bit too close to the truth, completely by accident
Rated: T
Commentary: In which Shane and Ryan visit an actual Vampire Hunter for an episode, and Shane wants to destroy something. In this one, Shane and Sara are vampires and good friends, and Ryan doesn’t know his pal is exactly what he is looking for. And it’s awesome.
May I Say I Loved You More by Luntian
Summary: He felt Ryan’s warm palm on his shoulder. By then he knew he couldn’t lie anymore.“I—well, uh…” Shane inhaled deeply, “Promise me you’ll believe.
”Ryan was puzzled, but he nodded almost immediately.
After a long pause, Shane finally continued, “I’m not human.”
“What?” Ryan whispered. His eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, I was human, then—and then I died.” Ryan stared. Shane realized he was making no sense. He sighed, “Okay, listen. I am an angel.” Shane glanced at Ryan, trying to see his reaction but he saw no expression on his face. “I was sent on Earth to, uh, complete some mission.”
“You’re an alien?!”
“I’m an angel!”
Shane is an angel with a time limit. And a boyfriend.
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: Angel Shane AU that for a second seems to be all happy– then it’s not. I cried a lot.
find each other when we’re losing our minds. by alvaughn
Summary: “Gotta build up to it, baby.” Shane replies.
“Don’t call me baby.”
Rated: M
Commentary: We are in smut territory again. This one is FUCKED UP, like– all of these Seril Killer AUs are fucked, alright, but this one is just… oh, holy shit. Ryan, uuuuh, gets off of Shane coming to him every time he kills someone. But I like it. Another take on the “don’t call me baby” comment, also
.a short history of almost something by cooliohoolio
Summary: "I think I’ll wait another year.“Shane’s in love with Ryan, and will get around to telling him. One of these days.
Rated: Not Rated (G)
Commentary: This fic is… so damn cute. All of it. The scenes with them out in the grass, looking at the stars, are wonderful.
shelter by Hugabug
Summary: When Ryan comes home, covered in blood, Shane is ready for it.
Rated: T
Commentary: Serial Killer Ryan AU. Shane loves Ryan so much in this fic. And even though Ryan does– these horrible things, you can’t help but just want them to be safe. Protective Shane in this context is as wonderful as in any other.
waiting here for catastrophe by anarchetypal
Summary: “Ryan.” Shane breaks off and sits down again, slides his chair closer to Ryan’s, stares him down. “God, fuck, look at me, okay, I did this. I did this, this is my case, this is mine, everything you’re talking about—”
Ryan can’t help it: he laughs. It comes out a little anxiously, but it’s a laugh all the same, because Shane can’t really expect him to buy into this, right?
And Shane looks—well, murderous is either the wrong word or the right one.
“I’m not kidding.”
“You really want me to believe—”
“You entertain all possible theories, right?” Shane says, exasperated and angry, and Ryan notices it’s the first time he’s ever said that seriously. “That’s what this stupid show is—that’s what you do.So entertain this one.”
All at once, it stops being funny. Something the size of a golf ball seems to lodge itself high in Ryan’s throat. He realizes it’s alarm, fear, a caged bird thrashing against the bars inside himself. He’s waiting for Shane to break, to burst into laughter, to say it’s all a stupid joke, but it doesn’t happen.
“What the fuck,” he croaks out.
Rated: M
Commentary: Serial Killer Shane. In this one, Shane is offended that Ryan thinks he is an amateour in the Art of Killing, and also does the horrible, terrible pun of “Cereal Killer” as he eats Ryan’s cereal. It’s fantastic.
when the tide comes by AnastasiaYu
Summary: the disappearance of ryan bergara.
Rated: T
Commentary: To quote Luke Skyalker, “this is not going to end the way you think”. This is… so sad. The ending is, wow, one of my favorites. The original ending. Althought the second ending is also good. But the first! So sad! So good!
i keep telling myself i’m not the desperate type by juniperProse
Summary: ““Hmm. Guess I’ll have to get you to shut up another way, then,” Shane says, and somehow he just sounds like he’s smirking.”
Or: It’s exactly what it sounds like. They just make out. That’s it.
Rated: T
Commentary: I know I keep saying this, but this is the cutest thing in the world and it’s gonna make you happy like it made me when I first read it. Besides, I really like this author a lot.
Short Stack by americanchemicals
Summary: An AU where the first words your soulmate ever tells you are marked on your wrist.
And Shane isn’t disappointed, because he knows he’ll know his soulmate right away, with how unique his words are.
After all, not many people greet others by saying, “You’re a fucking Sasquatch.”
Rated: T
Commentary: Listen, “You are a fucking Sasquatch!” has never been this romantic. This one fic is wonderful, def one of my favorites. Also, Soulmates AU are everything to me.
Love by JayCKx
Summary: "Do you not know how love works?“ Ryan utters softly, voice a little bit awed, looking at Shane with an expression that the taller man can’t quite place.
Immediately a million thoughts and memories spring forward into Shane’s mind.
Rated: G
Commentary: My heart warmed so much while reading this. It’s really cute, you just gotta ignore the unrequited love tag, lmao. Also a shorty but goodie.
The Desk Fic by SincerelyLeah
Summary: Shane was having a shitty Monday morning and it was all because of one person, Ryan Bergara. But, by now he should know that endless teasing gets Shane more than riled up.
Rated: E
Commentary: I have so much fun reading this damn fic. Because it’s funny– Like, Shane’s POV is funny and you can feel his frustration because Ryan is. such. a. fucking. tease. And THE moment is just– good.  Also, lmao, beware of the daddy kink.
Under The Stars by SincerelyLeah
Summary: “I promised myself I would never fall in love with you. But it was four am, and we were laughing way too hard. I felt happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed.”
Rated: G
Commentary: A sweet something you will be glad to have read once you are done. I loved it, it’s so sweet and warm, it makes me truly happy.
if we’re gonna do this, we gotta do it now by floatingonthelehigh
Summary: “How did you convince me to come here again?”
“My irresistible charm, of course.”
Ryan’s mouth settles into a hard line. He’s not wrong.
(Shane gets Ryan to come to an old abandoned house with him. One of them, and you’ll never guess who, gets more than a little freaked out. Featuring: pure terror! confessions of love! and a somewhat-terrifying framed photograph of a woman!)
Rated: T
Commentary: Pure, sweet, loving fluff. Ryan gets a little angry at Shane but he deserves it, but at the end everything is right. I love this fic.
mystery item by rycan_toucan
Summary: ” – okay. remember last week when you, jen, steven and i went drinking and i had, like, eight and a half shots of whiskey?“
“i specifically remember the half, yes.”
“impressive. anyway, i ended up not passing out when i got home and did some high quality online shopping, instead.”***
ryan bought a thing, they both find it extremely funny and have a good time.
Rated: T
Commentary: The boys are so silly and happy in this little thing, oh my God, I’m smiling as I remember this fic.
Nemo est Scire by KatHowellLester
Summary:  Shane and Ryan are staying the night in a haunted building and Ryan can’t handle it so Shane cuddles him and makes him feel better by talking and holding him
No one has to know
Rated: E
Commentary: Say hello to the first daddy kink fic in the fandom, at least on AO3. Okay, so this one– I love the ending of this one a lot. And the use of the kink is pretty good, they actually discover they are into it during the act in the story. Pretty good and loving.
gayer than expected by juniperProse
Summary: Ryan sees Shane in his new glasses, and realizes that he may be less straight than he originally thought.
Rated: G
Commentary: NFNFINEIFRO, this one is so funny. I mean, just look at the title. Also, juniperProse is one of the best authors out there, you are gonna love this one.
Disneyland & Soulmates by anxiousdraco
Summary: Shane Madej is tired of looking at his Mark. He has yet to meet his Other even though he’s 26. So, he saves up his money and catches a flight to LA to get his Mark removed – something that is incredibly frowned upon. When he finds out he is to meet his Other in two hours, he goes to Disneyland. Why? Who knows. But it all works out in the end. // Shyan
Rated: Not Rated (I’d say T)
Commentary: Super cute, one hell of a meet-cute, even if at the beginning is a little bit angsty. Love this fic!
forever by catbrains
Summary: Prompt: “Can I kiss you?”
It’s an urge that comes on suddenly and all-consumingly, like starvation with no hunger to prelude it.
Rated: G
Commentary: In this one, they kiss for the first time and I melted when I first read it. The super poetic and beautiful way the kiss is written haunts me to this night.
The Lube Fic by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Someone sends Ryan a 55-gallon drum of lube, and Shane finds a good use for it.
Rated: Not rated (M, I think)
Commentary: Like I said before, Joey is the best and he always gives us the best content. This one is hot and funny. Also, it’s in his oneshots anthology, Between a Crucifix and the Hollywood Sign. This fic is so much fun... and has daddy kink, lmao.
Popping Dilemmas by SincerelyLeah
Summary: A late night run and met a late night stranger.
Rated: G
Commentary: This is one of those fics a meet-cute that you just LOVE, and this one is the case for me.
But I would like to, with you by MPhoenix7
Summary: “Maybe I don’t”.
“But I would like to, with you” was left unsaid.
Rated: T
Commentary: As you can see, this little moment marked us all. This one is another take on that, “You don’t know how love works?” little question. It’s also incredible.
in a crowd of thousands by Hugabug
Summary:  the parade traveled on, with the sun in my eyes you were gone but i knew even then in a crowd of thousands i’ll find you again
Rated: G
Commentary: And as you can see, I love Hugabug’s writing and wonderful AUs. This an Anastasia AU, Ryan is Anastasia and Shane is Dimitri, and this is BEAUTIFUL.
Unsolved by areneecz
Summary: The fluff-fueled antics of Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej.
Rated: M (but not really, is like T)
Commentary: OH THIS ONE. It’s so good, so pure, so cute. Shane calls Ryan “sweetheart” and I just fucking MELTED.
Candid by Planterra
Summary: ”The light shone through the window, hitting the younger’s smooth skin in just the right way. He was glowing. Ethereal. Beautiful, Light in an unworldly sense- and all of him belonged to Shane.“
Rated: E
Commentary: This is such a poetic little thing, in the smut realm also, and so beautiful…
I Only Need One Hand To Drive by gayunsolved
Summary: Ryan Bergara knows what he likes, okay? But he won't tell you if you ask, so don't ask.
(Alternatively, putting the 'size' in fantasize.)
Rated: E
Commentary: AHAHAHA, THIS FIC. So good, so hot, so-- listen, Size Kink it’s my thing and this fic gave me exactly what I wanted.
Oh Well, Oh Well by americanchemicals
Summary: Shane was just a typical demon, adventuring with his boyfriend through different haunted locations. Little did his boyfriend know, but he was there to make sure that nothing sinister hurt his human.
Ryan was just a regular demon, travelling to different haunted locations with his boyfriend for videos. Little did his partner know, but he was also making sure nothing hurt his tall partner.
Rated: M
Commentary: In this one, both of them are demons and it’s amazing, because none has any idea the other is, lmao. I love this fic.
Under no circumstances by Memefaego
Summary: Under no circumstances is Ryan getting in the tub with Shane.
Rated: T
Commentary: I bookmarked this one as “quality content” and that’s what it is. It’s the only fic about that bathrube scene, can you believe that?
things you said in the moonlight. by idkspookystuff
Summary:  Ryan invites Shane to spend the night, only he hasn't told his boyfriend he's transgender yet. or ryan's trans, he gets his period, and shane loves him despite everything.
Rated: T
Commentary: Such a sweet little fanfic that I love with all my heart. Trans Ryan AU, he and Shane had just started to date and everything is cute.
crossroads by thescrewtapedemos
Summary: It’s not a good idea to try rituals you find on the internet.
Rated: T
Commentary: Ryan’s actions in this fic are horrible in the sense that he thought– he thought nothing had happened and yet, all nightmares come to him and he doesn’t seem to notice, until the nightmare starts getting more and more clear. It’s incredible. I love this fic. It’s short and terrifying.
force at play by historicandgay (dannylawrence)
Summary: Over the decades, the Queen Mary has become filled to the brim with varying spirits and ghosts. Most of them are tired and prefer to keep away from the living. Most of them, that is. On one fateful trip, a young Ryan Bergara gets more than he predicted when a nosy ghost ends up seeing the future he could have with a certain skeptic, if only Ryan could just, ya know, believe in ghosts.
"Everything always came together, perfectly so, whether you meant it to or not, whether you wanted it to or not, no matter how hard people tried to predetermine the answer to every aspect of life, there was always something more."
Rated: Not Rated (I’d say G)
Commentary: Such a sweet fanfic about the ghosts at the Quen Mary, and one in particular that sees Ryan grow.
but still let me tell you that i love who you are by BooyahFordhamYacht
Summary: Ryan says the most wonderful things when there’s no one there to listen yet.Or, five voicemails from Ryan that Shane refuses to delete.
Rated: T
Commentary: A most recent fanfic I read while doing this list, it’s such a little gem. I love it to no end, it made me cry with how sweet and raw it is. I looove it.
Sweaters and Glasses by SincerelyLeah
Summary: It was the middle of September and it was cold in the house.
Rated: M
Commentary: Another smutty piece that I love way too much. I have a thign for glasses, alright, don’t judge me and just read this wonderful fic.
secrets by rycnbergara
Summary: the day after a huge party, ryan’s hungover, to say the least. but he drags himself out to the street festival outside. there, he meets a magician around his age. maybe the best decision he ever made.
Rated: G
Commentary: A great magician never tells his secrets, but this fic needs to be known. I loved it, it’s a lot of fun and something just sweet for when you are feeling down.
i'll hold your hand (but only if you want me to) by cactsu
Summary: “When you, uh… when you called me babe, I… I kind of liked it.”
“Well, I guess I should do it more often, then,” Shane turned to lock eyes with Ryan, something dark and sultry in his eyes. “Babe.”
(basically based on the ‘I’m pretending to be your bf because you looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on you’ prompt)
Rated: E
Commentary: Aaaaah, the smut in this fandom is just wonderful. And this fic? Amazing, one of my favorites.
the things you do to me (you know them too well) by Catherines_Collections
Summary: He thinks maybe it won’t last, tries not to think too much about the risk their both taking, but he’s going to enjoy it while it does.
Rated: Not Rated (I’d say T)
Commentary: Oh, man. This fic is wonderful, like everything this author ever does. I love it, the narrative is incredible.
the ghosts are screaming by ryan_bergara (ashtronomical_wander)
Summary: "Okay, not gonna lie, I'm still freaking out a bit about this hotel, so erm," Ryan says frantically, eyes shifting around the room in panic. "How about we, er…" he nods towards the bed, before giving Shane a pleading look.
"Wait, are you sure?" Shane blushes a little, not sure if he feels right doing this when Ryan was in such a state just moments ago.
"It'll take my mind off it, come on…"
- Basically -
Ryan has anxiety and Shane is his comfort.
Rated: E
Commentary: Man, I love this fic for the way it portraits their relationship. They are such a good couple and they are still best friends. It’s incredible well done and so hot, too. This smut is in another level for that. Also-- it’s fun, you are gonna smile and laugh reading it.
Flinch by oh-devil (conceit)
Summary: “Holy shit, you are ticklish.”
“Congratulations, you cracked the case.” Shane shot back the rest of his beer and tried to level his best glare at Ryan. “Now fuck off.”
Ryan’s laughter rang out through the trees.
Rated: M
Commentary: There is something special about this fic. I’m not sure what it is, but every fnfic during the Bigfoot hunt is just... blue. And wonderful. I really like this fic for some reason.
Good Enough by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Shane couldn't stand the idea of Ryan regretting him, and such a regret could start that very night.
Or, both of these boys are massively insecure.
Conrinuation of The Proposal(s) by GhostWheeze and murphy's law by Spoopyy.
Rated: E
Commentary: Joey is back at it again with another wonderful fanfic. This one is a wedding night fic, so imagine that-- It’s amazing, alright. I will always love more some sweet and tender, and loving, errr, love-making, than any other kind of sex. And Joey here did an amazing job.
i think i'm still turning out by the_tenerife_sea
Summary: Shane is starting to think Ryan is using him for his baby, considering how much he’s already talked her up to all of their coworkers and friends.
Or the one where Shane is a new parent, and Ryan is always there for him (and his daughter, of course).
Rated: G
Commentary: I love parents AU and this one is just lovely-- I don’t know what happened that people started to post kid fics all at once in the same week, but I’m glad they did. I may not be a big fan of how Shane becomes a single dad, but I really liked this fic.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by AmazingAida
Summary: Ryan likes looking into Shane’s eyes, so as to not look into the darkness, so as to not let his mind wander.
Rated: E
Commentary: Their relationship in this fic is so deep and beautiful, man. The smut is obviously great, but its the depth of their relationship that makes this fic incredible.
not with you by oMUSEo
Summary: "I'm always scared," Ryan whispers, afraid that if he speaks too loud the moment will be ruined and Shane will wake up and realize he's been hallucinating. That he should go back to his girlfriend who smiles like sunshine and likes her coffee the same way he does because Ryan is just unlucky when it comes to love.
Or when two dorks love each other and don't know how to act.
Rated: T
Commentary: One of the first fics I read and that I loved. Again, the way their relationship develops and the angst around it as it happens, amazing. I love this fic with all my heart.
Shane And Ryan Were Here by WhatWereMadeOf
Summary: “I’m...where are we? Did you just wake up? Are you okay? Jesus fucking Christ I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry Shane...”
When Shane didn’t reply, Ryan opened his eyes to see confusion on the other man’s face. He watched him lift a hand and point to his ear. He spoke slowly, and Ryan’s heart sank into his stomach when no sound came out.
“I can’t hear you.”
Or, Ryan and Shane get abducted and held captive by aliens. Maybe? Probably? There's some debate.
Rated: T
Commentary: This fic is amazing. It’s disturbing and all, but it’s also... kind of fluffy. I love it, to be honest-- It’s the greatest shit. Also-- IT WAS ALIENS, I KNOW IT!
Reluctant Cuddles by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Shane knows it’s his job as a Dom to take care of his boy after a scene. Sometimes he forgets he needs care too.
Rated: G
Commentary: One of the sweetest little things I’ve read in this fandom, especially as someone who loves dom/sub dynamics. This is so important and sweet.
Me & U (Village Bootleg Remix) by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: A possessive, drunk Ryan and a flustered, lovelorn Shane walk into a bar...
Rated: T
Commentary: In which one lowkey wants to punch Ryan for being such a bro, but then you realize he ain’t. This fic is awesome.
The Thing About Submission by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Shane and Ryan have a day to play. So they explore one of Shane's favorite things as a Dom: bottoming.
Rated: E
Commentary: Doms that bottom are the best and of course Dean, king of dom/sub in the shyan fandom, is the right person to write this. Honestly, this fic-- amazing.
Ghosting by Girlwithgoggles
Summary: Shane dies, and Ryan's world falls apart. Then a pen rolls off Ryan's coffee table.
Rated: T
Commentary: Man... You guys sure love your Ghost AU as sad as it comes, this one doesn’t disappoint.
Just Out of Reach by formosus_iniquis
Summary: A variation on the “I asked for your help getting a book off the top shelf and and you laughed at my taste and called me a nerd so I shoved you into a table of nonfiction best-sellers and that’s how we both got banned from the quirky community bookstore” prompt
Rated: T
Commentary: This fic makes me happy. It’s lovely and so well written, the situation it presents it’s also funny and overall, I love it.
while we all pretend to sleep by fructose
Summary: Ryan hears about a town in the Southwest, Shane takes him there.
They drove across the southern point of Nevada over two slow days, traversing that jagged shard of rock and dust with the static from the radio as their soundtrack. It crackled on even as Ryan pressed his hand between Shane’s legs, leaning over as they drove to growl obscene things in his ear. It was the white noise that played on as Ryan jerked Shane off in the back of the van, their bodies pressed close and hot.
Rated: M
Commentary: This fic… is another level of… awesome. I don’t know how to explain it, man. But it has something magical about it. I guess is the fact that I like melancholic and weird things. But it’s really In The Mood, you know.
Fresh Eyes by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Soulmate au where when you reach 18 you stop aging until you meet your soulmate? After a few years of being roommates (they were roommates through college and then just moved in together afterwards) shane and Ryan realize they've been slowly aging together (Bonus points if one of them realizes first and has to bring it up to the other person)
Rated: T
Commentary: This soulmate AU is such a cute little thing, I love it. It’s like a bunch of wonderful tropes in one well written and perfect fic.
the mustang kids are out by sevencts
Summary: "Do you want to turn back?“
Ryan looks at his hands: Left– clasped around the handle of his pistol, right– clasped around the palm of his lover. "No,” he whispers, taking a deep breath in and coming to meet Shane’s eyes again. He says, in earnest with a twisted smile on his pink lips. “Never.
Rated: M
Commentary: Oh, boy. This is the Bonnie & Clyde AU you never thought you needed until you read this. Short, but I love it. I fucking love it.
what’s the opposite of recruitment? by kinderhook (mrs_nerimon)
Summary: Ryan has a problem with the newest member of his Paranormal Club.
Rated: G
Commentary: In which Ryan has zero common sense and his friends are so tired. This fic is a lot of fun.
i'm just curious by soyicedcoffee
Summary: Ryan thinks, in this moment, as Shane twirls a pen between her fingers idly, that she’s never been so viscerally irritated.
Rated: E
Commentary: Genderswap AU. I never thought I would read one of these over here, but you guys always manage to surprise me in the best ways. This fic is everything. I’m conflicted because Shane reminds me of my crush in the city, who absolutely broke my heart, but man-- this fic is good.
I Think the Ghost Likes You by cactsu
Summary:  "Dude, are... are you touching me?"
aka shane is bold enough to touch ryan, but not bold enough to admit it.
Rated: T
Commentary: Man, this fic. It’s a lot of fun to read and it has something-- the tease of them being together, I guess. It has a great ending, but seriously all that part about the ghost wanting to feel up Ryan, Jesus fucking Christ-- that’s great.
Not Safe For Work by doctorkaitlyn
Summary: Of all the many, many meetings Ryan has had to sit through since becoming a full-fledged Buzzfeed employee, this one is probably the most painful, for exactly three reasons.
1) It's not even eight thirty yet, and his coffee has yet to kick in and wake him up.
2) Zack is on his left watching a muted stream of last night’s Warriors and Lakers game, which is nearly impossible to look away from.
3) Shane is on his right, and one of his huge hands has been planted just above Ryan’s knee almost from the moment he first sat down.
(Or, having sex in a sound booth during work hours probably isn't appropriate workplace conduct, even for Buzzfeed, but that doesn't stop Ryan and Shane.)
Rated: E
Commentary: Listen, these men are killing me and in this fic? Holy shit Shane is a smooth son of a bitch and I love him. And also, Ryan, dear-- wow.
The Conjuring by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Omg yes...write a conjuring fic pls.
Rated: M
Commentary: I’m in love with AU. it’s so interesting and well written. It’s not the movie(s) but its own piece put in the universe of the movies. It’s incredible.
transgender dysphoria blues by ficfucker
Summary: shane and ryan find themselves in new hampshire to film an episode
and get a bit sidetracked in the process
Rated: E
Commentary: Trans Shyan. I’m in love with this fic, even though it’s kind of sad as the name suggested. It has something very special that I think speaks to many people. Shane is such-- I don’t know how to say this. But he is amazing and so is Ryan, and I love this fic.
two bros chilling in a sleeping bag by nastyboy (orphan_account)
Summary: “Dude. Dude. Shane. You gotta let me sleep in your sleeping bag.��
Shane rolls over. “”There- it’s a one-person bag.”
Rated: M
Commentary: I love this kind of dirty stuff, don’t judge me. Honestly, bless the authors of our fandom.
Revolutionary Road by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: can i request a shyan fic where the two get into a fight??? im in the mood for angst i guess lol. thank u!!!!
Rated: T
Commentary: Bro, this fic is... wow. A very interesting ghost story, passt lifes and possessions. It’s truly an amazing fanfic.
you get me closer to god by sessrumnir
Summary: Ryan wants to experiment. Shane is more than happy to comply.
Rated: E
Commentary: Also bless this fandom for writing such good Dom/Sub dynamics and in such different ways from one another, for making their relationship so deep and their trust so big, that’s love. This fic is wonderful. And hot.
And Then You by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: amazingaida asked: heya! same AmazingAida from ao3, I decided to check out your tumblr and I'm in love with it ngl <3 so, since i'm here, concept: ryan wearing shane's shirts bc shane is a very tol bean and just ryan wearing them when he gets scared for comfort and just ahhhh
Rated: T
Commentary: I have a Thing(tm) for Ryan wearing Shane’s clothes, and apparently, so does Shane. I love this little fic, it’s not only adorable, but sexy.
Honey by spectr
Summary: Alternatively: Ryan Bergara seizes the moment.
Rated: M
Commentary: Well, this is one of the sexiest things. And it’s not smut. Also, this fic is so poetic and aesthetically pleasing, I love it.
Ugly Sweater by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Shane hates the holidays. Specifically this holiday because he lost a bet. And the sweater is awful.
Rated: G
Commentary: Christmas fluff is always good and this fic is everything. Besides, ugly sweaters? My aesthetic.
Bloodflows by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: "Shane scoffed; the Force, the Jedi, balance, order, none of it made sense to him. It was too difficult to believe that there was some cosmic power responsible for ensuring the stability of the galaxy. He knew better than anyone what a joke that was. The cosmos were a boiling cauldron of chaos, wild and uncontrolled."
Shane discovers he has a power that could give him everything he wants, if he'll only let it.
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: Listen, I never knew I would need a Star Wars AU, but as it turns out-- I do. This idea of scruffy looking smuggler Shane and believer in the force Ryan is everything I’ve wanted. I love this fic a lot.
The Potion by 1967VivalaKITT
Summary: Basically Shane gets a love potion from a sketchy lady off the street, he puts it in Ryan's water gun and then accidents happen.
Rated: Not Rated (G)
Commentary: Listen, a love potion fic that is not used for sex it’s a big oportunity one can’t let go. I love casual magic in fics and this one is wonderful at it.
But if it's Not Right (What Can I Do?) by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Ryan Bergara, host of True Crime on Buzzfeed Radio, attracts the wrong person's attention.
A twisted version of Pichiba's radio!au.
Rated: T
Commentary: I LOVE FUCKED UP SHIT, and this one is one of the bests in the fandom. For real, I love this AU and I love how well Joey wrote the sick part of it all. The ending just jfbnfdinfir gave me the chills, it’s damn amazing.
Let's just forget the Hollywood rules by tearupthesky
Summary: Ryan rolls his chair closer to Shane. "Did you hear that, man?" he says under his breath. "That dog hates me, did you hear it growl at me? It almost took my fucking hand off! It could smell the curse. It recognized me with its primordial wolf senses."
"It's a fucking labradoodle," Shane says.
Rated: T
Commentary: Ryan is such a smooth motherfucker in this fic, I love it. There’s a part in which Shane  makes a playlist for the main event of the fic and it’s just so fucking funny to read. I love this fic.
It's a Ghost (Snake) by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Ryan's been courting the oblivious Shane for months. Jen comes up with a surefire way to win him over.
Rated: G
Commentary: I’m a sucker for fics with pets, and this one is so sweet-- Ryan is the best, and he deserves all the kisses.
Unconventional by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: …In that moment, [Shane] can’t find an elegant way to ask, “Hey, you’re exceptionally healthy, have a great personality and are well-educated. Want to be my baby’s daddy?”
Shane and Ryan take an unconventional path to parenthood.
Rated: E
Commentary: Trans!Shane. This is one of my favorite fics in the fandom. I just love it, the whole of it, and it explores parenthood for transmen. The author is trans himself and a wonderful person, so they know what they are talking about and I just– he is the author I respect the most right now.
pray to stay by halfwheeze
Summary: Prompt! Okay, imagine this: Shane and Ryan are investigating a house infested with demons, right? And the demons are like 'damn aren't they just cuter than a kitten in a basket?' So they start to purposefully scare Ryan in order to give him and Shane a proper push in the right direction!
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: This small weird fanfic deserves much more love,it’s so original and just-- so good. I love the POV and the strange story. It’s great.
getting late to give you up by middlecyclone
Summary:  Nobody ever becomes a ghost the easy way.
Rated: T
Commentary: The ghost chick in this fic is everything More seer!Shane for the soul.
Mission: Brave New World by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Federation's rise to power had started years ago. When the great energy-producing deserts were destroyed, the world powers that depended on them collapsed. And in their wake, the Federation began to rise.
The Federation united all of South America under one banner, and devoured everything in its path as it moved relentlessly to the north. After turning ODIN against us, the Federation stood on the doorstep of America, poised for the kill.
They thought we were weak, crippled; prey waiting to be taken. We fought hard and we fought well. We fought them to a bloody stalemate. And here, just beyond the craters of "No Man's Land", we find ourselves in a defensive war against a more powerful enemy.
Rated: M
Commentary: Ah, man. The racism exposed in this fic is something else, and the way Ryan is written... wow. I love this fic, it’s very cool and interesting, and the boys are badass. And they sort of get married, I love it.
First Anniversary by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Shane's distracted, it's their first anniversary and Ryan doesn't even seem to remember.
Rated: G
Commentary: Such a sweet fic from a very amazing author that I love. I’m a sucker for established relationship fluff and this fic gave me al I need.
Might As Well Fall by middlecyclone
Summary: “I don’t trust this house,” Ryan says. “Something is really, really wrong here.”
Rated: M
Commentary: Fuck, this fic is amazing. It’s one of the best horror fics I’ve read, and while it’s not-- it’s not really scary or something, the tension it builds and the way it shows the boys’ feelings and relationship is incredible well done.
boys and their toys by ficfucker
Summary:  some trans!shane for the soul
Rated: E
Commentary: Trans!Shane. I really like the way the writer made their relationship and Shane’s POV is veeery good.
ghosts can't pick up power drills (probably) by anarchetypal
Summary: “What you’re suggesting is that we have sex in the exact spot where a dude was once brutally murdered with a power drill. That is what you’re suggesting to me right now.”
Shane throws up his hands. “Well, sure, when you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous.”
Rated: M
Commentary: Alright, this fic is a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a lot when I read it for the first time. Shane is such a litle shit, it’s amazing.
Would U Be So Kind ? by Lizjames
Summary:  There stood Shane Madej with his signature grin on his face
Ryan’s heart sped up and he groaned.
Ryan has feelings, and he doesn’t really know what they are and how to process them.
Rated: T
Commentary: Another poetic piece that blowed me away. The relationship between them is so wonderful and pure, and there is a lot of pool time involved.
breathe for me, baby by literalmetaphor
Summary: Shane loves seeing Ryan freak out.
But not like this.
Rated: T
Commentary: Protective Shane is my favorite Shane, and this fic builds the tension of what will happen at the end pretty good. It’s a very good story.
Maybe, Kinda by babbyspanch
Summary: Ryan is having a tough day. Okay, tough week. Alright it's been a tough few months but he's got it handled okay? He's handed over the editing of Unsolved to a team and now... well he's still distracted, but he's trying.
But, Shane just makes it really hard to focus.
Rated: G
Commentary: Such a sweet fic, man. I love the fluff in this... and the pining!
On Longing and Other Contrite Bullshit by sunshinewinchesters
Summary: All Shane can ever do is long for his ghost-fearing best friend, and apparently be angsty about it until something finally happens.
Rated: T
Commentary: More pining for the soul, and some more deep POVs that sound like poetry, this time from Shane’s view. Also, this fic talks about my city in such good light, I had to love it a bit more.
Removing the Mask by skepticalghouligan
Summary: Shane doesn't believe in luck. But even he has to admit it's a damn good coincidence that he got stuck sleeping in the same bed as Ryan that night.
Rated: G
Commentary: Kids, sometimes when we want to be funny, we end up almost giving our crush a heartattack. But for real, this fic is super tender and I love it.
Panem et Circenses by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: “As a reminder that even the strongest among you cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, on this, the third Quarter Quell games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors from each district-”
Shane felt his world fall away. A cold numbness coursed through his body. His heart leapt in his throat while his stomach dropped to his feet. If not for Ryan beside him, he would have given into his urge to vomit.
Rated: M
Commentary: I was never a Hunger Games kind of girl but I did read the books, this crossover is super interesting and holy shit, it’s savage as fuck. I love it.
~ Multichapters
Someone to Stay by carrieonfighting
Summary: Ryan can't sleep at night, and Shane is an enigma
Rated: T
Chapters: 2/2
Commentary: Oh, man. This two-chapters fic is something else. There is a part in which Ryan puts holy water on Shane’s coffee because he can’t believe the things that are happening between them. The denial is real. Also, it’s just very good.
Me and You by SaturnineMartial
Summary: "Have you ever thought about getting married?""That's a loaded question if I ever heard one.""Never mind, forget I said anything."
Rated: M
Chapters: 2/2
Commentary: The start of a series I’m very interested in. This lovely fic has all I love in my fluff: love, cuteness, marriage proposals and sweet lovemaking.
Foolish Mortal by ghostwheeze
Summary: After a demon encounters a teenage Ryan Bergara on-board the Queen Mary, the spirit decides to follow the entertaining boy around, eventually possessing a vessel to spend even more time with the kid. When they both land their own show where they investigate the paranormal, the demon - Shane - takes glee in watching Ryan try to interact with spirits. If only he knew there was one right next to him.
Rated: T
Chapters: 8/8
Commentary: I will be forever in love with this fic and that one chapter when we got Ryan’s POV and we saw how he came into an understanding of who Shane is, and then-- he found out the truth. This is an mazing fic, a classic in the fandom, and you HAVE to read it.
Oblivion by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Tragic consequences typically follow when a god falls in love with a human. Typically...
Based on the comment:"My theory is that Shane is the devil and was just super bored. Then one day he chanced upon a poor scared Ryan and thought “this is pretty fun” and now follows him to supernatural sights to have a giggle at his expense. But that’s also why they never capture anything on video, because the evil spirits and demons know Shane for who he really is and are too afraid to mess with him."
Rated: E
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: One of the best AUs out there. Since the beginning, it traps you into the narrative and the way Shane is characterized. The story between him and Ryan is beautiful, this is literally soulmates without it being an AU, they are damn mean to be. This fic is the literal meaning of eternal love.
The Great Heist Of Shane Madej by Cat (ActualBuckyBarnes)
Summary: Have you ever wanted to run away?
Ryan Bergara, local troublemaker and scoundrel, has his whole world turned upside down when he finds out that his best friend, Shane Madej, is being abused by his parents. Ryan spends the next four years of his life trying to get Shane away from his family - but what happens when they finally make it?
A story about being lost, and then being found again.
Rated: M
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: While I haven’t finished reading this because life is kicking my ass, I’m enjoying it a lot. As an abuse survivor, these are nice things to read.
You're Just What I Needed by doctorkaitlyn
Summary: In which Ryan and Shane first meet (and make out) at a party on the final day of the semester, officially fall for each other over the course of a summer spent two thousand miles apart, and then make out some more, all while having spirited debates about ghosts, cryptids, and whether or not Medieval Times is awesome.
(Spoiler alert: they agree to disagree on all of the above.)
Rated: T
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: This fic is lovely and warm, I love the way their relationship starts and how it develops as the chapters keep going. It’s a lot of fun to read.
The Ghost Of You Is Close To Me by skepticseptic
Summary: Character A is a spirit medium that has the ability to see and communicate with spirits – the problem with this is that Character A has started to develop a crush on Character B, one of the friendlier spirits that comes to visit Character A.
Rated: T
Chapters: 2/2
Commentary: While this may not have a proper happy ending, I still think it’s happy and sweet. Ghost Shane is… adorable. You’ll see.
Don’t Want it Troubling Your Mind by Crimsonflowerz
Summary: Shane Madej really liked Ryan Bergara. He was funny, a joy to mess with, and took his brand of teasing pretty well. He would consider him a friend, kind of. But when the team goes to investigate the Franklin Castle for ghosts, Shane gets more than he bargained for, and the results could cost him his friendship with Ryan.
Rated: T
Chapters: 7/7
Commentary: One thing that makes this fic so original in its own is the fact that it has such a… charming demon. Anael is fuckig funny, he a bitch-- but so funny. He is evil and you hate him for doing all he does to Shane, the way he plays with his mind, and the three final chapters are just– horrible. But yeah, this fic.. it’s gooood. Also, ace!Shane.
Office Space by skepticalghouligan
Summary: The construction really was only supposed to take a few weeks on Ryan’s office. And it would have - it was a simple expansion and paint job. That was, until Shane Madej got brought onto the project. It only took two days (and three near misses) for Ryan to believe Shane may be trying to kill him. But could it be something else?
Rated: E
Chapters: 19/19
Commentary: Like I said before, this author is one of my favorites and in part it’s because of how well planned and build his fics are. This wonderful story is such a funny yet deep AU I love with all I am.
Hey, nude by y00ti
Summary: Shane drunkenly tries to send a nude to some guy he met on tinder. It doesn’t go as planned.
Rated: Not Rated (I would say T)
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: I had so much fun reading this fic. I first read it here on tumblr and soon the author posted it on AO3 and it’s glorious. All the pining and the sexual tension... You will laugh a lot.
The Department of Unsolved Cases by trailsofpaper (Sanwall)
Summary:  Ryan Bergara hasn’t been an FBI agent for long, but he’s seen enough inexplicable things during his career to know there’s more to the world than meets the eye. He comes up against the stubbornly skeptic Shane Madej, head of the Unsolved Cases department - the basement where low-priority cases go to die.
The case of possible alien abductions and UFO sightings become top-priority very soon however, and Ryan starts to think that maybe Shane has a reason for wanting to stay on the Unsolved Cases even though he used to have a very promising FBI career in front of him.
Come to think of it, maybe Ryan also has his reasons for wanting to stay by Shane’s side even when things get rocky.
Rated: M
Chapters: 10/10
Commentary: I’m on chapter three of this one, and so far, so good. It’s a great adaptation of The X Files and the boys characterization is very good. I’m liking it a lot…
Lost Buttons by Trash4bears
Summary: They have somewhat platonic sex in a haunted place it's as simple as that
Rated: E
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: There’s nothing platonic about this fanfic, lmao. It’s hot, super dirty, but hot. Chapter three has some of the best positions I’ve read ina while. And dialogues are amazing.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary: Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Rated: E
Chapters: 11/11 (complete)
Commentary: Again, I haven’t finished this fic but everyone loves it and I trust the fandom’s good taste. Beides, I read the series before this fic, and they are amazing. I can’t wait to have time and read this; but so far (chapter 4), it’s really good. I aspire to be this good.
279 notes · View notes
vvlin91 · 7 years
Beauty is Sin
Note: Everything I documented here actually happened.  Please always remember that it’s not right to ship real people. 
Bancoran and Maraich(BanMara for short) of Maya Mineo’s signature series Patalliro! is one of the oldest and most iconic same-sex couples in manga history, dating back to 1980 and portrayed without ambiguity in a family hour anime.
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And this is the story of how Aoki Tsunenori(b.1987) and Sana Hiroki(b.1997) brought them to life on stage for the first time in 2016, mostly in their own words.
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I. “I want to deliver the ultimate love story that even the audience would envy. ”
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This is first interview they did for the play, along with Kato Ryo(Patalliro) and author Maya-sensei (Stage Patalliro! Super Visual Book).
Kato Ryo teased, because Tsune and Sana’s roles are better performed if their distance is smaller, that they should live together even just for the period of rehearsal. Tsune replied: “Maraich might get pregnant. (laughs)”
After Maya-sensei expressed anticipations for BanMara on stage, Tsune and Sana looked at each other and said, “Please take good care of me…!” (Kato Ryo: “Fufu, I’m looking forward to it~~~!!”) Tsune said he would not hold back, and Sana also expressed confidence, “I won’t have a problem with it either! Even though this is an unknown world…I will open up a window to it!”
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This is a Sparkle interview they did with the four Tamanegi butai actors Yoshimoto Kouki, Hosogai Kei, Ishida Shun and Kanai Sonde.
After hearing Sana’s uncertainty over his ability to play Maraich, Hosogai reassured him, “You’ll be fine. You are beautiful, you know?” Tsune: “Yep, yep.”
Hosogai went on to express anticipation for love scenes(Note: This term in Japanese almost exclusively mean sexual interactions. If it’s only kiss they would call it “kiss scene” instead) between Tsune and Sana. Sana said he had decided to go out of his way in rehearsal. Tsune: “Yeah…I have the confidence to go there as well.” which drew huge laughter from other actors.
Sana then discussed the difficulty of coming up with convincingly feminine poses for the visual shooting due to his broad shoulders. Tsune: “I don’t dislike girls with wide shoulders at all. It’d definitely score a pass for me.” Sana: “I’m so glad ♪”
Sana: “(while staring at Tsune) I want to deliver the ultimate love story that even the audience would envy.” Tsune: “I have never injected this kind of love to a boy though~” Sana: “I have never fallen in love with a man before so…please take care of me!” Tsune: “Well, me neither. (laughs)”
Sana also did a solo interview with PASH! in which the reporter mistakenly described Maraich as being “married to Major Bancoran”.
When asked about which scene from he manga he wanted to play, Sana said he wanted to try the scene where Bancoran “disciplined” Maraich to flip the boy to his side(Note: That iconic sexual encounter ultimately did not happen in the play because of changes to the plot). 
When discussing his approach to a same-sex romantic relationship, he mentioned Maya-sensei’s advice that he could try to see himself as a girl. He said Tsune had also told him he would see him as a girl. Sana thought Tsune’s declaration of no holding back was really cool and he didn’t want to hold back either. In that sense he had to become a girl. (Note: It’s worth remembering that Sana was very clear about his Maraich self-identifying as a boy. So the part about “being a girl” was intended to 1)portray Maraich’s femininity; 2)help him and Tsune, neither of whom have played gay characters before, approach a same-sex relationship.)
II. “Are you a real couple now?”
The first day of rehearsal.
During rehearsal, Kato Ryo did an interview with the play’s director Kobayashi Kensaki and writer Ikeda Tetsuhiro. 
Kobayashi praised the casting of Tsune and Sana, before joking that if something went awry the two might actually start dating. 
He and Ryo went on to reveal that Tsune and Sana have been sharing earphones during song rehearsal despite receiving no special instruction from the director.
In a recent Enterstage interview, Ryo brought this up again. "Aoki-kun and Sana-chan were sharing earphones like actual lovers… I joked, ‘Are you a real couple now?!' (laughs)”
This is the first selfie they took together from rehearsal. Tsune: “I have a feeling Bancoran and Maraich’s scenes would become famous LOL”
One of the ensemble members caught them at the snack table after action practice. (Note: “37″ in Japanese can be pronounced as “sa na”.)
This one is from Sana. “This is a happy rehearsal place overflown with love ❤ Looking forward to the play. A picture with Bancoran.”
Ryo, Tsune and Sana also did a Best Stage interview together during rehearsal.
After Ryo relentlessly complimented him, Sana got really flustered and said, “Please stop. Stop it~” Ryo: “When you say that, well(laughs). How very adorable. Aoki-kun, aren’t you in love yet?” Tsune: “Yep, very much in love now.” Ryo & Sana: (laugh)
Ryo teased if Tsune and Sana would share a double dressing room when they perform in the theater(Note: To Ryo’s disappointment, Kinokuniya Hall only has one big shared dressing room for everyone).
Tsune said that even though Bancoran’s appeal to Maraich is also applicable to pretty boys in general, his first goal would still be to capture Maraich’s heart. Sana: (looks at Tsune with a wide smile) Ryo: “Wow, you sure look happy~(laughs)”
When discussing their opposite features to their characters, Tsune said he liked women. Ryo: “But… I don’t know… You might just be waking up this time.” Tsune: “In that case… Life would be double as fun.” Ryo: “That’s wonderful!” When it came to Sana, he said he also liked girls, but immediately added, “Well, I don’t know about this time though.” Ryo: “You just said it yourself~” Tsune: (bursts into laughter)
III. “So happy I might have got pregnant.”
In this press meeting on opening day, when asked about his favorite scenes in the play, Ryo answered, “It’d have to be the romantic scenes, love love scenes between Maraich and Bancoran.” Kobayashi: “So it’s not your own scenes?” Ryo: “I do love my own scenes too, but the love between Bancoran and Maraich is so pure, no matter how many times I watch them my heart still beats very fast.(…) I strongly recommend this.”
Photos from opening night.
From the Stage Patalliro! pamphlet (Note: I will only share what they wrote in it here. For pictures from rehearsal, please refer to this post.)
Kato Ryo: “Bancoran is like (Patalliro’s) dad, and Maraich is like his mom.(after spending another paragraph to praise Tsune and Sana) I can’t wait to see them being lovey-dovey~”
Sana Hiroki: “Bancoran’s actor Tsune-san would always unexpectedly show up next to me and go, 'Why don’t we practice the songs together?’ He said it in such a gentle voice… I am in love~(laughs)”
Aoki Tsunenori: “(after expressing his love for the role) However, it’s a shame that I 100% cannot relate to Bancoran’s preference for men over women.” (in the next page) “Maraich’s actor Sana-kun is… SOOOOOOOOOOO cute. I heard that he had finished reading the entire manga, and apparently in that process he had already gone ahead and become Maraich. How should I put it…when we met up for an interview before rehearsal, and now we are seeing each other in rehearsal, I feel like the way Sana-kun looks at me is somehow different. I was thinking, 'Eh? What does this mean?’ and before I knew it, I had somehow got dragged in and my heart was throbbing hard. He has beautiful eyes, and is so pure and diligent. I often heard of fellow actors in romantic stories falling into a state of pseudo-love. I think this is probably what it is like. When the show is over… I guess we still have to say goodbye. But with the bitter-sweetness of parting comes the love we have nurtured, and isn’t that a wonderful thing? (goes on to other topics before ending his message) Anyway, Bancoran and Maraich… How far will we go to show you this burning love? By all means, please see it with your own eyes.”
Ishida Shun: “(showing a picture of Tsune and Sana during rehearsal) Bancoran and Maraich. Even in the midst of rehearsal, Tsune-san and Sana would talk a lot with each other. There are serious conversations and there is shared laughter. Having seen this and even though they are both men, I thought to myself, 'Man, this couple is turning into a painting' (laughs)”
Here’s a selfie they took during the tour when Sana found out they both wore turtlenecks.
Maya-sensei’s daughter, an avid BanMara fan since childhood, tweeted: “[Breaking News]After the final show, Sanaich-kun said, “Today, I got pregnant.” while rubbing his belly.”
She previously also tweeted that because the characters in Patalliro! feels so close to herself, she never gave much deep thoughts into them. But after reading the manga remix and watching the play, she once again feels that BanMara is such a wonderful couple.
After the finale, Sana wrote in his blog: “I’m so happy I got to play Maraich. So happy I might have got pregnant…LOL” (Note: He would end his every blogpost about Patalliro with “Bringing everyone with love and happiness.”)
IV. “I always go for it with everything I have.”
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Ryo, Tsune and Hosogai took part in a fan event on March 26, 2017 where they discussed various aspects of the show. There is no recording of this event of any kind, only 2nd-hand accounts from those in attendance, but we got to know a few things:
When asked who they’d seduce if they really become a pretty boy killer like Bancoran, Tsune instantly answered, “Sana Hiroki.”
Ryo then bursted, “Even in the dressing room you were always flirting. You even colored Sana-kun’s nipple black.” He went on to point out it was an oil-based marker and therefore a permanent one. Tsune said, looking satisfied, “I’m glad it doesn’t fade. Hey, it’s like (little boys) playing tricks on girls they have a crush on.” Ryo brought up this anecdote again in the aforementioned Enterstage interview, saying, “Even in the dressing room, when they are putting on make-up and costume and Sana-chan was half-naked, Aoki-kun would mischievously draw a mole on him and Sana would go, 'Hold on a second! Stop it-!’ They are always flirting, it’s unbearable~! (laughs)”
It was Ryo who suggested that Maraich should ride Bancoran during the intercourse scene.
In the now thrice-mentioned Enterstage interview, Ryo once again expressed wish for Tsune and Sana to share a double dressing room. “Something new might be born from it!”
In a solo interview he did with Eigeki when the show was scheduled to air on TV, Ryo said, “Starting from rehearsal stage, Bancoran’s actor Tsune-kun and Maraich’s actor Sana-kun would kiss very passionately. I heard Tsune-kun saying something along the lines of 'Sana-kun is gradually becoming a girl in my eyes’.”
In this interview promoting his new movie, without being asked about it, Tsune confessed, “I fall into a state of pseudo-love when I play romantic roles. In Stage Patalliro! from late last year, my character Bancoran is gay. Even though my partner Sana is also a man, when we were performing I earnestly imagined Sana to be a woman and would treat him in ways I would towards a girl(laughs).” He went on to say that he hated the thought of the audience thinking they were just faking the romance, so instead of simply brushing lips, he would always go for the kiss with everything he had.
In a solo interview with JUNON, Sana said being in Stage Patalliro! changed him a great deal. Previously he would read a lot into what people think of him and tend to take in even the negative opinions. But after talking with Tsune as well as Director Kobayashi, he realized that it’s okay to think for himself a little more and there was no need to garnish himself in strange ways (to please other people).
In a solo interview with omoshii mag, Sana revealed in detail how he and Tsune approached the kiss. He confessed that during rehearsal, he was very awkward about it. “Tsune-san was probably also very embarrassed, but he seemed to realize that we couldn’t go on like this.” So one day during rehearsal, he said, “Sana, come over for a bit.” and asked, “Shall we kiss?” Sana’s brain was going, “Ehhhh~!” because Tsune brought him to a place behind the sets where no one can see them. Tsune then said, “Close your eyes.” and kissed him, before continuing, “All right, I’m already used to this now. How about you?” Sana thought to himself, “What the hell~!! This just got even more embarrassing!” But Tsune went on to tell him, “Kiss me back too.” And when Sana tried his best to kiss him back, he felt liberated. “I get it now!” he thought to himself, “It’s just like riding a bike, you will get the hang of it as long as you get it right once.” After that they never had to do this again in rehearsal. “Tsune-san is a very passionate person who loves theater. ” Sana knew that as long as Tsune is his partner, his Maraich will come out just fine.
In a most recent pia interview with Ryo, Tsune and Sana for the second play, Sana said that while Maraich is a character whose personality and way of thought changes when he meets Bancoran, he felt Tsune also changed him in similar ways. Tsune replied, “I have only gratitude for Sana-kun’s Maraich. I don’t think the role of Bancoran can exist without Maraich.”
Final notes:
So here you have it. It probably took me almost 8 hours to put this together. My Japanese is rather sloppy so I’m sure there are places where I didn’t get it 100% right. I tend to translate the simpler sentences so you can see their own words instead of mine, but if it’s too long or I have trouble achieving grammatical precision, I paraphrased them.
I already know every single one of these anecdotes by heart but what still struck me the most in the course of putting together this post is how the cast support each other. The project was long deemed impossible and the pressure was on everyone. From their choice of venue you can almost tell they didn’t expect the play to go very far, but one thing I constantly hear them say is “as long as (insert fellow actor) is playing (insert character), I’m sure I’d do just fine”. Even the creators of the show would always emphasize how the casting reassured them that the play will do just fine. The amount of faith they had in each other was what held everyone together like a family.
I think this is especially important for Sana who was 19 and the youngest of them all. He was the baby in the cast with the least exposure to the cultural background where Patalliro! was born. And throughout the course you see the older members of the cast encouraging him and teaching him new things about acting or just life in general. It is very heart-warming. No wonder Sana had always wanted to celebrate his 20th birthday with the cast. Unfortunately that couldn’t happen in 2017, but hopefully he can do it for his 21st birthday in 2018.
And here’s Sana being an awkward bean watching footage of his Maraich winking to Bancoran. I just think it’s super cute and a nice way to end this post.
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Further reading:  
Stage Patalliro! press meeting(full) Part 1, Part 2
The Making of Sanaich - How 19-year-old Sana Hiroki transformed himself into an 80s yaoi icon (Note: There are a lot of videos and pictures I didn’t get to include in this post for the sake of keeping it short, so please check them out if you are interested.)
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pleasesavetanaka · 7 years
Gen is Human - An Analysis
The idea that Gen is actually a human, not an ajin, is something I’ve been pushing for a while. I wrote the original post in may last year, but that original post is pretty out of date. There’s a surprising amount of evidence for what was originally a crack fan theory, so under the cut I’ll jump right in and go over it all.
Keep in mind this is long and image heavy, since I tried to include all the evidence.
One of the core facts we need for this theory is the explanation that Gen absolutely has not died, at a minimum, between Grant Pharma and the present. Scars go away when you die, and Gen’s still got his super cute little nose scar.
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This nose scar is the big smoking gun. While my original impression when I first read was that Gen always had the scar, this isn’t actually true. Back when he was introduced in chapter 15, Gen had no scar at all.
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The exact moment he gets that scar is actually seen in the manga. In chapter 21, when Takahashi and Gen are sniping from the roof, Gen has no scar:
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Then, directly after, Takahashi gets shot in the head. The nose whizzes right past Gen’s nose, and in the third panel he has what will eventually become his scar:
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So from this we can establish that, since this point, Gen has not died.
To start out, this seems insanely out of character for Satou. Satou’s all about getting people to use their immortality in creative ways, and even if you assume that Tanaka did all of the training for Takahashi and Gen... it seems bizarre that Satou wouldn’t even glance in. Even Okuyama dies repeatedly in the manga, and yet Gen is always placed in positions and situations where he won’t die.
Forge Security is absolutely littered with times when Gen could have died, but doesn’t. He’s always placed behind one (or often two) ajin meatshields who keep him from getting shot. Really, the entire of Forge Security is Gen crouching behind someone who can get back up if they’re shot.
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That said, the fact that Gen hasn’t died isn’t conclusive evidence - there are other reasons he might not choose to die. But that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s canonically stated that Gen cannot produce an IBM, but it isn’t clear why:
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Tanaka wasn’t able to make one for ten years, and after a month with Satou suddenly could, so it seems strange that Satou couldn’t do the same for Gen. The way Gen states it seems like it’s something Tanaka already knows, so it’s doubly strange that Tanaka doesn’t make a comment about Gen trying harder so that he can. It’s just a given that Gen can’t, and that him making an IBM isn’t plausible.
This also makes how Gen got to the meeting in the first place pretty confusing. Ajin knew where to go because they sent their IBMs to get the information. The only person we see there in person is Kou. It becomes obvious that Takahashi must have brought him along, because otherwise he wouldn’t have even know where to go.
Similarly, we don’t have any evidence that Gen can see IBM particles.
There’s several interesting points which involve Gen reacting to IBMs, but they all come with interesting tells. For example, in chapter 15, we see Satou’s IBM clap to draw the attention of those gathered. Everyone turns... except for Gen, who continues to look away as if he can’t hear the clap.
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Immediately after, we do see Gen turning to face the IBM...  as we also see Takahashi pointing out where he should look.
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Forge security also has a few moments like this, although they’re significantly less obvious. Sakurai seems to go out of his way to not show Gen’s reactions to IBMs. When Takahashi summons his IBM on the stairs, we see the guards react. We see Tanaka react. But we never actually see Gen’s reaction. He’s always just off screen, or partially hidden by speech bubbles.
The big climax (for Tanaka and co) is also littered with little hints. Again, we see Gen crouching behind Takahashi even though there’s a literal bulletproof wall between him and anyone with a gun. The vents kick on, and we do (however briefly) see Gen turn to them. This isn’t really surprising, and it doesn’t mean he can see the particles. Three vents suddenly kicking on all at once is distracting, so he looks. 
Gen is suddenly out of line of sight. For the next two pages we don’t see him at all, hidden by the particles. The next time we see Gen, he’s still crouched, but his expression is perfectly hidden by the door. The entire wall is transparent except for one small section, and it just so happens to be hiding Gen’s face.
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This trick is actually something we’ve explicitly seen Sakurai do in later chapters. In chapter 46, we see the entire of Suzuki Jun... except for her left ankle, which is hidden by a garbage can, disguising her GPS cuff.
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For the rest of the particle scene, we only see Gen once. Gen doesn’t speak in this time, and he gets shot first, before they can rationalize anything. At this point, Gen is confused. He can’t see anything--the particles are clear to him--but he also can’t see any enemy IBMs. As far as he knows, Kei’s IBM could be approaching them right then. When we do see them, he’s reacting to something else entirely:
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Takahashi isn’t looking at anything at all, but Gen is looking through the glass, specifically at the Black Suits. Manabe, Kuroki, and Suzumura are all right on the other side of the glass, likely approaching with guns out, and Gen’s face is reacting to the ‘oh shit’ realization that they’re totally screwed.
The fact that Takahashi loses his mind when Gen gets shot is another hint. If he’s concerned that Gen was shot with a tranquilizer dart, it’s easy enough to fire off his gun and kill Gen to reset him. If he’s an ajin, on the other hand, there’s no need to be concerned about him getting shot with a normal bullet. The fact that Takahashi is yelling and panicking lends credence to the theory that he’s worried that Gen, a human, has actually been shot by a real bullet.
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The absolute biggest piece of evidence, though, comes near the end of Forge Security.
Sedatives don’t wear off instantly. They take time to pass through the system, even when disconnected from an IV. Satou, not exactly being the most patient person, solves this by simply shooting Tanaka in the head.
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That clears the drugs out of his system, bringing him to full wakefulness immediately. He then leaves it to Tanaka to wake the others and escape. Less then a few minutes later, we see Tanaka and co leaving the room, carrying someone on a stretcher.
Considering that Okuyama has an injured leg that causes him pain when he walks, it’s obvious that Okuyama should be the one carried out. He’s also the one who is legally in the building, allowing Takahashi and Gen to pass themselves off as rescuers more easily.
Except it’s Gen on the stretcher.
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This makes absolutely no sense if Gen isn’t a human. Why would Gen--an able bodied Ajin--not be carrying the guy who can’t walk properly? Okuyama’s cane is in the room when they’re sleeping (we see it at one point), and yet they have him carry Gen out without it rather than having Gen carry himself.
This scene really only makes sense with the idea that Gen is a human who cannot reset, and is thus still sedated and unable to walk properly. Gen still has his scar in later scenes as well, which means he wasn’t reset any time in Forge.
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All of this makes for some pretty compelling--albeit not perfectly canonical--evidence that Gen is actually a human.
The anime isn’t canon to the manga - they diverge pretty heavily. Even so, the anime itself follows this theory to a tee.
Gen gets his scar in the same way. He goes through the same basic motions. However, when it diverges, things get even more obvious. Gen is always in a position where he won’t get hurt. When the entire gang of Ajin effectively jump down an elevator shaft, Gen doesn’t - he takes the long way around and gets there first. There are so many scenes where Gen is pulled to the side or left behind because the alternative would be him dying.
Literally the entire final battle is ajins vs ajins, and while we know why Okuyama needs to stay out of the battle (he’s piloting the drones), why the hell does Gen have to stay with him? Even Tosaki goes into the battle.
There’s also an absolute boatload of off-camera action scenes where literally everyone gets shot all the time and is splattered with blood... except Gen, who is, as always, spotless.
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The only other real point of interest is Satou’s threads in episode 11. He first threatens Takahashi, who is pretty blasé about it. But then, when his threat doesn’t deliver, he explicitly says he’ll behead every one of you and swings the knife around to Gen.
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To say the least, Takahashi and Gen both look horrified. Considering they’re adrenaline junkies, it seems pretty weird they’d care about a philosophy-question about how much of you is ‘you’ when you lose your head.
Except, of course, that Gen can’t come back if he loses his.
Hopefully I convinced some people who hadn’t yet seen the theory. I know it’s long, but there is a lot of evidence for this theory, and I’m really hoping we’ll see it get revealed in canon soon!
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