#ive had dozens of students with a 10% or less for the semester
friendlyorange · 1 year
The weirdest thing about going to college for teaching in the united states is the giant CANYON of disconnect between what we're taught and what we actually do in a classroom.
like we're taught how to diversify methods of instruction in order to most equitably reach the diverse populations of our classrooms and inspire them to do their best writing/reading/speaking (im an English teaching major) but then in reality the students in your classroom are insanely below the level they need to be at in order to engage with age-appropriate lessons for them
we're taught how to take common core standards and transform them into meaningful and deep lessons but we're only given 45-90 mins of planning per day (if we're lucky) and the rest needs to be done outside of school or after hours if you can't do it quickly enough, and teachers are always expected to do research outside of the classroom, as well as collaboration, tweaking of lesson plans, etc.
we're told that students crave learning and they crave fun projects and they crave kinesthetic exercises, but then when I try those things in the classroom everyone complains and halfasses their participation, and im lucky if half of them actually pass something in, whether its an assignment, a test, a project, or an assessment.
we're told that we need to have open communication not only between teachers but between teachers and admin and parents, but then im lucky if one of the ten parents I email about their kid failing emails me back, and im luckier if admin takes a behaviorally disturbed student out of my class for insulting me or other students.
like... i guess my point is that teaching education is so idyllic and utopian, and actual classrooms are a goddamn nightmare of behavioral issues, lack of time/resources, exhausting interactions with students who don't want to be there or participate, and insane expectations from students, parents, and admin alike.
Like... no wonder the teaching field is hemorrhaging teachers right now. How can ANYONE work under the insane conditions we're forced to try and teach in. I'm so tired and I'm not even out of school yet. It's actually psychotic.
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mccnyoongi · 5 years
fic teaser ⇢ buttercup
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⇢ pairing: yoongi x fem!reader
⇢ genre: smut + slight angst
⇢ au: college!au, fwb!au, stoner!yoongi, asshole!yoongi, fwb to lovers trope
⇢ expected word count: ~10k
⇢ warnings: smut, kind of a slowburn, recreational use of drugs & alcohol, dirty talk, degradation, ridiculously excessive use of pet names, fingering, lots of casual sex talk, reader and jimin are slutty besties, dom!Yoongi, cursing, unprotected sex, semi-public and public stuff, slight dumbification (whoops), hair pulling, breathplay, reader has a thing for Yoongi’s hands because who doesn’t, reader and yoongi are both sarcastic and oblivious, etc. 
⇢ official release date: september 4th 2019, 10:45 pm est !!
⇢ synopsis: Min Yoongi wears leather jackets, fucks you like he hates you, spends most of his days on the wrong side of a blunt, and calls you the sweetest names when no one else is around. And you definitely aren’t falling in love with him.
⇢ author’s note: here’s the teaser for my first fic !! thank u for all the love from posting my first drabble to the announcement of this fic <3 im super excited abt this and all the future pieces ive been planning
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If there was a magic lantern hidden somewhere on the campus of this university, you’d find it and your first wish would be to make it so that no one found out about this whole illicit affair you’ve been having with Min Yoongi. The secrecy was fun, sexy like you guys had a whole Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing going on. Or something. Your second wish would be to make his dick vibrate. 
But then he just had to go and go down on you in a bathroom during a party at the Beta Tau Rho house, not even a month into the fall semester, knowing you wouldn’t be able to be quiet or subtle at all. And he was so smug about it too, the fucker.
You can still feel the embarrassment buzzing under the surface of your cheeks from when you walked out that bathroom door and a dozen frat boys and mutual friends of yours and Yoongi’s were out there, waiting for the two of you to emerge and giving you a round of applause when you did. Yoongi had just laughed and rolled his eyes before leading you to the kitchen to get the pair of you some drinks. He’s always been particularly good at brushing that shit off of his shoulder. You aren’t, but you’re pretty good at pretending.
Maybe you should have ended it all that night. Of course, you didn’t. You figured, hey,  you’re young and in school so fuck making good decisions. Of course, the fact that no other guy has ever been able to dick you down nearly as well as Min Yoongi can is probably a huge contributing factor. 
Sure he might be grumpy, and sarcastic, and he tries way too hard to look cool and nonchalant, but he’s also the first guy to ever make you squirt. And you’re pretty sure that the way he waxes poetic about your pussy would make even Shakespeare swoon. So maybe the pros outweigh the cons, but only just.
“I can’t believe you’ve been getting Yoongi dick for almost three full months and haven’t divulged every single detail and vein to me, you cold, uncaring bitch-” Jimin’s voice is far too loud for the student-run coffee shop the two of you regulared every Sunday; a tradition that Jimin always insisted upon. He loves his traditions almost as much as he loves destroying any personal boundaries between the two of you.
“Keep going Park, see if I ever buy your coffee again.”
“Don’t change the subject,” You can’t say you’re surprised that Jimin is reacting like this. Self-proclaimed ‘disaster bisexual,’ Jimin was one of the very first friends you made back when you were a shy, barely functioning freshman. 
He actually introduced you to all his frat brothers, and a large number of the people you now call your friends. Including Yoongi, whose dick seems to be a reoccurring topic between you and… most people you know. Even if they weren’t at that dumb party, Jungkook made sure that every living being that stepped onto campus was aware of the newly found out fuckbuddies.
“We don’t keep anything from each other, Y/N,” He’s whining over his coffee now, full lips perched in that pretty pout that he regularly uses to his advantage. “I even told you about that time I puked on Namjoon’s dick in our second year!”
“Mmm, and I wish you hadn’t told me, Minnie-” The visual still haunts you, but Jimin has never had any predilections when it came to oversharing, especially not with people who have the misfortune of being his best friends. “‘Sides, I didn’t figure it was important, the whole Yoongi thing-”
“His dick, you mean.”
“Because it’s not like we’re getting married,” You carefully ignore him, a useful habit you’ve picked up three years into being his friend. “Just sex, remember?”
“So fucking what? You told me how you sucked Jeon’s cock in a movie theatre less than twelve hours after it happened-” You take a large gulp of your own iced coffee to busy yourself when the shameful memory is brought up. Not shameful because of the promiscuity of the act, no you’re an adult, thank you very much, but rather because of the boy you performed them on. Jeon Jungkook is now more of an annoying younger brother to you than anything. Not to mention he’s got a giant mouth that couldn’t keep a secret even if it killed him.
“Jesus you could’ve picked any other example-” You groan out as Jimin smirked, receiving the exact reaction from you he wanted. You think you’d have learned by now. “I’m sorry, okay? You big baby.”
“Hey, you’re on thin ice,” He points an accusatory finger at you and you have to fight the urge to smack it out of your face. “Now you have to make it up to me.”
You sigh- Jimin can really be exhausting when you’re only half a medium coffee in. “And how do you expect me to do that, Park.”
“Dick details, fucking obviously,” He says it like you’re a moron for even asking. And maybe you are. “Well details in general, I guess. You know, the basics; length, girth, does he make you call him daddy, is he good- I mean he must be un-fucking-real if you’ve been bouncing on it for three goddamn months, you whore.”
“I’m not giving you measurements, Jimin, I’ve yet to take a tape measure to it- and stop assuming everyone has a daddy kink just ‘cause you do.”
“Okay, vanilla bitch. You’re lucky I already know he’s got a monster cock from that time he streaked at that post-mid-term party next year.”
“Then why’d you even ask?”
“To see if you’d tell me the truth. It was a test and you failed.”
“I may be a college student but you’re gonna have to threaten me with a little more than a failing grade to spook me,” You roll your eyes playfully- there’s no real threat in his words, there never is.
“You’re right, I’m sure you’d much rather be punished by Yoongi, huh?”
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snivystudies-blog · 7 years
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“I’m not gonna pull an all-nighter this year,” you say as you set up your study space for the new semester.  “No, sir, new year, new me.  There will be no all-nighters this time around.” You remember the way your eyes burned and mind went into an emergency fog to preserve what little functions you had remaining as you churned out your closing argument around 5:30 AM.  This year will be different, you affirm as you scribble down important dates on your calendar, set up phone reminders, sticky tab your bujo, and plan out how you’re gonna break down major papers on a weekly basis.
You eventually start ignoring notifications, and those weekly paper to-do’s become devoted to more urgent assignments.  Hey, it happens.  You have time, you’ve got a month to go, this is doable in a month.  A month turns into a week, and then suddenly you’ve got a little over 24 hours left before it’s due and you’re stuck wondering how this happened.
Let’s be real, no matter how much you preemptively plan this out, you will likely pull an all-nighter for one class.  The key is to not freak out.  You got this, and I’m gonna show you how.
Step 1: Getting Ready
i) Spend a few minutes panicking.  Get it all out of your system before you get started.  You’re gonna wanna go totally zen for this, so make sure to do what you need to do to get there.  Cry for a bit, scream into a pillow, do a couple dozen pushups, plank for a few minutes, start a liveblogging chain on your studyblr...you do you.
ii) Get comfortable.  If comfortable for you is a chair and desk, get some cushions for the chair.  If comfortable is your bed, pile a bunch of pillows in the corner and lean back.  If comfortable is sitting in the lotus in the common room...do that.
iii) Get all your supplies: plug in your laptop, charge your phone, grab your textbook, get the assignment sheet out...you’re not moving for a while.
Step 2: The Hype
i) No coffee, no tea.  Not yet.  Go get one of the biggest containers of coke/pepsi you possibly can.  Like.  30 oz.  Make sure it’s cold, throw in some ice cubes, and chug that shit like you’re a frat boy doing a keg stand.  You’re gonna need as much caffeine as possible.
Step 3: The Body Building
i) You all likely know what your paper is about and you probably already have a couple sources lined up from when you had to hand in your approval forms.  This is good.  You have your thesis, you have a few starting sources.  
ii) Don’t do the intro first.  Why introduce something that doesn’t exist yet? Plug in your thesis up top and move on to your first paragraph.  You can do your intro at the end.  
iii) PPE isn’t going to work here.  Your paragraph should be more or less focused around one topic and should do the following: bring up the proof, discuss it for a bit, link it to another study (professor’s love it when you mention two studies together) and point out commonalities between them.  It makes your argument stronger.  Discuss why these studies are important, what’s the impact...why should we care, basically? How do these studies prove your thesis? Keep this up for all your body paragraphs.  If you can link topics between paragraphs, even better.
iv) On the topic of linking studies, if you can find a disparity, even better.  Explain why, despite them both proving your point, one has a hole in it.  For example, I did a paper on depression once and I found two articles: one that discussed the rates of depression between African-American and Caucasian students, and males and females within those two ethnicities.  This paper mostly focused on the socioeconomic factors surrounding the school community and how that affected them.  I found another paper that mentioned that one gender was more predisposed to experiencing depression than the other, and linked that to the first paper to help explain why it seemed like one of the genders, despite them being of different ethnicities, seemed to experience depression at a higher rate.  Build on this stuff.  
v) If you’re allowed to...use some stuff out of your class lectures.  This shows that you’re really understanding what you’re learning and you’re making real life connections.  Cite it, obviously, but...you get the point.
Step 4: The Sources
i) You’re pulling an all-nighter; you don’t have time to plow through twenty pages of academic jargon to see if it fits.  Time for you to employ the rush method: read the intro, the thesis, skip all the procedural stuff and the charts, and jump to the discussion bit.  This is the part that contains the ‘does this information help prove my point’ chunk of your paper.  If it does, scroll up and check out those charts.  Numbers will definitely help strengthen your argument.  Cite, and move on.  Repeat until you meet your minimum amount of sources.  I’d suggest grabbing an extra two or three sources so it makes it look like you spent a while researching.
ii) Generally speaking, avoid using papers older than you are.  Unless you really, really need it.
Step 5: The Conclusion
i) This is the easiest part.  Restate your thesis (differently, obviously) and mention the importance of this research.  
ii) MENTION FURTHER RESEARCH.  Explain what else kind of research can be done in this field.
iii) I always like to call this bit the mic-drop moment: this is the moment you’re completing everything.  You’ve been up 18 hours.  You’re exhausted.  This is your magnum opus.  Your clapback.  Your shutdown.  The line that has your professor waking up at 4 AM going ‘godDAMN that was so good’.  Write your concluding sentence.
iv) lmao syke, you have to go back and write your intro.  This should be easier.  Explain your topic, toss in your thesis, and tell the reader why you’re even doing this.  What’s the point.  Why this topic of all topics.  Again - why should we care?
Step 6: The Stuff You Should Be Doing In-between
i) Finish that coke before you touch the coffee.  No tea, that makes you sleepy.  Make sure your coffee is black and as bitter as possible.  You’re staying awake, not watching raindrops fall on a Sunday afternoon.
ii) Take a break every half hour.  Do some walking around.  Drink water.  Spend ten minutes watching a short vine compilation about school.  Don’t think about your paper for these few minutes.
iii) SNACKS.  Snacks are important, you need energy.  Eat some bananas, or cereal, or yoghurt.  Something filling and that’s likely gonna give you energy.  Crunchy is also good, but crunchy starts getting annoying around 4 AM when even your heartbeat is driving you nuts.
iv) Music.  No classical music, no studying music, nothing soft.  Hit up some EDM.  This should be loud and annoying enough to keep you from sleeping.  
v) Close your eyes for five minutes every hour or so.  Set an alarm.  
vi) Get up and stretch when your back starts hurting.  
vii) Give yourself a reward for every paragraph finished.  Eat candy.  Watch a short video.  You wanna motivate yourself.
Step 7: The Recovery
i) Hand in your paper and forget it ever existed.  Now it’s you time.
ii) If you’re anything like me, it will be close to lunchtime when you’re done.  Go get something to eat.  Treat yourself.  You can drink tea now.  Come back to your dorm and eat.
iii) Clean up your dorm, it’ll be a mess from the night before.  Make sure your bed has new sheets.
iv) Go take a hot bath.  Wash your hair.  Shave.  Brush your teeth.  Twice, cause that caffeine will have dried your mouth out.  This is self-care time.
v) Come back to your room.  Draw the drapes, shut off the lights, and sleep.  Sleep for 15 hours.  You earned it.
Step 8: Get Your Paper Back
i) Yikes, it’s a month later.  You’re panicking.  Go zen again.
ii) Open up blackboard.  Exhale.  Open that result.
iii) Oh shit, you got a 95, nice going!
Step 9: Promise to Never do that Again.
Step 10: Do It Again Next Year.
And this is the 10 step process that has continually given me high nineties and put me, bare minim, 20% over the class average.  This is more geared towards university and college students and research/academic papers, but I can do one for high school students and physical projects, if you guys want.  
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What level of car insurance should I get?
"What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
600cc Sportsbike insurance?
im almost 21 and im getting my full motorbike licence soon. i want to get a 600cc sports bike as my first ever bike, but im not finding any attractive insurance deals. Does anyone know of a 600cc sports bike that comes with a good insurance deal in london?""
Who has to pay and/or who's insurance payments go up?
presume i am driving a car that doesn't belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver's license with 1 point on it. now, let's say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver's car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who's insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car's? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!""
Would an SUV or a sports car be more expensive for insurance?
Im getting a new car.. and I either want an SUV (Jeep) or a sporty car (Eclipse). Which is cheaper to insure?
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
Is there any insurance company that accepts sr22 insurance required cdl driver who need just bobtail insurance?
I have sr22 restriction on my cdl. And just bought my truck. Its really hard to find Bobtail insurance some ppl call it non trucking liability insurance because of my driving record or sr22 (I guess its samething). Is there any insurance company or agency out there who might accept?
Car insurance for a teenage female?
i'll be turning sixteen soon and im curious as to what the average cost rate with state farm for a new driver is?
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
How much would car insurance and tax cost?
I was just wondering how much car insurance and tax and anything else i would have to pay other than the price of the vehicle would cost a 23 year old in England on an Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic Range Rover Sport or an Automatic Ford Mustang GT.""
Salvage title car insurance claim settlement?
I purchased the car with a salvage title over a year ago. I have full coverage with Progressive on my 2003 honda accord ex with 64k, in a recent ice storm my wife totaled the car. The ...show more""
Is this car insurance quote cheap?
i am 23 no NCB held full uk licence for 2 year 8 months and i am a hire car driver so have alot of driver experience ie drive average of 10 vehicles a day from small cars to luxury 4x4s and vans got a quote for a v-reg (1999) Peugeot 206 1.9 L Diesel 5 door for 1330.76 third party fire and theft is this a good quote or will i be able to get it down. i really want to buy this car so don't want to hear things like try a smaller engine etc thanks
Is it compulsory to buy home insurance?
I'm going to move to my first house soon. There is one thing I want to ask you here. Is it compulsory to buy home insurance? If it is a must, then do you have to get an insurance before you move in?""
What kind of insurance coverage should Geraldo and Marina have for their family?
Geraldo works full-time to take care of his family. His wife, Marina, stays home to take care of their two young children. What kind of insurance coverage should Geraldo and Marina have for their family? Explain why.""
Finding 2000-3000 insurance for young driver?
With my UK license I intend on buying myself a car for university (GOLF or POLO). Being a young driver (19 years old), insurers are less than happy to offer cheap insurances. The best quote I've found so far from gocompare and dozens of other websites are Quinn Direct with 3800. Could you please suggest where to get cheap 3rd party insurance, you're welcome to mention other car models if it helps cheapening it. Thanks""
Any suggestion for an auto insurance?
I'm currently under geico but I realized that they charge me too much.Do you know any auto insurance that is cheaper?
Do I qualify for low cost Health Insurance?
I'm under 21 & still living at home. I live at home with my mother & sibling. My mother can't afford insurance through her work beings it'll be almost 1/3 of her paycheck a month. I work part time as a waitress making under 5,000 a year for now as I look for a full time job. So my question is: Do I qualify for any type of low cost health insurance to cover just myself? I've tried looking on sites like health .gov but because my mom has insurance available through her work it's basically saying i'm screwed out of insurance of my own. I need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled asap, as well as basic medical check ups & such that I can't afford on my waitressing salary. I really need all the help I can get. Please answer. & no, my job doesn't provide any insurance.""
Why are insurance companies such bastards?
I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.""
Older cars and Insurance..?
Im young..I don't know too much about cars yet. I was wondering, do older cars typically cost less to insure??? I know it sounds dumb but I really dont know. I had a 99 explorer, 91 sentra, 86 accord, and now I am probably getting a 74 Dart. I know insurance changes depending on your age and violations on your record..but it seems like older cars cost less than 'newer' cars. Will my Dart cost more since it is a classic? It is not restored yet, or sportin classic plates either. Does that change anything??? Is there a difference because of color, or model (ss, suv, convertible, truck, etc?) Let me know..""
Is the discount rate for car insurance for students GPA cumulative?
I am in California and my semester GPA fell a little under 3.0 but my cumulative is still 3.0 will that affect my car insurance discount? And if so by how much?
How can I get affordable health insurance because of obama care?
I work but i have 2 kids to support and I Make Minimum Wage.. plus rent and bills.. Does anyone have any suggestions about how i could possibly get health care or what will happen if I just simply cant afford it? And no smart *** remarks like get a better paying job. Jobs are hard to find where I Live and i am making it with what i have. But obama forcing us to have health insurance is making me wonder what Options i have. Medicare? or some kind of afforable health insurance? would love to hear people who are in the same boat i am. and any POSITIVE Suggestion would be helpful. Thanks
CLASSIC MINI!!! How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old female?
About to buy a classic mini as my first car and wanted to know how much other peoples insurance has cost. Im female thanks
Where can I find a CAR RENTER'S INSURANCE that I could use for a week?
Found a cheap rental car- but they require insurance. Need a short short term insurance for renting car- HELP?
How much lesser is car insurance every 6 months ?
I pay car insurance every month. ON AVERAGE do you think I would pay less every 6 months?
Insurance on Lotus Elise for 18 or 19 year old?
I want to get a new Lotus Elise when I am 18 or 19, but it really depends how much the insurance will be. I reside on Long Island, NY but when I get the car will be going to school in either Albany, NY or Tallahasse, FL. Some help? Thanks.""
Seriously what are the cheapest cars to insure in the UK?
alright so iv had enough, so im 17 and passed my driving test so im looking for a car, the cheapest cars iv found to insure as of december last year were a classic vw beetle or a 03 ford fiesta. i checked again and the fiesta has shot up in price for insurance now but the beetle has stayed the same but still not cheap. iv tried everything from little corsa's, clio's, punto's, peugeot's, everything, they are all really expensive, the vw beetle would cost 3000 third party fire & theft, every other car is 4000+ i mean a 2000 rover 25 would cost me 5300 to insure. seriously what is the cheapest cars to insure? i don't want names of companys that do cheap insurance i just want cars that are cheap to insure.""
Who is the best and most affordable company to go through for homeowners insurance ?
Who is the best and most affordable company to go through for homeowners insurance ?
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.
How much is car insurance.?
what car insurance for a new driver ,lady 27 .for a 6 seat car ,value 1.000 . from a small nottingham town ng177JEM""
What happens if someone who doesn't have car insurance hits a BMW?
Someone without car insurance hit my car. Luckily it won't cost much but just say they had hit an expensive car and actually wrote it off, how would they pay for that?""
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
Why is health-care so expensive?
Just last year in CA Medi-Cal (state medicaid) stop covering for dentistry and optometry for people over 21. The total cost of my dental braces is $4550. I need them so I can fix some teeth that are misaligned. I pay $100 and it seems like its a never ending balance. I been doing this for 2 years now. I have Medi-Cal because of my SSI but that doesnt cover anymore because I am 21. My mother had heart surgery in 2007 and we still haven't payed a bill. My parents don't have any insurance. They used to have Medi-Cal but when Schwarzenegger became the governor in 2003 he made some changes to the policies and they stop having Medi-Cal. She tried applying for SSI but she keeps getting denied. The republicans should stop attacking Obama and work together to pass the health-care reform.
How much does it cost to insure an RV?
i have to do a project for drivers ed.. and i need to figure out how much it cost to insure an rv and i guess the insurance company would be aarp.
Insurance after admitting responsibility car crash?
i have admitted responsibility at the scene when i crashed my car into someone elses. i have since found out that it will make my insurance go up horrendously. yikes!! how much is my insurance likely to go up? im worried
1st Car insurance way too high?
the insurance on my dads name with my provisional license is way too high nobody would pay 2300 pounds, iv put all the correct details in and put on as many drivers that put down price and every other possible way to reduce price but thats the cheapest on confused.com this means i need to sell my car that i have had for 1 and a half years that iv been working on for me turning 17 and driving it, im too depressed now and i badly dont want to sell it has anyone got any solutions or recommendations anything?""
Pay As You Go Insurance! Where can I get it? Cheap Insurance!
Hey people Basicly im insured with Admiral under third party fire and theft. Im doing their 10 month insurance thing which equates to 1 years insurance after the time. I was insured with them last year the price was 1090, this year its gone up to 1250 (had an accident which was my fault). Im paying monthly which has increased it to 1550. Im paying about 150 a month. My question is, where can i get cheap insurance from? Preferbably Pay as You go type. Has anyone done PAYG insurance before?""
Why is the insurance prices so high?
OK from what I have seen from my friends they have been getting car insurance for there cars for about 1000 a year, now when I check on gocompare.com the cheapest quote is around 7000, what is wrong I've only been searching a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I don't see why it would be that much.""
Why is it so cheap to live in America? but your hospital treatment is so expensive?
do these insurance schemes really cover you for major surgery?
""Gas, Home and car insurance in my tax return expence?""
I'm a self employed programmer, I work in my home (don't have office) my question is can I consider my home rent or car insurance-gas as my job expences in tax return forms? I'm useing my car to see some of my customers (not always).""
How much will my insurance cost?
Im 18 and wanting to move out this august for college. The apartments im looking to rent is on average about 500 a month for me and im trying to figure out how much a month its going to cost me to live on my own. I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer which is completely paid off. I dont know what insurrance company my parents have right now but i know for sure its not geico or progressive. I think its like blue shields or something or other. Any help is areciated! Thanks in advance!
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
I am in texas and want cheap auto insurance (liability)?
I only need what texas law requires (liability) have 2 accidents 1 moving violation my policy doubled please help me find better deal
Choosing the most affordable insurance company?
I'm currently staying in Texas and I am shopping for an auto Insurance for my Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. I'm 22 years old and I started driving for the past 9 months, and also had received my Texas drivers license 9 months ago. I never had an accident of any kind or received any tickets. I need to find an auto insurance company that's affordable, I understand that because i'm a new driver and young I will be paying more. But I would like to get any tips on getting a cheap quote while satisfying all minimum state requirements for bodilly injury liability, property damage, motorist and etc. plus a $500 deductable for both comprehensive and collision coverage. Also if im asked how old I was when I received my drivers license, would it make a difference in my auto insurance monthly payment if I lied and said I been driving since I was 20 instead of 22?""
Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?
i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?""
How much is insurance if your under 18?
In Ohio and my sister wont b quiet cuz she dont have a job and is broke but I am younger than her and i have 600 dollars 2 save for a car. and she is whining cuz she dont have a job so i was wondering how much is insurance in Ohio
Cheap health insurance?
I have an account with a community clinic and i am eligible for a 90% discount and i have only had to go once for a sprained wrist. I cannot afford health insurance so the clinic ...show more
Insurance Fraud? Help!?
A couple days ago I was driving to a doctors appointment, I was rushing and very nervous. I got to a road that was closed where I had to back up. I looked behind me and saw no cars. Then I started talking to my mother who was in the car about if the road was closed or just partly blocked off. I looked in my mirrors and started to back up, somehow I must have missed the car that was very close behind me. I barely tapped the bumper, my mom didn't even realize it happened that's how slight the tap was. The woman immediately jumped out of her car and started screaming and cussing like a maniac. The police blocking the road even noticed and had to come over to control her. There was no damage to my car or hers, however she was driving a 92 buick and it was a piece of junk. I was worried she'd try to get something out of the whole thing so I took pictures of everything. This must have made her angry and she started trying to take pictures of my mother and I as well as bird poop on my car? Today I got a call from her insurance agency, saying she claimed injuries, a cracked windshield, and a messed up bumper. I am so angry! I know I did not do any damage, much less injure her! I'm a collage student and really can't afford my rates going up because of this. I called my insurance company and sent them pictures. They are trying to investgate. Anyway, has anyone else experienced something like this? How do these things usually turn out? Is this insurance fraud on her part?""
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
Other driver was not covered under insurance?
I was in a car accident where the other driver (to be referred as The Idiot) was at fault. The police were called and The Idiot was given a warning citation. The insurance company called me today to inform me that the claim was being denied because The Idiot was not an authorized driver under the policy. It appears that The Idiot borrowed the car from his father. Now I am stuck with thousands of dollars in repairs that it appears will be billed back to me. What are my options?
What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?
What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?
Child only health insurance?
I have done some research and haven't been able to find any decent child only insurance. My daughter is four months old, and we are looking to insure her in the state of Connecticut. What insurance companies supply insurance for just her? Thanks!""
Does a car being Stolen/Recovered Affect Future Insurance Policies?
I am looking to buy a car, and wondering whether a car that had been stolen with keys, and recovered (but not before the insurance company had paid out for it) will have problems getting insurance, similar to cars rated as Cat C, or Cat D?""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.
Can i get my own car insurance ?
i am 18 and my mom cant afford to have me on her car insurance can i get my own???
""Car Insurance for young drivers, first car. Helpppp!!!?""
I passed my driving test 3 months ago, my sister passed hers last week, we're both 19. We are now looking for a small, cheap car to share, with one of us being the main driver and an additional named driver. We've looked at a KA 1.3 ltr engine 2003 W reg 3 door hatchback. After getting quotes from a few companies it's clearly going to be expensive to get insured. Could anybody please point me in the right direction for affordable insurance for young drivers?! Thankyou!""
Life insurance at 25 years of age.?
I am twenty five and would like to put my mom in life insurance. Is this possible and what would I have to do to put her in life insurance?
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
How much does car insurance cost at age 16?
ok so i want a used 2002 toyota celica but i wanna know how much insurance will cost me first before i buy it. so if you can help plsss answer thxs =) p.s i live in the state of new jersey if that can help idk lol.
Do all car insurance companies need a deposit?
Im getting a car this weekend, i havent passed my driving test yet and im 18. But all the insurance quotes i have looked at need a deposit, can i get one that doesnt need a deposit, because at the moment i cant afford that one of payment for the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!!""
Car insurance switching cars after 2months?
Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction. Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time??? willl it cost me alot to change ] thanks
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
Health insurance?
which health insurance is better?
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
What is the cheapest Sr22 insurance in california?
I am 20 years old Dwv suspended my liscense for a year,i payed all my ticket fees,they were all mostly speeding,i had a total of 6 points on my record.where can i find cheap liabilty insurance?""
Can i cancel my car insurance due to changes made in their policy that has skyrocketed my insurance rate?
Just got a package from my insurance company of my new payment schedule for the next 12 mths. Somebody please tell me why i went from paying $249 to $360 a month for car insurance? Sounds absurd ! There is no way in hell im paying for that . . . my questions is, if this is in fact true, can i drop my insurance company at any point in time because the price went up WAY TOO HIGH (i will no longer be able to afford) ? PLEASE HELP!!!!""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old boy and am looking at 95-99 Honda civic coupes manual transmission. I believe the insurance company is AAA and I'm in southern California
""If someone is driving your car and they get a ticket, does it affect your insurance rates?
Will it make your insurance higher?
Car Insurance for Teens?
Hi, Im 16 years old, going to get my license, and did parent taught drivers ed. All my life, ive wanted to drive, but now, I hear that car insurance for teenagers is so damn high. I heard it is at least 200 a month, and I know for a fact my parents cant afford that? What should I do? Some people I heard pay only 20 dollars a month, how the hell did they get suc ha low rate? Also, Id like to drive a sports car, which im guessing is gonna make insurance way higher. So where can my parents get affordable insurance for me?""
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
Auto Insurance Help...?
I'm new to this car insurance thing and I need help picking out which one is best. What do I need to ask for? How much roughly is car insurance? My parents used to pay for mine on theirs which was $134....I want to try to keep around that range. Should I wait until I turn 21 to get it? Help me please!!! :) Thanks
Are quad bike insurance cost more than a car?
and my car insurane would be about 8 grand
ADIs: How much does driving instructor' s insurance cost?
Whilst I already know that age, location, type of car etc will affect the cost, can you give me a general figure? What is the cheapest you've paid for it? How much can a newly trained ADI expect to pay (on average) Thanks.""
Specialist insurance- evos?
im 22 years old and i really would like a mitsubishi evo 4. but the cheapest insurance ive found so far is 1900 fully comp, but apparently you can get specialist insurances for certain cars so is this possible and if so whats the website? i live in the uk. thanks""
What is a good (cheap!) health insurance?
i'm a college student so i have no money but i need health insurance so i can get my birthcontrol pills every month. whats a good company?
Which car insurance site does the cheapest qoute in uk?
L have brought my first car and l am looking for a cheap third party fire and theft car insurance does any one no of any cheap car insurance site in uk
What is a good car insurance in Virginia with low annual fee?
Good car insurance with relatively low annual payment.
""Buying private health insurance, broker or direct?""
I need to purchase a private individual health insurance plan. I am a little confused if I should use a broker or just go direct. There seems to be so many plans out there. I live in Las Vegas, NV. I have received quote both ways and there price seems to be around the same thing so I don't know if there are added benefits from using a broker as to going direct, anyone have any experiences?""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.
Help With Young Male Car Insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male (or will be in April) and am needing help finding a good car insurance deal. So far, I have used LoveMoney.com to get my car insurance as it's returning costs of around 1400 as-a-pose to over 2000 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although I am looking for 0.8 - 1.1L cars, the insurance is ridiculous and the fact that I have pass plus doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Does anybody know of any cheaper ways to get cheaper car insurance? and as an estimate do you know what the approximate monthly cost would be for a quote around 1400? unfortunately it doesn't state it on the quote. Thanks""
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
Are these the ways to reduce my Car Insurance?
I found this article on ForbesAutos.com about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa
Info on car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Hi, I am a 17 year old female who lives in the suburbs of New jersey. I will be driving a 1999 year model car and i want to know if anyone can give me a quote on insurance. The insurance will be paid only by me by myself not with my parents. i really need help or else I will never be able to drive! best answer = 10 points!!!!""
If there is no damage to either cars then how much would insurance rates go up for the person who caused it?
i was in a accident today and this hood girl came out of nowhere but the only damage that occured was the front tag of my car came off and her car has no damage. How much will my insurance rates go up.
What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?
I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines?
How would i get health insurance with no income?
with obama care about to start, how can I get health insurance, I don't qualify for Medicaid because I don't have any income, I'm 37, single female, I stay with friends when they throw me out I go to homeless shelters, I live in south carolina, I won't be able to pay fees for not having health insurance""
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
Car Insurance and Registered Owners?
I have recently bough a car and I am the registered owner and keeper of the car on the documents. As this is my first car and I am under 26, my insurance quote was very high, so as the car will be driven by me and my boyfriend he is the primary driver and i am the second driver on the insurance policy. Does the primary driver also have to be the registered owner for an insurance company to pay out?!""
How much would insurance cost for a 97 Mazda Miata?
I'm thinking about getting my 16 year old son a 1997 Mazda Miata with about 110,000 miles. I have 3 cars currently with state farm. I do plan on selling one car to buy the miata. I have a clean driving record myself. My son in an honors student. He has completed drivers Ed. He hasn't gotten in any wrecks yet. Any idea of how much insurance would be a month for him?""
Do you have health insurance?
how old are you and how old are your kids?
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
Am I legally insured to drive my car?
I live in the UK and hold a provisional driving license. Recently I became the registered keeper of a car, and to cut down on insurance costs, my mother insured it in her name with me as a named driver. As I am still not fully qualified I always drive under supervision. A friend has suggested that unless I make my mum the registered keeper of the vehicle, my insurance is not valid and I am breaking the law. Is this true?""
Will my Car Insurance rates go up for 1 speeding ticket?
I just got a speeding ticket this morning (66mph in a 50). I have a really good record. Will my insurance go up? I have State Farm in Ohio. Thanks!
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""
How much would my car insurance payments be?
I'm thinking about getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and was wondering how much would my car insurance payments be with Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? Also what would you recommend?""
Health Insurance Questions?
Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!""
Which auto insurance companies offer road side assistance and what exactly do they cover?
Which auto insurance companies offer road side assistance and what exactly do they cover?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
What kinds of life insurance should I have?
I'm 30 years old, and my love is 39. I have an AD&D insurance policy from work listing him as the beneficiary. What other insurance should I purchase? We do not have any children. Do not say we're going to hell, or that we are sinners. If you've read the bible and truly believe in it, then you should know about judging others and casting stones.""
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult!?
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult! I currently am 20, and I am on Medicaid. Full coverage. I am a former foster youth. Being a former foster care youth I get medicaid until I am 21. I turn 21 in October...I need some sort of affordable health insurance plan. I take ADHD medication, it really works and helps me focus. My work ethic has improved SIGNIFICANTLY, and I can actually focus. Its great, I am about to start college and am worried I am no longer going to be able to take this ADHD medication. I support myself for the most part, and no, I can not be on my parent's health insurance. I make about 16,000 a year, and pay half of rent and some bills etc. I need to find a health insurance plan that either A. will pay for all my my 198.00 a month prescrption cost, or B. pay for most of it. Will someone help me out? Direct me to any insurance company you know that can help me? Thank you so much. And please..real answers. Thank you for your time!""
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.
0 notes
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
"16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
I just bout 2 motorcycles and I am looking for a cheap place to get insurance through... Any suggestions??????
It's a 2007 yamaha and a 2005 suzuki, and I'm not getting anywhere with these insurance quotes. They are outrageous!!!""
No insurance ticket in calfornia?
i have car insurance with triple a for my truck... but i was cited for no insurance while driving my scooter. if i can prove i just bought the scooter will that release my ticket.... dont insurance poolicies state u have 10 days to report a new vehicle ??? any way to get out of this ticket
How much does your health insurance cost per month?
I'm not trying to be nosy. Ax on another question stated his is $60 a month. Mine is a little over $100 a week. Does that seem high?
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
""Motorcycle insurance, big problem?""
Ok, so ive been riding a motorcycle for more than a year now. and ive had my eye on a 2009 ninja zx-6r. so i asked a guy from state farm what full coverage would be and he told me around 1000. which is really good. so i bought the bike and went back to him. turns out it will actually be around 4000-5000. WTF. is there anything i can do? or am i just s.o.l.?""
Can my roommates and I get a group renter's insurance policy?
Hi, I'm going to be renting a house with 3 friends this semester, and I'm looking at renter's insurance. My current insurance company says they don't do policies that would cover the whole household. Is this just common practice, or is it possible with another company? Are we better off just getting individual insurance, or could it be cheaper to get one policy to cover the entire household?""
General Liability insurance?
How much will General liability insurance cost for my company? We have been incorporated for 2 years, with no claims against us. We are a parking revenue and security company. I have called dozens of brokers. i just need a ball park so I can tell if i am being ripped off. We have insurance now but feel it may be to high. Please advise""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
Functions of auto insurance and coverage characteristics?
I'm doing this for school, and she only posted a table. We have to figure out what are functions of all insurance and coverage characteristics of all. I may be overlooking this a little to much. But if someone could help me out that would be great and I appreciate it.""
""Has anyone bought insurance from Insphere Insurance Solutions (MEGA Life, Alliance for Affordable Services?""
I met with an agent yesterday and Googled the companies he represented, and saw so many complaints from both agents and consumers that my mind is spinning. I own a small business with only two employees. I don't want to be ripped off by some sweet talking insurance salesman, but if he is honest (chuckle) and his products are as good as he represents, then I would consider this option. If you've had any experience with these companies, I would like to hear it... good or bad. Thanks.""
How much is seasonique with blue shield california insurance?
please tell me. i'm on yaz now but four periods a year would be heaven. thanks.
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
Florida homeowners insurance- help needed?
I am in the middle of trying to purchase a home all looks like it is going to go threw just fine. I was told to start looking for Home owners insurance, easier said than done as I am finding out... I am purchasing a 1954, wood frame home in central Florida. Nobody wants to touch it, I can get the state insurance for $1700.00 a year, WOW that is expensive!!! Does anybody out there have a better option or idea on how to get insurance at a reasonable rate? I tried AARP, they won't cover Florida even though my car insurance is with them, I tried others as well with no luck.Please I need some help here I'm getting desparate""
Cheap car insurances?
i'm a 21 year old college student driving a 2005 make car- i need a reasonable insurance company any suggestions.. any incentives for being a female and being on the deans list in college?
What is term insurance? Why should I buy a term insurance product?
Many colleagues at work are talking about term insurance. After speaking to some of them I understand that a term policy will give me life cover but I don't know if I should buy a policy myself. So if someone can tell me what term insurance is and what the benefits are, I can consider a purchase.""
Best car and insurance for 18 year old?
Hey, just looking for some advice for the cheapest possible way to get a car and insurance (not necessarily together) for less than 4,000 a year? I knows there's schemes like Young Marmalade, but I'd rather know what's going to happen with my insurance after the 1st year, but at the moment they do seem like the best option. Any help appreciated! :-)""
I would like a rough idea of how much it will cost to insure my 17 year old son to learn then drive my car?
I have a peugeot 206 1.4 2005 plate car, it is the only car we own and I would like to put my son on the insurance. He will be 17 in Jan 2011 and we need to gage how much it will cost to have him as a named driver of my car""
""Im thinking about getting a car, car insurance ?""
Im thinking about getting a car I phoned up my insurance company and they said because I have not come to the end of my insurance with the car I got that I would lose my 3 years no claims bonus if I changed over cars also I would have to pay them 50pound to get out of the contract. The only way around it is if I insure the two cars I was shocked with this, I deal with tescos car insurance Is this normal ?""
""Ohio motorcycle insurance, 18 years old.?
I want to buy a motorcycle and I have the money but the only question I have is where I can find reasonable insurance rates. I am 18 and have never owned a motorcycle before. I am interested in buying a 1970's Kawasaki 400. Can someone give me advice or point me in the right direction regarding insurance?
Will my car insurance rates go up if another driver lives at my address who is not under my plan?
I have an insurance plan that covers myself and my wife. Recently my son switched insurance plans to the same carrier that I have with his own insurance policy for his car that he ...show more
Insurance on financed vehicles?
is it true that after 3 yrs. of financing a vehicle you no longer need to purchase full insurance? you can only do liability insurance. Is that true I think someone said that is the case for Allstate Insurance.
GMAC Auto Insurance Experience?
Anyone have GMAC auto insurance? If you do, please share your experience on how they apply discount and handle claims. I ask around for quotes online and the 2 insurance that gave me good quotes are Wawanesa and GMAC. Both seems to be good company but I would like to get some input from my fellow yahoo users. I currently have Allstate but their prices keeps going up instead of going down for all the discounts they put on my record ie. good driver, Home Owners, multiple policy and renewal. I ask the agent every renewal but they keep telling me that the insurance rate is going up in California which I doubt should happen every 6 months. Please no advertisement.""
How much would my parents have to pay to put me on their car insurance in Georgia?
How much would my parents have to pay to put me on their car insurance in Georgia?
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Explanation of getting a car insurance. PLEASE HELP?
Hello, i have recently bought a car (fiat punto 1999 16v sporting) and now looking for car insurance, everytime i try to get a quote i get crazy prices like 3k even when i put as secind driver. I want to put my mum as first driver and my self as second when asked for a relationship to the the first driver what should it be when it says: spouce friend or other of course when you put spouce it comes out way cheap is that right or it should be marked as other??????????? and does anyone know nice cheap car insurances esspecially for students?""
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
Am I already covered under my parents car insurance?
I just bought a car and my parents said they would take care of the insurance so they put my car under there names when I explained I needed to be under it my mom said its too expensive and it fine as long as u have insurance she's wrong right?
""Motorcycle insurance, big problem?""
Ok, so ive been riding a motorcycle for more than a year now. and ive had my eye on a 2009 ninja zx-6r. so i asked a guy from state farm what full coverage would be and he told me around 1000. which is really good. so i bought the bike and went back to him. turns out it will actually be around 4000-5000. WTF. is there anything i can do? or am i just s.o.l.?""
""On Car Insurance, do additional drivers have to drive the car?""
Im trying to get quotes for car insurance. Im a new driver and buying my own car myself. By myself the quotes are quite high, around 5000. Ive added my mum as additional driver (im the main driver), that got it down to 3500. But I was wondering, what would happen IF my mum didnt actually end up using the car? She probably would...but I was wondering if it would effect my insurance if she just didnt end up using it?""
Am i covered with auto insurance when i drive off of the used car lot?
Am i covered with auto insurance when i drive off of the used car lot?
Is the constitution preventing Americans from getting affordable healthcare?
Is the constitution preventing Americans from getting affordable healthcare?
If the 30 million uncovered Americans can actually afford Health Insurance but choose not to buy it?
What will the Government be paying for exactly? Poor people already have coverage and the rest can buy their own. Where does the cost to the taxpayer enter the equation?
What are some affordable cars for an 18 year old to own that is 5 years old or newer?
When I say own, I mean that the individual is paying for gas, maintenance, and insurance.""
I need hand insurance?
I need hand insurance
""OHIO: I'm 17, and got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop...got in accident...price?""
I live in Akron, Ohio. But I got cited in Salem, Ohio. I got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop sign. and got in a wreck. my car is fine. I was going speed limit (25). Other car, minor problems. I have to go to court. This is my first wreck, and citation. I drive a nissain altima 2003, my parents own. -how many points will i get on my license? -how much will my ticket be? -is there anyway the charges will be dropped? -how much will insurance go up? Thank you sooo much! sorry the police just weren't very helpful. I have statefarm insurance!!""
Can I sell my own shipping insurance?
I sell products online that I make myself. So in the past it has been a pain for customers to deal with the postal service in case of damaged in shipping. So instead I would like to just offer my own shipping insurance. Then customers can deal directly with me and everything will me a lot faster and smoother. Is this legal since I am not a real insurance company? If it's not legal how do I have to word it so I can charge like $5 and handle shipping damage myself?
Do I need horse insurance?
Do I really need horse insurance on a horse that I am leasing for more than half the year. I am going to lease a horse from out of state next September to about June. He is a 8 year old chenut gelding thoroughbred. He will be moved from a farm out of state to a boarding facility closer to me. He doesn't have any health problems but can become stiff after work. Do I need insurance just in case something were to happen to him if so what are some good companies.
Affordable Health Insurance for a single mom with one child?
Can anyone provide me with some information about getting an affordable health insurance plan for a single mother with a small child (2 and a half y.o.)? My wife and I are getting divorced. It is an uncontested divorce and we just need to figure out the support payment amount. This is the last variable. Also is there any way to keep them both under my plan at work after we are divorced? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
Which is best general insurance to take?
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health & Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements -- Maximum coverage of insurance.Should cover all diseases including new diseases which will come in future(i have worried about swin flu a new arraival in 2009). My age is 27years.
Does insurance go with the driver?
If I have insurance on my car does that mean I can drive another car using that same policy without adjusting if its an temporary thing?
Question about car insurance in London?
My sister has gone overseas for a few weeks and has left her car at my house where I am taking care of it. I am not insured so I don't drive it. My housemate has insurance on her own car, would she legally be allowed to drive my sisters car? I heard somewhere that she could drive it, but she'd only have 3rd party coverage. Is that true?""
Obamacare starts in three days. will more people have health insurance or less?
an estimated 5 million had their health insurance cancelled because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The administration says 1 million signed up for Obamacare you do the math http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/blog/2013/12/enrollment-surged.html
Can I get a life insurance license with a misdemeanor on my record in California?
Misdemeanor is four years old for petty theft.
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
""Buying a new car, but don't have insurance?""
If I don't currently have insurance, how can I drive a car home from the auto dealer? do i have to purchase insurance before I buy the car? what if i'm buying from an individual and his insurance on the car has lapsed?""
Is get auto insurance a good insurance company?
I found getautoinsurance.com on line while looking for cheap auto insurance. Is this company a good company, or is it for real?""
Who needs life insurance?
At what point in life should one stop buying term insurance?
Temporary classic car insurance for 17 year old in the uk?
I am 17 and have passed my driving test, so hold a full UK license, i wan't to borrow my dad's classic car for a day, to take my date to the the end of year prom. Is it possible to get temporary insurance for me for just a day? without adding me to the actual car policy? It is a Triumph Spitfire 1500. Thank you for your ideas.""
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Where can I find the cheapest auto and motorcycle insurance in Tennessee?
the absolute cheapest state minimum just to drive legal
How much does your car insurance cost?
How much does your car insurance cost?
Thinking about buying a house... Homeowners insurance?
How does homeowner's insurance work? Is it part of your monthly mortgage or is it something you pay separately?
I want to take a trip to europe how much do motorcycles cost there and how much is insurance?
Im thinking of going to the EU, as kind of like a backpacking trip, but on a motorcycle! I was wondering how things work in regards to prices of Bikes there, and insurance that covers anywhere I might plan to go! I need some help making this idea a reality! Oh I'm 18 and i have both my drivers licence and motorcycles licence, I reside in BC, Canada. Thanks!""
Im moving to Las Vegas. How much is car insurance in Nevada?
I am moving to Las Vegas. I am also planing to buy a car. How much is the car insurance in Nevada?
Will Ryan's plan force insurance companies to sell to 'granny? Will 'granny' be forced to buy insurance?
For customers at sixty five, health insurance companies will be inclined to not sell to that age group. Can they be forced to do so by the 'government'? Will health ...show more""
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
If you have exceptionally cheap car insurance where do you get it?
I know a lot goes into calculating car insurance, not asking about that. Just want to know if you pay a really small amount for coverage, what that amount is and where you get it from. (Must cover cars in the U.S, though companies can be anywhere).""
Car buying/drive test/insurance question.?
By June 16th, the first day of my job, I will need to not only buy a car, but purchase insurance and schedule/complete/pass my drive test. Now, this could be my young naive mind talking, but I am a very alert driver, maybe a little fast, but VERY alert. When doing behind the wheel, I went on the freeway after only 1 hour and the guy said I'm only the second person he's felt comfortable with doing that. But my question is, in what order should i do this (car, test, insurance) and how much preparation/time does each take. i'm hoping for my parents to stop fighting so my dad can buy a new one and give me his truck, but there are no guarantees. By the way, I am 16, and don't think this is some worthless endeavor by a kid with no money. I have saved for over 3 years (I know have over 10000$ but I have to buy everything, but my parents will pay for half of the insurance costs. THANKS""
Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?
I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx""
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
I reasonly got layied off need my wife is haven a baby need to know about insurance?
i got layied off from my job im a union worker in nyc and i have to work a certin amout of hours to keep my heath insurance going . my term ends in june my baby is do in july there for i will not be covered when the baby is do . does any one know what i can do for covrage i have aetna ? is there anyway i can extend my insurance ?
Question about insurance?
im getting out on my parents insurance soon when i get a car, and they want me to buy a small truck which the insurance would be about $130 a month, and they dont want me getting a littlte car, about how much more would my insurance be on like a stock 93 del sol or something similar""
Is this a common trend for insurance providers?
I recently started working for an insurance agency in Atlanta, GA, and I've noticed that probably 90% of our clients are rather overweight. I'm curious... Does the need for insurance increase with a gain in weight? Are thin people more likely to purchase insurance from one provider and never switch? Are fat people fickle?""
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy weight), I live in Los Angeles the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] I need an insurance to only cover me in case something happens and I need emergency care (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
Home insurance cost in auburndale ny zip code 11358?
I am in the process of purchasing a new house in auburndale, queens ny. i wonder how much is the average home insurance cost in this area? it is a tudor building, 2 and half floors.""
I just got my car but it needs a few things for it to be awesome how much will this cost me?
For my graduation present my dad got me a car! Its pretty cool and it runs well but it needs a few things for it to be to my liking, they arent needs just wants that i plan to pay for but i have no idea how much they would all cost. Ok so i can give u a good image in your head its a green Daewoo, Nubria and its year is 2000 so i hope with this info youll know how to answer my question. 1) Air conditioner. if u look at the inside you would see the air conditioner and u would think that if u turn it on it would work but it doesnt so i need to get that fixed especially in a state like ARIZONA where its always hot lol 2) New radio. I need one installed bcuz the one it has in there doesnt have sound and u need a code to use it. 3)Wheels and Rims. It has wheels but no rims and i kinda want new wheels lol whats a good size wheels for this type of car and what kind of rims should i buy is there rims for this type of car with the daewoo symbol? 4) Paint job. Ok so this is important my car is a dark green like spinach leaves lol i like it but it has white scratches all over the left and right side and the roof looks pretty worn out so i want it to be spray painted you know like in pimp my ride lol idk whats a good reasonable price for that but just write down a good estimate. 5) The front bumper. on your left side of the front bumper you know right below the headlites and the grill its broken and it dangals a little. Its perfect on the right side but scratched up quite a bit. So i want to get this old bumper off and install a new one. how do i go about doing that do i have to order the part or what exactly do i do keep in mind it doesnt have insurance yet but if it did could the insurance company do somehing about that? Ok so thats it thanx for reading and i want this answered in numerical order you know just line them up like this. 1) how much it would cost and a description or extra info i might need to know or consider 2) how much it would cost if i want a new modern radio like the one u can take off and put back on. 3) how much it would cost and all the general info 4) how much it would cost and give your opinion on a cool color to consider for this car 5) how much it would cost and how i would go about doing it Feel free to write as much as you need to on this to get the message across and remember exact prices are great but if u want u can give me estimates. thanx again for taking the time to read this. lol""
I have cancelled my old insurance with a company and i need a renewal notice to get cheap insurance.?
i have called the old company is asking me why i need the renewal notice from them. they told me they have put it in the post but i did not receive anything. the only mail i received, was the sorry to see u go mail the next day after i cancelled the policy. With the notice i can show i have a 6yrs no claims discount. How do i get the old insures to send me the notice with the no claims or do i just tell my new insurers to contact the old ones. Please this is urgent. Serious answers only""
Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?
For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?""
Health Insurance Costs?
Our health insurance premium is nearing $14000./year. My husband is a retired school teacher, and paints houses to make this premium. Pretty soon the cost is going to exceed the amount he is able to collect in Social Security - How about getting these companies to lower these premium. Seems like those on welfare have better insurance than those on private pay""
How much would it cost to insure a pontiac firebird?
Im turning 16 soon and will be getting a car I was wondering how much money it would cost to insure a 1997 Pontiac Firebird.
Switching car insurance?
I live in North Carolina, and I got insurance when I lived in south carolina under state farm for 160. When I moved back to be with my family, I was searching for car insurance for North Carolina and found Geico with 60 a month. I didn't notify state farm of the change in insurance, and I am currently insured under Geico. I'm wondering if my license could potentially be suspended or I have something on my record about it, even though I did not have a lapse in coverage, I did not notify the other insurance company. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!""
Why is the insurance prices so high?
OK from what I have seen from my friends they have been getting car insurance for there cars for about 1000 a year, now when I check on gocompare.com the cheapest quote is around 7000, what is wrong I've only been searching a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I don't see why it would be that much.""
Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?
Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?
How much is motorcycle insurance at 15?
I know it cant be pin pointed, how much does it cost you annually? Even if you are not 15. What bike is it for? I want a 2008 Hyosung 250 cruiser.""
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Does employer needs to provide medical insurance?
Hi I am a foreign worker, working here in US, do employers need to provide medical insurance or not??""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
Please Help me to find the cheapest insurance for my car?
Hello, I've baught a car two months ago, but I havn't insured it yet because insurencse is so expenive. I'm trying to find the cheapest deal and I need your experince in that. My car is Honda, accord, year 1999. My age: 23 Single State: Virginia City: Richmond. I'm international student and I don't have social security number I'm not sure if that would make a difference ! I've just got the driving license. I need reliability insurance if this would make a big discount. By the way, my GPA is very good. If you can help me out with agencys phone numbers or any guess about the insurance It will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance""
When is the best time to talk to an insurance adjuster?
Someone hit my car and admitted fault while I was looking for a parking spot. The damage to my car was $1500. My gf was injured and goes to the chiropractor 3 times a week. The first day to the chiroprator cost like 400 dollars, and everyday after for treatment cost about 125. They want to treatment for atleast 1 month. The doctor told my gf that she was going to miss 2 weeks off work. The adjust wants to talk to us in one week after the accident. Should I contact a lawyer or no? They want to do a settlement. How much should I expect? They are already paying for the car repair, and car rental (6 days) But my insurance is paying for the doctor visits and stuff. I never been in an accident before that was caused by someone, so I'm not really sure how to deal with an adjuster. As soon as possible or wait till all treatments are done?""
Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area?
Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area?
Insurance cost for you?-wondering please help!!!:/?
Ok im 16 1/2applying for insurance for my car. I am outraged at the annual average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your opinion on what company I should choose?-and whats the rough cost you pay about monthly/yearly? helpp!
How to get a cheaper car insurance in new jersey?
i leased a car a year ago and allstate just add 500 dollars on my premium and actually my car insurance is way more expensive than my car note. although i have 2 points on my drivers licence but it has been almost two years now and since i havent had no moving violation. Am planning to take a online defensive driver class to remove them. Please let me know what should i do to lower my premium or where to go cause its killing my finance. i am living in new jersey.
What is the least expensive car insurance money can buy?
So i REALLY need a car, but i CANNOT afford insurance. Honestly, if it was legal to not have insurance on a car, i would do that. So the only reason i'm getting insurance is so that i'm legal on the road. I don't care if the insurance covers only the tires of the car, what is the least expensive company and quote i can get?""
Where can I find a CAR RENTER'S INSURANCE that I could use for a week?
Found a cheap rental car- but they require insurance. Need a short short term insurance for renting car- HELP?
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk?
I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision.
My car was considered a loss. how do insurance co. determine how much to pay for the car? 2001 toyota carolla
A four door CE model. No major problems some small scratches and dents.
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
Wrecked car leased no insurance?
I will try to make this short and sweet, I hit a tree and messed up the left side of My car, My car is still leased and My insurance ran out right before I hit this tree, the car is still driveable but it's been towed away and now I need money to get it out and have to have insurance on it before I get it out....I guess My question is am I facing jail time or what could happen. I haven't called My bank yet""
Where can i get cheap full coverage auto insurance?
I am buying a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix and I need full coverage for it. I am looking around $150.00 a month MAX. Thanks!
Reduce motorcycle insurance?
would it be feasable to buy a moped (100ccish) & insure it for a couple of years just to get some no claim bonus!! then in a year or 2 buy a proper bike ( 650ccish) & hopefully the insurance will be cheaper. i used to have bike in my youth when i passed my test but as i havent ridden 1 for a while its difficult to get insurance ( reasonable cost any way ) thanks
""Who has the best car insurance for 2 people good credit, a 96 car and a 99 car. in the 40s, ?""
now in AAA, but AAA raised it since i moved to bismarck nd. shopping for good and reliable car insurance. its going to be staying with AAA, and pay more or go to no-dak, will not go ...show more""
What are the most common vehichle that is cheapest on insurance?
I'm trying to find a new vehichle but I want to know which cars are the mostly bought because they are cheaper on insurance.
Insurance Companies?
What kind of jobs are there at insurance companies and what is the salary for those jobs?
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
If private insurance companies are so bad...?
Why doesn't the government nationalize life insurance and car insurance?
I want a car! what car(s)do you recommend to buy for a new driver?
cars that are new (not broken down second hand cars) and come with cheap car insurance for new drivers please help me!
""And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact?
people less well off then you would have a better chance at life.
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
How much will my insurance go up? D=?
There was a misunderstanding and my car skidded against a 2009 Cadillac i unno what and left a mark. It wasnt even my fault but i kinda afraid of the man so... D=
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
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