#ive just been sittin here trying to understand
mrrharper · 4 months
Bro Advice
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bruh, you 'kay there dawg? cause yer sittin' here all moody n' depressed dude and im like this ain't right, yeah bro?
ah, ya what dude? failed an... exam bro? huhuhuhuh bruh, come on dude, don't be a pussy 'bout it, who cares bout some random exam lol bro
okay, okay bro, i see yer real invested in this exam bullsh-- in this exam, and im here like why bruh? you're at the gym bro, ya should be like pumped and ready to lift dude
yer career depends on it? bruh, there ain't nothin' worth broodin' over like you're doin' right now bro, just nah dude, life just continues bro, you just stand up and get some weights on the rack huhuhuhuh am i right bro?
brooooo! am tellin' ya, arms and chest is like the perfect thing for a shit day bruh-- yer not a gym-obsessed dumbass? dawg, gym's like the only thing worth obsessing over huhuhuh bro, am tellin' ya
nah dude, ya need some correctin' that attitude bro, cause let me tell ya bro, yer just thinkin' too much my dude
bro, don't fight it, believe me bro, yer gonna feel so fuckin' good bro, you lust gotta let go, just not hold as many fuckin' useless thoughts in that head of yours bro, its like so simple bruh
ugh, bruh that's cause you're fightin it dude, like try this bro, like, come 'ere bro, were gonna do some curls bro, gotta get these guns pumped huhuhuh
yeah bro, get these movements steady dude, rep after rep, yeah like that dude, feel them repeat, one after the other, almost endless bro
exactly bruh, yer killin it dude, just keep pushin', yeah like that-- nah bruh, ya can't just go back to talkin' bout that... i don't even remember what ya were broody about bro, see, that's what yer s'possed to so - just kinda forget bro, cause it ain't important dude
dawg, ya don't understand, and yer the one with too much thinkin' huhuhuhuh, good one, anyway bro, ya have to let it go bruh, let it go
don't be a fuckin nerd bro, am yer big bruh and am gonna take care of ya, but ya can't just turn into some pussy, ya get it bro
fuck yeah dude, get that PB bro, let's fuckin' go brah! see, yer doin' great bro, ya just gotta push yourself on the bench dude and that's all it takes
huh, bro, no idea what you're on about dude, like, ya came to the gym and we're doing a workout, what else is there to it?
nah bro, yer like my lil' bro, ain't that right huhuhuh, cause im like, makin' sure yer a proper bro in the gym, yeah?
dude, uni's not a thing for real bros like ya or me, it's for lame nerds who can't even lift 50 lbs on the bench, fuckin' hell those damn pussies, we ain't like them bro, we're real men bro
i mean, just look at yourself, these pumped guns and chest, some nice thick thighs, bro yer a real bro, like myself dude, no denying it
i bet yer mind feels foggy huhuhuhuh, you just lifted like a lot bro, you gotta take a break after this dude
nah, man, am pretty sure we've been like, bros in the gym for like, months, weeks, who gives a fuck, but I can tell ya that i ain't quittin' bruh, ill take care of ya, lil' bro, just like ive always done, right bruh?
right bro
yer my bro, dude
always have been
and ain't nothin' gonna change that
duhuhuhuh these are some nice biceps bro
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vulpinesaint · 7 months
i am in the EXACT!! same spot as you with the whole if they wanted to they would. im sittin here trying to be understanding like ohh i know theyre stressed i know theyre goin through it i should reach out first. have to pull myself back by the collar and remind myself they would! if they wanted to! why am i wasting time waiting on them when they are living life just fine without me in it. anyways ive been trying to focus on people who actually do wanna put the effort to be in my life and that there will be future people who will want to too. wishing you the best and peace!!
hiiii my love this has been sitting in the askbox all day cause i wanted to rlly sit down and answer it... finally went to work and did my research project and finished a french assignment so. sitting down for a while. chit chatting. for real though we are in the same space <3 i am a believer in reaching out first! i am! i am perpetually hurt and hurt and hurt when i'm the only one reaching out first but i do believe in it. was talking about this with miffy last night but what rlly stings for me is not getting any response. like they're stressed and they're going through it but they can't take the time to put a little heart react on my "hey i love you i miss you i hope you're doing well" message for Weeks. i think maybe at that point like... in an effort to be nontoxic and reasonable i will say that it's still not someone's fault if they can't get together the effort for that. it's not. but at that point, i don't feel that i can keep spending the effort without seriously draining myself to the point of resenting them or just making myself miserable, and that's where you're so right. you gotta pull away. that's maybe a situation where it's two people who just cannot meet each other's needs and while obviously relationships aren't transactional they do have to be two sided... idk. you might love someone to pieces but if you're not communicating that somehow they're not receiving it. and that's where i reach a point of toxic girlfriend If You Really Loved Me You Would Want Me To Know It.
rambling. anyway absolutely we are in the EXACT same space with pulling ourselves back from things... i spent a lot of my high school years throwing myself wholeheartedly into relationships and putting in tons and tons of emotional labor with absolutely everyone and it had me fucked up but you know what! part of what makes me myself is that i do love being there for people, and i love making people feel safe and heard, and it's part of my love language to go out of my way for someone. so i could've kept doing it and been active listener no. 1 that got all the venting from everyone and doing constant work to make myself a cheery presence online and to be everyone's cheerleader and everyone's older sibling figure and everyone's adoring boyfriend except that with some people who Really counted for me i was getting Nothing back. and it got to a point where it hurt so bad that i pulled myself back entirely for a while and now that i'm starting to really put my Self back into relationships especially online i'm having to do a lot of grabbing my own collar pulling myself back. cause i can tell when i'm putting in effort and effort and effort into a conversation that's just not. warranted. and i know it's going to overextend me and it makes me sad to not put my whole emotional self into relationships with everyone around me but i also know that it won't be good for me? so. trying not to be "i'm always here for you" guy so much and trying not to be "i love you so so so much" guy with people who don't care enough to put the work in for me too in whatever way they do it. and i have people right now who i love SO much who i know love me so much back and i am so happy with that. and thinking about past relationships that i've pulled myself away from makes me a little sad just to know that i had to take myself out of that... but like. you know. you're with me. kissing you we will have people who care enough to Want to and Will. peace and the best to you my love :)
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stilesedit · 5 years
not hate because i love our mccall pack but scott and allison were so rude about/to lydia in the beginning :(
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kdhfjdhjfdhlj i’m sorry i was gonna go one way on this but i just erased a huge rant and instead i’ll leave you with this:1- they were 16 and in high school.2- lydia wasn’t exactly an angel to them either? in fact in the first season she was an outright parody of using bitchiness as a defense mechanism for loneliness etc. i really didn’t care much for her until halfway thru season 2 when i first watched the show, and i wasn’t really into scallison either. 3- if you give me an example of allison + scott being rude to/about lydia i’ll give u one of her being rude first.4- i love all of them and appreciate the development of each character independently and together. i’ve learned to understand them all better thanks to many many rewatches and discussions. i hope you and others can too.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Wonderwall-part 2
Summary: Y/n find out something that changes the course of her relationship and life forever.
Pairing: tony stark x reader x bucky barnes
Warnings: angst and angst and angst, panic attack, swearing, some bitter sweet fluff,
note: I know its a weird change cause i went from she/her to you and stuff but i like writing you more than her so here we are pfft also i mention civil war but this story doesn't fit in the timeline it just fit for the scenario.
Wonderwall masterlist
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You and tony sat on the ship with IVs being stuck into you. bucky sat next to you “hey... wanna talk about it? he ask softly. you shake your head. “not now not yet” you say with tears falling down your face. you had cheated on him. you cheated on the love of your life the person you'd been with for 3 years. Not only that but with someone who has tried to kill bucky on multiple occasions. Tony moved next to you. “Hey...” he said with a sigh. “Promise me we will never ever tell them about this” you say with a panic. he nods frantically. “that's exactly what i was going to say.” and with that you two spent the rest of the time in silence.
You sat in your room. It was 4 days after you got back. you felt weird and had been getting sick for the past few days. The others assumed it was due to your body still adjusting to being on land with consistent water and food. but you had other ideas as to why this could be happening.
Your hands shook as you paced the room. “fuck fuck fuck ok it'll be ok” you said to yourself. you walked into the bathroom and opened the pregnancy test box. panic was all you felt as you took it. you set a timer and walked back to your room. you continued to pace. what would you do if you were pregnant. what would you tell buck? what would you tell tony?! you two promised not to tell anyone. the timer went off. you put your head into your hands. “ok its probably negative i mean what are the chances” you say walking back to the bathroom. you heart was going at a pace that was scary. your whole body was shaking. you grab the test and flip it over.
you stared at the 2 lines. you felt tears fall down your face and your breathing become rapid. a panic attack that's what this was. you fell to the ground as your breathing became uneven. “no no no no no” you say getting louder. you curl up and feel your whole body shake. you try desperately to grab for every breath but its like inhaling nothing. you start to cough from lack of oxygen and tears. snot ran down your face. you grab onto your hair and scream into your legs. the door immediately opens and bucky rushes to your side. 
“hey its ok im here” he says putting his hand on your shoulder. “count with me ok” he says. you barely hear him it's like being underwater but you nod with what strength you have. “ now 1″ he says. “1″ you reply dryly your throat is dry and your lungs feel empty.
you two count to 10 slowly. you gradually catch your breath. the shaking stops and you feel more exhausted than ever. he pulls you close. “wanna talk about it?” he ask kindly. you look down seeing the pregnancy test and bucky sees it too. he grabs it and turns it over. his breathing gets deeper and he stands up. he walks back and forth and nods. “tony?” he ask with an angered tone. you nod. his nodding and pacing gets faster. 
he walks out the room. you stand up quickly and chase after him. “buck bucky don't” you say quickly seeing him walk towards the one door that would fuck up everything. he nods hard and fast. You feel the tears fall faster and faster. “bucky stop it!” you yell at him. Tony opens the door and immediately is met with a metal fist. “fuck!” tony says holding his nose. Bucky pushes him again which shoves tony down. bucky get on top and keeps hitting him. “bucky! stop!” you say going towards him you try to just pull him but that does nothing.ok next plan. you grab his shoulders “Stop!” you say using your powers. 
you keep pulling him and he does stop. he falls back into your lap. “you promised me you'd never use your powers on me” he says looking up at you. “i'm sorry buck” you say tears falling still. his head falls back onto your stomach. tony looks up at you his face bloody and beat. the metal fist definitely did not help. he looks at you confused. “im pregnant” you say to him. you see his eyes widen. “wha-what” he says shaking his head. 
“shes fucking pregnant with your damn child” bucky says trying to pull out of your arms. you panic and hold him with all your strength. “sleep” you say feeling him go limp in your arms. tony just blinks looking down at the floor. “your....” he says trailing off. his breathing gets deeper.
Doors open in the hall. natasha is the first to come out then steve. Bruce slowly emerges. Wanda and vision come out in a worry. Clint is the last to come out hes geared up ready for a fight. “what's going on?” nat asks. they see tony and bucky's bloody fist. “I thought we were past this?” steve ask in a panic. you look up at wanda and natasha. 
Steve takes bucky away from your lap and takes him to the main room and lays him on the couch. You stand up with natasha and wanda's help. vision,clint, and bruce still look concerned but less worried. “anyone gonna tell us what happened?” clint ask.  
Bruce hands tony a rag to put on his possibly broken nose. “uh let's go sit on the couch.”  wanda says leading you to the main room. bruce helps tony to the couch. “I should...” you say nodding to bucky. They nod as you slowly go to him. you put your hands softly on his head. “wake” you say and immediately bucky shoots up angry and tears edging his eyes.
“buck buck hey calm” steve says grabbing bucky's shoulders. Buck stares at steve angrily. “sooo?” clint ask sitting on the couch. nat and wanda sat down too. you were in front of all of them. “tony and I spent a month and a half up there.” you start off. everyone sits up more. neither you or tony had spoken of your time up there sense yalls return. 
“We saw no end and I was about to have a meet and greet with death himself. Tony was giving up his food and water to keep me going” you say looking down messing with your hands. “I don't understand why this led to bucky beating she shit out of tony.” Clint ask. “let her finish” steve said. “We got closer than ever and had agreed that there was no chance at us returning. We were desperate to stop the pain to just be with someone be cared for before the end. We slept together.” you state. bucky's breathing gets more rapid and his hands form fist. everyone starts to yell at tony natasha tried to silence it which only made her a target.
“Shut up!” you say yelling at them. They look at you surprised. “shut up before we end up with another battle and let me fucking finish what the hell i'm saying before attacking tony which by the way it takes two to tango so shut up please.” you say looking at the floor hands making fist. everyone turns to you and shuts up even bucky and tony.
“Now I am pregnant with tony child. Now before you all start yelling and attacking tony just try to understand the situation.” you say. “Understand the situation?!” bucky yells. steve tries to calm him. “no no just no ok. He mmm he saw her vulnerability and used it!” bucky says standing up and pointing at tony.
“Buck no that's not it he didn't do that. I saw a world without you with no one except me and tony on that stupid ship dying slowly and mercilessly.” you say feeling tears falling again. natasha stood up and walked to you. “I know your pissed as hell at tony and at y/n but right now” she points at tony “you are going to be a father” and she points at bucky “and if you stay, which i think you should, are going to be a step father so let's just try to deal with that right now.”
Natasha held you by her side. Bruce stood up “I’ll help it whatever way I can.” he said. “me too” clint said standing. “I will too” vision said standing. Wanda stood “You always got me.” she said with a small smile. steve looked at bucky then tony and then you. He sighed and stood up “you got me too” he said with a nod. 
you swallow “thank you all of you” you say softly then look to tony and bucky. “You definitely have me i'm not going to bail on my child just because its a complicated situation.” tony said standing up. bucky let a soft growl out. “buck?” you ask hesitantly. He looks up at you and shakes his head. He walks off and soon yall hear a door slam.
You dropped your head. “Give him time” nat whispered to you. you nod. she nods to steve and steve nods and walks after bucky. natasha takes you to your room nodding to tony who nods back and walks to the kitchen. sittin on your bed you look down at your stomach. there's a person in there well soon they'll be. nat sat next to you “how're you feeling?” she ask. “I don't know...Im going to have a child and it's not the child of who i always pictured it as. I broke the love of my life's heart and broke tony and I’s promise.”
“bucky just needs time is all steve is talking to him and i'm sure tony understands that you couldn't keep it a secret you two made that promise when you didn't know you were pregnant and don't worry you have all of us here to help and protect you.” nat said. “I’m an avenger...I had a father who used me as a testing subject and gave me powers i couldn't control till i was 17 how am i supposed to be a parent? Their father is a billionaire who is ready to die at any shot and their possible step father was born in 1917 and was brainwashed to be a murderer.” you spew out.
“you'll be ok we are all broken and a mess but together we can raise this child. I promise. We will figure it out” she says rubbing your arm. The door opens and in comes tony with a glass of water. “figured you could use this” he says walking towards you. nat looks at you and you nod. she stands up and walks out. 
Tony sits next to you. “i'm sorry” you say immediately scared of tony being angry. “no no don't apologize you had to say something its not like you could just avoid questions when your stomach grows.” he says with a chuckle. “y/n i want you to know i am going to be the best damn father i can be and if you and bucky stay together...because you and bucky will stay together i know he will have a huge role in that child's life and i'm so glad they get 3 parents who love them more than anything in this world. I will protect the with my life I will not die for them. I will live for them.” 
“Tony...” is all you can get out through choked sobs. you hug him holding him close. “thank you” you say pulling away “what about pepper?” you ask concerned. “I’ll tell her just need to let this” he moves his hand to the room “settle before any more people get mad” he says. the door slowly opens and an exhausted, messy haired, red eyed, wrapped hand, bucky opens the door. upon seeing tony he sighs.
“can I speak to her alone?” he says with no emotion. tony nods and walks past bucky out of the room. tony closes the door behind him and walks towards the bed.
he sits next to you and sighs. “buck-” you starts but he cuts you off “don't....let me speak” he says. “I am pissed as hell at you dont get me wrong...but i understand...you didn't see a possibility as being back here all you saw was death. I will be the best step father i can and the best boyfriend i can be. I am far from forgiving you but I still love you and I don't want us to end and this child is amazing news even if they aren't mine. I will be as much of a father to this kid as I can be and I will raise them as my own. I'm here for the long run.” he says looking at you. you smile and hug him. “I love you too bucky...thank you” you say. 
This journey was far from over but for now the world felt damn good. This kid would have 3 parents who love them more than anything or anyone in this world.
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fruiitycas · 3 years
Hello, I would love to know about the dtscu; can you please enlighten me? ❤️️
oh of course i love spreading the good word of our lord taylor swift. the dtscu refers to the “destiel taylor swift cinematic universe” and is a collection of songs that ms swift has written that I think directly apply to destiel (its okay ms swift i saw your lyrics you can come out as a destiel shipper). i also tag destiel edits that use taylor swift songs/lyrics to make a whole collection of works that ppl have made that combine t swift w destiel. 
this is the link to the playlist with all the destiel songs in my dtscu. (more details under the cut)
some notable additions to the playlist: 
dont blame me (Echoes, love your name inside my mind / Halo, hiding my obsession //  baby, for you, I would fall from grace / Just to touch your face //  Don't blame me, love made me crazy / If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right / Lord, save me, my drug is my baby / I’d be usin' for the rest of my life)
peace (And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences / Sit with you in the trenches / Give you my wild, give you a child / Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other / Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother / Is it enough? / ‘Cause there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west / I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best / But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me / But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm / If your cascade ocean wave blues come / All these people think love's for show / But I would die for you in secret / The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me / Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?)
false god (Remember how I said I'd die for you? // They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith //  But we might just get away with it / Religion's in your lips / Even if it's a false god / We'd still worship / We might just get away with it / The altar is my hips / Even if it's a false god / We'd still worship this love)
sparks fly
safe and sound
ivy (How's one to know? / I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith forgotten land / In from the snow / Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand // Oh, goddamn / My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand / Taking mine, but it's been promised to another / Oh, I can't / Stop you putting roots in my dreamland / My house of stone, your ivy grows / And now I'm covered in you // How's one to know? / I’d live and die for moments that we stole / On begged and borrowed time //  it's a war / It's the goddamn fight of my life / And you started it / You started it)
this love (In silent screams / In wildest dreams / I never dreamed of this // This love is good / This love is bad / This love is alive back from the dead / These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me / This love left a permanent mark / This love is glowing in the dark / These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me)
cowboy like me (You're a bandit like me / Eyes full of stars / Hustling for the good life / Never thought I'd meet you here / It could be love / We could be the way forward / And I know I'll pay for it / And the skeletons in both our closets / Plotted hard to mess this up // Now you hang from my lips Like the Gardens of Babylon / With your boots beneath my bed / Forever is the sweetest con / I’ve had some tricks up my sleeve / Takes one to know one / You're a cowboy like me / And I'm never gonna love again / I’m never gonna love again)
there are also notable subsections: 
The Divorce Arc:
i wish you would (I wish you would come back / Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did / I wish you knew that / I’d never forget you as long as I'd live / And I wish you were right here, right now It's all good / I wish you would / I wish we could go back / And remember what we were fighting for / Wish you knew that / I miss you too much to be mad anymore)
my tears ricochet (I didn't have it in myself to go with grace / ‘Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave / And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? / Cursing my name, wishing I stayed / Look at how my tears ricochet / And I can go anywhere I want / Anywhere I want, just not home / And you can aim for my heart, go for blood / But you would still miss me in your bones / And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky)
i almost do (And I just wanna tell you / It takes everything in me, not to call you / And I wish I could run to you / And I hope / you know that every time I don't / I almost do)
all you had to do was stay
death by a thousand cuts
story of us (This is looking like a contest / Of who can act like they care less / But I liked it better when you were on my side // Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room / And we're not speaking / And I'm dying to know / Is it killing you like it's killing me? // And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now)
the other side of the door (tell me why you couldn't see That when I left I wanted you to chase after me? / I said leave but all I really want is you / To stand outside my window, throwing pebbles, screaming I'm in love with you / Wait there in the pourin' rain, come back for more / And don't you leave 'cause I know all I need is on The other side of the door)
come back…be here (this is when the feeling sinks in, I dont wanna miss you like this / Come back… be here)
The Widower arc/ Post 15x18:
haunted ( I know, I just know You're not gone, you can't be gone, no // Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Can't breathe whenever you're gone / Can't go back, I'm haunted / You and I walk a fragile line / I have known it all this time)
marjorie (What died didn't stay dead / You're alive, you're alive in my head / What died didn't stay dead //  You're alive, so alive //  If I didn't know better / I’d think you were still around / I know better / But I still feel you all around / I know better / But you're still around)
Cas to Dean:
tied together with a smile (no one knows / That you cry; but you don't tell anyone / That you might not be the golden one / And you're tied together with a smile / But you're coming undone // I guess it's true that love was all you wanted / ‘Cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change / Hoping it will end up in his pocket)
innocent (Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything / And everybody believed in you? / It's alright, just wait and see / Your string of lights is still bright to me / Oh, who you are is not where you've been / You're still an innocent //  Did some things you can't speak of / But at night you live it all again)
enchanted (This is me praying that this was the very first page / Not where the story line ends / My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again / These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon/ I was enchanted to meet you)
everything has changed (all ive seen since 18 hrs ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like i just wanna know you better now)
mirrorball(Hush / I know they said the end is near / But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes / Spinning in my highest heels, love / Shining just for you //  I'm still a believer but I don't know why / I've never been a natural / All I do is try, try, try / I’m still on that trapeze / I’m still trying everything / To keep you looking at me )
Dean to Cas:
untouchable (I know you're saying / That you'd be here  / But you're Untouchable / burning Brighter than the sun / Now that you're close / I feel like coming undone)
mine (You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded / You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes // Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? / You put your arm around me, for the first time / You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter / You are the best thing, that's ever been mine )
state of grace (So you were never a saint / And I've loved in shades of wrong / We learn to live with the pain / Mosaic broken hearts / But this love is brave and wild / And I never saw you coming / And I'll never be the same)
this is me trying (This is very specifically The Trap!Dean) (Pulled the car off the road to the lookout / Could've followed my fears all the way down / And maybe I don't quite know what to say / But I'm here in your doorway / I just wanted you to know / That this is me trying / I just wanted you to know / That this is me trying / They told me all of my cages were mental / So I got wasted like all my potential / And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad / I have a lot of regrets about that)
the archer (Combat, I'm ready for combat / I say I don't want that, but what if I do? / ‘Cause cruelty wins in the movies / I’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you  // And all of my heroes die all alone / Help me hold onto you / I've been the archer / I’ve been the prey / Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? / But who could stay? // Who could stay? / You could stay)
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goldenwaves · 4 years
Can we please talk about how beautifully you make builds? Everything is so detailed, not only the exterior but also the interior! I looove how you keep in mind every character, their personality, their hobbies, etc when making builds and that does not go unnoticed! Also your story is really cool! I've been binge reading this morning and got hooked. I wish I wasn't so shy so I could show this excitement in the comments but im trying 👉👈 Have a wonderful day/night love! 💕💖
AHHHH 🥺🥺 ive sat and reread this like 5 times now, you have no idea how much i appreciate this truly!!!! thank you so much for sending this and for your kind words. im sittin here smiling like an idiot but again thank u for taking ur time to read my story/check my blog ❤️ i completely understand shyness and just sending this in is more than enough 🥺 thank u anon and u have a wonderful day/night too
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ryonello · 7 years
Could you talk about your art process? I love reading those and I love your art so I'd love to read about it :> and if you have any tips on proportions and faces they'll be very appreciated, your faces and expressions are my absolute favorites
HELLO!!! ive been sittin on this ask for a couple days………… i recently answered an ask where i went into some detail abt my art process that u can find here but didnt wanna just give u a link n shoo u off PLUS ive wanted to try makin speedpaints n stuff for a Long Time so i made a process vid for this drawing!! that way u can…………. see my art process in action :3c
anyway i rambled some more under the cut :’))c 
the best tips i have re: proportions and faces would be to google loomis heads!! andrew loomis is a rly cool illustrator n the like,, guidelines he set out for drawin heads is really helpful when ur not sure where to start!! plus look at lots of references n stuff and once u understand how the physical forms work naturally u can then play around w pushin limits n stylising!!
one of my go-to methods when im stuck w something is to draw over a reference - take a bright colour like red or blue or whatever and draw out the main forms - guidelines/where features go on a face, or the structure of the body if ur doin a full body etc etc n then (if ur workin digitally) hide the layer ur original reference is on n try copying the guidelines youve drawn over without all the busy details in a photo or whatever that would normally trip u up!! this helps me when im strugglin w eyeballin a ref and i think it helps me understand the physical forms more ??
a pet peeve of mine is when i see stuff where it’s like….. super 2D in a way where there can be like. a hugely glaring anatomy error that an artist hasnt noticed because they aren’t thinking abt the physical form u feel ? u might be drawing in 2D but ur drawin 3D forms and if u can keep that in mind and visualise where everything needs to go it’ll make things much easier on u!!
anyway sdjhfdjjkhdfshkjsfd i hope this is helpful thank u so much!!!
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desiror · 7 years
My Letter To You
From day one you caught my eye You made me crazy but i never tried Cuz my homie was talkin shit constantly So i rejected you unconsciously And kept my feelings to myself Till i find the strength to tell you how i felt By the end of sec 5 Ive dated a couple girls, and you a couple guys But none of them are even comparable To these feelings that are unbearable Fuck it, im gonna tell you i got too Im about to, till my bestfriend calls dibs on you... First semester and were closer than ever Were both dating others, but were always together You're in love with this guy, guess i gotta stay as a friend I put my emotions aside, till your relationship ends That was the plan, till you say you had feelings for me before What the fuck man, now i just love you even more... Im still with her, and you're still with him I have no other choice but to keep my emotions hidden It was all workin till one day Your boyfriend moved far away I figured i couldnt miss another opportunity To make this finally just you n me For the first time, we chilled outside of college At this point, my feelings for her have abolished It all happened when we went clubbing Holding your hand, our bodies touching Sparked the feeling ive always been searching for The one that confirmed my heart is yours One day we got high, and you came over You were having a bad vibe, so i gave you my shoulder Suddenly my heart start ed to beat Faster than when you pop ecstacy We started gettin touchy, then things got out of hands No time to think, our hands are down eachothers pants Felt so overjoyed when i woke up I felt happier then when i smoke up Cant stop smiling, im so in love It felt like a dream, for sure it was You even said that you love me, it cant get better We talked about us in the future, being together No regrets, but it does feel wrong Ive been waiting for this so long Now theres no way i can stay with her I put it to an end, didnt expect it to feel so bitter I feel heart broken, this is so hard But the thought of our future, fixes my heart No interest in other girls, im just waitin You're my first priority, i aint playin Imma help you through it, no problem You asked about my feelings for her, how i stopped em I didnt say, but girl you're the answer I thought of how happy ill be with you after I know we said we'd both take our time But baby you're always on my mind Whats also on my mind is the fact That you're the one fighting for his stupid ass Yet you keep telling me how much you hate him Then why dont you drop him? Stop debatin Damn, it felt like years but its finally ova You gonna be so much happier baby imma show ya The only thing right now in my head Is to make you the happiest girl, till the day im dead But theres only one thing that i ask Please baby, dont go back to your past.. i held you tight in my arms and felt you cry I said to you alright just forget this guy You answered no, i cry because im scared to lose you Im so lost tho, howd this even come up to you? You just broke up and thats what you have to say I cant let you use me to get over him this way Exams are keeping me busy, i cant be there all the time You're going through a lot you gotta keep yourself occupied But the way you resorted to is worse Partying and doing drugs till you're out of this universe But as long as i know you're gonna be there for me When summer comes, "this"ll all just be in your memory We havent spoken to eachother in a long time Just sittin here, waiting for you to become mine I hear about you through a friend of ours So what you do now is tinder and get nailed for hours?! I been shaking all day but thats not even why I feel like everything you ever said to me was just a big lie I thought i was addicted to smoking cigs Until i realized what a real addiction is Just the thought of you gives me the worst shakes Quitting got me trembling, but you give me earthquakes The smoke stops the flow of my blood when i grow old But you just froze my blood and made it go cold Right now i cant feel nothing else but hatred I thought we had something but i guess you faked it You were scared to lose me as a friend But in the end you lost all of me cuz now im dead i cant belive you went back to the person you were I knew it was gonna happen, i shouldve backed out sooner You lied to me, and fucked me over bad But for real, thats not what got me this mad Im angry at the fact you didnt say nothing I guess while i was waiting you thought i was gone or something Cuz you didnt even say we werent gonna happen You left me to wait, while you were with other guys laughin I havent yet told you whats on my mind We havent been alone in a long ass time You act like nothing ever happened and it kills me So much hatred inside, seeing you just fills me But i cant stop myself from seeing you Losing you would be worse than us being through Alright so were gonna act like nothing happened But dont expect me to be often laughin And dont you fuckin dare say that it meant nothing "Not like i had feelings for him we were just fucking" Bitch ill fuckin kill you why you doin this shit Stop lying, everything that comes out of you is fiction I expected you to fall before we be together But then i thought youd rise and be with me forever But thats where i fucked up thinking this through Cuz instead of only "this" in your memory, you put me too I dont want to believe that im just some other guy But i am, once again i fell for another lie Were going out for a birthday, i got a lot of shit to say I havent seen you in days, but i wont say it today Cuz i need to speak to you once were alone So lets just enjoy this night like we did a long time ago Im looking for other girls but you're the only one i see While you're with other guys, grinding behind me Grinding was fine but now you're hookin up I keep drinking but i dont think i took enough All i see is you constantly kissing him I just wish it was me i guess im missing it And to worsen it you bring him with us all night Being all cligny next to me, how can you think this is alright? Every once in a while i get a message from you "I miss you homie", but you never come through If i say it back ill be the only one to mean it And that i know for a fact so i wont repeat it Im trying to scar but you keep coming back to press On this wound that you inflicted as you left For some reason i was still hopin youd become mine But now you have a boyfriend im fully done tryin You said you didnt wanna start over with a new guy "I want someone im close to" bitch you lied Dating a dude you just met i dont understand Am i not exactly what you want according to wut ur sayin Its like you enjoy putting yourself in misery Ill never understand i guess itll stay a mystery You left me once again for a random dude Im done thinking of this im changing my attitude Im done suffering bitch finally this pain's over Im done waiting bitch now its game over -Anonymous
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Only God Knows Why Song Lyrics – Kid Rock
Only God Knows Why Song Lyrics
Only God Knows Why Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Kid Rock from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Kid Rock ” in Year 2000.
Lyrics of Only God Knows Why :
ive been sittin here trying to find myself i get behind myself i need to rewind myself looking for the payback listening for the playback they say that every man bleeds just like meand i feel like number one yet im last in line i watch my younger son and it helps to pass the time i take too many pills that helps to ease the pain i made a couple of dollare bills still i feel the sameeverybody knows my name they say it way out loud a lot of folks fuck with me its hard to hang out in a croud i guess thats the price you pay to be some big shot like i am out stretched hands and one night standsstill i cant find love and when the walls are tumbling down i will always be around yeahand when the walls are tumbling down i will always be around people dont know about the things i say and do they dont understand about the shit ive been through its been so long since ive been homeive been gone ive been gone way too long maybe ive forgotten all the things i miss oh somehow i know there is more to life than this ive said it too many times and i still stand firmyou get what you put in and people get what the deserve still i aint seen mine no i aint seen mine ive been given but just aint gettin ive been walkin that thin line so i think ill keep a walking with my head held highill keep moving on and only god knows why only god only god only god knows why only god knows why why why why only god knows whytake it to the river hey take me to the river hey
Only God Knows Why Song Lyrics
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Lyrics, Edit, English, Hollywood, Kid Rock, Only God Knows Why from WordPress https://ift.tt/3fibfPw via IFTTT
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