#ive made up a whole planet with its own people and culture and ecosystem here so someone better physically force me to finish this monster
translucent-sun · 11 months
Obi-Wan stepped out of the cabin, stilling when he caught a glimpse of himself in the foggy mirror.
“What´s wrong?” Cody asked as he stepped out behind him, approaching Obi-Wan. His hands came up to rest on Obi-Wan´s waist, wet skin on wet skin. A puddle had already started forming around their feet. He caught Cody´s eyes in the reflection, their gazes locking for just a moment before Obi-Wan averted his eyes, smiling.
“Nothing,” he said, slowly shaking his head.
“Alright,” Cody whispered, leaning in to kiss Obi-Wan´s cheek, then pulled back to grab a towel to wrap around Obi-Wan, then one for himself. He dried himself off before wrapping it around his hips. “Coming?” he asked, already heading for the door.
“Give me a minute,” Obi-Wan said, “I need to take care of… this,” gesturing around his head.
Cody chuckled softly. “Alright, you get prettied up and I will get ready and start preparing breakfast.”
With that, he left Obi-Wan to stand in front of the mirror, his fingers first raking through his hair, then his beard. He stroked his chin, his mustache. It would grow back before they fly back, he mused. He´d never really thought about it, but it has been years since he´d last seen himself without his beard. He hummed in thought.
Cody had prepared a simple breakfast and brought it back to their bedroom. When he found it still empty, he huffed, shaking his head. “Are you still in there? This life is starting to make you vain,” he called, chuckling. He put the tray back on their bed, then sat down beside it, waiting. It didn´t take long for the door to open and Obi-Wan to step out.
Cody was too stunned to speak. He could do nothing but stare at him, his mouth agape. Realization hit Cody. He´d felt Obi-Wan´s lips on every part of his body. He´d touched them, tasted them. But this was the first time he saw them, fully. Saw their shape, the way the skin around them moved as he spoke, the way their corners curled when he smiled as he asked, “what?”
Cody closed his mouth, trying to gather words inside it for a moment. “You shaved,” he stated.
Obi-Wan chuckled. “Is it that bad?” He brought his hand to his face, stroking the skin usually hidden by ginger hair.
“Not at all,” Cody replied quickly, almost tripping over the words. He still hasn´t been able to stop staring at him, taking him in. His eyes landed on his chin, his dimple there. It was such an arbitrary thing to think about, he knew that, but he realized that he´d never seen Obi-Wan´s chin before, either. He´s been with that man for the past three years, and he´s just now learning what he looks like. “Come here,” he whispered, pushing the tray to a safe distance.
Obi-Wan strode over, smiling. He put his hands on Cody´s shoulders, then brought his knees up on the bed on each side of him, straddling his legs. He still hadn´t gotten dressed, his towel parting with the movement until it came loose, and he sat atop Cody´s lap unclad. His hands clasped behind Cody´s neck.
“So you like it?” he asked,grinning, the motion wrinkling his face´s exposed skin. Cody´s finger stroked one of the lines it created. How has he never seen this before?
“I love it,” he whispered. “You are gorgeous.” He leaned forward, kissing the corner of his mouth. His finger wandered to Obi-Wan´s chin, resting on the newly discovered dimple, nesting his finger perfectly, as though it was made for the sole purpose of this. He went on to kiss Obi-Wan´s jaw, then a proper kiss onto his lips. “You feel so soft,” he whispered, his other hand coming up to stroke his cheek. Obi-Wan chuckled against his lips, into the kiss.
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