#ive seen like 2 and never at an opportune time to actually catch and document
leviathiane · 1 year
waugh i get a lot of photos from friends asking me to identify a bug and they all just gave me the OK to post them on my entomo/arachnology instagram but now i have to actually go ID them down to the latin names fuck
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Part 3⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2.5k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU
⇢ Summary: When asked about Dr. Kim, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful stubbornness wasn’t similar to talking to a brick wall, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your blood vessels for a drastic rupture or even how one gracious stare of his nearly had you on the verge of ripping your essential documents in half. But it seems that, perhaps, there was a lot more to Dr. Kim then what meets the eye…
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⇢  Moodboard Prologue Part 1 Part 2
⇢ Next Update: Friday, April 19
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Lingering conversations and hushed whispers echo through the seemingly once peaceful hospital hallways, many attempting to keep their voices low. But it doesn’t stop the racing curiosity, the faint edge that has left everyone balancing on top of their toes so they can witness the glorious sight.
You aim mindlessly to yourself, not quite keeping up with the hospital’s ways and solely focusing on your own rounds. That’s until you end up stumbling near your office and your eyes widen at the particular set of individuals currently bunched up together so similar like a pack.
“What’s going on?” You question, but Jin quickly plants a hand on your mouth and you glare at him.
“Shh.” He swiftly turns his head over and you eyes rack over both Jimin and Jungkook who even seem to be slightly on edge as there eyes remain glued to the outside of your door.
Minutes pass by from the heavy taps from the bottom of his feet hit the ground, absentmindly scanning through the arrange of documents presented in his hands. He remains hostile of the people currently staring at him and you raise a questioning brow, wondering why there was so much focus on Dr. Kim today. After all, he was usually the last thing you wanted to see.
But it’s then when your eyes finally catch onto it; the exact reason for the unanimous silence floating in the air.
Her eyes are subtly down casted when she carefully tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, cheeks painted red when the ongoing stares attach on and don’t leave her alone. The papers in her hand are becoming considerably crumbled with every minute’s passing as she slowly trails after the man promptly walking in front of her, stuck to his side. Her coat is different from his, but its one you’ve seen countless of times roaming around in the hospital, never once thinking it could make an appearance near Dr. Kim.
Jin finally lets you go when they leave on there pathway and you’re at a loss of words.
“Wow, who would have even thought?” Jin exclaims and Jimin nods.
“Right? The Dr. Kim actually hiring an intern?”
“Maybe he needed the help. He does seem busy.” Jungkook shrugs but Jimin lets out an explosive laugh.
“All those years without an intern and he suddenly needs one now?”
“It is strange…” You look away and whisper, but the gesture plants the three pairs of eyes upon you.
“Ooh Y/N are you jealous~” Jimin says.
“What?! No! Never!” The statement only seems to increase the mischievous smile on Jimin’s lips and he laces an arm around you.
“Dr. Kim. Getting wiped by his own intern, the air of love being around them.” He stares off into the distance and you roll your eyes,  “And you’re not jealous?!” A dramatic exasperated gasp leaves him when he places a hand on his chest and turns to look at you with blown up eyes. Sometimes you wonder if there was a way for you to magically wave your hands and transform Jimin into a normal friend.
“Uh guys...” Jungkook trails off and captures everyone’s attention, “I think love is far from their situation.”
All of you turn your heads back in Dr. Kim’s direction, whose eyes were still planted on his documents as he continues to pile them onto his new intern’s hands.
“Did you examine the protocols yet?”
“Y-yes, I briefly looked over them an-“
“What about the background medical check on the two new patients?”
“O-oh that, I’ll have it done soo-“
“Is today’s documentation complete?” The increasing harshness of his tone makes you tilt your head in confusion. Since it was the first time you had seen her today, you know she must have recently applied and gotten accepted, so she did have the medical requirements to be in the institution just like the rest of you. However, that does not include the implication that she would be automatically aware of how things run in a hospital.
The girl falls silent under Dr. Kim’s scrutinizing glare, not being able to utter out a single word. The atmosphere between them only feels thick with sheer tension and a part of you is beginning to realize that it was possibly not easy to deal with Dr. Kim on a newly day to day basis like this.
“I’m sorry.” She meekly utters but he scoffs and then shakes his head in disagreement.
“At this rate, maybe you should think about exploring other occupations.” He states, taking the documents he handed over to her to take care of and exiting.
There’s a dense silence as the girl’s feet are buried into the ground and filled with an absence of any gesture to move them. Her head is down-casted, locks of hair covering her face like curtains away from anyone watching. Her fists remain clenched, but your brows furrow when you see her hands subtly shaking.
“Guys, move.” You state, but when no one shifts and the eerie silence remains in the air, you push your way through to the girl’s direction.
Her head stays down but her ears immediately pick up on the frequency of your shoes and she perks up. You let out an inward sigh when you can see the water threatening to fall from her eyes, together with the flicker of fear that flashes within them when her eyes land straight on you and the blaring tag hanging on your front pocket – declaring your status.
“I’ll take that you are Dr. Kim’s intern?” You ask, fully aware of the pending answer but a frown sets on your lips when she just simply nods, not a single word being spoken out.
You reach out your hand, “I’m Dr. L/N, pleased to meet you.”
She stares at your daunting hand, hand moving back and forth slightly many times. But its only when she decides to move forward and shake your hand that the fear in her eyes begins to actually dim down a little.
You give a genuine smile, however before she has the chance to return it, the bumbling pack of misfits intrude on their own.
“You’re Kim’s intern?!” Jimin exclaims, but he’s pushed aside by Jin.
“Forgive Dr. Kim for his words, he can be rather harsh at times.” He holds her hand and gazes into her eyes; a deep red shading her cheeks.
Jungkook pokes his head in as well, “You’re new here? Like me?!”
Already sensing the overwhelming and unnecessary attention being directed towards her, you push out a hand to deflect all of them away.
However, the smallest and most definitely precious of voices comes out from her lips and you’re bewildered at finally being able to hear it.
“Thank you.” She sniffles, “All of you are very nice.”
Jimin lets out a lopped smile, “Did you hear that? We’re nice.”
“I’m sure she was only referring to me.” Jin suggests.
“You didn’t answer my question! Are you also new?” Jungkook whines.
“Wait. What’s your name?” You question, realizing that the girl hadn’t been given the opportunity to introduce herself.
“My name is Park Chaeyoung. And you all are…” She gestures to the chaos going on behind your shoulder.
“I’m Dr. Park! But you can call me Jimin because no one here ever does.”
“Jungkook, I’m also new here and Jimin’s intern.”
“I’m Jin,” He points to you, “Dr. L/N’s intern.”
“Oh, two of you are interns…” Her eyes perk up at the prospect of being with others that were the same as her. “That’s nice.”
“So about Dr. Kim…” You start off, not completely sure on how to address the issue that you weren’t particularly fond of him and that she was basically paired with the worst of your bunch. However, she instantly stiffens at the mention and you regret dampening her mood so suddenly.
“As long as you do what he says, you should be fine.” Jimin waves her off but then she whispers.
“But he asks for so much to be done in such short time. It’s insane.”
“Tell me what he wants you to get done and I can go through it with you. That way if he tries to stress you out again, you know exactly what to do.” You suggest and her eyes widen.
“D-Dr. L/N, you would really do that?”
You nod, “I’m not Dr. Kim’s hugest fan either, so I know it’s a pain to put up with him so often.”
“Thank you so much!”
“Such a golden heart.” Jin dramatically claps and Jimin lets out a loud cheer in the background which causes Jungkook to cover his ears.
You wave them so Chaeyoung can depart from the ongoing chaos already and so that you could finally get back to work.
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“Have the patient reports been filed in?” Dr. Kim questions, organizing some of his papers.
Chaeyoung nods, “I’ve documented all of them including both old and newly added patients.”
“Did you go by the ward to assist any patients?”
Chaeyoung nods again, “Yes I did, I made sure that their IV’s were filled and that they were continuing to take the medication prescribed to them. I also documented down any pending concerns of there’s that you can look over.”
“All those notes have been already organized.” She puts a hand out to gesture for him not to go through the tedious process that had already been completed.
“Is that all, Dr. Kim?” Chaeyoung questions, a confident smile radiating out from her opposed to the dejected look she had displayed yesterday.  
“Yes, that it is all.” Chaeyoung exits the room and a puzzled frown sits on his lips, eyes narrowing. This, this was too much of a drastic change and his suspicions begin to rise when he gets up from his chair to follow after the girl.  
She had already executed everything needed to be done by her with the sole difference of a day. Additionally the work was conducted in a fine layer of detail, something he knows she couldn’t have been able to orchestrate on her own.  
You’re taken completely off guard when the documents fall from your hands and splatter onto the white floor, arms tightly encasing you around them. It’s bizarre and the possibility that a blood vessel could actually rupture with increasing pressure alarms you when you try to set yourself free from the person’s grasp, but a small voice peeks out.
“Thank you Dr. L/N!” Chaeyoung doesn’t let you go and a faint chuckle escapes from you. You hadn’t done much – simply shown her the basic ropes of how things should efficiently be done and set her on her own individual pathway.
However, the matter doesn’t settle light as a feather with the person currently sending you an infuriating glare from the opposite end of the hidden hallway. This wasn’t a concern you should have meddle in with when his intern was here to learn, not easily given the answer to all the secrets that had yet to be revealed.  
He shakes his head, turning around swiftly to leave when the loud click of his shoes against the floor echoes through.
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“Chaeyoung.” You say, exasperated. “Let go please.” The girl refuses to peel herself off from you, even going to the point of following you to your office while still being glued to your side.
“That’s a pretty sight to see.” A low voice speaks out and you give Yoongi an annoyed look when he walks past you with a small smirk on his lips, documents in hand.  
“What? Do you also want a hug?” You suggest and Yoongi’s about to turn around to give you a remark for that, but he instead collides with someone who coincidently loves to give out hugs.
“Yoongi~” Jimin clutches onto him much to Yoongi’s own protests, but the man is persistent as he doesn’t let go. A chuckle escapes from you when Yoongi eventually stops struggling and hugs him back.
“There! Now leave, I have things to do.” Yoongi scoffs, hurriedly parting when Jimin spins on his heels to take a look at your current situation.
Chaeyoung eventually releases you but Jimin comes right up to her immediately.
“Have you adjusted well thanks to Y/N?” He questions and she meekly nods.
“Would you be interested in me teaching you anything~” Jimin lowers his voice and immediately you know where he was going with the conversation, unfortunately being friends for him for far too long.  
“Jimin. It’s her second day here. Cool it, will you?”
Jimin pouts, “But Y/N…she increases my dopamine levels.”
A repulsive look crosses your features, “That has to be one of the worst pick up lines I have ever heard.”
“Really? I got it from Jin.”
“You got it from Jin?”
“Got what from me?” Jin enters the conversation with Jungkook trailing behind him.
“Terrible pick up lines.” You twist around to see Jimin still staring at Chaeyoung as she darts her eyes over to anywhere that isn’t him.
“Jimin, stop already.” You reach out and pull him from his collar.
“But Y/N~” He whines, “She doesn’t mind it, right?” He looks at her with hopeful eyes but the next words leaving her lips has you doubling over in laughter.  
“D-Dr. Park is weird.”
“What?!” Jimin exclaims.
“Dr. Park was always weird. It’s the default setting he comes with.” You shrug and Jimin is beginning to protest already at high volumes. Jin’s laugh radiates through the room while Jungkook is trying to stifle a laugh with his fist in the midst of slowly nodding. Yoongi even pops his head by to see why all of you were causing a disruption once again, especially when he eyes the clock and his rounds are done in replace for a nap.
“Y/N!” The voice rings through, Namjoon hurriedly dashing through the hallways as he attempts to keep his papers from falling away.
You turn around and are pleasantly greeted to him, but soon your eyes land on the man trailing slowly after him, an irritable look plastered on his face.
“Yes?” You question, attempting to ignore Dr. Kim.
“Y/N…how do I say this?” Namjoon whispers, scratching the back of his neck and lowering his tone, causing you to furrow your brows.
“Namjoon, what is it?”
He takes a deep exhale, “The next surgery is up.” He holds up the papers in his hand and your eyes widen, “But this one, will need to be a collaboration.”
He announces the final words and instantly it feels like you’ve been electrocuted, the shock getting administrated to every single fiber of your body.
“Between all surgeons.”
Your eyes flicker to Dr. Kim’s and you greeted with a sharp glare in your own direction.
One single patient….
That you will need to operate on...
With Dr. Kim.
It’s almost like you’ve completely forgotten how to even speak anymore.
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