#ivf doctors in basaveshwaranagar
bestfertilitydoctor · 4 years
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fertilityjanisthaa · 4 years
Best IVF Center in Basaveshwara Nagar, Bangalore
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PESA Treatment in Bangalore
Janishtaaivf is committed to giving far-reaching care to patients battling with barrenness and other regenerative endocrinology issues Best IVF Centre in Basaveshwara Nagar. We offer a full scope of fruitlessness analytic testing and helped regenerative innovations including IVF. Our fruitfulness specialists and staff are committed to giving you the most significant level of care and empathy. We utilize customized and demonstrated way to deal with give both exhaustive and steady arranging toward the conclusion and treatment of gynaecologic and ripeness issues Best IVF Centre in Basaveshwara Nagar. Related Article: Egg Donation Treatment in Bangalore
Why Choose Janisthaa Fertility? 
Agreeableness We offer caring, understanding driven and exploration-based top of the line care. Moral We put stock in being good and moral to give the best administrations to our clients Straightforwardness Our point is to help significantly more individuals access fruitfulness aptitude and unprejudiced counsel Reasonable IVF Straightforward, comprehensive, and serious richness treatment bundles without shrouded costs. Best in the class IVF lab We utilize world-class, cutting edge innovation and types of gear to guarantee the best of results. High Pregnancy Rate Our time and care are guaranteed and the outcomes represent themselves. Janisthaa IVF and Fertility Treatments It includes taking medicine to incite ovulation by urging eggs to create in the ovaries and delivered, expanding the opportunity of origination through manual semen injection or planned intercourse. In vitro treatment is a sort of Assisted regenerative technology(ART)that works by utilizing a mid of surgeries and meds to empower sperm to prepare an egg. The treated egg is embedded in the female uterus. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a type of fruitfulness treatment that is done to encourage preparation by putting sperm inside the female uterus. Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI) includes pitching up a solitary sperm by means of a fine glass needle and infusing it legitimately into each egg. Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration(PESA) is a noncareful procedure that involves passing a little needle straightforwardly into the head of the epididymis by means of the scrotal skin. Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) includes the inclusion of needle in the testis and suctioning liquid and tissue with a negative weight. Oocyte gift is a piece of current helped reproductive care including the utilization of gave oocytes, made use by a lady with numerous conceptive issues and mature ladies. It is a sort of open medical procedure that includes making an entry point of a few inches(<12 inches) long in the midsection.
  Meet Our Doctor 
Dr. Shwetha Y Baratikkae 
M.B.B.S. , D.G.O. , D.N.B. , (O.B.G.) , F.I.R.M Dr. Shwetha is a specialist in conceptive medication and laparoscopic medical procedures. She is likewise a very much qualified obstetrician and gynecologist, equipped for dealing with high hazard pregnancies and gynecological issues. Dr. Shwetha is extremely enthusiastic about helped regenerative strategies and she continually refreshes herself with the most recent procedures. She carefully puts stock in performing fruitfulness medicines in the most moral way by acquainting the patients with the most non-meddling tranquil treatment. Her treatment and conventions are individualized and tweaked to every patient; this has ended up being extremely fruitful.
Read More: https://bit.ly/2VOm6cM
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janisthaafertility · 3 years
Best IVF Clinic in Basaveshwaranagar
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Fallopian tubes, also known as Uterine tubes, are part of the female reproductive system that connect the uterus and the ovaries. These tubes aid in the movement of the fertilized eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, every month during the course of ovulation. Conception also occurs in the fallopian tube as the sperm swims through the uterus to reach the tube. Once fertilized by the sperm, the egg moves into the uterus through the tubes for implantation. The tubes are made up of a layer of cells, with hair-like extensions called Cilia, that help carry the eggs.
Blockage of Fallopian tubes known as Tubal Obstruction could be one of the reasons for infertility as it prevents free movement of the sperm to the egg and the fertilized egg to the uterus. This kind of infertility is also known as Tubal Factor Infertility. The blockage could be on side or both sides of the ovaries and is known to affect 30% of the female population. This is usually found when a test for tubal functions called Patency is carried out to check if the tubes are open. Some of the other diagnostic methods used to test blockage are laparoscopy and sonography.
Externally, it is difficult to detect if one suffers from the blockage of the fallopian tubes as there are no overt symptoms of the same. Usually, the case of blockage is detected when there is a failure of conception despite trying for longer periods of time. In a few cases, blockage of the tubes might lead to mild, regular pain on any one side of the abdomen or lower abdominal pain and unusual vaginal discharge. This usually occurs when fluid fills and enlarges a blocked fallopian tube, which is called as hydrosalpinx.
At other times, diseases such as Endometriosis tend to increase the risk for developing blockage of fallopian tubes and are detected through symptoms such as painful menstruation and painful sexual intercourse. Pelvic Infection/Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is another such condition that could lead to blockage and has its own symptoms which include the above-mentioned symptoms and others such as high fever, nausea, and vomiting, etc.
It has been reported that conditions such as Scar Tissues, Infections, and Pelvic adhesions (bands of scar tissues) can cause a block in the fallopian tubes.
Some of the related disorders and health conditions that could lead to blockage are:
Pelvic inflammatory disease – which leads to hydrosalpinx
Endometriosis – where tissue forming the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterine cavity
Sexually transmitted diseases – such as chlamydia and gonorrhea
Past ectopic pregnancy – when the fertilized egg gets stuck in the blocked fallopian tube, which might result in medical emergencies
Past abdominal surgery
As Fallopian tube blockage can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to take precautions and decrease the risk by using protection during copulation and employ regular screening of STIs
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)– When there is a blockage, it is harder for the fertilized egg to move towards the uterus. In such cases, IVF is usually recommended, if feasible.
Fertility Drugs– In cases where the blockage has occurred on one-side, fertility may not be affected completely as the egg can still travel through the other tube. Fertility drugs could be prescribed in such cases to increase the ovulation chances
Surgery– In case of blockage due to fewer amounts of scar tissue or adhesions, laparoscopic surgery might be conducted to remove the blockage. Treatment may not possible if scars are found in larger amounts
In cases of ectopic pregnancy or infection, surgery can be performed to remove the damaged parts and connect healthy ones
Chances of pregnancy post-treatment depend on the severity of the blockage and the subsequent treatment given. Thus, it is advisable to consult the experts before opting for any particular kind of treatment. Janisthaa Fertility Centre & Hospital is one such center that is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for all the patients struggling with infertility-related complications. Their dedicated team of top-notch doctors has a track record of high success rate. For a free consultation and more information, visit https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ or call +91 7619198083.
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Janishtaaivf is committed to giving extensive consideration to patients battling with fruitlessness and other conceptive endocrinology issues. We offer a full scope of fruitlessness demonstrative testing and helped regenerative advancements including IVF. Our ripeness specialists and staff are devoted to giving you the most significant level of care and sympathy.
Read More: https://bit.ly/2DKED3u
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Obesity and Fertility | Impact of Obesity on Female Fertility | Janisthaa Fertility Centre
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Obesity is increasing worldwide and has a large scale negative influence on human health, including reproductive health. Obesity has a catastrophic influence not only on female fertility but it is affecting even the male fertility also.
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Cancer is that one hard disease which none of us would like to have. But when you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, your motherhood dreams can come to a standstill all of a sudden. Every moment would be difficult to surpass thinking about how to become pregnant in the future.
Cancer itself is a devastating agony. What if when someone is affected by cancer at a very young age? Or when you actually started planning for a baby, obviously your future dreams of parenthood is will be affected with it right?
Many myths you may hear that when someone is cancer affected, they are deprived of being a parent in the future.
Peoples having ovarian cancer and the resulting treatment can affect fertility. The treatment of it may cause the removal of ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
In this scenario, normal pregnancy would be difficult. When you do chemotherapy, it can further damage your ovaries which can lead to an increased risk of earlier menopause.
Also, chemotherapy can delay your menstrual periods and the irregularities in the period would be a side effect of the fertility issue. That by itself is not a fertility issue. When radiation is done as a part of the treatment, gradually, it can lead to infertility.
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With all these complications present, there can be still hope. It doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get pregnant as there are many other possible ways that help you to become pregnant and deliver a healthy baby.
With modern technological advancement, it has become easier than before to give birth in spite of you being affected by diseases like ovarian cancer. Not to worry. Cheer up, the doors to your parenthood is still open!
So, ideally, the best advice is that you need to go to the fertility centre and they need to store the ovarian eggs. A period of 15-20 days is needed for preserving the eggs.
However, you need to make sure that the preservation of eggs is done prior to your cycles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy as there is a greater possibility that these treatments can lead to infertility.
Once you store the eggs in an IVF clinic, you can go ahead with the cancer treatments as advised by your doctor.
So, here the good thing is that once you have completed the cancer treatment or when you have married already or after you marry and planning for a baby, you can approach the same IVF centre where your eggs are stored. These are the healthy eggs and hence, using these by mixing it with your husband’s sperm and then form an embryo. The embryo then can be placed in the uterus. In this way, pregnancy is possible without any complications.
You don’t have to lose hope anymore as fertility is absolutely possible! If you are a married couple, you thus choose the IVF treatments like Oocyte Banking and Embryo Banking.
Oocyte Banking or Egg Banking is required by young cancer patients before they experience possibly sterilizing treatment and is an alluring option to in vitro fertilization and embryo cryopreservation.
Embryo Banking, as mentioned before, is the collection of oocytes after the fertilization and then stored in the laboratory and froze to viable embryos.
Even if you have a worse case of uterine cancer and it is at the advanced stage wherein the uterus has to be removed, you can still opt for surrogacy.
Everything has a solution or an alternative to it. As you know even if one door closes, miracles can still happen!
If you are worried about IVF treatments when you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, then the best thing to do is to approach the expert IVF specialist Dr Shwetha.Y.Baratikkae in Bangalore. With a proven track record of numerous success cases IVF high-risk pregnancies, she dedicates her immense care and knowledge to make your parenthood dreams come true!
Seek the right doctor and right method, the rest is guaranteed!
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Janisthaa Fertility Centre has the best male infertility treatment in Bangalore. Overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, prevention and treatments of these diseases.
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IVF – Birthing Hope with the Help of Science
IVF has covered quite a distance in the past four decades, thereby giving hope to couples yearning for a newborn. According to recent data, 10-15 % of married couples face infertility in India. That is a vast 27.5 million couples. With the advancement in the medical field, IVF has given hope to have a little one at home. Here let’s take a peek to know what this IVF is and why couples need to go for it and when do they go for it.
What is IVF?
IVF or invitro fertilization is a clinical procedure wherein the woman’s egg and man’s sperm are united or fertilized in a glass dish in a clinical lab. The natural process that occurs during conception is medically done in a controlled environment by infertility specialists. On successful fertilization,the embryo is let to grow for 5 to 6 days till it reaches ‘blastocyst’ stage.  The next stage in ‘Embryo transfer.’ In a short medical procedure, the embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus. On successful implantation of the embryo in uterus it further results in pregnancy.
When is IVF preferred?
After quite a few unsuccessful attempts over some time, it is advisable for couples to go for medical advice. With recommended blood tests and medical checks, you get to know the reason behind the failure. The reason can be in either one of the couples resulting in the inability of natural conception.
The common medical issues found in women are:
·         Obesity
·         Hypothyroidism
·         Hormonal Imbalance
·         PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
·         Damaged Fallopian tubes
·         Fibroids/Endometriosis
The common medical issuesfound in men are:
·         Low sperm count
·         Immobility of sperms
·         Chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
Anyone one of the reasons above will result in infertility. It has also been found that though none of the above reasons exist among the couple,they still face infertility. They come under ‘Unexplained Infertility’ category. According to the medical practitioners, IVF treatment for unexplained infertility is challenging as they do not know the exact reason for infertility. Knowing the reasons helps the practitioners to plan the mode of treatment for the couple.
Women with damaged fallopian tubes and irregular menstrual cycles can benefit the most from IVF as it surpasses both the hurdles. In case eggs produced are not healthy, you can even opt for a donor egg during IVF.
Male infertility concerning low sperm count and immobility of sperms can be handled with ICSI procedure. In ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, all you need is only one healthy sperm to fertilize the egg.
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Who might not benefit from IVF?
If woman’s ovaries are not producing healthy eggs and not ready to accept from a donor, IVF would not be an answer. It has been found that after 37 years of age women find it challenging to conceive with IVF. A healthy donor egg is a viable option for women nearing 40. In women around 40 years, IVF success rate more with donor eggs.
What other options are available apart from IVF to treat infertility?
The medical fraternities do not go for IVF immediately.  Based on the medical reports they decide the course of action.
·         For blocked or damaged fallopian tubes are corrected with surgery
·         Endometriosis or fibroids are treated with laser treatment
·         Ovulation stimulant hormone medications are administered
·         IUI procedure (Intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination) is given a try. In this procedure, sperms are injected directly into the uterus.
The failure of the above procedures can make doctors suggest IVF.
The success rate of IVF is dependent on various factors such as:
·         Reproductive history of man and woman involved
·         Age of woman
·         Reason for Infertility
·         Lifestyle factor
The success rate is directly related to the woman’s age. Lower the woman’s age higher the success rate. With age approaching 40, the IVF success rate to dips.
Dr. Shwetha Pramodh has been successfully treating infertility in couples at Blossom fertility centre in Basaveshwaranagar. Dr Shwetha Pramodh has more than 13 years of experience in the field of gynecology and reproductive medicine. She is passionate about assisted reproductive techniques. She is continually updating with the latest technologies to equip herself to face challenges while treating infertility.
With couples need as priority Dr. Shwetha Pramodh suggests customized treatment. With the right guidance and proper treatment, you can cross over the bridge of infertility in no time.
 IVF procedure takes around 4 to 8 weeks of time. The vital point here is that the couples need to relax and prepare themselves to go through the process as the wait might check the patience and prove to be trying during those weeks.
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bestfertilitydoctor · 4 years
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fertilityjanisthaa · 4 years
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janisthaafertility · 4 years
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mega-tonny-stuff · 5 years
Janisthaa Fertility And IVF Centre  Hospital in Basaveshwaranagar. Book doctor's appointment, View reviews, address, timings for Janisthaa Fertility And IVF Centre  Hospital at PunyaHealth
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
Fertility Center & Hospital
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Best IVF Centre in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore
Janishtaaivf is given to giving comprehensive thought to patients fighting with desolateness and other regenerative endocrinology issues. We offer a full extent of desolateness expository testing and helped conceptive developments including IVF. Our readiness experts and staff are focused on giving you the most raised degree of care and sympathy.
We use altered and showed an approach to manage to give both complete and unsurprising masterminding toward the investigation and treatment of gynaecologic and readiness issues.
Why Choose Janisthaa Fertility?
We offer forgiving, understanding driven, and research-based best in class care.
We trust in being acceptable and good to give the best organizations to our customers
Our point is to enable considerably more people to get to readiness capacity and honest advice
Sensible IVF
Direct, exhaustive, and genuine lavishness treatment packs without disguised costs.
Forefront IVF lab
We use world-class, forefront development, and kinds of apparatus to ensure the best of results.
High Pregnancy Rate
Our time and care are ensured and the results speak to themselves.
Meet Our Doctor
Dr. Shwetha is an authority in regenerative prescription and laparoscopic clinical techniques. She is also an inside and out-qualified obstetrician and gynecologist, furnished for managing high danger pregnancies and gynecological issues.
Dr. Shwetha is eager about helped regenerative methods and she consistently revives herself with the latest procedures. She cautiously takes confidence in performing readiness drugs in the best path by familiarizing the patients with the most non-intrusive quiet treatment. Her treatment and shows are individualized and revamped to each patient; this has wound up being very successful.
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Blossom Fertility Centre is the best IVF hospital in Basaveshwara nagar, Vijayanagar, that offers treatment for IUI, IVF, High risk pregnancy, Menstrual problems, Male infertility treatments in Bangalore.
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