#Obesity and Fertility
bpod-bpod · 5 months
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Sensed by Fat
How stress response signalling in fat tissue acts as a metabolic sensor which regulates ovulation and therefore reproduction in the fruit fly provides insight into fat's influence on metabolism and its consequences in vertebrates
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Lydia Grmai and colleagues
Department of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Cell Reports, March 2024
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coochiequeens · 3 months
I already covered one story about a surrogate mother who was pressured to abort a healthy pregancy because the reproductive purchasers were led to believe they had a higher chance of twins to the point of expecting it. Now this couple are talking like IVF and surrogacy is a way to order kids like placing an order on Amazon.
"I’m in my baby mama gardening era"— Bunnie XO
On Tuesday's episode of Dumb Blonde, Bunnie, who married Jelly back in 2016, shared that the couple began seeing a fertility specialist in 2019 but weren't mentally and financially ready until 2024. The couple plans to have kids through IVF via a surrogate.
"This journey with IVF, we sat down a couple months ago. And I was just like, I feel like I've accomplished so much in my life. And the only thing that's left is to raise a baby and garden," Bunnie said.
Bunnie continued
"I’m in my baby mama gardening era.""He was like, 'Yeah, I will always have a baby with you. If you want to have a baby, cool. If you don't, cool. Whatever you want to do. So now he's, like, really excited about it," Bunnie said.
"We think we want to have twin boys. I'm not sure; we could have one, we could have two. We don't know what we're going to do yet. We don't plan on implanting until February 2025."
See whole article
And not to body shame but it sounds like they were trying for a baby while he was overweight. Obesity in men impacts fertility
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purveyor-of-blubber · 10 months
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“A prehistoric Orcish figurine discovered during an archeological dig in the Eastern Wastes. It is unclear what exactly this figure is supposed to represent; some scholars from the Academy of Lore believe it is an idol of a forgotten orc fertility goddess, while others believe it is simply a depiction of the Orcish ideal of beauty.
When I presented a reproduction of the figurine to my traveling companion (a half-orc of the forest clan,) to see what she thought of it, she assumed it was a portrait of her that I had made as a gift. I personally believe this lends some credence to the latter theory.”
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tods-drtulip-blog · 10 days
How Diabetes Affects Male Reproductive Health
Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, can significantly impact male reproductive health in various ways. Men may experience challenges such as reduced sperm quality, hormonal imbalances, and sexual dysfunction. Recognizing these links is important, as reproductive health plays a key role in overall well-being.
Diabetes, a chronic condition that affects millions globally, can also influence male reproductive health in multiple ways. For men, this impact often manifests through issues with sperm quality, hormonal imbalances, and even sexual dysfunction. Understanding these connections is crucial, as reproductive health is vital to overall well-being.
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The Impact of Diabetes on Male Fertility
Research highlights that men with poorly managed diabetes may experience a combination of erectile dysfunction (ED), retrograde ejaculation, reduced libido, and lower semen volume, which can lead to a disruption in sperm production (spermatogenic arrest). Read more…
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kinderhospital · 25 days
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agreenroad · 3 months
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
HAVE YOU HAD YOUR HORMONE LEVELS CHECKED, INCLUDING DHEA? How do you know if your DHEA levels are low? Low DHEA causes general symptoms such as prolonged fatigue, poor concentration, and a sense of diminished well-being. The best way to tell if you’re DHEA is low is to get a type of blood test called a DHEA-sulfate serum test. If you haven't had your DHEA levels checked, I highly recommend…
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sppc2016 · 10 months
How can naturopathy help manage common ailments in retirement?
As individuals enter their retirement years, the focus on health and well-being becomes paramount. While conventional medicine plays a crucial role, an increasing number of retirees are turning to naturopathy treatments to manage common ailments and promote overall wellness.
Naturopathy, a holistic approach to health, emphasizes the body's inherent ability to heal itself. Incorporating natural remedies and lifestyle changes, naturopathy treatments address a range of issues that commonly affect retirees, from allergies and digestive issues to fatigue and hormonal imbalances.
Naturopathy Treatments for Allergies:
Retirement should be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, not battling allergies. Naturopathy offers a variety of treatments that aim to alleviate allergy symptoms naturally. From herbal supplements to dietary changes, naturopathic remedies can provide relief without the side effects often associated with conventional medications.
Naturopathy Treatments for Digestive Issues:
Digestive problems can significantly impact one's quality of life. Naturopathy focuses on identifying the root causes of digestive issues and employs treatments such as dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, and probiotics to restore gut health. This holistic approach not only alleviates symptoms but also promotes long-term digestive well-being.
Naturopathy Treatments for Fatigue:
Retirement should be a time of renewed energy and vitality. However, fatigue can be a common complaint among retirees. Naturopathy treatments for fatigue involve lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, and natural supplements to boost energy levels and enhance overall well-being.
Naturopathy Treatments for Fertility Challenges:
For those navigating fertility challenges in their retirement years, naturopathy offers a holistic approach to support reproductive health. By addressing underlying issues through personalized treatments, naturopathic practitioners can help enhance fertility and promote overall wellness.
Naturopathy Treatments for Headaches:
Headaches can be a persistent issue, affecting the quality of daily life. Naturopathy treatments for headaches include herbal remedies, acupuncture, and lifestyle modifications. These approaches focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of headaches, providing long-term relief.
Naturopathy Treatments for Hormonal Imbalance:
Hormonal imbalances are common in retirement and can lead to various health issues. Naturopathy treatments aim to rebalance hormones through dietary changes, herbal supplements, and lifestyle modifications, offering a natural and effective approach to managing hormonal fluctuations.
Naturopathy Treatments for Obesity:
Weight management is a crucial aspect of overall health in retirement. Naturopathy treatments for obesity focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, including dietary changes, regular exercise, and natural supplements. This holistic approach supports sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.
In Delhi, retirees can explore naturopathy treatments at renowned institutions like the Ayurvedic Hospital and Patanjali Hospital. These institutions are at the forefront of providing holistic healthcare services, combining traditional wisdom with modern practices to address a wide range of health concerns.
Naturopathy offers retirees a holistic and natural approach to managing common ailments. By incorporating naturopathy treatments into their healthcare routine, retirees can embrace their golden years with improved health, vitality, and overall well-being.
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harmeet-saggi · 10 months
Ovarian Cancer - Cause Symptoms Diagnosis & Treatment
Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the ovaries. The ovaries are two small, almond-shaped organs located on each side of the uterus. They are responsible for producing the eggs necessary for reproduction and for secreting the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in women and is most often diagnosed in women over the age of 60.
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vrikshfertility · 11 months
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Taking care of your health can make a big difference when it comes to fertility https://www.vrikshfertility.com/
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onefertility · 1 year
How Obesity Can Affect Sperm Quality
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Diabetes Specialist In Odisha
Mishra Endocrine Center has appointed some of the best diabetes specialist in Odisha who provide great healthcare with advanced technologies. The doctors have vast knowledge in each and every aspect of diabetes care. Their reputation of being the leading health center is primarily due to the fact that they have the best specialists who are leaders in the research, enforcing new treatments, and drug therapies. To book an appointment, visit www.mishraendocrinecenter.com
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experthomeopathy · 2 years
Kidney Stone: Precaution, Homeopathy | Dr Anutosh Chakraborty
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novy2sirius · 2 months
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6 in numerology
tw: weight
• 6 is the number of home so these people tend to be homebody’s. they have a very nurturing and caring nature to them. they’re extremely loving people
• 6 is the number of family so these people make great family members. unless they happen to also have 7 energy sometimes they won’t when they’re at a lower vibration
• 6’s tend to be family oriented unless they were raised by a toxic family, but they still can become great parents and be family oriented when it comes to the family they create if that’s the case
• 6 is the number of friendship so these people tend to be very good friends and loyal
• 6’s need a lot of appreciation and love
• 6’s can be clingy at times
• 6’s are really good in bed
• 6’s usually have good morals especially when at a higher vibration
• 6’s can be lazy if at a lower vibration
• 6’s are the most likely to struggle with obesity or be overweight at some point unless they have other numbers that go against this energy
examples: the heaviest man to exist (jon brower minnoch) was born in 1941, a 6 year
• 6 is the number of fertility
• 6’s are often very responsible people unless they have other numerical energies going against this
• 6’s tend to love animals and are happier when they have pets (most people are but especially them)
• 6’s can be stubborn at times
• 6’s aren’t usually the smartest people in the room if they don’t have any intelligence number pairings. they tend to have lower iq’s or average iq’s
• 6’s often have careers involving animals or helping people such as being a doctor, nurse, farmer, etc
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transmutationisms · 7 months
could you talk more on eds and biopolitics?
sure, so this is broad strokes and it's also worth reiterating that the energy deficit characteristic of EDs can have a lot of different causes besides intentional food restriction—food insecurity is a huge and underrecognised factor here but there are many others. so when i talk about intentional restriction and the desire to be thin / lose weight, i'm not suggesting these are universal characteristics or causes of EDs.
anyway though, in the context of discussing these things, and particularly the relationship between 'diet culture' and EDs, a perennial frustration to me is that i often hear people fall back on the idea that the desire to be thin comes about as a result of the beauty standards perpetuated in mass media, fashion adverts, &c, without any subsequent interrogation of why it is that beauty itself is now so heavily dependent on thinness. after all, plenty of people have pointed out this is not a universal; beauty varies in different times and places, what is described or depicted as beautiful in historical records doesn't necessarily have much overlap with today's hegemonic standards, and so forth.
so when historicising this phenomenon it becomes very clear that the euro/anglo standard of thinness as beauty is, one, part of the ideological apparatus justifying colonialism thru the creation of race and white supremacy. sabrina strings and da'shaun harrison have written on this. two, the thin ideal is also inextricably tied up in medical discourses defining the ideal body as one that is economically productive, with the promise being that if the populace can be transformed into 'healthy',*** useful, hardworking citizens, the state benefits. control of bodyweight is therefore certainly a means of demonstrating one's supposed self-control, moral discipline, &c, but it is also a demand expressed in medical terms: these two discourses merge and overlap, and are both part of the capitalist state's transformation of its citizenry into a biological resource that can be controlled, managed, and exploited to bourgeois ends (profit): hence, biopolitics.
(***the story of how 'health' itself comes to be so dependent on thinness is obviously a critical piece of all this but this post is long as shit already so suffice it to say that this conflation is also not obvious, necessary, universal, &c &c)
medico-political discourses in the 19th century tended to talk about the dangers of both over- and under-weight more than what we hear now; similarly, if you think about something like wilbur atwater's calorie-value charts, these were explicitly intended to guide labourers to the most calorie-dense foods, because to atwater the central danger to be avoided was starvation among the workforce. these days in wealthy countries like the us, you are much more likely to hear about weight management in the context of demands to reduce; this is of course following moves like the WHO declaring an 'obesity epidemic' in 1997, and the rise in the usa of more explicitly nationalist, militaristic weight-loss rhetoric in the post-9/11 era.
however, my position is that these demands for thinness, and the beauty standard that follows and justifies them, are not a departure from earlier 19th- and 20th-century scientific nutrition advice, just an evolution that, for a multitude of reasons (politics, medical professional interests, insurance company practices, &c) has simply come to focus more on the ostensible economic and national threat posed by fatness. the underlying logic bears the biopolitical throughline: the state has, or ought to have, an interest in enforcing the health of its population, and as part of this demands that you the individual surveil and alter your weight according to the scientific guidelines du jour.
this is fertile ground for the development of what, in extreme form, we regard as ED pathology. first, because even the most purely 'health'-motivated individual engaging in the required degree of bodily monitoring and caloric restriction is liable to respond to energy deficit in ways that can become diagnosably distressing. second, because the morals of 'health' are never far from standards of beauty; thinness is sold in overtly profitable ways (the diet and weight-loss industries) and furthermore, our idea of beauty is often a kind of post hoc justification for the thinness already being demanded by state and medical authorities. which is really just to say, beauty is part of the ideological superstructure both resulting from and invoked as a justification for the material conditions of capitalist biopolitics. again this is very broad strokes, but imo it is a much more useful framework to understand EDs than simply presenting them as a result of desiring thinness because it is glorified in The Media, because... reasons (essentially the rené girard model, lol).
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 10 months
gastric bypasses were made to be done on people who are so big they are at high risk of health issues/death from obesity. Not about looks. Its saved lives, so not all about looks!
You know it’s approved for anyone with a BMI over 40, right? Even if they don’t have any health issues, if they “can’t keep the weight off” a doctor will approve a gastric bypass? You know a BMI of 40 is like. Someone of average height weighing about 270lbs.
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Which isn’t exactly “so big they’re at risk of death” now, is it? You know what is putting people at risk of death? Removing parts of major organs for anything short of a medical emergency. The only justification for a procedure like a gastric bypass would be if the patient had stomach cancer and it was at a stage that it could still be excised. Oh, here’s another fun fact, it’s sometimes offered to patients at a lower BMI if they have an “obesity related health concern” which includes fertility. The terms by which a “serious obesity related health risk” is determined are extremely loose.
Even if we ignore that BMI is pseudoscience developed by eugenicists to make the population “look tougher” in the first half of the 20th century, this is not a body type that is absurd or unable to get around. This is not a body type with any inherent health risks. Fat people should be allowed to exist without doctors recommending or allowing them to get permanently mutilated.
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archaalen · 8 months
Opinion: Obese women trying to get pregnant should have access to IVF : Shots - Health News https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/01/14/1224546666/opinion-women-with-obesity-are-often-restricted-from-ivf-thats-discriminatory
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