#iz lard Nar
irkendogma · 4 days
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theautumnaldemon · 5 months
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They are just goats to me
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mrehkka · 7 months
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The Resisty kidnapped Dib and turned him into an Irken (he's not happy about this, especially bc they told him they have no idea how to turn him back), all so they could inject him into Irken society as a spy.
Separately, while that is happening, Zim is also selling info to them and working with them.
(Page 1), Page 2, Page 3, Page 4
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ms-scarletwings · 9 days
Every time I think about how Lard Nar actually looks without the googles I get into a stupid giggle fit it’s just so ridiculous and I really wish there was more fan content about it
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fading-violet-chaos · 1 month
Ship i gotten into now
So in this discord server i am in. some where talking about roleplays and how their ships are and now i got a new ship! I NEED ART OF THEM PLZ
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Like these two together would be a powerful duo and now i need some art or a fic please and thank you
I think the rp is from @sanseru and @airglowairi please correct me if I'm wrong I'm just going on what you have been texting in the server! Anyways they can talk over tea and be all over the science stuffs
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ditzdove · 5 months
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More of my step kids au. dib being an absent father and zim dazzling his kid with his greatness, gaz and lard nar are here to
also those last two pics have small fics tied to them that I might post later
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sum iz doodles to try and combat my artblock
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(art requests r open)
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skittishscribbles · 10 months
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more ken
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commandor-lard-nar · 9 months
i've come to make an announcement, zim is a bitch ass motherfucker
I know this.
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l-ii-zz · 3 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (FIN)
Thank you for following this comic. We’re done :)
More pages under the cut 👇👇👇
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annonymouslyannoying · 4 months
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This new transfer from Irk is rather troublesome...
I gave 777 a name, sorry guys.
He's head researcher working on the construction of the Massive. Everyone else is part of the military tech development team.
Tallest Miyuki will surely be by soon to check on their progress, I'm sure it'll go fine.
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sanseru · 5 months
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Small IZ drawing dump.
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averytallproblem · 5 months
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LOOK AT WHAT OUR AMAZING ART HUMANS HAVE CREATED! These human pig smellies that will be helping to make future AVTP episodes got together to draw their mighty Irken overlords (except Dib) in their own artistic likeness! They call this a "draw this in your style" event. This earthoid event is quite peculiar, but seeing all of the styles together (except Dib) is very pleasing to Zim.
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virmbot · 1 month
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Hiii im not dead and i got a little silly and got hyperfixated on iz again for the first time since 2019 have some fan designs or whatever
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ms-scarletwings · 6 months
Personal Vort Headcanons
(And not as a true essay because really, the show gave out so little in specific details for this race that any real attempt to put together a thorough analysis or theory about them necessarily will arise from or give way to fanon fodder at best. Such freedom and gaps in information remains a blessing and a curse.)
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- The modern Vortian people evolved from highly intelligent, predatory ancestors which had to adapt to an erratic, competitive ecosystem. Like Homo sapiens, they once filled a niche as both hunter and the hunted, until the development of primitive weaponry and an apt for problem-solving helped them eliminate their natural predators and claim the mantle of dominant species over their home world.
- This origin coincides with a preferred diet high in protein and calorie-dense foods. It’s assumed that Vort dogs, implied to be a kind of processed sausage, are a culinary signature particularly enjoyed by this species. This suggests that Vortians are likely either obligate carnivores, or opportunistically omnivorous. Such a hypothesis is further supported by their jagged teeth, suited for ripping and tearing animal flesh.
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- It is possible that their hornlike appendages might be hollow and serve an important role in their hearing; alternatively, they may actually be blood-rich and act as thermoregulating organs. They are shown to be capable of some degree of movement and functionally help a Vortian emote extreme amounts of stress. It may also be that they continue growing throughout the life of the individual, designating a visible marker of wisdom and age.
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- Vort’s inventive history is one filled with hyper militarization, not in the pursuit of war, but in dissuading would-be marauders from the outside, such as the Planet Jackers. Their alliance with Irk was one born of shared commercial and strategic interest: While the Irkens began initially behind the Vort in technological prowess, their sheer numbers, connections with other powerful organizations, and continued expansion throughout the galaxy offered an invaluable level of protection to Vort by virtue of being an ally. On the other end of the table, Irk enjoyed a golden era of prosperity and dominance over their territory, directly fueled by Vortian ingenuity.
- The Vort do not have a binary understanding of gender and are a single-sexed people, reproducing either through the use of technology (like the Irkens) or naturally by some form of parthenogenesis. Evidence available indicates that they have a concept of family units, and Vortian fathers are dedicated parents toward their offspring.
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- Pre-Invasion, Vortian society was a technocratic republic which selected out its leader(s) by experience. The appearance and significance of the “universe’s most comfortable couch” leads me to believe that it was a luxury designated for the highest ruling despot of the planet, who was either assassinated or usurped by invader Larb to complete his mission. If Vortian growth continues beyond adulthood, then the couch could theoretically be tailored to seat a single incredibly old, enormous individual. This is an idea that draws inspiration from DBZ’s Namekian society , and their Grand Elder Guru.
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- Regarding the end of their connections with the Irken Empire, a severe miscommunication was what led to the diplomatic bridge burning on both sides of the exchange. While it was Irk who blamed the scientists of Vort for the death of Almighty Miyuki, the Vortians had correctly identified an Irken transfer as the true perpetrator of the disaster, and decidedly cut ties in retaliation of what they perceived as an attack instigated by the Empire to justify future aggression.
- Following their civilization being brought to heel by Larb, the majority of escaped Vortians by and large have no real leadership and exist as scattered fugitives across and beyond the Empire. Due to their technological marvels and pride falling into Irken hands, as well as their brutal time within the research prison, most of these escapees have had their wills to rebel against the armada beyond a state of “every man for himself” survival broken. Lard Nar is an exception that many of these peers would probably view as moronic and foolhearty for his endeavors leading The Resisty head-on against the Empire.
- Their thin, wormlike tongues hold vestigial remnants of when they were once used as a tool to feed on small tree or crevasse dwelling arthropods.
- Above all else, Vortian leg structure baffles a human-perspective evolutionary analysis, at least at first. Their legs appear to follow an ungulate-like shape, ending in pointed, stilt-like tips; Earth has no surviving carnivorous ungulates, let alone one that has transitioned into an obligatory biped. Both of the latter concepts alone would make for a most inefficient strategy when working with this leg structure. A bipedal gait would suggest a need for stronger, developed legs to support the whole animal, but the Vortians’ remain almost dainty. Their appearance, intellect, and food suggests a history of hunters and prey, but such a leg structure would undoubtedly leave them horribly equipped for fast sprinting or even stable ground holding against a threat.
Sure, there are some gazelle to observe here that can stand for long periods… to feed on vegetation. There are kangaroos and other digitigrade bipeds… which have adapted counterbalancing tails and other means of stabilizing their gait. None of it could make sense to me until I realized I was thinking far too narrowly. Grasslands are where our hooved things thrive, but they’ve managed in more extreme situations before. No one ever said that Vortians were operating under the rules of Earth’s environments anyway. I mean, what hinderance is a weaker gravity to thinner legs? I’ve been thinking at this like a dumb primate that went from an arboreal ancestry to endurance running over long stretches of plains, but what if the people of Vort didn’t follow such a path?
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It’s come to my best guess now that Vortians originated not from distance runners, but exceptional climbers.
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Performing meme necromancy aside, consider the humble ibex or mountain goat. Fascinating animals for sure, seen not only scaling damn near vertical cliff sides, but able to nimbly navigate up at down them about as easily as they scamper over flat ground, and all for the sake of a good salt lick. How on earth does something tiptoeing on a hoof pull that off? The first neat trick up their sleeve is that it’s a very specialized, split hoof in fact- Cloven toes and rough inner pads that allow them to really grip onto the rock surface, even amid strong gales and other harsh alpine weather. Vortian forelimbs have taken this to the next step, aiding them with a dexterous upper grip as well, equally fit for higher tool use and traversing heights. A less visible adaptation that mountain goats also utilize is their enlarged inner ears, which provide them an incredible innate sense of balance and coordination over their relatives. It’s absolutely a possibility that the organs on a Vortian’s head may even play some similar, if not well understood advantage on this front as well. Alongside the development of their larger skulls and and sapient-like intellect, their evolution spared no waste to giving them a sure-footed agility. And this lifestyle needn’t have been for the soul sake of licking rocks, for we’re free to interpret what we may about the threats and prey that old Vort was packing. Under this idea I’d like to think that the first Vortians congregated in tribal packs like early anthropoids, but taking to the cliffs, or maybe even the trees as their prowl. From higher vantage points they could both elude larger predators as well as feed upon all manner of smaller life forms they could pluck off of the rocks and out from hidden crevices. If larger game was an option, it was likely either scavenged, or taken down collectively, the whole group enacting a precise ambush from above.
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Round 1 Poll 5
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