patron-saints · 8 months
what are olivier and izumi's preferred warm beverages? i love thinking abt people making each other tea/coffee/etc
i think olivier is primarily a coffee person out of love and also necessity. i think she appreciates good coffee and craves it, but she will suffer bad coffee for the caffeine if she needs it.
izumi, i think prefers tea, but already has a fucking great coffee machine at her house for the days when she needs it too. she is absolutely the "i made you coffee before you got up" partner which always baffles olivier because. how the fuck did she get up that early.
when izumi's sick though, olivier's the one making her tea, and i think she manages to get the jump on her a couple of other times too, but izumi's usually faster.
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druidofdarkness · 5 months
i love ALL of these titles, but i'll ask about On Dusk and Dawn (In the Blackest Night)!
WIP Ask Meme!
The clocks I keep in my home and workshop have a dial for the hour, and a dial for the sun and moon. Such clocks are a matter of fancy for those on the surface--but in the Halloween Hills, it is purely functional. Not that it matters overmuch whether the sun has risen or set for most purposes, but it’s nice to have an idea of what the rest of the isle is experiencing without having to go out to the Wildwoods to check. Mine is truly a city that never sleeps, but it has its rhythms: the adventurous vampires go out by night. Vampire hunters tend to be most active at dusk and dawn, trying to catch their marks near the gate. Guild business and visits from other druids tend to come in daylight hours. So when Vohu turned up at my door at two o’clock in his morning, with his sword at his side, I knew something was amiss.
This is one that I started after some of the discussion in the server about Dameon's father and the fall of Thais! It's told by Rashnu, but prominently features Vohu Manah--which is why it has the subtitle. "On Dusk and Dawn" follows Rashnu's naming convention, and "In the Blackest Night" is a reference (as all of Vohu's titles are), specifically to this line from FFXIV:
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In your darkest hour, in the blackest night...think of me...and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?
I wanted this reference partially as a hat-tip to some of my longstanding headcanons: I've always thought Rashnu should have a very powerful Dark Shield spell, and realized after four years of playing XIV that this thing I had imagined was literally Dark Knight's most useful damage mitigation, "The Blackest Night."
I haven't completely nailed down the progression of the plot yet, but I really want to play with the fact that the Light has sided with Ahriman, and the Dark balances the scales. Having a druid of darkness, putting that up with agriculture and wisdom in terms of aspects of human* culture that must be protected, is just really fascinating to me and I want to explore it as much as possible XD
*human, elf, vampire--even the vampires don't like having demons in their business. Mabel's husband says to Rhen that he senses great "evil" under the cathedral, and that it could be a demon but Rashnu protects them from such "evil." Thought that was VERY interesting.
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voidsumbrella · 6 months
haven sounding vaguely british but being from ohio is such a good concept in general and extra funny to me bcause my first gf sounded vaguely british while being from kansas
okay that's really funny lmao
i dunno how it happened for her, but on haven's part it's a side effect of over-enunciating out of anxiety and his attempt at Speaking Clearly Like A Normal Person somehow landed him an english affectation.
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
hi!! do i remember correctly that you made a post of locked room mystery recs for fans of umineko? i really wanted to check out the list but i'm still playing the game and don't know how to find it on your blog without stumbling into spoilers
is this the rec list you were thinking of? it was more directed at people who were interested in getting into puzzle box mysteries after watching knives out, but i could also put together an umineko suggested reading list or a locked room mystery rec list if given some time
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satohqbanana · 10 months
year in review: 12, 17, 19!
Year in Review Ask List
12. What’s your most popular fic for the year? Is it your best one?
I didn't post a lot, but Future? has to be the "most popular" fic. I don't see it as my "best one"; I didn't really particularly grow as a writer with this one because there wasn't really anything new I tried. I think the only real novelty here is that it's a collection of all the Rhendings which gives you a bite-sized perspective of the possible new lives she could have at the end of her quest. Even the Rhendings aren't a new idea!
I guess more people like it because it plays into their comfort zone! (That's not a bad thing!) It's not exclusively Larshen, they can skip/ignore the Larshen completely, and the fic expands some stuff actually established in canon
17. Favorite tag you used for a work?
The combination of "Rhen Pendragon/Lars Tenobor" and "Established Relationship" on Thistlethorn Thaumaturgy made me smile. The fics that try to cover their dynamics as a couple just don't really scratch the itch. I can't see them really smooth into a nice, cute, and amiable romance that's not going to get in the way of their journey.
My personal interpretation is that, they try, dear Goddess they try, but their own upbringings and traumas get in the way. They deeply care for each other, so much so that there are times they actually harm each other and the relationship more than they want to. It's that journey of finding the right balance that I want to see - and one of such milestones is being discussed in Thistlethorn.
(Reviewing my older works, I am quite pleased to report that the same combination of tags appear for Between the Lines, which in its ADF incarnation happens after Thistlethorn.
19. Any new themes popping up in your work? Or are there old themes resurfacing?
I mostly deal with looking at characters' relationships, so it's mostly old themes. (While I'm not busy writing fanfics, I'm writing for Arcanium, which help me explore themes beyond my comfort zone!)
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snowsheba · 2 years
ALSO not to steal ur ask but at first i also wanted to ask you as many as you wanted to answer but your tags seemed so contemplative i didn't want to pry LOL but your ask has emboldened me so... any extras you haven't answered that you particularly want to share!
i love talking about myself. LOL. under cut to spare your dashboards
1. what's the fic you're most proud of?
"thanks dad, love hana" was a HUGE undertaking. kind of wild how far i went and how well i made it work looking back.
that said: i am most fond of my grand theft auto/aveyond crossover au. it's the exact brand of controlled chaos full of fun and angst and random shit that i crave, LOL.
2. what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
i wouldn't call them "fics," but i do have some long-form fic starring original characters that i wrote and read back pretty consistently because they are honestly excellent. i haven't posted them anywhere because they are super niche, but i can if people are curious.
5. what fic of your own won't you read?
LOL... the ones that remained buried in my external hard drive... they can stay there.
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
probably starting? this is why i start with writing the summary, because otherwise it gets weird when i start out. oftentimes i have like three or four false starts before i get into a groove that i like. (i save all the false starts, too! they often get reused and recycled later on in the story.)
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
tdlh's success kind of ruined the whole thing for me in some ways. on the one hand, you get accustomed to HUGE amounts of interaction, so having no interaction feels weird. on the other hand, there is so much interaction that it is overwhelming, and it's not good when responding to engagement becomes a chore.
before i wrote tdlh i craved feedback and support because mental eelness and whatever. afterwards... it really put into perspective who i was writing for. most often i wasn't writing for me, i was writing for others. now that i'm writing for myself, i don't need feedback or support in the same way.
i mean let's be clear though i still LOVE to get engagement in general. it feels good when people like the stuff i write!!
8. does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
my immediate family does, in the sense that they know i write it (i don't share it with them lol). my partner does as well! but otherwise very, VERY rarely do i let irl people know i write fic.
9. what's your writing process like?
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
writing saved my life! this is undoubtedly true. i would not be here if i hadn't started writing when i did for as long as i have.
these days it's less of a coping mechanism and more of a fun hobby, and i always feel good when i finish something off and post it. the satisfaction of a story well-written is wonderful.
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
BOY. OH YES. i learned a lot from the experience, too.
essentially: overwatch has two characters, one is [finger wiggles] hispanic and the other is white, the man of color is demonized and becomes this evil terrible terrorist (real original, blizzard) while the white dude becomes this righteous rogue vigilante. i kept these roles in the fic i wrote them in and people started talking about the racist implications of this. rightfully so because it IS racist. this isn't the only big thing, but this is the one that was focused on because people shipped these two pretty hard back in the day.
it draws an interesting line though - as a fic writer, i can change the canon and do whatever i want. but i didn't do that, because i wanted to stay true to canon. if you had asked me back then, i would have said that's a good reason to let it be, but these days, i would have if not addressed it directly then changed it as needed to both suit my purposes and also... not have racism baked in if possible...
it's tough when your source material is already problematic enough and its parent company is a literal shitshow of issues (here's a pretty good summary of events). i take responsibility for the harm that my particular rendition did, but i would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge that actively writing a fic that attempts to remain consistent with canon (i.e. i would change story beats 30 chapters down the line when new lore came out) is bound to be as problematic as the source material itself.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
i DO take pride in my writing. it also embarrasses me immensely.
i don't want to show my ass too much, but i grew up in a household where if i wasn't working on school stuff i'd get punished, so obviously my parents hated how much time i spent writing. there was a lot of shame that went along with it because of the whole "why does it even matter? it's not original fiction" thing as well, so i am very protective of my fanworks and don't advertise them at all irl. because it's embarrassing to explain myself over and over again to people who really don't care, LOL.
of course, these days my parents love to fawn about how good of a writer i am and make me write the yearly christmas newsletters and whatever, but that's parents for you!
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
i think i used to, in the way that every kid aspires to be like a particular role model. these days, not at all - there's no point in it. i know my strengths!
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
i stopped using ellipses so much, for one. LOL.
in general, reading lots of books and being exposed to lots of different writing mediums has given me a lot of perspective. that's more valuable than anything else, imo. having more experiences to fall back on, more knowledge of the world around me, and a better understanding of people means that my written works have more depth and scope. i think in terms of technical skill i've plateaued to a point that i'm happy with, but when it comes to the actual content and its presentation (i guess rhetoric is the term here), there is ALWAYS more to learn. i've definitely gotten better at rhetoric over the years.
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
18. Do you only write when you’re inspired, or do you try and sit down at specific times and write no matter what?
these days i only really do write when i feel inspired to, but that's not because i don't think writing regularly is boring. i mentioned this in another post somewhere, but the majority of my high-volume writing output was during a time of deep depression - writing was an escape, and now that i don't need to escape anymore, it's hard to resume my previous schedule. moreoever, i don't want to, because that schedule was symptomatic of other issues for me. so just when i'm inspired! it helps that when i open a file and look at it, i often feel compelled to write a bit more as the ideals percolate in my brain.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
this changes day by day, but i looooooove a good banter. (what a shocker, i know.) i also love huge explosive emotions and the fallout from them. if a fic can answer the question of what it means to be human in some way, then it's ideal for me.
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
friends! i've met so many cool people through writing and i continue to keep meeting cool people as i continue to write. it's a gift that never stops giving 🥰
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notquiteaghost · 2 years
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
i am always a sucker for the rule of three, emotional catharsis, and people having fraught conversations
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
im getting pretty good at making the reader Feel Things i think
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
ok well i am not currently working on anything in a fandom we share so here are some fun facts for the next part of filt u may or may not understand:
fox stabs palpatine. anakin & ahsoka get to be pirates. quinlan saves the whole galaxy by being deeply aggravating. there's a scene where someone talks someone else out of brainwashing that is gonna be my favourite thing ill ever write. ilum is alive and it wants to arm toddlers
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
cody!!! cody cody cody. closely followed by clint barton & rodney mckay. i love a snarky bastard, in summary
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princeymarmar · 2 years
How I feel about this character: Fury is one of my favorite characters in all of fe4 I love them so <-will be they/themming Fury in this post. they are so so important to me and Levinfury is something I associate with me and my partner so it's like. Especially endeared to them.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Levin. And that's it. I love childhood friends to lovers and I love the tragedy of it all and...
My non-romantic OTP for this character: uhhh idk. I think Fury is way shyer than Levin so I feel like they were less well connected in Sigurd's army also? I think they should get along with Sylvia after a bit of a rough start though. Also I wish their relationship with their sister Mahnya got explored a little bit more... it's SO fun how Mahnya is SO immediately ready to sell out their crush on Levin to his face though
My unpopular opinion about this character: Fury is taller than Levin and they have more muscle. I CANNOT believe that the latter one seems unpopular when they're a pegasus knight and Levin is a mage but SO much fanart has Fury as a waif with 0 muscle and Levin actually has some mass and muscle to him. I've seen art of him picking them up. please.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: should've had a gender time and cut their hair and /j
more seriously, god I wish we could explore that Kaga dream scenario where they get brought back to life by Forseti and reunited with their husband and kids. I want to explore the. fallout of that. The divorced energy of two people still deeply in love with each other struggling to and ultimately managing to fix the giant gaping hole left in their relationship due to dragon meddling.
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blackestnight · 2 years
as luck would have it, i succumbed to the impulse to re-read the kane chronicles earlier this year, so special for you: returning to my roots (but with a walt character study this time)
It was misting rain when he found the right warehouse, at just shy of three in the morning, and the dampness clinging to his eyelashes reminded him a little of home, of walking to the convenience store down the street because he didn’t have a license, and the sense-memory kept him calm enough to consider the great dark slab of the front door. After a minute of thinking, chewing his lip and tapping his fingernails against his phone case, he’d turned back to the lot surrounding the building and its abandoned construction equipment. 
It took him another twenty minutes to find a suitable piece of scrap aluminum and a rusted nail sharp enough to mark it, and to keep his hand steady enough to scratch out the lines just right—or close enough. The JPEG his image search had pulled up was a little fuzzy, and it wasn’t like he had a lot of practice inscribing hieroglyphs, but his little makeshift plaque seemed warm to the touch, shockingly so, the same way the djed amulet had been unnaturally cool. After another moment, he lowered the nail back to the aluminum and scratched out please in English underneath. Maybe it was stupid, but intent mattered with this sort of stuff, right? And it wasn’t like he wanted the door to think he was breaking in.The plaque had gone to searing hot when he pressed it to the door, the clumsy lines drawing out the symbols for sahad glowing white, sudden and shocking enough that Walt had yelped and dropped it—except the scrap of aluminum stuck, and the door groaned, and an invisible seam cracked open down the middle and it swung open, creaking into the cavernous dark of the warehouse—except, no, it wasn’t a warehouse, it was—
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iztopher · 10 months
Oneshot (7,592 words) Fandom: Aveyond Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Te'ijal Ravenfoot & Stella, Te'ijal Ravenfoot & Galahad Teomes, Te'ijal Ravenfoot & Mel Darkthrop Characters: Te'ijal Ravenfoot, Stella (Aveyond), Galahad Teomes, Mel Darkthrop Additional Tags: The Darkthrop Prophecy, a little to the left of canon compliant, Unplanned Pregnancy, tokophobia, Abortion, Angst with a Happy Ending
The Darkthrop Prophecy is threatening completion, but Te’ijal has something more pressing on her mind: ending her very unplanned - and very unwanted - pregnancy.
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[ID: An edit of the Gimli and Legolas “Aye. I could do that” meme. In the first panel, Gimli’s text has been edited to say “Never thought I’d write a fic about Te’ijal being pregnant”. In the second panel, Legolas’s text has been edited to say “What about Te’ijal getting an abortion?” In the final panel, Gimli says, “Aye. I could do that.]
well. here’s the fic I’ve been working on
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Welcome to the Secret Third Thing tournament!
I'm (tumblr user @iztopher, for anyone curious) making a tournament dedicated to ships that are not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing. shrimp colors ships, if you will (my IRL secret third thing partner and I tend to describe these as "shrimp colors" and if this poll manages to spread that beyond the two of us my work is done).
I'm not sure how much reception this will get, so I'm aiming for a bracket of 16, but if I get enough submissions I'll make it 32!
Submissions will be open until March 26th, so send your favorite ships my way! (Full disclosure, I am a biased person and already have two planned myself, because this is for fun).
What is a secret third thing / what ships qualify? "secret third thing" in this case just means any ship that you would not describe the way it's depicted/the way you ship it as strictly romantic or platonic. Feel free to send triads+ if you would like!
it is deliberately vague and ambiguous and I'm not gonna be super strict about what qualifies as a result - I just ask that if you primarily enjoy a fictional relationship as a strictly romantic ship or a friendship you don't submit it. Some examples of types of dynamic this tournament is looking for, if it helps:
queerplatonic relationships
two old men with a weird gay thing going on
extremely charged narrative foils
anything that makes you want to describe it as "whatever the hell these two have going on"
Thank you and HAVE FUN!
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patron-saints · 8 months
plz give thoughts on a double date between olizumi and rizalust, even if it feasibly wouldn't happen, simply because it would be funny
i think about them meeting all of the time. obviously some things would have devastating consequences. like lust finding out she's dead in olizumi's world. or riza finding out she's married to mustang in olizumi's world. but mostly i think about how fucking funny it would be for izumi to teach lust how to be a good housewife.
on a double date though. omg. i have actually only officially ever been on one double date and we got ramen so now in my brain i'm like. of course they get ramen. riza and olivier are already friends, which helps them a lot, but i think lust would take a second to adjust to being with people whose morals are soooo different to hers. i do think she would make them laugh though and i think that's her in.
i feel like izumi would try to give them advice about stuff like i think teacher-mode doesn't really have an off switch for her, like she'd jump in so fast to whatever their situation was and be offering solutions and strategies and things.
genuinely have no idea how olivier and riza would react outside of being bro mode so! if you have any thoughts please let me know!!!!
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druidofdarkness · 7 months
3, 7, 17!
Questions for Fic Writers--Accepting!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Hurt/comfort definitely tops the list XD Although, looking at my Ao3, it appears in very little of my Aveyond fic! Maybe I need to write some, haha.
You can find #Tei's Favorite Plot Device on almost any of my RP blogs, and most of my fic. It's always been A Thing, to the point that I took an emergency responder class in college mostly so that I could more believably write healers. I really enjoy writing healers. This often goes hand in hand with another of my frequent fliers: fluff that's sappy enough to make several gallons of syrup XD
As far as details, meals! I very often find myself describing meals in my writing. Which I find somewhat entertaining, because I don't especially enjoy menu planning/cooking.
Surprisingly, I do not usually go into detailed descriptions of clothes, unless they're an important part of the plot. Easier to weave in food details with the dialogue, I guess? What someone said while they absently stirred the cream into their soup, not realizing how much of it was escaping the confines of the bowl--that sort of thing.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Where's that meme with the "in my head" and "when someone asks" books? Because that's me right now XD
I think probably (in the context of my Aveyond stuff) it would be the druids and their duties and how it fits with the scant few pre-game druid details we get. I'm still building--most of what I've built is centered on Rashnu and Vohu--but I like what I've done so far with regards to their tattoos and what their duties actually entail. Especially their tattoos.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This one is easy! I made Vohu Manah as one of my ffxiv characters, and he really hit it off with a character named Deryk from the most recent raid series. I've had a ball writing about the pair of them and not worrying that it's just one favorite trope after another, because it's for my enjoyment and not the internet XD
I've written quite a bit with Vohu in Eorzea--it might be fun to transplant Deryk to Arishta and see what he thinks of it!
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voidsumbrella · 1 year
𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 - haven, 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 - witch and wraith :3, 𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 - witchwraithhaven, and 𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 - haven?
ehehehehehehe ty <333
𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴: what was one of your oc’s favorite tv shows/movies as a child? do they still enjoy it now? (haven)
oh geez, okay, so uhhh haven is 25 in the mid-90's, and as such would have been born in the 70's, and i have no idea what the general selection of children's programming would have been in fantasy!ohio during that time period, and im not well versed in making convincing fake media to bullshit the specifics. but i think he clung onto like, baby shows intended for really little kids for much longer than was cool- something something drawing comfort from the media he watched with his parents before they died even if he was too young to do so consciously- and only got away with it because he had younger siblings to babysit. he eventually got tired of being teased for immaturity and jumped to corny horror movies. he doesn't feel too much nostalgia for the little kids stuff, but he still rewatches some of the b-list slasher films he liked as a preteen.
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 〜 does your oc’s name or design reference anything? i.e. music, movies, etc. (witch+wraith)
well you see. witch is named witch, because they're a witch. wraith is named wraith, because they're a wraith. hope this clears things up.
actual answer: name wise, they're both referential within the setting: witch's title- The Witch of the Absolute Nothing- is after their patron goddess, The Lady of the Absolute Nothing, who everyone in the entire multiverse assumes has been dead for several millennia now. this isn't the case, She's just in hiding, but that title being associated with witch serves for a nice redirection. their true name is a secwet :>
wraith's title- The Wraith of Between Spaces- is a fairly straightforwards reference to them being a ghost who can enter and freely travel through the gaps between universes, which is widely regarded to be a pain in the ass to pull off, how the fuck did they do that.
in terms of design, while i'm not intentionally referencing/mimicking anything with either of them, they're both a self-indulgent amalgamation of shit i think is cool and fun to draw. fluffy hair! bangs that conceal weird magical eyes! bouncy shapes! :3 face! + tall! longular! hair that is sleek but still has lines that go fwuaaaaa and sweep all over the place! different magic eyes! yknow. here 2 have a good time.
𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 〜 what does your oc’s voice sound like? (witchwraithhaven)
witch: imagine a beach that's mostly made up of fist-sized rocks, and the sound those rocks make as the waves pull and rattle them gently against each other; now take that sound and put it in the mouth a broadway actor who then settled down to become a radio show host. they sound like that.
wraith: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMHO49mD8H8 but like. human speech. perpetual 2am sleepover voice.
haven: a kind of birdlike high tenor; soft spoken out of politeness and/or low-grade anxiety, has the capacity to project pretty loudly when he gets Emotional. gets cartoonishly fast and high pitched when nervous, and is a prone to shrieking. uses a lot of filler sounds.
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about? (haven)
best feature: his wiggles he's consistently pretty proud of his hair! the color is more attention-getting than he would otherwise like but it's very pretty and he's been cutting it himself since he was 14, and likes to think he's pretty good at it. he'd consider going to beauty school if even just thinking about the potential of getting yelled at for ruining someone else's hair didn't make him preemptively break out into a cold sweat.
self conscious: he's got some uh. fun scarring going on. he'll die of heatstroke before he lets anyone see his bare torso.
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satohqbanana · 1 year
night and alternate for the arcanium trio!!!
I'm afraid I can't tell which trio you're referring to! Anyway, let's go with the first set.
Night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Rena wears a satin shirt and shorts combo, because she really, really likes the texture. Blame it on her Papa for spoiling her like this. Of course, she needs her plush, Mr. Snowbun, for extra comfort!
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Erudan has a thick and warm tunic over a pair of leggings, matched with a knitted shawl his Mom always used when she still lived. He likes being surrounded with warmth as he associates it with love!
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Lyarshu is the king of practicality. Due to his lifestyle, he just tries to catch what sleep he can and doesn't care whatever he wears to bed, as long as it's not sweaty (or won't make him sweaty through the night). Often, it's just a simple shirt and pants combo.
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Part 2 will contain the outfits for "Alternate"!
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snowsheba · 2 years
3, 9, 16!!
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
i wrote an overwatch thing called "with grace in our hearts" that is like. idk. it remains one of the most impactful stories i've written, at least to me personally. like my partner who knew nothing about overwatch read it and cried not because it was sad but because it was emotional. like. yeah. that's how i felt writing it!!
9. what's your writing process like?
probably not as structured as it should be?? buckle up, this is gonna be long.
every fic i write starts with writing the summary that will go up when i eventually post it. every. single. ONE. starts with writing the summary. i don't recommend this route unless you love writing summaries.
i often don't outline if i don't anticipate a longish fic (which for me is... anything under 30k words). in fact i often don't write story beats down. sometimes i don't even know how it starts - i just know what scene i want to write, and then i write what i have to in order to get there, and then i write the rest so i can wrap it up in a neat bow. i don't recommend this route unless you are okay with having very little direction aside from your own whims.
if i do anticipate a longish fic, i don't outline until there are enough details that warrant some sort of system to keep things straight. these outlines are bullet lists and are generally incomprehensible, because all i put in it are reminders of things-that-are, things-that-were, and things-that-are-going-to-be. these are sometimes story beats and sometimes a reminder that a character said something foreshadowy 40k words ago. i don't recommend this route unless you love opening a file you haven't looked at in 3 months and having to piece together what is happening anew.
anyway, after all of the writing is done i edit it. i do this in one of three ways. first is the lazy way, where i change the font and read it over a few times, fix whatever typos i find and add stuff as needed, and then post it. second is the tryhard way, where i read the entire thing out loud to myself, fix typos and add stuff, and then post it. third is the glutton for punishment way, where i put two text editors side by side and retype the entire manuscript, changing and editing as i go. i do this multiple times. then i post it.
and then once it's posted i look for the last few typos that escaped my wrathful eye and destroy them. sometimes.
again, i really don't recommend this method to anyone - it's a snowsheba exclusive in the sense that it works well with what i'm able to do mentally, which is focus REALLY hard and get a lot of writing done relatively quickly (i used to write and update daily. like what!). happy to answer questions if you have any about..... any of this.............
16. do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
YES. i love rereading my old shit, actually, because it's good. i take a lot of pride in my work because i can follow each fic through my life and see how much i've grown and changed, and each time i poured hours of time into the final product.
as for a time i won't go back to: i once wrote "i don't like slash so i won't write it" in an author's note on ffnet. this was my early tweens, i think? looking back it's funny, but it's also very real in terms of who i was and who i am now. like i said earlier: growth!
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