#izuku bringing random animals back to the dorms because they need help
Okay, headcannon for Izuku's quirk being able to hear animals speaking. Like when he turned, a bird landed on his window and he can hear them wondering if someone could give them something to eat so Izuku gave the bird a bowl of seed.
!!!!!!!! I LOVE THATTTTTTT !!!!!!!!
Koda and izuku are best friends and Disney princesses
My question is, can the animals understand him too? I’m going to say that they can, but if you want a situation where they can’t, that’s totally valid!!!!! Tell me and I’ll do a different set of headcanons for that!!!!
I like to imagine like,,, 4-5 year old izuku hanging out in his room and a bird flies on his window sill talking to themself about food, and little izuku is just in AWE
He’d be completely overjoyed
You cannot tell me that the absolute ray of sunshine that toddler izuku is would not be like, “oh my gosh, animals, I can understand animals, can they understand me? Do they like me? If I talk to them, will I be talking in bird or do they understand Japanese? I’ll get you seeds!!!!! I wonder if it’s all animals or just birds? I wonder-“ and his brain is going a mile a minute while he just runs into the kitchen trying to ask his mom if they have any bird seed
A very confused inko gives him some bird seed and asks if he’s okay, and he’s trying to articulate that he thinks he got his quirk, but he’s an excited 4 year old with adhd, who just heard and understood a bird and is thinking about what this means for his future career as a hero, so give him a moment
He does tell her what happened, and she asks him what the bird is saying and if the bird can understand them, and he says that they can, and he’s just so happyyyyyy
Angst time, because I am a horrible person /j
Hisashi Midoriya is not happy because the quirk is likely a mutation of some kind as it doesn’t have anything to do with fire breath or attracting small objects
So, he does a deadbeat dad thing and dips
Izuku feels so guilty over it, but he can’t bring himself to hate his quirk (good) he gets to talk to animals! He can help them!!
Inko makes sure to tell him that it isn’t his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself
Family angst is over!
So, our dearest son, izuku feral Midoriya, 10000% sneaks animals into the entrance exam
I like to imagine that he went to the park beforehand and talked to a shit ton of squirrels and chipmunks and asked them to help him with the entrance exam if they could. He brings them food as a peace offering (irl you shouldn’t feed wild animals, I know this, izuku knows this, but he can tell them why they shouldn’t rely on humans for food, we cannot, so just bare with me)
But yes. Just imagine izuku giving a war cry to all the rodents that are, for reasons unknown to anyone but izuku, standing around the gates of the exam area, and suddenly like,,,, 3 dozen rodents just start running in and tearing wires out of robots
Koda and izuku are fast friends who bond over their love and respect for animals
They both have anxiety too and are the only (at the beginning) members of class a who know/use JSL!
Okay, something that just popped into my head because I was thinking of how he’d use this quirk in the sports festival, and all I could think of was like,,, Pokémon trainer izuku
And honestly,,, kinda love that
Like, he’s just in the little ring with shinsou (does shinsou’s quirk work on animals?? Like, if he asked a cat a question and even if they don’t understand him, they still meow at him, would they be under his control?) anyway, I’m assuming shinsou’s quirk doesn’t work on animals. So, izuku just brings in a fucking bear who he bribed with salmon earlier and shinsou is like, “wow. Fuck.”
But anyway. I like to imagine that izuku has a shit ton of bird houses outside his window at home, and this continues when they move into the dorms
Aizawa finds him one night talking to a cat in an alleyway, and he’s worried for his problem child being in an alleyway at night and why is he here???? And then, he sees the cat and understands.
Mic goes to check on the class a dorms the next day because his husband never came back last night and he might’ve run into trouble with his hell class, only to walk in on the green bean and his husband smuggling a cat on campus
Shota, you’re a teacher. What are you doing?
He had to. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.
Anyway. Class a has a new dorm cat :)
I hope you like theseeee!!!! They were really fun to write and think about!!!! Izuku and koda being Disney princesses is now something that I hold very dear to my heart 😭😭
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tododorks · 5 years
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synopsis: they loved you, they thought you loved them, so how could you just leave?
parings: bakugou katsuki / reader / midoriya izuku
warnings: cursing, angst, bakugou being one explosive boy
word count: 3.1k (i went overboard, whoops)
original request
You’d known them both since you were all eight. You had just moved from New Zealand to Japan for your mother’s job and you didn’t know a lick of Japanese. When you first met them the only thing Bakugou would talk about was his quirk and how amazing he was, ignoring the fact that you couldn’t understand anything he was saying. Midoriya was behind him, smiling at you shyly and giving you a small wave.
When lunchtime came Midoriya invited you to hang out with him, and by him he meant Bakugou and his friends. It took a while to get you to understand him, but eventually he got the teacher to translate and you got the message. Bakugou continued to talk to you before his friend had to interrupt and tell him you couldn’t understand him.
He couldn’t believe he had actually talked to you the whole day without realizing you couldn’t understand him. He couldn’t believe you spent the entire day pretending to understand him. Before the teacher dismissed class at the end, Midoriya offered to teach you Japanese (though he wasn’t perfect at it). Although you were already being taught by your parents and another teacher, how could you say no?
When you were ten you stood up to Bakugou for the first time. He was being an asshole to Midoriya as usual and you’d usually just ignore it, but enough was enough.
“Shut up! Shut up!” You yelled, slamming your hands down on the table.
Midoriya tried to quiet you down, but it was pointless. It was the first time either of them had heard you raise your voice. They didn’t know whether to be frightened or impressed.
When you were eleven, you began to distance yourself from Bakugou and Midoriya followed suit. 
When you were eleven Bakugou realized just how much you meant to him, how much you both meant to him.
When you were twelve Midoriya realized how much he liked you. He realized he really liked you, that he wanted more than just friendship. And no matter how much he tried to deny it, he couldn’t help but feel the same towards Bakugou.
When you were thirteen the three of you were paired up for an end of the year project. It was awkward at first, the three of you hadn’t been together in a while, but soon it was back to how it was before. Except now whenever Bakugou would call either of you an idiot, it sounded almost...loving.
When you were fifteen, Bakugou was attacked by a villain and Midoriya attempted to help him while you stood to the side, screaming at him.
You were fifteen years old when you realized that you couldn’t bear to lose them. When you were asked them out later that week they were ecstatic, but confused. Both? Sure they were aware of their feelings for each other thanks to an awkward game of truth or dare, but they never thought it’d go further.
There were downs to your relationship as expected, especially when Midoriya developed a quirk out of nowhere. He said he was just a late bloomer, but you two knew better. Then Bakugou got kidnapped and the two of you went after him despite him telling the two of you that under no circumstances could you go after him.
. . .
“You could have been fucking killed!”
“Us? What about you?!” You yelled at him.
He let out a huff and sat down on the nearby couch, mumbling something. Izuku sat down next to his boyfriend, cautiously placing his hand on Bakugou’s back and rubbing his back. Izuku gave you a look of, “Go easy on him” and gestured to the seat on the other side.
You let out a sigh and sat on the other side of Bakugou. You sat awkwardly, hands folded in your lap, unsure of what to say next. And thankfully you didn’t have to because Bakugou was the first to break the silence.
“I just didn’t want to lose you,” He whispered. “I can’t lose you…”
Bakugou grabbed yours and Izuku’s hand. Izuku’s in his left and yours in his right. He kept his head down and tightened his grip on your hands. Izuku laid his head on Bakugou’s shoulder and closed his eyes, taking in the moment. After a few minutes, Bakugou squeezed your hands three times, something the three of you were taught in third grade.
A secret way to tell someone you love them.
. . .
When you were sixteen you kissed them for the first time. It was Bakugou’s birthday and the two of you planned a surprise party for him in the dorms. The three of you sat on the balcony outside his dorm room. It was too loud and he just wanted to spend time with you two away from all the dumbasses downstairs as he so kindly put it.
. . .
“What are you even writing in that damn notebook anyway, nerd?” Bakugou grumbled.
He wouldn’t admit it, but all he wanted was to cuddle with the two of you. Which he couldn’t do if Izuku was writing in his notebook the whole time. You could tell Bakugou was annoyed and you chuckled.
“Why the fuck are you laughing?”
“You’re really cute when you get all mad,” You looked up at him and smiled.
That damn smile.
Before Bakugou could retort, Izuku shut his notebook and grabbed his hand. “She’s right about one thing, you’re really cute, Kacchan.”
“Shut it and get over here.”
The three of you sat there with each other for a long time, none of you wanting the moment to end. It was rare that you were like this, what with all the training and school being a constant pain in the ass. It just made every moment spent together that much more special.
“Mm...Kacchan…” He groaned in response.
“Izu, you too...c’mere.”
They were both still half-sleep, Izuku’s arm wrapped around Bakugou’s chest, his head on his shoulder and Bakugou’s arms draped around his and your shoulders. You moved his arm off you slowly and sat yourself in the middle of them, causing Izuku to whine at the sudden added weight.
“Kacchan...happy birthday,” You mumbled, bringing up your hand up to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb and pressing your lips to his.
It was a short and awkward kiss. You weren’t a hundred percent sure of what you were doing, all you had to go off of were the animated movies for kids, which as you may expect weren’t very helpful. You didn’t know what to expect, but you sure didn’t expect Bakugou to pull you in for another kiss.
The two of you pulled away with a smile and you rested your head on his shoulder. He mumbled a quick ‘I love you’. Izuku shifted and looked at the two of you, eyes half closed.
“So, what about me? Don’t I get any kisses?”
“Mm, of course you do, Izu,” You leaned over and grabbed his shoulder to make sure you didn’t fall on him.
. . .
You were sixteen years old when you told them you first loved them. When you said that you would never leave them– when you promised that you wouldn’t leave them.
And you were seventeen when you vanished from their lives.
“Fucking shit!”
Since your disappearance back in April, Bakugou and Izuku had been doing everything in their power to try to find you, but despite all their efforts you were nowhere to be found. Bakugou was grumpier and more irritable than ever before, but more than anything he was completely and utterly heartbroken.
Perhaps if it was only a week, maybe even two or three, he would’ve understood that you just need some time off from the whole hero shtick. But you had been gone for nearly five months.
He missed you, your smell, your touch, your voice, your smile– god, how much he missed that damn smile of yours. He missed waking up to you kissing his face and hearing that small giggle of yours when he’d call you an idiot. He missed the late night cuddle sessions that he’d have with you and Izuku. The late night cuddle sessions where the three of you would talk about the most random things. He missed when he’d be in the kitchen just making himself breakfast and you’d come up behind him and shower him in kisses.
Izuku’s heart broke every time he saw Bakugou beating himself up over your disappearance, which he didn’t even think was possible anymore. He was there for him during his breakdowns, he was there whenever he overworked himself and whenever he’d start to ‘blow up’.
He tried his best to make sure your disappearance wouldn’t completely wreck their relationship. He already lost you, he couldn’t lose Bakugou too.
. . .
“Kacchan! Please, just stop!” Izuku grabbed Bakugou’s arms in an attempt to stop him from exploding the room into a million pieces.
He yanked his arms away from his boyfriend’s grip, nearly pushing Izuku to the ground. He knew it was wrong, he knew he was hurting Izuku. But looking at Izuku only made his heart ache even more. How long before he would lose him too?
“How the fuck can I? She’s gone and it’s my fault! It’s my fault I wasn’t good enough for her, that..that I couldn’t protect her! And you fucking know what? Now’s she’s fucking gone!”
Hot tears ran down Izuku’s face, it felt as if they were burning him. “Katsuki!” He winced at the use of his first name and he knew it’d be better if he shut up.
“Katsuki…” He softened his tone. “I’m sorry for yelling but I...this is hard on me too! And it kills me that you think that this is your fault, because it’s not! It’s not your…” He paused and clutched his shirt as if that would ease the pain.
“It’s not your fault, Kacchan…not yours or mine,” He reached out to touch Katsuki’s cheek and surprisingly he leaned into his touch.
“Neither of know what happened to her and neither of us could stop it, the only thing we can do now is try our best to find her,” Bakugou leaned down and pressed his forehead against Izuku’s. “Okay, baby?”
He nodded in agreement and felt tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. But he wouldn’t let Izuku see him cry, he couldn’t. Izuku knew though.
“It’s okay to cry y’know…” He whispered, stroking his hair.
“Fuck…’m sorry, sorry, I just–”
“I know.”
. . .
They couldn’t believe it.
After nearly five months of you being missing, all of a sudden the pro heroes come to them with information on you? That they saw you? Izuku put his hand on Katsuki’s, praying that he wouldn’t go off on the heroes.
“Where was she?” He tightened his fists, but no reply.
“Where the fuck was she?!” Izuku whispered something to Bakugou, probably telling him to be more respectful even though he wanted to do the same.
Aizawa held up his hand. “It’s alright Midoriya, we understand,” He glanced over at Thirteen. “We’re just not sure you’d want to hear what we have to say.”
“Of course we want to fucking–” Izuku interrupted him.
“We do, please, Eraserhead.”
“We saw her with villains, but more specifically, she looked like she was with them willingly. In other words…we have reason to believe she’s become a villain and that’s why…”
“She disappeared…” They said in unison.
“Baby, we can’t go looking for her,” Izuku laid on his boyfriend’s bed, hugging a pillow as he watched Bakugou change into a hoodie and sweatpants.
“Don’t you fucking ‘baby’ me, I don’t care if we shouldn’t, because I fucking am going to go whether you like it or not.” He replied.
Izuku looked down and tried not to cry. Bakugou always told him he was such a crybaby, once he cried because he realized snakes don’t have arms or legs. He didn’t want to disobey direct orders from Eraserhead, but he also desperately wanted to see you. Even if it was true and even if you were a villain, he wanted nothing more but to hold you in his arms again.
“Are you coming or not, damn nerd?”
They’d been walking in the area Aizawa said that they’d spotted you. It had already been an hour, but they wouldn’t give up, they couldn’t give up. They had to find you. They didn't know what’d they would do if they didn’t.
After fifteen more minutes, they heard a familiar voice and it was as if somebody heard their prayers.
“Katsuki…Izuku…” They saw you on the other side of the road.
You were wearing a black hoodie, hood up and a black mask covering your mouth in an attempt to try to stay hidden. But seeing them made you forget everything you’d been told when you first became a villain. They ignored every instinct they had and ran to you. They could have been ran over, but it was late and they couldn’t help it. It had been five, long and painful months without you. All they wanted was to hold you, to kiss you, to tell you much they loved you and missed you.
“N/N…” Izuku pulled away and touched your face, dragging his finger along your cheek, checking if it was really you.
“It’s me, Izuku. It’s really me,” You always knew what he was thinking.
You looked over at Bakugou. He was being uncharacteristically silent and it terrified you. Did he hate you? Honestly, you wouldn’t blame him if he did. You did leave out of the blue after all. Not a note, not even a text or email to let them know you were safe or if you were even alive.
“Don’t you fucking call me that,” He seethed. “You don’t get to call me that anymore, not after you just fucking left us like that.”
“Kacchan, don’t you think you should go easier on her?” Izuku touched his shoulder, but Bakugou flinched away and glared at him.
“No, don’t you dare fucking protect her after she just left us, and– and to become a fucking villain!” Izuku looked down at the ground, he knew Bakugou was right.
Bakugou looked over at you, anger and sadness in his eyes. “And you..you! You fucking left us broken and miserable. We looked for you for weeks, we even set up those dumb ass posters owners put up when their dogs get lost. Do you know how many times Deku came to my room in the middle of the night, crying and a mess because he had a nightmare where he found you dead? Do you know how fucking hard it was to walk into class everyday, to walk into the common room and see the empty seat where you should’ve been? Can you even understand the pain… the fucking pain we felt when everybody, even our own parents, told us that we should just fucking give up?! That..that there was no fucking hope and that you were..dead? Look in me in the eyes, and answer me. Because I know you can’t even began to understand what we felt, and do you know how I fucking know? Because you left, you left willingly and fully aware what’d you’d be leaving behind. Your friends, your family, us.”
When you looked up at Bakugou, all you saw were tears streaming down his face and Izuku rubbing his arm trying to soothe him as he covered his own mouth with his hand, trying to contain his sobs.
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. You left fully aware that there would be no going back. And you did it anyway. You clenched your fists and let out a deep sigh.
“You’re right, Katsu–Bakugou, I did leave willingly. But please, just hear me out before you leave.”
Izuku had stopped crying now and Bakugou looked down at him to decide what to do next. He was silent for a moment, deciding whether he should let you explain or not. He decided on the latter and shook his head.
“Y/N…” He looked up at you with a blank expression. “We loved you, we still love you, but you…you left us without a damn word and now, it’s the first time we’ve seen you in months and it’s as a villain? The exact opposite of what we’ve been striving to be our entire lives?”
“No!” You screamed, startling both of them.
Just like that time when you were ten and yelling at Bakugou for teasing Midoriya.
“That’s what you two wanted! That’s what you two have always wanted! And I know, I know you two are going to be the best fucking pro heroes ever, but me? I’m not cut out for that shit, okay?”
“You didn’t have to become a villain! You could’ve just dropped out and we wouldn’t be here right now, we could’ve been happy.” Izuku snapped.
“What’s the point, huh, Izuku?” You stepped closer and roughly grabbed his arm. “What’s the fucking point of being ‘Perfect Little Miss Goody Two Shoes’ your entire life? Where’s the fun in that, huh? Please enlighten me, why should I waste my entire life helping out others when it doesn’t help me in any way? You too, Kacchan, please tell me why.”
Before Izuku could reply, Bakugou pulled your arm off of Izuku.
“Fuck off.” You smiled at him and placed your arms behind your back.
But it wasn't the same as before.
“Who the fuck are you?”
You weren’t the same.
You put your hand on his shoulder and leaned in, whispering in his ear. “Same person as I always was.”
Izuku heard the faint police sirens in the background and tugged on Bakugou’s sleeve. “We should go, Kacchan, before we get in trouble.”
“Shit,” You muttered under your breath, you knew you shouldn't have gone out there again, not after your former homeroom teacher had spotted you.
But you had to see if they would come.
“Fuck, you’re right.” Izuku grabbed Bakugou’s hand to start to run, but Bakugou stood still, staring at you.
“I swear to god, if you fucking touch him–”
You laughed, but not the laugh he missed so dearly. “Please, as if I have time to track either of you down and make a big fuss,” You began to walk backwards and you smiled at him. For a moment, just a moment, they saw the old you.
“See ya Izuku, bye Kacchan!”
The last thing they heard was an “I love you!”, followed by a short laugh before you were gone from their sight.
That damn laugh.
It haunted them.
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