thenewfuture · 1 month
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Sonosuke: RURUKA! RURUKA....! No.... Why, dammit...!
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Ruruka.....My, my Ruruka.....*sob*....
*....Sonosuke is holding Ruruka's corpse in a tight hug and crying heavily....*
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"Huwaaah! This is just terrible..."
Sonosuke: Ru....ruka......Auuugghh.....!
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........Sir...? M-Mister Izayoi....sir...?
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Uuunnnghhh....! Haaaauuugghhhh....! *sob*......
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Sir, we.....we have to start- *Sonia attempts to walk towards him and grab his shoulder, but when she makes contact with him...*
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Did you do this?! Did you do this YOU FUCKING BASTARDS?!
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No! N-No I didn't! Please believe me!
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Hey just take it easy man!
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Who did it then? Who took her AWAY FROM ME!?
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We don't know! We don't know honest!
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We have to figure it out. To do that we have to..... W-We have to....
Izuru: Investigate.
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You're more than familiar with the procedure now I imagine. You've done it so many times that I shouldn't have to tell you this.
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Investigate the crime. Find the true killer. It's the only way you'll survive here.
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I know you don't particularity like doing these sorts of things, Hinata. But you must do this. That is the truth.
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And sooner or later, you're going to have to stop running from it!
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If you won't do it for your sake. At least do it for your friends. They're going through the same turmoil as you are. So suck it up and get on with it already.
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We are not sure who did this horrific act. That is why we have to investigate. And we will need to inspect the body as well...
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I don't want to do this again.... I thought we over crap like this....
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I know, I thought so too.... But we have too. For the our own sake as well as Ruruka's...
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I know you don't trust us and I can't blame you. But we need to put our differences aside for now. If we don't, we may never find out the truth of her death. Will you help us?
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Hmph....! Fine! You better find out who did this.
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'...........Let's get this over with....'
(Ruruka Ando)
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suitov · 9 months
"Okayyy, okayyyy. Shuichi, what's so important that you had to interrupt my weekly G5 rant...?"
I hold them out, wordlessly.
"Not my size."
"Uh... Mister Izuru said Mister Nagito gave them to him and he doesn't know what he's meant to do with them. I figured you could help, Kokichi."
"Aww! Issie-ru came to me for advice! I'm so proud."
"I'm not so sure he should be trusting you as much as he does..."
"Aw, don't be a baby, Shweetcheeks. I'm the best mentor EVURRR. C'mon through, Izzy. Sweetch, do me a favour and get the riceball and the egg drop over here in about ten minutes?"
I follow my friend into his secret lair of evil, much reassured.
"Let's get a looksie." He takes the boots from me. "Can't say Nagito doesn't have consistent taste. Quality leather. Looks like enough give in the ankles. Can you put 'em on for me?"
"Over my trousers?"
He gives a sigh and a dramatic eyeroll. "Thigh-highs over your suit pants? They make you in a nerd lab or something?"
"Yes," I say. I thought he already knew this.
When the boots are on me to his satisfaction, which involves a change in attire and my "chunky ankles" being poked at, the Supreme Leader tells me to walk around. Then he tells me to stop.
"Iz-ziiiieee, you're walking like a duuude."
"Like whom should I walk, then?"
"Obviously like a god. Here, watch..."
Ultimate Actor, the full gamut of Dancers and a few other talents are called upon for the ensuing instruction.
"They're here, Kokichi," calls my other friend, who does not have very detectivelike ears, because I had heard the car fifty-seven seconds earlier.
"Right. Now remember what I told ya."
("...just walked out without a word still holding them and I didn't know where he—I thought I'd offended him...")
"Izzie, focus! Don't make your fellow evil overlord look bad."
"If you say so, Kokichi," I reply. I am not nervous but I might like to leave via the other door and hide somewhere high up for no reason. Instead, I allow him to drag me out into the hall.
I have not taken more than a few steps before a problem makes itself apparent.
I lower my voice. "Perhaps I should take them off. The soles seem to be causing a malign resonant frequency with your floo—"
"No, Izuru, that's not why they're all on their knees."
I look at the three others with concern. There also appears to be some malfunction around the salivary glands.
"Dandy? Are you all right?"
"No," says my fluffy with suspicious speed. "I'm suffering cardiac arrest and can only be saved by chest compressions from your foot."
The other two make noises to suggest this condition is contagious.
They have misdiagnosed themselves—I can hear their hearts from here and they are beating merely fast, not irregularly—so I turn back. "Why are they all like that, Kokichi?"
He stretches up and pats my shoulder. "Because I'm one hell of a teacher."
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ahogedetective · 3 months
[ CALM ]: sender tackles the receiver to the ground in an effort to both restrain and calm them down. @91cmspoilers shuichi deserves to rage.... as treat and izuru would calm him down uwu
{ Reasons To Tackle! }
@91cmspoilers !!!
Now... as a detective, Shuichi was naturally going to have people who dislike him: mostly close friends or family of people who were suspects in the cases he's handled. They didn't care about the fact that they deserved to be in jail: rather, would want to take their anger out on Shuichi. This would unfortunately be the case, when he was stopped by this guy slightly older than him, who happened to be the younger brother of a man who was guilty of aggravated assault against a food service worker.
He felt his older brother 'didn't deserve it', as that worker 'started it, first'. But that hadn't matter, as Shuichi was trying to explain to him: that the man could have simply walked away, but he instead, came back and attacked the worker with a heavy glass bottle. This angered the guy, who started slinging even worse insults at Shuichi. Insisting that 'detectives like him', only care about 'making themselves look good', that he's only 'useful' for 'ruining innocent people's lives with no remorse'. Those words, were especially a knife to his stomach. Reminding him of the awful things he used to think of himself, back when he solved 'that case before the police did.' Those horrible thoughts of feeling he was the monster like this guy was making him out to be.
"S-Shut...shut up..." And then he took it even further: mentioning Izuru. Or rather, "that boyfriend of his": mockingly stating how maybe one day, he'll have to arrest him for some kind of crime. How Shuichi will have 'no remorse' doing so. How his 'precious boyfriend' will see him for the kind of person he "truly is".
"Shut up, shut up, shut UP-" And it wasn't as if Shuichi could even get away from this guy, as he practically had the detective backed up against the wall, furiously gripping his collar. Not even the malice in that man's eyes, could compare to the sheer anger in Shuichi's. And before he can even dare to threaten him, Shuichi finally snaps, yanking that man's hand away and shoving him back.
"SHUT UP!!! Shut the fuck up! You don't... know SHIT about me, nor Izuru!! So don't you DARE speak ill of him!!"
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He couldn't remember the last time he's ever been this angry. But he couldn't stand it any more: having his skills as a detective mocked, these assumptions about his character, and worst of all: having his loved one talked about like this. But before he could be the one that grabs the guy's collar-
"?!" He finds himself tackled to the ground. "Ah?!" Finding his wrists pinned to the ground, his eyes were still clouded in anger while he squirmed around, until he finally realized: it was Izuru who tackled him to the ground, restraining him. "I...Izuru....!!!" His body was still shaking from fury, and panting heavily and shakily. But seeing that it was him, seeing his face: "........." Was a relieving presence, and was helping him calm down. Some of the anger in him dissipated, and he wasn't trying to squirm anymore. Oh how he wished he didn't have to see him like this... "Izu...ru..I-I....th-this isn't..." This isn't usually me, he wanted to say...
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hajiike-archive · 6 years
@izuru-ru from  🍑
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Her thumb pet his hand, the dark and rubbery one, and stared at the silhouette of his profile against the darkened backdrop of their room. “Izuru?” she whispered. “... what does it feel like? Y-your arm?” She knew the hole in his chest hurt, she couldn’t help but wonder the same of his arm.
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landofshame · 6 years
izuru-ru replied to your post: izuru-ru replied to your post: ...
I FEEL LIKE I know who you mean though it’s just been a thousand years since I took art history mdjdjsjdjs
She’s an art deco painter I’m sure of it, but same as you, the class i had on her was like five/six years ago lmao
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mediknight · 6 years
I, like my friend Salt, am choosing to remain Completely Anonymous while I tell you that your writing is splendid and nuanced. You inspire me to make our threads over on my Palm blog so deep and detailed. Your skill really shows, and you communicate a Feeling so easily I don’t even have to think twice about what the mood is supposed to be.
joking aside ghrthgrtwg you’re so.... kind and i’m a lil emotional. this is such high praise (esp from you) so i’m just... honored and touched and all kinds of happy. bless u, ur kindness, and ur writing
✶Anonymously critique my writing✶
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damsclsofdistrcss · 7 years
Bambi/Cang for the ship meme bdjskdbfjskskbd
send me a ship and I can only reply with || accepting
Liltotto: (◕︿◕)Mun: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
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invcrted · 7 years
@izuru-ru ,
( text. ✉ sent to izuru @ 12:40 AM )      forgot to tell u to pass on my thanks to rose for the record needle 
( text. ✉ sent to izuru @ 12:40 AM )      i would personally go and do it myself but i dont feel like it 
( text. ✉ sent to izuru @ 12:40 AM )     thx. u can come by and listen to jazz w/ me anytime u want btw 
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landofshame · 7 years
izuru-ru replied to your post “[[MOR] My therapist: Seeing we have to write a full report on your...”
while it's probably important to be honest when talking about your mental health, people can be real dicks when it comes to substance abuse. it's as if, if you have a history of it, you're on the shit list forever, even if you're clean. i don
yeah you’re exactly right.
my therapist and I agreed to just write down “will fall into self destructive behaviour”. And if they ask me to specify THEN I’ll mention it, but for now they don’t need to know all the details.
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