#izzyizumi tri taichi gifs
izzyizumi · 1 year
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE + 02 + tri. featuring CHARACTERs: + Adventure & tri. Chosen {+Taichi & Hikari Yagami} + FORESHADOWING + FRAMING + IMPORTANT QUOTES + SCENES + RESIDENCE {References}: Yagamis; Takenouchis; Kidos; Mimi’s + (DIRECT) TIMELINE REFERENCES
“I want to GO BACK to THAT TIME...” - Yamato; “Kokuhaku” “It WOULDN’T CHANGE.
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- GABUMON; TO YAMATO, DEFINITIVELY; the Tri quote above;
{immediately after Yagami Residence scene showing Taichi’s photo}:
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gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION} (Please ASK TO USE)
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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Digimon Adventure tri. {Ketsui} + Digimon Adventure: (2020) [Reboot/Spinoff Anime] {x T{e}xt P o s t(s) M e m e} ~ Koushiro x Taichi (Implied) + Queer!Koushiro (in general)
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{Cap’d by @izzyizumi}/Me} {Do Not R e-p o s t} {Do Not C o p y} (Please Ask to Use!) {DO NOT RE-P O S T TO Other Sites Without my Permission Under ANY Circumstances!!}
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure/02/tri. x P e n d i n g T r a i n (2 0 2 3) + P A R O D Y {Inspired} - Taichi as Y u u t o Shirahama {"S a v e as many L I V E S as you can... in my P L A C E!"} - Yamato as N a o y a Kayashima - Meiko {tri./Kizuna} as S a e Hatano - Sora as M a o Higuchi (Yuuto's 'R E A S O N to K E E P G o i n g') - Koushiro as D a i c h i Yonezawa {"I W A N T to be more U S E F U L!" - Yonezawa} - Mimi as R e n a Watabe - Jou as Shodai K a t o - Takeru as T a t s u y a Kayashima - Daisuke as K a z u m a Eguchi (Koharu's Partner) - Hikari as K o h a r u Sato (Kazuma's Partner) {"She saw right through me. It's reassuring."} - Miyako as Hiroko T a c h i b a n a {"You're A M A Z I N G, Tachibana-san!"} - Iori as M a s a r u Kajiwara {"A... k i d?"}
- Daigo {tri.} as Kota T a k a k u r a/Yuuto's Senpai {"Dream big!"} - Maki {tri.} as Kayoko T e r a s a k i; {"P l a n A will A L W A Y S F A I L."}
- Ken as K a t o's {T e a c h e r}
Cap'd by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not R e - p o s t} {Do Not Re-produce Without Permission} (Please A s k to U s e / S h a r e!)
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hikari-m · 5 months
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
{Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Works/Editing Under any Circumstances, including for A. I. Usage, without my Permission}
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digmon Adventure + 02 + tri. + Kizuna; + "Adventure:" 2020 reboot Spin-off Series vs Sonic Prime {Eps. 01~08} + (Two Personal) Favorite Characters featuring Characters: ~ KOUSHIRO[u] Izumi (+Taichi Yagami) {as Ship [by Kizuna or post-Kizuna]} vs. ~ (+Tails) "NINE" the Fox (+Sonic) {as Friendship} + (Common) Media Trope{s} / Storytelling Parallels -The Computer Genius; (+special "Interests") -The Once-Loner / (Initially) Intentionally Avoids People; (Koushiro specifically also pre-series & in Novels backstory); -(Eventual growing Interest or relevancy with) "Fashion"; -"Samefooding"; (with preferred Drinks) + on the Job (in Koushiro's case, it's the Oolong tea specifically) -Expert Hackers + (Genuinely Good/recognized) Skills; -Frustration when Inadequate (at said Interests); - Quipping back at Lead Protagonist or Team in Tense Moments {whether Sarcastically or J.P.N "Formally" Style (Koushiro)}; [and displaying 'sudden' bouts of "Forwardness" with Team] ...
-The (Canonically Appointed) Advisor-slash-Strategist (who often comes up with genuinely creative plans) {even IF they take time to Work} - (Being asked Directly) to Support the Protagonist/Friend + HESITATING due to own fear of Inadequacy (at Such) - Racing Against The Clocks / Countdowns; (after Agreeing to Help / On a personal Mission to Achieve) - "Big Damn Hero" Moments!! (+Saving the Hero{s}/Friends)
My Commentary:
"Tails" (Nine specifically also, here) is a character I've loved basically since I was old enough to pick up a Sega controller as a 3-year-old child; and Koushiro came slightly later on when I was still young but closer to / basically exactly Koushiro's J.P.N canon age as I watched.
I've always noted these similarities in their storylines & even, one could say, "personalities" ever since I kept up with Digimon Adventure's series specifically (and Koushiro's also kept evolving and growing in various ways across multiple medias, including a 2020 "reboot" spin-off series that nonetheless still uses the original "Koushiro Izumi" as a base); however, "Nine"'s story dropping today (it's 2k22?!) really feels like it's driving the point home for me when it comes to these storytelling parallels.
(Oh, and Koushiro is also canonically Adopted, yes?)
{This 'comparison's gif-set was made on a whim mainly for my Koushiro specific head-canons series; but I won't mind if cross-fan-base fans enjoy this too!} [There's a very specific "head"-canon I have in mind for both, too... you might be able to note them in the tags of this post!]
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{When EVEN "the rival" Canonically ACKNOWLEDGES your Computer / Hacking Skills & Abilities}
gifs by @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTER SUPPORT-FOCUSED. {(Koushiro Izumi); & (Nine) Specifically / Separately} please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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izzyizumi · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure tri. ~ Kokuhaku, Movie #3 (Japanese Version) Featuring Duo/Characters/Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami + {Personal} Favorite Moment{s} {+of Tri}/{As a Whole} of the Adventure-related franchise
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{Lightly extended version of [Koushiro's Slow Smile] Above}
(Unsaid) ["...to the Digital World!"}
(Because) {Not Everything Needs To Be Said 'Aloud' To Have Meaning.} (Or Be Picked Up On) Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
Happy March 6th~7th! {Original airdate of Adventure (1999) Series}
{This set was originally made for the 25th anniversary of the "Digimon" franchise!!}
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[Note: Respectful replies+Tags are OK!] PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure tri. Pt 3: Kokuhaku ["Confession"] featuring DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami x Koushiro Izumi (Taishiro/TaiKou/KouTai) ~ Important QUOTES ~ Foreshadowing ~ [Potential] PARALLELS (across other Medias) {with Novels}
"DON'T YOU {WANT} TO [SEE THEM?!??]" - Koushiro, with voice somewhat RAISED, almost INSISTENT,
"AGUMON AND the REST!" - Koushiro continuing, as Taichi flash-backs;
"IT MADE ME {GLAD} To hear {YOU} speak so casually {openly} to me,"
"I felt like you'd finally OPENED UP {REVEALED} {Your heart} to [ME]."
-Novels!Taichi; to Koushiro; during the (condensed) Mugendramon {Machinedramon} arc tie-in [from Novel written by Adventure-02 series Director + head scriptwriter Hiroyuki Kakudou & with contribution by screenplay writer Hiro Masaki, who contributed often to Koushiro's writing/episodes]
(Koushiro in the Japanese version is known for speaking using "Polite" speech forms, almost overly-so during the vast majority of the wider series canon) [Koushiro also always calls Taichi with the "-san" honorific] {this also continues with Tri!Koushiro's speech}
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] DUO/SHIP (KouTai/Taishiro). please remember + respect this when interacting} please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (+02, tri, 2020) (x GhostGame Cameo) ~ Edit Pre-view [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - “TOMODACHI” {“Friends”} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
“That’s WHY I HAVE TO DO IT!!”
“…YOU and {Hiro}/[Koushiro] are F R I E N D S!!!” - Gammamon to {Espimon}; [GhostGame 54]
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - {Espimon} (voice line provided via GhostGame Ep54 by 2020!Koushiro’s V.A.; Yumiko Kobayashi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My Commentary:
Some DigiAdvs Fan @ Me: “EXPLAIN Canon!Koushiro Izumi (from any of) {Adventure} / {02} / {tri.} / {Kizuna} / {Adventure:} (2020 reboot) to me!!!”
M E: “OK” *drops vid edits using a significant audio clip from GhostGame Ep 54 because Koushiros various Seiyuu Are Wonderful*
(GhostGame inclusion can be A.U. spin-offs or even canon-compliant A.U. spin-offs, you decide!)
* Currently un-sub’d, I’ll see what I can do in the future to add them in!! (For now, please refer to the link + text & etc. here!)
There are small but significant Koushiro-spoilers from: DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 (Taichi & Koushiro moments; & Ep 43 (2020!Koushiro & Mimi moment) + (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship) Tri: Kokuhaku (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship; +1 Kou+Mi moment) Bokura no Mirai (Koushiro & Tentomon relevancy; Agumon is briefly seen along with Chosen too, it’s a kind of significant moment if context-free.)
(Along with some moments from Adventure + 02!)
BONUS gif’s with context (+some Spoilers for Tri; Kizuna; 2020) under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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0 notes
izzyizumi · 4 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure/02/tri./Kizuna/Adventure: {2020} ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi + Dynamics + Koushiro & Chosen {+02 Chosen} (Mutual S u p p o r t) + Koushiro & Taichi (F r i e n d s h i p)/(can be viewed) {Ship} + Koushiro & Izumis (P l a t o n i c L o v e) + Koushiro & Tentomon (F r i e n d s h i p) + A D U L T!Koushiro {Kizuna C r e d i t s}
"F r i e n d s h i p and l o v e is not asked for
but O F F E R E D, LIKE tea."
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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[Please interact on this set Respectfully. The overall intention is platonic dynamics, for essentially everyone else featured though this set can also be viewed particularly as: Koushiro{u} x Taichi (KouTai)/Taishiro{u}.]
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spin-off] ~ Episode 02 (Japanese version) + D I G I T A L {P r o j e c t i o n}!Taichi's {A d v i s o r}!Koushiro + Yamato & Koushiro Interaction{s} {YamaKou} + (Bonus) Taichi & Koushiro {KouTai} / {TaiKou} / {Taishiro[u]}
"THAT's why Koushiro's {sugei}/{sugoi}!" - T A I C H I
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote ship-warring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT M E R C Y {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My head-canons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly [Adventure+02 Chosen / various Advs charas]; I headcanon most as/on the M-spec/Multi gender attracted {spectrum}*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
(Note: Tagging/commenting/discussing Positively/respectfully is OK!!)
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure+02 (Series) ~ {A D O P T E E}!Koushiro{u} & I Z U M I s + I Z U M Is {R I N G S} (If you look closely at the above, Masami has a ring/band on hand Masami puts around Koushiro; Mrs Izumi wears it on hand held in front.) {Originally Made for Aug. 1st, 2024!}
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{From before some of their last seen 02 appearances, BOTH, Together, with Koushiro, Koushiro following Taichi's lead, also {g u i d i n g} the Izumi's. The Izumi's watching the Chosen leave is after this moment.} Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi / hikari-m {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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-they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} -they must NOT be used to promote ship-warring within the fandom -they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My head-canons for the characters of this series VARY} {for Main human characters in this set particularly [Adventure+02 Chosen / various Advs charas]; I headcanon most as/on the M-spec/Multi gender attracted {spectrum}*} (This particular set is meant as Familial/Platonic.) {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
(Note: Tagging/commenting/discussing Positively/respectfully is OK!!)
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izzyizumi · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna ~ ~ Meiko Mochizuki’s (Canon) Appearance (as Younger Meiko, same design used in Tri) + Meiko & Meicoomon
“Mochizuki...” - Yamato Ishida (Taichi also watching), Voice wavering, in growing shock
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{Young Meiko, in Tottori} {Kyousei; Film #5 Flashback} (wearing the exact same outfit) {With the same Japanese-style home} Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure x Digimon Adventure tri. ~ Japanese Version + tri. Parts #2 [“Ketsui”] x #5 [“Kyousei”] + Adventure Ep. 25 + during Vamdemon Arc Featuring Characters/Duo/{Rare?}/Side-ship: Jou Kido [Jou (“Joe”) Kido in US] x Taichi Yagami [Taichi (“Tai”) Kamiya in US] ~ Character Development{s} ~ {+Important} Dialogues ~ {+Framing}/{Animation}/{Storyline} Parallels + Supporting each other
“Taichi,...” “What?” “I’ll let you handle this.” “W-What’s this all of a sudden?...”
“I’m not saying I don’t want the responsibility {of being the ‘Leader’}, ... ... it’s because I believe in you.”
“You sound like the old Jou-san now.” - Takeru “I believe I grew up somewhat.” (cue Taichi grinning, then gentle teasing with the rest) + a clearly fond look on face (after Jou supported Taichi in earlier scenes)
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS PLATONIC/Friendship with side shipping implied, [as in, ‘I can ship it’] but can also be read as canon compliant analysis. However please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please DO NOT treat this edit as only purely platonic, or as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+02; tri.; Kizuna; {+side Adv 2020}) (2020 can be read as spin-off A.U. potentials or as canon parallels) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Version #1}: - The Only Exception (sung / (C) by: Par@more) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi) – (KouxMimi appears briefly in the 2nd verse + Other charas by end, However, the focus is KouTai / specifically Koushiro and Taichi.) {KouxMimi can be read in as basically anything; canon compliant side-ship, A.U.s; side KouTaiMi or poly-ships in general; former KouxMimi mutual crushes ended on good terms?, etc.}
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My commentary:
I’m aware there’s quite a few ongoing and recent fan events right now that might have had Taichi or Koushiro involvement, but I was tied up with offline things; Thus, this time is an A.M.V. that is mainly Koushiro-centric, but TAICHI does get some quite good focus too, and, specifically, also their (Very Good) relationship! There is also some vid-style analysis on the dynamics of Izumi Family, as well as the Yagami Family. It’s also yet another "analysis” of Koushiro & Taichi in general, too. (Basically any of my other ships can also be read in, in varying combos.)
Tip: Click on the gear button on player to choose to view in slight better quality + 1080p!!
This is the preliminary 1st version of this A.M.V. Hopefully you find some enjoyment as it is now though! The 1st part had taken about 45~ min already. The 2nd verse + chorus took about another 35~ min. This 3rd section took about 30 min at start, another 1 hr to wrap up scenes through the interlude, and already had a total of 1 crashing of my editor. The last segment took about 45 min total; Thus, total time spent on this? 3 hours and 35~ min or so. These may not be final scenes as I make future adjustments. (However, it came together well despite the crash!)
There is a tiny bit of scenery shots from beginning of Kizuna, then, by the interlude, some more notable Kizuna spoilers involving Taichi & Koushiro mainly, but you will see a scene involving Chosen. Tri spoilers, mainly Taichi & Koushiro supporting each other moments, are also added in the interlude and the ending; there are small moments from Saikai, Kokuhaku & Kyousei, mainly. The ends of Kokuhaku, Kyousei & Bokura no Mirai / Our Future are not spoiled, but there is lead-up. Kokuhaku middle-end spoiler occurs in the final chorus; a scene namely showing Taichi and Koushiro supporting each other (I’ve used it often in past A.M.V.s). A tiny Bokura no Mirai moment of just Koushiro is also included.
DigiAdv 2020 (for A.U. spinoff{s}) becomes included by the interlude (it’s mainly Koushiro moments from beginning + middle of Ep 36) However, it can also be seen as inclusive of wider Adventure{s} “canon”; and basically paralleling many of the following canon moments.
{Lyrics Preview}:
Well {darling},
(Taichi’s voice calling): “Koushiro!!! Come out and LOOK at this!!”
YOU are the only ‘exception’---
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And I’ve ALWAYS lived LIKE THIS, Keeping a comfortable… “Distance”
…Because NONE OF IT was ever {worth} THE RISK,
But YOU, ---
“I’ve got a ‘TIGHT’ Grip on REALITY BUT I CAN’T LET GO of “WHAT’S” {in FRONT of ME} HERE—”
{Taichi, voice shaking: “K-Koushiro!!...”}
“LEAVE ME WITH some KIND of Proof it’s NOT-A-Dream…”
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“...YOU Are the ONLY EXCEPTION...”
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- Mr. Susumu Yagami (on Taichi Yagami & Adventure+Tri Chosen)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: Our War Game x tri. ~ J.P.N Version + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro Izumi {KouTai}/[Taishiro(u)] ~ Koushiro[u] Izumi & Tentomon
“Aren’t you drinking {TOO MUCH} of it?” - OWG!Taichi, genuinely bemused, if in a humor moment to Koushiro
“I understand how much you love this.”
- Mochimon [“Motimon” in U.S. dub], (validating) Koushiro
“Koushiro-han, if you continue talking...”
+ Taichi GRINNING in background as Koushiro Keeps Talking
+ Bokura no Mirai / Our Future; Tentomon willingly bringing the bag of Oolong Tea to Koushiro, who is working late into the evening during a crisis to attempt to solve the mystery
+ Koushiro & “INFO-DUMPING”
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{DigiAdvs tri.} ~ Saikai + TAICHI (Post-C r e d i t s Scene)
"Now I see more and understand less."
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