#j. holmstrom
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cummunication · 5 years
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is a serious problem impacting millions of people every year. Sexual violence is defined as any sexual attempt to obtain a sexual act through violence or coercion. Sexual violence may be physical, verbal, visual, or anything that forces an individual to engage in unwanted sexual contact. Every 92 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. About 3% of American men, or 1 in 33, have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (Dutton, C. E., 2013).
Badour and Feldner (2016) discuss the evidence that has emerged concerning the common reaction to sexual victimization, linking it to Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Evidence suggests that disgust is more common than fear in the face of repeated exposure to sexual assault. This specific study filled the gap that exists between the disgust associated with distress and the anxiety that comes with repeated exposure (McPhail, 2016). These views on sexual violence are linked to the feminist and mainstream opinions on the issue of sexual violence, hence influencing the research that Badour and Feldner (2016) conducted.
Power Theory
Created by D. Keltner and colleagues, approach or inhibition theory assumes that having power and using power alters psychological states of individuals. The theory is based on the idea that most creatures react to environmental events in two habitual ways (Matthews, K.C., 2017). According to Foucault's comprehension of power, power is based on wisdom and makes use of knowledge; on the other hand, power multiplys intelligence by shaping it in accordance with its anonymous purpose. Power reproduces its own fields of exercise through understanding. (Hearn, J., 2009). Susan Brown Miller (1975) has been credited with the current view of rape as a power issue (Bevacqua, 2000). (Miller,1975) gave a comprehensive history on the aspect of rape not being about sex but men trying to dominate over and degrade women. The analysis resulted in a radical feminist consciousness among previous and future victims of rape, as females became more open and honest about their sexually-violent experiences. The connection between sexual aggression and male domination promoted a new-found openness among victims. Therefore, the feminist connection between power and sex came to influence the everyday language and view of sexual violence and the framing of the issue as per the law.
The first feminist act of breaking the silence was the replacement of the term rape with sexual assault. Feminists emphasized sexualized violence as a way of expanding the scope of the female experiences regarding sexual violence (McPhail, 2016). The research also explores a study by Amy Chasteen’s (2001) on the daily understandings of sexual assault and demonstrates their relevance to the growing feminist movement in the process. Furthermore, the law expanded the definition of sexual violence to cover the non-sexualized physical assaults, linking sexual violence to all other types of violence that are perpetrated against women. Regardless of the popularity of the power-not-sex theory by Miller (1975) and the way it influenced the feminist movement, it remained to be contentious among other feminists. There were tensions over the causes of sexual violence and the relationship to heterosexuality, which resulted in the “feminist sex war” (Bracewell, 2016). Other feminists such as Catherine McKinnon (1989) and Andrea Dworkin (1974) have suggested that rape and heterosexual sex cannot be separated, as sexual violence is embedded in the normative nature of heterosexuality. Contemporary feminists have also raised the issue on the difference between sex and violence (Gavey, 1999). Most authors have also noted that society has theorized the normalcy of male perpetration of sexual acts of violence that the regular male sexual behavior should also be recognized as sexual violence. McPhail (2016) further argues that a singular theory, the use of violence as the sole explanatory framework, may not account for the different ways that sexual violence occurs, and it cannot address the intersectionality of the oppression. However, regardless of the attitude on sexual violence, many feminists agree that it is a form of oppression that perpetuates the efforts of men to rally against women. Lastly, the article notes the prevalence of sexual assault, the regularity, and the ways in which it manifests.
Authors Irina Anderson and Kathy Doherty, sought to establish the association between sexual assault and trauma. These two aspects have been credited to the rising state of feminism among women, especially victims of sexual assault. This effort is aimed at challenging the notion that sexual violence is a rare phenomenon despite its prevalence even in schools and colleges. Feminists and other researchers have been in continuous efforts to dispute the assumption of the insignificance of sexual violence and how it affects women (Anderson & Doherty, 2008). Twentieth century feminists, Ann Burgess and Lynda Holmstrom, were vocal against the trivialization of sexual violence by showing the negative ways that rape impacted the females who were affected, naming it the “rape trauma syndrome”. Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is the term given to the response most victims develop because of rape. It is vital to mention RTS is the natural response of a psychologically healthy person to rape trauma so symptoms do not constitute mental illness.
Drawing on the analysis of the article, Decou, Kaplan, Spencer and Lynch, (2018) used 164 female undergraduates who had been exposed to any form of sexual assault. Burgess and Holmstrom compared victims of rape to those of combat veterans and discovered that the kind of trauma that the victims of rape experienced was similar to that of veterans who went to war. As a result, sexual violence has been added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM5) as a factor of stress in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
The creation of a relationship between sexual violence and trauma has allowed for the growth of feminism among women, especially the victims, as there is a new realization that effects of sexual assault can be severe. The new-found realization of the impact of sexual violence diminishes the previous beliefs that it is ‘no big deal’ (Gavey & Schmidt, 2011; Tseris, 2013). Nevertheless, the relationship between sexual assault and trauma and its identity as a disorder has resulted in sexual violence being taken up individually and medically.
Many studies have correlated poor mental health outcomes and external heterosexism and PTSD (Symanski and Moffitt, 2012). Earlier, Russel and Richards (2003) found that LGBT persons were prone to assault and discrimination and internalized heterosexism in response to legal proposals by the state aimed at limiting the rights of this demographic. People from the LGBT community who were committed to relationships internalized heterosexism than same-sex couples with legal protection (Riggle, Rostosky, and Horne, 2010). Szymanski and Mikorski (2016) concluded that internalized heterosexism resulted from internalized minority stressors that manifested in internalized heterosexism, emotional reticence, stigma consciousness, and sexual orientation concealment.
    Pansexual women are more likely to experience adverse mental health problems such as PTSD than straight women (Straub et al., 2018; Brown and Pantalone, 2011). Similarly, heterosexual individuals report less mental problems than LGBT individuals do (Marshal et al., 2019). Meyer, Scwartz and Frost (2008) posited that lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) and transgender women (LGBT) were traumatized and victimized often on a national, community, and individual level. Brown and Pantalone (2011) found this demographic to be experiencing macro-aggression from people and institutions from early in life but heightened during adolescence. Robinson and Espelage (2013) found adolescent LGBT women to be at higher risk than heterosexual women of experiencing physical violence and bullying thus contributing to trauma.
    Living in a discriminatory environment can have its toll on people particularly heterosexuals. Women in this demographic were found to internalize the messages about their sexual identity thus developing minority stress (Meyer, 2003; Gerrity and Peterson, 2006). Peterson (2006) found the internalized homophobia and the minority stress to be highly correlated with low self-esteem as the heterosexual individuals took on negative views expressed about their sexuality. Although experiencing trauma does not necessarily result in the development of PTSD (Nievergelt et al., 2018), sexual assault and discrimination result in higher rates of PTSD relative to other traumatic experiences (Gold et al., 2009). Furthermore, women develop higher levels of PTSD compared to men after exposure to traumatic events (Simmons and Granvold, 2005; Kubiak, 2004; Snipes et al., 2017). Further research is crucial given the high rate of sexual attacks on LGBT women, the pathogenic influence of the assault, and the vulnerability to developing PTSD. It is essential to research issues that influence LGBT women to recover from sexual assault and consequently reduce or prevent the development of PTSD.
Moral Concerns
    Domestic violence and violence between couples cause traumatic experiences on those involved and other dependents (Merssermith et al., 2017). Despite the growing awareness of the vice, the practice continues to increase. Reasons for the growth of this practice results from the difficulty in treating the perpetrators (Christensen, 2018). The authors posit that the devastating effects of violence against one’s partner on children and the society coupled with the limited success in treating abusers develop the need to identify effective means of treatment.
    Violence against one’s partner can be described using the attachment theory, also known as the psychodynamic theory (Keiski, et al., 2018). Psychosocial theory, frustrations theory, and interpersonal theory further explain the violence (Bowman et al., (2015); Lindgren, (2017); Bryan e al., (2017). However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2009), domestic violence results from cultural and social norms or expectations of behavior within a specific social or cultural setting. Often unspoken, these norms offer unique standards, acceptable or inappropriate, that coordinate our intersections with others (Durlauf and Blume, 2008). The preference to conform to others expectations thus gives rise to the cultural and social norms (Lewis, 2002). While social and cultural norms do not necessarily correspond with an individual’s attitude or beliefs, they bring about the debate over feminism and the trauma the violence causes.
    The treatment of domestic violence currently is by group format, and then followed by couple therapy (Tseris, 2013). However, while treatment works, Lindstrom and Eriksson (2011) recommend that besides medicine and psychology, medical professionals should also devise ways of prevention. Prevention is indeed key in physical health, but on emotional health, medical experts tend to relegate or postpone thus allowing for the development of PTSD (Tseris, 2013). In conventional treatment, the length of treatment varies from one week to one year and has no clearly established a correlation between time and treatment (Gondolf, 2002). With that, women were found to be helpless before, during the violence and treatment. Based on the social cycle theory, Walker (1999) developed a hypothesis that abusive relationships once established are repetitive. The author posited that helplessness, trauma and possible development of PTSD was dependent on how long the individual stayed in the abusive relationship and how “helpless” they were. The cycle also known as Battered Women Syndrome, consists of recurrent violence, avoidance of people, activities, and emotions, and hyper-arousal or hyper-vigilance as well as disrupted interpersonal relationships (Rakovec, 2014).
    During treatment, group treatment, though ineffective, was found to be better than no treatment (Gondolf, 1997). However, men that completed the treatment phase were likely never to repeat compared to men who never attended counseling (Rosenfeld, 1992). Nonetheless, women are the most vulnerable due to the development of PTSD. However, not all women exposed to domestic violence develop PTSD. Coker et al., 2002; Thompson et al., (2000), found some women to be resilient to developing trauma. For those with PTSD, Bisson, and Andrew (2007) suggests that they should undergo psychotherapy treatment and receive empirical support. Also, a new treatment that includes exposure-based intervention has proven effective against PTSD (Resick et al., 2002; Resick and Schnicke, 1992). This treatment was developed specifically for victims of rape and sexual assaults but is being used to treat people with trauma.
Shame and Disgust
    According to Campbell, Dworkin, and Cabral (2009), sexual assault increases the risk of developing PTSD. La Bash and Papa (2014) found the same to result to shame, while Ullman and Peter-Hagene (2014) correlated sexual assault to adverse social reaction. Øktedalen et al. (2014) defined trauma-related shame as negative evaluation of the self in the context of trauma. (Following, DeCou et al. (2017) linked trauma-related shame among victims of sexual assault to PTSD. However, Rogers et al. (2017) provided evidence to prove the association between general shame, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicide risk. Although the study was conducted among veterans, the author concluded that shame was indirectly related to suicide via thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness. However, there was a relationship between trauma-related shame and sexual assault. Badour and Feldner (2016) describe disgust as a rejection or revulsion response aimed at distancing an individual. Disgust follows from a traumatic event especially those involving sexual assault (Badour et al., 2013). Resick et al., (2008) posited that disgust offered insight into understanding PTSD for its unique cognitive, behavioral, psychological, and neurobiological activities. These attributes distinguish it from other emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger (Izard, 2007).
    Following a traumatic event, victims are exposed to vomit, blood, and other bodily fluids that elicit disgust (Aunger & Rabie, 2004). They may also face death, violations, disease, or betrayal which can also cause disgust (Simpson et al., 2006). Within this context, disgust transfers to trauma. This type of conditioning further facilitates the unique qualities that distinguish disgust from other emotions (Olatunji et al., 2007). However, few studies link disgust to PTSD although scholars suggest that disgust based reactions following a traumatic event may result in cognitive-behavioral interventions (Jung and Steil, Jung, and Stangier, 2011; Badour and Feldner, 2018).
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mitchbeck · 3 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The Hartford Wolf Pack scored two goals in the third period, then held off a late rally by the Sound Tigers to win their home finale in this shortened season 4-3 Tuesday afternoon. The win sets up a winner take all meeting for the Atlantic Division title with Providence Thursday in Marlborough, MA, in the regular season finale against Providence. A regulation win will give the Wolf Pack the division title outright. While three points currently separate, the two teams of those three points were against the Utica Comets- the only non-conference game the Bruins played all season. “We’ve gone 9-2, and I think since we had our big meeting in March, guys committed to learning our systems. We slowed things down a bit, and the biggest change was the growth of our younger players, and it's nice to see the guys on the bench so pumped, and it's gonna be play one more big game on Thursday,” remarked head coach Kris Knoblauch. The Wolf Pack ended their brief home schedule fans with a home mark at .500 of 6-6-0-0 sans fans, and their overall record is 14-8-1-0 for 29 points heading into their season finale in Marlborough, MA on Thursday. Bridgeport concludes their season in third place in the Atlantic Division 7-14-2-0 for 16 points. What turned out to be the game-winning goal came from a simple pass play, and Tim Gettinger did the rest. Jonny Brodzinski, just inside the Wolf Pack blue line, sent a short pass to Gettinger, who saw he had daylight to go past Sound Tigers defenseman Carter Hutton and Mitch Vande Sompel. He sped by Hutton like a locomotive and flipped a dandy backhander over Ken Appleby for what seemed to be a safe two-goal cushion. “We had talked between the first and second period about using our speed, challenge their D, and going wide. When we utilize our speed, we're most effective. He has been one of our most reliable top three or four forwards on a nightly basis. Whether it’s five-on-five, powerplay or shorthanded,” said Knoblauch. Gettinger was all smiles after the game. “Jonny made a great play to me. I looked up and saw I had some space; I used my speed was able to get across and score.” Were you thinking backhander the whole time? “I had the angle and saw I could cut across the net on the D and the goalie and was able to go backhand.” The Wolf Pack had gained the lead first at 3-2 because of some simple but effective forechecking first; Ty Ronning on the right-wing boards lost the puck to the Sound Tigers. Parker Wotherspoon was forced back by Austin Rueschoff. Then behind the net, the Sound Tigers Carter Hutton thought he had an out up the right-wing, but Patrick Khordorenko was there to block that escape hatch, and Rueschhoff was bearing down on him from behind. Hutton lost control of the puck, and it went off the side of the net, skittered in front, and veteran Paul Thompson right there had an easy tap in and jammed home his fifth goal to make it 3-2 at 4:52 for the AHL’s most lethal powerplay scored with three seconds left in the advantage. It wasn’t a highlight tally, but very effective. “Everybody loves to see goals scored, and sometimes it's baffling players see their teammates scoring around the net and sometimes there reluctant around the net. Unless you have a shot like Ovechkin (not many do), you're not going to score many goals from the perimeter! Paul knows that, and you look at his stats. That’s where his goals have been,” remarked Knoblauch. The Sound Tigers didn’t roll over, pulling their goalie with over three minutes to play, scoring for the second time on the afternoon with two minutes left in the period. Once again, Bode Wild’s left point blast was stopped by Adam Huska despite a Tanner Fritz screen, but the loose puck was in front as Arnaud Durandeau pounced on it and ripped his fourth goal over the fallen Huska and Sound Tigers inched closer to the Wolf Pack, but that would be as far as they could get at 4-3. The best Wolf Pack chance of the second period came with just three seconds to go as after Huska made a glove save on a Mitch Vande Sompel shot. Huska dropped the puck to Vincent LoVerde and pointed to center ice. Coming out of the penalty box was defenseman Patrick Sieloff was at the Sound Tigers blue line. LoVerde caught him perfectly in the direction by Huska, but Sieloff’s backhand shot on a clean breakaway was stopped by the Sound Tigers Ken Appleby’s glove hand. The second period was a perfect road game for the Sound Tigers; combined with a myriad of whistles, offsides, and a lot of board play, there were few clear chances for the Wolf Pack. In the first period, the AHL’s best powerplay help the Wolf Pack take the first lead of the game. Anthony Greco, one hand swipe, kept the puck in the zone to Zach Giuttari, and then he passed it to Jonny Brodzinski, who got his shot on net and was stopped and then a tight in front a bang-bang play Sound Tigers goalie Ken Appleby stoned Patrick Newell on the doorstep. The rebound came back into the high slot Brodzinski corralled the puck and then went onto the left-wing circle dished it back to Greco (team-high six shots), who launched a hard wrister 30 feet out that beat Ken Appleby high stick side at 3:46 for just his third goal of the season. The Sound Tigers were able to get some puck luck as the left point shot by Samuel Bolduc missed the net short side but caromed right off the backboards to Simon Holmstrom, who put in his fifth of the season at 7:38 on the backhand. The Wolf Pack regained the lead as a strong forechecking sequence led to their second goal. Michael O’Leary physical play forced a turnover by Erik Brown, and Austin Rueschhoff, who powered through a hit by Mitch Vande Sompel on his right-wing entry, snagged the loose biscuit. He then circled behind the net and sent a pass back to Mason Geersten, who split the D in two and jammed home his third of the year right at the goalmouth at 14:38. Geersten now has a two-game goal-scoring streak. The pesky Sound Tigers tied the game at two on a powerplay of their own. Cole Coskey deep right got the puck back to Otto Koivula at the right point, and he sent a pass off to Bode Wilf on his offside. The shot from 50 feet out had a perfect screen by Erik Brown in front eluded Adam Huska. It was the second of the season for Wild at 18:00 and knotted the game at two. LINES: Richards-Gettinger-Ronning Newell-Brodzinski-Greco Thompson-Khordorenko-Cullye Rueschhoff-O’ Leary-Geersten Raddysh-Taylor LoVerde-Skinner Giutarri-Sieloff Huska Wall THREE STARS: - Jonny Brodzinski Hartford - Austin Ruesschoff Hartford - Mason Geersten Hartford HONORABLE MENTIONS: - Tim Gettinger Hartford - Adam Huska Hartford - Bode Wild Bridgeport SCRATCHES: -Alex Whalen, James Sanchez, Ryan Dmowski, and Francois Brassard. Gabriel Fontaine (upper-body injury done for the season). -Defenseman Zach Berzolla Colorado College (NCHC) was released from his PTO contract without playing a game for the Wolf Pack. -Bridgeport scratched its team, Seth Helgeson, with six other players. -The Wolf Pack regular season record against Bridgeport finishes up at 8-3-1. Hartford is on a three-game winning streak and are 9-2-0 over their last 11 games. Our mythical seven playoff series using these last seven games as our guide, the Wolf Pack won the series four games to two. -The only other AHL game Tuesday, Laval lost 4-3 in overtime to Toronto at the Bell Centre, and the Marlies goalie Joseph Woll put on a goalie clinic with 57 saves on 60 shots. -A tentative opening date for the 2021-22 AHL season is October 15th. -The AHL will have a Zoom league BOG meeting on Thursday to formally approve the most open secret in hockey the relocation of Vancouver’s AHL team to Abbotsford, BC, who were in the league from 2009-2014 and play at the Abbotsford Civic Centre. We had learned the building had installed NHL style boards and plexiglass ostensibly to host an NHL exhibition game this fall, making the building AHL compliant per non-COVID safety protocols. The other issue is New Jersey’s expected relocation of their Binghamton franchise to Utica and sees the revival of the Utica Devils name for the franchise. -Goalie Trevin Kozlowski, who played at Gunnery Prep (Washington, CT), finishes with Army (AHA) and signs with Iowa (AHL). That makes 68 Division I collegians to sign with a North American with pro teams and 73 total signees. Stanislav Demin became the 55th school transfer from the University of Denver (NCHC) to defending national champion UMASS Minutemen (HE). There have been 44 college grad transfers. -Rangers draft pick (3rd round 92nd overall in October) Oliver Tarnstrom, son of ex-Sound Tiger Dick Tarnstrom, has signed a deal with Rogle BK (Sweden-SHL) for next season and is WJC eligible. This season he played AIK J-20 (Sweden) before the league was shut down because of COVID, skated a few games with AIK (Sweden-Allsvenskan), and has been on loan to Tyresö/Hanviken  (Sweden HockeyEttan Division-1). He is also eligible to skate for the AIK J-20 team next season. -Rogle BK is playing the Vaxjo Lakers for the LeMat Swedish Hockey League championship. Vaxjo is up to two games to none. Jack Drury, son of ex-Whaler Ted Drury and nephew of Hartford GM Chris, plays on the first line. In Game 1, he had a goal and assist and won 80% of his faceoffs. In Game 2, he had the primary assist on the game’s first goal. Among his teammate is ex-CT Whale and Ranger rearguard Tim Erixon. -Ex-Pack and Sound Tiger Chris Bourque is supposed to negotiating with ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL) for next season. -Justin Danforth (Sacred Heart University/Sound Tigers) is coming off a third straight solid season in Europe. He finished sixth in overall KHL, scoring with Vityaz Podolsk with 22 goals and 57 points. He spent his first two years in Finland with Lukko Rauma. He signed a one-year one-way deal at $750K deal with Columbus for 2021-22. -Former Quinnipiac University goalie Michael Garteig has left ERC Ingolstadt to play in Finland next year. Goalie Nick Malik, son of former Whalers, Rangers, and Beast of New Haven defenseman Marek Malik, leaves HC Frydek-Mistek (Czech Republic Division-2), where his father is the assistant coach and has signed with KooKoo (Finland-FEL). -Ex-Pack and Ranger, Jan Hlavac 44, will be playing yet another year going from BK Nova Paka to HC Letnany (Czech Republic Division-3). -Fabian-Dahlstrom Zuccarello (CT Oilers-EHL), the younger brother of former CT Whale and Rangers, Mats Zuccarello, now with Minnesota, is going down several levels from Lorenskog (Norway-NEL) to Hasle/Loren (Norway Division-2). HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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indiecomicsofnj · 7 years
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Here are the exhibitors at the 2017 East Coast Comicon sorted by Table Number:
102___Kevin Nash 104___The Amazing Kreskin 106___Shelter Love Events 106___Chase Masterson 108___Daniel Logan 114___Brick Swap USA 116___Smashley Miller Creations 118___Custom Fangs NYC 120___Wizeguyscollectibles 126___CuddleswithCats 132___Al's Gaming Emporium 134___Micro Publishing Media 136___Alexandra's SteamPunk Emporium 202___Collectors Toy Den 202___José Luis García-López 203___Joe Simko 204___Tim Bradstreet 205___Mark Pingatore 206___Ken Lashley 207___Jeff Zapata 208___Yanick Paquette 209___Tom Bunk 210___Geof Darrow 211___James Warhola 213___Kyle Baker 215___Bill Wray 217___Kevin Altieri 218___National Cartoonist Society of America 219___Shannon Wheeler 220___Arthur Adams CANCELED 221___John Holmstrom 223___Craig Yoe 228___Larry Lieber 229___Gerhard 231___Joe Giella 232___DEWY NEO 233___Hero Initiative 234___Mark Mariano 235___Denny O'Neil 236___Jamar Nicholas 236___Michael Grassia 237___Bill Mumy 238___Emilio Velez Jr. 239___Angela Cartwright 241___Marta Kristen 242___Scott Alboum 243___Mark Goddard 244___Joe Endres 245___Dawn Wells 247___Tony Todd 301___Golden Memories 303___Eclipse 304___Bags Unlimited 311___451 Media 314___Kat's Adorkable Details 319___The Crimson Throne 321___Toytastik 325___@weirdkidatskool 326___Double A Toys & Models 327___Brown-Brewster Group 328___Envoy Comic Distributors 329___MiloToys & Collectables 330___Watchtower Comics, Toys & Apparel 331___Wade Wiles 333___In Your Dreams Collectibles 334___Kay Victoria 335___Chris Mariano 336___Sofia Sivan 337___Noel MacNeal 338___501st Legion 339___Tim Fielder 341___Alex Simmons 343___Ray Felix 345___Mike Lopez & Gary Eckerson 404___Guildworks Publications 404___John Ramirez Comics 404___Swank Egg Rolls 405___Grey Matter Art LLC 406___NJ Toys and Collectibles 411___Howard Tauber 419___JaCo Tartaruga 420___Nicoline Evans 426___Uncharted Territories 427___Lift evil 429___TimeLost Comics 431___Heroes & Damsels 432___Spitfire Labs 435___Lua Suicide 437___Mandalorian Mercs 440___fernando's Engravings 442___Capture Me In 3D 507___Figure FETTish and Magitarius 509___AllAboutRecords 510___Killer Kollectibles 511___Rock N Horror Apparel 514___Bumblebee Studios  521___Dylan Universe Comics 524___Rosendale Retro 526___The Record Breakers 527___Ranelynn Graphics LLC 529___3D Printing by MuckyChris 530___Brandon Montclare 531___Robert Stevenson 532___Ann Nocenti 533___Hot Flips Supplies 534___Adam McGovern 536___Jim Salicrup 538___Rudy Nebres 540___Franco 542___Mark Morales 543___NYComics 544___Z2 546___Nancy Silberkleit 602___Quest Complete Jewelry 602___Sam Costello 603___L. I. E. Gifts 604___Tom Velez 606___Retroactive Toys 608___Eric Wilkerson Illustration 610___Bruno Illustration 610___Comicfolds 611___lost4toys 612___4 the love of nerds 614___Zombie Gentleman 615___Peter Hatjygeorge 616___Team Manticore 618___Big Purple Glasses 620___Lorekings 622___Soldiers of Fortune Comics 624___KendraJK 626___Cats Can't Draw 628___HellBitches 630___Forward Comix 631___Dave Ryan 632___Chris Campana 633___Joe Martino 634___Scifies 635___John Higgins 636___Wayward Raven Media   @waywardravenmedia 637___Erick Freitas 637___Ulises Farinas 638___CDFiction Publishing 639___Derrick McKinley 641___Locust Moon   @locustmooncomics 643___Tom Mandrake 645___Danny Fingeroth 645___Jan Duursema 652___Michel Feiffe 654___Charles Forsman   @charlesforsman 656___Eric Grissom   @grissom 658___Diana Leto   @dianaletodesigns-blog 660___Mike Manley 662___Bob McLeod 700___SQP, Inc. 701___Luckydog Essentia and Curios 702___Cloud City Comics and Toys 703___Burrito Princess 704___George Vega Art 705___Let Me Be Frank 706___Alicia Alvarez 708___Forever Mist Productions 709___Ben Harvey 710___TOGI ART STUDIO 711___Cool Monkey Press 711___Immagina Press 712___John Broglia 713___David Blumenthal 714___Matthew Flick 715___TTRX Crew 717___Epic Team Productions 718___Slight Studios 719___Greg Needham 720___Jagged Comic 722___Volatile Studio 723___Erik Klaus 724___After Webcomic   @after-bry​ 725___Rubbers 727___DPM Publishing 728___CreeesArt 729___Scott Ambruson 731___Mythographer's Workshop, LLC 733___Clifford Evan Enterprises LLC 735___Travis Gibbs 737___Rick Parker 738___James O'Barr 739___Don McGregor 740___Renee Witterstaetter 741___Atlas Unleashed 743___Acid I Comics 746___Spencer Beck 748___The Artist's Choice 750___Keith Giffen 752___Kevin Maguire 754___JM DeMatteis 756___Bob Budiansky 758___John Beatty 760___Simon Bisley 212, 313___J&J Collectibles 224, 226___Mike Grell 225, 227___Marv Wolfman 228, 230___Desert Wind Enterprises 233B___Fabrice Sapolsky 233B___Will Torres 249, 251___Danny Trejo 300, 401___Stormwatch Comics 302, 304___Larry's Comics 303, 202___EC DUZIT Comics and Collectibles 305,307, 309___Collector Cave 306 308 310___Harrison Comics 312, 413___Welcome Back Comics 316, 318___Horror Show Jack Productions, LLC 320, 421___Chris Comics 324, 425___Gadgets and Collectibles 332, 433___CBCS 402, 503, 505, 507___Alex Needleman 407, 409___Kung-Fu Grip Toys 408, 410___Heros and Villains United 412, 513___Super Gifts, Intl 414, 515___Zapp Comics 415, 417___Rock n' Reel 416, 418___Bulletproof Comics 424, 525___East Side Mags  @eastsidemags 428, 430___Walker Bait Collectibles LLC 434, 436___Whole Cloth Photo 444, 446___Wild Bill's Soda 502, 603___MJJ Comics 504, 506, 508___Jack Cohen Closeouts 512, 613___Jon Aramis Comics 516, 518___Dewey's Comic City 517, 519___Conquest 520, 621___Blick Art Materials 522, 623___JC Comics 528, 629___Super Nyce Comics 535, 537___Zenescope Entertainment 539, 541___Dimension X Comics 605, 607, 609___TV Treasure Chest 617, 619___Undiscovered Realm 625, 627___Excalibur Comics 631, 633___Red Anvil 640, 642___Evolution Comics INC 644, 646___George Pérez 716 x___Infornuity Publishing LLC 730, 732___Mike Zeck 734, 736___Michael Golden 742, 744___Fabian Nicieza 749, 751___Ken Bald 753, 755___Allen Bellman 757, 759___Billy Tucci 761, 763___Joe Jusko
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lipwak · 6 years
VHS #362
Richard Pryor: I Ain't Dead Yet, #*%$#@!!, Reggae: The Story of Jamaican Music, Shelby Lynne – Identity Crisis live & Liz Phair self-titled lp live, free on DirecTV, NY Voices – Big Town Groove (NY music), Night of Long Shadows: Mari Boine, Susheela Raman – Maya!, Oliver Mtukudzi - Ndakuvara *** Richard Pryor: I Ain't Dead Yet, #*%$#@!!1hr, w/ commercialssome video noise Killing the car, censorship on NBC, the race card, Stir Crazy, Which Way Is Up?, sum him up in one word, The n word, vagina dialogues, takin’ the rap, where there’s smoke there’s Pryor - freebasing, Mudbone, heart attack. *** Reggae: The Story of Jamaican Music 2hrs, s, w/ commercials(everybody in Jamaican music including Mutabaruka)(rec 2/5, 10pm, DirecTV) Pt 1 https://youtu.be/wv1Iy26qlLkPt 2 https://youtu.be/ZWZY_d8UMTc Jimmy Cliff, indepence, ska, Edward Seaga, sound systems, Rude To Your Parents rum, made records for their own sound systems, NO music - Fats Domino, Prof Longhair, Ernest Ranglin, Jimmy Cliff 1964 song, Studio One, Toots and the Maytals, Marcia Griffiths, Rita Marley, Alpha Boys School with Sister Ignatius, Skatalites, Skatalites- Guns of Navarone, Georgie Fame, Prince Buster, Chris Blackwell, My Boy Lollipop, Millie Small, rock steady, Judy Mowatt, Alton Ellis, reggae, UB40, Liquidator! - Harry J Allstars (https://youtu.be/OTn01jjEFfY), Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Israelites! (https://youtu.be/G_rTHtb4fO4), Bob Marley -couldn’t afford to buy records so listened to the radio, version (instrumental track) on B sides, talkover, U-Roy, Shinehead, drum and bass, dub, Lee “Scratch” Perry, Max Romeo, Bunny Wailer, Mutabaruka, Rastafarianism, Michael Manley, The Harder They Come, Many Rivers To Cross, Sitting Here in Limbo, Stir It Up 1973 Old Grey Whistle Test, white liberal kids in America, hippies loved us - Bunny, Eric Clapton - I Shot The Sheriff, Burning Spear, The Mighty Diamonds, Paul Simenon (The Clash), Marley shot, leaves Jamaica for London, The Clash, The Police, Johnny Rotten to find some acts, Peter Tosh, Dennis Brown, shake hands on stage, Bob Marley dies, Stevie Wonder, Black Uhuru, Byron Lee, Don’t Look Back, Eek A Mouse, DJs, dancehall, Yellowman, cocaine, Grandmaster Flash, NY dancehall scene, Shaggy, Shabba Ranks, Maxi Priest, R&B and reggae, toasting, Elephant Man, homophobia, Buju Banton, Capleton. *** Shelby Lynne – Identity Crisis live & Liz Phair self-titled lp live, free on DirecTV/Music Choice1&1/2hrs, s 2003(rec 2/7, 2 am) I’m Alive (https://youtu.be/er3n-18Wpoc) This clip.Baby (https://youtu.be/AyFLzQ5Tlgc) Not this clip.Telephone (https://youtu.be/XDBlpVO3-9o) Not this clip.If I Were Smart (https://youtu.be/3vV1bkt2j40) Not this clip.10 Rocks (https://youtu.be/yYOEmB3t6WY) Not this clip.Lonesome (https://youtu.be/1zhaKqyPbl8) Not this clip.Evil Man (https://youtu.be/Sump0xNukjk) Not this clip.encore: Gotta Be Better (https://youtu.be/mSEy4gQ-yow) Not this clip.One With The Sun (https://youtu.be/DvxlV9MSagY) Not this clip. Liz Phair (some video noise)Polyester Bride (https://youtu.be/BammeZEKMxM) Not this clip.Rock Me (https://youtu.be/g8AetElDIYk) Not this clip.Divorce Song (https://youtu.be/DF9qGjyAh4w) This clip.Help Me Mary (https://youtu.be/iLOf1f_Qz6Y) Not this clip.Billy Corgan interviews her.Perfect World (https://youtu.be/FFZ1fSddRQQ) Not this clip. Why Can’t I? (https://youtu.be/WxYT0HjV1Tk) Not this clip.Extraordinary (https://youtu.be/oF5GbdfYYL0) Not this clip.Supernova (https://youtu.be/UTv_zkPVcEM) Not this clip.Billy Corgan interviews her.Never Said (https://youtu.be/jPxxIZwBesg) Not this clip.Johnny Feelgood (https://youtu.be/EoqQrwu5j0s) Not this clip.Glory (https://youtu.be/MPNv0KNGGk4) Not this clip. *** NY Voices – Big Town Groove (NY music) 1 hr (missed beginning), sCh 132004 https://www.thirteen.org/nyvoices/features/bigtowngroove.html Anthony DeCurtis, Suzanne Vega talking about Lou Reed, My Name is Luka, Velvet Underground, Punk: Billy Name, Lee Renaldo, The Factory, John Holmstrom, CBGB, Jim Farber, Bob Gruen, Tommy Ramone, Hilly Kristal, Arturo Vega, Lenny Kaye, Jim Jarmusch, Hip Hop: Grandmaster Caz, DJ Kool Herc, The Message, Moby, KRS-ONE, David Hinckley, NY Songs: NY, NY - Sinatra, Back In The NY Groove - Ace Frehley, Wynton Marsalis, The Boxer, Up On The Roof, Nora Guthrie - My Name Is NY, Dylan - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, Bobby Short - I’ll Take Manhattan. *** Night of Long Shadows: Mari Boine1:00, s Link TV2001 Sami music, yoik, Buffy Sainte Marie at UN for indigenous people event, Mari at Hamburg Jazz Fest '95, reindeer herding and racing, Vuolgge mu mielde Bassivárrái (Come With Me To The Sacred Mountain) (https://youtu.be/umNEnyxxFxE) this clip, Hamburg Jazz Fest ’95, church influence, Blondy Thiam, in Africa (Gambia?), dancing, Roger Ludvigsen, indigenous music festival, Angelique Kidjo, with Mari onstage, in Gambia with "Chuck Berry” Camera, *** LinkTV music videos Susheela Raman – Maya! (https://youtu.be/A7L9ME7s0IU) Not this clip. Oliver Mtukudzi - Ndakuvara (missed beginning, lovely) (https://youtu.be/0XMWmgzOi0Y) This clip.
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parsippanyfocus · 6 years
PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Hills High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 273 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Michael F. DiSanto. The diploma’s were presented to the Board of Education.
196 students, or 72% will be attending four year College or University, 50 students or 18% will be attending two year colleges, 3 students or 1.5% will be attending career education, 7 students or 2% will be continuing education, 8 students for 2.5% will be employed, 5 students or 2% will be taking a gap year and 4 students, or 1.5% will be joining the military.
The Class of 2018 Officers were Jacqueline Pascale, President; Maya Patel, Vice President; Yuti Shah, Secretary and Krunali Shah, Treasurer.
Mayor Micheal Soriano walking in with members of the Board of Education
PHHS Teachers marching in graduation
PHHS Graduates marching in graduation
PHHS Graduates marching in
PHHS Graduates marching in
PHHS Graduates marching in
The message is very clear where this student will be attending in the fall
The message is very clear where this student will be attending in the fall
PHHS Graduation
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
PHHS Graduates receiving their diploma
Proud PHHS Graduates
Tara Antonucci with Bonnie Sturm
Board Member Frank Neglia and 2018 Graduate Nicholas Verducci
Judy Hernandez with her husband, Paul F Giovanelli, at the PHHS Graduation
Mrs. Brosnan with
Retiring Educator Carol Ordway with a teacher
Dr. Ahmed Kandil and Mamdouh Hassan
Graduate Adam Giovanelli and Dr. Ahmed Kandil
Sanjay Kao, Priya Shah, Victoria Mathew, Megha Mansuria, Maheem Hasan and Avani Goswami
Joshua Esperanza, Mr. Andy Nicholes and Nicolas Conti
Ellen Chen and Jenelle Ponnor
Rakshay Kanthadai and Matthew Kwan
Mr. Andy Nicholes and Stephanie Pascale
The Verducci Family
Janna Kathleen Belfiore, Nicolas Verducci and Nicolette Rose Kelly
Flanigan Family
Jared Stock, Mr. Andy Nicholes and Daniel Gardner
The 2018 Graduating Class
Kaitlin Abad Mazen Salah Abdulla Mikayla Marie Acree Alexander Kyle Adams Brian Nicholas Agostinho Colin Georges Aguesseau Edwin Aguirre-Rosas Dua Ahmad Ramzan C. Ahmad Zyad F. Ali Estephani Alvarado Liam Seamus Andersen Tara Rita Antonacci Julio Cesar Arenas-Toro Camilo Andres Arias John Asian Ryan Charles Astor* Alexander C. Azzizzo Emily Y. Baldarrago Lance G. Bancairen Francesca Marie Bard* Gabrielle M. Barrese Juan J. Bedoya Padrick Aengns Beggs Janna Kathleen Belfiore Taylor Alexa Bellardino* Donald John Bendzak Vinesh Bhalara Raj M. Bhatt Yash K. Bhawsar Vincent R. Bianchi Matthew A. Borecki Alyssa Catherine Borino* Nicholas Caccavale Hayden James Callan Julia M. Campbell Juliet Nicole Campbell Justin Lee Carpentieri Erika Castillo Luis Emilio Castillo* Miggy Yrell Celestino Matthew Chan Eric Johnson Chang Karan Pratap Singh Chauhan* Amayrani G. Chavelas Ellen Binhong Chen Karen Chen* Yonghao Chen Tia Rita Cherbaka Tanvi Chopra lshani Chowatia * Michelle Gloria Ciccarelli Stephania Clavijo * Nicholas Robert Conti Alyssa D. Courtney Nicole K. Courtney Gavyn William Crellin Brianna Lynn Crowley * Stephanie M. Cuervo Brittney Diana D’Mello Tyler V. Da Silva Bria S. Davis Corinne Renee Davis Juhi R. Desai Kavan S. Desai Rudra Devang Desai Eunice Dogbe Wilson D. Done Dylan Richard Dunn Joshua Evans Esperanza Steven Feng Kelly Grace Flanagan Jenna Nicole Gabriele Abigal Anna Garcia Benjamin Ryan Garcia Daniel Peter Garcia Daniel James Gardner Michael D. Gaudio Adam Paul Giovanelli* Avani Goswami* Shrusti Goswami* Katherine J. Grant* Victoria Marie Guarino* Kristine Guevara Justin Gurth* Ahmed Ebrahim Habib Maheem Hasan * Mamdouh Aly Hassan Samantha Hayek Kimberly Aveana Henriquez Aidan Elise Higginbotham Alexis Liana Higginbotham Erik Franklin Holmstrom Raynard Alain Horvath Yi-Hsuan Hsu Alphonse Lawrence Huss Amanda Stephanie lancu Kaitlyn Ann Jackson Vrinda Jain * Jena G. Jan Justin Anthony Jasiecki Katherine S. Jovel Enrique ltzam Juarez Duran Tara Krishnadas Kakkaramadam* Rakshay S. Kanthadai* Sanjay J. Kao* Hemil H. Kapadia Balkiran Kaur* Alison Rose Keane Nicolette Rose Kelly Koria Marie King* Matthew Kwan* Gabrielle Antonio La Rosa Richard Kevin Laforteza* Shauna Marie Lally Toan Le Amber Louise Lee Matthew Alexander Leggett Taylor Brianni Leonard Ching Laam Lin Thomas Mack Mark Frederick Maddox Kyla Isabel Magparangalan Adrian Majcher Brandon Malnarick Heather Mann Megha Mansuria* Vishal Mansuria Angelo Charles Martin Gaven Martung Joseph Louis Mastalia Victoria Elizabeth Mathew Suraj A. Maurya Lauren Rose McLaughlin* Alicia Ann Messina Nirmohi H. Mistry Alicia Marie Mitchell* Peter S. Mitrakos Ananta Moharana Mireilly Fajardo Montoya Brandon Moy Aleese Mukhamedjanova Aytana Muschajew Arjun Michael Nagendran* Sharen Nair Elizabeth Naumov Saketh V. Nibhanupudi Sebastian P. Nichols Shane P. O’Connor Danica Shane Alvarez Olaes Sherilyn Nicole Ostlin Gaetano Pace Ashley Nicole Page Jenna M. Palatini Swaraj Pandya Ravi Parekh* Sweta S. Parekh Andrew Park Jamaal Tyreece Parker Lydia Rose Parker Harsha! Parmar Andrew Pascale Jacqueline Marie Pascale* Sarah Pascale Stephanie Pamela Pascale Jeffrey Philip Paszko Akshay T. Patel Anjali Patel Deep S. Patel Krutarth J. Patel Kush B. Patel Mahik Patel Maya Kamal Patel* Mohit D. Patel Parth D. Patel Preya A. Patel* Rushil Nirav Patel Shashvat Patel Shivani T. Patel* Siddhanth Y. Patel Vritti Bhavesh Patel Zeal Patel Rucha Santosh Patil* Dabasha Paul Kevin R. Perez June Eileen Martin Perigo Jack Daniel Picado* Arijit M. Pingle Cindy Nicole Piza Janelle Ponnor* Jason W. Poon Gianni Posas Krishna J. Prajapati* Christina Proietto Emily Grace Ptashinski Steven Edward Puchalski Geet Bhavik Purohit Oscar Andres Ramirez­-Loaiza Zaina Rathore Mairead Patricia Reo Nora M. Rigolosi Nicolas Rios Jeric Michael Robleza Joshua Matthew Robleza Andrea Kayla Rodriguez Paloma Rodriguez Ruby D. Rodriguez Jillian Mary Rogers* Randall Rosado Amanda R. Rovner Salvatore Zeppi Rubinetti Meliton Rulloda Isabel Sanchez Michael J. Sanford Nicholas Allen Sanford Olivia A. Santore Joshua Santos Zoe Saric Krunali Sundee Shah* Priya Saurabh Shah* Saloni Dipak Shah Sneh Shah* Yuti M. Shah* Jeremy K. Silber Jacob B. Simmons Jordan Kennedy Simpson Gagandeep Singh Prerana Singh Jarred P. Smith Jason Smith Sarika S. Soni Kaitlyn Mary Stearns* Emma Esther Steere Jared Raymond Stock Colleen Marie Sturges David Samuel Sudit Alexis J. Sundquist Brandon Sung* Kyle Sung* Hsin Tai Tammy Tang* Kirsten Rene Taylor Vincent Michael Thiessen Jeremy G. Thomas* Nyah A. Thornton Megan Ryan Tolosi Alan Tomy Crystal Van Tran* Lawrence S. Ullman, Jr.* Juliana T. Urbis* Diana Elizabeth Vargas Brittani E. Vecchia* Ashil Vekaria* Maulik Vekaria Keerthana Venkatesh Nicholas Patrick Verducci* Hannah Ververs* Nikole Abigail Viegas Benjamin Gannon Walek William Harrison Waller Justin C. Wan Albert Wang Adam D. Warner Harrison Tyler Weaver Timothy C. Weinacker Charlene M. White Victoria Witerska Karoline Xiong Yash Yadav Rishi Yagappan Samuel Shi Yu Yang* William Yang* Yuanting Yang Ian Liu Yeh Sarah Zigman Alexa Jean Ziler Eleni Zeis
Note: * denotes students are members of the National Honor Society Chapter.
273 students graduate from Parsippany Hills High School PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Hills High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 273 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Michael F.
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newstinxahoi · 7 years
Vì sao người Mỹ thống trị Nobel kinh tế?
Nobel cho lĩnh vực kinh tế không thuộc cơ cấu giải thưởng ban đầu trong di chúc của nhà khoa học Thụy Điển - Alfred Nobel. Giải này được bổ sung từ năm 1968, nhân kỷ niệm 300 năm thành lập Ngân hàng Trung ương Thụy Điển - Sveriges Riksbank, cũng là đơn vị đóng góp quỹ cho giải thưởng này. Người được xướng tên năm nay là nhà khoa học người Mỹ Richard H.Thaler.
Mỹ hiện cũng là quốc gia thống trị giải thưởng này. Xu hướng này được dự báo sẽ còn tiếp tục trong thời gian khá dài nữa.
Kể từ lần trao giải đầu tiên năm 1969, chỉ 12 năm là không có sự xuất hiện của người Mỹ. Sự thống trị này những năm gần đây ngày càng rõ rệt. Nhiều người giành giải không sinh ra và lớn lên ở Mỹ, nhưng học tập, làm việc và có quốc tịch Mỹ. Thậm chí, các ứng cử viên được dự báo giành giải hằng năm cũng đều có liên quan đến các trường Đại học Mỹ.
Richard H.Thaler nhận giải Nobel Kinh tế năm nay. Ảnh: Chicago Booth Magazine
Năm ngoái, hai nhà khoa học giành giải Nobel Kinh tế là Oliver Hart và Bengt Holmström. Oliver Hart sinh ra tại London (Anh), nhưng học tập, làm việc và hiện là công dân Mỹ. Ông là giáo sư kinh tế của Đại học Harvard. Trong khi đó, Bengt Holmstrom là công dân Phần Lan, nhưng cũng cư trú lâu dài (permanent resident) tại Mỹ. Ông đang giảng dạy tại Học viện Công nghệ Massachusetts.
Một bài phân tích trên Christian Science Monitor từ năm 1995 chỉ ra rằng hiện tượng trên phản ánh sức mạnh khoa học của nền kinh tế số một thế giới. Chính phủ Mỹ dành rất nhiều tiền cho các hoạt động nghiên cứu cơ bản. Các phương tiện truyền thông phát triển, như Internet, cũng giúp việc hợp tác dễ dàng hơn, đặc biệt với các nhà nghiên cứu tại các nước đang phát triển.
“Hệ thống nghiên cứu của Mỹ vẫn đang bỏ rất xa các nước khác”, Philip Schewe - chủ biên tạp chí chuyên ngành Physical Review Letters thời đó nhận xét.
Một số nhà phân tích thì cho rằng Mỹ còn hưởng lợi lớn từ sự xuất hiện của chủ nghĩa Phát xít và bài Do Thái ở châu Âu cách đây vài thập kỷ. Việc này đã khiến nhiều nhà khoa học hàng đầu châu Âu, như Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr hay Enrico Fermi phải di cư sang Mỹ.
Sau Đại chiến Thế giới II, Washington bắt đầu gây dựng chiến dịch hỗ trợ tài chính lớn chưa từng có cho nghiên cứu khoa học. Trong khi đó, châu Âu, Nhật Bản và Liên Xô thời đó vẫn còn chật vật tái thiết nền kinh tế hậu chiến. “Chúng tôi đã thành công trong việc tạo ra một nền khoa học và công nghệ được cấp vốn đầy đủ. Việc đó đã giúp người Mỹ giành giải”, Stephen Brush - nhà sử học tại Đại học Maryland cho biết trên CSM.
Tính đến năm 1995, nửa số người Mỹ được giải Nobel đang làm việc cùng, hoặc dưới quyền những người từng nhận giải này. Harriet Zuckerman - tác giả một nghiên cứu về các nhà khoa học từng giành Nobel giải thích: “Đây là một phát hiện rất quan trọng. Theo lẽ tự nhiên, người giỏi thì luôn bị thu hút bởi người giỏi thôi”.
Forbes cũng đồng tình với quan điểm của CSM. Tạp chí này nhận định Mỹ thống trị giải Nobel nhờ dẫn đầu về nghiên cứu khoa học, thông qua các khoản hỗ trợ hào phóng của Chính phủ, các biện pháp khuyến khích giáo dục bậc cao, sự cởi mở trong chính sách thu hút nhân tài khắp thế giới và các trường đại học cũng như các quỹ giàu có sẵn sàng chi tiền cho nghiên cứu trong dài hạn.
Không chỉ kinh tế, người Mỹ còn giành nhiều giải Nobel hơn các nước khác trong cả lĩnh vực Vật lý, Hóa học và Y tế, kể từ sau Thế chiến II. Giai đoạn 1935 - 2014, năm nào cũng có ít nhất một người Mỹ giành Nobel. Trong khi đó, trong 6 năm đầu trao giải, người Mỹ hoàn toàn vắng bóng.
Danh sách những người đoạt giải Nobel Kinh tế các năm 2000 - 2016:
Người đạt giải
Công trình
Quốc gia
Oliver Hart và Bengt Holmström
Lý thuyết hợp đồng
Mỹ và Phần Lan
Angus Deaton
Nghiên cứu về mối quan hệ giữa tiêu dùng, nghèo đói và phúc lợi.
Jean Tirole
Cách thức quản lý các tập đoàn, công ty lớn trên thị trường.
Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, Robert J. Shiller
Phân tích giá tài sản
Alvivin E.Roth và Lloyd S.Shapley
Lý thuyết phân phối ổn định và thực tiễn về tạo lập thị trường
Thomas J. Sargent và Christopher A. Sims
Mối quan hệ giữa chính sách kinh tế vĩ mô và tác động của chúng lên nền kinh tế
Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen và Christopher A. Pissarides
Công thức mới cho sự tương tác trên thị trường, giữa bên có hàng hóa, dịch vụ, việc làm... với bên đi tìm kiếm.
Anh và Mỹ
Elinor Ostrom và Oliver E. Williamson
Phương thức điều hành nền kinh tế
Paul Krugman
Tác động của lợi thế quy mô tới các mô hình thương mại và địa điểm diễn ra các hoạt động kinh tế
Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin và Roger B. Myerson
Học thuyết phác thảo cơ chế
Edmund S. Phelps
Mối quan hệ giữa lạm phát và thất nghiệp
Robert J. Aumann và Thomas C. Schelling
Xung đột và hợp tác thông qua phân tích "Lý thuyết trò chơi"
Finn E. Kydland và Edward C. Prescott
Sự thống nhất về thời gian của chính sách kinh tế và lực đẩy phía sau chu kỳ kinh doanh
Na-uy và Mỹ
Robert F. Engle III và Clive W.J. Granger
Phân tích số liệu kinh tế theo chuỗi thời gian ARCH và đồng hợp nhất
Anh và Mỹ
Daniel Kahneman và Vernon L. Smith
Ứng dụng tâm lý học vào kinh tế và Phân tích kinh tế thực nghiệm
George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence và Joseph E. Stiglitz
Phân tích thị trường với thông tin phi đối xứng
James J. Heckman và Daniel L. McFadden
Lý thuyết và phương pháp phân tích lựa chọn rời rạc
Hà Thu (tổng hợp)
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dawnajaynes32 · 7 years
HOW + Print Designer Radio Hour: Music for Creatives
How often do you listen to music while you’re working? Most of the creatives we know (myself included) are fueled by music and caffeine. So we’re trying something a little new to us: introducing the HOW + Print Designer Radio Hour. Every few weeks, the editors of HOW and Print magazines will share some of their favorite songs to listen to while getting work done. Hopefully you’ll find some new music, maybe a little bit of inspiration and joy from this. After all, who doesn’t love music?
This week’s HOW + Print Designer Radio Hour includes artists like the Jamaican Queens, Angel Olsen and the Ramones.
  Designer Radio Hour Tracklist: Episode 1
Water by Jamaican Queens from Wormfood, album cover by Abby Fiscus
23 by Blonde Redhead from 23, album cover by Alex Gross
Outside by Tender from Outside
Digging Holes by Icarus Himself from Mexico
Shut Up Kiss Me by Angel Olsen from MY WOMAN, album cover by Amanda Marsalis
Fat Lady by Sure Sure from Fat Lady
Queen by Perfume Genius from Too Bright, album cover by Alison Fielding
Ruin Your Night by Sorcha Richardson from Ruin Your Night, album design by Sorcha Richardson
Avant Gardener by Courtney Barnett from The Double Ep: A Sea of Split Peas, album cover by Courtney Barnett
San Francisco by Foxygen from We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic, album cover by Luke Suzumoto
Can’t Get Enough Of Myself by Santigold featuring B.C. from 99 Cents, album cover by Haruhiko Kawaguchi
Van Helsing Boombox by Man Man from Six Demon Bag
Strange Girl by The Zolas from Ancient Mars, album cover by Zachary Gray
Rockaway Beach by Ramones from Rocket to Russia, album cover by John Gillespie, John Holmstrom and Johnny Ramone
The post HOW + Print Designer Radio Hour: Music for Creatives appeared first on HOW Design.
HOW + Print Designer Radio Hour: Music for Creatives syndicated post
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paperwadperfect · 7 years
1979 Sire Records
1979 Sire Records by Leopardtronics Via Flickr: Soundtrack R'n'R Highschool Artwork by J. Holmstrom
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mitchbeck · 6 years
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BY: Bob Crawford, Hartford Wolf Pack Hartford, CT, September 29, 2018 – Shawn St. Amant scored both Hartford Wolf Pack goals in a 2-1 victory over the Bridgeport Sound Tigers Saturday afternoon at Trinity College’s Koeppel Community Sports Center, in AHL preseason action. Brandon Halverson stopped 21 of 22 Bridgeport shots to the get the win in the Wolf Pack net.  Yannick Rathgeb scored the only Sound Tiger goal. “I really liked our compete to loose pucks,” Wolf Pack head coach Keith McCambridge said.  “We did a good job using our speed in the offensive zone to generate second and third opportunities.” The only scoring of the first period was a shorthanded tally by St. Amant at 12:33. With Sean Day off for tripping, St. Amant rushed down the right side in the Bridgeport zone and beat Sound Tiger starting goaltender Christopher Gibson (29 saves) with a snapshot to the glove side. Bridgeport equalized at 5:04 of the second period, with Josh Ho-Sang feeding a cross-slot pass to Rathgeb in the right circle, and Rathgeb’s slap shot squeezing through Halverson. The winning goal came 4:18 into the third period, and again it was St. Amant with the finish.  He tapped in a Steven Fogarty pass from the right side of the goalmouth, victimizing Jeremy Smith (12 saves), who replaced Gibson in the Sound Tiger net at the start of the third. The Wolf Pack kick off their 2018-19 regular season this Friday, October 5, with their home-ice opener vs. the Providence Bruins.  Faceoff is 7:15 PM, and tickets for that game, and all 2018-19 Wolf Pack home games are on sale now at the Agera Energy Ticket Office at the XL Center, online at hartfordwolfpack.com and by phone at (877) 522-8499.  Tickets purchased in advance for kids 12 or younger start at just $13 each, and all tickets will have a $3 day-of-game increase. Season ticket information for the Wolf Pack’s 2018-19 AHL season can be found online at hartfordwolfpack.com.  To speak with a representative about all of the Wolf Pack’s many attractive ticketing options, call (855) 762-6451, or click here to request more info. Bridgeport Sound Tigers 1 at Hartford Wolf Pack 2 Saturday, September 29, 2018 - Koeppel Community Sports Center Bridgeport 0 1 0 - 1 Hartford 1 0 1 - 2 1st Period-1, Hartford, Ouellette-St. Amant 1   12:33 (SH). Penalties-J. Holmstrom Bri (tripping), 2:35; Meskanen Hfd (double minor - high-sticking), 2:35; Day Hfd (tripping), 11:09; Dal Colle Bri (tripping), 17:07. 2nd Period-2, Bridgeport, Rathgeb 1 (Ho-Sang, Dal Colle), 5:04. Penalties-Bellows Bri (roughing), 8:04; Melanson Hfd (roughing), 8:04; Bourbonnais Hfd (tripping), 9:10. 3rd Period-3, Hartford, Ouellette-St. Amant 2 (Fogarty, Leedahl), 4:18. Penalties-Hudson Bri (fighting), 8:21; Lindgren Hfd (fighting), 8:21; Eansor Bri (tripping), 16:50. Shots on Goal-Bridgeport 5-9-8-22. Hartford 15-15-13-43. Power Play Opportunities-Bridgeport 0 / 3; Hartford 0 / 2. Goalies-Bridgeport, Gibson 0-0-0 (30 shots-29 saves); Smith 0-1-0 (13 shots-12 saves). Hartford, Halverson 1-0-0 (22 shots-21 saves). A- Referees-Guillaume Labonte (35), Michael Sheehan (74). Linesmen-Brent Colby (7), Luke Galvin (2). Read the full article
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comicscans · 9 years
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parsippanyfocus · 6 years
PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School held their annual Senior Awards Ceremony on Monday, June 4.
The evening began with the Parsippany Hills High School Jazz Band performing while guests were entering the auditorium. The flag salute was conducted by Preya Patel, President, National Honor Society and the National Anthem was performed by the 2018  Chamber Choir. Mr. Michael DiSanto, Principal welcomed the audience and Dr. Barbara Sargent, Superintendent of Schools started with opening remarks, followed by Mr. Carl Ordway, School Counselor and Scholarship Coordinator.
Below you will find the name of the winner of each scholarship that was presented.
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED TO Aaron Lief/American Legion Post #249 Scholarship Steere, Emma Abe Wolkofsky Memorial Scholarship Ponnor, Janelle African American Cultural Club Service Award Leonard, Taylor Andrew J, Quinn Memorial Scholarship Warner, Adam Anthony Sun Memorial Scholarship Abad, Kaitlin Anthony Sun Memorial Scholarship Kao, Sanjay Asian American Club Tai, Hsin (Cindy) Asian American Club Yang, Samuel Band Service Awards Astor, Ryan Band Service Awards Desai, Kavan Band Service Awards Gaudio, Michael Band Service Awards Gurth, Justin Band Service Awards Juarez-Duran, Enrique Band Service Awards Kanthadai, Rakshay Band Service Awards Mansuria, Vishal Band Service Awards Prajapati, Krishna Band Service Awards Yagappan, Rishi Band Service Awards Yang, Samuel Bernard Packin Family Memorial Scholarship Grant, Katherine Bernard Packin Valedictorian Scholarship Xiong, Karoline Brian E. Mitchell Memorial Music Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline Carl L. Ordway Memorial Scholarship Ostlin, Sherlyn Cedar Grove Elks Lodge #2237 Scholarship Tolosi, Megan Coaches’ Award for Cheerleading Ostlin, Sherlyn Coaches’ Award for Football Verducci, Nicholas Coaches’ Award for Marching Band Yang, Samuel Coccia Foundation Scholarship Chowatia, Ishani Coccia Foundation Scholarship Desai, Kavan David J. Moore Memorial Scholarship Weaver, Harrision Dora B. Stolfi Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline Dorothy Davies Memorial Scholarhip Pascale, Jacqueline Dr. Frank Calabria Memorial Scholarship McLaughlin, Lauren Emil Johnson Vocational Award Mistry, Nirmohi Excellence in French Chauhan, Karan Faculty and Staff Awards Astor, Ryan Faculty and Staff Awards McLaughlin, Lauren Faculty and Staff Awards Sung, Kyle Female Athlete Award Xiong, Karoline Fine Arts Scholarship Lin, Ching Laam (Jaye) Fine Arts Scholarship Mann, Heather French Club Leadership Feng, Steven French Club Leadership Bard, Francesca Greg Puzio Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack Hills of Troy Neighborhood Association Scholarship – HOTNA Sanford, Michael Indian Cultural Club Service Award Patel, Parth Indian Cultural Club Service Award Patel, Vritti Indian Cultural Club Service Award Shah, Yuti Intervale Leadership for the Future Scholarship Guevara, Kristine Jack Dolan Memorial Scholarship Tran, Crystal Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship daSilva, Tyler Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Mitchell, Alicia Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Ververs, Hannah Joe Windish Parsippany Education Foundation Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi John Phillip Sousa Award Park, Andrew Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Patel, Siddhanth Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Ponnor, Janelle Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Yang, William Kate Russell Memorial Scholarship Mitchell, Alicia Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Scholarship Mansuria, Vishal Lake Parsippany School PTS Scholarship Grant, Katherine Lew Ludwig Memorial Scholarship Shah, Saloni Little Viking Football Award Verducci, Nicholas Littleton School Alumni Scholarship Kwan, Matthew Littleton School Alumni Scholarship Stearns, Kaitlyn Love Like Ashley Memoial Scholarship Acree, Mikayla Maria T. Santillan (’92) Memorial Scholarhip Ullman, Lawrence Montville UNICO Italian Studies Grant Vecchia, Brittani Morris County Administrators of Special Education Pascale, Sarah Morris County College Fair Scholarship 2 year Cuervo, Stephanie Morris County College Fair Scholarship 4 year Baldarrago, Emily Morris County Professional Counselor Association  4 year Ververs, Hannah Morristown Alumnae Chapter – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship King, Korla Mount Tabor PTA Scholarship Ullman, Lawrence Mt. Tabor Music Camp Outstanding Musician Award Gurth, Justin National Merit – Commended Wang, Albert National Merit – Commended Chen, Ellen National Merit – Commended Kakkaramadam, Tara National Merit – Commended Kao, Sanjay National Merit – Commended Mukhamedjanova, Aleese National Merit – Commended Nagendran, Arjun National Merit – Commended Nibhanupudi, Saketh National Merit – Commended Patel, Siddhanth National Merit – Commended Ponnor, Janelle National Merit – Commended Prajapati, Krishna National Merit – Commended Shah, Priya National Merit – Commended Sudit, David National Merit – Commended Sung, Brandon National Merit – Commended Sung, Kyle National Merit – Commended Xiong, Karoline National Merit – Commended Yadav, Yash National Merit – Commended Yang, William National Merit – Finalist Chauhan, Karan National Merit – Finalist Kanthadai, Rakshay National Merit – James E. Casey Scholarship Astor, Ryan NJAC Outstanding Schoar Athletes McLaughlin, Lauren NJAC Outstanding Schoar Athletes Picado, Jack Northern NJ Chinese Association Scholarship Yang, William Outstanding Senior in French Mukhamedjanova, Aleese Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Davis, Corinne Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Taylor, Kristen Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Ververs, Hannah Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Agostinho, Brian Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Holmstrom, Erik Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Picado, Jack Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Giovanelli, Adam Parsippany Police Benevolent Association #131 Scholarship Patel, Preya Parsippany Republican Club Scholarhsip Chopra, Tanvi Parsippany Rotary Club Scholarship Bellardino, Taylor Parsippany Soccer Club Scholarship Maurya, Suraj Parsippany-Troy Hills Senior Citzen Scholarhsip Castillo, Erika Patents’ of the Gifted and Talented Scholarship Sudit, David Paul Piccoli Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack Paul Piccoli Memorial Scholarship Rodriguez, Andrea Pearls of Wisdom Scholarship Leonard, Taylor PHHS Boys’ Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Nagendran, Arjun PHHS Boys’ Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Parker, Jamaal PHHS Cheerleading Parents Association Scholarship Guevara, Kristine PHHS Cheerleading Parents Association Scholarship Ostlin, Sherlyn PHHS Choir Scholarships Campbell, Julia PHHS Choir Scholarships Kelly, Nicolette PHHS Choir Scholarships Acree, Mikayla PHHS Choir Scholarships Borino, Alyssa PHHS Choir Scholarships Gardner, Daniel PHHS Choir Scholarships Lally, Shauna PHHS Choir Scholarships Pascale, Jacqueline PHHS Choir Scholarships Zigman, Sarah PHHS Football Parents’ Association Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Kao, Sanjay PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship King, Korla PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Rogers, Jillian PHHS Girls Lacrosse Crease Club Scholarship Award Stearns, Kaitlyn PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Maddox, Mark PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Caccavale, Nick PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Ciccarelli, Michelle PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Gaudio, Michael PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Giovanelli, Adam PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Kwan, Matthew PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Messina, Alicia PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Patel, Krutharth PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Rao, Abhigna PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Vojta, Sarah PHHS Top 25 Students Feng, Steven PHHS Top 25 Students Bard, Francesca PHHS Top 25 Students Chauhan, Karan PHHS Top 25 Students Chen, Ellen PHHS Top 25 Students Kanthadai, Rakshay PHHS Top 25 Students McLaughlin, Lauren PHHS Top 25 Students Mukhamedjanova, Aleese PHHS Top 25 Students Nagendran, Arjun PHHS Top 25 Students Patel, Shivani PHHS Top 25 Students Pingle, Arijit PHHS Top 25 Students Ponnor, Janelle PHHS Top 25 Students Prajapati, Krishna PHHS Top 25 Students Shah, Priya PHHS Top 25 Students Shah, Sneh PHHS Top 25 Students Sudit, David PHHS Top 25 Students Sung, Brandon PHHS Top 25 Students Sung, Kyle PHHS Top 25 Students Tai, Hsin (Cindy) PHHS Top 25 Students Ullman, Lawrence PHHS Top 25 Students Urbis, Juliana PHHS Top 25 Students Vekaria, Ashil PHHS Top 25 Students Xiong, Karoline PHHS Top 25 Students Yagappan, Rishi PHHS Top 25 Students Yang, Samuel PHHS Top 25 Students Yang, William PHHS Volleyball Parents Association Scholarship King, Korla PHHS Volleyball Parents Association Scholarship Vecchia, Brittani Princess Anne Millard  Scholarship King, Korla PTHEA “CAP” Award – In Memory of John Capsouras Patel, Shivani PTSA Scholarship Awards Giovanelli, Adam PTSA Scholarship Awards Grant, Katherine PTSA Scholarship Awards Patel, Preya PTSA Scholarship Awards Ullman, Lawrence PTSA Scholarship Awards Ververs, Hannah Richard C. Davis, Jr Scholarship Fund Pascale, Jacqueline Rocco A. Cerbo Memorial Scholarship Crellin, Gavyn Salutatorian Award Kanthadai, Rakshay Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Stephanie Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas Spencer Savings Bank Scholarship Ullman, Lawrence Student Council Awards Chauhan, Karan Student Council Awards Patel, Preya Student Council Awards Singh, Prerana Student Council Awards Warner, Adam SunRise/ShopRite Continuing Education Grant Scholarship Giovanelli, Adam The Steadfast Viking Award Hsu, Yi-Hsuan Tom Ladas Memorial Scholarhip Pascale, Jacqueline United States Marine Corps Awards for Scholastic Excellence Chauhan, Karan United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award Rogers, Jillian United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award Verducci, Nicholas United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Dunn, Dylan United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Robleza, Jeric United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Robleza, Joshua United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Band Award Desai, Kavan Vincent Lorenzo Male Athlete Award Gurth, Justin Wegmans Scholarships Simpson, Jordan Wegmans Scholarships Stearns, Kaitlyn William Lu Class of 1977 – Claire Pompei Parker, Lydia William Lu Class of 1977 – Edmund Heilmeier Proietto, Christina Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Grant, Katherine Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Ververs, Hannah
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PHHS Annual Senior Awards Ceremony PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School held their annual Senior Awards Ceremony on Monday, June 4.
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