#j.r ewing
chaptertwo-thepacnw · 9 months
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geniefrancis · 1 year
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everythingfandom12 · 8 months
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One of the most powerful couples.
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suellenewings · 1 year
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missholson · 1 year
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Larry Hagman as J.R. Ewing from the television soap opera Dallas (1978-1991). [X]
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70s80sandbeyond · 1 year
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
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mischiefxmanagcd asked:  "where are you going?"
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While Scarlett was certainly no stranger to sneaking out of the house, getting herself caught in the act was a whole other ballgame. Fortunately for her, she was quick on her feet when it came to dreaming up a plausible enough excuse and wisely refrained from making some sort of flip comment about how her father used to spend a lot of his nights in town, only to be home again the next morning when she and her brother woke up. Why shouldn't she be allowed to live a similar lifestyle, as long as she was up and ready on time for school the next morning?
"I'm too restless to sleep right now, so I thought I'd take a walk. Maybe go down to the stables and spend a few minutes with Sapphire, Cashmere, and Vanity or somethin'." Her outfit didn't exactly scream late night stroll around the ranch by any means, but it wasn't like she was dressed in a halter top and a pair of daisy dukes, either.
"What're you doin' down here anyway? I thought everyone would already be in bed by now."
Ah, deflection at its finest. Whether or not it would actually work, Scarlett could only hope. Either way, fingers were crossed that J.R. wouldn't be in the mood to play a round of twenty questions that night, because there was only so much talk his daughter could talk before finally being intimidated into the truth.
“I had some business to handle.” It wasn’t a lie, per se, nor was it the whole truth. Not that it mattered either way. J.R. was the parent here, not Scarlett, and he didn’t answer to her. He was more concerned with where she might be heading this late at night. Then she mentioned taking a walk and a mischievous smile appeared on the man’s face.
“That so?” he asked, moving himself closer to the front door. “In that case, why don’t I keep you company? It’s gettin’ late; I don’t want ya out there by yourself, and I wouldn’t mind gettin’ some fresh air.”
It was all a lie. He had no desire to go out to the stables, but he wasn’t an idiot; he knew she was sneaking out somewhere. He hadn’t been born yesterday.
“We don’t get nearly enough father and daughter bonding time.” // @prettytragcdies​
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thesummerof79 · 2 months
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TIME Magazine, 12/01/1980, Page 79
At the time, "Who Done It?" was the highest-rated television episode in U.S. history, but it now sits in second place on that list - beaten by the final episode of M*A*S*H - with a Nielsen rating of 53.3 and a whopping 76% share. (Only 24% of American televisions were tuned-in to something else.) It’s estimated that over 90 million people (350 million worldwide) watched the November 21, 1980 telecast.
“Now It Can Be Told: Shedunit”
“It was you, Kristin, who shot J.R.”
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moviesandmania · 5 months
SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY (2024) J.R. Bookwalter is back! Sci-fi splatter preview
‘The only thing more fatal than the virus… is the cure!’ Side Effects May Vary is a 2024 American sci-fi horror film about a man who takes an experimental vaccine and becomes a monster. Directed, photographed and edited by J.R. Bookwalter from a screenplay written by producer and star James L. Edwards based on a story by Bookwalter and Edwards. Executive produced by J.R. Bookwalter. The Tempe…
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henk-heijmans · 9 months
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Mrs. J.R. Band with a pet rabbit, 1911 - by Harris & Ewing Collection
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citizenscreen · 3 months
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On March 21, 1980, J.R. Ewing was shot by an unknown assailant on television’s popular prime-time drama "Dallas.” #OnThisDay #WhoShotJr?
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luminnara · 2 years
💛 anon is animal obsessed so
Steve buys the reader a puppy, a German shepherd called Maverick (like top gun)
Marko and paul on the way to Steve's house find a litter of kittens someone has just left, they adopt them for stevie, they become Wolfie (like hungry like the wolf), Jovi (Bon Jovi), Freddie (freddie mercury) and Sting (like sting from the police)
David and Billy are not animal people, but you see, while they were having some alone time on the beach, two strays wandered up to them. A little australian shepherd and a golden retriever. At first they're like ew get away (they're vamps, animals don't like vamps normally) but these dogs are persistent. So they come home, become like their little companions. Outlets for the love they didnt get as kids.
Billy calls the aussie shepherd J.R, because I think he has a soft spot for Dallas. David calls the retriever Brando, coz he grew up in the 50s i think, after Marlon Brando.
And finally, Dwayne bless his heart is out when he is about the pier he sees some surf nazis harassing this little kitten. He scares them off and adopts this teeny black kitten with half an ear and no tail, and no meow (my nan had a cat with no meow, and another cat with no tail) and he calls it Ringo coz he had a soft spot for the Beatles.
And it's an animal house and everyone has their animals and it's a nice happy time for all of them and ita sweet and the animals are all friends too coz they all get attention from someone at some time
David and Billy (but especially David) are like dads who say they’re NOT getting a pet, NO WAY, do NOT bring that thing into MY house—
And then 20 minutes later they’re sleeping in the armchair with the puppy/kitten snoozing on their chest and they’re now bffs for life
Do you think animals can become vampires in this universe? Just thinkin,,,
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prettytragcdies · 2 months
@b1uedcollar asked: anon or not, send me   ‘ 📖 ‘   and i will explain a situation / setting i’ve wanted to place my muse into, but haven’t had the chance to, yet. ( for scarlett specifically, but also anyone else )
Given that just about every single member of the Ewing family has been in at least one bar fight over the years, I really want to see what Scarlett would be like if she found herself in the middle of one. She'd more than likely smash a beer bottle over someone's head and then wind up spending the night in jail after getting stuck with an officer who couldn't care less about what her last name is, but it would be fun nonetheless.
I also really, really need to see Scarlett married and maybe even with at least one child. Given the terrible example her parents provided her with for so many years, she absolutely refuses to get married. Like, ever. Under no circumstances. Still, I need to find out if she's able to break the pattern or if she's so afraid she'll falter to the same temptations as Sue Ellen, especially given the fact that everyone's told her for her entire life that she's just like her mama, that she winds up doing exactly that.
Not sure if this one counts since I actually got to do it for about five seconds, but I need someone to remind Scarlett of the fact that Peter Richards almost turned out to be her father instead of J.R. Like, you don't even understand how much Scarlett craves to hear that her daddy is genuinely proud of her. In the back of her mind, there's this little voice that constantly tells her he'll never love her as much as John Ross. She'll always come in second, so knowing that her biological father could have quite easily been some college kid her mama had a little affair with is easily one of her biggest insecurities of all time and something she'll probably forever struggle with.
Part of me also kind of wants to do more with Scarlett during her college years down in Austin at the University of Texas where she was a cheerleader and a sorority legacy. It's where her mama grew up, so she's obviously going to know a decent amount of people, too. I just want to explore all the trouble she could get herself into and all the new people she could meet over those four years.
The same also applies for teenage Scarlett. She's definitely got a rebellious streak in her, and I just think it would be really fun to explore her attempts to sneak out, sneak guys onto the ranch for a little late night dip in the pool or some fun in the stables, skip school, etc. Oh, and let's not forget the first time she comes in the house drunk. Needless to say, none of it will go over well with J.R. and Sue Ellen. She also has her angelic moments as well, though. They're just a bit more few and far between during those years, though.
Scarlett at the annual Ewing barbecues and Ewing rodeos, though. Being the one who gets pushed into the pool one year at the former and winning the barrel racing competition at the latter, even though the Ewings never actually keep the prize money. Enough said. It'd just be a fun and interesting way to meet new people, I think.
This one is actually about Meagan Maynard from 9-1-1, but I want to find out how she would handle being caught in the middle of a hostage situation. Someone took over the call center once, but what if someone took over the police department? What if Meagan just happened to be there visiting Elaine when it happened? What if whoever took the station was in Captain Maynard's office, came across a picture of Meagan on her desk, and put two and two together? They could easily use her as a human shield and bait to get what they wanted from everyone else. I don't know. Angst is just really my jam, if that isn't already obvious.
I also have a whole list of these for Lauren Colby from the original Dynasty, like when she was a teenager and continuously attempted to sneak boys down to the lake on the Carrington property to go skinny dipping. Well, at least until Jeff found out about what his daughter was up to and immediately put a stop to it anyway. She's on her own blog now, though, so I should probably save her ideas for over there.
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therecordconnection · 3 months
Here's the song and some info regarding the members of The Crew You Can't Forget:
Sir Mix-A-Lot
Leader of the posse Has money ("Black Benz Limo with the cellular phone") Has haters ("The man they love to hate") "The J.R. Ewing of Seattle" Anti-Drug ("The girlies was too skinny from smokin' all them drugs / 'Cause the rock man got 'em and their butts just dropped") Generous with his money to friends ("Now the posse's gettin' hungry, and Mix-A-Lot's treatin'") Feminist ("'Cause I never liked a punk, who beat up on his girl / If you don't have game, then let her leave your world")
Kid Sensation
Supposedly the first mate of the posse (he's the first member mentioned) Known as "The teenage lady killa'" (so we know he's good with the ladies) Financially stable ("Kid Sensation dropped a twenty, and didn't even miss it")
Enjoys television and women ("watchin' TV with two girlies on his lap") Has a good amount of game (the aforementioned "two girlies on his lap") Dances like a freak ("Maharaji's on the def side dancin' like a freak") Nice booty ("The girlies see his booty and their knees get weak")
Larry Serrin
White guy Funny ("people think he's funny") Real estate investor ("A real estate investa' who makes a lot of money")
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
@prettytragcdies asked: "how long have you known?" ( Scarlett & J.R. )
“Long enough.” He would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed that Scarlett hadn’t told him this information herself. Instead, he’d had to employee the help of a private investigator. J.R. didn’t like having to spy on his kids; he thought he could trust them enough that he didn’t need to do that. But the patriarch had his suspicions that Scarlett hadn’t actually cut off all contact with that ass-wipe, Bryan.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson when you found out he was already married?” Funny he should say that, given how often he’d stepped out on his own marriage to Scarlett’s mother. “Now, I forbid you to stop seein’ that man or I’m leavin’ complete control of the company to John Ross. You hear me?” He hoped the threat would work, knowing that Scarlett wanted to be the CEO of Ewing Global one day.
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The failmarriage of the day is Sue Ellen and J.R. Ewing from Dallas!
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